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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the W . M . said that it was an old stereotyped phrase to say that " the rig ht man was in the ri ght place , " but he would ask the brethren present if any man ever filled his position more exactly than did the R . W . P . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had made an excellent choice in selecting Sir H . Edwards , who was one of the most popular men in the county , was extensively known as a thorough
English gentleman in every sense of the word , kind and courteous to every one with whom he came in contact , had a large heart and a liberal mind ; his popularity and the esteem in which he is held by the Craft in general were shown by his selection as President at the last Girls ' School festival . The R . W . Dep . G . M ., Bro . Tew , was a very active brother , and wishful to do all that he possibly
could for the benefit of Freemasonry in the province . 11 : ( the W . M . ) lelt it a great compliment to the lodge that the R . W . Prov . G . M . had become a joining member , and to himself that he , along with the W . D . Prov . G . M . and so many provincial officers , had honoured him with their presence at his installation . The R . W . Prov . G . M . and the W . Dep . P . G . M . both replied in feeling terms at some
length , which to condense would be to spoil , and we therefore refrain . The I . P . M ., Bro . Taylor Wheelhouse , then rose and gave what he considered as the toast of the evening , that of " The W . M ., Bro . C . T . Rhodes , " saying he was a brother who well deserved the position he had been so unanimously chosen to occupy ; it was a position of great responsibility , but he believed he would discharge
the important duties devolving upon him with great credit to himself and honour to the Craft . He was quite sure there was no brother in the lodge better versed in the ritual and ceremonies that Bro . Rhodes . The W . M ., who on rising to respond was greeted with loud and long continued applause , said that if anything was calculated to unnerve him at all , it was the very pleasing and flattering
reception that had just been accorded him . He thanked them most heartily for the exalted position in which they had placed him , the highest honour which it was possible for the lodge to bestow upon any brother , to elect him as W . M . with an unanimous voice . In a lodge numbering nearly ioo members it was indeed something to be proud of , and were he to repeat his thanks a thousand times he
could not impress upon them how he appreciated the honour . It was an honour to be elected President out of ioo of any body of men , but more especially when each one of them had been tried and tested by the tongue of good report . He felt assured that he had the good wishes of the brethren . He candidly expressed that the honour had not come upon him unexpectedly , as he had worked for it
steadily and perseveringly , and believed that he had the position in strict accordance with the Book of Constitutions , and not by the kissing which goes by favour . He had commenced when initiated as an Assist . Steward , and at his own wish had not passed over the head of any brother , but had steadily climbed the ladder year by year from the lowest to the uppermost stave , filling every office ,
having had his eye upon the chair since he first became a Freemason , and to reach it by the unanimous vote of the brethren had been the dream of his Masonic life . As directed by the charge in the First Degree , he had endeavoured to make a practical and dail y advancement in Masonic knowledge , that he might be the better enabled to fulfil the serious duties
of the position at which he was aiming . Hitherto he had felt comparatively easy and comfortable in the offices he had from to time filled , but now feeling the grave responsibility resting upon him he hoped by the help of the G . A . O . T . U ., and the generous support and kind consideration of the brethren to disclose the duties
satisfactorily to all concerned . If any brother had any complaint or suggestion to make lie trusted that he would make them to him direct , when they should at all times have his best consideration . He intended to adhere to the ancient landmarks of the Order , and whilst hoping for plenty of work during the ensuing year , he trusted that the brethren would refrain from
recommending any one to a participation of our secrets unless they had strong grounds for believing they would ultimately reflect honour on our choice ; he did not mean that they should have none but those rich in this world ' s good , but good sterling honest men , who were in a fair position in life , so that there was no probability of their preying upon our noble charities . There had been quite a rush of
candiaates , especially since the Prince of Wales was made Grand Master , and he ( the W . M . ) was afraid that admissions had been too indiscriminate , and without due enquiry in many cases . Let the outside world know and feel that it is a great honour and privilege to be admitted into the brotherhood . He strongly recommended them to read the Freemason and keep
themselves posted with what was doing in Masonry around them , and that every one should read the remarks en the election of W . M . ' s in the Christinas number , and also the observations of Bro . J . Hervey , G . S ., at the Carnarvon Lod ge a few weeks ago , on the duties of officers . He had found it a very difficult task to please all in selecting his officers , but by the assistance of the P . M . ' s , who
advised with him nn the subject , he hoped that general satisfaction would be felt , and strongly urged the brethren , and officers especially , to attend the instruction meetings , and post themselves well in the ceremony , for it was a sorry sight to see a candidate conducted by the Deacon to 'he J . W . or S . W ., and then find that neither of them knew what to say , thus making the whole appear a ridiculous farce to the candidate himself . He trusted the lodge
would maintain the character it had gained as one of the « st working lodges in the province , though he did not think that Freemasonry consisted solely in working the ntual and ceremonies inside the lodge , but that occasions hke the present festive scene formed a part of the whole , whcn they could fraternise and know and understand each other better , be cemented together in one grand bond of Motherhood , and be fitted to uphold and carry out the grand principles of our Order , The other toasts were
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" The Past W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . L ., and Past Prov . Grand Officers ; " " The Visiting Brethren " heartily proposed by the Rt . W . P . G . M ., Sir H . Edwards ; " The Installing Officers , " "The S . W ., J . W ., and Officers of the St . James ' s Lodge ; " "The P . M . ' s of St . James ' s Lodge and the Officers for the Past Year , " " The Two Sister Lodges in the town , " " The Management
Committee of the Freemasons' Hall , " "The various Masonic Charities , " " Lady Edwards and the Ladies , " responded to by the Rt . W . P . G . M ., and the final toast . Durfng dinner selections of music were given by Mr . C . W . Eastwood ' s band , and the glees , songs , & c , given during the evening contributed greatly to the enjoyment of what was
undoubtedly one of the most successful festivals ever held in connection with the lodge . Letters of apology for unavoidable absence were received from Bros . Bentley Shaw , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . of West Yorks . ; Isaac Booth , P . G . J . W . ; J . Sutcliffe , Rt . W . P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire ; Jack Sutcliffe , Grimsby , and other brethren of eminence in the Craft .
BIRKENHEAD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 477 ) . —The festival of St . John was duly celebrated by the brethren of this lodge at the Masonic Chambers , Argyle-street , Birkenhead , on Thursday , the nth inst . There were upwards of 100 members and visitors present , and amongst the latter were Bros . M . McNemey , W . M . 605 ; J Mathews , W . M . 721 ; James Salmon , P . M . 425-, R . C .
Mellor , P . M . 304 ; J . Wilton Patson , W . M . 12 S 9 ; T . Shaw , S . W . 603 ; and others . The Installing Officer was Bro . Gracie ^ P . M . The following is a list of the new officers of the lodge : Bros . W . Pulford , W . M . ; J . G . Adams , I . P . M . ; R . Gracie , P . M . and Sec . ; D . Fraser , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Jones , P . M ., Sec . ; John Dutton , S . W . ; Thomas Brown , J . W . ; William Worrall , jun .,
S . D . ; W . Bennett , J . D . ; R . Ridyard , I . G . ; Geo . Dicken , D . C . ; R . Hamilton and J . Woolley , Stewards . In the course of the business it was decided to establish a limited liability company for the erection of a Masonic Hall in Birkenhead , and the lodge agreed to take up 500 shares at £ 1 each . The members afterwards dined at the Rane-Iagh Hotel .
SOUTHPORT — Lodge of Unity ( No . 613 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on St . John's Day , the 27 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Neville-street . At the opening of the lodge , which took place about 3 . 30 p . m „ the chair was taken by the esteemed W . M ., Bro . T . S . Cory , there being a good muster of the brethren present . After the lodge had been duly opened
and the minutes of the preceding regular meeting confirmed , the auditors' report was read , which showed that the lodge was in a flourishing condition , and that the year 1 S 7 C had been the most successful of any since the foundation of the lodge in 1833 . Bro . S . Kershaw was elected as Treas ., and Bro . G . Rocklific * was appointed Tyler for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken for Bro .
Rev . R . W . P . Montgomery , who was elected a joining member . The chair was now taken by Bro . J . Bowes , P . M . 148 , Prov . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , & c , and Bro . George Bailey was presented by Bro . Cory as his successor , for the benefit of installation . The ceremony of installation was duly performed in a most solemn and effective manner by Bro . Bowes , who also gave the
charges ; the whole peiformance gaining for him the approbation of all present . The following brethren were appointed as officers and invested with their respective insignia by the W . M .: —Bros . T . S . Cory , I . P . M . ; J . Hatch , S . W . ; J . H . Barrow , J . W . 5 W . H . Marsden , Chap . ; S . Kershaw , Treas . ; J . H . T . Cottier , Sec ; J . Sutton , S . D . ; J . D . Ainsworth , J . D . ; W . H . Johnson ,
I . G . ; J . P . Griffiths , P . M ., D . C . ; J . S . Gardner , Org . ; G . Rockliffe , Tyler . On the motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Duggan , a vote of thanks was given to Bro . Bowes for the praiseworthy manner in which he had performed his duties as Installing Master . The newly installed W . M . in the name and on behalf of the lodge presented to Bro , Cory , the I . P . M ., a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel ,
as a token of the respect and esteem in which he is held by the lodge , and for the efficient discharge of his duties as W . M . Bro . Bowes was ably assisted by Bros . H . Poynter , W . M . 948 , P . P . G . Reg . Berks , and Bucks . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . 148 , who acted as Wardens . Among other visitors present were Bros . G . W . J . Fowler , P . M . 86 , P . P . G . D . C . ; W . Robinson , W . M . 148 ; Phillips , P . M .
The festival of St . John was subsequently held at the Scansbrick Arms , when upwards of forty of the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , provided by Bro . R . Watson , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk . The toast of " Prov . G . Officers " was responded to in a telling speech by Bro . J . F . Roberts , P . M . 1313 , P . G . D . C . Bro . T . Parker , P . M . 613 , responded en behalf
ef the P . M . ' s , and alluded to the work which the W . M . had done in previous years for the lodge , in the various offices he had held . Several brethren performed a choice selection of instrumental music and songs , and this together with the good will and harmony which prevailed enhanced the enjoyment of the evening . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . —
The wonderful vitality and strength of Masonic feeling and brotherhood in the district was fully exemplified on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., when the regular monthly meeting of the above lodge was held under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . T . Vincent , the large room of Bro . Tucker's house , the " Lord Raglan , " Burrage-road , being almost inconveniently filled with the members of the lodge , and visiting brethren from the neighbouring lodges
of Woolwich , and other parts of the province of Kent , as will be seen by the following visitors' list : Bros . W . Hicks , P . M . 77 , and P . P . G . S . B ., Kent ; W . Weston , W . M . 153 6 ; T . Butt , W . M . 700 * , T . Hastings , W . M . 829 ; T . Ward , P . M . 700 ; F . J . Dawson , P . M . and Treas . 700 ; J . Donnolly , J . D . 706 ; Eugene Sweeney , I . G . 706 ; W . Murphy , Treas . 1536 ; W . G . Picken , J . W . 153 ( 1 ; G . Tedder , 11 and 1107 ; C . Buckland , 700 ; J . B . Hanson , 700 ; W . Crane , 907 ; E . Wilson , 700 ; G . Pilcher , 1472 ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
E . W . Fisher , 700 ; G . W . Kennedy , 1536 ; W . Harris , 700 ; and others . The other officers present beside the W . M . were Bros . A . Penfold , I . P . M . ; C . Coupland , P . M . and P . G . J . W . Kent ; J . McDougall , P . M . ; T . Smith , P . M . and P . P . G . P . Kent ; E . Denton , P . M . and Sec , and P . P . G . P . Kent ; H . Butter , S . W . ; J . D . Hayes , J . W . ; A . Jessup , Treas . ; W . B . Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ;
R . J . Cook , I . G . ; C . Cooke , Org . ; and R . Lester , O . G . The business before the lodge was the balloting for of W . T . Beamish , who was unanimously approved of and duly initiated . Bros . W . Rees and F . Johnson , were then passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Brock , Keeble , Stabback , and Letton , received the benefit of the Sublime Degree . Nothing could exceed the earnest impressiveness with which the esteemed W . M . worked the whole of the
ceremonies , or surpass the ability of his officers in their arduous duties . Upon the lodge being resumed , the W . M . drew attention to the wise decision to which Grand Lodge had arrived in memorializing the safe return of our Royal and beloved G . M . from his Indian tour , and hoped the two lifeboats to be devoted to that purpose , would be the means of saving many an unfortunate fellow creature from
a watery grave . He then introduced Bros . Smith and Hastings , who would tell them something of the Charities , for which they stood stewards . Bro . Smith thanked the lodge for its gift of ten guineas to each of the charities , and for the munificent sum collected in the lodge on their last monthly meeting , the amount being £ 45 , and he hoped with Bro . Hastings to take up to the next festival a goodly show
of the charitable feeling of the Masons of the district . After the appropriation of four guineas to the subscription about to be raised among the lodges and chapters of the district , for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to the esteemed and reverend Bro . Hill , P . G . Chaplain for Kent , for his kindness in delivering an oration on the occasion of the erection of our late Bro . Graden's Memorial at Wickham
Cemetery , and many other acts of brotherly love on his part , not only to that lodge , of which he was the Hon . Chaplain , but throughout the province generally ; the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to supper , and upon re-assembling paid the usual loyal and Masonic compliments to all concerned . The speeches were excellent and the toasts as hearty in their
geniality as ever . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . — The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at the Middleton Hotel , South , end . The W . M ., Bro . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 379 , Prov J . G . D ., presided . The W . M ., Treasurer , and * Tyler foi the e : * . suing year being elected at this meeting , a good
number of brethren were present , amongst whom were the following , viz .: Bros . A . Lucking , P . M . 160 , Prov . A . G . D . C ., I . P . M . ; Rev . S . R . Wigram , G . Chaplain , S . W . ; F . D . Grayson , acting J . W . ; F . Wood , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; J . A . Wardell , P . M . 160 and 1000 , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; W . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . P . Belliss , J . D . ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 ( I . C . ) D . C . ; W . J .
Chignell , I . G . ; Mountain , Tyler ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; H . Briggs , H . Luker , G . G . Jones , B . J . Mackei , W . Waterhouse , G . Berry , P . Benton , jun ., G . F . Wood , J . English , W . D . Merritt , F- Cantor , H . Smith , and others . Visitor : Bro . R . Abbott , 318 . After the usual preliminary business , Bro . W . R . Marsh , P . M . 9 ar , d 933 , was balloted for as a joining member , which
proved unanimous in his favour . The brethren then proceeded to the election of the W . M ., when Bro . Rev . S . R . Wigram , Grand Chaplain , P . M . and P . Z . 214 , P . Z . 1000 , was unanimously chosen for that important office . The worthy father of the lodge , Bro . F . Wood , was again unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Mountain reelected Tyler . The usual Past Master ' s jewel was voted
to the retiring W . M . for the able manner in which he had dischargid the duties of the chair during the past year , The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , presided over by the I . P . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . The toast of the W . M . elect was very cordially received . Bro . Wigram thanked the brethren for the
compliment , and assured them he would endeavour to merit the confidence they had placed in him . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close , and the brethren separated until the installation meeting on the 25 th inst . LIVERPOOL . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . —This prosperous lodge at the north end of
Liverpool celebrated its anniversary on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , where there was a large representation of members and visitors . Bro . J . F . Newell , P . M ., was the Installing Master , and he placed Bro . A . Willis in the chair of the W . M . in a highly effective manner . The following were the other appointments : Bros . J . W . McWean , S . W . ; J . McWean ,
J . W . ; G . Morgan , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . R . Forshaw , Sec . ; W . Donkin , Asst . Sec . ; John Whaites , S . D . ; J . P . Bryan , J . D . ; W . Forrester , I . G . ; j . Smith and George , Stewards ; Turley , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Master of Ceremonies ; A . Forshaw , Org . ; and Cruce , Tyler . After the ceremony the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in good style by Bro . Casey . Among
those who were present at the installation , most of whom rcmaincdjwere Bros . H . S . Alpass , Prov . Grand Sectetary ; Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., 1473 ; Lunt , P . M . 873 ; Knight , W . M , 1325 ; Ashmore , P . M . 1325 ; Jos . Bell , W . M . 1 C 09 ; Jones , P . M ., 220 ; and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec . responded to the toast of "Bro . Lord Skelmersdale and
the Provincial Grand Officers , " and congratulated the brethren on the state of the lodge and the good working which he had that day witnessed . He rejoiced to see such a pleasant gathering of brethren , was happy to find that the finances of the lodge were in such a prosperous condition , and wished to bring under their notice the educational institutions of Masonry , as a means of disbursing their surplus funds . He concluded by bearing strong
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the W . M . said that it was an old stereotyped phrase to say that " the rig ht man was in the ri ght place , " but he would ask the brethren present if any man ever filled his position more exactly than did the R . W . P . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had made an excellent choice in selecting Sir H . Edwards , who was one of the most popular men in the county , was extensively known as a thorough
English gentleman in every sense of the word , kind and courteous to every one with whom he came in contact , had a large heart and a liberal mind ; his popularity and the esteem in which he is held by the Craft in general were shown by his selection as President at the last Girls ' School festival . The R . W . Dep . G . M ., Bro . Tew , was a very active brother , and wishful to do all that he possibly
could for the benefit of Freemasonry in the province . 11 : ( the W . M . ) lelt it a great compliment to the lodge that the R . W . Prov . G . M . had become a joining member , and to himself that he , along with the W . D . Prov . G . M . and so many provincial officers , had honoured him with their presence at his installation . The R . W . Prov . G . M . and the W . Dep . P . G . M . both replied in feeling terms at some
length , which to condense would be to spoil , and we therefore refrain . The I . P . M ., Bro . Taylor Wheelhouse , then rose and gave what he considered as the toast of the evening , that of " The W . M ., Bro . C . T . Rhodes , " saying he was a brother who well deserved the position he had been so unanimously chosen to occupy ; it was a position of great responsibility , but he believed he would discharge
the important duties devolving upon him with great credit to himself and honour to the Craft . He was quite sure there was no brother in the lodge better versed in the ritual and ceremonies that Bro . Rhodes . The W . M ., who on rising to respond was greeted with loud and long continued applause , said that if anything was calculated to unnerve him at all , it was the very pleasing and flattering
reception that had just been accorded him . He thanked them most heartily for the exalted position in which they had placed him , the highest honour which it was possible for the lodge to bestow upon any brother , to elect him as W . M . with an unanimous voice . In a lodge numbering nearly ioo members it was indeed something to be proud of , and were he to repeat his thanks a thousand times he
could not impress upon them how he appreciated the honour . It was an honour to be elected President out of ioo of any body of men , but more especially when each one of them had been tried and tested by the tongue of good report . He felt assured that he had the good wishes of the brethren . He candidly expressed that the honour had not come upon him unexpectedly , as he had worked for it
steadily and perseveringly , and believed that he had the position in strict accordance with the Book of Constitutions , and not by the kissing which goes by favour . He had commenced when initiated as an Assist . Steward , and at his own wish had not passed over the head of any brother , but had steadily climbed the ladder year by year from the lowest to the uppermost stave , filling every office ,
having had his eye upon the chair since he first became a Freemason , and to reach it by the unanimous vote of the brethren had been the dream of his Masonic life . As directed by the charge in the First Degree , he had endeavoured to make a practical and dail y advancement in Masonic knowledge , that he might be the better enabled to fulfil the serious duties
of the position at which he was aiming . Hitherto he had felt comparatively easy and comfortable in the offices he had from to time filled , but now feeling the grave responsibility resting upon him he hoped by the help of the G . A . O . T . U ., and the generous support and kind consideration of the brethren to disclose the duties
satisfactorily to all concerned . If any brother had any complaint or suggestion to make lie trusted that he would make them to him direct , when they should at all times have his best consideration . He intended to adhere to the ancient landmarks of the Order , and whilst hoping for plenty of work during the ensuing year , he trusted that the brethren would refrain from
recommending any one to a participation of our secrets unless they had strong grounds for believing they would ultimately reflect honour on our choice ; he did not mean that they should have none but those rich in this world ' s good , but good sterling honest men , who were in a fair position in life , so that there was no probability of their preying upon our noble charities . There had been quite a rush of
candiaates , especially since the Prince of Wales was made Grand Master , and he ( the W . M . ) was afraid that admissions had been too indiscriminate , and without due enquiry in many cases . Let the outside world know and feel that it is a great honour and privilege to be admitted into the brotherhood . He strongly recommended them to read the Freemason and keep
themselves posted with what was doing in Masonry around them , and that every one should read the remarks en the election of W . M . ' s in the Christinas number , and also the observations of Bro . J . Hervey , G . S ., at the Carnarvon Lod ge a few weeks ago , on the duties of officers . He had found it a very difficult task to please all in selecting his officers , but by the assistance of the P . M . ' s , who
advised with him nn the subject , he hoped that general satisfaction would be felt , and strongly urged the brethren , and officers especially , to attend the instruction meetings , and post themselves well in the ceremony , for it was a sorry sight to see a candidate conducted by the Deacon to 'he J . W . or S . W ., and then find that neither of them knew what to say , thus making the whole appear a ridiculous farce to the candidate himself . He trusted the lodge
would maintain the character it had gained as one of the « st working lodges in the province , though he did not think that Freemasonry consisted solely in working the ntual and ceremonies inside the lodge , but that occasions hke the present festive scene formed a part of the whole , whcn they could fraternise and know and understand each other better , be cemented together in one grand bond of Motherhood , and be fitted to uphold and carry out the grand principles of our Order , The other toasts were
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" The Past W . Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . L ., and Past Prov . Grand Officers ; " " The Visiting Brethren " heartily proposed by the Rt . W . P . G . M ., Sir H . Edwards ; " The Installing Officers , " "The S . W ., J . W ., and Officers of the St . James ' s Lodge ; " "The P . M . ' s of St . James ' s Lodge and the Officers for the Past Year , " " The Two Sister Lodges in the town , " " The Management
Committee of the Freemasons' Hall , " "The various Masonic Charities , " " Lady Edwards and the Ladies , " responded to by the Rt . W . P . G . M ., and the final toast . Durfng dinner selections of music were given by Mr . C . W . Eastwood ' s band , and the glees , songs , & c , given during the evening contributed greatly to the enjoyment of what was
undoubtedly one of the most successful festivals ever held in connection with the lodge . Letters of apology for unavoidable absence were received from Bros . Bentley Shaw , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . of West Yorks . ; Isaac Booth , P . G . J . W . ; J . Sutcliffe , Rt . W . P . G . M . M . of Lincolnshire ; Jack Sutcliffe , Grimsby , and other brethren of eminence in the Craft .
BIRKENHEAD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 477 ) . —The festival of St . John was duly celebrated by the brethren of this lodge at the Masonic Chambers , Argyle-street , Birkenhead , on Thursday , the nth inst . There were upwards of 100 members and visitors present , and amongst the latter were Bros . M . McNemey , W . M . 605 ; J Mathews , W . M . 721 ; James Salmon , P . M . 425-, R . C .
Mellor , P . M . 304 ; J . Wilton Patson , W . M . 12 S 9 ; T . Shaw , S . W . 603 ; and others . The Installing Officer was Bro . Gracie ^ P . M . The following is a list of the new officers of the lodge : Bros . W . Pulford , W . M . ; J . G . Adams , I . P . M . ; R . Gracie , P . M . and Sec . ; D . Fraser , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Jones , P . M ., Sec . ; John Dutton , S . W . ; Thomas Brown , J . W . ; William Worrall , jun .,
S . D . ; W . Bennett , J . D . ; R . Ridyard , I . G . ; Geo . Dicken , D . C . ; R . Hamilton and J . Woolley , Stewards . In the course of the business it was decided to establish a limited liability company for the erection of a Masonic Hall in Birkenhead , and the lodge agreed to take up 500 shares at £ 1 each . The members afterwards dined at the Rane-Iagh Hotel .
SOUTHPORT — Lodge of Unity ( No . 613 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on St . John's Day , the 27 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Neville-street . At the opening of the lodge , which took place about 3 . 30 p . m „ the chair was taken by the esteemed W . M ., Bro . T . S . Cory , there being a good muster of the brethren present . After the lodge had been duly opened
and the minutes of the preceding regular meeting confirmed , the auditors' report was read , which showed that the lodge was in a flourishing condition , and that the year 1 S 7 C had been the most successful of any since the foundation of the lodge in 1833 . Bro . S . Kershaw was elected as Treas ., and Bro . G . Rocklific * was appointed Tyler for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken for Bro .
Rev . R . W . P . Montgomery , who was elected a joining member . The chair was now taken by Bro . J . Bowes , P . M . 148 , Prov . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , & c , and Bro . George Bailey was presented by Bro . Cory as his successor , for the benefit of installation . The ceremony of installation was duly performed in a most solemn and effective manner by Bro . Bowes , who also gave the
charges ; the whole peiformance gaining for him the approbation of all present . The following brethren were appointed as officers and invested with their respective insignia by the W . M .: —Bros . T . S . Cory , I . P . M . ; J . Hatch , S . W . ; J . H . Barrow , J . W . 5 W . H . Marsden , Chap . ; S . Kershaw , Treas . ; J . H . T . Cottier , Sec ; J . Sutton , S . D . ; J . D . Ainsworth , J . D . ; W . H . Johnson ,
I . G . ; J . P . Griffiths , P . M ., D . C . ; J . S . Gardner , Org . ; G . Rockliffe , Tyler . On the motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Duggan , a vote of thanks was given to Bro . Bowes for the praiseworthy manner in which he had performed his duties as Installing Master . The newly installed W . M . in the name and on behalf of the lodge presented to Bro , Cory , the I . P . M ., a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel ,
as a token of the respect and esteem in which he is held by the lodge , and for the efficient discharge of his duties as W . M . Bro . Bowes was ably assisted by Bros . H . Poynter , W . M . 948 , P . P . G . Reg . Berks , and Bucks . ; D . W . Finney , P . M . 148 , who acted as Wardens . Among other visitors present were Bros . G . W . J . Fowler , P . M . 86 , P . P . G . D . C . ; W . Robinson , W . M . 148 ; Phillips , P . M .
The festival of St . John was subsequently held at the Scansbrick Arms , when upwards of forty of the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , provided by Bro . R . Watson , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk . The toast of " Prov . G . Officers " was responded to in a telling speech by Bro . J . F . Roberts , P . M . 1313 , P . G . D . C . Bro . T . Parker , P . M . 613 , responded en behalf
ef the P . M . ' s , and alluded to the work which the W . M . had done in previous years for the lodge , in the various offices he had held . Several brethren performed a choice selection of instrumental music and songs , and this together with the good will and harmony which prevailed enhanced the enjoyment of the evening . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . —
The wonderful vitality and strength of Masonic feeling and brotherhood in the district was fully exemplified on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., when the regular monthly meeting of the above lodge was held under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . T . Vincent , the large room of Bro . Tucker's house , the " Lord Raglan , " Burrage-road , being almost inconveniently filled with the members of the lodge , and visiting brethren from the neighbouring lodges
of Woolwich , and other parts of the province of Kent , as will be seen by the following visitors' list : Bros . W . Hicks , P . M . 77 , and P . P . G . S . B ., Kent ; W . Weston , W . M . 153 6 ; T . Butt , W . M . 700 * , T . Hastings , W . M . 829 ; T . Ward , P . M . 700 ; F . J . Dawson , P . M . and Treas . 700 ; J . Donnolly , J . D . 706 ; Eugene Sweeney , I . G . 706 ; W . Murphy , Treas . 1536 ; W . G . Picken , J . W . 153 ( 1 ; G . Tedder , 11 and 1107 ; C . Buckland , 700 ; J . B . Hanson , 700 ; W . Crane , 907 ; E . Wilson , 700 ; G . Pilcher , 1472 ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
E . W . Fisher , 700 ; G . W . Kennedy , 1536 ; W . Harris , 700 ; and others . The other officers present beside the W . M . were Bros . A . Penfold , I . P . M . ; C . Coupland , P . M . and P . G . J . W . Kent ; J . McDougall , P . M . ; T . Smith , P . M . and P . P . G . P . Kent ; E . Denton , P . M . and Sec , and P . P . G . P . Kent ; H . Butter , S . W . ; J . D . Hayes , J . W . ; A . Jessup , Treas . ; W . B . Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ;
R . J . Cook , I . G . ; C . Cooke , Org . ; and R . Lester , O . G . The business before the lodge was the balloting for of W . T . Beamish , who was unanimously approved of and duly initiated . Bros . W . Rees and F . Johnson , were then passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Brock , Keeble , Stabback , and Letton , received the benefit of the Sublime Degree . Nothing could exceed the earnest impressiveness with which the esteemed W . M . worked the whole of the
ceremonies , or surpass the ability of his officers in their arduous duties . Upon the lodge being resumed , the W . M . drew attention to the wise decision to which Grand Lodge had arrived in memorializing the safe return of our Royal and beloved G . M . from his Indian tour , and hoped the two lifeboats to be devoted to that purpose , would be the means of saving many an unfortunate fellow creature from
a watery grave . He then introduced Bros . Smith and Hastings , who would tell them something of the Charities , for which they stood stewards . Bro . Smith thanked the lodge for its gift of ten guineas to each of the charities , and for the munificent sum collected in the lodge on their last monthly meeting , the amount being £ 45 , and he hoped with Bro . Hastings to take up to the next festival a goodly show
of the charitable feeling of the Masons of the district . After the appropriation of four guineas to the subscription about to be raised among the lodges and chapters of the district , for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to the esteemed and reverend Bro . Hill , P . G . Chaplain for Kent , for his kindness in delivering an oration on the occasion of the erection of our late Bro . Graden's Memorial at Wickham
Cemetery , and many other acts of brotherly love on his part , not only to that lodge , of which he was the Hon . Chaplain , but throughout the province generally ; the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to supper , and upon re-assembling paid the usual loyal and Masonic compliments to all concerned . The speeches were excellent and the toasts as hearty in their
geniality as ever . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . — The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at the Middleton Hotel , South , end . The W . M ., Bro . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 379 , Prov J . G . D ., presided . The W . M ., Treasurer , and * Tyler foi the e : * . suing year being elected at this meeting , a good
number of brethren were present , amongst whom were the following , viz .: Bros . A . Lucking , P . M . 160 , Prov . A . G . D . C ., I . P . M . ; Rev . S . R . Wigram , G . Chaplain , S . W . ; F . D . Grayson , acting J . W . ; F . Wood , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; J . A . Wardell , P . M . 160 and 1000 , P . P . G . D ., Sec ; W . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . P . Belliss , J . D . ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 ( I . C . ) D . C . ; W . J .
Chignell , I . G . ; Mountain , Tyler ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; H . Briggs , H . Luker , G . G . Jones , B . J . Mackei , W . Waterhouse , G . Berry , P . Benton , jun ., G . F . Wood , J . English , W . D . Merritt , F- Cantor , H . Smith , and others . Visitor : Bro . R . Abbott , 318 . After the usual preliminary business , Bro . W . R . Marsh , P . M . 9 ar , d 933 , was balloted for as a joining member , which
proved unanimous in his favour . The brethren then proceeded to the election of the W . M ., when Bro . Rev . S . R . Wigram , Grand Chaplain , P . M . and P . Z . 214 , P . Z . 1000 , was unanimously chosen for that important office . The worthy father of the lodge , Bro . F . Wood , was again unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Mountain reelected Tyler . The usual Past Master ' s jewel was voted
to the retiring W . M . for the able manner in which he had dischargid the duties of the chair during the past year , The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , presided over by the I . P . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . The toast of the W . M . elect was very cordially received . Bro . Wigram thanked the brethren for the
compliment , and assured them he would endeavour to merit the confidence they had placed in him . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close , and the brethren separated until the installation meeting on the 25 th inst . LIVERPOOL . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . —This prosperous lodge at the north end of
Liverpool celebrated its anniversary on Thursday , the nth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , where there was a large representation of members and visitors . Bro . J . F . Newell , P . M ., was the Installing Master , and he placed Bro . A . Willis in the chair of the W . M . in a highly effective manner . The following were the other appointments : Bros . J . W . McWean , S . W . ; J . McWean ,
J . W . ; G . Morgan , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . R . Forshaw , Sec . ; W . Donkin , Asst . Sec . ; John Whaites , S . D . ; J . P . Bryan , J . D . ; W . Forrester , I . G . ; j . Smith and George , Stewards ; Turley , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Master of Ceremonies ; A . Forshaw , Org . ; and Cruce , Tyler . After the ceremony the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in good style by Bro . Casey . Among
those who were present at the installation , most of whom rcmaincdjwere Bros . H . S . Alpass , Prov . Grand Sectetary ; Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B ., 1473 ; Lunt , P . M . 873 ; Knight , W . M , 1325 ; Ashmore , P . M . 1325 ; Jos . Bell , W . M . 1 C 09 ; Jones , P . M ., 220 ; and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec . responded to the toast of "Bro . Lord Skelmersdale and
the Provincial Grand Officers , " and congratulated the brethren on the state of the lodge and the good working which he had that day witnessed . He rejoiced to see such a pleasant gathering of brethren , was happy to find that the finances of the lodge were in such a prosperous condition , and wished to bring under their notice the educational institutions of Masonry , as a means of disbursing their surplus funds . He concluded by bearing strong