Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Freemasonry and Israelitism 239 Conversations for Freemasons 240 Footsteps of Freemasonry £ 4 ' Inauguration of the Masonic Temple at Hasskeui ... 242 CORRESPONDENCE : —
Distribution of Honours in Grand Lodge 243 Instruction 243 Grand Lodge of Scotland 2 43 Oration delivered at the Consecration of Commercial
Lodge , No . 1391 , at Leicester 244 Masonic Tidings—British , Colonial and Foreign 245 CRAFT MASONRY : — Metropolitan , 245 Provincial 245
MAPK MASONRY : — Metropolitan 247 Provincial 247 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE : — Provincial 248
BED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE ?—Metropolitan 248 OBITUARY : Bro . Thomas Scotcher 24 s Masonic Meetings for next week 249 Advertisements 237 , 238 , 249 , 250 , 251 , 252
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
AN EPITOME OF BRO . CARPENTER S ARTICLES ON THIS SUBJECT . BY W . E . N ., NO . 766 . ( Continuedfrom Page . z \ 2 . )
No . XV . Sept . 2 nd , 1871 . The planting of colonies in the " desolate places of the earth " by the Anglo-Saxon race is an achievement which has astonished foreigners . Emerson says the
"spawning power" of the Anglo-Saxons of Britain has sufficed to colonise great parts of the world , without reducing the numbers of the British people , who increased from 18 51 to 1871 ,
3 , 999 , 834 , or I 4 't 3 per cent . According to prophecy , the seed of Abraham were to inhabit the earth , and to become great and powerful nations
by sending forth their children to other regions , and this without exhausting themselves . ( See Gen . xxxv . 11 , and Gen . xlviif . 19 . ) "Ephraim shall become a multitude of nations . " The
Hebrew word mcla , translated " multitude , " means fullness , that is , the nice was to become a populous one , and the nation considerable , not petty . England is one of the most densely-peopled
countries m the world . With an area of oirl y onethird of France , it lias a population of 397 to the square mile , and equal to seven-ninths of her ? . England lias planted the United States , Ca nada
the Australian Continent , South Africa , & c . Although other nations of Anglo-Saxon ( Gothic ?) ori gin have not large territorial possessions , ithey are powerful in numbers ; such for example are
North Germany , Belgium . Holland , Switzerland , Nortli of France , Norway , Sweden , and parts , of the Turkish Empire , West of the Black Sea . T'hus the seed of Jacob already possess one half of the
earth , and rules the world . Emerson ( American ) to give an idea of the Anglo-Saxon power of England and America said , fifteen years ago , the British Empire covers 5 , , 000 square miles ,
and contains 220 , 000 , 000 souls , or one-fifth of the population of the globe . The United States ... . * with a territory of 3 , , 000 square miles , contain 20 , 000 , 000 , exclusive of slaves : thus we have a
population of English descent and language of Co , ooo , ooo > governing 245 , 000 , 000 souls . The horn of Joseph ' s posterity is likened to the hurn of the unicorn ( rhinoceros ) .. ; with which
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
they were to push the people to the ends of the earth . The horn is a symbol of strength , power and importance . The Sons of Israel , wherever they locate themselves , are to push the people
( the aborigines ) to the end of the earth ; as has been done everywhere by the Gothic or Saxon race . In these islands , the Britons were driven into Cornwall and Wales . In North America
India , Australia , New Zealand , Africa , and elsewhere , they have pushed the aborig ines further and further , not always with humanity . Israel . was not only to encompass the earth ,
but to give birth to kings ( See Gen . xvii . 6-16 , and xxxv . it . ) The Anglo-Saxon race ( while as Goths they dwelt near the Euxine , ) elected a king ( Alaric ) who became the terror of Rome .
The Goths , under him and his successors , founded many well-ordered communities in Germany and Northern Enrope , and took possession of their islands , where they established seven separate
kingdoms , which ultimately became one great state , under Egbert , A . D . 837 . His grandson Alfred , settled the kingdom on a basis which still remains ; and throughout all the revolutions and
political convulsions that have occurred in this country , the monarchy has remained intact , with the short interregnum of Cromwell , the throne
being tilled by descendants of the Getre , Saxon , Norman , and German ! No other people can point to such a line of kings .
In the migrations of that great branch of the Israelites known as the Anglo-Saxons , they were instrumental in conferring upon barbarous peop les the blessings of religion and civilisation .
England was destined to be the " standard of the Lord" to the nations , and God has made the commerce , the political influence , the naval and military powers , and the language and literature ,
and the relig ious feeling of the Anglo-Saxons , the means of leavening the world and impressing mankind with holy principles , honourable desires , and g iving them a purer faith . As Emerson says ,
England has inoculated all nations with her civilisation , tastes , and intelligence . Whatever brightness distinguishes society , is almost wholl } due to the principles inculcated by the
Anglo-Saxon race . Formerly , the great mass of every nation was in a state of bondage and oppression . Such a state of things is impossible now , because ( it is alleged ) of " public opinion . " The Greeks
and Romans , although hi ghly civilised , slaughtered their slaves by thousands . The aborig ines of America , Australia , Sec , if not absorbed , soon die out , before the Saxon race . Of Asia , the
seat of the great ancient empires , it has been said " The vast Asiatic monarchies are simultaneously rotting down . " The Sultan with difficulty holds together his empire . In India , tile onl y vitality
left is European . The King of Burmah ' s empire remains only , because its profitable provinces are in English hands . Cochin-China is too weak to drive 150 French from its capital . The action of
Persia depends upon St . Petersburg . In China , the palace of the Emperor , ruling one third of the human race , was burned , and himself humbled hy an Anglo-Saxon army , half us large as his own
body-guard . Japan is succumbing to this race . " These are marvellous phenomena , to which history shows no parallel . It is evident that among Christian nations , Tor soul . '' rc . 'is'iu there ha * arisen ; enenrv
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
unknown amongst men . Among the Anglo-Saxon nations alon has this power appeared . The rest are withering away ; they await ( be
numbed and torpid ) some change which no one foresees , and which may either awaken them to new life or destroy them .
No . XVI . September , 9 th 1871 . —We have hitherto seen the Anglo-Saxons acting as the salt of the earth , purifying the base , and preserving what had in it , the principle of vitality ,
and was . capable of ri ghteous expansion : we must now consider their reli gious , political , and social characteristics , and see how far these agree with what was predicted of Israel , who was to
lose its identity , that is , not to know itself or to be known as Israel , but to be called by another name until the time had come for realizing some of The promises and prophecies . Israel was to
become a religious people , and to bless the people by their presence and settlements . Israel was to be diligent in business , fervent in spirit , serving the Lord , and was to proclaim the great truths of
which she was the depository . This great and g lorious mission has been ( though not as yet completely ) fulfilled by the Anglo-Saxons , and by no other people . They have translated the Bible
into nearly every living language , and by means of their missionaries have distributed it throughout the world . Although Israel , in these latter days , was to furnish witnesses to the faith , and to
constitute the true church , that body was not to beso religiously unitedas to be of one mind on all points of religion , butwasto be divided , although having a distinctive religious designation ( see
Isa . xliv . 3 ) . This is characteristic of the church , as it existSj among' the Anglo-Saxons and the kindred races , as witness the number of sects and religious denominations into which the
Christian church is divided . Formerly these divisions gave rise to mutual persecutions and recriminations , but now the sectarian bitterness has become much softened ; the Protestant and
Catholic , the Churchman and Dissenter , and the Jew join together in one common work of phiU anthropy and religion . No . XVII . September 16 th , 1871 . —Religion
and philanthropy are inseparably united . Religion is the love of God ; philanthropy the love of man . In both , the affection must manifest itself in action . Israel then must be animated by
love of their fellow man , as they are by their love of God . This was predicted of Israel in their new state , ( see Isa . lviii 6-7 . ) England stands foremost in the works of philanthropy ; our
national debt is proof of that iact . It was not incurred to achieve territorial conquests ; but to defend other people against their invaders , and lo ensure their independance . England has ever evinced
her sympathy , and often afforded help to foreign peoples struggling against oppression , and has been an asylum for exiles of all races . Other Saxon nations participate in tin ' s honour , hut England
stands pre-eminent . The country is covered with evidences of England ' s active philanthropy in the form of charitable institutions of various kinds , which excite the admiration of the would .
The national poor-rate , amounting to more than seven and a half millions sterling per annum , must not be forgotten , nor that this provision for the poor and needy is open to foreigners who seek our shores for various reasons . Moreover ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Freemasonry and Israelitism 239 Conversations for Freemasons 240 Footsteps of Freemasonry £ 4 ' Inauguration of the Masonic Temple at Hasskeui ... 242 CORRESPONDENCE : —
Distribution of Honours in Grand Lodge 243 Instruction 243 Grand Lodge of Scotland 2 43 Oration delivered at the Consecration of Commercial
Lodge , No . 1391 , at Leicester 244 Masonic Tidings—British , Colonial and Foreign 245 CRAFT MASONRY : — Metropolitan , 245 Provincial 245
MAPK MASONRY : — Metropolitan 247 Provincial 247 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE : — Provincial 248
BED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE ?—Metropolitan 248 OBITUARY : Bro . Thomas Scotcher 24 s Masonic Meetings for next week 249 Advertisements 237 , 238 , 249 , 250 , 251 , 252
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
AN EPITOME OF BRO . CARPENTER S ARTICLES ON THIS SUBJECT . BY W . E . N ., NO . 766 . ( Continuedfrom Page . z \ 2 . )
No . XV . Sept . 2 nd , 1871 . The planting of colonies in the " desolate places of the earth " by the Anglo-Saxon race is an achievement which has astonished foreigners . Emerson says the
"spawning power" of the Anglo-Saxons of Britain has sufficed to colonise great parts of the world , without reducing the numbers of the British people , who increased from 18 51 to 1871 ,
3 , 999 , 834 , or I 4 't 3 per cent . According to prophecy , the seed of Abraham were to inhabit the earth , and to become great and powerful nations
by sending forth their children to other regions , and this without exhausting themselves . ( See Gen . xxxv . 11 , and Gen . xlviif . 19 . ) "Ephraim shall become a multitude of nations . " The
Hebrew word mcla , translated " multitude , " means fullness , that is , the nice was to become a populous one , and the nation considerable , not petty . England is one of the most densely-peopled
countries m the world . With an area of oirl y onethird of France , it lias a population of 397 to the square mile , and equal to seven-ninths of her ? . England lias planted the United States , Ca nada
the Australian Continent , South Africa , & c . Although other nations of Anglo-Saxon ( Gothic ?) ori gin have not large territorial possessions , ithey are powerful in numbers ; such for example are
North Germany , Belgium . Holland , Switzerland , Nortli of France , Norway , Sweden , and parts , of the Turkish Empire , West of the Black Sea . T'hus the seed of Jacob already possess one half of the
earth , and rules the world . Emerson ( American ) to give an idea of the Anglo-Saxon power of England and America said , fifteen years ago , the British Empire covers 5 , , 000 square miles ,
and contains 220 , 000 , 000 souls , or one-fifth of the population of the globe . The United States ... . * with a territory of 3 , , 000 square miles , contain 20 , 000 , 000 , exclusive of slaves : thus we have a
population of English descent and language of Co , ooo , ooo > governing 245 , 000 , 000 souls . The horn of Joseph ' s posterity is likened to the hurn of the unicorn ( rhinoceros ) .. ; with which
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
they were to push the people to the ends of the earth . The horn is a symbol of strength , power and importance . The Sons of Israel , wherever they locate themselves , are to push the people
( the aborigines ) to the end of the earth ; as has been done everywhere by the Gothic or Saxon race . In these islands , the Britons were driven into Cornwall and Wales . In North America
India , Australia , New Zealand , Africa , and elsewhere , they have pushed the aborig ines further and further , not always with humanity . Israel . was not only to encompass the earth ,
but to give birth to kings ( See Gen . xvii . 6-16 , and xxxv . it . ) The Anglo-Saxon race ( while as Goths they dwelt near the Euxine , ) elected a king ( Alaric ) who became the terror of Rome .
The Goths , under him and his successors , founded many well-ordered communities in Germany and Northern Enrope , and took possession of their islands , where they established seven separate
kingdoms , which ultimately became one great state , under Egbert , A . D . 837 . His grandson Alfred , settled the kingdom on a basis which still remains ; and throughout all the revolutions and
political convulsions that have occurred in this country , the monarchy has remained intact , with the short interregnum of Cromwell , the throne
being tilled by descendants of the Getre , Saxon , Norman , and German ! No other people can point to such a line of kings .
In the migrations of that great branch of the Israelites known as the Anglo-Saxons , they were instrumental in conferring upon barbarous peop les the blessings of religion and civilisation .
England was destined to be the " standard of the Lord" to the nations , and God has made the commerce , the political influence , the naval and military powers , and the language and literature ,
and the relig ious feeling of the Anglo-Saxons , the means of leavening the world and impressing mankind with holy principles , honourable desires , and g iving them a purer faith . As Emerson says ,
England has inoculated all nations with her civilisation , tastes , and intelligence . Whatever brightness distinguishes society , is almost wholl } due to the principles inculcated by the
Anglo-Saxon race . Formerly , the great mass of every nation was in a state of bondage and oppression . Such a state of things is impossible now , because ( it is alleged ) of " public opinion . " The Greeks
and Romans , although hi ghly civilised , slaughtered their slaves by thousands . The aborig ines of America , Australia , Sec , if not absorbed , soon die out , before the Saxon race . Of Asia , the
seat of the great ancient empires , it has been said " The vast Asiatic monarchies are simultaneously rotting down . " The Sultan with difficulty holds together his empire . In India , tile onl y vitality
left is European . The King of Burmah ' s empire remains only , because its profitable provinces are in English hands . Cochin-China is too weak to drive 150 French from its capital . The action of
Persia depends upon St . Petersburg . In China , the palace of the Emperor , ruling one third of the human race , was burned , and himself humbled hy an Anglo-Saxon army , half us large as his own
body-guard . Japan is succumbing to this race . " These are marvellous phenomena , to which history shows no parallel . It is evident that among Christian nations , Tor soul . '' rc . 'is'iu there ha * arisen ; enenrv
Freemasonry And Israelitism.
unknown amongst men . Among the Anglo-Saxon nations alon has this power appeared . The rest are withering away ; they await ( be
numbed and torpid ) some change which no one foresees , and which may either awaken them to new life or destroy them .
No . XVI . September , 9 th 1871 . —We have hitherto seen the Anglo-Saxons acting as the salt of the earth , purifying the base , and preserving what had in it , the principle of vitality ,
and was . capable of ri ghteous expansion : we must now consider their reli gious , political , and social characteristics , and see how far these agree with what was predicted of Israel , who was to
lose its identity , that is , not to know itself or to be known as Israel , but to be called by another name until the time had come for realizing some of The promises and prophecies . Israel was to
become a religious people , and to bless the people by their presence and settlements . Israel was to be diligent in business , fervent in spirit , serving the Lord , and was to proclaim the great truths of
which she was the depository . This great and g lorious mission has been ( though not as yet completely ) fulfilled by the Anglo-Saxons , and by no other people . They have translated the Bible
into nearly every living language , and by means of their missionaries have distributed it throughout the world . Although Israel , in these latter days , was to furnish witnesses to the faith , and to
constitute the true church , that body was not to beso religiously unitedas to be of one mind on all points of religion , butwasto be divided , although having a distinctive religious designation ( see
Isa . xliv . 3 ) . This is characteristic of the church , as it existSj among' the Anglo-Saxons and the kindred races , as witness the number of sects and religious denominations into which the
Christian church is divided . Formerly these divisions gave rise to mutual persecutions and recriminations , but now the sectarian bitterness has become much softened ; the Protestant and
Catholic , the Churchman and Dissenter , and the Jew join together in one common work of phiU anthropy and religion . No . XVII . September 16 th , 1871 . —Religion
and philanthropy are inseparably united . Religion is the love of God ; philanthropy the love of man . In both , the affection must manifest itself in action . Israel then must be animated by
love of their fellow man , as they are by their love of God . This was predicted of Israel in their new state , ( see Isa . lviii 6-7 . ) England stands foremost in the works of philanthropy ; our
national debt is proof of that iact . It was not incurred to achieve territorial conquests ; but to defend other people against their invaders , and lo ensure their independance . England has ever evinced
her sympathy , and often afforded help to foreign peoples struggling against oppression , and has been an asylum for exiles of all races . Other Saxon nations participate in tin ' s honour , hut England
stands pre-eminent . The country is covered with evidences of England ' s active philanthropy in the form of charitable institutions of various kinds , which excite the admiration of the would .
The national poor-rate , amounting to more than seven and a half millions sterling per annum , must not be forgotten , nor that this provision for the poor and needy is open to foreigners who seek our shores for various reasons . Moreover ,