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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONICINSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . A T a Quarterly General Court of this Institution , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Thursday , the Eleventh Day of April , 1872 , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair , after the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subs ribers proceeded to the Election by Ballot of Eleven Children into the Institution , from a list of Twenty-two approved Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected . No . on List . Votes . 9 Chesterton , Jessie ., 1306 21 Earle , Annie G 1056 19 Harryman , Frances 990 13 Hartness , Mary A 937 8 Mackay , Kate 907 17 Mills , Lilian M 907 18 Wiseman , Alice A 889 12 Meacock , Helena 881 4 Cook , Alexandra E 862 11 Wray , Beatrice M 773 2 Hollis , Emily 769 The Votes of the following unsuccessful Candidates will be carried forward to the Election in October next : No . on List . Votes . 1 Chapman , Ada G 510 3 Greene , Harriet M 148 5 Tippett , Ann G 282 6 Bindon , Beatrice A 138 7 Crisp , Lizzie E 373 10 Batcheler , Rosa 12 13 Senger , Ellen A 268 14 Gardner , Frances E 33 8 16 Durant , Pauline L . C 182 20 Simpson , Frances E 316 22 Nash , Edith M 407 W . LANE , for EDWARD HENRY PATTEN , 'P . G . S . B ., Secretary . Office , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-st ., W . C . nth April , 1872 .
FREDERICK ADLARD , MERCHANT TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . Superior Tourist Suits from £ 1 13 o Black Dress Suits from 3 13 6 Trousers in every variety , all wool , ... o 16 o
FREDERICK ADLARD , MANUFACTURER OF MASONIC CLOTHING , Inventor of the Masonic Jewel Attache ^ ( Registered 5 and 6 Victoria , cap . 100 . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . " M ASOXIC J KWEI . ATTACUEK . —Hro . Aillanl , of 225 , High Holborn , \ V . (* . i has invented an attacher , which , from its simplicity and convenience , has only to be universally known to lie universally adopted . It has long been a subject of complaint that the wearing of the honourable insignia of rank ami merit which grace the breasts of so many of our Urethren , plays sail havoc with thefabric ami material of the coat to which they a reattached . Hro . Adlard ' s invention entirely obviates this , in addition to saving much time ami ditUc . ulty in the proper arrangement of the jewels , and we have very great pleasure in recommending it , warranted as we are in doing so by our personal experience . The price { 7 s . 6 d . ; places it within the reach of all . "—¦ Masonic Magazine . Hro . Adlard's superior fitting Collars are also well worthy of the attention of the Craft . " We have much pleasure in recommending Hro . Adlard ' s Jewel Attacher tor its convenience and usefulness . "—Freemason .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . QFACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Huilding Societies , & e . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . Guildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , firesham-street , GF . oKdK Cu . wvioui ) , Manager and Secretary .
CIX PER CENT , would be paid by a Brother for the LOAN OK £ (> o , to enable him to extend an established business . Repayment by instalments . Address , in the first instance , D . S ., 50 ,, Edgware-road . W . IIOI . I . OWAY ' S OlSTMKSTANI ) Pll . l . S . Cjl " Iltlf \ illg Result . -. •—No phase of external ailment : ; can present itself which is Irremediable by Ihe early and diligent use of the abovenamed remedies . The merest blotch upon the skin , and Ihe deepest ulcerations of the flesh , yield with the same certainty to the detergent and healing properties of this cclcbtatL'd Ointment . Had legs , burns , eruptions of the skin , and scrofulous soies , can be cured with facility by the use of this Ointment , aided by I lolloway's purifying l'ills . Under this treatment the foulest ulcers become clean , and in a few days florid granulations appear , which gradually grow and till up the cavity with firm and healthy flesh . No drawback nor relapse need be [ cared . —ADVT .
Bro . ELTON GLOVER , VOCALIST ( BASS ) AND PIANIST is open to engagements for Concerts , Bancmcts , or Pupils . For terms , apply at 3 , New North-road , I loxton .
Bro . GEORGE KENNING , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER , LONDON : —1 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain j and 198 , Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four I ' ect wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
Just out , 8 vo ., Cloth 10 / 6 Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence , According to the Ancient Landmarks and Charges , and the Constitutions , Laws , and Practices of Lodges and Grand Lodges . By C . I . PATON . London : Reeves and Turner , 196 , Strand .
8 vo ., pp . 62 , Price 1 / - The Origin of Freemasonry ; THE 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . By C . I . PATOS . London : Reeves and Turner , 19 6 , Strand .
ELECTION—MAY , 1 S 71 . R OYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION XV FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . —The favour of your vote and interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Thomas Cartwright , Aged 77 Years . He was initiated into the Temperance Lodge , No . 16 9 , in 1851 , exalted intheDomatic Chapter , No . 177 , and has continued a subscribing member up to this time . Some years since he retired from business as a stevedore , with a moderate competency , but unwisely again embarked in business as a timber merchant , and through the recklessness of others has lost all his means , and now lives by the joint exertions of his aged wife by mangling clothes ; he is sadly afflicted with deafness . Was a subscribing member to this Institution for some years . and
t CHARLES WATSON and Co ., . 30 , Cornhill , ^ . - opposite the Roval Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- «• UUU 13 I . i w ^^^ in 'L ^ M ^ ar ™« piiiiiBii sira HP HE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I . ^ s £ ^ \ ; / - dozen . Carriage paid . \ ' *>^<\ 'SlrJ ?> ^ I CLARET 16 s . 22 s . 28 s . 36 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \/ ir \» lVrJ »\/ SHERRY 22 s . 20 s . 30 s . 36 s . 42 s . 48 s . to 84 s . « 3 ^ V >*< 5 ^/ i / PORT 28 s . 34 s . 42 s . 48 s . 54 s- to 120 s . VC *^^^ 8 ^ C ^ Cr / CiiAiii ' . uiNF . ... 30 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . \^^ ^ /—> ** - >;^ w # WHISKY—the lien Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . 's Spc- \ . fy / / fftflg cialitv , 20 s . per gallon j the softest ami most fascinating Whisky for \ « T \\//// : ' -f Toddy in the market . —30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within Jo miles . Y ?^^*»!/<> X Sample Bottles may be had . X ^ - * - Ojr '"THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per d 07 . cn , carriage ^ s £ ^ ^ ¦* - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles mav be had ^^ Established Vj ^ S . Established 1798 . ccA / TESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 38 , Cornhill , pORNHII . L SHERRY . —CIIARI . ES WATSON- and Co ., 30 , Corn . x , x forwarded us samples of their * Cornhill Sherry . ' Wc have * - ' hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , requests the favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges anil veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containinga large stock of the finest old upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great manv came before critical connoisseurs . " Descriptive list free . C . W . and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . " —Medical Press . Agents , with lirst-class references , in towns where not represented
Dr.J.COLLISBROWNE'SCHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diptheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . From Lord l- ' it . vNcis CONYNGMAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , 1 ith December , 1868 . " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this time Inst year bought some of Dr . , | . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne from Mr . Devonpoit , and has found it a most wonderful medicine , will be glad to have half a dozen bottles sent at once to the above address . "Earl Russi-r . communicated to ihe College of Physicians that he had received a dispatch from her Majesty ' s Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . " —See Lancet , Dec . 1 , 1864 . From W . VF . SAI . ICS Pr . TTionnw , M . D . Hon F . R . CS . England ; Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology , at St . George ' s School of Medicine . " 1 have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Cholorodyne , that 1 have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic and Sedative . 1 have used it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFOSID , Passage Wctt , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Cholorodyne . It was the most efficacious remedy I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who has suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as Opium , ccc , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Cholorodyne . " From J . M'Gmooit CROFT , M . D ., M . R . C . P . London , late Staff Surgeon to H . M . F . "Sir , —After prescribing Dr ., ] . Collis Browne's Chlorodvne for the last three years in severe cases of Neuralg ia and Tic-Doloureaux , 1 feel that I am in a position to testify to its valuable effects . Really , in some cases it acts like a charm , when all other means had failed . Without being asked for this report , I must come forward and state my candid opinion that it is a most valuable medicine , and I have recommended several Chemists in this neighbourhood not to be without it for prescriptions . " From JNO . E . Gon . sTONrc , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship "Great Eastern . " "I can confidently state that Chlorodyne is an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteria , Asthma , ami Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . 13 . J . BOUI . TON and Co ., Ilorncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Cholorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedative and ami-Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation , in whatever organ and from whatever cause . It induces : i feeling of comfoit and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " . 1 . C . BAKKII , Esq ., M . D ., Bideford . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and en-tain Anodyne we have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAPTION . —Vice-Chancellor , Sir W . Page Wood staled that Dr . J . Collis Browne was undoubtedl y the Inventoi of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say , bad been sworn to . —See limes , 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bottles at 1 / 1 \ , 2 / 0 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / 0 each . None is genuine without the words "Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE " on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies eacli Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER— J . T . DAVE 1 STORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONICINSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . A T a Quarterly General Court of this Institution , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Thursday , the Eleventh Day of April , 1872 , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair , after the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subs ribers proceeded to the Election by Ballot of Eleven Children into the Institution , from a list of Twenty-two approved Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected . No . on List . Votes . 9 Chesterton , Jessie ., 1306 21 Earle , Annie G 1056 19 Harryman , Frances 990 13 Hartness , Mary A 937 8 Mackay , Kate 907 17 Mills , Lilian M 907 18 Wiseman , Alice A 889 12 Meacock , Helena 881 4 Cook , Alexandra E 862 11 Wray , Beatrice M 773 2 Hollis , Emily 769 The Votes of the following unsuccessful Candidates will be carried forward to the Election in October next : No . on List . Votes . 1 Chapman , Ada G 510 3 Greene , Harriet M 148 5 Tippett , Ann G 282 6 Bindon , Beatrice A 138 7 Crisp , Lizzie E 373 10 Batcheler , Rosa 12 13 Senger , Ellen A 268 14 Gardner , Frances E 33 8 16 Durant , Pauline L . C 182 20 Simpson , Frances E 316 22 Nash , Edith M 407 W . LANE , for EDWARD HENRY PATTEN , 'P . G . S . B ., Secretary . Office , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-st ., W . C . nth April , 1872 .
FREDERICK ADLARD , MERCHANT TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . Superior Tourist Suits from £ 1 13 o Black Dress Suits from 3 13 6 Trousers in every variety , all wool , ... o 16 o
FREDERICK ADLARD , MANUFACTURER OF MASONIC CLOTHING , Inventor of the Masonic Jewel Attache ^ ( Registered 5 and 6 Victoria , cap . 100 . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . " M ASOXIC J KWEI . ATTACUEK . —Hro . Aillanl , of 225 , High Holborn , \ V . (* . i has invented an attacher , which , from its simplicity and convenience , has only to be universally known to lie universally adopted . It has long been a subject of complaint that the wearing of the honourable insignia of rank ami merit which grace the breasts of so many of our Urethren , plays sail havoc with thefabric ami material of the coat to which they a reattached . Hro . Adlard ' s invention entirely obviates this , in addition to saving much time ami ditUc . ulty in the proper arrangement of the jewels , and we have very great pleasure in recommending it , warranted as we are in doing so by our personal experience . The price { 7 s . 6 d . ; places it within the reach of all . "—¦ Masonic Magazine . Hro . Adlard's superior fitting Collars are also well worthy of the attention of the Craft . " We have much pleasure in recommending Hro . Adlard ' s Jewel Attacher tor its convenience and usefulness . "—Freemason .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . QFACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Huilding Societies , & e . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . Guildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , firesham-street , GF . oKdK Cu . wvioui ) , Manager and Secretary .
CIX PER CENT , would be paid by a Brother for the LOAN OK £ (> o , to enable him to extend an established business . Repayment by instalments . Address , in the first instance , D . S ., 50 ,, Edgware-road . W . IIOI . I . OWAY ' S OlSTMKSTANI ) Pll . l . S . Cjl " Iltlf \ illg Result . -. •—No phase of external ailment : ; can present itself which is Irremediable by Ihe early and diligent use of the abovenamed remedies . The merest blotch upon the skin , and Ihe deepest ulcerations of the flesh , yield with the same certainty to the detergent and healing properties of this cclcbtatL'd Ointment . Had legs , burns , eruptions of the skin , and scrofulous soies , can be cured with facility by the use of this Ointment , aided by I lolloway's purifying l'ills . Under this treatment the foulest ulcers become clean , and in a few days florid granulations appear , which gradually grow and till up the cavity with firm and healthy flesh . No drawback nor relapse need be [ cared . —ADVT .
Bro . ELTON GLOVER , VOCALIST ( BASS ) AND PIANIST is open to engagements for Concerts , Bancmcts , or Pupils . For terms , apply at 3 , New North-road , I loxton .
Bro . GEORGE KENNING , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER , LONDON : —1 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain j and 198 , Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —2 , Monument-place .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four I ' ect wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
Just out , 8 vo ., Cloth 10 / 6 Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence , According to the Ancient Landmarks and Charges , and the Constitutions , Laws , and Practices of Lodges and Grand Lodges . By C . I . PATON . London : Reeves and Turner , 196 , Strand .
8 vo ., pp . 62 , Price 1 / - The Origin of Freemasonry ; THE 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . By C . I . PATOS . London : Reeves and Turner , 19 6 , Strand .
ELECTION—MAY , 1 S 71 . R OYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION XV FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . —The favour of your vote and interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Thomas Cartwright , Aged 77 Years . He was initiated into the Temperance Lodge , No . 16 9 , in 1851 , exalted intheDomatic Chapter , No . 177 , and has continued a subscribing member up to this time . Some years since he retired from business as a stevedore , with a moderate competency , but unwisely again embarked in business as a timber merchant , and through the recklessness of others has lost all his means , and now lives by the joint exertions of his aged wife by mangling clothes ; he is sadly afflicted with deafness . Was a subscribing member to this Institution for some years . and
t CHARLES WATSON and Co ., . 30 , Cornhill , ^ . - opposite the Roval Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- «• UUU 13 I . i w ^^^ in 'L ^ M ^ ar ™« piiiiiBii sira HP HE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I . ^ s £ ^ \ ; / - dozen . Carriage paid . \ ' *>^<\ 'SlrJ ?> ^ I CLARET 16 s . 22 s . 28 s . 36 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \/ ir \» lVrJ »\/ SHERRY 22 s . 20 s . 30 s . 36 s . 42 s . 48 s . to 84 s . « 3 ^ V >*< 5 ^/ i / PORT 28 s . 34 s . 42 s . 48 s . 54 s- to 120 s . VC *^^^ 8 ^ C ^ Cr / CiiAiii ' . uiNF . ... 30 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . \^^ ^ /—> ** - >;^ w # WHISKY—the lien Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . 's Spc- \ . fy / / fftflg cialitv , 20 s . per gallon j the softest ami most fascinating Whisky for \ « T \\//// : ' -f Toddy in the market . —30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within Jo miles . Y ?^^*»!/<> X Sample Bottles may be had . X ^ - * - Ojr '"THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per d 07 . cn , carriage ^ s £ ^ ^ ¦* - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles mav be had ^^ Established Vj ^ S . Established 1798 . ccA / TESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 38 , Cornhill , pORNHII . L SHERRY . —CIIARI . ES WATSON- and Co ., 30 , Corn . x , x forwarded us samples of their * Cornhill Sherry . ' Wc have * - ' hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , requests the favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges anil veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containinga large stock of the finest old upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great manv came before critical connoisseurs . " Descriptive list free . C . W . and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . " —Medical Press . Agents , with lirst-class references , in towns where not represented
Dr.J.COLLISBROWNE'SCHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diptheria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation and Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . From Lord l- ' it . vNcis CONYNGMAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , 1 ith December , 1868 . " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this time Inst year bought some of Dr . , | . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne from Mr . Devonpoit , and has found it a most wonderful medicine , will be glad to have half a dozen bottles sent at once to the above address . "Earl Russi-r . communicated to ihe College of Physicians that he had received a dispatch from her Majesty ' s Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfully , and that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . " —See Lancet , Dec . 1 , 1864 . From W . VF . SAI . ICS Pr . TTionnw , M . D . Hon F . R . CS . England ; Formerly Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology , at St . George ' s School of Medicine . " 1 have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Cholorodyne , that 1 have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic and Sedative . 1 have used it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most perfectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SANDIFOSID , Passage Wctt , Cork . " I will thank you to send me a further supply of Cholorodyne . It was the most efficacious remedy I ever used , affording relief in violent attacks of Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who has suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms of a most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as Opium , ccc , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Cholorodyne . " From J . M'Gmooit CROFT , M . D ., M . R . C . P . London , late Staff Surgeon to H . M . F . "Sir , —After prescribing Dr ., ] . Collis Browne's Chlorodvne for the last three years in severe cases of Neuralg ia and Tic-Doloureaux , 1 feel that I am in a position to testify to its valuable effects . Really , in some cases it acts like a charm , when all other means had failed . Without being asked for this report , I must come forward and state my candid opinion that it is a most valuable medicine , and I have recommended several Chemists in this neighbourhood not to be without it for prescriptions . " From JNO . E . Gon . sTONrc , M . D ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship "Great Eastern . " "I can confidently state that Chlorodyne is an admirable Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteria , Asthma , ami Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where the patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . 13 . J . BOUI . TON and Co ., Ilorncastle . " We have made pretty extensive use of Cholorodyne in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedative and ami-Spasmodic . It seems to allay pain and irritation , in whatever organ and from whatever cause . It induces : i feeling of comfoit and quietude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " . 1 . C . BAKKII , Esq ., M . D ., Bideford . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and en-tain Anodyne we have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS . CAPTION . —Vice-Chancellor , Sir W . Page Wood staled that Dr . J . Collis Browne was undoubtedl y the Inventoi of CHLORODYNE ; that the story of the defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , which , he regretted to say , bad been sworn to . —See limes , 13 th July , 1864 . Sold in Bottles at 1 / 1 \ , 2 / 0 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / 0 each . None is genuine without the words "Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE " on the Government Stamp . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies eacli Bottle . SOLE MANUFACTURER— J . T . DAVE 1 STORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , London .