Article SLIGHT* SCIENCE FOR LEISURE HOURS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Slight* Science For Leisure Hours.
BY OUR " V . P . C . " SERIES I ; Vol I ; Part I ; No . I . " lie is the oft thc wisest man , Who is not wise at all . "
That's Me ! as 1 often tell Jones . Yes ! I mean " Me " and not " I , " for although I tlon ' t want to " trench " on thc worthy Archbishop ' s ( not Felloe's ) specialite' I think I do know something of my " Word ' s worth , " and I maintain that a good round solid " Me " describes me far better mentally as well as physically than a poor meagre " I . " Not that , as a rule , I attach much importance to mere
words , for although " wortls arc wise mens counters — but that savours of "shop , '' so I'll e ' en go back to my " Muttons , " as we said " abroad , " where I usetl to take ray Watts's walks—no , I mean works . Let me see , I was talking about what I said to Jones , who was always urging me to write a book . ' You know , old fellow , what a splendid degree you've got— ' pages of low degree '—
nay volumes , why don ' t you write what you know ? •' " Well " I ' ve always saitl , " antl what if I have , is that any reason why I should be bothered with those critic fellows who are eternally cockroaching ( no ! I'm thinking of crickets ) , I mean encroaching—on the inmost recesses of our hearths—hearts I shoultl have said . " Jones always teases me , I believe out of spile , on account of the letters I
am entitled to put after ray name , and thc way I got them was tl ~ . 5- > - Some months ago a most learned American was lecturing at out * Institute upon the Psycho-Zocc and Cookey-Maskylenic Spiritualistico Transmutation of Biologic Metals , and selected me out of thc numerous and enlightened audience to assist him ir : his demonstrations . His astounding experiments were a
complete succtss , especially one that he said was a proof that gold was a good circulating medium , in which five sovereigns that I lent him were put into a sand and water bath connected with a galvanic battery . When I could get my hands out again we fount ! that all the gold of thc sovereigns hatl been absorbed in the bath , antl there was rnthing kit bu ! a small residuum like quicksilver ( not
half so rapitl by the way as the gold ) , which the professor demonstrated to thc satisfaction of the audience to be the alloy out of the sovereigns . Cf course they had gone , but at the close of the lecture the professor conferred on me , ( on behalf of his University ) , in consequence of my evidently scientific proclivities , the degree of D . U . H . F . E . lt . ( " Doctor of the Universal Fraternity of Free and
Enlightened Rurality . " ) However , if it's only to spite Jones I ' ve determined to commit to paper some of my observations of thc Science of Nature . Now , although I know something of Nature ( not that I am a " natural " —much obliged , " O . P . D , " for the suggestion ) , I had some misgivings about thc Science , and so I asked my old friend Robinson how to acquire a little , when hc promised to introduce me to a well-known . Professor .
Accordingly the other night I put on a spread in my own private sanctum ( my " library " or " study" I call it indiscriminately . Mrs . P . Pry-Smith speaks of it most disrespectfully as " Youre going , 1 suppose , into your—Pough ! " this as through thc opening tloor she catches a whiff of the incense of my best Virginia . Our domestic " genius" talks of it ns " Marsutsrhumm " ) . In this
blissful abode then of Science and Smoke , at a table laid for three , sit Jack Robinson , Professor Konx , and your humble servant myself . After supper we are to have thc first preliminary lesson in " Science , " of which Jack says the professor is a master— " practical , you know , " says he"knows how to double you up before you can utter my name . " The professor has brought a bag of apparatus
with him , with which I am to be instructed in the preliminaries ; this , which Robinson most irreverently calls " his tackle , " the professor won ' t allow me to sec as yet . " Harter supper , Sir , " he says " Matter supper , not afoore . " " Strange that the professor should have such an odd , not to say vulgar , way of pronouncing his words , " I re-mailc aside to Jack . " Sh . ! " he says , " its only his
modesty ; trying to bring himself down to the meanest L-. iimL-iiy . " So 1 am content , but anxious to begin my studies , although 1 must say I can't help feeling certain qualms much like I did on the night that I was in , but there ' s the bell , and " Pleesnr Bwoyzurwaitun , " says Rosinclla-Susan . It ' s "O . P . D ., " and as I know our " Headman " 1 daren't keep him a moment , so 1 can only
stay now to sav that he , i . e ., the " Headman , " is like ' Inexorable Fate ; with her snapping shears , From the swift distaffs which hurtle , Cuts off thc thread of my innocent discourse , Like the jaws of a snapping-turtle . ' Thire's Archa-ological Science and " Natural " History combined ; but wait patiently for thc professor's lecture , for this is To be continued .
(» Vr . iiv 1 " O . P . D . " )
A GLOOMY J ULY . —Thc Astronomer Royal rt ports that the duration of registered sunshine last week was 40 . 3 hours out of 113 . 9 hours thc sun vvas above the horizon . " We state with the veiy heartiest goodwill that these PENS are nothing less than a literary indulgence , which makes the very act of writing a pleasure . " —Hereford Journal .
"They ccme as a boon antl a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " ful . and is . per box , at all Stationers . Specimen Box , containing full assortment of all the kinds , by post for 13 Stamps . Patentees : —MACNIVEN ANH CAMERON , 23 —33 , Blairstreet , Edinburgh .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was heltl on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . The chairs were occupied by Bros . John M . Clabon , President ; Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice-President ; and James Bret- ' , Junior Vice-President . The other brethren were Bros . h Smith China
Josep , P . G . P ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . ; C . C . Dumas , P . G . A . D . C ; C . F . Hogard , P . M . 20 . - ; ; Griffiths Smith , P . M . 21 ; Wm . Mann , P . M . 186 ; 6 . Scrutton , P . M . 8 9 S ; C . P . Cobham , P . M . 9 S 7 ; G . R . Corner , W . M . 1139 ; H . Albert , P . M . 189 ; C . G . Hill , W . M . 1366 ; J . Constable , P . M . 185 ; B . Carter 1382 ; H . Massey ( Freemason ) ; Charles Braid , P . M . 1196- Nelson Reed , W . M . 167 ;
George Tunley , P . M . 1 S 3 ; W . H . Perryman , W . M . 3 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; Perceval A . Nairn , P . M . 176 ; Obed Roberts , P . M . 188 ; J . A . Hudson P . M . 8 79 ; John Hemmings , W . M . 5-54 ; F . W . Koch , P . M . 138 ; W . H . Lee , W . M . 975 ; Bro . John Hervey , G . S . ; Brn ! H . G . Buss , A . G . S . ; and Bro . A . A . Pendlebury also attended .
The grants of last meeting which required confirmation ( £ 70 ) were first confirmed ; alter which the brethren proceeded with the consideration of the new cases , of which there were twenty on the list . After a long sitting , eightteen of these were relieved with the total sum of £ 274 , consisting of two of £ 30 each ( £ 60 ) ; six of £ 20 each ( £ 120 ); three of £ 13 each ( £ 45 ); four of £ 10 each ( £ 40 ) ; one of £ 5 ( £ 5 ) ; and two of £ 2 each ( £ 4 ) . The Lodge of Benevolence was then closed .
Reviews .
"Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers , " By Bro . Eun . t HOLMES . —Stokesley : Tweddell antl Sons . We have received this little work , and hasten to call the attention of our readers to it , having perused it with pleasure antl profit ourselves . It may be well first of all to give its " raison d'etre . Bro Emra Holmes ( a well-known member of the
Civil Service and of our Order ) has long been popular as a public lecturer and reader , generously giving his services to the mental improvement of others in various parts of England . He has also , for several ycars past , been favourably known as a contributor to the metropolitan and provincial press ; but his "Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers" have hitherto been SD scattered through a variety of
magazines and newspapers , that many of his admirers have expressed a wish to see a collection of them pubshed in neat and handy volumes , each firming a complete book in itself . To meet this desire a selection of thc best of these contributions is now being offered to the
subscribers ; Bro . Holmes kindly proposing to present any pecuniary profit that may be derived from the publication of these volumes to a brother Mason who has been unexpectedly plunged into poverty in thc declining years of his life , and who , we betray no secret in saying , is Bro . G . M . Tweddell , of Stokesley .
lhus our readers will note that this literary venture is also an effort of fraternal kindness to a less fortunate brother Mason , and , we may observe , that a Masonic memoir of the author has been written specially for the work by Bro . G . M . Tweddell , author of " Shakespeare , his Times and Contemporaries , " " The Bards and Authors
of Cleveland and South Devon , ' & c , & c , which adds much to its interest and completeness . We can cordially recommend the volume to our readers , net only because it is likely to be the means of aiding a deserving , ii suffering brother , but , also , because the stories and poetry reflect credit on the taste and talent of our zealous Bro . Emra Holmes . He is well known
to many of our readers as a very frequent contributor to the pages of the Masonic Magazine , and occasionally to the Freemason , and wc arc all aware also , that his writings display not only literary powers far above the average , but bespeak a considerable amount of "geist" and culture , a power of winning thc attention and attracting thc interest of his readers . Alike in
prose and poetry he corr mands both a facile and a correct pen , and we may fairly assert that his works are full of promise of even better and greater things to come . Wc would call on all our brothers who arc wishful to encourage a Masonic writer , and help a worthy brother , to purchase the little work . It is a vcry good half-crown ' s
worth , indeed , notwithstanding that wc live in an age of cheap literature and countless publications . We also wish to add that the work is well printed and neatly got up Any ortlers sent to Tweddell and Sons , Publishers , Stokesley , Yorkshire , will be gladly and promptly attended to .
•• 000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . REST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 15 s . per lb . superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five foi is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOHEION TRAUUCOS ( rough but good ) , 12 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Importer , 80 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
T 2 RO . FRANK ELMORE begs to announce _ that hc still continues to provide his well-known Musical Entertainments at the Banquets of the City Com panics , Masonic Lodges , Concerts , Private Parties , ami " Charitable Institutions . The best available talent engaged Books of Words printed , and all arrangements completed ' at a few hours' notice . —For Terms , Address to his resi . dence , 16 , Fernhead-road St . Peter ' s Park , W .
^ JT TED , an Engagement , either as Headwaiter in Hotel or Restaurant , by a Brother and Companion , who speaks , German , French , and English Age 28 , Address M . M ., 9 , Manor-Street , Ardwick , Manchester . at
j ^ Master Mason ( aged ) present is occupied as Butler and Steward ( a place of great trust and responsibility ) in a large establishment in the north of England , desires to procure an Appointment in London as Steward and Manager to a Club , or in any Establishment , where the highest testimonials , combined with energy and efficiency , would be appreciated . —Address W ., Post-office , Millom , Cumberland .
CMALL ( Furnished ) HOUSE at Bromley , Kent , consisting of two sitting-rooms , four bedrooms , anti usual domestic offices . Rent , three guineas a wetk . —Address J . Bridgwater , 1 , Park-grove , Bromley , Kent .
" " TO FREEMASONS . —A Mason wishes to Borrow the sum of £ 50 , to be repaid , with interest , by quarterly or monthly instalments . First-class reference and security . —Atldrcss M ., Post Office , Rochford , Essex ,
BRIGHTON . —Superior Board and Residence in the best part of Brighton , close to the sea . Liberal table antl home comforts . Terms moderate . 84 , Lansdowne place .
"pNGINEERor DRAUGHTSMAN Wanted , with £ iooo or thereabouts , to join in partnership with the inventor of a new machine ( English patent secured ) . The invention is in use in America , and can be made valuable and lucrative in F . ngland . Address 144 , care of Mr . E . Lewis , 8 , Lamb's Conduit-street , London , W . C .
CHARING CROSS . STATION TOILET - @~ CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the * - ¦•* - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 tl ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( id . stamp ) . N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
"T RUTH MUST PR « VAI- .. " —Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Elect *** plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , Q FFERS nothing extraordinary , but REAM . * GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " but sufliciently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house io the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
TO MASONIC BRETHREN . £ 10 REWARD . PRANK PORTER'S CELEBRATED PORX POISE SKIN BOOTS . —The above reward will be given to anyone wearing out a pair of these boots in six months , every day wear . The softest , easiest , and most durable boot ever worn . Prices 17 s . Cd . to 25 s ., to measure or otherwise . Note the address , 40 , LUDGATE HILL . An old boot sent from any part of the kingdom will ensure a fit .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 d . If with Pockets , Oil . each Pocket extra . 22 j , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
SHEBEENISM . Doings of a notorious Glasgow Shcbeener , how he ma ** his drinks with numerous drink receipts , 6 d . ; post » > 7 stamps . H . and J . SHOWN , 350 , Mathieson-streei , Glasgow . ^^ —;
_ ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPA Q 1 X - ( Limitctl ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal InjurieB . Railway Accidents . Deaths by Accidem-C . HARPING , Manager .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Slight* Science For Leisure Hours.
BY OUR " V . P . C . " SERIES I ; Vol I ; Part I ; No . I . " lie is the oft thc wisest man , Who is not wise at all . "
That's Me ! as 1 often tell Jones . Yes ! I mean " Me " and not " I , " for although I tlon ' t want to " trench " on thc worthy Archbishop ' s ( not Felloe's ) specialite' I think I do know something of my " Word ' s worth , " and I maintain that a good round solid " Me " describes me far better mentally as well as physically than a poor meagre " I . " Not that , as a rule , I attach much importance to mere
words , for although " wortls arc wise mens counters — but that savours of "shop , '' so I'll e ' en go back to my " Muttons , " as we said " abroad , " where I usetl to take ray Watts's walks—no , I mean works . Let me see , I was talking about what I said to Jones , who was always urging me to write a book . ' You know , old fellow , what a splendid degree you've got— ' pages of low degree '—
nay volumes , why don ' t you write what you know ? •' " Well " I ' ve always saitl , " antl what if I have , is that any reason why I should be bothered with those critic fellows who are eternally cockroaching ( no ! I'm thinking of crickets ) , I mean encroaching—on the inmost recesses of our hearths—hearts I shoultl have said . " Jones always teases me , I believe out of spile , on account of the letters I
am entitled to put after ray name , and thc way I got them was tl ~ . 5- > - Some months ago a most learned American was lecturing at out * Institute upon the Psycho-Zocc and Cookey-Maskylenic Spiritualistico Transmutation of Biologic Metals , and selected me out of thc numerous and enlightened audience to assist him ir : his demonstrations . His astounding experiments were a
complete succtss , especially one that he said was a proof that gold was a good circulating medium , in which five sovereigns that I lent him were put into a sand and water bath connected with a galvanic battery . When I could get my hands out again we fount ! that all the gold of thc sovereigns hatl been absorbed in the bath , antl there was rnthing kit bu ! a small residuum like quicksilver ( not
half so rapitl by the way as the gold ) , which the professor demonstrated to thc satisfaction of the audience to be the alloy out of the sovereigns . Cf course they had gone , but at the close of the lecture the professor conferred on me , ( on behalf of his University ) , in consequence of my evidently scientific proclivities , the degree of D . U . H . F . E . lt . ( " Doctor of the Universal Fraternity of Free and
Enlightened Rurality . " ) However , if it's only to spite Jones I ' ve determined to commit to paper some of my observations of thc Science of Nature . Now , although I know something of Nature ( not that I am a " natural " —much obliged , " O . P . D , " for the suggestion ) , I had some misgivings about thc Science , and so I asked my old friend Robinson how to acquire a little , when hc promised to introduce me to a well-known . Professor .
Accordingly the other night I put on a spread in my own private sanctum ( my " library " or " study" I call it indiscriminately . Mrs . P . Pry-Smith speaks of it most disrespectfully as " Youre going , 1 suppose , into your—Pough ! " this as through thc opening tloor she catches a whiff of the incense of my best Virginia . Our domestic " genius" talks of it ns " Marsutsrhumm " ) . In this
blissful abode then of Science and Smoke , at a table laid for three , sit Jack Robinson , Professor Konx , and your humble servant myself . After supper we are to have thc first preliminary lesson in " Science , " of which Jack says the professor is a master— " practical , you know , " says he"knows how to double you up before you can utter my name . " The professor has brought a bag of apparatus
with him , with which I am to be instructed in the preliminaries ; this , which Robinson most irreverently calls " his tackle , " the professor won ' t allow me to sec as yet . " Harter supper , Sir , " he says " Matter supper , not afoore . " " Strange that the professor should have such an odd , not to say vulgar , way of pronouncing his words , " I re-mailc aside to Jack . " Sh . ! " he says , " its only his
modesty ; trying to bring himself down to the meanest L-. iimL-iiy . " So 1 am content , but anxious to begin my studies , although 1 must say I can't help feeling certain qualms much like I did on the night that I was in , but there ' s the bell , and " Pleesnr Bwoyzurwaitun , " says Rosinclla-Susan . It ' s "O . P . D ., " and as I know our " Headman " 1 daren't keep him a moment , so 1 can only
stay now to sav that he , i . e ., the " Headman , " is like ' Inexorable Fate ; with her snapping shears , From the swift distaffs which hurtle , Cuts off thc thread of my innocent discourse , Like the jaws of a snapping-turtle . ' Thire's Archa-ological Science and " Natural " History combined ; but wait patiently for thc professor's lecture , for this is To be continued .
(» Vr . iiv 1 " O . P . D . " )
A GLOOMY J ULY . —Thc Astronomer Royal rt ports that the duration of registered sunshine last week was 40 . 3 hours out of 113 . 9 hours thc sun vvas above the horizon . " We state with the veiy heartiest goodwill that these PENS are nothing less than a literary indulgence , which makes the very act of writing a pleasure . " —Hereford Journal .
"They ccme as a boon antl a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " ful . and is . per box , at all Stationers . Specimen Box , containing full assortment of all the kinds , by post for 13 Stamps . Patentees : —MACNIVEN ANH CAMERON , 23 —33 , Blairstreet , Edinburgh .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was heltl on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . The chairs were occupied by Bros . John M . Clabon , President ; Joshua Nunn , Senior Vice-President ; and James Bret- ' , Junior Vice-President . The other brethren were Bros . h Smith China
Josep , P . G . P ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . ; C . C . Dumas , P . G . A . D . C ; C . F . Hogard , P . M . 20 . - ; ; Griffiths Smith , P . M . 21 ; Wm . Mann , P . M . 186 ; 6 . Scrutton , P . M . 8 9 S ; C . P . Cobham , P . M . 9 S 7 ; G . R . Corner , W . M . 1139 ; H . Albert , P . M . 189 ; C . G . Hill , W . M . 1366 ; J . Constable , P . M . 185 ; B . Carter 1382 ; H . Massey ( Freemason ) ; Charles Braid , P . M . 1196- Nelson Reed , W . M . 167 ;
George Tunley , P . M . 1 S 3 ; W . H . Perryman , W . M . 3 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; Perceval A . Nairn , P . M . 176 ; Obed Roberts , P . M . 188 ; J . A . Hudson P . M . 8 79 ; John Hemmings , W . M . 5-54 ; F . W . Koch , P . M . 138 ; W . H . Lee , W . M . 975 ; Bro . John Hervey , G . S . ; Brn ! H . G . Buss , A . G . S . ; and Bro . A . A . Pendlebury also attended .
The grants of last meeting which required confirmation ( £ 70 ) were first confirmed ; alter which the brethren proceeded with the consideration of the new cases , of which there were twenty on the list . After a long sitting , eightteen of these were relieved with the total sum of £ 274 , consisting of two of £ 30 each ( £ 60 ) ; six of £ 20 each ( £ 120 ); three of £ 13 each ( £ 45 ); four of £ 10 each ( £ 40 ) ; one of £ 5 ( £ 5 ) ; and two of £ 2 each ( £ 4 ) . The Lodge of Benevolence was then closed .
Reviews .
"Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers , " By Bro . Eun . t HOLMES . —Stokesley : Tweddell antl Sons . We have received this little work , and hasten to call the attention of our readers to it , having perused it with pleasure antl profit ourselves . It may be well first of all to give its " raison d'etre . Bro Emra Holmes ( a well-known member of the
Civil Service and of our Order ) has long been popular as a public lecturer and reader , generously giving his services to the mental improvement of others in various parts of England . He has also , for several ycars past , been favourably known as a contributor to the metropolitan and provincial press ; but his "Tales , Poems , and Masonic Papers" have hitherto been SD scattered through a variety of
magazines and newspapers , that many of his admirers have expressed a wish to see a collection of them pubshed in neat and handy volumes , each firming a complete book in itself . To meet this desire a selection of thc best of these contributions is now being offered to the
subscribers ; Bro . Holmes kindly proposing to present any pecuniary profit that may be derived from the publication of these volumes to a brother Mason who has been unexpectedly plunged into poverty in thc declining years of his life , and who , we betray no secret in saying , is Bro . G . M . Tweddell , of Stokesley .
lhus our readers will note that this literary venture is also an effort of fraternal kindness to a less fortunate brother Mason , and , we may observe , that a Masonic memoir of the author has been written specially for the work by Bro . G . M . Tweddell , author of " Shakespeare , his Times and Contemporaries , " " The Bards and Authors
of Cleveland and South Devon , ' & c , & c , which adds much to its interest and completeness . We can cordially recommend the volume to our readers , net only because it is likely to be the means of aiding a deserving , ii suffering brother , but , also , because the stories and poetry reflect credit on the taste and talent of our zealous Bro . Emra Holmes . He is well known
to many of our readers as a very frequent contributor to the pages of the Masonic Magazine , and occasionally to the Freemason , and wc arc all aware also , that his writings display not only literary powers far above the average , but bespeak a considerable amount of "geist" and culture , a power of winning thc attention and attracting thc interest of his readers . Alike in
prose and poetry he corr mands both a facile and a correct pen , and we may fairly assert that his works are full of promise of even better and greater things to come . Wc would call on all our brothers who arc wishful to encourage a Masonic writer , and help a worthy brother , to purchase the little work . It is a vcry good half-crown ' s
worth , indeed , notwithstanding that wc live in an age of cheap literature and countless publications . We also wish to add that the work is well printed and neatly got up Any ortlers sent to Tweddell and Sons , Publishers , Stokesley , Yorkshire , will be gladly and promptly attended to .
•• 000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . REST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 15 s . per lb . superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five foi is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOHEION TRAUUCOS ( rough but good ) , 12 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Importer , 80 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
T 2 RO . FRANK ELMORE begs to announce _ that hc still continues to provide his well-known Musical Entertainments at the Banquets of the City Com panics , Masonic Lodges , Concerts , Private Parties , ami " Charitable Institutions . The best available talent engaged Books of Words printed , and all arrangements completed ' at a few hours' notice . —For Terms , Address to his resi . dence , 16 , Fernhead-road St . Peter ' s Park , W .
^ JT TED , an Engagement , either as Headwaiter in Hotel or Restaurant , by a Brother and Companion , who speaks , German , French , and English Age 28 , Address M . M ., 9 , Manor-Street , Ardwick , Manchester . at
j ^ Master Mason ( aged ) present is occupied as Butler and Steward ( a place of great trust and responsibility ) in a large establishment in the north of England , desires to procure an Appointment in London as Steward and Manager to a Club , or in any Establishment , where the highest testimonials , combined with energy and efficiency , would be appreciated . —Address W ., Post-office , Millom , Cumberland .
CMALL ( Furnished ) HOUSE at Bromley , Kent , consisting of two sitting-rooms , four bedrooms , anti usual domestic offices . Rent , three guineas a wetk . —Address J . Bridgwater , 1 , Park-grove , Bromley , Kent .
" " TO FREEMASONS . —A Mason wishes to Borrow the sum of £ 50 , to be repaid , with interest , by quarterly or monthly instalments . First-class reference and security . —Atldrcss M ., Post Office , Rochford , Essex ,
BRIGHTON . —Superior Board and Residence in the best part of Brighton , close to the sea . Liberal table antl home comforts . Terms moderate . 84 , Lansdowne place .
"pNGINEERor DRAUGHTSMAN Wanted , with £ iooo or thereabouts , to join in partnership with the inventor of a new machine ( English patent secured ) . The invention is in use in America , and can be made valuable and lucrative in F . ngland . Address 144 , care of Mr . E . Lewis , 8 , Lamb's Conduit-street , London , W . C .
CHARING CROSS . STATION TOILET - @~ CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the * - ¦•* - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 tl ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( id . stamp ) . N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
"T RUTH MUST PR « VAI- .. " —Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Elect *** plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , Q FFERS nothing extraordinary , but REAM . * GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " but sufliciently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house io the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
TO MASONIC BRETHREN . £ 10 REWARD . PRANK PORTER'S CELEBRATED PORX POISE SKIN BOOTS . —The above reward will be given to anyone wearing out a pair of these boots in six months , every day wear . The softest , easiest , and most durable boot ever worn . Prices 17 s . Cd . to 25 s ., to measure or otherwise . Note the address , 40 , LUDGATE HILL . An old boot sent from any part of the kingdom will ensure a fit .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 d . If with Pockets , Oil . each Pocket extra . 22 j , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
SHEBEENISM . Doings of a notorious Glasgow Shcbeener , how he ma ** his drinks with numerous drink receipts , 6 d . ; post » > 7 stamps . H . and J . SHOWN , 350 , Mathieson-streei , Glasgow . ^^ —;
_ ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPA Q 1 X - ( Limitctl ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal InjurieB . Railway Accidents . Deaths by Accidem-C . HARPING , Manager .