Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R ,. ORTS or M ASONIC M EET . NGS : - Craft Masonry 3 "S ^ 3 % ^ romy '' : ' ::: z : zz : z : zz : zzzzzz ::. lit Prnv ? ncial Gravid Lodge of Monmouthshire 367 I ' miiab Masonic Educational Institution 3 C 8
° firW . H . Gn ! Sham 36 S Masonic Halfpenny 1 . oWcn < S ( A iMnwnic Notes ami Queries j 0 !> Roman Catholics and Freemasonry in India Sag District Grand Lodge of Hengal 3 Bo Masonic Tidings 36 o imk ' i-of Benevolence j G'J
l ' , ish Masonic Orphan Boys School 370 Thc Union Review 37 ° Sermons against Freemasonry 370 llro . Cauhct ' s reply to the Bishop of Orleans 371 The Close of thc London Season 371 Fatal Accident to a Yacht 372 Address of the Sheffield Masons to the Prince of Wales 3 ? 2
CoRREsroxDENCE : — Bro . Burgess and the Mark Degree 372 t Devon Provincial Grand Lodge 87 a Minutes and their Confirmation 37 a Uevicw 37 3 Dairy Gravitation Water Works 373 Masonic Meetings for next week 37-f Advertisements >¦ " ¦ ' "'•«'•v - > .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Iteonm
PROVINCIAL . RUNCORN . —Eu . ES . MEnn LODGE ( No . 758 ) . —This prosperous lodge held the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday , August nth . . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m . with solemn prayer the officers present being Bros . R . Rigby , W . M . j Edward Aston , S . W . ; J . Warburton , J . W . ; Charles Gcrrard , J . D . ; J .
Fothergill , P . M . ; W . Wass , I . G . ; J . W . Lightburn , Org . ; G . Purvcr , Tyler . Visitor : Joseph K . Digges , W . M . of No . 673 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Couth was passed to the F . C . Degree . The ceremony was beautifully and impressively rendered . The First Tracing Board was fully explained and delivered in a masterly and creditable manner by Bro .
Edward Aston , S . W ., after which the lodge closed in due and ancient form at 8 . 30 p . m . LIVERPOOL . —DE GREY AND RIPON LODGE ( NO . 135 6 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this excellently conducted lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the nth inst ., at the hall , 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool . Although the Master has only been a month
in the chair , two emergencies have already been held , and as there were no fewer than six candidates on this occasion for admission into the Order , these facts will show how " prosper the art " is abundantly illustrated in the De Grey and Ripon Lodge . Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., occupied the chair in the East ; and amongst those present were Bros . S . E . Ibbs , P . M .: T . Evans , P . M . ; B . B . Marson ,
P . M . ; T . Home , S . W . ; T . Nickson , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ; Jos . Jones , Sec ; M . Williams , S . D . ; C . W . Costigan , J . D . ; It . Roberts , I . G . ; A . Woolrich , S . ; C . Harding , S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ; J . Winram , T . Williams , W . McVicker , M . Major , P . Askew , W . Andrews , H . Pritchard , W . Evans , J . CasementW . Parrington , W . Brown , II . Buchanan , J . W .
, Johnson , W . Heath , H . Williams , T . R . Cooper , E . George , T . Lewis , P . Faust , T . Williams , J . Kcnwright , "W . Broughjwith Bro . Owen Lewis , 1264 , and Bro . J . Williams , 249 , as visitors . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , thc W . M . proceeded to initiate the following six candidates into the ancient order : —Mr . E . Paull , Mr .
II . G . Stafford , Mr . Hugh R . Parry , Mr . Henry Leech , Mr . G . 1 " . Penny , and Mr . Edward Saudscn . Bro . Pritchard was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . Thc working in both degrees of Bro . Bel ) , thc W . M ., was of tlie most admirable and masterly character , and he was ably assisted by his principal officers . On the motion of Bro . T . Evans , it was unanimously resolved that the
sum of ten guineas should be voted from the funds cf thc lodge to the MnttTcstimunial Fund , which has now reached a goodly sum . The lodge was afterwards closed in peace and harmony . LIVERPOOL . —DIKE or KniNiu-nr . il LODGE ( NO . 1183 ) . —Thc largest gathering ever secured in connection with any meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday ,
the 12 th inst ., when the brethren met for the annual installation of the W . M . The lodge has recently been removed from suburban quarters at the Coffee I louse , Wavcrtree , and is now located at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool . U pwards of 100 members and visitors were present . Thc brethren were summoned to assemble at half-past four o ' clock , and shortly after that hour thc lodge was opened
by Bro . J . E . Edginton , W . M ., who was supported by Hros . P . R . Thorn , P . M . ; S . Cookson , P . M . ; J . W . Williams , P . M . ; W . Woods , P . M . ; J . Thornton , J ' -M . ; T . B . Myers , S . W . ; It . Martin , jun ., J . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; ) . Williams , Sec . ; T . Davis , S ; D . ; cj . Musker , J . D . ; A . Vaughan , I . G . ; W . Ihomason , S . ; T . Siiclson , S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M .,
lylcr . The members present were Bros . J . L . Wood , R . Mugfonl , II . J . Hughes , A . D . Ileskelh , | . O . Rea , II . Sawyer , T . Hunt , J . Cleworth , C . Llewellyn , W . II . S pring , J . Thompson , F . J . Parry , W . C . Wiggins , R . Stirzaker , T . Curlendcr , W . Guyk-r , P . S . Macdonald , . )•H . Wilson , L , B . Macdonald , James Thompson , S . A - Romain , C . Williams , A . Barclay , B . Thornton , J . llasleni
, C . Jones , T . Dutton , G . Marsh , J . C . Brew , J- N . Parkcs , G . Collings , | . Cleworth , J . Weston , R . "nines , J . Sale , B . Wilson , J . B . MacKenzie , H . Pennock , S . Newbold , li . Jones , W . Graves , D . Buchanan , « . Hargrcaves , G . Baidsay , D . Kaye . Thc list of visitors included Bros . W . Healing , S . W . 1094 ; B . B . Marson , P . M . 13 . 56 ; J . Bell , W . M . 1356 ; J . Jacobs ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
724 ; C . Lecdham , P . M . 220 ; J . G . Hartley , 594 ; J . W . Johnson , 1 3 . 1 6 ; W . Morris , 673 ; J . Penney , 1393 ; F . Day , W . M . 1013 ; C . Humphries , P . M . ! oi 31 . !• Leeming , 667 ; E . Kyle , P . M . 6 73 ; E . Johnston , W . M . 203 ; J . Mercer Johnson , P . M . 155 , 1094 ; R . P . France , S . W . 594 ; T . Dilcock , W . M . 594 , J- L . Houghton , 594 ; C . Costigan , J . D . 1356 ;
J . Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; J . R . Goepel , P . G . D . C . ; C . Leighton , P . M . 1325 ; G . G . Walmsley , 292 -, T . Roberts , S . W . 673 ; H . Burrows , J . W . 673 ; J . Garratt , 823 ; T . Whitfield , 594 ; W . Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; B . L . Johanncsen , 594 ; T . Whitfield , 203 ; II . Brunsgaard , j ; A . Morrison , 594 ; J . H . Gregory , 667 ; D . Jackson , S . D . 673 ; A . Gilfillan , 1393 ; J . McBennett , W . M . 1350 ;
W . S . Foster , 484 ; J . Wood , Treas . 1094 ; A . Woolrich , 135 6 and 241 ; A . Bucknall , 667 ; J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 ; W . Savage , 241 ; R . Pearson , P . M . 673 ; H . Nelson , W . M . 1505 ; R . Douglas , 667 ; J . Jones , 605 ; J . H . Martin , 594 ; F . W . Durrans , 1094 . The lodge having been opened by the retiring W . M ., the minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc chair was
then taken by Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M . 135 C , who proceeded to install Bro . T . B . Myers as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the presentation being made by Bro . J E . Edginton , I . P . M ., and Bro . J . Thornton , the oldest P . M . of the lodge . This is the first time Bro . P . M . Marson has performed the ceremony of installation , and the remarkably impressive , complete , and efficient manner in
which he went through the whole ceremony delighted and astonisned every brother present . It is long since a Masonic treat of this character was afforded to the brethren , and the repeated commendation which Bro . Marson received during the evening was but an evidence of the universal opinion of the great merits of his working . We hope soon to see him again performing like duties . The
following brethren were invested officers of thc lodge for the ensuing year : Bros . J . E . Edginton , I . P . M . ; J . Thornton , P . M ., D . C . ; R . Martin , jun ., S . W . ; J . Williams , J . W . ; W . Brown , Treasurer ( re-elected for thc seventh or eighth time ) ; T . Davis , Secretary ; G . Musker , S . D . ; W . Thomason , J . D . ; C . Williams , Org . ; A . D . Hcsketh , I . G . ; T . Snelson , S . S . ; J . Barclay , J . S . ; J .
Curlender , A . S . ; and P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ( re-elected ) . A candidate was subsequently initiated by the new W . M . in an exceedingly able and telling manner . Thc I . P . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Marson , P . M . 135 6 , for the exceedingly impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation ; and he further moved that thc same should be recorded on thc minutes . The
motion was seconded by Bro . J . W . Williams , P . M ., and earned unanimously . Bro . Marson , in acknowledging the compliment , said it afforded him the greatest pleasure to instal Bro . Myers that afternoon , and he must thank the P . M . ' s of the lodge for withdrawing their claims , and allowing him to do the pleasant work . It would ever be a pleasant remembrance in his heart to know that in thc
lodge where he first saw thc light he had had thc privilege of first performing the ceremony of installation . The lodge was closed after four guineas had been voted to help the widow of a deceased brother . The brethren then retired to the large dining hall , where a very excellent banquet was served by Bro . Eve , 667 . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and Bro . J .
W . Williams , P . M ., thc toast of "The Masonic Charitable Institutions , " which was coupled with thc name of Bro . G . G . Walmsley , 292 . Bro . J . E . Edginton , I . P . M ., gave " The Health of thc Worshipful Master , " and Bro . Myers , in responding , expressed his thanks for the cordiality with which the toast had been proposed and received , assuring thc members of the lodge that he would do his best to
fulfil satisfactorily the duties of the high office to which he had been appointed . Thc W . M . then gave " Thc Visiting Brethren , " which was acknowledged by Bros . W . Healing , S . W . 1094 ; J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 , S . W . 1505 ; T . Dilcock , W . M . 594 ; and C . Lecdham , P . M . 220 , each of whom referred to the admirable manner in which the installation ceremony that afternoon had been performed .
Bro . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler , also returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Brunsgaard , of Lodge 5 , a Norwegian captain , who was present , but unable to speak English fluently . Bro . Thorn , P . M ., proposed "The Health of thc Installing Master , " and in doing so said that as an old Mason of seventeen years' standing he could safely say that he never saw the ceremony of installation more effectively
performed . Bro . P . M . Marson thanked the brethren sincerely for their kind expressions of approval , and said he hoped they would all be able to build up living temples as noble in plan and grand in design—as noble and massive as their brethren in antique times . He hoped thc W . M . would have health and strength to fulfil his duties . " Thc Worshipful Past Masters , " given by thc W . M ., was responded
to by Bros . P . M . s Edginton , 1 hornton , I horn , and Williams . Thc other toasts were " Our Newly Installed Brethren , " " The Officers , " responded to by Bro . R . Martin , jun ., S . W ., and Bro . J . Williams , S . W . ; and " Poor and Distressed Brethren . " Excellent songs were given by Bros . Parry ( whose " Holy Friar" was greatly appreciated ) , Gilfillan , Jacobs , Edginton , and others . On Friday
morning about 130 ladies and brethren started from Limestreet Station by first-class special for the Overton Hills , near Frodsham , where the catering was capitally done by Mr . Rigby . There were one or two showers , but on the whole thc weather was good , and every one present thoroughly enjoyed thc " out . " During the day a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . J . E .
Edginton , I . P . M ., as a token of thc esteem of the brethren . NEWPORT . —A 1 . 11 EHT EDWARD , PRINCE OF WAI . ES , LODGE ( NO . 1429 ) . —Thc ceremony of installing Bro . John Gristock Huxtable , P . P . G . A . li . C , as W . M . of thc Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , took place on Thursday , at the Masonic Hall , Newport . Thc lodge was opened in due form at 2 . 30 p . m . by Bro . Wm . Watkins , the retiring W . M . He was supported by a numerous assembly of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren , not only oE his lodge , but also representatives of each lodge in the town and province of Monmouth . Shortly after the opening Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , A . G . D . C . of England , and D . P . G . M . of Monmouth , entered the lodge , preceded by his Sword Bearer , Bro . Wickey Homfray , W . M . Isca Lodge , and followed by Bros . B . Lawrence , W . M . Silurian ; Dr . Morgan , John Middleton , and a number of
other brethren , members of the Grand Lodge of the province . Thc formal business having been disposed of , the deeply interesting ceremony of installing Bro . Huxtable was conducted with much skill and ability by Bro . Charles Rowe , Prov . G . S . of Monmouth . This having terminated , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Wm . Watkins , I . P . M . and
P . P . G . S . Wks . ; E . Whitehall , S . W ., P . G . St . ; F . Orders , J . W . ; J . W . Bcbcll , Sec , P . G . S . Wks . ; J . Horner , sen ., Treas ., P . G . D . C . ; J . James , S . D . ; W . twist , J . D . ; E . W . Perren , Org . ; W . M . Locke , Supt . Works ; C . Rowe , D . C , P . G . Sec . ; J . Horner , jun ., I . G . ; J . Poole , L . Hermessen , IT . Richards , S . Brukewich , Stewards ; H . Fletcher , Tyler ; W . Hopton , Asst . Tyler , & c , & C . Subsequently
the accustomed votes of thanks were passed , and appropriately acknowledged in a manner peculiar to the Craft . The lodge was closed in due form , and then the brethren repaired to the Westgate Hotel , where the annual banquet took place . Bro . Mallcn , as he invariably docs , placed upon the tables a provision of unusual excellence , and his arrangements were such that thc requirements of his guests
were attended to in thc fullest and most ample manner . Bro . Huxtable , W . M ., presided , and was supported at thc banquet by thc following brethren , covers having been laid for 60 : —S . George Homfray , A . G . D . C , and D . P . G . M ., Mon . ; Wm . Watkins , I . P . M . 1429 , and P . P . G . S . Wks ., Mon . ; W . I-I . Wickey Homfray , W . M . 69-5 , and P . P . G . S . B ., Mon . ; W . W . Morgan , P . M . 683 , and ' p . P . G .
Sec , Mon . ; Chas . Rowe , P . M . 471 , and 1429 , and P . G . Sec , Mon . ; John Middleton , P . M . 683 and 1098 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Jones Davies , 471 ; Thos . Boswell , 1429 ; W . Milton Locke , S . Wks ., 1429 ; T . Frederick , 1429 ; D . L . James , 471 ; C . M . Venri , 36 , 1133 ; R . G . Shaddick , 1429 ; F . Orders , S . W . 1429 and 471 ; John James , S . P . 1429 and 471 ; Henry Evans , 1429 ; W .
Welsford , 1421 ; E . W . Perren , Org . 1429 ; J . A . Seys , 1429 ; Samuel Davies , P . P . G . S . B ., Gloucester , P . M . 136 3 and 270 , 471 , 1429 ; James Horner , jun ., I . G . 1429 ; John Randall , 1429 ; J . W . Bebell , Sec . 1429 , P . G . S . Wks . ; Jacob Berlyn , 471 ; Hartley Feather , Prov . G . Purst ., and Secretary Kennard Lodge , 1258 , Pontypool ; James Stallard , 1429 ; John Sims , 1429 ; Simeon Wyatt , 147 ; John
Hooper , 251 ; John Neck , 291 and 1429 ; Wm . Ktnsey Morgan , 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; James Homer , P . D . A . D . C , Treasurer 1429 and 471 ; S . Brinkcwick , Std ., 1429 and 471 ; Wm . Twist , 471 , J . D . 1429 ; F . J . Heybyrnc , 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; J . Evans Thomas , 1429 ; Henry Richards , S . 1429 ; Allied Taylor , 471 and 1429 ; Isaac T . Dan do , 685 ; Henry Fletcher , A . P . G . T .,
471 ; Wm . Hopton , Assistant Tyler 1429 . On the removal of the cloth , thc Worshipful Master proceeded with the toast list , proposing in the most loyal terms , " The Health of the Queen and the Craft . " Thc toast was drunk right loyally , and " God save the Queen" sung by the brethren , Bro . Perren skilfully presiding at the pianoforte , as he did throughout the entire proceedings of the evening .
The W . M . next gave " The W . M . thc G . M . of England , H . R . H . Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , K . G . " He spoke befittingly of the illustrious head of the Masonic Order , and of the joy and gratification he experienced in being present to witness thc grand ceremonial of the installation of H . R . H . There could be no higher honour conferred upon the Freemasons of this kingdom than to have His
Royal Highness to preside over them , and no greater honour could be conferred upon a Prince than to be thc chosen head of such a body of men as were the Freemasons of Great Britain . Never should he forget the words spoken by H . R . I 1 . at the time of his installation , viz ., " Loyalty and Charity . " These were the grand principles that bound Masons together in one individual band of brotherhood .
The toast having been duly honoured , Bro . Twist sang thc air and thc brethren joined in the chorus of " God bless the Prince of Wales . " The W . M . gave " The M . W . Pro G . M ., thc Earl of Carnarvon , and the Viscount Skelmersdale , and Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " He pertinently alluded to the high qualifications as well as tl c social rank and position of the brethren who composed the
Grand Lodge . Great benefits must necessarily follow to thc Craft when noblemen and gentlemen of such high renown were leaders in the movement . Bro . S . G . Homfray , as one of the Grand Lodge Officers , acknowledged the toast . It was thc first time that he had had thc extreme pleasure of appearing in any lodge with the new and valuable insignia of office which had been presented to him
by the Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . Ire felt extreme pride in being amongst them , and could not but feel proud at the honour of receiving the appointment which he held , and to which he had been raised by I lis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . So far as the province was concerned , as so far as he was able , nothing should be lost to strengthen and uphold thc genuine tenets and principles of
Freemasonry . Bro . Middleton proposed " The R . W . thc Provincial Grand Master for Monmouthshire , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Lytic . " lie regretted his absence , through indisposition . On that account , however , he could speak the more freely on his merits , and distinguished position as a Mason , as a citizen , and as a public man . The W . M " . gave " The V . W . the D . P . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Capt . S . G . Homfray ,
A . G . D . C . of England , and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . " Bro . Homfray responded to the toast at length , and thanked the brethren most sincerely for the manner in which they had received his name . Nothing gave him greater pleasure than being amongst them that evening , and the brethren of the Albert Edward Lodge might rest assured that all he could do to furthet their interests would be most readily and heartily done ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R ,. ORTS or M ASONIC M EET . NGS : - Craft Masonry 3 "S ^ 3 % ^ romy '' : ' ::: z : zz : z : zz : zzzzzz ::. lit Prnv ? ncial Gravid Lodge of Monmouthshire 367 I ' miiab Masonic Educational Institution 3 C 8
° firW . H . Gn ! Sham 36 S Masonic Halfpenny 1 . oWcn < S ( A iMnwnic Notes ami Queries j 0 !> Roman Catholics and Freemasonry in India Sag District Grand Lodge of Hengal 3 Bo Masonic Tidings 36 o imk ' i-of Benevolence j G'J
l ' , ish Masonic Orphan Boys School 370 Thc Union Review 37 ° Sermons against Freemasonry 370 llro . Cauhct ' s reply to the Bishop of Orleans 371 The Close of thc London Season 371 Fatal Accident to a Yacht 372 Address of the Sheffield Masons to the Prince of Wales 3 ? 2
CoRREsroxDENCE : — Bro . Burgess and the Mark Degree 372 t Devon Provincial Grand Lodge 87 a Minutes and their Confirmation 37 a Uevicw 37 3 Dairy Gravitation Water Works 373 Masonic Meetings for next week 37-f Advertisements >¦ " ¦ ' "'•«'•v - > .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Iteonm
PROVINCIAL . RUNCORN . —Eu . ES . MEnn LODGE ( No . 758 ) . —This prosperous lodge held the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday , August nth . . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m . with solemn prayer the officers present being Bros . R . Rigby , W . M . j Edward Aston , S . W . ; J . Warburton , J . W . ; Charles Gcrrard , J . D . ; J .
Fothergill , P . M . ; W . Wass , I . G . ; J . W . Lightburn , Org . ; G . Purvcr , Tyler . Visitor : Joseph K . Digges , W . M . of No . 673 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Couth was passed to the F . C . Degree . The ceremony was beautifully and impressively rendered . The First Tracing Board was fully explained and delivered in a masterly and creditable manner by Bro .
Edward Aston , S . W ., after which the lodge closed in due and ancient form at 8 . 30 p . m . LIVERPOOL . —DE GREY AND RIPON LODGE ( NO . 135 6 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this excellently conducted lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the nth inst ., at the hall , 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool . Although the Master has only been a month
in the chair , two emergencies have already been held , and as there were no fewer than six candidates on this occasion for admission into the Order , these facts will show how " prosper the art " is abundantly illustrated in the De Grey and Ripon Lodge . Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., occupied the chair in the East ; and amongst those present were Bros . S . E . Ibbs , P . M .: T . Evans , P . M . ; B . B . Marson ,
P . M . ; T . Home , S . W . ; T . Nickson , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ; Jos . Jones , Sec ; M . Williams , S . D . ; C . W . Costigan , J . D . ; It . Roberts , I . G . ; A . Woolrich , S . ; C . Harding , S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ; J . Winram , T . Williams , W . McVicker , M . Major , P . Askew , W . Andrews , H . Pritchard , W . Evans , J . CasementW . Parrington , W . Brown , II . Buchanan , J . W .
, Johnson , W . Heath , H . Williams , T . R . Cooper , E . George , T . Lewis , P . Faust , T . Williams , J . Kcnwright , "W . Broughjwith Bro . Owen Lewis , 1264 , and Bro . J . Williams , 249 , as visitors . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , thc W . M . proceeded to initiate the following six candidates into the ancient order : —Mr . E . Paull , Mr .
II . G . Stafford , Mr . Hugh R . Parry , Mr . Henry Leech , Mr . G . 1 " . Penny , and Mr . Edward Saudscn . Bro . Pritchard was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . Thc working in both degrees of Bro . Bel ) , thc W . M ., was of tlie most admirable and masterly character , and he was ably assisted by his principal officers . On the motion of Bro . T . Evans , it was unanimously resolved that the
sum of ten guineas should be voted from the funds cf thc lodge to the MnttTcstimunial Fund , which has now reached a goodly sum . The lodge was afterwards closed in peace and harmony . LIVERPOOL . —DIKE or KniNiu-nr . il LODGE ( NO . 1183 ) . —Thc largest gathering ever secured in connection with any meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday ,
the 12 th inst ., when the brethren met for the annual installation of the W . M . The lodge has recently been removed from suburban quarters at the Coffee I louse , Wavcrtree , and is now located at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool . U pwards of 100 members and visitors were present . Thc brethren were summoned to assemble at half-past four o ' clock , and shortly after that hour thc lodge was opened
by Bro . J . E . Edginton , W . M ., who was supported by Hros . P . R . Thorn , P . M . ; S . Cookson , P . M . ; J . W . Williams , P . M . ; W . Woods , P . M . ; J . Thornton , J ' -M . ; T . B . Myers , S . W . ; It . Martin , jun ., J . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; ) . Williams , Sec . ; T . Davis , S ; D . ; cj . Musker , J . D . ; A . Vaughan , I . G . ; W . Ihomason , S . ; T . Siiclson , S . ; P . M . Larsen , P . M .,
lylcr . The members present were Bros . J . L . Wood , R . Mugfonl , II . J . Hughes , A . D . Ileskelh , | . O . Rea , II . Sawyer , T . Hunt , J . Cleworth , C . Llewellyn , W . II . S pring , J . Thompson , F . J . Parry , W . C . Wiggins , R . Stirzaker , T . Curlendcr , W . Guyk-r , P . S . Macdonald , . )•H . Wilson , L , B . Macdonald , James Thompson , S . A - Romain , C . Williams , A . Barclay , B . Thornton , J . llasleni
, C . Jones , T . Dutton , G . Marsh , J . C . Brew , J- N . Parkcs , G . Collings , | . Cleworth , J . Weston , R . "nines , J . Sale , B . Wilson , J . B . MacKenzie , H . Pennock , S . Newbold , li . Jones , W . Graves , D . Buchanan , « . Hargrcaves , G . Baidsay , D . Kaye . Thc list of visitors included Bros . W . Healing , S . W . 1094 ; B . B . Marson , P . M . 13 . 56 ; J . Bell , W . M . 1356 ; J . Jacobs ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
724 ; C . Lecdham , P . M . 220 ; J . G . Hartley , 594 ; J . W . Johnson , 1 3 . 1 6 ; W . Morris , 673 ; J . Penney , 1393 ; F . Day , W . M . 1013 ; C . Humphries , P . M . ! oi 31 . !• Leeming , 667 ; E . Kyle , P . M . 6 73 ; E . Johnston , W . M . 203 ; J . Mercer Johnson , P . M . 155 , 1094 ; R . P . France , S . W . 594 ; T . Dilcock , W . M . 594 , J- L . Houghton , 594 ; C . Costigan , J . D . 1356 ;
J . Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; J . R . Goepel , P . G . D . C . ; C . Leighton , P . M . 1325 ; G . G . Walmsley , 292 -, T . Roberts , S . W . 673 ; H . Burrows , J . W . 673 ; J . Garratt , 823 ; T . Whitfield , 594 ; W . Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; B . L . Johanncsen , 594 ; T . Whitfield , 203 ; II . Brunsgaard , j ; A . Morrison , 594 ; J . H . Gregory , 667 ; D . Jackson , S . D . 673 ; A . Gilfillan , 1393 ; J . McBennett , W . M . 1350 ;
W . S . Foster , 484 ; J . Wood , Treas . 1094 ; A . Woolrich , 135 6 and 241 ; A . Bucknall , 667 ; J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 ; W . Savage , 241 ; R . Pearson , P . M . 673 ; H . Nelson , W . M . 1505 ; R . Douglas , 667 ; J . Jones , 605 ; J . H . Martin , 594 ; F . W . Durrans , 1094 . The lodge having been opened by the retiring W . M ., the minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc chair was
then taken by Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M . 135 C , who proceeded to install Bro . T . B . Myers as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the presentation being made by Bro . J E . Edginton , I . P . M ., and Bro . J . Thornton , the oldest P . M . of the lodge . This is the first time Bro . P . M . Marson has performed the ceremony of installation , and the remarkably impressive , complete , and efficient manner in
which he went through the whole ceremony delighted and astonisned every brother present . It is long since a Masonic treat of this character was afforded to the brethren , and the repeated commendation which Bro . Marson received during the evening was but an evidence of the universal opinion of the great merits of his working . We hope soon to see him again performing like duties . The
following brethren were invested officers of thc lodge for the ensuing year : Bros . J . E . Edginton , I . P . M . ; J . Thornton , P . M ., D . C . ; R . Martin , jun ., S . W . ; J . Williams , J . W . ; W . Brown , Treasurer ( re-elected for thc seventh or eighth time ) ; T . Davis , Secretary ; G . Musker , S . D . ; W . Thomason , J . D . ; C . Williams , Org . ; A . D . Hcsketh , I . G . ; T . Snelson , S . S . ; J . Barclay , J . S . ; J .
Curlender , A . S . ; and P . M . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler ( re-elected ) . A candidate was subsequently initiated by the new W . M . in an exceedingly able and telling manner . Thc I . P . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Marson , P . M . 135 6 , for the exceedingly impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation ; and he further moved that thc same should be recorded on thc minutes . The
motion was seconded by Bro . J . W . Williams , P . M ., and earned unanimously . Bro . Marson , in acknowledging the compliment , said it afforded him the greatest pleasure to instal Bro . Myers that afternoon , and he must thank the P . M . ' s of the lodge for withdrawing their claims , and allowing him to do the pleasant work . It would ever be a pleasant remembrance in his heart to know that in thc
lodge where he first saw thc light he had had thc privilege of first performing the ceremony of installation . The lodge was closed after four guineas had been voted to help the widow of a deceased brother . The brethren then retired to the large dining hall , where a very excellent banquet was served by Bro . Eve , 667 . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and Bro . J .
W . Williams , P . M ., thc toast of "The Masonic Charitable Institutions , " which was coupled with thc name of Bro . G . G . Walmsley , 292 . Bro . J . E . Edginton , I . P . M ., gave " The Health of thc Worshipful Master , " and Bro . Myers , in responding , expressed his thanks for the cordiality with which the toast had been proposed and received , assuring thc members of the lodge that he would do his best to
fulfil satisfactorily the duties of the high office to which he had been appointed . Thc W . M . then gave " Thc Visiting Brethren , " which was acknowledged by Bros . W . Healing , S . W . 1094 ; J . T . Callow , P . M . 673 , S . W . 1505 ; T . Dilcock , W . M . 594 ; and C . Lecdham , P . M . 220 , each of whom referred to the admirable manner in which the installation ceremony that afternoon had been performed .
Bro . Larsen , P . M ., Tyler , also returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Brunsgaard , of Lodge 5 , a Norwegian captain , who was present , but unable to speak English fluently . Bro . Thorn , P . M ., proposed "The Health of thc Installing Master , " and in doing so said that as an old Mason of seventeen years' standing he could safely say that he never saw the ceremony of installation more effectively
performed . Bro . P . M . Marson thanked the brethren sincerely for their kind expressions of approval , and said he hoped they would all be able to build up living temples as noble in plan and grand in design—as noble and massive as their brethren in antique times . He hoped thc W . M . would have health and strength to fulfil his duties . " Thc Worshipful Past Masters , " given by thc W . M ., was responded
to by Bros . P . M . s Edginton , 1 hornton , I horn , and Williams . Thc other toasts were " Our Newly Installed Brethren , " " The Officers , " responded to by Bro . R . Martin , jun ., S . W ., and Bro . J . Williams , S . W . ; and " Poor and Distressed Brethren . " Excellent songs were given by Bros . Parry ( whose " Holy Friar" was greatly appreciated ) , Gilfillan , Jacobs , Edginton , and others . On Friday
morning about 130 ladies and brethren started from Limestreet Station by first-class special for the Overton Hills , near Frodsham , where the catering was capitally done by Mr . Rigby . There were one or two showers , but on the whole thc weather was good , and every one present thoroughly enjoyed thc " out . " During the day a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . J . E .
Edginton , I . P . M ., as a token of thc esteem of the brethren . NEWPORT . —A 1 . 11 EHT EDWARD , PRINCE OF WAI . ES , LODGE ( NO . 1429 ) . —Thc ceremony of installing Bro . John Gristock Huxtable , P . P . G . A . li . C , as W . M . of thc Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , took place on Thursday , at the Masonic Hall , Newport . Thc lodge was opened in due form at 2 . 30 p . m . by Bro . Wm . Watkins , the retiring W . M . He was supported by a numerous assembly of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren , not only oE his lodge , but also representatives of each lodge in the town and province of Monmouth . Shortly after the opening Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfray , A . G . D . C . of England , and D . P . G . M . of Monmouth , entered the lodge , preceded by his Sword Bearer , Bro . Wickey Homfray , W . M . Isca Lodge , and followed by Bros . B . Lawrence , W . M . Silurian ; Dr . Morgan , John Middleton , and a number of
other brethren , members of the Grand Lodge of the province . Thc formal business having been disposed of , the deeply interesting ceremony of installing Bro . Huxtable was conducted with much skill and ability by Bro . Charles Rowe , Prov . G . S . of Monmouth . This having terminated , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Wm . Watkins , I . P . M . and
P . P . G . S . Wks . ; E . Whitehall , S . W ., P . G . St . ; F . Orders , J . W . ; J . W . Bcbcll , Sec , P . G . S . Wks . ; J . Horner , sen ., Treas ., P . G . D . C . ; J . James , S . D . ; W . twist , J . D . ; E . W . Perren , Org . ; W . M . Locke , Supt . Works ; C . Rowe , D . C , P . G . Sec . ; J . Horner , jun ., I . G . ; J . Poole , L . Hermessen , IT . Richards , S . Brukewich , Stewards ; H . Fletcher , Tyler ; W . Hopton , Asst . Tyler , & c , & C . Subsequently
the accustomed votes of thanks were passed , and appropriately acknowledged in a manner peculiar to the Craft . The lodge was closed in due form , and then the brethren repaired to the Westgate Hotel , where the annual banquet took place . Bro . Mallcn , as he invariably docs , placed upon the tables a provision of unusual excellence , and his arrangements were such that thc requirements of his guests
were attended to in thc fullest and most ample manner . Bro . Huxtable , W . M ., presided , and was supported at thc banquet by thc following brethren , covers having been laid for 60 : —S . George Homfray , A . G . D . C , and D . P . G . M ., Mon . ; Wm . Watkins , I . P . M . 1429 , and P . P . G . S . Wks ., Mon . ; W . I-I . Wickey Homfray , W . M . 69-5 , and P . P . G . S . B ., Mon . ; W . W . Morgan , P . M . 683 , and ' p . P . G .
Sec , Mon . ; Chas . Rowe , P . M . 471 , and 1429 , and P . G . Sec , Mon . ; John Middleton , P . M . 683 and 1098 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Jones Davies , 471 ; Thos . Boswell , 1429 ; W . Milton Locke , S . Wks ., 1429 ; T . Frederick , 1429 ; D . L . James , 471 ; C . M . Venri , 36 , 1133 ; R . G . Shaddick , 1429 ; F . Orders , S . W . 1429 and 471 ; John James , S . P . 1429 and 471 ; Henry Evans , 1429 ; W .
Welsford , 1421 ; E . W . Perren , Org . 1429 ; J . A . Seys , 1429 ; Samuel Davies , P . P . G . S . B ., Gloucester , P . M . 136 3 and 270 , 471 , 1429 ; James Horner , jun ., I . G . 1429 ; John Randall , 1429 ; J . W . Bebell , Sec . 1429 , P . G . S . Wks . ; Jacob Berlyn , 471 ; Hartley Feather , Prov . G . Purst ., and Secretary Kennard Lodge , 1258 , Pontypool ; James Stallard , 1429 ; John Sims , 1429 ; Simeon Wyatt , 147 ; John
Hooper , 251 ; John Neck , 291 and 1429 ; Wm . Ktnsey Morgan , 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; James Homer , P . D . A . D . C , Treasurer 1429 and 471 ; S . Brinkcwick , Std ., 1429 and 471 ; Wm . Twist , 471 , J . D . 1429 ; F . J . Heybyrnc , 1429 ; John Summers , 1429 ; J . Evans Thomas , 1429 ; Henry Richards , S . 1429 ; Allied Taylor , 471 and 1429 ; Isaac T . Dan do , 685 ; Henry Fletcher , A . P . G . T .,
471 ; Wm . Hopton , Assistant Tyler 1429 . On the removal of the cloth , thc Worshipful Master proceeded with the toast list , proposing in the most loyal terms , " The Health of the Queen and the Craft . " Thc toast was drunk right loyally , and " God save the Queen" sung by the brethren , Bro . Perren skilfully presiding at the pianoforte , as he did throughout the entire proceedings of the evening .
The W . M . next gave " The W . M . thc G . M . of England , H . R . H . Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , K . G . " He spoke befittingly of the illustrious head of the Masonic Order , and of the joy and gratification he experienced in being present to witness thc grand ceremonial of the installation of H . R . H . There could be no higher honour conferred upon the Freemasons of this kingdom than to have His
Royal Highness to preside over them , and no greater honour could be conferred upon a Prince than to be thc chosen head of such a body of men as were the Freemasons of Great Britain . Never should he forget the words spoken by H . R . I 1 . at the time of his installation , viz ., " Loyalty and Charity . " These were the grand principles that bound Masons together in one individual band of brotherhood .
The toast having been duly honoured , Bro . Twist sang thc air and thc brethren joined in the chorus of " God bless the Prince of Wales . " The W . M . gave " The M . W . Pro G . M ., thc Earl of Carnarvon , and the Viscount Skelmersdale , and Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . " He pertinently alluded to the high qualifications as well as tl c social rank and position of the brethren who composed the
Grand Lodge . Great benefits must necessarily follow to thc Craft when noblemen and gentlemen of such high renown were leaders in the movement . Bro . S . G . Homfray , as one of the Grand Lodge Officers , acknowledged the toast . It was thc first time that he had had thc extreme pleasure of appearing in any lodge with the new and valuable insignia of office which had been presented to him
by the Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . Ire felt extreme pride in being amongst them , and could not but feel proud at the honour of receiving the appointment which he held , and to which he had been raised by I lis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . So far as the province was concerned , as so far as he was able , nothing should be lost to strengthen and uphold thc genuine tenets and principles of
Freemasonry . Bro . Middleton proposed " The R . W . thc Provincial Grand Master for Monmouthshire , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Lytic . " lie regretted his absence , through indisposition . On that account , however , he could speak the more freely on his merits , and distinguished position as a Mason , as a citizen , and as a public man . The W . M " . gave " The V . W . the D . P . G . M . for Monmouthshire , Capt . S . G . Homfray ,
A . G . D . C . of England , and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . " Bro . Homfray responded to the toast at length , and thanked the brethren most sincerely for the manner in which they had received his name . Nothing gave him greater pleasure than being amongst them that evening , and the brethren of the Albert Edward Lodge might rest assured that all he could do to furthet their interests would be most readily and heartily done ,