Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
He congratulated them on the sound and vigorous condition of their lodge . Bro . Watkins rose to propose the next toast , and called upon the brethren to drink in a bumper " The Health of their W . M ., Bro . J . G . Huxtable . " No one was more pleased or gratified than he to see the W . M . installed into the chair of King Solomon . He was one of the founders of the lodge , and he yet hoped to see
other brethren who had assisted in its formation occupy the distinguished position to which he had attained . The W . M . responded , and thanked them most sincerely for the kind manner in which they had proposed and drunk his health . He felt proud of the position to which he had been elected . Advancing in years as he was , he felt that his memory was not so clear or so active as in days gone
by , but he promised them that he would do his best to carry out the important duties of his office faithfully and honourably . Whatever defects they may sec in his efforts he trustctl to their generosity and leniency , and he promised to do all in his power to hand down the warrant which had been entrusted to his keeping that day as pure and untarnished as he had received it from thc hands
of their late W . M ., Bro . Watkins . He felt he should need the aid of his officers and brethren , and particularly that of his I . P . M . and Bro . Charles Rowe , to whom they were all so much indebted . After alluding to the formation and progress of the Prince of Wales Lodge , he expressed the belief that in quality as well as numbers it would bear comparison with any lodge in the province ,
and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the honour conferred upon him by placing him in so proud a position as that which he now occupied . ( Applause . ) Bro . Homfray proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Watkins , P . P . G . S . Wks ., " and in the course of his observations took occasion to invest Bro . Watkins with a valuable P . M . jewel on behalf of the lodge , referring to the
meritorious Masonic career of the recipient , and expressing the hope that he may long be spared to wear the jewel on his breast ( loud and prolonged cheering ) . Thc jewel was supplied by Bro . George Kenning , and thc inscription was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Watkins , P . M . 1429 , and P . P . G . S . W ., Mon ., for valuable service rendered the lodge , August 12 th , 1875 . " Bro . Watkins , in
appropriate and feeling terms , acknowledged thc compliment that had been paid him , not merely in drinking his health , but in presenting him with so valuable a jewel . To adequately thank the brethren for their kindness and manifest appreciation of his services would be one of the most difficult tasks he had been called upon to perform since he had been in thc chair of this lodge . He had ever aimed at
doing his duty , and he now began to think that to some extent , at least , he must have succeeded in that direction . ( Applause . ) His aim would still be to labour to promote the interest of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , so that it should stand second to none in thc province . Thc W . M . gave " Thc Installing Master , Bro . Chas . Rowe , P . G . S . " Long may he live to be an honour to the
province . Bro . Rowe acknowledged thc toast in suitable terms . The remaining toasts were , " The Visitors , " " Thc W . M . ' s and Brethren of the Silurian and Isca Lodges , " " Thc Other Lodges of thc Province , " " The Officeis of thc Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , " "The Masonic Charities , " " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . " These were acknowledged respectively by Bros . Capt . G .
Homfray , A . G . D . C . of England , and D . P . G . M . of Mon . ; Wyatt , Heath , Wickey Homfray , W . M ., Isca Lodge ; Hartley Feather , Pontypool ; F . Orders , and Bro . H . Fletcher , Tyler . The entire proceedings were characterised by the greatest cordiality and harmony . Thc brethren separated at an early hour . WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —THE KING HAROLD
LODGE ( NO . 1327 ) held its usual monthly meeting at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town , Herts , on Tuesday , thc 17 th of August . Bro . Charles Laccy , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . Herts , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . West , P . M . and W . M . 1437 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts ; Young , I . P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . Herts ; Tydcman , P . M . 1437 , R-G . A . P . Essex ; Rcilly , J . W . ; Barwick , Treas . ;
Malcolm , Sec . ; Jacobs , acting as S . W . ; Tydcman , P . M . 1437 , P . G . A . P . Essex , S . D . ; Holmes , J . D . ; Fisher , acting as I . G . ; Stecdman , P . M ., Tyler . There was a good muster of thc brethren . The lodge was honoured by a visit from thc Provincial Grand Secretary of Hertfordshire , Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Herts . The business of thc evening
was to pass Bro . Taylor ; to ballot for four candidates for initiation , viz ., Mr . John William Newman , Mr . James Bull , Mr . G . T . Ridley , and Mr . C . Fuller . The ' ballot was unanimous in favour of these gentlemen . The W . M . then presented a suit of P . G . Lodge clothing to the I . P . M ., Bro . J . K . Young , P . G . A . D . C . Hertfordshire , which was purchased by the members of the King Harold Lodge in
recognition of the valuable services rendered by Bro . Young tojthc lodge . The W . M ., Bro . Laccy , expressed thc gr ^ at pleasure it afforded him in being the medium of conveying to Bro . Young thc feelings of fraternal regard entertained for him by the brethren , and concluded by investing Bro . Young with the clothing . Bro . Young thanked the W . M . and brethren in a suitable manner ,
saying that it was the happiest moment of his life . The business of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony with solemn prayer , after which thc brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . Bro . Dr . lies , replying to that of "The Provincial Grind Officers of Hertfordshire , " said lie was very pleased to see the very able manner in which the W . M ., Bro . Laccy , and his
officers worked the ceremonies , and also the cordial and harmonious feeling that existed between the King Harold and the Gresham Lodges , both being situated in close proximity at Waltham . The evening was enlivened by some very good harmony , rendered in excellent style by Bro . Malcolm , Sec , 1327 , and Bro . Goggs , from London ; and , after thoroughly enjoying themselves , the brethren broke up at an early hour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
CHISLEHURST . —CIIISLEIIURST LODGE ( No . 1531 ) . —An emergency meeting of this young lodge was held on Saturday , August 14 th , at the Bull's Head Hotel , Chislehurst . Bro . J . Coutts , P . G . P . P . M ., W . M ., presided , and in an able , proficient , and impressive manner passed Bros . Wain , Hooker , and Luck to thc Second Degree , and initiated Messrs . Gerard Humphreys and George
Benjamin West into Freemasonry . The candidates were introduced separately , which added to thc importance of thc ceremonies . There were present , Bros . Hutchingsas S . W ; W . Kipps , J . W . ; J . Griffin , P . M ., Sec . ' ; J . Mason , S . D . ; H . Glostcr , J . D . ; W . I-Iardman , I . G . j Hunt , Skinner , and others . There was only one visitor
present . Bro . Robert Russell , P . P . G . D . C , Kent , P . M . 299 , was unanimously elected a joining member , and acted as Past Master . Bros . G . F . Guest , S . W ., and F . Walters , P . P . G . P ., Midx ., PM , were absent from circumstances beyond their control . A very good banquet followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WEST YORKSHIRE . The regular half-yearly meeting of this Prov . G . Lodge was held on Wednesday , thc nth inst ., at Eastwood , near Todmorden , by invitation from the W . M . and brethren of
thc Prince Edward Lodge , No . 14 . A lodge of Mark Masters having been opened by the W . M . and officers , the Provincial G . M . M . ( R . W . Bro . Thomas Perkington , Past G . S . O . ) entered the room , accompanied by the following officers : —
John Wordsworth D . P . G . M . W . F . Wilkinson P . S . G . W . John C . Taylor P . J . G . W . T . S . Higgins , P . P . G . M . O ., as P . G . M . O . Alfred Scargill P . G . S . O . E . Hartley , P . P . G . J . O ., as - .. P . G . J . O . E . Sewcll , M . A P . G . Chap .
G . Normanton P . G . Treas . R . Williamson P . G . Reg . ' William Cooke P . G . Sec . W . S . Wade , M . D P . S . G . D . J . Holroydc , P . P . S . G . D ., as P . J . G . D . W . Roberts , P . P . G . M . O ., as P . G . D . of C . W . Tasker P . G . L of W .
H . W . Wrigley P . G . S . W . B . W . White P . S . St . B . C . F . Unna P . G . Org . J . S . Scanor P . G . I . G . Hy . Beaumont P . G . St . Geo . Marshall as P . G . St . J . Greenwood P . G . T yler .
Thc Prov . G . Lodge was then duly opened , and prayer offered by the P . G . Chaplain . 'I he roll of lodges was then called , and also of thc P . G . officers , past and present . Thc minutes of the Prov . G , Lodge , holden at Bradford in February last , were then confirmed ; after which the P . G . Sec . read letters of apology from various brethren who had been prevented from attending the meeting . The remaining business ( which was of a formal character ) having been
transacted , and an invitation from the W . M . of the Lodge of Truth , No . 137 , having been given the Prov . G . M . M . to hold the February meeting at Huddersficld , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . Thc brethren , at 4 p . m ., retired for refreshment , and afterwards spent a very pleasant evening , there being a good attendance from Rochdale , Todmorden , Halifax , Bradford , Leeds , Huddersficld , Wakefield , and Sheffield .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —ST . ANDREW ' S ROY . U . ARCH CHAPTER ( No . 6 9 ) met on thc 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . Comp . T . M . Campbell , P . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . J . Duthie , Z . 67 , acting H . ; J . O . Park , Z . 122 , acting J . ; J . M . Oliver , S . E . ; J . Gibson , S . N . ; W . Thomas , Treas . ; J . Balfour , P . Z . 73 , acting 1 st Soj . ; G . B . Adams , so ,
acting 2 nd Soj ; Geo . Heron , II . 69 , acting 3 rd Soj . ; Thos . Halket , Z . 113 ; W . Dotic , P . Z . 119 , and others . There were two aspirants for Royal Arch honours , Bro . Wm . McMillan , M . M . of Mother Kilwinning No . o , and Bro . Wm . Jones on behalf of the Thetis , R . A . Chapter No . 122 . A Lodge of M . E . Mark Masters was opened , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and that degree given to the candidates in Comp . Duthie's best style . In thc R . A . Degree Comp . T . M . Campbell displayed rare ability , and familiarity with this beautiful degree of Masonry ; throughout he was ably assisted bv the companions taking part in the work . GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE AND ROSE ( No . 73 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the ' Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 9 th inst ., at three
o'clock . Present—Bros . Geo . McDonald , R . W . M . ; G . Weston , P . M ., acting S . W . ; J . I ' . Hanbridge , J . W . ; J . S . Ampleford , Sec ; and others . Two gentlemen were instructed in the First Degree of Masonry , who were proposed and seconded by Bro . Chas . T . Oliver and Robt . McKean , the R . W . M ., G . McDonald , performing the ceremony . At the next regular meeting they will be prepared to be advanced further . The lodge was then closed in usual form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE SCOTIA ( No . 178 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . Bro . J . Singleton , R . W . M ., with his Wardens , Bro . B . ' Gairdner , S . W ., J . W . Hepburn , J . W ., conducted the business before the lodge , which consisted of initiation and F . C . Degree , one candidate for each being presented . The office of I . G . having become vacant , Bro . B . McDonald
was proposed for that office and elected . After some fur . ther business of an ordinary character was got through . the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( NO . 102 ) . —Thcreg . ular meeting of this lodge took place in their hall , 215 Buchanan-street , on the 9 th inst ., and was exceedingl y well attended . The R . W . M ., Bro . J . F . Mitchell , presided .
Bro . Rcnton in the S . W . chair ; Bro . Kerr in thc J . W .-and there were present Bros . T . Halket , P . M . ; A . c Lindsay Gray , D . M . ; W . Westerton , S . M . ; A . Patcrl son , Treas . ; J . Smith , Sec . ; W . Bell , R . W . M . ( , ; . St . John ' s ) ; H . McMillan , J . D . ; Fenfar , I ) , of Music ^ presiding at thc harmonium ; F . W . Louch , P . M . 738 , E . C . ( Port Natal ); F . Marshall , of Lodge Avalon , No .
776 , E . C , St . John ' s , Newfoundland ; J . Booth , S . W . 87 ; G . B . Adams , 3 60 ( Freemason ) , and others . The minutes of the previous meetings ( two ) were read by the Secretary , found to be correct , and confirmed . An application for admittance into Freemasonry , through St . Mark ' s Lodge , from Mr . Joseph Cotter , was submitted to the brethren . The ballot was found clear , and he received thc First
Degree , thc R . W . M . officiating . The R . W . M ., thinking this was a case where thc discretionary power allowed him by Grand Lodge laws in the case of a candidate leaving the country might be used , the brother was passed through the F . C . Degree , and raised to that of M . M ., Bro . Mitchell performing the work in a style marked by masterly carefulness . The R . W . M . then said , if it was agreeable to the
lodge , he would take this opportunity of conferring upon Bro . Bell , R . W . M . of the St . John 3 J-, thc honorary membership of this lodge , as a mark of their sense of his worth as a brother . This was unanimously agreed to , and that honour was conferred upon him . Bro . Bell replied that the honour from a lodge of such high standing in the Craft as St . Mark's was no ordinary mark of respect . Thc
R . W . M . then referred in the most kind and feeling manner to the character and career of the late Bro . Muggins , who was an old and cstemed member of this lodge . By his death Masonry had sustained a severe loss , and this lodge , in which he took such a deep interest , would hear with sorrow and regret thc news of his death . He would take the liberty of asking the office-bearers and members of the
lodge to join him in sending a letter of sympathy and condolence to his sorrowing widow , and that the same be recorded in thc minutes of the lodge . The Treasurer then gave notice of a motion for next meeting , viz ., that the attention of the members of the lodge be called to the recent conduct and language of a brother ; at that meeting , he would lay thc case fully before them , and ' propose what
course thc lodge ought to adopt in reference thereto . This finished the business of the lodge , when it was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . GEORGE ( No . 333 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on thc nth inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-sVrcet . There was a large attendance of the members of thc lodge and visiting
brethren . Bro . Thomson , R . W . M ., took thc chair , supported by Bros . J . Forsyth , S . W . ; R . Andrews , J . W . ; Mclntyre , Sec . ; and others . The lodge was opened with the usual fullness , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , and after being raised to the Sublime Degree , the work before the brethren was that of conferring thc Master Mason Degree upon Bros . R . Mitchell , John
Teiman , and W . McLeish . This being satisfactorily accomplished , a letter from Bro . Stewart was read , intimating thc accidental death of Bro . Dougald Patcrson , who has left a widow and family to mourn his loss in adverse circumstances . It was arranged that proper inquiry be made into thc matter , and , if necessary , pecuniary assistance given to the widow . The R . W . M . then read a circular he had
received from Bro . G . Kenning , calling attention to a " Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry " he is about to publish . He said the well-known character of Bro . Kenning was sufficient guarantee that thc work would be no commonplace concern , and he himself , with confidence , could recommend it to them . He called upon Bro . Adams , of thc Freemason , to explain the nature of the work , which he did , the members
expressing themselves satisfied , and some of them becoming subscribers to thc work . This finished the business , and the lodge was clotcd . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . CI . AIR ( NO . 3 C 2 ) met in their hall , situated at 25 , Robertson-street , on the 9 th inst . A considerable number of brethren were present at themccting . The R . W . M ., Bro . ' Wm . Hogg , took the chair , the S . W .
chair being filled by Bro . Adam Rutherford , the J . W . by Bro . Callen Gallctlay . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and passed , which finished the business on this degree . Thc lodge was then passed to that of F . C , when Bro . Michael Jones was instructed in this degree , Bro . Tliallion , P . M ., officiating . Thc lodge was then raised to the Sublime Degree ,
and Bro . Jones was duly made M . M ., Bro . Win . Hogg , R . W . M ., officiating with his usual clearness . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . — LODGE ATIIOI . ( No . 413 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 215 , Buchanan-street . Bio . I . Wallace ,
R . W . M ., presided , and among others present were Bros . J . Louttit , D . M . ; C . McKcnzic , S . W . ; D . Leeds , J . W . i J . B . McNair , R . W . M . r > 2 > A . Bridges , P . M . 291 ; KC . R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; J . Mclimes , S . W . 408 ; J . Dick , See . 33 , and others . The lodge was opened and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , when Bro . John Kelly , who had made application to the I . o Ige
Union , No . 332 , to bj admitted into the Order , received the First Degree on behalf of that lodge , Bro . McN ' air , R . W . M ., No . 332 , officiating . There was no more business of importance before the lodge , and it was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LOIIG 1 : G I . ASGO W ( NO . 441 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Lodge , U > Struthers-fitreet , on the 10 th inst . Present—Bros . Jolm
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
He congratulated them on the sound and vigorous condition of their lodge . Bro . Watkins rose to propose the next toast , and called upon the brethren to drink in a bumper " The Health of their W . M ., Bro . J . G . Huxtable . " No one was more pleased or gratified than he to see the W . M . installed into the chair of King Solomon . He was one of the founders of the lodge , and he yet hoped to see
other brethren who had assisted in its formation occupy the distinguished position to which he had attained . The W . M . responded , and thanked them most sincerely for the kind manner in which they had proposed and drunk his health . He felt proud of the position to which he had been elected . Advancing in years as he was , he felt that his memory was not so clear or so active as in days gone
by , but he promised them that he would do his best to carry out the important duties of his office faithfully and honourably . Whatever defects they may sec in his efforts he trustctl to their generosity and leniency , and he promised to do all in his power to hand down the warrant which had been entrusted to his keeping that day as pure and untarnished as he had received it from thc hands
of their late W . M ., Bro . Watkins . He felt he should need the aid of his officers and brethren , and particularly that of his I . P . M . and Bro . Charles Rowe , to whom they were all so much indebted . After alluding to the formation and progress of the Prince of Wales Lodge , he expressed the belief that in quality as well as numbers it would bear comparison with any lodge in the province ,
and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the honour conferred upon him by placing him in so proud a position as that which he now occupied . ( Applause . ) Bro . Homfray proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Watkins , P . P . G . S . Wks ., " and in the course of his observations took occasion to invest Bro . Watkins with a valuable P . M . jewel on behalf of the lodge , referring to the
meritorious Masonic career of the recipient , and expressing the hope that he may long be spared to wear the jewel on his breast ( loud and prolonged cheering ) . Thc jewel was supplied by Bro . George Kenning , and thc inscription was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Watkins , P . M . 1429 , and P . P . G . S . W ., Mon ., for valuable service rendered the lodge , August 12 th , 1875 . " Bro . Watkins , in
appropriate and feeling terms , acknowledged thc compliment that had been paid him , not merely in drinking his health , but in presenting him with so valuable a jewel . To adequately thank the brethren for their kindness and manifest appreciation of his services would be one of the most difficult tasks he had been called upon to perform since he had been in thc chair of this lodge . He had ever aimed at
doing his duty , and he now began to think that to some extent , at least , he must have succeeded in that direction . ( Applause . ) His aim would still be to labour to promote the interest of the Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , so that it should stand second to none in thc province . Thc W . M . gave " Thc Installing Master , Bro . Chas . Rowe , P . G . S . " Long may he live to be an honour to the
province . Bro . Rowe acknowledged thc toast in suitable terms . The remaining toasts were , " The Visitors , " " Thc W . M . ' s and Brethren of the Silurian and Isca Lodges , " " Thc Other Lodges of thc Province , " " The Officeis of thc Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , Lodge , " "The Masonic Charities , " " To all Poor and Distressed Masons . " These were acknowledged respectively by Bros . Capt . G .
Homfray , A . G . D . C . of England , and D . P . G . M . of Mon . ; Wyatt , Heath , Wickey Homfray , W . M ., Isca Lodge ; Hartley Feather , Pontypool ; F . Orders , and Bro . H . Fletcher , Tyler . The entire proceedings were characterised by the greatest cordiality and harmony . Thc brethren separated at an early hour . WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —THE KING HAROLD
LODGE ( NO . 1327 ) held its usual monthly meeting at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town , Herts , on Tuesday , thc 17 th of August . Bro . Charles Laccy , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . Herts , the W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . West , P . M . and W . M . 1437 , P . P . G . S . D . Herts ; Young , I . P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . Herts ; Tydcman , P . M . 1437 , R-G . A . P . Essex ; Rcilly , J . W . ; Barwick , Treas . ;
Malcolm , Sec . ; Jacobs , acting as S . W . ; Tydcman , P . M . 1437 , P . G . A . P . Essex , S . D . ; Holmes , J . D . ; Fisher , acting as I . G . ; Stecdman , P . M ., Tyler . There was a good muster of thc brethren . The lodge was honoured by a visit from thc Provincial Grand Secretary of Hertfordshire , Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Herts . The business of thc evening
was to pass Bro . Taylor ; to ballot for four candidates for initiation , viz ., Mr . John William Newman , Mr . James Bull , Mr . G . T . Ridley , and Mr . C . Fuller . The ' ballot was unanimous in favour of these gentlemen . The W . M . then presented a suit of P . G . Lodge clothing to the I . P . M ., Bro . J . K . Young , P . G . A . D . C . Hertfordshire , which was purchased by the members of the King Harold Lodge in
recognition of the valuable services rendered by Bro . Young tojthc lodge . The W . M ., Bro . Laccy , expressed thc gr ^ at pleasure it afforded him in being the medium of conveying to Bro . Young thc feelings of fraternal regard entertained for him by the brethren , and concluded by investing Bro . Young with the clothing . Bro . Young thanked the W . M . and brethren in a suitable manner ,
saying that it was the happiest moment of his life . The business of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony with solemn prayer , after which thc brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . Bro . Dr . lies , replying to that of "The Provincial Grind Officers of Hertfordshire , " said lie was very pleased to see the very able manner in which the W . M ., Bro . Laccy , and his
officers worked the ceremonies , and also the cordial and harmonious feeling that existed between the King Harold and the Gresham Lodges , both being situated in close proximity at Waltham . The evening was enlivened by some very good harmony , rendered in excellent style by Bro . Malcolm , Sec , 1327 , and Bro . Goggs , from London ; and , after thoroughly enjoying themselves , the brethren broke up at an early hour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
CHISLEHURST . —CIIISLEIIURST LODGE ( No . 1531 ) . —An emergency meeting of this young lodge was held on Saturday , August 14 th , at the Bull's Head Hotel , Chislehurst . Bro . J . Coutts , P . G . P . P . M ., W . M ., presided , and in an able , proficient , and impressive manner passed Bros . Wain , Hooker , and Luck to thc Second Degree , and initiated Messrs . Gerard Humphreys and George
Benjamin West into Freemasonry . The candidates were introduced separately , which added to thc importance of thc ceremonies . There were present , Bros . Hutchingsas S . W ; W . Kipps , J . W . ; J . Griffin , P . M ., Sec . ' ; J . Mason , S . D . ; H . Glostcr , J . D . ; W . I-Iardman , I . G . j Hunt , Skinner , and others . There was only one visitor
present . Bro . Robert Russell , P . P . G . D . C , Kent , P . M . 299 , was unanimously elected a joining member , and acted as Past Master . Bros . G . F . Guest , S . W ., and F . Walters , P . P . G . P ., Midx ., PM , were absent from circumstances beyond their control . A very good banquet followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WEST YORKSHIRE . The regular half-yearly meeting of this Prov . G . Lodge was held on Wednesday , thc nth inst ., at Eastwood , near Todmorden , by invitation from the W . M . and brethren of
thc Prince Edward Lodge , No . 14 . A lodge of Mark Masters having been opened by the W . M . and officers , the Provincial G . M . M . ( R . W . Bro . Thomas Perkington , Past G . S . O . ) entered the room , accompanied by the following officers : —
John Wordsworth D . P . G . M . W . F . Wilkinson P . S . G . W . John C . Taylor P . J . G . W . T . S . Higgins , P . P . G . M . O ., as P . G . M . O . Alfred Scargill P . G . S . O . E . Hartley , P . P . G . J . O ., as - .. P . G . J . O . E . Sewcll , M . A P . G . Chap .
G . Normanton P . G . Treas . R . Williamson P . G . Reg . ' William Cooke P . G . Sec . W . S . Wade , M . D P . S . G . D . J . Holroydc , P . P . S . G . D ., as P . J . G . D . W . Roberts , P . P . G . M . O ., as P . G . D . of C . W . Tasker P . G . L of W .
H . W . Wrigley P . G . S . W . B . W . White P . S . St . B . C . F . Unna P . G . Org . J . S . Scanor P . G . I . G . Hy . Beaumont P . G . St . Geo . Marshall as P . G . St . J . Greenwood P . G . T yler .
Thc Prov . G . Lodge was then duly opened , and prayer offered by the P . G . Chaplain . 'I he roll of lodges was then called , and also of thc P . G . officers , past and present . Thc minutes of the Prov . G , Lodge , holden at Bradford in February last , were then confirmed ; after which the P . G . Sec . read letters of apology from various brethren who had been prevented from attending the meeting . The remaining business ( which was of a formal character ) having been
transacted , and an invitation from the W . M . of the Lodge of Truth , No . 137 , having been given the Prov . G . M . M . to hold the February meeting at Huddersficld , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . Thc brethren , at 4 p . m ., retired for refreshment , and afterwards spent a very pleasant evening , there being a good attendance from Rochdale , Todmorden , Halifax , Bradford , Leeds , Huddersficld , Wakefield , and Sheffield .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —ST . ANDREW ' S ROY . U . ARCH CHAPTER ( No . 6 9 ) met on thc 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . Comp . T . M . Campbell , P . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . J . Duthie , Z . 67 , acting H . ; J . O . Park , Z . 122 , acting J . ; J . M . Oliver , S . E . ; J . Gibson , S . N . ; W . Thomas , Treas . ; J . Balfour , P . Z . 73 , acting 1 st Soj . ; G . B . Adams , so ,
acting 2 nd Soj ; Geo . Heron , II . 69 , acting 3 rd Soj . ; Thos . Halket , Z . 113 ; W . Dotic , P . Z . 119 , and others . There were two aspirants for Royal Arch honours , Bro . Wm . McMillan , M . M . of Mother Kilwinning No . o , and Bro . Wm . Jones on behalf of the Thetis , R . A . Chapter No . 122 . A Lodge of M . E . Mark Masters was opened , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and
confirmed , and that degree given to the candidates in Comp . Duthie's best style . In thc R . A . Degree Comp . T . M . Campbell displayed rare ability , and familiarity with this beautiful degree of Masonry ; throughout he was ably assisted bv the companions taking part in the work . GLASGOW . —LODGE THISTLE AND ROSE ( No . 73 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the ' Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 9 th inst ., at three
o'clock . Present—Bros . Geo . McDonald , R . W . M . ; G . Weston , P . M ., acting S . W . ; J . I ' . Hanbridge , J . W . ; J . S . Ampleford , Sec ; and others . Two gentlemen were instructed in the First Degree of Masonry , who were proposed and seconded by Bro . Chas . T . Oliver and Robt . McKean , the R . W . M ., G . McDonald , performing the ceremony . At the next regular meeting they will be prepared to be advanced further . The lodge was then closed in usual form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE SCOTIA ( No . 178 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . Bro . J . Singleton , R . W . M ., with his Wardens , Bro . B . ' Gairdner , S . W ., J . W . Hepburn , J . W ., conducted the business before the lodge , which consisted of initiation and F . C . Degree , one candidate for each being presented . The office of I . G . having become vacant , Bro . B . McDonald
was proposed for that office and elected . After some fur . ther business of an ordinary character was got through . the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( NO . 102 ) . —Thcreg . ular meeting of this lodge took place in their hall , 215 Buchanan-street , on the 9 th inst ., and was exceedingl y well attended . The R . W . M ., Bro . J . F . Mitchell , presided .
Bro . Rcnton in the S . W . chair ; Bro . Kerr in thc J . W .-and there were present Bros . T . Halket , P . M . ; A . c Lindsay Gray , D . M . ; W . Westerton , S . M . ; A . Patcrl son , Treas . ; J . Smith , Sec . ; W . Bell , R . W . M . ( , ; . St . John ' s ) ; H . McMillan , J . D . ; Fenfar , I ) , of Music ^ presiding at thc harmonium ; F . W . Louch , P . M . 738 , E . C . ( Port Natal ); F . Marshall , of Lodge Avalon , No .
776 , E . C , St . John ' s , Newfoundland ; J . Booth , S . W . 87 ; G . B . Adams , 3 60 ( Freemason ) , and others . The minutes of the previous meetings ( two ) were read by the Secretary , found to be correct , and confirmed . An application for admittance into Freemasonry , through St . Mark ' s Lodge , from Mr . Joseph Cotter , was submitted to the brethren . The ballot was found clear , and he received thc First
Degree , thc R . W . M . officiating . The R . W . M ., thinking this was a case where thc discretionary power allowed him by Grand Lodge laws in the case of a candidate leaving the country might be used , the brother was passed through the F . C . Degree , and raised to that of M . M ., Bro . Mitchell performing the work in a style marked by masterly carefulness . The R . W . M . then said , if it was agreeable to the
lodge , he would take this opportunity of conferring upon Bro . Bell , R . W . M . of the St . John 3 J-, thc honorary membership of this lodge , as a mark of their sense of his worth as a brother . This was unanimously agreed to , and that honour was conferred upon him . Bro . Bell replied that the honour from a lodge of such high standing in the Craft as St . Mark's was no ordinary mark of respect . Thc
R . W . M . then referred in the most kind and feeling manner to the character and career of the late Bro . Muggins , who was an old and cstemed member of this lodge . By his death Masonry had sustained a severe loss , and this lodge , in which he took such a deep interest , would hear with sorrow and regret thc news of his death . He would take the liberty of asking the office-bearers and members of the
lodge to join him in sending a letter of sympathy and condolence to his sorrowing widow , and that the same be recorded in thc minutes of the lodge . The Treasurer then gave notice of a motion for next meeting , viz ., that the attention of the members of the lodge be called to the recent conduct and language of a brother ; at that meeting , he would lay thc case fully before them , and ' propose what
course thc lodge ought to adopt in reference thereto . This finished the business of the lodge , when it was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . GEORGE ( No . 333 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on thc nth inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-sVrcet . There was a large attendance of the members of thc lodge and visiting
brethren . Bro . Thomson , R . W . M ., took thc chair , supported by Bros . J . Forsyth , S . W . ; R . Andrews , J . W . ; Mclntyre , Sec . ; and others . The lodge was opened with the usual fullness , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , and after being raised to the Sublime Degree , the work before the brethren was that of conferring thc Master Mason Degree upon Bros . R . Mitchell , John
Teiman , and W . McLeish . This being satisfactorily accomplished , a letter from Bro . Stewart was read , intimating thc accidental death of Bro . Dougald Patcrson , who has left a widow and family to mourn his loss in adverse circumstances . It was arranged that proper inquiry be made into thc matter , and , if necessary , pecuniary assistance given to the widow . The R . W . M . then read a circular he had
received from Bro . G . Kenning , calling attention to a " Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry " he is about to publish . He said the well-known character of Bro . Kenning was sufficient guarantee that thc work would be no commonplace concern , and he himself , with confidence , could recommend it to them . He called upon Bro . Adams , of thc Freemason , to explain the nature of the work , which he did , the members
expressing themselves satisfied , and some of them becoming subscribers to thc work . This finished the business , and the lodge was clotcd . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . CI . AIR ( NO . 3 C 2 ) met in their hall , situated at 25 , Robertson-street , on the 9 th inst . A considerable number of brethren were present at themccting . The R . W . M ., Bro . ' Wm . Hogg , took the chair , the S . W .
chair being filled by Bro . Adam Rutherford , the J . W . by Bro . Callen Gallctlay . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and passed , which finished the business on this degree . Thc lodge was then passed to that of F . C , when Bro . Michael Jones was instructed in this degree , Bro . Tliallion , P . M ., officiating . Thc lodge was then raised to the Sublime Degree ,
and Bro . Jones was duly made M . M ., Bro . Win . Hogg , R . W . M ., officiating with his usual clearness . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . — LODGE ATIIOI . ( No . 413 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , 215 , Buchanan-street . Bio . I . Wallace ,
R . W . M ., presided , and among others present were Bros . J . Louttit , D . M . ; C . McKcnzic , S . W . ; D . Leeds , J . W . i J . B . McNair , R . W . M . r > 2 > A . Bridges , P . M . 291 ; KC . R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; J . Mclimes , S . W . 408 ; J . Dick , See . 33 , and others . The lodge was opened and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , when Bro . John Kelly , who had made application to the I . o Ige
Union , No . 332 , to bj admitted into the Order , received the First Degree on behalf of that lodge , Bro . McN ' air , R . W . M ., No . 332 , officiating . There was no more business of importance before the lodge , and it was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LOIIG 1 : G I . ASGO W ( NO . 441 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Lodge , U > Struthers-fitreet , on the 10 th inst . Present—Bros . Jolm