Article Masonic and General Tidings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
I . P . M . ; Ino . Brown , S . W . ; T . Merry , J . W . ; W . Cooper , Sec . ; -Sheffield , S . D . * , Whittaker , J . D . ; Knight , D . C ; Fraser , I . G . ; Day , Tyler ; Burton , King , R . Bennett , Windovcr . Baldock , Fowkes , Holloway , Slater , Cay , Vincent , Bower , Humber , and Webster ; also Bros . Pipes , sen ., W . M . 10 S 5 ; Pipes , jun ., Sec . 1085 ; and other visitina- brethren . The minutes of the last lodge having
been read and confirmed , Bro . Webster advanced to tlie pedestal , and answered the questions leading from the First to the Second Degree satisfactorily . He then retired for preparation , and was afterwards passed to thc Second Degree by the W . M . Bro . Humber having answered the test questions leading from the Second to the Third Degree , retired , when Bro . Humber was re-admitted , and was Alaster Alason b
raised to the Sublime Degree of a y the W . AI ., assisted by Bro . Alerry , I . P . AI ., in ancient and solemn form . Thc lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and two gentlemen " were proposed far initiation . The W . AI . received the congratulations of the brethren , and lhe lodge was then closed . The brethren afterwards sit down to a substantial supper in the lower hall , and spent
a very pleasant evening , the usual Masonic toasts being duly honoured . The W . M . referred to thc ceremony which would take place on the 251 I 1 inst ., when the foundation stone ofthe New Library and Aluseum would be laid by Bro . AI . T . Bass , M . P ., and called upon the members of the lodge to Le present on that occasion as numerously as possible .
DERBY . — Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday evening , October 4 th . The lodge was < pencd at 7 * 45 p . m . in the First Degree . The brethren present were — Bros . S . Pipes , W . M . ; " . Worsnop , P . M . ; W . Healhcote , S . VV . ; | . O . Alanton , as J . W . ; AI . H . Bobait ,
Treas . ; Geo . Pipes , Sec ; T . Hills , S . D . ; Josh . Healhcote , J . D . ; W . AI . Butterfield , as I . G . ; Thos . Slinn , Tyler ; llexlall , Hid , Johnson , Russell , Steele . Visitors—Bros . John Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; Thos . Roe , P . M ., 1 * 02 ; G . f . Wright , P . M . 731 ; Burton , 731 ; li Bennett , -31 ; Whiitaker , 731 ; T . Aleiry . 731 ; A . I ' rn > ur , 7 -1 ; Wilton , 731 ; M . «• Frith , Great City ,
, 1426 ; A . W . Guthrie , 711 , South Africa ; Josh . Dee Chorlton Lodge , 1- ^ 7 ; Store , W . M ., 7 8 7 ; "A . F . Mawkins , S . W . 787 ; Lovereck , 7 87 ; K . Marshall . 787 ; W . E . Webster , 7 S 7 . The minutes of thc last lodge being read and confirmed , the charge was delivered to Bros . Gore and Prague !! by the S . W . The examination in the test questions being gone through and answered in an
efficient manner by these two brothers they were passed to the Second or F . C Degrec . in ancient and solemn form , by the W . M . Gr . ind Lo . lge certificates were presented to Bros . Johnson and Geo Hill . The ncmination of a ¦ gentleman as a candidate for Freemasonry brought the business to a close . Thc brethren adjourned to tl . e baniiucling-room , where an unusjally excellent spread awaited
iliem . Everything was done to render this meeting one of the best that cnuld possibly be held , in consideration of a number of the brethren of the Beaurepcr Lodge , 7 S 7 , paying this lodge a return visit , and to evince to tlitm the cordial nccpii ) i tbey received at the hands of the Beauriper b . Mlircn on the orension ofa yisit to lluir lodge tame few months age . After the cloth was removed the
usual Masonic toast . ; were given , and most heartily responded to . The evening was veiy much enlivened by suitable songs from tile brethren , and brought to a close at an early hour , the whole of the brethren separating with the utmost good feeling and bn . therly love . LIVERPOOL . —Ferinor Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1 ISO ) . —The monthly meiting tf this lodge took place
on thc qth inst ., at lhe Alas' -nic Hall , Hope-street , Bro . Richard Collinson , W . M ., in the chair . Thc minutes of he pn-vhus meeting were read and confirmed , and thc brilhren at once proceeded to ballot for a candidate , which proving unanimous , he was properly prepared and duly initialed into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry by thc W . M . Tile lodge was 11 en opened in thc Second Degree ,
when the W . M . passed a brother to the degree of Fellow ( -raft . The lodge was then closed down to thc First Degree , when a sum of money was voted towards the sedelia for Chester Cathedral . One of the officers then gave thc following important notice of motion : — "Thatas a feeling for exclusiveness has arisen among the members , in order to keep the funds in a healthy state , that the initiation
fees lie raised frum . £ 6 ds . od ., to £ 10 ios . oi ' ., and thc subscription to £$ r , s . od . per annum instead of £ 2 2 s . od . Nothing further " appearing-, the lodge was closed in due form after solemn prayer by t ' . ie W . M . LIVERPOOL . —Emulation Lodge ( No . 150 ;) . —Thc annual installation meeting of this excellent lodge was held en Friday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Alasonic
Hall , Hope-street , Lherpool . Bro . J . T . Callow , W . M ., occupied the chair at the commencement of the proceedings , and he was supported by Bros . 11 . Nelson , I . P . M . ; 11 . Morris , S . W . ( W . AI . elect ); W . E . Quaylc , J . VV . ; J . Ilocken , P . M ., Tieas . ; W . H . Corbin , See . ; 'I * . Large , i . D . ; ( . Capell , I . G . ; H . Coulson , J . S . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . Org . ; * W . II . Ball , Tyler ; Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . P . G . C ;
J . Purvis , li . Foole , & c . The visitors included Bros . W , Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; Councillor Forrest , W . M , 1547 ; | . Busfield , 216 ; II . Burrows , S . VV . 6 ; . ?; Hugh Willi ,--,,,.,, P . AI . 1264 ; ] . Hughes , W . AI . 220 ; T . Roberts , W . AI . ( j ? - *; li . II . Evans , W . AI . 292 ; T . Clark , P . M . 6 73 ; J , Pcrnbtrti . n , P . G . S . ; R . Alartin , jun ., W . AI . 1182 ; R . R . Martin , I ' . M . 1004 ; W . T . Alay , P . M . 673 , & c . Bro .
Hei . ry Al orris yvas most tfteclively installed in the chair of W . M . l ; y Bro . J . Hcrken , P . AI ., Treas ., and the folli . v . inir wu-e iiivesled officers of lhe * lodge : —l ! ros . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . ; II . Nelson , P . M ., D . C . ; W . E . Guayle , S . W . ; W . II . Corbin , J . W . ; J . Hcckcn , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Capell , See . ; T . Large , S . D . ; H . Coulson , J . D . ; R . i oote , LG . ; A . AlcKinzic , S . ; II . H . Smith , S . ; and W . II . Hall , Tyh r . The sum of ten guineas was voted from
Masonic And General Tidings.
the funds of the lodge towards the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . The brethren subsequently banqueted , and the musical programt-Tie was furnished by Bros . J . Busfield , II . J . Atkinson , J . Queen , A . Child . Hobart , and Skeaf , P . G . O .
INSTRUCTION . WELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 45 8 ) . —Alonday night ' s proceedings and attendance at the White Swan , High-slreet , Deptford , is a proof oS what can be really done at short notice , and under pressure by an energetic Preceptor , who sets his mind on a thing worth doing , it is sure to be done well . The night in question was the
'' Fifteen Section" night , and through the enforced absence through illness of the esteemed Bro . Secretary , the announcement yvas not made to the lodge until less than a fortnight before , but Bro . Preceptor Griffin put his shoulder to the wheel , and his efforts bore good fruit , the issue being that at seven o ' clock on Alonday evening Bro . Shayv ( the
most obliging man and Alason , Preceptor or otherwise , we know of ) , Preceptor oi the Pythagorean Lodge , assumed the chair , having as his S . W . Bro . Pulsford , P . AI . 115 S , etc ., thc other offices being filled as follows : Bros . Church ( J . W . 147 ) , J . W . ; Hutchings , , ' ,. D . * , Gibson , I . G . Lodge having been opened in thc First Degree , thc Lecture was worked as folloyvs : —
FIHST LECTUHE . 1 st Section by Bro . Bridgland . 2 nd „ „ Gibson . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith 4 * „ „ Brown , P . M .
5 th „ „ Cobley . Cth „ „ Pulsford , P . AI . 7 th „ „ Shaw . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and lhe fol lowing was the working of the
SKCOXS LF . CTUHE . 1 st Section by Bro . Waterman . 2 nd „ „ Hutcliings . 3 rd „ „ Church . 4 th „ ,, Beavis . jth ,, „ Alusto . The lodge having been opened i : i the 'I ' tiirtl D . 'give , the Sections were worked as folloyvs : —
ruin : ) LECTURE . lit Section by Bro . Grimr , P . M . 2 nd ,, „ Brown , P . M . 3 rd „ „ Church . With such a pair of nonpareil Preceptors as Bros . Shayv and Pulsford to rule , dire : t , and assist , it is almost superfluous to say that the werk was got through expeditiously
and well . The brethren assisting in the wonting were as nearly perfect as possible , each having been suited to his pet section , save in the instance of Bro . Broyvn , who at short notice did double duty , and right well did he acquit himself . Bros . Wells , Southern Star Lodge , 1158 , Ford , aud Dana , Chislehurst , 1531 , were elected joining members , and the customary vote of thanks to the W . M
officers , and brethren assisting in the workings having been proposed , carried , and responded to , lodge yvas closed i . i due fo-m . In addition to those brethren above enumerated we noticed Bros . West , P . AI . ; Bill , P . AI . ; Davies , P . M . ; Pitt , II . Freeman . Caterson . Gim brill , Lemiikcr , I'Vrd , Dana , Demi , W . Porter , H . Shaw , Upton , Neyins , Butler , Gloster , Williams , Thompson , Fieldson ,
Roper , Nell , Teyvson . HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) . —The members of the above lodge having unanimously decided to remove their lodge to so central a position as the Punch Tavern , Fleet-street , met there on Thursday , Oct . 5 th , to inaugurate that event , and the opening of the winter season , by a supper , which yvas placed on the table in the well-knovtn
complete stylcof lhe host , Bro . F . Beeton , nnd after lhe brethren , numbering nearly tyventy , had done heaity justice to it and the capital yvines provided , the cloth yvas cleared , and thc Chairman ( Bro . G . Harrison , W . M . 1260 ) rose to propose thc loyal toasts , and , prefacing his remarks with the obscnation that having met there on that occasion more for the purposes of conviviality and good
fellowship , he should be but brief . Ina few well chosen words gave " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . G . M . and the rest of lhe Grand Officers , Past and Present ; " and it is needless to add that these toasts met with a hearty reception . Thc Vice-Chairman ( Bro . Ward ) then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " which yvas well received , and in responding to it Bro . Harrison assured the brethren
that nothing had given him greater pleasure than being honoured with such a goodly attendance , which he felt sure augured increased prosperity to the lodge , and before sitting down would ask the brethren to drink "The Health of the Vice-Chairman , " " than a better an one" it would be a difficult task to fir d . Bro . Ward , in responding , concluded a capital speech by proposing the toast of the
evening , " Success to the Hervey Lodge of Instruction , " yvhich was received and drunk in a manner worthy of the lodge . Bro . G . King , jun . P . AI . and Sec , replied , and assured thc members present that he felt very proud of the position the Hervey Lodge had attained in thc Craft , as having bten connected with it at its birth , and had a great deal to do with the rearing cf it in its youthful days . He yvas
confident that at the present lime it yvas well able to stand alone , and not unlikely would be a support and help to other younger lodges . The W . AI . then gave "ThcP . AI ' s . of the Hervey Lodge , " and Bro . King , sen ., P . M ., responded in his usua ' . terse and cheerful manner . The v ' ce Chairman hau ' ng proposed " The Officers , " Bro . Souttnvood as S . W ., was the first to reply , and thanking the brethren for
expressions of sj mpathy to him during Ins ' ate dangerous illness , vv ; , s much pleased to find he yvas siilficicn'lystrong to be among them that evening . And in a most eloquent manner he ahked all thc brethren there for their suppoitand help in the forthcoming election for the Girls' School , when as most present were aware the little daughter of a late officer of the lodge ( Bro . Kingcombe , I . G . ) yvould sland
Masonic And General Tidings.
for election a second time , and as only 404 votes VJM polled last time , he need not inform the brethren that thp would have to strain every nerve to obtain the number t ensure no further disappointment , and in response to th appeal , the brethren one and all assured him of their best support . Bros . J . Sardilar . d Ward and Goodacre having also responded , the W . AI . proposed the toast
of the visitors , and expressed his pleasure in seeinosuch distinguished brcthen among them and drevv the notice of the brethien to the special qualities of each Bros . Baker , Withers , Radcliffe and Williams responded ' The Vice-Chairman then rose to propose the next toast of the evening , that of " The Host , " Bro . Beeton and his wife , Airs . Beeton , and in the name of the brethren would
express the satisfaction that yvas felt at the very genial way in yvhich both had acted to ensure a pleasant meeting . Bro . Beeton responded , and expressed his thanks for the kind treatment he had received from the lodge , and added nothing in his poyver should be left undone to ensure the comfort and convenience of the brethren at all times . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , and the
brethren departed " each on his oyvn yvay , ' expressing satisfaction and enjoyment at such a pleasant meeting . Among the brethren present were Bros . G . Harrison , Ward , G . King , jun ., King , sen ., Baker , J . H . Southwood , J . Sandilands Ward , Goodacre , Binley , Bigyvood , Withers , Radcliffe , Salmon , Steyvard , Beeton , Williams Portivay , and others .
MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —On Monday last thc ceremony of consccratkn was abl y rehearsed by Bro . Jas . Terry , and the installation by Bro . Wm . Stephens , the Preceptor . The meeting was full y attended , thc members and visitors of the surrounding lodges appearing in full Craft clothing . Several handsome presents yvere made , the whole of the present 'furniture
being tbe voluntary offerings of the members . We have no doubt , from the position of the lodge and the efficiency if many of its members , that it will continue to be yvell attended . This being the anniversary of its establishment , a very nice dinner yvas proyided . Bro . Stephens presided , Bro . VV . J . Alurlis occupying the vice-chair . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts folloyved . Bro . Terry responded lor " Tlie Charities , " giyintr an interesting account of the
progress made , and the large increase annually accruing to the differ ; nt funds of the Order ; thanked the members of the lodge for their great liberality , hoping they would continue in the good work they had commenced , and that in future years their subscriptions would be , as heretofore , not less than three figures in the pounds' column . A vote of thanks to the chair and vice-chair brought this , very successful meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . 619 ) . —A convoealion of this chapter yvas held on Thursday evening , Oct . 121 I 1 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington ; Comp . W . II . Green , Al . E . Z ., presiding . The business of the evening , alter the confirmation of the minutes , yvas to exalt , already balloted for , Bros . Henry Thompson , P . AI . of 177 and 11 ; g , and of 142 ( 1 ( "Freemason" ); John Welch , of
the Fidelity Lodge , 3 ; and James John Chapman , of the Alexamha Lodge , 1541 . After this an election took place for Al . E . Z . for the ensuing year , and Comp . W . Seaman , the present IL , was unanimously elected to that high office . Comp . Corkc was elected as H ., and Comp . Wicr as J . A ballot took place for S . E ., and the choice fell upon Comp . W . II . Green , the retiring Al . E . Z . It was
agreed unanimously that a jewel of the usual value should be presented to Comp . \ V . H . Green , the retiring Al . E . Z ., for the zeal and ability with yvhich he had discharged that office during the last tyvo years , and a compliment yvas agreed to be conferred upon Comp . Angres , for his services as S . E . Some other appointments having been made , lhe companions retired to the banqueting
room , where many good things awaited them . On the withdrawal of thc cloth , after the formal toasts had been given , the Al . E . Z . said there yvas always a most important toast to be given on such occasions , and that was to drink the health of their newly-exalted companions . They hailed their coming amongst them , as it yvas always the dcs » re of the Beadon Chapter to receive an infusion of
new blood , as an evidence of their progress , and at the same time it gave stability to their pioceedings . With all the Royal Arch honours , he proposed " The Health of their Newly exalted Companions , Thompson , Welch , and Chapman , " feeling sure that they would become yvorthy members of their noble Order . This toast was yvarmly received , and on Comp . Thompson being requested to
return thanks for the oilier neyvly-elected companions , he said lie regretted that the task had fallen upon him , as he yvas then in much the same position as he yvas in the Craft lodge 20 years ago at his initiation , not knowing in what exact terms he should address them in acknoyvledging the high honour thatt had been conferred upon him in being admitted to that
supreme degree ot r reemasonry , ne nus " say the same of his brother companions who had goii <* through the ceremony with him . He felt , as they did , impressed yvith its importance , and he hoped and trusted that they would not prove themselves unworthy members of the degree into yvhich that night they had been received . Some other toasts having been given thc proceedings terminated at 1 r o ' clock , in the true spirit of Freemasonry .
A gentleman , who withholds' his name , has offered , through Alessrs . Agnew , a marble copy of the Venus de Milo as a contribution to the Liverpool Ait Gallery , and the offer has been accepted .
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Masonic And General Tidings.
I . P . M . ; Ino . Brown , S . W . ; T . Merry , J . W . ; W . Cooper , Sec . ; -Sheffield , S . D . * , Whittaker , J . D . ; Knight , D . C ; Fraser , I . G . ; Day , Tyler ; Burton , King , R . Bennett , Windovcr . Baldock , Fowkes , Holloway , Slater , Cay , Vincent , Bower , Humber , and Webster ; also Bros . Pipes , sen ., W . M . 10 S 5 ; Pipes , jun ., Sec . 1085 ; and other visitina- brethren . The minutes of the last lodge having
been read and confirmed , Bro . Webster advanced to tlie pedestal , and answered the questions leading from the First to the Second Degree satisfactorily . He then retired for preparation , and was afterwards passed to thc Second Degree by the W . M . Bro . Humber having answered the test questions leading from the Second to the Third Degree , retired , when Bro . Humber was re-admitted , and was Alaster Alason b
raised to the Sublime Degree of a y the W . AI ., assisted by Bro . Alerry , I . P . AI ., in ancient and solemn form . Thc lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and two gentlemen " were proposed far initiation . The W . AI . received the congratulations of the brethren , and lhe lodge was then closed . The brethren afterwards sit down to a substantial supper in the lower hall , and spent
a very pleasant evening , the usual Masonic toasts being duly honoured . The W . M . referred to thc ceremony which would take place on the 251 I 1 inst ., when the foundation stone ofthe New Library and Aluseum would be laid by Bro . AI . T . Bass , M . P ., and called upon the members of the lodge to Le present on that occasion as numerously as possible .
DERBY . — Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday evening , October 4 th . The lodge was < pencd at 7 * 45 p . m . in the First Degree . The brethren present were — Bros . S . Pipes , W . M . ; " . Worsnop , P . M . ; W . Healhcote , S . VV . ; | . O . Alanton , as J . W . ; AI . H . Bobait ,
Treas . ; Geo . Pipes , Sec ; T . Hills , S . D . ; Josh . Healhcote , J . D . ; W . AI . Butterfield , as I . G . ; Thos . Slinn , Tyler ; llexlall , Hid , Johnson , Russell , Steele . Visitors—Bros . John Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; Thos . Roe , P . M ., 1 * 02 ; G . f . Wright , P . M . 731 ; Burton , 731 ; li Bennett , -31 ; Whiitaker , 731 ; T . Aleiry . 731 ; A . I ' rn > ur , 7 -1 ; Wilton , 731 ; M . «• Frith , Great City ,
, 1426 ; A . W . Guthrie , 711 , South Africa ; Josh . Dee Chorlton Lodge , 1- ^ 7 ; Store , W . M ., 7 8 7 ; "A . F . Mawkins , S . W . 787 ; Lovereck , 7 87 ; K . Marshall . 787 ; W . E . Webster , 7 S 7 . The minutes of thc last lodge being read and confirmed , the charge was delivered to Bros . Gore and Prague !! by the S . W . The examination in the test questions being gone through and answered in an
efficient manner by these two brothers they were passed to the Second or F . C Degrec . in ancient and solemn form , by the W . M . Gr . ind Lo . lge certificates were presented to Bros . Johnson and Geo Hill . The ncmination of a ¦ gentleman as a candidate for Freemasonry brought the business to a close . Thc brethren adjourned to tl . e baniiucling-room , where an unusjally excellent spread awaited
iliem . Everything was done to render this meeting one of the best that cnuld possibly be held , in consideration of a number of the brethren of the Beaurepcr Lodge , 7 S 7 , paying this lodge a return visit , and to evince to tlitm the cordial nccpii ) i tbey received at the hands of the Beauriper b . Mlircn on the orension ofa yisit to lluir lodge tame few months age . After the cloth was removed the
usual Masonic toast . ; were given , and most heartily responded to . The evening was veiy much enlivened by suitable songs from tile brethren , and brought to a close at an early hour , the whole of the brethren separating with the utmost good feeling and bn . therly love . LIVERPOOL . —Ferinor Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1 ISO ) . —The monthly meiting tf this lodge took place
on thc qth inst ., at lhe Alas' -nic Hall , Hope-street , Bro . Richard Collinson , W . M ., in the chair . Thc minutes of he pn-vhus meeting were read and confirmed , and thc brilhren at once proceeded to ballot for a candidate , which proving unanimous , he was properly prepared and duly initialed into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry by thc W . M . Tile lodge was 11 en opened in thc Second Degree ,
when the W . M . passed a brother to the degree of Fellow ( -raft . The lodge was then closed down to thc First Degree , when a sum of money was voted towards the sedelia for Chester Cathedral . One of the officers then gave thc following important notice of motion : — "Thatas a feeling for exclusiveness has arisen among the members , in order to keep the funds in a healthy state , that the initiation
fees lie raised frum . £ 6 ds . od ., to £ 10 ios . oi ' ., and thc subscription to £$ r , s . od . per annum instead of £ 2 2 s . od . Nothing further " appearing-, the lodge was closed in due form after solemn prayer by t ' . ie W . M . LIVERPOOL . —Emulation Lodge ( No . 150 ;) . —Thc annual installation meeting of this excellent lodge was held en Friday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Alasonic
Hall , Hope-street , Lherpool . Bro . J . T . Callow , W . M ., occupied the chair at the commencement of the proceedings , and he was supported by Bros . 11 . Nelson , I . P . M . ; 11 . Morris , S . W . ( W . AI . elect ); W . E . Quaylc , J . VV . ; J . Ilocken , P . M ., Tieas . ; W . H . Corbin , See . ; 'I * . Large , i . D . ; ( . Capell , I . G . ; H . Coulson , J . S . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . Org . ; * W . II . Ball , Tyler ; Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . P . G . C ;
J . Purvis , li . Foole , & c . The visitors included Bros . W , Doyle , P . P . G . J . D . ; Councillor Forrest , W . M , 1547 ; | . Busfield , 216 ; II . Burrows , S . VV . 6 ; . ?; Hugh Willi ,--,,,.,, P . AI . 1264 ; ] . Hughes , W . AI . 220 ; T . Roberts , W . AI . ( j ? - *; li . II . Evans , W . AI . 292 ; T . Clark , P . M . 6 73 ; J , Pcrnbtrti . n , P . G . S . ; R . Alartin , jun ., W . AI . 1182 ; R . R . Martin , I ' . M . 1004 ; W . T . Alay , P . M . 673 , & c . Bro .
Hei . ry Al orris yvas most tfteclively installed in the chair of W . M . l ; y Bro . J . Hcrken , P . AI ., Treas ., and the folli . v . inir wu-e iiivesled officers of lhe * lodge : —l ! ros . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . ; II . Nelson , P . M ., D . C . ; W . E . Guayle , S . W . ; W . II . Corbin , J . W . ; J . Hcckcn , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Capell , See . ; T . Large , S . D . ; H . Coulson , J . D . ; R . i oote , LG . ; A . AlcKinzic , S . ; II . H . Smith , S . ; and W . II . Hall , Tyh r . The sum of ten guineas was voted from
Masonic And General Tidings.
the funds of the lodge towards the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . J . T . Callow , I . P . M . The brethren subsequently banqueted , and the musical programt-Tie was furnished by Bros . J . Busfield , II . J . Atkinson , J . Queen , A . Child . Hobart , and Skeaf , P . G . O .
INSTRUCTION . WELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 45 8 ) . —Alonday night ' s proceedings and attendance at the White Swan , High-slreet , Deptford , is a proof oS what can be really done at short notice , and under pressure by an energetic Preceptor , who sets his mind on a thing worth doing , it is sure to be done well . The night in question was the
'' Fifteen Section" night , and through the enforced absence through illness of the esteemed Bro . Secretary , the announcement yvas not made to the lodge until less than a fortnight before , but Bro . Preceptor Griffin put his shoulder to the wheel , and his efforts bore good fruit , the issue being that at seven o ' clock on Alonday evening Bro . Shayv ( the
most obliging man and Alason , Preceptor or otherwise , we know of ) , Preceptor oi the Pythagorean Lodge , assumed the chair , having as his S . W . Bro . Pulsford , P . AI . 115 S , etc ., thc other offices being filled as follows : Bros . Church ( J . W . 147 ) , J . W . ; Hutchings , , ' ,. D . * , Gibson , I . G . Lodge having been opened in thc First Degree , thc Lecture was worked as folloyvs : —
FIHST LECTUHE . 1 st Section by Bro . Bridgland . 2 nd „ „ Gibson . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith 4 * „ „ Brown , P . M .
5 th „ „ Cobley . Cth „ „ Pulsford , P . AI . 7 th „ „ Shaw . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and lhe fol lowing was the working of the
SKCOXS LF . CTUHE . 1 st Section by Bro . Waterman . 2 nd „ „ Hutcliings . 3 rd „ „ Church . 4 th „ ,, Beavis . jth ,, „ Alusto . The lodge having been opened i : i the 'I ' tiirtl D . 'give , the Sections were worked as folloyvs : —
ruin : ) LECTURE . lit Section by Bro . Grimr , P . M . 2 nd ,, „ Brown , P . M . 3 rd „ „ Church . With such a pair of nonpareil Preceptors as Bros . Shayv and Pulsford to rule , dire : t , and assist , it is almost superfluous to say that the werk was got through expeditiously
and well . The brethren assisting in the wonting were as nearly perfect as possible , each having been suited to his pet section , save in the instance of Bro . Broyvn , who at short notice did double duty , and right well did he acquit himself . Bros . Wells , Southern Star Lodge , 1158 , Ford , aud Dana , Chislehurst , 1531 , were elected joining members , and the customary vote of thanks to the W . M
officers , and brethren assisting in the workings having been proposed , carried , and responded to , lodge yvas closed i . i due fo-m . In addition to those brethren above enumerated we noticed Bros . West , P . AI . ; Bill , P . AI . ; Davies , P . M . ; Pitt , II . Freeman . Caterson . Gim brill , Lemiikcr , I'Vrd , Dana , Demi , W . Porter , H . Shaw , Upton , Neyins , Butler , Gloster , Williams , Thompson , Fieldson ,
Roper , Nell , Teyvson . HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) . —The members of the above lodge having unanimously decided to remove their lodge to so central a position as the Punch Tavern , Fleet-street , met there on Thursday , Oct . 5 th , to inaugurate that event , and the opening of the winter season , by a supper , which yvas placed on the table in the well-knovtn
complete stylcof lhe host , Bro . F . Beeton , nnd after lhe brethren , numbering nearly tyventy , had done heaity justice to it and the capital yvines provided , the cloth yvas cleared , and thc Chairman ( Bro . G . Harrison , W . M . 1260 ) rose to propose thc loyal toasts , and , prefacing his remarks with the obscnation that having met there on that occasion more for the purposes of conviviality and good
fellowship , he should be but brief . Ina few well chosen words gave " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . G . M . and the rest of lhe Grand Officers , Past and Present ; " and it is needless to add that these toasts met with a hearty reception . Thc Vice-Chairman ( Bro . Ward ) then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " which yvas well received , and in responding to it Bro . Harrison assured the brethren
that nothing had given him greater pleasure than being honoured with such a goodly attendance , which he felt sure augured increased prosperity to the lodge , and before sitting down would ask the brethren to drink "The Health of the Vice-Chairman , " " than a better an one" it would be a difficult task to fir d . Bro . Ward , in responding , concluded a capital speech by proposing the toast of the
evening , " Success to the Hervey Lodge of Instruction , " yvhich was received and drunk in a manner worthy of the lodge . Bro . G . King , jun . P . AI . and Sec , replied , and assured thc members present that he felt very proud of the position the Hervey Lodge had attained in thc Craft , as having bten connected with it at its birth , and had a great deal to do with the rearing cf it in its youthful days . He yvas
confident that at the present lime it yvas well able to stand alone , and not unlikely would be a support and help to other younger lodges . The W . AI . then gave "ThcP . AI ' s . of the Hervey Lodge , " and Bro . King , sen ., P . M ., responded in his usua ' . terse and cheerful manner . The v ' ce Chairman hau ' ng proposed " The Officers , " Bro . Souttnvood as S . W ., was the first to reply , and thanking the brethren for
expressions of sj mpathy to him during Ins ' ate dangerous illness , vv ; , s much pleased to find he yvas siilficicn'lystrong to be among them that evening . And in a most eloquent manner he ahked all thc brethren there for their suppoitand help in the forthcoming election for the Girls' School , when as most present were aware the little daughter of a late officer of the lodge ( Bro . Kingcombe , I . G . ) yvould sland
Masonic And General Tidings.
for election a second time , and as only 404 votes VJM polled last time , he need not inform the brethren that thp would have to strain every nerve to obtain the number t ensure no further disappointment , and in response to th appeal , the brethren one and all assured him of their best support . Bros . J . Sardilar . d Ward and Goodacre having also responded , the W . AI . proposed the toast
of the visitors , and expressed his pleasure in seeinosuch distinguished brcthen among them and drevv the notice of the brethien to the special qualities of each Bros . Baker , Withers , Radcliffe and Williams responded ' The Vice-Chairman then rose to propose the next toast of the evening , that of " The Host , " Bro . Beeton and his wife , Airs . Beeton , and in the name of the brethren would
express the satisfaction that yvas felt at the very genial way in yvhich both had acted to ensure a pleasant meeting . Bro . Beeton responded , and expressed his thanks for the kind treatment he had received from the lodge , and added nothing in his poyver should be left undone to ensure the comfort and convenience of the brethren at all times . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , and the
brethren departed " each on his oyvn yvay , ' expressing satisfaction and enjoyment at such a pleasant meeting . Among the brethren present were Bros . G . Harrison , Ward , G . King , jun ., King , sen ., Baker , J . H . Southwood , J . Sandilands Ward , Goodacre , Binley , Bigyvood , Withers , Radcliffe , Salmon , Steyvard , Beeton , Williams Portivay , and others .
MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —On Monday last thc ceremony of consccratkn was abl y rehearsed by Bro . Jas . Terry , and the installation by Bro . Wm . Stephens , the Preceptor . The meeting was full y attended , thc members and visitors of the surrounding lodges appearing in full Craft clothing . Several handsome presents yvere made , the whole of the present 'furniture
being tbe voluntary offerings of the members . We have no doubt , from the position of the lodge and the efficiency if many of its members , that it will continue to be yvell attended . This being the anniversary of its establishment , a very nice dinner yvas proyided . Bro . Stephens presided , Bro . VV . J . Alurlis occupying the vice-chair . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts folloyved . Bro . Terry responded lor " Tlie Charities , " giyintr an interesting account of the
progress made , and the large increase annually accruing to the differ ; nt funds of the Order ; thanked the members of the lodge for their great liberality , hoping they would continue in the good work they had commenced , and that in future years their subscriptions would be , as heretofore , not less than three figures in the pounds' column . A vote of thanks to the chair and vice-chair brought this , very successful meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BEADON CHAPTER ( No . 619 ) . —A convoealion of this chapter yvas held on Thursday evening , Oct . 121 I 1 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington ; Comp . W . II . Green , Al . E . Z ., presiding . The business of the evening , alter the confirmation of the minutes , yvas to exalt , already balloted for , Bros . Henry Thompson , P . AI . of 177 and 11 ; g , and of 142 ( 1 ( "Freemason" ); John Welch , of
the Fidelity Lodge , 3 ; and James John Chapman , of the Alexamha Lodge , 1541 . After this an election took place for Al . E . Z . for the ensuing year , and Comp . W . Seaman , the present IL , was unanimously elected to that high office . Comp . Corkc was elected as H ., and Comp . Wicr as J . A ballot took place for S . E ., and the choice fell upon Comp . W . II . Green , the retiring Al . E . Z . It was
agreed unanimously that a jewel of the usual value should be presented to Comp . \ V . H . Green , the retiring Al . E . Z ., for the zeal and ability with yvhich he had discharged that office during the last tyvo years , and a compliment yvas agreed to be conferred upon Comp . Angres , for his services as S . E . Some other appointments having been made , lhe companions retired to the banqueting
room , where many good things awaited them . On the withdrawal of thc cloth , after the formal toasts had been given , the Al . E . Z . said there yvas always a most important toast to be given on such occasions , and that was to drink the health of their newly-exalted companions . They hailed their coming amongst them , as it yvas always the dcs » re of the Beadon Chapter to receive an infusion of
new blood , as an evidence of their progress , and at the same time it gave stability to their pioceedings . With all the Royal Arch honours , he proposed " The Health of their Newly exalted Companions , Thompson , Welch , and Chapman , " feeling sure that they would become yvorthy members of their noble Order . This toast was yvarmly received , and on Comp . Thompson being requested to
return thanks for the oilier neyvly-elected companions , he said lie regretted that the task had fallen upon him , as he yvas then in much the same position as he yvas in the Craft lodge 20 years ago at his initiation , not knowing in what exact terms he should address them in acknoyvledging the high honour thatt had been conferred upon him in being admitted to that
supreme degree ot r reemasonry , ne nus " say the same of his brother companions who had goii <* through the ceremony with him . He felt , as they did , impressed yvith its importance , and he hoped and trusted that they would not prove themselves unworthy members of the degree into yvhich that night they had been received . Some other toasts having been given thc proceedings terminated at 1 r o ' clock , in the true spirit of Freemasonry .
A gentleman , who withholds' his name , has offered , through Alessrs . Agnew , a marble copy of the Venus de Milo as a contribution to the Liverpool Ait Gallery , and the offer has been accepted .