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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A GRAND MASONIC BALL Will be given by the Lodges , Chapters , and Encampment meeting at the CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON-STREET , CITY , On JVednesdai j ) March 2 , 6 th , 1873 . The proceeds will be given to ffjc llagaltftasoiric institution for ( girls , FIRSKLIST OF STEWARDS : PRESIDENT : THE RT . HON- . THE EARL ov LIMERICK , Provincial Grand Master of Bristol . Bro . Moss , W . M ., Lodge of Tranquility , 18 5 . „ E . H . Hunt , W . M ., Lodge of Joppa , 188 . „ F . Trott , W . M ., Lion and Lamb Lodge , 192 . „ C . F . Hogard , W . M ., Lodgeof Israel , 20 5 . „ W . J . Crossfield ,-W . AI ., Panmure Lodge , 7 'j-„ J . T . Moss , W . AL , 1423 . „ G . Newman , W . M ., William Preston Lodge , 7 66 . Comp . E . Roberts , AI . E . Z ., Lion and Lamb Chapter , 192 . „ J . Stevens , M . E . Z ., 771 . Bro . Wheeler , 28 . „ Tighe . aS . „ T . A . Rochussen , , 33 . „ Ur . Woodman , P . AL , 66 . „ H . C . Levander , P . M ., P . Z . 76 . „ E . Gottheil , P . AL , 141 . „ J . Constable , S . W ., 185 . „ J . Peartree , Treasurer , 1 S 5 . „ R . liloomMd , I . P . M ., 185 „ J . Harris , LP . AL . 192 . „ W . Goodyear , P . AI . and Treasurer , 192 . „ E . King , P . AL , 192 . „ J ones , 392 . „ W . Cotter , 192 . „ W . Ramsey , 192 . „ G . E . Baker , 192 . „ E . Sillifant , 21 7 . „ H . Cox , 238 . „ J ohn Thorn ? s , P . M ., P . Z ., 507 . „ L . Hirsch , 861 . „ M . S . Larliiam , 1216 . „ D . R . Still , W . AL , 1293 . „ Kenyon , P . M ., 1293 . „ J . H . Younghusband , P . AL , P . Z . „ S . Rosenthall , P . AL , P . Z . „ Dr . F . Ramsey , Faith and Fidelity Encampment , 26 . „ J . C . Parkinson , Faith and Fidelity Encampment , 26 . Tickets , including Supper and Refreshments : Gentlemen ' s , 15 s . ; Ladies ' , 12 s . 6 d .- Double , 25 s . COOTE AND TINNEY'S BAND will attend . BRO . THOMAS AIEEKHAM , Al . C . BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . AL , P . Z ., 192 , ¦ - - ¦ Hon . iSecretary .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or THE WESTERN DIVISION OI' THE COUNTY 01-LANCASTER . By command of the R . W . P . G . AI ., Lord Skelmersdale , a Prov . Grand Lodge will be held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , ( by the kind permission of the Alayor , Bro . Samuelson , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Cheshire ) on Thursday , tlie 37 th inst ., for the purpose of installing [ the Honourable F . Stanley , AT . P ., as D . P . G . AI ., " and transacting the business of tlie Province . The Craft Lodge will be opened at twelve o ' clock . The banquet will be held at half-past four o ' clock in the afternoon , at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool . Tickets , Ten Shillings and Sixpence each , may be obtained from Bro . Broadbridge , P . G . D . C , 4 , Rtiiiiford-place , or from the Provincial Grand Stewards , viz ., Bro . Dr . J . Mercer Johnson , 47 , Everton Road ; Bro . Baker , 12 , Whitechapel ; Bi \ y . Doyle , 6 , Lord Street ; Bro . Robinson , Church Street , Preston ; Bro . G . de la Perelle , Jacksen ' s Chambers , Thomas Street , and Bro . Landless , Blackpool . H . S . ALPASS . Provincial Grand Secretary . 331 , Park Road , Liverpool , ioth February , 1873 .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , q , NEW BRIDGE-STU . KKT , LONDON . JOSKPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., l' . G . D ., Cliaiimaii . This Company was tlie Inst to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to hearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , \ c , nuneccssary , and they hale at all times an immediate puichuseablc value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
¦ DR 1 T 1 SH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - COMPANY . 4 , Quccn-sticet-plnee , London , ICC . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 0 . 34 policies for £ 320 , 319 . New annual income , . £ . 0 , 820 . r / 2 death claims paid fur X ' 28 , 487 18 s . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ z , \ $$ Ss . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by iu year , £ 3 6 , 307 . In force 17 , 000 policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 , Annual premium income , jL ' t ) $ , tjtj 8 . Paid ( or death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 173 pei ' . ries . £ ' 87 . S 58-Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . W . S . GOVER , Managing Director
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents Ciuiii- OFI ' ICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONUON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHAHLES K . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOHOE POWELL .
jyrONEY . —LOANS granted immediately , from £ ° £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable o \ er Tlnee , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with tlie WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , NevillcjStrcct , Newcastle . AgeMs ^ Wanted .
g MOSES and SON'S PRICE LIST of QENTLEAIENS' CLOTHING : s . d . s . tl . Business Suits 23 o to 63 o Walking Suits 23 o to 63 o Overcoats 136 to 50 o Oxford Coats t 8 o to 45 o Cambridge Coats rn o to so o Frock Coats 25 o to 6 3 o Dress Coats 250 to 6 3 cr Kertch Jackets 100 to 35 o Sutherland jackets 16 6 to 40 o Dress Trousers 12 6 to 26 o Doeskin and Tweed Trousers 96 to 21 o ¦
[ JOYS' CLOTHING : ¦ " s . d . s . d . The "Knickerbocker" Suit 8 6 to 44 o Ditto of Holland or Linen ... 4 9 to 15 o The "Zouave" Suit 13 o to 44 o The "Sailors '" Suit , from 146 The "Eton" Suit 14 o to 5 s o The "Imperial" Suit 25 o to 5 6 o The "Brighton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The Dress Suit - . 21 o to 6 3 o The " Belgian Suit" 16 6 to 44 o tor the coincidence of ladies accompanying tlieir sons ihere is a distinct department for Boys' Clothing . to
^/¦ INTER OVERCOAT S 19 s . £ 5 .
17 MOSES and SON desire to call attention - ^' to their stock or Winter Overcoats , which surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence , any lhat they have hitherto offered to tbe Public . 17 MOSES and SON have always on hand a large stock of articles required for Mourning . Mourning Suits 35 / - to 90 / -
| 7 MOSES ami SON supply every description ' of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all aires , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . Prices based ou icady-i-noncy system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , willi Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , ami Fashion-sheet , gratis and post-free . ]? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate * system of self-measurement enables then , to execute orders liy post , with the guarantee ol a faultless lit . J £ MOSliS and SON'S Establishments are closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday ciciiing at sunset , when l / usiiicss is resumed until 11 o'clock . The following are thc only Addresses ot E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Coiner of Tottenham Couit-road and Euston-road . COUNTHV BHANCII . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXKITUTKU UPON Sitt \ r Gutdj MetufSf 6 V »/ v and Stones ( fur Scaling ) , In ihe very highest iiylc of art ami workmanship ; also upon STI £ ULDUCS , lor Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes ; Ol'lHCIAL -biiA ' -S designed , made and fined into l'resbes , for L ' ublie Com * panics and Societies ; PliRFOKATIiD ( or pierced ) and CARVED CUliSTS , LliTTIiKS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS mane for Book Cow . ' s , Cigar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with liiwwitiir , all executed o . v rttt : i'iu : * ii * E .-t at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S ENGRAVING AND DIE-SINKING OFI ' ICES . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST , LONDON , W
NOW READY , Price 2 !> . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Publisher ! by Bro . GEOIIOE KENNINO , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C , and ; may be bad of all Booksellers ana News Agents , by giving address 01 publishing office .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A GRAND MASONIC BALL Will be given by the Lodges , Chapters , and Encampment meeting at the CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON-STREET , CITY , On JVednesdai j ) March 2 , 6 th , 1873 . The proceeds will be given to ffjc llagaltftasoiric institution for ( girls , FIRSKLIST OF STEWARDS : PRESIDENT : THE RT . HON- . THE EARL ov LIMERICK , Provincial Grand Master of Bristol . Bro . Moss , W . M ., Lodge of Tranquility , 18 5 . „ E . H . Hunt , W . M ., Lodge of Joppa , 188 . „ F . Trott , W . M ., Lion and Lamb Lodge , 192 . „ C . F . Hogard , W . M ., Lodgeof Israel , 20 5 . „ W . J . Crossfield ,-W . AI ., Panmure Lodge , 7 'j-„ J . T . Moss , W . AL , 1423 . „ G . Newman , W . M ., William Preston Lodge , 7 66 . Comp . E . Roberts , AI . E . Z ., Lion and Lamb Chapter , 192 . „ J . Stevens , M . E . Z ., 771 . Bro . Wheeler , 28 . „ Tighe . aS . „ T . A . Rochussen , , 33 . „ Ur . Woodman , P . AL , 66 . „ H . C . Levander , P . M ., P . Z . 76 . „ E . Gottheil , P . AL , 141 . „ J . Constable , S . W ., 185 . „ J . Peartree , Treasurer , 1 S 5 . „ R . liloomMd , I . P . M ., 185 „ J . Harris , LP . AL . 192 . „ W . Goodyear , P . AI . and Treasurer , 192 . „ E . King , P . AL , 192 . „ J ones , 392 . „ W . Cotter , 192 . „ W . Ramsey , 192 . „ G . E . Baker , 192 . „ E . Sillifant , 21 7 . „ H . Cox , 238 . „ J ohn Thorn ? s , P . M ., P . Z ., 507 . „ L . Hirsch , 861 . „ M . S . Larliiam , 1216 . „ D . R . Still , W . AL , 1293 . „ Kenyon , P . M ., 1293 . „ J . H . Younghusband , P . AL , P . Z . „ S . Rosenthall , P . AL , P . Z . „ Dr . F . Ramsey , Faith and Fidelity Encampment , 26 . „ J . C . Parkinson , Faith and Fidelity Encampment , 26 . Tickets , including Supper and Refreshments : Gentlemen ' s , 15 s . ; Ladies ' , 12 s . 6 d .- Double , 25 s . COOTE AND TINNEY'S BAND will attend . BRO . THOMAS AIEEKHAM , Al . C . BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . AL , P . Z ., 192 , ¦ - - ¦ Hon . iSecretary .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or THE WESTERN DIVISION OI' THE COUNTY 01-LANCASTER . By command of the R . W . P . G . AI ., Lord Skelmersdale , a Prov . Grand Lodge will be held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , ( by the kind permission of the Alayor , Bro . Samuelson , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Cheshire ) on Thursday , tlie 37 th inst ., for the purpose of installing [ the Honourable F . Stanley , AT . P ., as D . P . G . AI ., " and transacting the business of tlie Province . The Craft Lodge will be opened at twelve o ' clock . The banquet will be held at half-past four o ' clock in the afternoon , at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool . Tickets , Ten Shillings and Sixpence each , may be obtained from Bro . Broadbridge , P . G . D . C , 4 , Rtiiiiford-place , or from the Provincial Grand Stewards , viz ., Bro . Dr . J . Mercer Johnson , 47 , Everton Road ; Bro . Baker , 12 , Whitechapel ; Bi \ y . Doyle , 6 , Lord Street ; Bro . Robinson , Church Street , Preston ; Bro . G . de la Perelle , Jacksen ' s Chambers , Thomas Street , and Bro . Landless , Blackpool . H . S . ALPASS . Provincial Grand Secretary . 331 , Park Road , Liverpool , ioth February , 1873 .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , q , NEW BRIDGE-STU . KKT , LONDON . JOSKPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., l' . G . D ., Cliaiimaii . This Company was tlie Inst to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to hearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , \ c , nuneccssary , and they hale at all times an immediate puichuseablc value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
¦ DR 1 T 1 SH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - COMPANY . 4 , Quccn-sticet-plnee , London , ICC . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 , 0 . 34 policies for £ 320 , 319 . New annual income , . £ . 0 , 820 . r / 2 death claims paid fur X ' 28 , 487 18 s . id . 20 claims for matured policies , £ z , \ $$ Ss . 4 d . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by iu year , £ 3 6 , 307 . In force 17 , 000 policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 , Annual premium income , jL ' t ) $ , tjtj 8 . Paid ( or death claims in 17 years , under 1 , 173 pei ' . ries . £ ' 87 . S 58-Accumulated fund increased to £ 273 , 073 . W . S . GOVER , Managing Director
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents Ciuiii- OFI ' ICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONUON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHAHLES K . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOHOE POWELL .
jyrONEY . —LOANS granted immediately , from £ ° £ 2 , 000 at 5 percent ., repayable o \ er Tlnee , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with tlie WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , NevillcjStrcct , Newcastle . AgeMs ^ Wanted .
g MOSES and SON'S PRICE LIST of QENTLEAIENS' CLOTHING : s . d . s . tl . Business Suits 23 o to 63 o Walking Suits 23 o to 63 o Overcoats 136 to 50 o Oxford Coats t 8 o to 45 o Cambridge Coats rn o to so o Frock Coats 25 o to 6 3 o Dress Coats 250 to 6 3 cr Kertch Jackets 100 to 35 o Sutherland jackets 16 6 to 40 o Dress Trousers 12 6 to 26 o Doeskin and Tweed Trousers 96 to 21 o ¦
[ JOYS' CLOTHING : ¦ " s . d . s . d . The "Knickerbocker" Suit 8 6 to 44 o Ditto of Holland or Linen ... 4 9 to 15 o The "Zouave" Suit 13 o to 44 o The "Sailors '" Suit , from 146 The "Eton" Suit 14 o to 5 s o The "Imperial" Suit 25 o to 5 6 o The "Brighton" Suit 14 o to 52 o The Dress Suit - . 21 o to 6 3 o The " Belgian Suit" 16 6 to 44 o tor the coincidence of ladies accompanying tlieir sons ihere is a distinct department for Boys' Clothing . to
^/¦ INTER OVERCOAT S 19 s . £ 5 .
17 MOSES and SON desire to call attention - ^' to their stock or Winter Overcoats , which surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence , any lhat they have hitherto offered to tbe Public . 17 MOSES and SON have always on hand a large stock of articles required for Mourning . Mourning Suits 35 / - to 90 / -
| 7 MOSES ami SON supply every description ' of clothing , ready made , or made to measure , for all aires , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . Prices based ou icady-i-noncy system . All Goods marked in plain figures . Any Article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , willi Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , ami Fashion-sheet , gratis and post-free . ]? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate * system of self-measurement enables then , to execute orders liy post , with the guarantee ol a faultless lit . J £ MOSliS and SON'S Establishments are closed every Friday evening at sunset , till Saturday ciciiing at sunset , when l / usiiicss is resumed until 11 o'clock . The following are thc only Addresses ot E . MOSES and SON : — LONDON . Corner of Minories and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Coiner of Tottenham Couit-road and Euston-road . COUNTHV BHANCII . Bradford , Yorkshire .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING EXKITUTKU UPON Sitt \ r Gutdj MetufSf 6 V »/ v and Stones ( fur Scaling ) , In ihe very highest iiylc of art ami workmanship ; also upon STI £ ULDUCS , lor Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes ; Ol'lHCIAL -biiA ' -S designed , made and fined into l'resbes , for L ' ublie Com * panics and Societies ; PliRFOKATIiD ( or pierced ) and CARVED CUliSTS , LliTTIiKS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS mane for Book Cow . ' s , Cigar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with liiwwitiir , all executed o . v rttt : i'iu : * ii * E .-t at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S ENGRAVING AND DIE-SINKING OFI ' ICES . 9 RATHBONE PLACE OXFORD-ST , LONDON , W
NOW READY , Price 2 !> . 6 d . ; Post Free , 2 S . 8 d . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOURED ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Publisher ! by Bro . GEOIIOE KENNINO , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C , and ; may be bad of all Booksellers ana News Agents , by giving address 01 publishing office .