Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC BALL AT CORK Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALL IN LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALL AT WAVERTREE. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
one receives the P . M . degree under any circumstances other than that of being installed W . M . of a lodge ; and even under the old R . A . system , the receipt of the virtual P . M . degree conferred no benefit ; as to the recipient possessed no locus standi in a lodge or Board of Post Masters , to which he was unable to sain admittance until
he had been regularly installed , and served the office ot W . M . At the present day Past Masters are not in Ireland acknowledged as members of Grand Lodge , until they have been registered and taken out their certificates as such . This
being the case , I do not see what objection there could be , under the English Constitution , to give to such brethren the full honours and privileges to which their English brethren would be entitled . As far as Ireland is concerned , I do not see any difficulty in the way of a regularly qualified P . M . of an English lodge taking the chair of an
Irish lodge , in the absence of all other Past Masters of the lodge , as the Constitutions of Freemasonry in Ireland , rule 91 , provide that , — " In the absence of the Master of a particular lodge , a Past Master of that lodge , or in case of necessity , a Past Master of any lodge , may fill the chair . " I remain yours fraternally , Ax IRISH W . M .
Masonic Ball At Cork
The grand fancy and full-dress ball in aid of the funds of the Masonic Orphan Schools , Dublin , under the auspices of the First Lodge of Ireland , took place at the Athenrcum amid considerable eclat . The renovations which have
been going on for some time in the interior of the Athenaeum had almost approached completion before the event , a feature that conspired in no immaterial degree to lend effect to the scene witnessed addtional . The decorations for tire ball were conducted on a scale of trreat
extent and no small taste . Festoons of evergreens elaborately wrought , intermixed withroses , spanned the entire arc , and offered a pleasing contrast to the varied , and , withal , gay surroundings . The upper portions of the hall were ornamented with banners of the Prince Masons , shields and
swords , and all the other insignia symbolic ofthe Order of Masonry ; while both galleries were hid to view ( except the part allotted to the band ) by deep crimson drapery . The raised dais supporting the organ , on which stood the chair of the Ri ght Worshi pful the Grand Master—a
venerable specimen of antiquity , we may remark , dating back some 300 years—was also decorated with a number of plants and shrubs , an arrangement that served in the quarter to neutralise the perhaps too dazzling brilliancy of the lights . The company began to arrive shortl y after nine ,
and , at about half-past ten , followed the usual procession—itself a very imposing jiageant . Its merit would have been further enhanced by the sprinkling of fancy dresses , but the costume was not worn by any of the company , though the committee hoped the contrary result . The band of the 15 th Regiment attended .
MADAME TUSSAUD ' . —The jiortrait model of his late Imperial Majesty Napoleon III . l ying in state continues to attract many visiters . The decorations and appointments of the room specially devoted to the representation are now completed .
"Mr . JAMES HARNETT , Chemist , Birmingham , writes , June 18 : — " Your Pain Killer is gaining many friends in this section . Among the many cures effected by it which have come under my notice , I may mention the case of a lady , who , after suffering from long neuralgia , and trying many reputed remedies without benefit , was at length cured , and that almost instantly , with the first application , of your Pain Killer—To Perry Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS ;—Safety amidst danger , surrounded on all sides by the causes of disease , esjiecially if the old jirovcrb hold "As thc day lengthens , the cold strengthens , " man must keep up constant watch , if he would retain or recover his health . These purifying pills present the most cettan and effectual means of removing all noxious matters from the blood , at the same time
that they regulate any disordered action , which their presence lias induced and paiticularly preserved against congestion , iiritation , and inflammation of the throat , and its lining membrane , extending through the lungs . The harmless strengthening balsams of wiich Holloway's Pills are composed render them peculiarly well adapted ' for the young and delicate , who can with inijiunity only bear tender treatment . —ADVT .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
On Tuesday evening last , the brethren of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 220 , and the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 , held their fifth annual ball at the Delamere Rooms , Hardraan-street , Liverpool , and as in former years it proved a reunion of the most agreeable kind . This is the
first occasion on which the officers and the brethren of the " Pembroke" have entered into partnership with the " Harmony" to carry out the ball , and the success which attended last Tuesday ' s assembly will doubtless lead to a continuation of the "happy family" arrangement .
Although illness prevented many from being present , the attendance numbered about 100 , Amongst the principals present , being Bros . W . Jones , W . M . 220 ; J . Sellars , W . M . 1299 , P . M . 22 o , T . Page , 823 ; J . W . R . Fowler , W . M . 86 ; Dr . Worthington , S . W . 220 ; T . Berry , S . D . 1 , 393 ;
J . W . Barker . P . M . 841 ; J . G . Butterfield , 220 ; T . B . Myers , S . D . 1182 ; R . Martin , jun ., S . D . 1182 ; S . Newbold , 1182 ; R . B . Martin , 67 . 3 ; T . Winstanley , S . 1094 ; & c . The arrangements were admirably carried out by Bro . Tellett , Secretary 220 , and Bro . R . Bennett , Secretary
I 29 d , who received the valuable help from the W . M . ' s of the two lodges . The catering of Bro . Vines , one of the P . M . ' s of the Canton Hotel , gave the most complete satisfaction . Mr . Reynolds efficiently fulfilled the duties of M . C . The music was by Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band .
Masonic Ball At Wavertree.
In conformity with custom the brethren of tha Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1182 , held their annual ball recently at the Coffee House , Wavertree , near Liverpool , and as the noble cause of charity was kept in view in connection with the festivity there was all the more reason for
rejoicing at the comjilete success which attended the festive gathering . As in former years , the proceeds will be handed over to the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and as there were about 170 present on this occasion the financial result will doubtless be a
very substantial addition to the exchequer of the noble charity . The arrangements for the ball were of the most complete character , and while every ollicer and member of 1182 did their utmost to render it pleasant to the numerous visitors , particular credit is due to Bro . Pughe ,
W . M ., and Bro . Bales , Sec , who were unremitting in tlieir efforts in connection with the arrangements . A dispensation had been obtained from the M . W . G . M ., and therefore the brethren apjieared in full Masonic clothing and the collars and the jewels of their office . Amongst
the visitors were Bros . Washington , S . D . 1094 ; Lambert , til ; McDonald , 472 ; Wrynhart , 67 , 3 ; Munroe , 82 , 3 ; H . Pearson , 249 ; Joseph , 249 ; Martin , 1594 ; Larsen , P . M . < J 94 ; Hignett , 1356 ; Turner , J . D ., 86 ; B . B . Marson , W . M ., 1 . 356 ; Arodren , 216 ; Winstanley , P . M . 1094 ;
Merriman , 1 . 35 6 . The ball-room was decorated with the most exquisite taste , and certainly the most elegant and jileasant ofthe decorative extras was the introduction of a number of " perjietual perfume fountains , " kindly lent by Bro . Newbold , of South John-street , Liverpool . The catering
of Mrs . Wright , the hostess , gave the most complete satisfaction , Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band furnished excellent music , and Bro . B . Myers efficiently and courteously fulfilled the duties of Master of Ceremonies . Dancing was kejit uji with unflagging spirit to far beyond the " wee short hour ayont the twal . "
The Earl of Limerick was kindly consented to be President of the Masonic Ball to be held at the City Terminus Hotel on the 26 th of March .
Sir Michael Costa is , it is stated , engaged in adapting and prejiaring Balfe ' s manuscript oper The Knight of the Leopard , for jierformance at Drury-lane during next season . MR . CHEVALIER hascomjileted former Majesty
a jncture commemorative of the Thanksgiving Day for the recovery of the Prince of Wales . The point chosen is that when the procession is riassing the great triumphal arch between Fleetstreet and Ludgate-hill .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , February 28 , 1873 . The Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time of meeting .
Saturday , Feb . 22 . Red Cross Conclave Roman Eagle , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Star Lodge ofjj Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . G . § Dilley , Preceptor , Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at 8 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Manchester Lotlge of Instruction , Yorkshire Grey , Londonstreet , Fitzroy-square , at 8 ; Bro . Ash , P . M .,
Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge of Instruction ( 1329 ) , Castle Tavern , Cam berwell-road , at 7 ; Bros . John Thomas and E . Worth ington , Preceptors . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Grey hound Hotel , Rich mond , Surrey , at 7 .
Manila ;/ , I'd-. 24 . Lodge ° 4 , Royal " Somerset ! louse ] and Inverness , Free masons' Hall . „ 26 , Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s Rooms , St James ' s . „ 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' Hall . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgatc-street .
„ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . Chajiter 25 , Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall . Strong Man Lodge \ , l Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro , Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern Fenchurchstreet
, - Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 70 + ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottlicil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendshi p Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 .
St . James's Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . li . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun
I avern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock . Precejitor . West Kent Lodgeof Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour's College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . High Cross Lodge of Instruction , White Hart Tavern . Tottenham .
Tuesday , Feb . 25 . Audit Committee Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 14 , Tuscan , Freemasons' Hall . „ 92 , Moira , London Tavern , Bisho ) isgate-st . „ 141 , Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Flcct-sE „ 145 , Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall .
„ 186 , Industry , Freemasons' Hall „ 205 , Israel , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . 1 . 25 !* , Prince of Wales , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 11 j 58 , Southern Star , Montjicllicr Tavern , Walworth . „ 1196 , Urban , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwell .
„ 1348 , Ebury , Morjicth Arms Tavern , Millbank . Chajitcr 21 , Cyrus , Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall-st . „ 16 7 , St . John ' s , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . Aletrojiolitan Chajiter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmcrston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 8 j Bro . John Thomas ,
Precejiror . Faith Lodge oi Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Victoria-st . ( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ) , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , P . M ., Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ; , Knights of St . John Tavern , St . John ' s-wood : Bro . F . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Saunders , Precejitor . Florence Nightingale Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , " Gladsti ne Tavern . Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . liolton ( W . M . 1227 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1 -to- ;) , British Stores
Tavern , New-street , St . John ' s wood , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Constitutional Lodge of Instruction ( 55 ) , Wheatsheaf I lotel , Hand-court , Holborn , at 7 j ' Bro . ( . R . Staccy ( P . M . 180 ) , Preceptor . llciliicsilnii , Fcl-. 26 .
Lodge 2 , Antiquity , Freemasons' Hall . „ 212 , Euphrates , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-st . „ 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns Tavern , Kenningtonjiark . a 7 S .-1 > Prince Frederick William , Knighls of St .
John Hotel , St . John's Wood . >• 7 . Hi "i gh Cross , Seven Sisters Tavern , Page-green , Tottenham . „ 8 9 S , Temperance in the East , fi , Newby-jilace , Pojilar . „ lO-jfi , Victoria , Anderton ' s Hotel , FIcet-sl . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro , J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
one receives the P . M . degree under any circumstances other than that of being installed W . M . of a lodge ; and even under the old R . A . system , the receipt of the virtual P . M . degree conferred no benefit ; as to the recipient possessed no locus standi in a lodge or Board of Post Masters , to which he was unable to sain admittance until
he had been regularly installed , and served the office ot W . M . At the present day Past Masters are not in Ireland acknowledged as members of Grand Lodge , until they have been registered and taken out their certificates as such . This
being the case , I do not see what objection there could be , under the English Constitution , to give to such brethren the full honours and privileges to which their English brethren would be entitled . As far as Ireland is concerned , I do not see any difficulty in the way of a regularly qualified P . M . of an English lodge taking the chair of an
Irish lodge , in the absence of all other Past Masters of the lodge , as the Constitutions of Freemasonry in Ireland , rule 91 , provide that , — " In the absence of the Master of a particular lodge , a Past Master of that lodge , or in case of necessity , a Past Master of any lodge , may fill the chair . " I remain yours fraternally , Ax IRISH W . M .
Masonic Ball At Cork
The grand fancy and full-dress ball in aid of the funds of the Masonic Orphan Schools , Dublin , under the auspices of the First Lodge of Ireland , took place at the Athenrcum amid considerable eclat . The renovations which have
been going on for some time in the interior of the Athenaeum had almost approached completion before the event , a feature that conspired in no immaterial degree to lend effect to the scene witnessed addtional . The decorations for tire ball were conducted on a scale of trreat
extent and no small taste . Festoons of evergreens elaborately wrought , intermixed withroses , spanned the entire arc , and offered a pleasing contrast to the varied , and , withal , gay surroundings . The upper portions of the hall were ornamented with banners of the Prince Masons , shields and
swords , and all the other insignia symbolic ofthe Order of Masonry ; while both galleries were hid to view ( except the part allotted to the band ) by deep crimson drapery . The raised dais supporting the organ , on which stood the chair of the Ri ght Worshi pful the Grand Master—a
venerable specimen of antiquity , we may remark , dating back some 300 years—was also decorated with a number of plants and shrubs , an arrangement that served in the quarter to neutralise the perhaps too dazzling brilliancy of the lights . The company began to arrive shortl y after nine ,
and , at about half-past ten , followed the usual procession—itself a very imposing jiageant . Its merit would have been further enhanced by the sprinkling of fancy dresses , but the costume was not worn by any of the company , though the committee hoped the contrary result . The band of the 15 th Regiment attended .
MADAME TUSSAUD ' . —The jiortrait model of his late Imperial Majesty Napoleon III . l ying in state continues to attract many visiters . The decorations and appointments of the room specially devoted to the representation are now completed .
"Mr . JAMES HARNETT , Chemist , Birmingham , writes , June 18 : — " Your Pain Killer is gaining many friends in this section . Among the many cures effected by it which have come under my notice , I may mention the case of a lady , who , after suffering from long neuralgia , and trying many reputed remedies without benefit , was at length cured , and that almost instantly , with the first application , of your Pain Killer—To Perry Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS ;—Safety amidst danger , surrounded on all sides by the causes of disease , esjiecially if the old jirovcrb hold "As thc day lengthens , the cold strengthens , " man must keep up constant watch , if he would retain or recover his health . These purifying pills present the most cettan and effectual means of removing all noxious matters from the blood , at the same time
that they regulate any disordered action , which their presence lias induced and paiticularly preserved against congestion , iiritation , and inflammation of the throat , and its lining membrane , extending through the lungs . The harmless strengthening balsams of wiich Holloway's Pills are composed render them peculiarly well adapted ' for the young and delicate , who can with inijiunity only bear tender treatment . —ADVT .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
On Tuesday evening last , the brethren of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 220 , and the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 , held their fifth annual ball at the Delamere Rooms , Hardraan-street , Liverpool , and as in former years it proved a reunion of the most agreeable kind . This is the
first occasion on which the officers and the brethren of the " Pembroke" have entered into partnership with the " Harmony" to carry out the ball , and the success which attended last Tuesday ' s assembly will doubtless lead to a continuation of the "happy family" arrangement .
Although illness prevented many from being present , the attendance numbered about 100 , Amongst the principals present , being Bros . W . Jones , W . M . 220 ; J . Sellars , W . M . 1299 , P . M . 22 o , T . Page , 823 ; J . W . R . Fowler , W . M . 86 ; Dr . Worthington , S . W . 220 ; T . Berry , S . D . 1 , 393 ;
J . W . Barker . P . M . 841 ; J . G . Butterfield , 220 ; T . B . Myers , S . D . 1182 ; R . Martin , jun ., S . D . 1182 ; S . Newbold , 1182 ; R . B . Martin , 67 . 3 ; T . Winstanley , S . 1094 ; & c . The arrangements were admirably carried out by Bro . Tellett , Secretary 220 , and Bro . R . Bennett , Secretary
I 29 d , who received the valuable help from the W . M . ' s of the two lodges . The catering of Bro . Vines , one of the P . M . ' s of the Canton Hotel , gave the most complete satisfaction . Mr . Reynolds efficiently fulfilled the duties of M . C . The music was by Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band .
Masonic Ball At Wavertree.
In conformity with custom the brethren of tha Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1182 , held their annual ball recently at the Coffee House , Wavertree , near Liverpool , and as the noble cause of charity was kept in view in connection with the festivity there was all the more reason for
rejoicing at the comjilete success which attended the festive gathering . As in former years , the proceeds will be handed over to the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and as there were about 170 present on this occasion the financial result will doubtless be a
very substantial addition to the exchequer of the noble charity . The arrangements for the ball were of the most complete character , and while every ollicer and member of 1182 did their utmost to render it pleasant to the numerous visitors , particular credit is due to Bro . Pughe ,
W . M ., and Bro . Bales , Sec , who were unremitting in tlieir efforts in connection with the arrangements . A dispensation had been obtained from the M . W . G . M ., and therefore the brethren apjieared in full Masonic clothing and the collars and the jewels of their office . Amongst
the visitors were Bros . Washington , S . D . 1094 ; Lambert , til ; McDonald , 472 ; Wrynhart , 67 , 3 ; Munroe , 82 , 3 ; H . Pearson , 249 ; Joseph , 249 ; Martin , 1594 ; Larsen , P . M . < J 94 ; Hignett , 1356 ; Turner , J . D ., 86 ; B . B . Marson , W . M ., 1 . 356 ; Arodren , 216 ; Winstanley , P . M . 1094 ;
Merriman , 1 . 35 6 . The ball-room was decorated with the most exquisite taste , and certainly the most elegant and jileasant ofthe decorative extras was the introduction of a number of " perjietual perfume fountains , " kindly lent by Bro . Newbold , of South John-street , Liverpool . The catering
of Mrs . Wright , the hostess , gave the most complete satisfaction , Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band furnished excellent music , and Bro . B . Myers efficiently and courteously fulfilled the duties of Master of Ceremonies . Dancing was kejit uji with unflagging spirit to far beyond the " wee short hour ayont the twal . "
The Earl of Limerick was kindly consented to be President of the Masonic Ball to be held at the City Terminus Hotel on the 26 th of March .
Sir Michael Costa is , it is stated , engaged in adapting and prejiaring Balfe ' s manuscript oper The Knight of the Leopard , for jierformance at Drury-lane during next season . MR . CHEVALIER hascomjileted former Majesty
a jncture commemorative of the Thanksgiving Day for the recovery of the Prince of Wales . The point chosen is that when the procession is riassing the great triumphal arch between Fleetstreet and Ludgate-hill .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , February 28 , 1873 . The Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time of meeting .
Saturday , Feb . 22 . Red Cross Conclave Roman Eagle , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Star Lodge ofjj Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . G . § Dilley , Preceptor , Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at 8 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Manchester Lotlge of Instruction , Yorkshire Grey , Londonstreet , Fitzroy-square , at 8 ; Bro . Ash , P . M .,
Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge of Instruction ( 1329 ) , Castle Tavern , Cam berwell-road , at 7 ; Bros . John Thomas and E . Worth ington , Preceptors . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Grey hound Hotel , Rich mond , Surrey , at 7 .
Manila ;/ , I'd-. 24 . Lodge ° 4 , Royal " Somerset ! louse ] and Inverness , Free masons' Hall . „ 26 , Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s Rooms , St James ' s . „ 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' Hall . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgatc-street .
„ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st . Chajiter 25 , Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall . Strong Man Lodge \ , l Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's-gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro , Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern Fenchurchstreet
, - Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 70 + ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottlicil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendshi p Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 .
St . James's Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . li . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun
I avern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock . Precejitor . West Kent Lodgeof Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour's College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor . High Cross Lodge of Instruction , White Hart Tavern . Tottenham .
Tuesday , Feb . 25 . Audit Committee Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 14 , Tuscan , Freemasons' Hall . „ 92 , Moira , London Tavern , Bisho ) isgate-st . „ 141 , Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Flcct-sE „ 145 , Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall .
„ 186 , Industry , Freemasons' Hall „ 205 , Israel , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . 1 . 25 !* , Prince of Wales , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 11 j 58 , Southern Star , Montjicllicr Tavern , Walworth . „ 1196 , Urban , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwell .
„ 1348 , Ebury , Morjicth Arms Tavern , Millbank . Chajitcr 21 , Cyrus , Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall-st . „ 16 7 , St . John ' s , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . Aletrojiolitan Chajiter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmcrston Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 8 j Bro . John Thomas ,
Precejiror . Faith Lodge oi Instruction , Refreshment Rooms , Victoria-st . ( opposite Westminster Palace Hotel ) , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , P . M ., Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ; , Knights of St . John Tavern , St . John ' s-wood : Bro . F . G .
Baker , Preceptor . Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Saunders , Precejitor . Florence Nightingale Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . William-street , Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , " Gladsti ne Tavern . Bishopsgate-st . Within , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . liolton ( W . M . 1227 ) , Preceptor . St . Marylebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1 -to- ;) , British Stores
Tavern , New-street , St . John ' s wood , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Constitutional Lodge of Instruction ( 55 ) , Wheatsheaf I lotel , Hand-court , Holborn , at 7 j ' Bro . ( . R . Staccy ( P . M . 180 ) , Preceptor . llciliicsilnii , Fcl-. 26 .
Lodge 2 , Antiquity , Freemasons' Hall . „ 212 , Euphrates , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-st . „ 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns Tavern , Kenningtonjiark . a 7 S .-1 > Prince Frederick William , Knighls of St .
John Hotel , St . John's Wood . >• 7 . Hi "i gh Cross , Seven Sisters Tavern , Page-green , Tottenham . „ 8 9 S , Temperance in the East , fi , Newby-jilace , Pojilar . „ lO-jfi , Victoria , Anderton ' s Hotel , FIcet-sl . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; Bro , J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor .