Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GANN , JONES & Co ., TAILORS , SHIRT MAKERS , HOSIERS , AND OUTFITTERS , Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST , Wholesale and Commission , ai , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C . ,-rrYT-riivrr- A -i-, * w = < -, „„ Freemasons require FLANNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones Freemasons require COLLARS AND WRISTBANDS Freemasons . require CLOTHING . —As ^ lailors , Gann , , M followi iceSj Flanncl Shirts , aw- —As Collar Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply Jones & Co make first-class Su . tsm Diagonals , Tvveeds , ^^ » J „ l , ly , lirll „ k % Qualit y Aj Three for a 4 ,. ^ , Uneu Collars ' at c / 6 J 7 / 6 an ( 1 8 / 6 ^ and Scotch Tweeds , at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . ^ . ^ ^ ThKe for 3 ?/ . quaUty c > Three for 3 < j / . other ^ ^^ wkh ^^ ^ ^ 'j ^^ ^ j ^ ,,, , ^ Freemasons require DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , makes and qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 ami 7 / 6 each . nd . anil 1 / per jiair . Gann , Jones & Co . supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Freemasons require DRESS SHIRTS-Gann , Jones & ,, . OUTFITS -As Outfitters Gann Suits kt -8 / 63 / 68 / and T J per Suit . Co . have always 111 stock very choice designs at 6 6 7 / 6 l leemasons require uu if lis .. As Uuthtters , uann Suits at 08 / 03 / OS / and ,., / per suit . ^ / 6 ' each , and in addition keep a good and >**< - 's & Co . -supply Outfits for all climates from . £ ' 5 . For Freemasons require OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , s £ lect variety ot French Embroidered Fronts , \ -cc , and fu « particulars of Outfits for all classes , see the "Out-Jones & Co . make warm and durable Garments , in Frock makc Dress or ordinary Shirts to order at one day's notice , fitt * - " r . " published by Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on and Chesterfield Styles , in Witneys , Beavers , Itish Frieze , w ] len necessary . application . & c at all prices . Freemasons ' require UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Freemasons require POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . — Freemasons require TROUSERS .-As Tailors , Gann , £ ann , J anes & Co . supply ^ Lamb ' s Wool Pants and P . ices 6 . 1 . d . . / . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each . Jones & Co . have 1 always in stock a capital assortment of ^^ ' { ' ^ Vlite ^ aml Shetlan . 1 , 2 / 9 3 / 6 and Freemasons require BRACES .-Prices . / , / 6 and 2 shrunk Tvveeds , Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , L .- """ -- ™ I U . per jiair . r ^ . ^ S^ U. '^ 'tfr . fi ^^^ SSSSJ ^ <£ - -:- ^ «a »^ - «--v---Jt * . ™ „ , „ , l ,. , o , „ . „ , « S . S , o „ ^ S , r „ ,. SC ^ .-i ,,,. a ,. A . n „„ , J , 64 ,- , 0 Sh ^ , l < o , i , GLO VES .-Ga , „„ . „„ ., * C , Freemasons require SHIR IS . —As Shut Manufac- and 6 / 6 per pair . keep Ladies ' , Gentlemen ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , nrers , Gann , Jones & Co . keep ready made 111 all sizes , or Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 ^^ rMvimr , & c ., all sizes . iiake to measure , their perfect-fitting " Imperial" Long- and 1 / 6 per pair . ' b ' " ' . . "' _ . ... . _ ,. cloth Shirts in six qualities . No . , , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Ditto Merino ditto , 1 / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . I'reemasons require RUGS .-Pnces 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Six for 30 /; No . 3 , Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 / ; No . . 5 , Stout Cotton ditto , t ) ii . 1 / 1 / 3 jier pair . Mauds , 17 / 6 to 50 / . Six for 39 /; No . 6 , Six for 42 / . The fit , wear , and work Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children ' s Hosiery , Foot- Freemasons require TRUNKS . —Pricus 6 / 6 to 80 /; all of every shirt guarranteed . ball Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates . Varieties .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % lllontljli ) jpigest of ifrcrinasoiirn in all its gjranrfefs . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : W . VINER BEDOLI- ' E , M . D ., I ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Author of the " Footsteeps of Masonry , or I P . M . 975 , P . M . and Treasurer 1293 , Seere-Freemasonry in Relation to Authenic His- tary 778 , 862 , Honorary Member of many tory . " ' Lodges and Chapters ; P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . E . WM . C * . RI ' ; NTEU , P . M . & P . Z . 1194 . Prov . Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Author of " Freemasonry and Israelitism , " Scribe E ., Middlesex ; Secretary , Royal Ma"Aids to Study , " "The Israelites found in | sonic Institution for Girls , the Anglo-Saxons , " Scientia Biblica , " " Scrip- j KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . ture Natural History , '' etc ., etc ., etc . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . J . . FINDEL , Author of " Places and People , " " The Ocean Editor of " Die Bauhutte , " Liepzig , etc ., etc . Telegraph to India , " etc ., etc . C . G . FORSYTH , D . MURRAY LYON , Author of "Encyclopedia Metropolitana , " One of the Grand Stewards in the Grand etc ., etc . Lodge of Scotland ; Provincial Grand Senior EMRA HOLMES , 3 ° Warden of Ayrshire ; ' Honorary Correspond-P . M . 531 , Hartlepool ; P . M M , ; P . Soj . St . . ' ing Member of the " Verein Deutscher Frei-Lwke ' s Chapter , Ipswich ; M C . British Union j maurer , " and of the Rosicrucian Society of Lodge , No . 114 ; P . P . G . A . D . C . and Prov . G . j England ; Historian of Mother Kilwinning , Registrar , Suffolk ; P . P . G . Almoner Knights 1 and of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Templar , Northumberland ; P . P . G . Registrar i Chapel ) , etc ., etc . Author of the " History of and Prov . 2 nd Grand Captain , Sullblk and the Lodge of Edinburgh , " " Freemasonry in Cambridge ; Grand Provost of England ( Uni- Scotland , " etc ., etc . ted Orders of the Temple and Hospital ) , i CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Eminent Commander of the Prudence En- A Member of the Masonic Arch .-eological canipment ; Prov . Grand Banner Bearer , Koyal Institute of England , Past Master—Lodge Order of Scotland ; G . I . I . C . 31 ° A . ancl A j Edinburgh Caledonian , No . 392 ; Members Rite , and Author of the " Notes on the i of Lodges Nos . 3 d , 48 , 75 , 97 , 151 , 178 , 22 ( 5 , United Orders of the Temple and Hospital . " 226 , 392 , 404 , 407 , 409 , cSx * ., S . C ; Member WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., ' of Royal Arch Chapters , Nos , I , 14 , 97 , 101 , P . Prov . Grand Secretary , Cornwall ; Hoc- kc . ; Members of the Orderof High Priestorary Member ofthe Lodge of Edinburgh ; hood ; Knight of Sword ; Knight of the ( Mary ' s Chapel , ) No . 1 , and of many Lodges , East ; Knight of the West ; Knight of the Chapters , etc . in England , Scotland , and the Religious and Military Order of Kni ghts United States . Author of the " Old Charges Templar ; Member of the Royal Order of of British Freemasons , " " Constitutions of of Scotland ; and Knight of the Red Cross of the Freemasons , " Masonic Sketches and Re- Rome and Constantine , English Constitution , prints , etc ., etc . ; Foreign Correspondent of the Author of " Freemasonry in relation to Civil " Voice of Masonry , " Chicago , U . S . A . Authority . " " Freemasonry audits jiirisnrtt-RICHARU Wool-, F . S . A ., P . M . " dence , " "Origin of Masonry , " etc . Past Provincial Senior , Warden , Worcestershire . DR . WOOUMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., etc . Editor of the " Rosicrucian . " REV . A . F . A . WOOIH-ORD , M . A ., HUJIKKT , P . Grand Chajilain , P . Prov . S . G . W . of York- Editor of" La Chaine d' Union , " Paris , shire . Author of " Freemasons' Secrets . " OITICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauehiehall-street ,
Shortly will be Published , A NEW DAILY JOURNAL , PRICE ONE PENNY , THE HOUR , Under the direction of D . MORI ER EVANS and THOMAS HAMBER , late of "The Standard . u All Communications for the Proprietors to be addressed to the care of—D . MORIER EVANS , $ , SERJEANTS' INN , FLEET-STREET ,
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . ¦ "pHE attention of the Nobility and Gentry ¦ * - about to visit India and the Colonies , also those arriving in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXFORD-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( NEAR THE MARBLE ARCH ) . Belts made to measure or jiattern in a very sujierior manner
THE JEWISH WORLD . Published Kvcrv b ridav . PRICE ONE PENNY . Ollice : S , South-street , Fiuslnily , London E . C . O LD COINS FOR SALE CHEAPVcoidi Silver , and Copper , in Greek , Roman , liarly Hritish , Ktig-Ji > h , Scotch , etc . Lists Free , Apply —\ V . lioiiLEhiox , London House , Dewsbury ;
| B RO . MOSES MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 5 , IIAN ' EI . AOII PLACE , ( Opjiosite Adtlphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . > pl . AS , COl'l-EES . SUGARS , & c ., at lowest Cash Prices . ** Dessert l ruit . I'ills , Muscatels , French Plums , Almonds , & c . A liberal discount allowed lor Cash m Families and Hotel-keepers .
QUANT'S MORELLA CHERRY 1 SUANI 1 Y . SUI'I'LIKI ) TO HICK MAJESTY THK IJUEEN . This delicious l . iijiit- 'itr , from the famous Kent Morella , supersedes wine in many households , is much lavourcd hy sportsmen , and is also recommended lit' the medical profession as a valuable Ionic in eases of weakness . —Order of tiny Wine Merchant , or direct ol T . GRANT , Distillery , Maidstone . ' 42 s . per dozen , Cash , Cairiac ; u pai
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , Lo . MiiAiii ) STIIKKT , LUSUON , K . C . TliKMS . C s . d Entrance lee ... ... ,,, ... ... ) 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... " . " . ' '" J 3 o Memlieis residine ; and earn inn on business at a distance ot tiltv miles and upwards fiom London , Merelianl-< aplains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance feu } I o ' 1 he room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , aud books of reference , It ineliules n l' . ist-ollice , i ' oste Keslaute . leleuraph-ollice , Reading and WriliiiK Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , Sic ; also copyini ; machines for the use of Subscribers , liro . IOIIN 11 . YOUNGIIL'SHA . NI ) , P . M ., I ' , / .., P K . C ., l ' . l > . I . G . W ., & e „ Manaeer .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Buildiiu ; Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds O N E MILLION ! Iloiv to Purchase a House for Tii'o Guineas per Month , Willi immediate possession and no Kent to pay . Apply at the Ollice of lite BIRKHECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 8- 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . " . " * " " ¦ purchase a Clot of Land for five Shillings per Month , With immediate posscssiona-itlierrorl ' uildiucjorGardcniui ; purposes . apply at the Ollice of tlie HIRKIIECK VK . Kf . HOlM LAND SOCIETY , 29 fc 30 So \ Uliamplon-buildhie , s , Chauccry-lanc . lUnu to Invest Money with safety al £ 4 per cent Interest . Apply to the Ollice of the HIRKIiECK HANK . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Hankers . Cheque Hooka supplied . Ollice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays Irom 10 til ) u , and on Saturdays from 10 lill 2 . A small pamphlet , containine ; lull particulars , may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVEXSCKOH ' . Manauer .
Now Ready , Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG . Dedicated by jiermission to the Higlit Hon . the Earl Percy , M . l \ , 30 ° , Uighl Worshijiful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noitlnmiberland , Most Worshipful Grand Mark Muster Mason of England . Wouls by Bro , T . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . Loudon , George Kenning - , 2 , j , and 4 , Little Britain , anel IQ , 8 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place , Glasgow iS , Saucliieh-ill . it .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GANN , JONES & Co ., TAILORS , SHIRT MAKERS , HOSIERS , AND OUTFITTERS , Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST , Wholesale and Commission , ai , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C . ,-rrYT-riivrr- A -i-, * w = < -, „„ Freemasons require FLANNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones Freemasons require COLLARS AND WRISTBANDS Freemasons . require CLOTHING . —As ^ lailors , Gann , , M followi iceSj Flanncl Shirts , aw- —As Collar Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply Jones & Co make first-class Su . tsm Diagonals , Tvveeds , ^^ » J „ l , ly , lirll „ k % Qualit y Aj Three for a 4 ,. ^ , Uneu Collars ' at c / 6 J 7 / 6 an ( 1 8 / 6 ^ and Scotch Tweeds , at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . ^ . ^ ^ ThKe for 3 ?/ . quaUty c > Three for 3 < j / . other ^ ^^ wkh ^^ ^ ^ 'j ^^ ^ j ^ ,,, , ^ Freemasons require DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , makes and qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 ami 7 / 6 each . nd . anil 1 / per jiair . Gann , Jones & Co . supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Freemasons require DRESS SHIRTS-Gann , Jones & ,, . OUTFITS -As Outfitters Gann Suits kt -8 / 63 / 68 / and T J per Suit . Co . have always 111 stock very choice designs at 6 6 7 / 6 l leemasons require uu if lis .. As Uuthtters , uann Suits at 08 / 03 / OS / and ,., / per suit . ^ / 6 ' each , and in addition keep a good and >**< - 's & Co . -supply Outfits for all climates from . £ ' 5 . For Freemasons require OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , s £ lect variety ot French Embroidered Fronts , \ -cc , and fu « particulars of Outfits for all classes , see the "Out-Jones & Co . make warm and durable Garments , in Frock makc Dress or ordinary Shirts to order at one day's notice , fitt * - " r . " published by Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on and Chesterfield Styles , in Witneys , Beavers , Itish Frieze , w ] len necessary . application . & c at all prices . Freemasons ' require UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Freemasons require POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . — Freemasons require TROUSERS .-As Tailors , Gann , £ ann , J anes & Co . supply ^ Lamb ' s Wool Pants and P . ices 6 . 1 . d . . / . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each . Jones & Co . have 1 always in stock a capital assortment of ^^ ' { ' ^ Vlite ^ aml Shetlan . 1 , 2 / 9 3 / 6 and Freemasons require BRACES .-Prices . / , / 6 and 2 shrunk Tvveeds , Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , L .- """ -- ™ I U . per jiair . r ^ . ^ S^ U. '^ 'tfr . fi ^^^ SSSSJ ^ <£ - -:- ^ «a »^ - «--v---Jt * . ™ „ , „ , l ,. , o , „ . „ , « S . S , o „ ^ S , r „ ,. SC ^ .-i ,,,. a ,. A . n „„ , J , 64 ,- , 0 Sh ^ , l < o , i , GLO VES .-Ga , „„ . „„ ., * C , Freemasons require SHIR IS . —As Shut Manufac- and 6 / 6 per pair . keep Ladies ' , Gentlemen ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , nrers , Gann , Jones & Co . keep ready made 111 all sizes , or Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 ^^ rMvimr , & c ., all sizes . iiake to measure , their perfect-fitting " Imperial" Long- and 1 / 6 per pair . ' b ' " ' . . "' _ . ... . _ ,. cloth Shirts in six qualities . No . , , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Ditto Merino ditto , 1 / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . I'reemasons require RUGS .-Pnces 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Six for 30 /; No . 3 , Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 / ; No . . 5 , Stout Cotton ditto , t ) ii . 1 / 1 / 3 jier pair . Mauds , 17 / 6 to 50 / . Six for 39 /; No . 6 , Six for 42 / . The fit , wear , and work Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children ' s Hosiery , Foot- Freemasons require TRUNKS . —Pricus 6 / 6 to 80 /; all of every shirt guarranteed . ball Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates . Varieties .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % lllontljli ) jpigest of ifrcrinasoiirn in all its gjranrfefs . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : W . VINER BEDOLI- ' E , M . D ., I ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 Author of the " Footsteeps of Masonry , or I P . M . 975 , P . M . and Treasurer 1293 , Seere-Freemasonry in Relation to Authenic His- tary 778 , 862 , Honorary Member of many tory . " ' Lodges and Chapters ; P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . E . WM . C * . RI ' ; NTEU , P . M . & P . Z . 1194 . Prov . Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Author of " Freemasonry and Israelitism , " Scribe E ., Middlesex ; Secretary , Royal Ma"Aids to Study , " "The Israelites found in | sonic Institution for Girls , the Anglo-Saxons , " Scientia Biblica , " " Scrip- j KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . ture Natural History , '' etc ., etc ., etc . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . J . . FINDEL , Author of " Places and People , " " The Ocean Editor of " Die Bauhutte , " Liepzig , etc ., etc . Telegraph to India , " etc ., etc . C . G . FORSYTH , D . MURRAY LYON , Author of "Encyclopedia Metropolitana , " One of the Grand Stewards in the Grand etc ., etc . Lodge of Scotland ; Provincial Grand Senior EMRA HOLMES , 3 ° Warden of Ayrshire ; ' Honorary Correspond-P . M . 531 , Hartlepool ; P . M M , ; P . Soj . St . . ' ing Member of the " Verein Deutscher Frei-Lwke ' s Chapter , Ipswich ; M C . British Union j maurer , " and of the Rosicrucian Society of Lodge , No . 114 ; P . P . G . A . D . C . and Prov . G . j England ; Historian of Mother Kilwinning , Registrar , Suffolk ; P . P . G . Almoner Knights 1 and of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Templar , Northumberland ; P . P . G . Registrar i Chapel ) , etc ., etc . Author of the " History of and Prov . 2 nd Grand Captain , Sullblk and the Lodge of Edinburgh , " " Freemasonry in Cambridge ; Grand Provost of England ( Uni- Scotland , " etc ., etc . ted Orders of the Temple and Hospital ) , i CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Eminent Commander of the Prudence En- A Member of the Masonic Arch .-eological canipment ; Prov . Grand Banner Bearer , Koyal Institute of England , Past Master—Lodge Order of Scotland ; G . I . I . C . 31 ° A . ancl A j Edinburgh Caledonian , No . 392 ; Members Rite , and Author of the " Notes on the i of Lodges Nos . 3 d , 48 , 75 , 97 , 151 , 178 , 22 ( 5 , United Orders of the Temple and Hospital . " 226 , 392 , 404 , 407 , 409 , cSx * ., S . C ; Member WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., ' of Royal Arch Chapters , Nos , I , 14 , 97 , 101 , P . Prov . Grand Secretary , Cornwall ; Hoc- kc . ; Members of the Orderof High Priestorary Member ofthe Lodge of Edinburgh ; hood ; Knight of Sword ; Knight of the ( Mary ' s Chapel , ) No . 1 , and of many Lodges , East ; Knight of the West ; Knight of the Chapters , etc . in England , Scotland , and the Religious and Military Order of Kni ghts United States . Author of the " Old Charges Templar ; Member of the Royal Order of of British Freemasons , " " Constitutions of of Scotland ; and Knight of the Red Cross of the Freemasons , " Masonic Sketches and Re- Rome and Constantine , English Constitution , prints , etc ., etc . ; Foreign Correspondent of the Author of " Freemasonry in relation to Civil " Voice of Masonry , " Chicago , U . S . A . Authority . " " Freemasonry audits jiirisnrtt-RICHARU Wool-, F . S . A ., P . M . " dence , " "Origin of Masonry , " etc . Past Provincial Senior , Warden , Worcestershire . DR . WOOUMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., etc . Editor of the " Rosicrucian . " REV . A . F . A . WOOIH-ORD , M . A ., HUJIKKT , P . Grand Chajilain , P . Prov . S . G . W . of York- Editor of" La Chaine d' Union , " Paris , shire . Author of " Freemasons' Secrets . " OITICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauehiehall-street ,
Shortly will be Published , A NEW DAILY JOURNAL , PRICE ONE PENNY , THE HOUR , Under the direction of D . MORI ER EVANS and THOMAS HAMBER , late of "The Standard . u All Communications for the Proprietors to be addressed to the care of—D . MORIER EVANS , $ , SERJEANTS' INN , FLEET-STREET ,
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . ¦ "pHE attention of the Nobility and Gentry ¦ * - about to visit India and the Colonies , also those arriving in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXFORD-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( NEAR THE MARBLE ARCH ) . Belts made to measure or jiattern in a very sujierior manner
THE JEWISH WORLD . Published Kvcrv b ridav . PRICE ONE PENNY . Ollice : S , South-street , Fiuslnily , London E . C . O LD COINS FOR SALE CHEAPVcoidi Silver , and Copper , in Greek , Roman , liarly Hritish , Ktig-Ji > h , Scotch , etc . Lists Free , Apply —\ V . lioiiLEhiox , London House , Dewsbury ;
| B RO . MOSES MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 5 , IIAN ' EI . AOII PLACE , ( Opjiosite Adtlphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . > pl . AS , COl'l-EES . SUGARS , & c ., at lowest Cash Prices . ** Dessert l ruit . I'ills , Muscatels , French Plums , Almonds , & c . A liberal discount allowed lor Cash m Families and Hotel-keepers .
QUANT'S MORELLA CHERRY 1 SUANI 1 Y . SUI'I'LIKI ) TO HICK MAJESTY THK IJUEEN . This delicious l . iijiit- 'itr , from the famous Kent Morella , supersedes wine in many households , is much lavourcd hy sportsmen , and is also recommended lit' the medical profession as a valuable Ionic in eases of weakness . —Order of tiny Wine Merchant , or direct ol T . GRANT , Distillery , Maidstone . ' 42 s . per dozen , Cash , Cairiac ; u pai
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , Lo . MiiAiii ) STIIKKT , LUSUON , K . C . TliKMS . C s . d Entrance lee ... ... ,,, ... ... ) 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... " . " . ' '" J 3 o Memlieis residine ; and earn inn on business at a distance ot tiltv miles and upwards fiom London , Merelianl-< aplains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance feu } I o ' 1 he room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , aud books of reference , It ineliules n l' . ist-ollice , i ' oste Keslaute . leleuraph-ollice , Reading and WriliiiK Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , Sic ; also copyini ; machines for the use of Subscribers , liro . IOIIN 11 . YOUNGIIL'SHA . NI ) , P . M ., I ' , / .., P K . C ., l ' . l > . I . G . W ., & e „ Manaeer .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Buildiiu ; Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds O N E MILLION ! Iloiv to Purchase a House for Tii'o Guineas per Month , Willi immediate possession and no Kent to pay . Apply at the Ollice of lite BIRKHECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 8- 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . " . " * " " ¦ purchase a Clot of Land for five Shillings per Month , With immediate posscssiona-itlierrorl ' uildiucjorGardcniui ; purposes . apply at the Ollice of tlie HIRKIIECK VK . Kf . HOlM LAND SOCIETY , 29 fc 30 So \ Uliamplon-buildhie , s , Chauccry-lanc . lUnu to Invest Money with safety al £ 4 per cent Interest . Apply to the Ollice of the HIRKIiECK HANK . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Hankers . Cheque Hooka supplied . Ollice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays Irom 10 til ) u , and on Saturdays from 10 lill 2 . A small pamphlet , containine ; lull particulars , may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVEXSCKOH ' . Manauer .
Now Ready , Post Free 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS' SONG . Dedicated by jiermission to the Higlit Hon . the Earl Percy , M . l \ , 30 ° , Uighl Worshijiful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Noitlnmiberland , Most Worshipful Grand Mark Muster Mason of England . Wouls by Bro , T . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry Parker , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 . Loudon , George Kenning - , 2 , j , and 4 , Little Britain , anel IQ , 8 , Fleet-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place , Glasgow iS , Saucliieh-ill . it .