Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
REPORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry 119 Mark Masonry 120 Ancient and Accepted Rite 120 Red Cross of Constantine 120 Scotland 121 Reviews 121
Obituary 122 Poetry - 3 Notes on the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital r 24 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Masonic Schools 126
Unauthorised Offices 126 Immediate Past Masters 126 Notes on the Orders of the Temple and Hospital ... 126 Status of Past Masters 126 Masonic Balls 127 Masonic Meetings for next week 127 Advertisements 117 , 118 , 124 , 128 129 , 130 , 131 , 132
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
foft UfosMMtra . WIMBORNE MINSTER . —Si . Cuthlerga Lodge ( No . 99 ) . —This Iodge met on Wednesday . 12 th inst ., Bro . C . W . Wyndham , the W . M . elect , was duly installed as W . M . b y W . Bro . Rev . W . M . Heath , one of the Grand Chaplains of Grand Mark Lodge . The following v .-ere appointed
officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . W . Fletcher , S . W . B . J . Kerridge , J . W . j J . W . Lull' , M . O . ; F . H . Tanner , S . O . j H . Baverstock , J . O . ; J . W . Luff , Secretary ; W . Reade , Reg . of Marks ; R . G . Long , S . D .: W . J . Guest , J . D . ; E . A . H . Cattleman , D . C . ; W ' . Bro . Rev . \ Y .
M . Heath , Chaplain ; J . Symes , I . G . No appointment of Tyler was made , the brother elected to that ofiice having recently deceased . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Lodge of l ' ii \ ::: !^ -hi [> ( No . 100 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John on Thursday , 13 th
inst . There were jiresent visitors from Norwich , Lowestoft , and Ipswich . The Lodge was opened at the Record Room , Town Hall , when Bro . John Franklin was dul y installed into thc chair of K . S . by Bro . P . M Oswald Diver , in his usual impressive style . Lodge being resumed ,
and the W . M . saluted in the three degrees , the Masterinves . ed hisofficers , viz . Bros . Gage , S . W . ; Fowler J . W . ; Wm . Wri ght , P . M ., Secretary ; Boning , S . D . ; Bond , J . D ., Galloway , I . G . ; H . Campling and Batty , Stewards ; Holt , Tyler . The lodge having closed in peace and harmony , the
brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment at their lodge room , Crown and Anchor Hotel , of which the W . M . is proprietor , ( this being the only instance in the Province of the host embodying the two positions , and for which a dispensation from Grand Lotlge has to be obtained ) , and partook of a sumptuous banquet .
The cloth being removed , and the usual loyal and masonic toasts being disposed of , a handsome silver salver , suitably inscribed was presented to Bro . P . M . Secretary , Wm . Wri g ht , by Bro . Morgan ( of Norwich ) P . G . S ., in the name of the brethren , as a token of the hi gh estimation in which he is held , and in return for the invaluable
services he has rendered as Secretary , which position he has held for the last 13 years . Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent , the brethren separating , not at high twelve , but at Bruce ' s eleven .
TRANQUILITY LODGE ( No . 185 ) . —It is somewhat a difficult task to report the proceedings of a lodge gathering when the writer aims at a strict adherence to truth , and is at the same time most anxious to avoid irritating the susceptibilities of : he members . For it must be confessed ,
that although there are numerous lodges , to the working of which no possible exception can be taken , yet there are unfortunately some where unwarrantable laxity is the rule , and becoming decorum scarcely observed . But in this instance it is a happy privilege to be able conscientiousl y
to record that the above lodge is undeniably one ofthe best conducted in the metropolis , and fortunate in possessing a staff of officers whose Masonic abilities and general intelligence , as exemplified during the discharge of their various duties , are worthy the highest praise , The raect-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ing on the 16 th inst . was especially characterised by the amount of work and the manner in whicii it was accomplished . After the necessary preliminaries , Bro . R . L . Bloomfield , the W . M ., who presided , conferred the supreme degree of M . M . upon Bros . Parkinson , Brocksopp , and Grant ,
and initiated into the ancient mysteries Messrs . Wm . Spence and Henry J . Thompson . The ceremonies were performed with calm dignity , and the solemnity thereof greatly enhanced by the addition of sacred music , under the able superintendence of Bro . Bilby , P . M ., 527 . The
W . M ., however , excelled even himself while conducting the onerous duties installing Bro . Nathan Moss as his successor . Generally , the performance of this particular ceremony falls to the lot of some expert Past Master , and is therefore usually done with tolerable efficiency , but it is
vary rare indeed to witness such proficiency as was displayed by the I . P . M . upon that occasion . The addresses , delivered with marked earnestness , lucidity , and impressiveness were especially listened to with undivided and breathless attention , and at the conclusion the Installing Master was on
all sides congratulated upon his successful debut in that capacity . The newly installed W . M . commenced his duties by appointing his officers in the following order : —Bros . John Constable . S . W . ; John Ross , J . W . ; John Peartree , Treas . ; Phillip Levy , Sec . ; Joseph Bennett , S . D . ; Henry
Lyon , J . D . j R . Simons , I . G . j Vesper , Tyler . The brethren having been for several hours diligently at labour , were called offfor refreshment , and ample justice was done to the repast prepared for their delectation . The removal cf the cloth was followed by the customary loyal and Masonic
toasts . The speeches of the W . M . and responses were given with delightful brevity . The former acquitted himself very creditably , considering the novel position in which he was placed , while amongst the latter the most noteworth y were that of Bro . J . M . Lazarus , P . M ., & c , who ,
having been a member of the Craft tor just half a century , was deemed the best qualified to reply on behalf of the visitors , a task which the venerable and highly esteemed brother performed with much good humoured eloquence , and also that of Bro . S . Solomon , P . M ., who appealed in
favour of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge in stirring terms , which had the magical effect of softening hearts and opening pockets , resulting in gifts of numerous guineas and half guineas , whicii came flowing in with exemplary rapidity . This fund up to this meeting
amounted to sBfoo , and the speaker expressed his intention never to rest until it has attained the round sum of sBiooo . The proceedings in the banquetting room were interspersed with music and song . Miss Fowell presided at the piano , assisted by Bro . Joseph Burrett , S . D .
The singers were Misses Estella Emerick and Rosa Leo , Bros Constable , Ross , Farmer , and others . Of the ladies , one deserves especial mention , namely , Rosa Leo , who is only ten years of age , but betrayed an amount of precocious talent which indicates fair promise of future excellence !
A selection from " Faust , ' in Italian , was given by that young artist with such sweetness an . l precision that it secured for her the hearty applause of all present . Among the Past Masters of the lodge were observed : —Bros . Harfeld , Holbrook , M . Harris , Alex . Levy , and Algernon Sydney . The visitors were : —Bros . T . M .
Lazarus , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . O . Wilt shire ; G . Bilby , P . M ., 527 ; E . W . Hunt , W . M 188 ; H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 ; E . P . Mbert P . M . 188 ; George Kenning , P . M . 192 , P . G . D Middlesex ; C . F . Hogard , W . M ., 20- ;; C . Slater P . M ., 1 , 309 ; D . H . Jacobs , P . M ., 27 ; E Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; and others .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . — The regular meeting of the Lodge of Fortitude was held on Wednesday evening , 12 th February , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenanim . There were present the W . M ., Bro . William Fleming , W . Hall , I . P . M . ; Edward Airey , S . W . ; Robt . Greyson J . W . ¦ Edmund Simpson , P . M . and
Secretary ; Kobt . Jervis , S . D . Richard Taylor , J . D . ; W . Duff , I . G . j Watson and Beeley Tylers . Past Masters , John Hatch , George Kelland , and J , Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . of England , J . Stanley , J . Bell , W . Heald , J . W . 1 353 J Ellershaw , Acton , Beesley . Visitors—Bro . Jesse Banning , P . M ., 813 and 310 s Thomas
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Jackson , 1051 . After the regular business ha-1 been transacted and communications rea-1 from the Provincial Grand Lodge , a Master Mason ' s Lodge was opened , and Bro . Dr . Moore delivered a short lecture on the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry , and in so doing at first
adverted to the rig id involiability with which they should be kept , and then pointed out the distinction which existed between the secrets and mysteries , showing also when and in what manner they became merged into each other . He then drew the attention of the brethren to the
symbol of the Masters office as exemplified in tlie secrets of Freemasonry , and gave other information on the subject , which for obvious reasons we are unable to record . A hearty vote of thanks was awarded to the lecturer , who briefly responded , and who then proceeded to advocate the cause of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys , of which Charity he was about to represent the lodge as Steward at thc coming Festival . A donation of five guineas was unanimously voted towards that object on the motion of Bro . E . Simpson , P . M ., seconded by the S . W ., and their being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
LEEDS . —Fidelit y Lodge ( No . 289 ) . —On Friday evening , the 14 th inst ., a conversazione and ball was held b y the members of this lodge in their new hall recently erected and opened at Carlton Hill . The company was received by Mrs . Watson and the W . M . ( Bro . Watson ) at
seven p . m ., in the lodge room , which had been suitably transformed for the occasion . Here coffee was served , and the guests , who soon mustered upwards of sixty , were for some time occupied in examining various objects of interest placed about in the shape of articles of virtu ,
philosophical instruments , curiosities , & o ., kindly lent by members of the lodge . A fine bedstead in carved oak , once the property of the great Hampden , and slept on on one occasion by Oliver Cromwell , being an object of special interest . A display , ably conducted by Bros . Ramsden
( D . C . ) and Walker ( S . D . ) , of views photographed in the Island of Java , was afterwards given by means of large sheet and an oxyhydrogen la ' - 'ip . The company adjourned downstairs into the tastefully decorated banquet room , when dancing commenced , and was kept up with
unwonted zeal and spirit during the entire evening , into the " small hours . " This lodge is peculiarly fortunate in containing such great musical talent , some of the most gifted local instrumentalists and vocalists being numbered amongst its members , and durieig the evening a
sort of impromptu concert was got up which gave great delight to the audience . Much of the success of the evening must be attributed to the valuable aid rendered by Bros . Kirkley , Ramsden , and Walker , who at a very short notice undertook and carried out the principal
arrangements most satisfactorily , and to Bro . W . Glover , the accomplished and zealous Organist of the Iodge , who performed the duties of Master of the Ceremonies with great tact and skill . A similar gathering of the Fidelity brethren and their ladies had not taken place for
many years , and the company , on breaking up , declared they had never passed a more delightful evening , and determined to repeat at the earliest suitable date what had proved so successful an experiment . NORTHAMPTON ' . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 3 * 5 o ) . - —
The brethren of this lodge assembled in goodly number on Thursday evening , February 6 th , it being the first occasion of their meeting together under the present W . M ., Bro . E . W . Tullley . Three brethren were passed to the
second degree , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . Three candidates were balloted for , and , being all elected , were initiated , the ceremony being performed by Bro . P . M . Stanton . < £ IO was voted towards the Roval Institution
for Aged and Decayed Freemasons . At the close of the business the brethren sat down to supper , and afterwards spent a short time in a thoroughly enjoyable manner . There was a good muster of P . M . ' s , and every officer was at
his post , and the whole proceedings augur well for tlie Pomfret Lodge for 1873 . DORCHESTER . —Faith and Unanimity Lodge ( No . 417 ) . —At the February meeting there were present—Bros . C . Parsons , W . M . j W . P
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
REPORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry 119 Mark Masonry 120 Ancient and Accepted Rite 120 Red Cross of Constantine 120 Scotland 121 Reviews 121
Obituary 122 Poetry - 3 Notes on the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital r 24 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Masonic Schools 126
Unauthorised Offices 126 Immediate Past Masters 126 Notes on the Orders of the Temple and Hospital ... 126 Status of Past Masters 126 Masonic Balls 127 Masonic Meetings for next week 127 Advertisements 117 , 118 , 124 , 128 129 , 130 , 131 , 132
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
foft UfosMMtra . WIMBORNE MINSTER . —Si . Cuthlerga Lodge ( No . 99 ) . —This Iodge met on Wednesday . 12 th inst ., Bro . C . W . Wyndham , the W . M . elect , was duly installed as W . M . b y W . Bro . Rev . W . M . Heath , one of the Grand Chaplains of Grand Mark Lodge . The following v .-ere appointed
officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . W . Fletcher , S . W . B . J . Kerridge , J . W . j J . W . Lull' , M . O . ; F . H . Tanner , S . O . j H . Baverstock , J . O . ; J . W . Luff , Secretary ; W . Reade , Reg . of Marks ; R . G . Long , S . D .: W . J . Guest , J . D . ; E . A . H . Cattleman , D . C . ; W ' . Bro . Rev . \ Y .
M . Heath , Chaplain ; J . Symes , I . G . No appointment of Tyler was made , the brother elected to that ofiice having recently deceased . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Lodge of l ' ii \ ::: !^ -hi [> ( No . 100 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John on Thursday , 13 th
inst . There were jiresent visitors from Norwich , Lowestoft , and Ipswich . The Lodge was opened at the Record Room , Town Hall , when Bro . John Franklin was dul y installed into thc chair of K . S . by Bro . P . M Oswald Diver , in his usual impressive style . Lodge being resumed ,
and the W . M . saluted in the three degrees , the Masterinves . ed hisofficers , viz . Bros . Gage , S . W . ; Fowler J . W . ; Wm . Wri ght , P . M ., Secretary ; Boning , S . D . ; Bond , J . D ., Galloway , I . G . ; H . Campling and Batty , Stewards ; Holt , Tyler . The lodge having closed in peace and harmony , the
brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment at their lodge room , Crown and Anchor Hotel , of which the W . M . is proprietor , ( this being the only instance in the Province of the host embodying the two positions , and for which a dispensation from Grand Lotlge has to be obtained ) , and partook of a sumptuous banquet .
The cloth being removed , and the usual loyal and masonic toasts being disposed of , a handsome silver salver , suitably inscribed was presented to Bro . P . M . Secretary , Wm . Wri g ht , by Bro . Morgan ( of Norwich ) P . G . S ., in the name of the brethren , as a token of the hi gh estimation in which he is held , and in return for the invaluable
services he has rendered as Secretary , which position he has held for the last 13 years . Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent , the brethren separating , not at high twelve , but at Bruce ' s eleven .
TRANQUILITY LODGE ( No . 185 ) . —It is somewhat a difficult task to report the proceedings of a lodge gathering when the writer aims at a strict adherence to truth , and is at the same time most anxious to avoid irritating the susceptibilities of : he members . For it must be confessed ,
that although there are numerous lodges , to the working of which no possible exception can be taken , yet there are unfortunately some where unwarrantable laxity is the rule , and becoming decorum scarcely observed . But in this instance it is a happy privilege to be able conscientiousl y
to record that the above lodge is undeniably one ofthe best conducted in the metropolis , and fortunate in possessing a staff of officers whose Masonic abilities and general intelligence , as exemplified during the discharge of their various duties , are worthy the highest praise , The raect-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ing on the 16 th inst . was especially characterised by the amount of work and the manner in whicii it was accomplished . After the necessary preliminaries , Bro . R . L . Bloomfield , the W . M ., who presided , conferred the supreme degree of M . M . upon Bros . Parkinson , Brocksopp , and Grant ,
and initiated into the ancient mysteries Messrs . Wm . Spence and Henry J . Thompson . The ceremonies were performed with calm dignity , and the solemnity thereof greatly enhanced by the addition of sacred music , under the able superintendence of Bro . Bilby , P . M ., 527 . The
W . M ., however , excelled even himself while conducting the onerous duties installing Bro . Nathan Moss as his successor . Generally , the performance of this particular ceremony falls to the lot of some expert Past Master , and is therefore usually done with tolerable efficiency , but it is
vary rare indeed to witness such proficiency as was displayed by the I . P . M . upon that occasion . The addresses , delivered with marked earnestness , lucidity , and impressiveness were especially listened to with undivided and breathless attention , and at the conclusion the Installing Master was on
all sides congratulated upon his successful debut in that capacity . The newly installed W . M . commenced his duties by appointing his officers in the following order : —Bros . John Constable . S . W . ; John Ross , J . W . ; John Peartree , Treas . ; Phillip Levy , Sec . ; Joseph Bennett , S . D . ; Henry
Lyon , J . D . j R . Simons , I . G . j Vesper , Tyler . The brethren having been for several hours diligently at labour , were called offfor refreshment , and ample justice was done to the repast prepared for their delectation . The removal cf the cloth was followed by the customary loyal and Masonic
toasts . The speeches of the W . M . and responses were given with delightful brevity . The former acquitted himself very creditably , considering the novel position in which he was placed , while amongst the latter the most noteworth y were that of Bro . J . M . Lazarus , P . M ., & c , who ,
having been a member of the Craft tor just half a century , was deemed the best qualified to reply on behalf of the visitors , a task which the venerable and highly esteemed brother performed with much good humoured eloquence , and also that of Bro . S . Solomon , P . M ., who appealed in
favour of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge in stirring terms , which had the magical effect of softening hearts and opening pockets , resulting in gifts of numerous guineas and half guineas , whicii came flowing in with exemplary rapidity . This fund up to this meeting
amounted to sBfoo , and the speaker expressed his intention never to rest until it has attained the round sum of sBiooo . The proceedings in the banquetting room were interspersed with music and song . Miss Fowell presided at the piano , assisted by Bro . Joseph Burrett , S . D .
The singers were Misses Estella Emerick and Rosa Leo , Bros Constable , Ross , Farmer , and others . Of the ladies , one deserves especial mention , namely , Rosa Leo , who is only ten years of age , but betrayed an amount of precocious talent which indicates fair promise of future excellence !
A selection from " Faust , ' in Italian , was given by that young artist with such sweetness an . l precision that it secured for her the hearty applause of all present . Among the Past Masters of the lodge were observed : —Bros . Harfeld , Holbrook , M . Harris , Alex . Levy , and Algernon Sydney . The visitors were : —Bros . T . M .
Lazarus , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . G . O . Wilt shire ; G . Bilby , P . M ., 527 ; E . W . Hunt , W . M 188 ; H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 ; E . P . Mbert P . M . 188 ; George Kenning , P . M . 192 , P . G . D Middlesex ; C . F . Hogard , W . M ., 20- ;; C . Slater P . M ., 1 , 309 ; D . H . Jacobs , P . M ., 27 ; E Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; and others .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . — The regular meeting of the Lodge of Fortitude was held on Wednesday evening , 12 th February , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenanim . There were present the W . M ., Bro . William Fleming , W . Hall , I . P . M . ; Edward Airey , S . W . ; Robt . Greyson J . W . ¦ Edmund Simpson , P . M . and
Secretary ; Kobt . Jervis , S . D . Richard Taylor , J . D . ; W . Duff , I . G . j Watson and Beeley Tylers . Past Masters , John Hatch , George Kelland , and J , Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . of England , J . Stanley , J . Bell , W . Heald , J . W . 1 353 J Ellershaw , Acton , Beesley . Visitors—Bro . Jesse Banning , P . M ., 813 and 310 s Thomas
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Jackson , 1051 . After the regular business ha-1 been transacted and communications rea-1 from the Provincial Grand Lodge , a Master Mason ' s Lodge was opened , and Bro . Dr . Moore delivered a short lecture on the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry , and in so doing at first
adverted to the rig id involiability with which they should be kept , and then pointed out the distinction which existed between the secrets and mysteries , showing also when and in what manner they became merged into each other . He then drew the attention of the brethren to the
symbol of the Masters office as exemplified in tlie secrets of Freemasonry , and gave other information on the subject , which for obvious reasons we are unable to record . A hearty vote of thanks was awarded to the lecturer , who briefly responded , and who then proceeded to advocate the cause of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys , of which Charity he was about to represent the lodge as Steward at thc coming Festival . A donation of five guineas was unanimously voted towards that object on the motion of Bro . E . Simpson , P . M ., seconded by the S . W ., and their being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
LEEDS . —Fidelit y Lodge ( No . 289 ) . —On Friday evening , the 14 th inst ., a conversazione and ball was held b y the members of this lodge in their new hall recently erected and opened at Carlton Hill . The company was received by Mrs . Watson and the W . M . ( Bro . Watson ) at
seven p . m ., in the lodge room , which had been suitably transformed for the occasion . Here coffee was served , and the guests , who soon mustered upwards of sixty , were for some time occupied in examining various objects of interest placed about in the shape of articles of virtu ,
philosophical instruments , curiosities , & o ., kindly lent by members of the lodge . A fine bedstead in carved oak , once the property of the great Hampden , and slept on on one occasion by Oliver Cromwell , being an object of special interest . A display , ably conducted by Bros . Ramsden
( D . C . ) and Walker ( S . D . ) , of views photographed in the Island of Java , was afterwards given by means of large sheet and an oxyhydrogen la ' - 'ip . The company adjourned downstairs into the tastefully decorated banquet room , when dancing commenced , and was kept up with
unwonted zeal and spirit during the entire evening , into the " small hours . " This lodge is peculiarly fortunate in containing such great musical talent , some of the most gifted local instrumentalists and vocalists being numbered amongst its members , and durieig the evening a
sort of impromptu concert was got up which gave great delight to the audience . Much of the success of the evening must be attributed to the valuable aid rendered by Bros . Kirkley , Ramsden , and Walker , who at a very short notice undertook and carried out the principal
arrangements most satisfactorily , and to Bro . W . Glover , the accomplished and zealous Organist of the Iodge , who performed the duties of Master of the Ceremonies with great tact and skill . A similar gathering of the Fidelity brethren and their ladies had not taken place for
many years , and the company , on breaking up , declared they had never passed a more delightful evening , and determined to repeat at the earliest suitable date what had proved so successful an experiment . NORTHAMPTON ' . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 3 * 5 o ) . - —
The brethren of this lodge assembled in goodly number on Thursday evening , February 6 th , it being the first occasion of their meeting together under the present W . M ., Bro . E . W . Tullley . Three brethren were passed to the
second degree , the ceremony being performed by the W . M . Three candidates were balloted for , and , being all elected , were initiated , the ceremony being performed by Bro . P . M . Stanton . < £ IO was voted towards the Roval Institution
for Aged and Decayed Freemasons . At the close of the business the brethren sat down to supper , and afterwards spent a short time in a thoroughly enjoyable manner . There was a good muster of P . M . ' s , and every officer was at
his post , and the whole proceedings augur well for tlie Pomfret Lodge for 1873 . DORCHESTER . —Faith and Unanimity Lodge ( No . 417 ) . —At the February meeting there were present—Bros . C . Parsons , W . M . j W . P