Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancients and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancients and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cocheram , S . W . ; A . li . Timbrel ] , f . W . ¦ Rev . P . H . Newnham , Chap . ; W . Osinond , Sec . : W . H . Dean , J . D . - , IL Ling , D . C ; A . W . Edwards , I . G . ; W . How anil J . S . Si-river , Stewards ; J . Lovelace , Treasurer ; Bros . Fenner , A . Atkins , T . Chich , Chamer . Visitors' —Bro . f .
W . Mclhuish 19 . -J , St . Patrick s , Belfast , and Bro . Sherry , yd , Economy , Winchester . Mr . Charles Shinto , of Stratton , was initiated into the Order according to ancient form , the W . M . performing the ceremony most efficiently . It was his lirst initiation , and the able manner in
which he acquitted lumvclf shows that he is not unworthy to succeed even so experienced a Mason as Bro . ( lie Kev . I ' . 11 . iVewnliam . The visiting brethren jiresent complimented the officers of the lotlge en their good working . The working tools were explained and the charge delivered by Bro . T . Chick , P . M .
WiMiniRx ; :. —St . Culhl'crga Lodge ( No . 622 ) . —At the February meeting of this lodge took p lace the installation of Hro . 1 lenry Charles Burt as W . M . for the current year . There was a large attendance of the Craft , and the ceremony was ably performed b y Bro . the Rev . W . M .
Heath , assisted by Hro . J . W . Smith . Then were visiting brethren presenl from Bl .-mdford Poole , Weymouth , and London . 'fhe W . M appointed his ollicers , Bro . Montague Guest M . l \ , S . W . ; | . W . Tail ' , I . W . : Kev . W . M
Heath , Chaplain ; Hro . C . C . liinett , Sec : A . J . Builder , S . D . ; J . Hammour , J . D . ; J . A . Atkins , I . G . At the annual banquet which followed , between 30 and 40 brethren weie jiresent .
NEW MI 1 . 1 ORD . —J / eyland Ludge . ( No . 990 ) —On the nth inst . the brethren of this Lodge met at the South Wales 1 lotel . There- wen present ( in the absence of the W . M ., the chaii was ably filled by liro . T . Phillips , P . M . ) , Bro , Gaddani , I . P . M . ' ; liro . 'P . Phipps , P . M . ; Bro .
Scrilchly , P . M . ; liro . W . G . Phillips , P . M . ; liro . P . S . Davis S . W . ; Hro . Cousin *; | . W . ; liro Haotis , S . D . Hro . J . Davis , | . D . lim . Walkley , I . G . ; with a full muster of the brethren , u ill ] Bro . Shirlan , visitor . Mr . A . Evans having been elected , was initialed into the secrets and
inyst cries ol the order , m a most alile manner , by Bro . T . Phillips . The W . M ., liro . Chas . Nil . lis having arrived , look the chair of K . S . ; Mr . S . Nibbfi hsi'ing answered ihe necessary questions , was passed to the second degree b \ the W . M . :
111 Ins usual able maimer , the « ork mg tools hem ; . beautifully prevented . Two gentlemen havint been proposed as candidates , and oilier ncccssan business transacted , ihe Lodge was closed in dm form with perfect harmonv .
STOCK wr . 1 . 1 . Lnnur . ( No . 1 , ; . ;<; . )—An emergency meeiing o ! the above lodge was held at ' liro . Coles ' , the Half Moon , l ' I erne Hill , » i \ Tuesday the 1 S 1 I 1 February , 1 S 7 ; . Present : — Bros . W . Worrell , W . M . ; I . Pain , S . W . -. I . 0 . ;
Bri g hten , J . W .-. Frances , See . ; Klenck , S . D . Bentam , D . C . ; also li ins . Bowyer , Coe I liiicksinan . and Bassnelt . 'I lie business of tin evening Aas the rais-nig of liro . Coe , and the ini tiation of Messrs . lames and lohn Knibbs
liro . liassiiel of ( Lodge No . jj ' l having been previously jiiojiosed MIKI seconded , was unanimousl y elected a ' -joining member . All . Masonic business having ended ihe brethren adjourned lo a very excellent supper , presided over by ( lie W . M .
WIDNI . S . '— - ' / ' //' ¦ Lodge uf F . i / ui / i / , Xn i . ; s ' -l- — Tin ; first anniversary of this lodge , whicii was consecrated twelve months ago , under hig hly favourable circumstances , was celebrated on Tuesday last , the iSth inst ., al the Sims ' Cross Hotel , Widiies . 'fhe principal business was the
installation of Pro . Reginald Young , W . M . elect , and the large attendance of brethren showed the great respect iu which the retiring and prospective Mask r were held . The lodge was opened according tocslablished form , shor . lv
after three o ' clock , b y liro . J . W . | . Eowler , W . M ., who was supported b y I lie subjoined ollicers anil brethren of the Equity : Bros . K . Young , J . W . ; W , Jameson , Treas . ; R . 1 ) Simpson , Sec . ; H . S . Oppenheim , S . D . ; J . W . Wareing , LG . ; W . Newsome , S . ; T , Sephton ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . ; J . White , J . Walker , Borthwick , W . J . Thompson , J . A . Stoddart , J . T . Hall , J . Sampson , J . W . Carlisle , G . King , and J . Knight . Amongst the visitors were Bros . | . Hamer , P . P . G , Treas . ; J . T . Birchall , P . M . 86 ; Dr . Morris , P-M . 86 ; W . Leather , W . M . 897 j J . W . R . Fowler , W . M . 86 ; C . C . Imison , P . M .
75 8 ; II . Nelson , P . M . 67 . 3 ; A . Gurney , S . D . 8 97 ; B . Elvis . 477 ; A . Mitchell , 477 ; ] AL Jordan , 8 97 ; | . Van Denne , 86 ; W . Tyrer , Sec , 86 ; G . Stead , & e . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and unanimously confirmed , liro . J . W . J . Fowler proceeded with installation of liro . Younsr as W . M .
The ceremony throughout was performed in a masterl y style and impressive manncr . the charges to the new stall' of ollicers of the lodge being given b y liro . ) . Hamer . The newly chaired W . M . subsequentl y invested the following brethren as his ollicers : —Pros . R . D . Simpson ,
S . W . ; H . S . Oppenheim , J . W . ; W . Jameson , Treas . ; R . W . Waiving , Sec ; W . Newsome , S . D . ; W . Thompson , J . D . ; | . King , I . G . ; J . White , S . S . ; and Borthwick , J . S . liro . Sephton was unanimousl y re-elected T y ler for the ensuing year . Before the termination of the
business hearty good wishes were conveyed to the AV . M . by brothers representing lodges Numbers , 86 , 14 s ' , 477 , 537 , 8 5 8 , 673 , and 1 , 086 . The brethren afterwards s , t down to an excellent banquet , presided over b y the W . M ., who was honoured with the presence ot a stroii ' ' muster ol * P . M . ' s . Alter the
customary loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Fowler , LP . AL , jiroposed " Thc Health of the W . M ., " referring lo his many excellent qualities as a Alason and a citizen . Alter acknowled ging the conijilinient ,
hro . A oung . \\ . M ., gave " The Health of the l . P . AI . " in a terse and excellent sjieech , and concluded by presenting him with a massive gold ring , set with a .-. tone of the AIasonic colour , as as token of the admiration of ihe brethren of the
lodge ol ins valuable services as their lirst \\ . AL Hro . Fowler acknowledged the haiiilsoni jiresenl in suitable and eloquent terms . Alter spending a plcsaut evening the brethren sejiarak'd at an earl y hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Soi'Tii MOI . TO \ - .-- / ' . 7 I \ M 7 'C Lodge ( Xv . 9 ) . —This old and flourishing lodge held its iis ; ial monthly meeting on Monday , at the Masonic I lall , a \ cry large number of the members being jneseiit . After the minutes of the last lodgenight had been read and confirmed , and ihe
business nf the lodge disjiosed of , Hro . Cajit . Davey , the W . AL , informed the lodge that our late much respected P . G . M . had resigned his ollice , which he had so long and worthil y filled , and that he ( the W . AL ) had been appointed P . G . M . in his stead . ll was iiroposed by Bro . Shapland ,
seconded by liro . Riceard , and unanimousl y resolved , that the congratulations of the lodge be given to < nir W . AL for the honour conferred 011 him , and that it may p lease , the G . A . O . T . U . to grant him health to enable him to jierforin the duties of his ollice , which this lodge was
assured he would discharge with credit to himself and satisfaction lo the brethren ofthe province . 'Ihe lodge was then closed in due form , and ( he brethren repaired to the I ' liieorn I lotel , , vhere a sjilendid banquet had been
prcjiared for their reeejition by liro . Cole at the request and exjiense of tlie W . AL The room was beautifully decorated with Alasonic devices and the table with rare flowers , the wines were all lhat could be wished , and a most jileasant evening was spent .
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
Ancients and Accepted Rite .
\ ' -wro !; T .- —I t'or Hael Clmjiter if Ruse Crui . e — A chajiter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of ILK . D . AL , was held at the Ncwjiort AIasonic Hall , on Alonday . By jiermission of the brethren ladicsaiidgeii'Jemen , jiro |> erly i nl rod need , whether b y members ol the Order or not , were allowed to insjiect the decorations , which constitute a great feature of this really beautiful chiyalric
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
degree . The brilliantl y lighted altar , the splendidly wrought banners ( not fewer than ei ghteen in number ) , and thc other sumjituous embellishments were witnessed with admiration by those who werc thus privileged , the ladies especiall y being charmed with the coup d ' tmil presented in the princmal room . In truth , it was a scene
sufficient to dazzle tho eyes of any ordinary observer . AVe were pleased to hear a hi ghly commendatory remark from Major Shadwell Clerke , ( the father of the Chapter ) , who is so frequentl y engaged in Masonic ceremonials , both in the Metropolis and the Provinces —to the effect that newhere had he found
these degrees of Masonry more tastefully , more beautifull y aided b y the accessories of elegance and art than in Newport . It is a hi gh compliment to the Ivor Hael Chajiter that its founder is this year selected for the distinguished honour of thc 5 3 — that is , a member of the
Supreme Grand Council for lingland and AVales' ' The Chajiter having been duly ojiened , five candidates , viz ., Bros . George Shaddick , Swansea , 207 ; AV . B . Broad , Monmouth , 457 ; E . H liro mage , Monmouth , 457 ; Henry Greene ,
Newport , 371 , and H . Ansell Smith , Swansea , were duly jierfected . The next business was to elect the M . W . S . for the ensuing year . Bro-. Alajor Clerke had great pleasure in jiroposing for election to the honour of M . W . S . of the
Ivor Hael Chajiter , Bro . L . Augustus Homfray , under his worth y brother , the present M . W . S . No one , he felt certain , had the interest of Alasonry in general , and of this Chajiter in particular , more at heart , than Bro . Homfray . ( AIasonic approbation . ) Iiro . H . Martyn
Kaynard seconded the proposition in a few hearty fraternal expressions . Bro . L . Augustus Homfray felicitously returned thanks . A proposition to alter the days of holding the periodical meetings of the Ivor Had was carried . In future they will be on the last AVednesday in July , and
the last AVednesday in J anuary of each year . The installation of Bro . L . A . Homfray will , therefore , take jilace in Midsummer . The sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted to the charity of the Aged and Decayed Freemasons , which constitutes a life governorship for the
M . W . S . for the time being , of the Ivor Hael . It was resolved that a jewel be presented to each of the P . M . AV . S . ' s in succession b y the Chapter . Brother Alajor Gierke was literally overwhelmed with thanks for his great kindness tothe Ivor Hael , and , with his usual
self-abnegation he took but small credit to himself . There w ere other coiii | iliinentary passages , and tlie " third point" having been given , the Chapter was closed . The excellent and im-|> ivssiw : manner in which Iiro . S . George Homfray went through his very arduous task as
M . W . S . deserves sjiccial commendation . None but those who ajijireciati * Masonry in its jiractical and inexorable work , know the drain upon the mental faculties which high office entails . Brother Homfray showed that he had acquired the nice and delicate workiny of that roseate
degree with consummate skill . Not a rose lost a jietal , nor a flower drooped , in the pretty , ay , the very jiretty ceremony ofthe Rose Croix .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Is VZA . VTI ' . VK COXI - LAVI : 'No . 44 ) . — ihe regular assembl y of this flourishing Conclave took jilace at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , ihe 12 th instant , when there was a full average attendance of members . In
consequence of the alarming illness of the Rev . Dr , 1 laycroft , V . E ., the chair of C . was filled by tin Int . Genl ., ofthe Province , Sir Kt . AV . Kelly , tin AI . P . S ., Sir Kt . G . Toller , jun ., acting as V . E Of the seven candidates on the summons live
were in attendance , and having been approved on a ballot were regularl y installed b y the Int . Genl . as Kni ghts of the Order , the traditional history and charge being given b y Sir Kt . Toller . The Int . Genl . referring to the sudden and dangerous
illness ol Dr . Haycroft , said that he was sure that every member would join in the wish that his life mi ght be spared . The M . P . S ., Sir Kt . 'Poller , spoke of the great services rendered b y Dr . Haycroft to the Red Cross Order in general ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cocheram , S . W . ; A . li . Timbrel ] , f . W . ¦ Rev . P . H . Newnham , Chap . ; W . Osinond , Sec . : W . H . Dean , J . D . - , IL Ling , D . C ; A . W . Edwards , I . G . ; W . How anil J . S . Si-river , Stewards ; J . Lovelace , Treasurer ; Bros . Fenner , A . Atkins , T . Chich , Chamer . Visitors' —Bro . f .
W . Mclhuish 19 . -J , St . Patrick s , Belfast , and Bro . Sherry , yd , Economy , Winchester . Mr . Charles Shinto , of Stratton , was initiated into the Order according to ancient form , the W . M . performing the ceremony most efficiently . It was his lirst initiation , and the able manner in
which he acquitted lumvclf shows that he is not unworthy to succeed even so experienced a Mason as Bro . ( lie Kev . I ' . 11 . iVewnliam . The visiting brethren jiresent complimented the officers of the lotlge en their good working . The working tools were explained and the charge delivered by Bro . T . Chick , P . M .
WiMiniRx ; :. —St . Culhl'crga Lodge ( No . 622 ) . —At the February meeting of this lodge took p lace the installation of Hro . 1 lenry Charles Burt as W . M . for the current year . There was a large attendance of the Craft , and the ceremony was ably performed b y Bro . the Rev . W . M .
Heath , assisted by Hro . J . W . Smith . Then were visiting brethren presenl from Bl .-mdford Poole , Weymouth , and London . 'fhe W . M appointed his ollicers , Bro . Montague Guest M . l \ , S . W . ; | . W . Tail ' , I . W . : Kev . W . M
Heath , Chaplain ; Hro . C . C . liinett , Sec : A . J . Builder , S . D . ; J . Hammour , J . D . ; J . A . Atkins , I . G . At the annual banquet which followed , between 30 and 40 brethren weie jiresent .
NEW MI 1 . 1 ORD . —J / eyland Ludge . ( No . 990 ) —On the nth inst . the brethren of this Lodge met at the South Wales 1 lotel . There- wen present ( in the absence of the W . M ., the chaii was ably filled by liro . T . Phillips , P . M . ) , Bro , Gaddani , I . P . M . ' ; liro . 'P . Phipps , P . M . ; Bro .
Scrilchly , P . M . ; liro . W . G . Phillips , P . M . ; liro . P . S . Davis S . W . ; Hro . Cousin *; | . W . ; liro Haotis , S . D . Hro . J . Davis , | . D . lim . Walkley , I . G . ; with a full muster of the brethren , u ill ] Bro . Shirlan , visitor . Mr . A . Evans having been elected , was initialed into the secrets and
inyst cries ol the order , m a most alile manner , by Bro . T . Phillips . The W . M ., liro . Chas . Nil . lis having arrived , look the chair of K . S . ; Mr . S . Nibbfi hsi'ing answered ihe necessary questions , was passed to the second degree b \ the W . M . :
111 Ins usual able maimer , the « ork mg tools hem ; . beautifully prevented . Two gentlemen havint been proposed as candidates , and oilier ncccssan business transacted , ihe Lodge was closed in dm form with perfect harmonv .
STOCK wr . 1 . 1 . Lnnur . ( No . 1 , ; . ;<; . )—An emergency meeiing o ! the above lodge was held at ' liro . Coles ' , the Half Moon , l ' I erne Hill , » i \ Tuesday the 1 S 1 I 1 February , 1 S 7 ; . Present : — Bros . W . Worrell , W . M . ; I . Pain , S . W . -. I . 0 . ;
Bri g hten , J . W .-. Frances , See . ; Klenck , S . D . Bentam , D . C . ; also li ins . Bowyer , Coe I liiicksinan . and Bassnelt . 'I lie business of tin evening Aas the rais-nig of liro . Coe , and the ini tiation of Messrs . lames and lohn Knibbs
liro . liassiiel of ( Lodge No . jj ' l having been previously jiiojiosed MIKI seconded , was unanimousl y elected a ' -joining member . All . Masonic business having ended ihe brethren adjourned lo a very excellent supper , presided over by ( lie W . M .
WIDNI . S . '— - ' / ' //' ¦ Lodge uf F . i / ui / i / , Xn i . ; s ' -l- — Tin ; first anniversary of this lodge , whicii was consecrated twelve months ago , under hig hly favourable circumstances , was celebrated on Tuesday last , the iSth inst ., al the Sims ' Cross Hotel , Widiies . 'fhe principal business was the
installation of Pro . Reginald Young , W . M . elect , and the large attendance of brethren showed the great respect iu which the retiring and prospective Mask r were held . The lodge was opened according tocslablished form , shor . lv
after three o ' clock , b y liro . J . W . | . Eowler , W . M ., who was supported b y I lie subjoined ollicers anil brethren of the Equity : Bros . K . Young , J . W . ; W , Jameson , Treas . ; R . 1 ) Simpson , Sec . ; H . S . Oppenheim , S . D . ; J . W . Wareing , LG . ; W . Newsome , S . ; T , Sephton ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . ; J . White , J . Walker , Borthwick , W . J . Thompson , J . A . Stoddart , J . T . Hall , J . Sampson , J . W . Carlisle , G . King , and J . Knight . Amongst the visitors were Bros . | . Hamer , P . P . G , Treas . ; J . T . Birchall , P . M . 86 ; Dr . Morris , P-M . 86 ; W . Leather , W . M . 897 j J . W . R . Fowler , W . M . 86 ; C . C . Imison , P . M .
75 8 ; II . Nelson , P . M . 67 . 3 ; A . Gurney , S . D . 8 97 ; B . Elvis . 477 ; A . Mitchell , 477 ; ] AL Jordan , 8 97 ; | . Van Denne , 86 ; W . Tyrer , Sec , 86 ; G . Stead , & e . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and unanimously confirmed , liro . J . W . J . Fowler proceeded with installation of liro . Younsr as W . M .
The ceremony throughout was performed in a masterl y style and impressive manncr . the charges to the new stall' of ollicers of the lodge being given b y liro . ) . Hamer . The newly chaired W . M . subsequentl y invested the following brethren as his ollicers : —Pros . R . D . Simpson ,
S . W . ; H . S . Oppenheim , J . W . ; W . Jameson , Treas . ; R . W . Waiving , Sec ; W . Newsome , S . D . ; W . Thompson , J . D . ; | . King , I . G . ; J . White , S . S . ; and Borthwick , J . S . liro . Sephton was unanimousl y re-elected T y ler for the ensuing year . Before the termination of the
business hearty good wishes were conveyed to the AV . M . by brothers representing lodges Numbers , 86 , 14 s ' , 477 , 537 , 8 5 8 , 673 , and 1 , 086 . The brethren afterwards s , t down to an excellent banquet , presided over b y the W . M ., who was honoured with the presence ot a stroii ' ' muster ol * P . M . ' s . Alter the
customary loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Fowler , LP . AL , jiroposed " Thc Health of the W . M ., " referring lo his many excellent qualities as a Alason and a citizen . Alter acknowled ging the conijilinient ,
hro . A oung . \\ . M ., gave " The Health of the l . P . AI . " in a terse and excellent sjieech , and concluded by presenting him with a massive gold ring , set with a .-. tone of the AIasonic colour , as as token of the admiration of ihe brethren of the
lodge ol ins valuable services as their lirst \\ . AL Hro . Fowler acknowledged the haiiilsoni jiresenl in suitable and eloquent terms . Alter spending a plcsaut evening the brethren sejiarak'd at an earl y hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Soi'Tii MOI . TO \ - .-- / ' . 7 I \ M 7 'C Lodge ( Xv . 9 ) . —This old and flourishing lodge held its iis ; ial monthly meeting on Monday , at the Masonic I lall , a \ cry large number of the members being jneseiit . After the minutes of the last lodgenight had been read and confirmed , and ihe
business nf the lodge disjiosed of , Hro . Cajit . Davey , the W . AL , informed the lodge that our late much respected P . G . M . had resigned his ollice , which he had so long and worthil y filled , and that he ( the W . AL ) had been appointed P . G . M . in his stead . ll was iiroposed by Bro . Shapland ,
seconded by liro . Riceard , and unanimousl y resolved , that the congratulations of the lodge be given to < nir W . AL for the honour conferred 011 him , and that it may p lease , the G . A . O . T . U . to grant him health to enable him to jierforin the duties of his ollice , which this lodge was
assured he would discharge with credit to himself and satisfaction lo the brethren ofthe province . 'Ihe lodge was then closed in due form , and ( he brethren repaired to the I ' liieorn I lotel , , vhere a sjilendid banquet had been
prcjiared for their reeejition by liro . Cole at the request and exjiense of tlie W . AL The room was beautifully decorated with Alasonic devices and the table with rare flowers , the wines were all lhat could be wished , and a most jileasant evening was spent .
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
Ancients and Accepted Rite .
\ ' -wro !; T .- —I t'or Hael Clmjiter if Ruse Crui . e — A chajiter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of ILK . D . AL , was held at the Ncwjiort AIasonic Hall , on Alonday . By jiermission of the brethren ladicsaiidgeii'Jemen , jiro |> erly i nl rod need , whether b y members ol the Order or not , were allowed to insjiect the decorations , which constitute a great feature of this really beautiful chiyalric
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
degree . The brilliantl y lighted altar , the splendidly wrought banners ( not fewer than ei ghteen in number ) , and thc other sumjituous embellishments were witnessed with admiration by those who werc thus privileged , the ladies especiall y being charmed with the coup d ' tmil presented in the princmal room . In truth , it was a scene
sufficient to dazzle tho eyes of any ordinary observer . AVe were pleased to hear a hi ghly commendatory remark from Major Shadwell Clerke , ( the father of the Chapter ) , who is so frequentl y engaged in Masonic ceremonials , both in the Metropolis and the Provinces —to the effect that newhere had he found
these degrees of Masonry more tastefully , more beautifull y aided b y the accessories of elegance and art than in Newport . It is a hi gh compliment to the Ivor Hael Chajiter that its founder is this year selected for the distinguished honour of thc 5 3 — that is , a member of the
Supreme Grand Council for lingland and AVales' ' The Chajiter having been duly ojiened , five candidates , viz ., Bros . George Shaddick , Swansea , 207 ; AV . B . Broad , Monmouth , 457 ; E . H liro mage , Monmouth , 457 ; Henry Greene ,
Newport , 371 , and H . Ansell Smith , Swansea , were duly jierfected . The next business was to elect the M . W . S . for the ensuing year . Bro-. Alajor Clerke had great pleasure in jiroposing for election to the honour of M . W . S . of the
Ivor Hael Chajiter , Bro . L . Augustus Homfray , under his worth y brother , the present M . W . S . No one , he felt certain , had the interest of Alasonry in general , and of this Chajiter in particular , more at heart , than Bro . Homfray . ( AIasonic approbation . ) Iiro . H . Martyn
Kaynard seconded the proposition in a few hearty fraternal expressions . Bro . L . Augustus Homfray felicitously returned thanks . A proposition to alter the days of holding the periodical meetings of the Ivor Had was carried . In future they will be on the last AVednesday in July , and
the last AVednesday in J anuary of each year . The installation of Bro . L . A . Homfray will , therefore , take jilace in Midsummer . The sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted to the charity of the Aged and Decayed Freemasons , which constitutes a life governorship for the
M . W . S . for the time being , of the Ivor Hael . It was resolved that a jewel be presented to each of the P . M . AV . S . ' s in succession b y the Chapter . Brother Alajor Gierke was literally overwhelmed with thanks for his great kindness tothe Ivor Hael , and , with his usual
self-abnegation he took but small credit to himself . There w ere other coiii | iliinentary passages , and tlie " third point" having been given , the Chapter was closed . The excellent and im-|> ivssiw : manner in which Iiro . S . George Homfray went through his very arduous task as
M . W . S . deserves sjiccial commendation . None but those who ajijireciati * Masonry in its jiractical and inexorable work , know the drain upon the mental faculties which high office entails . Brother Homfray showed that he had acquired the nice and delicate workiny of that roseate
degree with consummate skill . Not a rose lost a jietal , nor a flower drooped , in the pretty , ay , the very jiretty ceremony ofthe Rose Croix .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Is VZA . VTI ' . VK COXI - LAVI : 'No . 44 ) . — ihe regular assembl y of this flourishing Conclave took jilace at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , ihe 12 th instant , when there was a full average attendance of members . In
consequence of the alarming illness of the Rev . Dr , 1 laycroft , V . E ., the chair of C . was filled by tin Int . Genl ., ofthe Province , Sir Kt . AV . Kelly , tin AI . P . S ., Sir Kt . G . Toller , jun ., acting as V . E Of the seven candidates on the summons live
were in attendance , and having been approved on a ballot were regularl y installed b y the Int . Genl . as Kni ghts of the Order , the traditional history and charge being given b y Sir Kt . Toller . The Int . Genl . referring to the sudden and dangerous
illness ol Dr . Haycroft , said that he was sure that every member would join in the wish that his life mi ght be spared . The M . P . S ., Sir Kt . 'Poller , spoke of the great services rendered b y Dr . Haycroft to the Red Cross Order in general ,