Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Public Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES , &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. EMRA HOLMES'S LECTURE ON THE ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 2 Article BRO. EMRA HOLMES'S LECTURE ON THE ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 2 Article BRO. EMRA HOLMES'S LECTURE ON THE ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AND HOSPITAL. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . 6 ( 1 . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
United States of America . Tun FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . Tlie Freemason is published on Saturday Mornini *; :-, in lime for the earlv trains .
Tile price oi" the Freemason is Twopence per wee- ;; avmuril subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will paycarciiil . iltention to all MSS . entir . sted to him , nut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
E . II . —Chas . Dickens was not a Mason , hut his brother was . Report of Royal Arch Ciiapter of Improvement will appear in our next .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Christmas . 1 . The History of a I'Ll'M PUDDING , with strikme , experiments bv Processor Gan ' . ncr . 2 . A Christmas Tale ; or , ' 1 K 1 W J . ' iXK " COXCjUEST R . WIi THK CELL : an Min , ( rated Poem , wilh leinarkabie eliecls . 2 . The "ZOO" Al Till' : " I'OI . Y , " :,:-. uixcilot . il discourse about tlie Zoological Gardens , b \ Mr , | . 1 ., Kinus v . itli Photographs lw Mr . York . ,. The THREE ROSES ; or , the Invisible
Prince in a New Lhdit : a tain I .. 1-, nuisic . iilv narrated bv Mr . ( iconic ISuckland , assisted hv " . Miss Al'ce liai'th , Mi-s I ' nl ' liam , anil Miss i . ilie Uarllett . . ,. Tin- WHITE LADY Ol- AYENICL , the new Slid bciiutilu ! ( i ' bost Illusion . ' . New CHARACTER ENTERTAINMENT , bv . Mr . Pcrrv Vcre . 7 . live uelldcilnl SWIMMING EEAT . S ol Ma > , / uis , Cibbcro in liie ( heal Tank . » . Tlie . MAGIC 'It'll , lull ol TIIVS , lo lie distributed ou spci itieil o : casions , to j-nod I'bitdien . Man > ' other linlcnainnicuts . Cljicn dai ' v , at 12 and 7 . Admission , is .
Madamo Tussaud's . Exhibition . On iic \ v a Mai'iiilicenl Marriage ( Ironpol I I . U . I I 'I' III- ; PRINCESS LOUISE and tlie MAKUt'lS l . )| - ' LORN | -: , also a new portrait Model ot DI * .. El VIN ( JS'I ONE , the ureal AI- 'KICAN EXPLORER ; 1 III-: ¦• CLAIMANT " , SIR ROGER 11 ( 11-I'OUX ; IH'DSUX , tbe " RAILWAY Kl XI ! ; " and ll . R : ll . THE PRINT ! -. OE WALES , in the Robes 1 , 1 the Order ol the Garter . I Ipen hoin 10 a . m . lo 10 p . m . Admission is ., Children under 10 , od . Ii \ lru Rooms 0 , 1 .
Liverpool Theatres , &C.
Week endine Maieh 1 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Liine-sliccl . - I css ,-i Urn . li . Saker . ( irand Christmas Pantomime , •¦ ( iudclell . i or 1 be Crime , the Ph , mi \ , and Ihe Pumpkin . "
ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , ( iivat I hnrl . nle-sliccl .- I ess ,-,-, Mr . II . Leslie ; Manager , Mr . Arthur Garner . Mdlle . I ' catriice ' s l " ninod \ -l liama t oinpnm , in "Nos Iiilimes . " ' I ' lou , Eton , " "Marie Sliiail . " PKIXCE Oh' WALES THEATRE , ' ( lauou-s . p . arr .-LessC ( ., Mr . Setloti / ' . irrv . " Cndi iiiioii , " an . l Clow lor Clou . "
" ¦ "pin-. MRE KOYAL , WiUi . inison-s . pi . iio . Lessee , 11 , o . " VTc - * - t ' reece . C \ ion ' s burles <| ue , " L , t S onnuni but . 1 , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . S " f 7 JAMES'S HALL , Lime-siiecL- Piopii . i ,,,, Hi .,. S . I l . iyuc . Special Artistes and P'Oijrainme . OlHll ' S , William Brown-street . -Midden ' s . Comic . M . iiini-* - < kins , v . itb Pantomime ot ' lltue Ileaid . "
NEW STAR ML-. SIC HALL , Wiiiismsi > i .. souaic—Maiv . ir . er"i Bro . Saunders . Opera , and Special Miscellaneous Attractions . W " EWSOMES CIRCUS , . \ Vh ; icc ! ia . riT- ^ l'rc . | -riclor , Mr . . lames Newsome . Special Etpiesnian and Gvmn . 'eti .: linteitainmcnt .
ROTUNDA THEATRE and Ml . 'SIC 11 ALL . — I ' rnnrii L" -, Mr . D . Grama II . Christmas Pantomime , " llahes iu t ' l-. e Wood , " tv . tvl Misceli ; viwi > vs Eivtcrtiii-nrneuls , QUEEN'S 1 IAI . I . "iiold-strcct . —I . ai , il . ' - Rovvd Diorama o ! ScoTland , with tiic-Oni-mal St ; tlii . li Minstrels . W- |; LU ;; GiTJ \ l ! AlLi :. 7-aa :, ! cn-slice ..-Dr . V , eTi -: "i ) ioi ; un l ol Ireland anil Irish . Minstrels .
The Freemason , j SATURDAY , EI- ' MU' -IRY -:, 1873 . ' , I I
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
BY LLT-LS . ! - And so Bio . Holmes refreshing 1 / h-:-x . < - I am satisfied . I vcntiue to believe that the intclli- i gence of your readers will hare indu-ecd them t suppose that L am s . ilisiied in a very liomu .-p-iil . ii * 1 manner it 1 am content wilh what has been i advanced by Bro . Holmes fur their tinkle ,.. t ' e : i . j
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
Bro . Holmes ajipears to consider that the replies of Sir George Bowyer to certain questions , put by a distinguished friend of the brother , must jierforce settle the question and satisfy us all j
but I accept no dictum of Sir George Bowyer , and I have yet to learn why he is the oracle whose decrees are to settle the discussion which'Bro . Holmes has forced before the readers of The
Freemason . Your readers will see in these rejilies another of Bro . Holmes ' s unsupported statements , and will compare the negative of Sir George Bowvcr to the admission of heretics and
schismatics , with the facts , as published by known , competent , and accepted historians , who were both Roman Catholics , and both members of the Order . Thc question put by the distinguished friend is . " Can heretics and schimatics enter the
Order ?" DE BOISGELIN . — "The Order of Malta , though it regrets the circumstances that have occasioned its separation from the knig hts of a
different religion , does not refuse them a place among its members to lig ht against the enemies of Jesus Christ . " Again , lie says , that Pope Pius VI . " was ofthe same opinion , and apjiroved
the association of Russian Knights ofthe Creek Church with , the Order of Malta . " T . u- 'i- 'E : " One of thc latest acts at Malta was to receive both Protestant Germans and Greek
Russians into thc Order as integral members . Sin Gi-oiii-L- JJOWVKU : " No . " Ujion the last , and yoiu readers will probably ldd , the least of these rejilies , I may be excused
Ihe quotation , "Thy wish was father , Harry , lo that thought . '' 1 sujijiose De Boisgelin and Taafe are to be humbly accejited , in the jiresence of ihese oracular resjionses , as vcry minor
authorities , pour deluded members ol the Order , whose sjicctacles of jirejuilice were not of the requisite focus . Sir G . Bowyer settles the Duke of Manchester at once , as " nolliinu ; , " and this
lhd . Holmes kindly adds is " significant . 1 sujijiose it is not sufficient that George IV ., William IV ., Prince Albert , Sir J . C . Mcrcdyth , Count de Salis , Sir | . Lawrence , Sir H . K .
Pojihain , K . C . ]? ., Sir W . Sidney Smith , G . C . 15 ., Sir VV . 11 . Tonkin , ( thesis last of whom added tlieir names to tlw Roll of the English L ( iii » i ( t' ) , cum niultis n / iis , all sad heretics werc members of the
Order from Roman Catholic sources r f stijipose there is no significance in Ihe jieriocl and practical knowledge of Dc Boisgelin and Taafe . " Does history lie when it tells us that on the 1 ith [ une ,
r . ; . ')' :, tha festival of . Sr . bYniad- 's , an agreement , was concluded at llcimbaeh , between the Prior of Gcnr , ; : nj ' , C'onr ,: d vo : i Braun berg , and the Bailli of the . Marqr . isate of Bandeiiburg , Bcrncdt
at a C 1 'aji'er General at Yaicnci-i , coiivoai : ny the G . and Master lvrdinand ven ikr-di-i , and that ii subsequently ivec : \' . d Hill r :: ; iiic . it , 1 / . 1 ? V / ii . 'i ' :, iiicii . b-. 'i ' cr . ie :-. of Sir ; . . JJowyer ' : . pecial jileading would object that , ( he Prote : io'iit
von der Schulenbiug , in wliicli J : c ;; ei ding and evangelical liailiwick was fully recognised , and it it " . vas exjucssly stnied lhat th . * Knigiits ofthe I ? ailiwick should hav . at aii tiin < r , .-mtiit r :-y and powi : to elect their Baiiii ' : 1 .: it ivitcve Uiai this . 'E '' i '' - -- . ' -inent wa ' - ; couiinu . d in the sam . vciir
iiaili-. viei ; of liranilen ' our : ' ; wa ¦ ih :::. o !' . v * d by th edict of the Ki : ; g t . f Pritiiia ^ or . th . > jc ' . ii c
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
October , , Sio , and then converted into a Royal Order ; but , unfortunately for this view , the present Emperor , by mandate of the 15 th of October , 18- , 2 , restored the Bailiwick to its former
constitution ; Prince Charles informed the Lieutenant-Master , the Baili Count Coloredo-Manslield , by letter , that the Bailiwick was
restored ; and that he , the Prince , was elected Herren-meistcr ; and in the return he received the congratulations of Bailli : And this is " irregular and unrecognised ! "
Bro . Holmes , . with a singular disregard of proof as against mere unsupported assertion , compels me again to trouble your readers with these evidences and facts , which utterly refute
the opinions ot Sir G . Bowyer , and I greatly marvel that so asnl-c a gentlemen should venture such replies if the- } - were [ to be made public . If the Langue of England has been revived , as I
have shewn , and Bvo . Holmes has admitted , then the Duke of Manchester is its present Prior . Sir G . Bowyer seeks to infer that it cannot have existence , inasmuch , as in his private
opinion heritics and schismatics cannot enter the Order , a position which the whole Order , by its jmblic and notorious acts , declares to have no foundation .
Bro . Holmes must have been very hard up when he resorted to this joint-stock method of bolstering up his drooping case , but he has adoped a course fraught with dangers we should
till desire to avoid : ] le is treading in unhappy proximity to the religious cry , and it looks much as if he did so in consequence of my plainly intimated desire to avoid such a misfortune . Thank
Heaven 1 can , I hope , be lair enough to hold the Roman Catholic Knights in respect , and have already said so ; I did not originate this controversy , nor did 1 desire it , but I will not
standby whilst ( 1 say advisedly ) unsupported statements are put forward iu a gratuitous attack upon an honourable and lawful bod y of the Order of St . John , without raising my small protest
against such an unwarrantable and unnecessary proceeding . At jiagc ; ti Bro . Holmes told us that the Order of St . John " was sjilit up into several
independent bodies , " and he supposed that the Masonic Knights had " as good a claim to the title as the others , " but Bro . Holmes now modifies his supposition , and opines only that
they have as good a claim as the " Protestant Gentlemen . " Whence this curious and shifty (••¦ aii'je of belief : Is this a trimming of tho sails : o . suit the new allies , whose proffered aid shall
waft his bark into the waters of safety at the opportune moment when on his hist legs : Bro . Holmes in his despair has cried aloud , and the distinguished friend has heard him . I 3 rc .
Homies has a "learned ana a "trenchant ' friend also ; I have no objection to his being ¦ ' earned , to his being a knight of several Orders ,
nor to his declining the knighthood of thc Holy Sepulchre , but I distinctly object to his being so " trenchant '' as to calumniate the memory ofthe
dead . I envy him not his charity , which dictates a libel ¦ ¦ " . : tlie iate Sir Robert Peat , and I express piv ceovi i I ' p . at Bro . Holmes should have
condcfcc' .-idcd lo ti-. o ignoble position or moutiijuece to such a scurrilous " -. taicmciit . Sir Robert Peat , U . D ., was a clergynian of the Church of Ens
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription lo THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . 6 ( 1 . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
United States of America . Tun FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . Tlie Freemason is published on Saturday Mornini *; :-, in lime for the earlv trains .
Tile price oi" the Freemason is Twopence per wee- ;; avmuril subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will paycarciiil . iltention to all MSS . entir . sted to him , nut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
E . II . —Chas . Dickens was not a Mason , hut his brother was . Report of Royal Arch Ciiapter of Improvement will appear in our next .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Christmas . 1 . The History of a I'Ll'M PUDDING , with strikme , experiments bv Processor Gan ' . ncr . 2 . A Christmas Tale ; or , ' 1 K 1 W J . ' iXK " COXCjUEST R . WIi THK CELL : an Min , ( rated Poem , wilh leinarkabie eliecls . 2 . The "ZOO" Al Till' : " I'OI . Y , " :,:-. uixcilot . il discourse about tlie Zoological Gardens , b \ Mr , | . 1 ., Kinus v . itli Photographs lw Mr . York . ,. The THREE ROSES ; or , the Invisible
Prince in a New Lhdit : a tain I .. 1-, nuisic . iilv narrated bv Mr . ( iconic ISuckland , assisted hv " . Miss Al'ce liai'th , Mi-s I ' nl ' liam , anil Miss i . ilie Uarllett . . ,. Tin- WHITE LADY Ol- AYENICL , the new Slid bciiutilu ! ( i ' bost Illusion . ' . New CHARACTER ENTERTAINMENT , bv . Mr . Pcrrv Vcre . 7 . live uelldcilnl SWIMMING EEAT . S ol Ma > , / uis , Cibbcro in liie ( heal Tank . » . Tlie . MAGIC 'It'll , lull ol TIIVS , lo lie distributed ou spci itieil o : casions , to j-nod I'bitdien . Man > ' other linlcnainnicuts . Cljicn dai ' v , at 12 and 7 . Admission , is .
Madamo Tussaud's . Exhibition . On iic \ v a Mai'iiilicenl Marriage ( Ironpol I I . U . I I 'I' III- ; PRINCESS LOUISE and tlie MAKUt'lS l . )| - ' LORN | -: , also a new portrait Model ot DI * .. El VIN ( JS'I ONE , the ureal AI- 'KICAN EXPLORER ; 1 III-: ¦• CLAIMANT " , SIR ROGER 11 ( 11-I'OUX ; IH'DSUX , tbe " RAILWAY Kl XI ! ; " and ll . R : ll . THE PRINT ! -. OE WALES , in the Robes 1 , 1 the Order ol the Garter . I Ipen hoin 10 a . m . lo 10 p . m . Admission is ., Children under 10 , od . Ii \ lru Rooms 0 , 1 .
Liverpool Theatres , &C.
Week endine Maieh 1 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Liine-sliccl . - I css ,-i Urn . li . Saker . ( irand Christmas Pantomime , •¦ ( iudclell . i or 1 be Crime , the Ph , mi \ , and Ihe Pumpkin . "
ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , ( iivat I hnrl . nle-sliccl .- I ess ,-,-, Mr . II . Leslie ; Manager , Mr . Arthur Garner . Mdlle . I ' catriice ' s l " ninod \ -l liama t oinpnm , in "Nos Iiilimes . " ' I ' lou , Eton , " "Marie Sliiail . " PKIXCE Oh' WALES THEATRE , ' ( lauou-s . p . arr .-LessC ( ., Mr . Setloti / ' . irrv . " Cndi iiiioii , " an . l Clow lor Clou . "
" ¦ "pin-. MRE KOYAL , WiUi . inison-s . pi . iio . Lessee , 11 , o . " VTc - * - t ' reece . C \ ion ' s burles <| ue , " L , t S onnuni but . 1 , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . S " f 7 JAMES'S HALL , Lime-siiecL- Piopii . i ,,,, Hi .,. S . I l . iyuc . Special Artistes and P'Oijrainme . OlHll ' S , William Brown-street . -Midden ' s . Comic . M . iiini-* - < kins , v . itb Pantomime ot ' lltue Ileaid . "
NEW STAR ML-. SIC HALL , Wiiiismsi > i .. souaic—Maiv . ir . er"i Bro . Saunders . Opera , and Special Miscellaneous Attractions . W " EWSOMES CIRCUS , . \ Vh ; icc ! ia . riT- ^ l'rc . | -riclor , Mr . . lames Newsome . Special Etpiesnian and Gvmn . 'eti .: linteitainmcnt .
ROTUNDA THEATRE and Ml . 'SIC 11 ALL . — I ' rnnrii L" -, Mr . D . Grama II . Christmas Pantomime , " llahes iu t ' l-. e Wood , " tv . tvl Misceli ; viwi > vs Eivtcrtiii-nrneuls , QUEEN'S 1 IAI . I . "iiold-strcct . —I . ai , il . ' - Rovvd Diorama o ! ScoTland , with tiic-Oni-mal St ; tlii . li Minstrels . W- |; LU ;; GiTJ \ l ! AlLi :. 7-aa :, ! cn-slice ..-Dr . V , eTi -: "i ) ioi ; un l ol Ireland anil Irish . Minstrels .
The Freemason , j SATURDAY , EI- ' MU' -IRY -:, 1873 . ' , I I
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
BY LLT-LS . ! - And so Bio . Holmes refreshing 1 / h-:-x . < - I am satisfied . I vcntiue to believe that the intclli- i gence of your readers will hare indu-ecd them t suppose that L am s . ilisiied in a very liomu .-p-iil . ii * 1 manner it 1 am content wilh what has been i advanced by Bro . Holmes fur their tinkle ,.. t ' e : i . j
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
Bro . Holmes ajipears to consider that the replies of Sir George Bowyer to certain questions , put by a distinguished friend of the brother , must jierforce settle the question and satisfy us all j
but I accept no dictum of Sir George Bowyer , and I have yet to learn why he is the oracle whose decrees are to settle the discussion which'Bro . Holmes has forced before the readers of The
Freemason . Your readers will see in these rejilies another of Bro . Holmes ' s unsupported statements , and will compare the negative of Sir George Bowvcr to the admission of heretics and
schismatics , with the facts , as published by known , competent , and accepted historians , who were both Roman Catholics , and both members of the Order . Thc question put by the distinguished friend is . " Can heretics and schimatics enter the
Order ?" DE BOISGELIN . — "The Order of Malta , though it regrets the circumstances that have occasioned its separation from the knig hts of a
different religion , does not refuse them a place among its members to lig ht against the enemies of Jesus Christ . " Again , lie says , that Pope Pius VI . " was ofthe same opinion , and apjiroved
the association of Russian Knights ofthe Creek Church with , the Order of Malta . " T . u- 'i- 'E : " One of thc latest acts at Malta was to receive both Protestant Germans and Greek
Russians into thc Order as integral members . Sin Gi-oiii-L- JJOWVKU : " No . " Ujion the last , and yoiu readers will probably ldd , the least of these rejilies , I may be excused
Ihe quotation , "Thy wish was father , Harry , lo that thought . '' 1 sujijiose De Boisgelin and Taafe are to be humbly accejited , in the jiresence of ihese oracular resjionses , as vcry minor
authorities , pour deluded members ol the Order , whose sjicctacles of jirejuilice were not of the requisite focus . Sir G . Bowyer settles the Duke of Manchester at once , as " nolliinu ; , " and this
lhd . Holmes kindly adds is " significant . 1 sujijiose it is not sufficient that George IV ., William IV ., Prince Albert , Sir J . C . Mcrcdyth , Count de Salis , Sir | . Lawrence , Sir H . K .
Pojihain , K . C . ]? ., Sir W . Sidney Smith , G . C . 15 ., Sir VV . 11 . Tonkin , ( thesis last of whom added tlieir names to tlw Roll of the English L ( iii » i ( t' ) , cum niultis n / iis , all sad heretics werc members of the
Order from Roman Catholic sources r f stijipose there is no significance in Ihe jieriocl and practical knowledge of Dc Boisgelin and Taafe . " Does history lie when it tells us that on the 1 ith [ une ,
r . ; . ')' :, tha festival of . Sr . bYniad- 's , an agreement , was concluded at llcimbaeh , between the Prior of Gcnr , ; : nj ' , C'onr ,: d vo : i Braun berg , and the Bailli of the . Marqr . isate of Bandeiiburg , Bcrncdt
at a C 1 'aji'er General at Yaicnci-i , coiivoai : ny the G . and Master lvrdinand ven ikr-di-i , and that ii subsequently ivec : \' . d Hill r :: ; iiic . it , 1 / . 1 ? V / ii . 'i ' :, iiicii . b-. 'i ' cr . ie :-. of Sir ; . . JJowyer ' : . pecial jileading would object that , ( he Prote : io'iit
von der Schulenbiug , in wliicli J : c ;; ei ding and evangelical liailiwick was fully recognised , and it it " . vas exjucssly stnied lhat th . * Knigiits ofthe I ? ailiwick should hav . at aii tiin < r , .-mtiit r :-y and powi : to elect their Baiiii ' : 1 .: it ivitcve Uiai this . 'E '' i '' - -- . ' -inent wa ' - ; couiinu . d in the sam . vciir
iiaili-. viei ; of liranilen ' our : ' ; wa ¦ ih :::. o !' . v * d by th edict of the Ki : ; g t . f Pritiiia ^ or . th . > jc ' . ii c
Bro. Emra Holmes's Lecture On The Orders Of The Temple And Hospital.
October , , Sio , and then converted into a Royal Order ; but , unfortunately for this view , the present Emperor , by mandate of the 15 th of October , 18- , 2 , restored the Bailiwick to its former
constitution ; Prince Charles informed the Lieutenant-Master , the Baili Count Coloredo-Manslield , by letter , that the Bailiwick was
restored ; and that he , the Prince , was elected Herren-meistcr ; and in the return he received the congratulations of Bailli : And this is " irregular and unrecognised ! "
Bro . Holmes , . with a singular disregard of proof as against mere unsupported assertion , compels me again to trouble your readers with these evidences and facts , which utterly refute
the opinions ot Sir G . Bowyer , and I greatly marvel that so asnl-c a gentlemen should venture such replies if the- } - were [ to be made public . If the Langue of England has been revived , as I
have shewn , and Bvo . Holmes has admitted , then the Duke of Manchester is its present Prior . Sir G . Bowyer seeks to infer that it cannot have existence , inasmuch , as in his private
opinion heritics and schismatics cannot enter the Order , a position which the whole Order , by its jmblic and notorious acts , declares to have no foundation .
Bro . Holmes must have been very hard up when he resorted to this joint-stock method of bolstering up his drooping case , but he has adoped a course fraught with dangers we should
till desire to avoid : ] le is treading in unhappy proximity to the religious cry , and it looks much as if he did so in consequence of my plainly intimated desire to avoid such a misfortune . Thank
Heaven 1 can , I hope , be lair enough to hold the Roman Catholic Knights in respect , and have already said so ; I did not originate this controversy , nor did 1 desire it , but I will not
standby whilst ( 1 say advisedly ) unsupported statements are put forward iu a gratuitous attack upon an honourable and lawful bod y of the Order of St . John , without raising my small protest
against such an unwarrantable and unnecessary proceeding . At jiagc ; ti Bro . Holmes told us that the Order of St . John " was sjilit up into several
independent bodies , " and he supposed that the Masonic Knights had " as good a claim to the title as the others , " but Bro . Holmes now modifies his supposition , and opines only that
they have as good a claim as the " Protestant Gentlemen . " Whence this curious and shifty (••¦ aii'je of belief : Is this a trimming of tho sails : o . suit the new allies , whose proffered aid shall
waft his bark into the waters of safety at the opportune moment when on his hist legs : Bro . Holmes in his despair has cried aloud , and the distinguished friend has heard him . I 3 rc .
Homies has a "learned ana a "trenchant ' friend also ; I have no objection to his being ¦ ' earned , to his being a knight of several Orders ,
nor to his declining the knighthood of thc Holy Sepulchre , but I distinctly object to his being so " trenchant '' as to calumniate the memory ofthe
dead . I envy him not his charity , which dictates a libel ¦ ¦ " . : tlie iate Sir Robert Peat , and I express piv ceovi i I ' p . at Bro . Holmes should have
condcfcc' .-idcd lo ti-. o ignoble position or moutiijuece to such a scurrilous " -. taicmciit . Sir Robert Peat , U . D ., was a clergynian of the Church of Ens