Article Jottings from Masonic Journals. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ST. JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ST. JOHN OF WAPPING LODGE, No. 1306. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Jottings From Masonic Journals.
to China , who recently died , was a Mason hailing from Amicable Lodge , Cambridgeport , Massachusetts . THE establishment of a general Masonic Orphanage ( orphelinal ) is advocated in our valued
contemporary , the Chaine D'Union , of Paris . This paper which is edited by an expert Craftsman , Bro . Hubert , is evidently under skilful management . Although our views do not often harmonize , we gladly record our opinion of Bro . Hubert ' s literary merits .
THE Evergreen supports the legality of the new Grand Lodge of Quebec , so does the American Freemason , so do Pomerofs Democrat and the Neist York Dispatch , other American Journals vacillate , or thunder opposition . Time will work wonders .
THERE are now 454 , 455 Masons in America , and yet a few demented individuals , under one Blanchard , think they can quench the spark ? WE never see the erewhile famous Freemasons ' Monthly Magazine , of Boston , U . S . A . ; and believe that it no longer exists . Peace be to the ashes of Bro . Moore .
WE learn , that St . George ' s Lodge , Montreal , 440 , Register of England , and Nelson Lodge , Phillipsburg , one of the oldest Canadian lodges , have declared adherence to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , which we understand is recognised as nn fait accompli by the London ( Eng . ) FREEMASON , and by the Masonic writers generally on both continents .
WE learn that the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia , U . S . A ., has appointed R . W . Bro . W . B . Colby , of Stanstead , representative of that Grand Body , near the Grand Lodge of Quebec ; and that the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Quebec has appointed W . Bro . H . J . Martin , of Washington , representative of the G . L . of Q ., near the G . L . ofthe D . of C .
Consecration Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
For some time past many members of the mystic Craft , residing at Wapping , have felt the desirability of establishing in that neighbourhood a lodge for the purpose of practising the ceremonies of the universal brotherhood ; but thc first to take the initiative was Bro . D . D . Beck , of the Industry Lodge , No . 186 , who , after some exertion and no
small amount of trouble , succeeded in obtaining a warrant to form a lodge , under the title of The St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 . In this he was ably assisted b y Bros . Mann , Bartlett , and Mortlock , P . M . 's 186 , and Dawson , P . M . 144 , and the success which attended the consecration , on the 13 th inst ., augurs well for its future prosperity . The
consecration took place at Bro . Hayward ' s . the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , and was attended by the following brethren : Win . Ough , G . Purs . 749 , 1275 ; Chas . Swan , P . P . G . D ., Herts . ; Rev . Robt . Gordon , Bozer Lodge , New York ( the clergyman of the district ); W . Mosely , 554 ; James Hood , 554 ; G . T . Berry , 144 ; E . Wilson , 538 ; Wynne , 101 ,
554 ; H . Carpenter , P . M . 186 ; Tallent , 186 ; Wm . Coward , 905 ; Carter , P . M . 382 ; Distin , 175 ; Woodland , 169 ; F . T . Walters , 73 , & c . ; Scotcher , 55 ; Henly , 186 ; C . Lacey , 174 ; T . S . Mortlock , P . M . 186 ; D . Shaboe , P . P . G . Chap . 959 , Suffolk ; J . W . Dawson , 144 ; Huddlestone , 975 , 1158 ; Jos . Wright , Southern Star , 1158 ; J . E . AVyllie 186 ;
, Ricketts , 87 ; C . E . Smithers , 101 , 901 ; j . H . Farrow , 174 ; Willets , 89 ; James Brett , Assist . G . Purs ; W . W . Smith , 890 j D . D . Beck , 186 ; G . Roberts , 554 ; Thos . Johns , 30 ; J . Truegrove , 366 ; G . Kelly , P . M . 46 ; A . E . Wright , 598 ; Thos . Barnes ; and Chas . E . Thompson , 1158 , 177 . The Consecrating Master ( appointed by Grand
Lodge ) , Bro . James Brett , Assist . Grand Purst ., was assisted in his duties of Consecration and Installation by Bros . Shaboe , who officiated as Chaplain , Mortlock , 186 , as S . W . ; Berry , 186 , as JAV . j Bartlett as I . G . Bros . Distin , Carter and Coward had the musical arrangements under their care . It is almost needless to say that Bro . Brett did
his work well , because his excellent working is so well known . The ceremonies could not have been better performed by any one- ^ in a word they were perfect . Having installed Bro . Mann , P . M . ofthe Industry Lodge , 186 , who had been selected by his friends to fill the office of W . M ., Bro . Brett made some
suitable observations to him as lo the conduct of the lodge , and the officers were appointed as under : Bartlett , S . W . ; D . D . Beck ( founder of the lodge ) , J . W . ; Dawson , S . D . ; Woodland , J . D . ; Willets , I . G . ; Carpenter , Sec . The newly-installed W . M .
having risen to enquire if any Brother had any proposition to make for the good of Freemasonry , it was proposed ahd carried unanimously that Bros . Brett and Shaboe be honorary members of the lodge , for which they severally returned thanks . Tbe lodge wa $ then closed , and the brethren sat
Consecration Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
down to a superior banquet , the comfort of which was materially contributed to by Bro . T . S . Mortlock , who acted as M . C . and Wine Steward . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and duly honored . Bro . OUGH , Grand Purst ., in returning thanks for
the Grand Officers , said he believed they were true men and genuine masons , and fully qualified to hold the high positions in which they were placed . Bro . BRETT proposed the health of the W . M . He was satisfied he was the right man in the right place ( hear , hear ) , and with such a man at their
head the lodge was sure to prosper . He was sure they would honour him with a really good fire . The toast was received with applause . Bro . MANN spoke in excellent terms of the manner in which they had received him , and , although he could not say anything of what had been done at
present , yet he trusted from , their excellent commencement they would go on satisfactorily . He thanked themverymuchfortheirkindexpressions towards him , and concluded by proposing what he called a special toast , " The health of Bro . Brett ,
the Consecrating Master . " Bro . BRETT thanked the brethren , in modest terms , for the compliments paid to him for the working of the ceremonies . He acknowledged the assistance he had received from Bros . Shaboe , Mortlock and others .
" The Visitors" was next proposed , for which Bro . Shaboe retured thanks , and other toasts having been given , a very pleasant evening was brought to a close .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . St . Marylcbone Lodge , No . 1305 . —This new lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , thc 13 th inst ., at the Eyre Arms , St . John ' s-wood , by Bro . John Hervey , the Grand Secretary , assisted by 15 ro . Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middlesex . Bro . S . G . Foxall is the first Master , and Bros .
Pope and Codner , the Wardens . We are informed that the entire proceedings were most satisfactory , but , inasmuch as wc were not represented journalistically upon the occasion , our account of the meeting is necessarily meagre . Nevertheless we wish the new lodge every prosperity , and its members every happiness .
PROVINCIAL . DARLINGTON . — Restoration Lodge No . III . —On Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . the Rev . II . B . Tris tram , LL . D ., F . R . S ., the distinguished Eastern travellei and author , delivered a lecture in the Central Hall , Darlington , by invitation ofthe W . M ., officers and brethren , ofthe above lodge upon " Thc recent discoveries in
Jerusalem , and especially on the researches which have revealed the outlines and substructures of Solomon ' s Temple . The chair was taken by by E . Backhouse , Esq ., MP ., and there was a very large attendance , about £ y > being taken at the doors , the balance of which after paying expenses wi . ll he given to the Palestine Exploration Society . The lecturer was attended on the platform by a large
numbcrofthebrethren . the clergy and principal inhabitants , and the admirable lecture waslistened to with pleasure and wrapt attention , -The brethren assembled on Easter Sunday morning , to attend the funeral obsequies of tlieir late lamented brother , Wm . llryson , P . S . W ., civil engineer and architect . The pall was born by six Past Masters of the lodge , thc arrangements being under thc direction of
Bro . Foster , D . C . The service in the chapel was conducted by the Rev . J . G . Pearson , Vicar of Darlington , and the remaining portion at the grave side was impressively rendered by Bro . the Rev . E . Hutchinson , M . A ., Chaplain of the lodge . There was a large attendance of other personal friends of the deceased , who was much respected .
LEICESTER . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —One ofthe usual monthly meetings of this lodge was held at tlie Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., under the presidency ofthe W . M ., Bro . Stanley , the R . W . P . G . M . and I . P . M ., Bro . Kelly , and a large number of members and visitors being present . All officers were in their places except thc Senior Warden , who was
prevented by his professional engagements from attending . After opening the lodge and confirming the minutes , the first business was to pass Bro . T . II . Kirby to thc second degree ; which was accordingly done , after he had been duly examined it the first degree . Bros . Barber , Garden , Capt . Goodchild , Williams and Sauter , being candidates for the third degree , were examined as Fellow Craft , and
were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge , in conjunction with the members of No . 523 , lias just expended £ 40 in the repair and enlargement of the organ belonging to the hall , which was again in its p lace this evening , and was presided at , during the evening , by Bro . Charles Johnson , ( P . M . and P . P . G . S . W ., Jersey ) , who added greatly to the impressive effect by
conducting the musical chants , assisted by several of thc brethren . There were three other candidates for the third degree , viz ., Bros . R . Overton , jun ., J . St ., T . Clarke , E . C , and Blankley , but want of time compelled the postponement of these to a future meeting . The lodge having
been lowered to thc first degree , the P . G . M . reported the favourable progress which was making in the case of Alfred Nutt , ( No . S 7 in the list , ) as a candidate in the coming election , for admission into the Boys' School . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and spent an hour or two very pleasantly , after the long labours of the evening . Among the brethren present were , W . Kelly , P . G . M . ; Stanley , W . M ., and P . P . G . S . AV . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M ., and P . G . S . AV . ; W . Pettifor , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Weare , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Crow , J . W ., and P . G . Org . ; Dr Pearce , Sec . ; Palmer , S . D . ; J . Wright Smith , J . D . ;
Widdowson , I . G . ; G . F . Brown , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; Deane , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Halford , J . McAllister , and other members . A isitors , Bros . Toller , W . M ., and P . G . Sec . ; Buzzard , S . W ., P . P . A . D . of C . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., and P . P . G . O . ; W . Millican , P . M ., and P . P . G . Supt . W . ; A . M . Duff , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . D . ; \ V . B . Smith , P . M ., and P . G . Treas ., and several other members of No . 523 .
LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , No . 292 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., the officers present were , Bros . Wylie , P . M . ; R . Wylie , P . M . ; Hess , P . M ., and Treas . ; Hamer , P . M . ; Pel " ham , S . W . ; Hustwicke , and •Elliott , D . C . The W . M . was unavoidably absent , being out of town on account of ill-health . The lodge having been opened , and the
minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . R . Wylie , P . M ., proceeded to initiate Mr . R . Page Dymond , master mariner , into the mysteries of Antient Freemasonry , which ceremony he performed with his accustomed ability , being ably seconded by his officers , the J . W . giving the working tools , and the charge being delivered by Bro . Hill , W . M ., 1276 , at that time acting as
S . AV . After an application for the relief of a distressed brother had been disposed of , the J . D . drew the attention of the brethren to the late proceedings on the public night ofthe Chapter of " Prudent Brethren , " and while awarding the highest praise to that chapter for its laudable efforts to advance the cause of Freemasonry , endeavoured to urge upon the brethren present , the necessity of copying
its excellent example in regard to Craft working , and qualifying themselves for rendering the beautiful sections and impressive ceremonies of the three degrees . Such a course , he argued would prove of more service than any other , for increasingthe efficiency of the lodgeand furthering the interests of Masonry , There being no other business , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer .
After lodge hours the remarks of the J . D . were more fully discussed , and some ofthe biethren having promised their hearty support and co-operation , it was suggested that the fifteen sections be given at an open night early in the ensuing winter . We are very pleased to find , that in this old and distinguished lodge there is a manifest desire on the part of the brethren to make a greater progress in the
hidden knowledge of the Craft , and we trust that they will not only set an example worthy of imitation by the other lodges in the town , but that this desire will bring its own reward by increased prosperity to thc lodge . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Tuesday evening last , when Mr . Harry George Rowell ,
who has recently arrived from Bombay , after an absence of 25 years , was ballotted for and initiated . The ceremony of initiation was performed by Bro . J . R . Cocks , P . M ., and the closing lecture was delivered by Bro . H . Thomas ( P . M . 440 ) , who is also a member of this lodge . The
brethren present were C . Drumm-md , W . M . ; H . B . Hodges , S . W . ; J . D . Medcalf , J . W . ; E . A . Simson , Hon . Sec ; J . R . Cocks , P . M . Treas . ; O . H . Wagner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , J . D . ; S . Neale , J . G . pro . tern . ; C . P . Wyman , Std , ond Org . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; and R . T . Andrews , P . M .
SHEERNESS . —De Shurland Ledge , No . 1089 . —A fully attended meeting of thc brethren of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday night last , at Bro . A . W . Howe ' s , the Fountain Hotel . The occasion of so numerous a gathering was the election of " W . M . " for the ensuing year . Three breihren were expected to be proposed ,
but Bro . Alfred Filmer having withdrawn , the contest , if it may be so termed , lay between the S . W . Bro . Maurice West and the J . W . Bro . J . Hancock . The presiding W . M ., J . R . Macdonald , declared the election lo have fallen upon Bro . West . A very harmonious evening was afterwards spent .
SCARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 24 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . Armitage , was in his place , supported by his officers and a number of brethren . A ballot was taken for Lieut . J . F . Stewart Monteth , of the 2 nd Dragoon Guards ( Queen ' s Bays ) , which proved unanimous in his favour ,
and he was proposed , admitted and initiated by the W . M . in a very able and impressive manner . An arrangement was made by the W . M . and brethren to represent this lodge at the Prov . Grand Lodge Meeting , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at Hull , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening at the refreshment board .
WARRINGTON . —Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday se ' nignt , at the Masonic rooms . R . W . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Past S . G . W . of England , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . W . Mossop , S . W . ; W . Woods , T . W . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., & c . ; Finney , P . M ., Hon .
Sec , and twenty other brethren . Visitors , Bros . Maxfield , P . M . ( 148 ); Jas . Jackson , J . W . { 148 ); John Harding , I . G . ( 148 ) ; Browning ( No 941 ) . The lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Peter Robinson as a joining member , and Messrs . Thos .
Pierpoint , John Wood and John Potter , " as fit and proper persons . " The ballot in each case was favourable and the gentlemen being present were separately admited and duly initiated by Bro . Finney , assisted by Bro . Bowes . The chair was now taken , at the request of the W . M ,, by Bro . Bowes , and Bro . Brierly was raised .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
to China , who recently died , was a Mason hailing from Amicable Lodge , Cambridgeport , Massachusetts . THE establishment of a general Masonic Orphanage ( orphelinal ) is advocated in our valued
contemporary , the Chaine D'Union , of Paris . This paper which is edited by an expert Craftsman , Bro . Hubert , is evidently under skilful management . Although our views do not often harmonize , we gladly record our opinion of Bro . Hubert ' s literary merits .
THE Evergreen supports the legality of the new Grand Lodge of Quebec , so does the American Freemason , so do Pomerofs Democrat and the Neist York Dispatch , other American Journals vacillate , or thunder opposition . Time will work wonders .
THERE are now 454 , 455 Masons in America , and yet a few demented individuals , under one Blanchard , think they can quench the spark ? WE never see the erewhile famous Freemasons ' Monthly Magazine , of Boston , U . S . A . ; and believe that it no longer exists . Peace be to the ashes of Bro . Moore .
WE learn , that St . George ' s Lodge , Montreal , 440 , Register of England , and Nelson Lodge , Phillipsburg , one of the oldest Canadian lodges , have declared adherence to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , which we understand is recognised as nn fait accompli by the London ( Eng . ) FREEMASON , and by the Masonic writers generally on both continents .
WE learn that the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia , U . S . A ., has appointed R . W . Bro . W . B . Colby , of Stanstead , representative of that Grand Body , near the Grand Lodge of Quebec ; and that the G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Quebec has appointed W . Bro . H . J . Martin , of Washington , representative of the G . L . of Q ., near the G . L . ofthe D . of C .
Consecration Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
For some time past many members of the mystic Craft , residing at Wapping , have felt the desirability of establishing in that neighbourhood a lodge for the purpose of practising the ceremonies of the universal brotherhood ; but thc first to take the initiative was Bro . D . D . Beck , of the Industry Lodge , No . 186 , who , after some exertion and no
small amount of trouble , succeeded in obtaining a warrant to form a lodge , under the title of The St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 . In this he was ably assisted b y Bros . Mann , Bartlett , and Mortlock , P . M . 's 186 , and Dawson , P . M . 144 , and the success which attended the consecration , on the 13 th inst ., augurs well for its future prosperity . The
consecration took place at Bro . Hayward ' s . the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , and was attended by the following brethren : Win . Ough , G . Purs . 749 , 1275 ; Chas . Swan , P . P . G . D ., Herts . ; Rev . Robt . Gordon , Bozer Lodge , New York ( the clergyman of the district ); W . Mosely , 554 ; James Hood , 554 ; G . T . Berry , 144 ; E . Wilson , 538 ; Wynne , 101 ,
554 ; H . Carpenter , P . M . 186 ; Tallent , 186 ; Wm . Coward , 905 ; Carter , P . M . 382 ; Distin , 175 ; Woodland , 169 ; F . T . Walters , 73 , & c . ; Scotcher , 55 ; Henly , 186 ; C . Lacey , 174 ; T . S . Mortlock , P . M . 186 ; D . Shaboe , P . P . G . Chap . 959 , Suffolk ; J . W . Dawson , 144 ; Huddlestone , 975 , 1158 ; Jos . Wright , Southern Star , 1158 ; J . E . AVyllie 186 ;
, Ricketts , 87 ; C . E . Smithers , 101 , 901 ; j . H . Farrow , 174 ; Willets , 89 ; James Brett , Assist . G . Purs ; W . W . Smith , 890 j D . D . Beck , 186 ; G . Roberts , 554 ; Thos . Johns , 30 ; J . Truegrove , 366 ; G . Kelly , P . M . 46 ; A . E . Wright , 598 ; Thos . Barnes ; and Chas . E . Thompson , 1158 , 177 . The Consecrating Master ( appointed by Grand
Lodge ) , Bro . James Brett , Assist . Grand Purst ., was assisted in his duties of Consecration and Installation by Bros . Shaboe , who officiated as Chaplain , Mortlock , 186 , as S . W . ; Berry , 186 , as JAV . j Bartlett as I . G . Bros . Distin , Carter and Coward had the musical arrangements under their care . It is almost needless to say that Bro . Brett did
his work well , because his excellent working is so well known . The ceremonies could not have been better performed by any one- ^ in a word they were perfect . Having installed Bro . Mann , P . M . ofthe Industry Lodge , 186 , who had been selected by his friends to fill the office of W . M ., Bro . Brett made some
suitable observations to him as lo the conduct of the lodge , and the officers were appointed as under : Bartlett , S . W . ; D . D . Beck ( founder of the lodge ) , J . W . ; Dawson , S . D . ; Woodland , J . D . ; Willets , I . G . ; Carpenter , Sec . The newly-installed W . M .
having risen to enquire if any Brother had any proposition to make for the good of Freemasonry , it was proposed ahd carried unanimously that Bros . Brett and Shaboe be honorary members of the lodge , for which they severally returned thanks . Tbe lodge wa $ then closed , and the brethren sat
Consecration Of The St. John Of Wapping Lodge, No. 1306.
down to a superior banquet , the comfort of which was materially contributed to by Bro . T . S . Mortlock , who acted as M . C . and Wine Steward . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and duly honored . Bro . OUGH , Grand Purst ., in returning thanks for
the Grand Officers , said he believed they were true men and genuine masons , and fully qualified to hold the high positions in which they were placed . Bro . BRETT proposed the health of the W . M . He was satisfied he was the right man in the right place ( hear , hear ) , and with such a man at their
head the lodge was sure to prosper . He was sure they would honour him with a really good fire . The toast was received with applause . Bro . MANN spoke in excellent terms of the manner in which they had received him , and , although he could not say anything of what had been done at
present , yet he trusted from , their excellent commencement they would go on satisfactorily . He thanked themverymuchfortheirkindexpressions towards him , and concluded by proposing what he called a special toast , " The health of Bro . Brett ,
the Consecrating Master . " Bro . BRETT thanked the brethren , in modest terms , for the compliments paid to him for the working of the ceremonies . He acknowledged the assistance he had received from Bros . Shaboe , Mortlock and others .
" The Visitors" was next proposed , for which Bro . Shaboe retured thanks , and other toasts having been given , a very pleasant evening was brought to a close .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . St . Marylcbone Lodge , No . 1305 . —This new lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , thc 13 th inst ., at the Eyre Arms , St . John ' s-wood , by Bro . John Hervey , the Grand Secretary , assisted by 15 ro . Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middlesex . Bro . S . G . Foxall is the first Master , and Bros .
Pope and Codner , the Wardens . We are informed that the entire proceedings were most satisfactory , but , inasmuch as wc were not represented journalistically upon the occasion , our account of the meeting is necessarily meagre . Nevertheless we wish the new lodge every prosperity , and its members every happiness .
PROVINCIAL . DARLINGTON . — Restoration Lodge No . III . —On Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . the Rev . II . B . Tris tram , LL . D ., F . R . S ., the distinguished Eastern travellei and author , delivered a lecture in the Central Hall , Darlington , by invitation ofthe W . M ., officers and brethren , ofthe above lodge upon " Thc recent discoveries in
Jerusalem , and especially on the researches which have revealed the outlines and substructures of Solomon ' s Temple . The chair was taken by by E . Backhouse , Esq ., MP ., and there was a very large attendance , about £ y > being taken at the doors , the balance of which after paying expenses wi . ll he given to the Palestine Exploration Society . The lecturer was attended on the platform by a large
numbcrofthebrethren . the clergy and principal inhabitants , and the admirable lecture waslistened to with pleasure and wrapt attention , -The brethren assembled on Easter Sunday morning , to attend the funeral obsequies of tlieir late lamented brother , Wm . llryson , P . S . W ., civil engineer and architect . The pall was born by six Past Masters of the lodge , thc arrangements being under thc direction of
Bro . Foster , D . C . The service in the chapel was conducted by the Rev . J . G . Pearson , Vicar of Darlington , and the remaining portion at the grave side was impressively rendered by Bro . the Rev . E . Hutchinson , M . A ., Chaplain of the lodge . There was a large attendance of other personal friends of the deceased , who was much respected .
LEICESTER . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —One ofthe usual monthly meetings of this lodge was held at tlie Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., under the presidency ofthe W . M ., Bro . Stanley , the R . W . P . G . M . and I . P . M ., Bro . Kelly , and a large number of members and visitors being present . All officers were in their places except thc Senior Warden , who was
prevented by his professional engagements from attending . After opening the lodge and confirming the minutes , the first business was to pass Bro . T . II . Kirby to thc second degree ; which was accordingly done , after he had been duly examined it the first degree . Bros . Barber , Garden , Capt . Goodchild , Williams and Sauter , being candidates for the third degree , were examined as Fellow Craft , and
were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge , in conjunction with the members of No . 523 , lias just expended £ 40 in the repair and enlargement of the organ belonging to the hall , which was again in its p lace this evening , and was presided at , during the evening , by Bro . Charles Johnson , ( P . M . and P . P . G . S . W ., Jersey ) , who added greatly to the impressive effect by
conducting the musical chants , assisted by several of thc brethren . There were three other candidates for the third degree , viz ., Bros . R . Overton , jun ., J . St ., T . Clarke , E . C , and Blankley , but want of time compelled the postponement of these to a future meeting . The lodge having
been lowered to thc first degree , the P . G . M . reported the favourable progress which was making in the case of Alfred Nutt , ( No . S 7 in the list , ) as a candidate in the coming election , for admission into the Boys' School . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and spent an hour or two very pleasantly , after the long labours of the evening . Among the brethren present were , W . Kelly , P . G . M . ; Stanley , W . M ., and P . P . G . S . AV . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M ., and P . G . S . AV . ; W . Pettifor , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; W . Weare , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Crow , J . W ., and P . G . Org . ; Dr Pearce , Sec . ; Palmer , S . D . ; J . Wright Smith , J . D . ;
Widdowson , I . G . ; G . F . Brown , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; Deane , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Halford , J . McAllister , and other members . A isitors , Bros . Toller , W . M ., and P . G . Sec . ; Buzzard , S . W ., P . P . A . D . of C . ; C . Johnson , P . M ., and P . P . G . O . ; W . Millican , P . M ., and P . P . G . Supt . W . ; A . M . Duff , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . D . ; \ V . B . Smith , P . M ., and P . G . Treas ., and several other members of No . 523 .
LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , No . 292 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., the officers present were , Bros . Wylie , P . M . ; R . Wylie , P . M . ; Hess , P . M ., and Treas . ; Hamer , P . M . ; Pel " ham , S . W . ; Hustwicke , and •Elliott , D . C . The W . M . was unavoidably absent , being out of town on account of ill-health . The lodge having been opened , and the
minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . R . Wylie , P . M ., proceeded to initiate Mr . R . Page Dymond , master mariner , into the mysteries of Antient Freemasonry , which ceremony he performed with his accustomed ability , being ably seconded by his officers , the J . W . giving the working tools , and the charge being delivered by Bro . Hill , W . M ., 1276 , at that time acting as
S . AV . After an application for the relief of a distressed brother had been disposed of , the J . D . drew the attention of the brethren to the late proceedings on the public night ofthe Chapter of " Prudent Brethren , " and while awarding the highest praise to that chapter for its laudable efforts to advance the cause of Freemasonry , endeavoured to urge upon the brethren present , the necessity of copying
its excellent example in regard to Craft working , and qualifying themselves for rendering the beautiful sections and impressive ceremonies of the three degrees . Such a course , he argued would prove of more service than any other , for increasingthe efficiency of the lodgeand furthering the interests of Masonry , There being no other business , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer .
After lodge hours the remarks of the J . D . were more fully discussed , and some ofthe biethren having promised their hearty support and co-operation , it was suggested that the fifteen sections be given at an open night early in the ensuing winter . We are very pleased to find , that in this old and distinguished lodge there is a manifest desire on the part of the brethren to make a greater progress in the
hidden knowledge of the Craft , and we trust that they will not only set an example worthy of imitation by the other lodges in the town , but that this desire will bring its own reward by increased prosperity to thc lodge . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Tuesday evening last , when Mr . Harry George Rowell ,
who has recently arrived from Bombay , after an absence of 25 years , was ballotted for and initiated . The ceremony of initiation was performed by Bro . J . R . Cocks , P . M ., and the closing lecture was delivered by Bro . H . Thomas ( P . M . 440 ) , who is also a member of this lodge . The
brethren present were C . Drumm-md , W . M . ; H . B . Hodges , S . W . ; J . D . Medcalf , J . W . ; E . A . Simson , Hon . Sec ; J . R . Cocks , P . M . Treas . ; O . H . Wagner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , J . D . ; S . Neale , J . G . pro . tern . ; C . P . Wyman , Std , ond Org . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; and R . T . Andrews , P . M .
SHEERNESS . —De Shurland Ledge , No . 1089 . —A fully attended meeting of thc brethren of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday night last , at Bro . A . W . Howe ' s , the Fountain Hotel . The occasion of so numerous a gathering was the election of " W . M . " for the ensuing year . Three breihren were expected to be proposed ,
but Bro . Alfred Filmer having withdrawn , the contest , if it may be so termed , lay between the S . W . Bro . Maurice West and the J . W . Bro . J . Hancock . The presiding W . M ., J . R . Macdonald , declared the election lo have fallen upon Bro . West . A very harmonious evening was afterwards spent .
SCARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 1248 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in the Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 24 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . Armitage , was in his place , supported by his officers and a number of brethren . A ballot was taken for Lieut . J . F . Stewart Monteth , of the 2 nd Dragoon Guards ( Queen ' s Bays ) , which proved unanimous in his favour ,
and he was proposed , admitted and initiated by the W . M . in a very able and impressive manner . An arrangement was made by the W . M . and brethren to represent this lodge at the Prov . Grand Lodge Meeting , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at Hull , after which the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening at the refreshment board .
WARRINGTON . —Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday se ' nignt , at the Masonic rooms . R . W . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Past S . G . W . of England , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . W . Mossop , S . W . ; W . Woods , T . W . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., & c . ; Finney , P . M ., Hon .
Sec , and twenty other brethren . Visitors , Bros . Maxfield , P . M . ( 148 ); Jas . Jackson , J . W . { 148 ); John Harding , I . G . ( 148 ) ; Browning ( No 941 ) . The lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Peter Robinson as a joining member , and Messrs . Thos .
Pierpoint , John Wood and John Potter , " as fit and proper persons . " The ballot in each case was favourable and the gentlemen being present were separately admited and duly initiated by Bro . Finney , assisted by Bro . Bowes . The chair was now taken , at the request of the W . M ,, by Bro . Bowes , and Bro . Brierly was raised .