Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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BE ,. ORTS of MASCN , C M KET . NGS : - •" t-raft Masonry ........ " ....:. "" . "" :. 251 g , rro « of ( o' * s"nti" « '"' ... . * 5 ' „ ld ' u . ™*'' ' - " - ' ^ of Wovccslersh . re 2 . 2 SJL " . ilentl . ofa Brother ... Liverpool 2 , ! ¦ of ncncvnleiicc > -
? , „ ] - ¦ > Misonir Institii'ion lor Hoys 2 . , 2 ^ Masonic Institution for Girls = S 3 .,, .-. m . trrfe in I ' rancc - * o i conic -am . General l . umgs - ? 3 ? i .. irity vol . ne •••••:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254 KL R « c . ! rIncident ln"Kris " " . ' . = 55 c : t- 'n" '' 'lc in l 7 vance -as T ! " vhnTuance of Non-Masons to the Boys' School Festival ...
^^ Kccnnnci . lvnl in Paris 25 S . / L Orders of Architecture 2 S Illc . Mtimacy ami Fn'c-mas-mry ... 2 " 0 Freemasons before the Law Courts 2 , . , 1 ' , . ... 2 =, U A Ouerv ; •••¦••* Pn , at Order of Scotland 2 ., 1 O ^ ec-atim * of the Crusader lodge 2-1 , '•„•Me-iinRs lor Next vVeek Sjt , Advertisements 25 S ,,. ...,.,. -v . v v ..
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
teft Ulasorcti ! . LODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge held is last meeting for the season on Monday , the . ( . th inst . at the Albion , Aldersgate-stiect . The lodge was opered pursuant to summons by the W . M ., Bro . Lewis Lazarus , at 4 p . " -- antl tne minutes of the last lodge were rtad and confirmed . Bro . Cogswell was passed to the Second Uegf-e and Bro . De Silva , of the Lodge of Israel , was , by
, the courtesy of the W . M ., raised to the Third Degree , his own lodge having adjourned till October . Theloage was then closed , and the brethren , numbering no , including several visitors , among whom were Bros . Clarke , P . P . S . W . ixvonj States , P . G . S . ' ; Cohen , W . M ., 205 ; Austin , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; and De Silv . i , 205 , adjourned to the banquit hall , where a splendid dinner and dessert were | r .-
vided . Daring dinner the usual Masonic tiasts were proposed , and were enlivened by a vocal and instrumental concert , by Bro . P . E . Van Nordcn , Miss Patty Lavtme , and others . Bro . E . P . Albert , P . M ., P . G . P ., responded for the Grand Officers ; Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., the prescient , for the Joppa Benevolent Fund ; Bro . Clarke for the visitors . The brethren passed a very pleasant evening ,
r . i . d parted shortly before 1 2 o'clock . MIZPAH LODGE ( No . 1671 ) . —An emergency meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Albion , on Saturday , the 9 th instant . There were present Bros . Nelson Reed , W . M . ; D . R . Still , S . W . ; W . W . Medcalf , | . \ V . ; J . J . Avery , P . G . Treas . Devon , Treas . ; H . G . BufS , Asst . G . Sec , Sec ; W . Vilven , S .
I ) . ; J . Bergman , J . D . ; C . Schmidt , J . G . ; Shaw , 1 yler ; alio Bros . Klotgen , Morgan , Wright , Coppard , Wells , Lewis ; and visitors , Bros . * W . S . Whitaker , W . M . 1572 ; J . Chancy , 180 ; J . Kimpton , ifioi ; C . Daubert , 238 . Lods .-e was opened at 2 . 30 . Bro . Klotgen was raised by thcW . M ., and Bros . Morgan , Wiight , Coppard , Lewis , and Wells were passed to the Second Degree . Th .: ballot
was taken for Messrs . Parkyns , Knott , Warden , Alpcter , and Nelson , which proved unanimous in their favour , and Messrs . Warden , Alpcter , and Nelson being in attendance , were each severally initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient rite . Lodge closed at 5 . 30 in due form . The brethren were afterwards refreshed by a capital collation provided by Bro . Jennings . After the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts had been proposed and duly honoured , Bro . Buss replying for the Grand Officers , the healths of the " Initiates , " " W . M ., " " Visitors , " " Officers , " and Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . During the evening some excellent songs and instrumental music were given by Bros . Berg maim ( who presided at the pianoforte ) , Morgan , Avery , Medcalf , Whitaker ,
Warden , S ::. LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 13-. I 1 inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenrcum , Bro . It . Taylor , W . M ., presiding . There was a good attendance of members and visitors . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Melrose and
Johnson having g iven proofs of their proficency , the former was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., and the latter passed to the Degree of F . C ., the working in both being gone through by the W . M . It was resolved that the festival of St John bc held on the aSth inst ., at the house of Bro . Hartley , the North Western Hotel , Morccambe . The usual proclamations were then made ,
wnuh elicited hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was subsequently closed in peace , love , and harmony . MARYPORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 370 '—The festival of St . John the Baptist , in connection with this lodge , was held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at 'be Masonic HallMary portwhen Bro . Thos . CareyS . W .
, , , , W . M . elect ,, was duly ' installed in the chair of K . S . The "•M ., Uro . T . Mandle , opened the lodge about four o ' clock , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . T . Carey , ; ' - - ; T . Moore , J . W . ; J . Nicholson , P . M ., Treasurer , I ' -I ' . G . S . W . ; J . W . Robinson , Secretary ; J . Smith , Organist , P . P . G . Org . ; | . Fulton , S . D . ; G . Goodhall , '
¦ } - \ E . G . Mitchell , I . G . ; and Harris , Tyler ; •mil a goodly number of other members of the •" ••Sc-, including Bros . f . R . Tickle , P . M ., P . P . G . Purs . ; I- Gardiner , P . M ., P . P . G . Tyler ; W . Armstrong , P . M ., ' . * 9 : D -C - . . 1- Adair , P . M . ; J . Walters , P . M . ; & c . The ^ 'siting brethren also mustered in strong force from White - " 'iivcn , Harrington . Workington , Cockem-. outh . Carlisle ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Wigton , amongst whom we noticed Bros . G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . un , P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . Secretary ; R . Robinson , P . M . and Treasurer 1002 , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Taylor , P . M . 1532 , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Alsop , W . M . 119 , P . P . G . Pour . ; E . Atter , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . Pour . ; J . J . Beattie , P . M . G 92 , P . G . Supt . Works ; J . Young , P . M . 1400 ; P . de E . Collin , W . M . 9 62 ,
P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Organist 1002 ; W . H . Hoodlcss , P . M . 327 * , W . F . Lamonby , P . M . and Secretary 1002 ( Freemason ); & c . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Kenworthy took the chair as Installing Master , when Bro . Carey , the W . M . elect , was presented and obligated , subsequently also being duly installed into the chair , in a
Board of Installed Masters numbering no fewer than twenty . The ceremony , we may add , was as usual performed by Bro . Kenworthy in his usual impressive and workmanlike style , ably assisted by Bro . Gibson , the Provincial Grand Secretary . The newly installed W . M . subsequently appointed his officers , and they were invested as follows : — Bros . T . W . Robinson , S . W . ; J . Fulton , J . W . ; Jos .
Nicholson , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . G . Mitchell , Secretary ; John Elliot , S . D . ; Stoddart , J . D . ; J . Smith , Organist ; G . Goodhall , I . G . ; R . Hetherington , D . C . ; Milburn and Waitc , Stewards ; and Harris , Tyler . With respect to the Treasurer , however , it should be mentioned that Bro . Nicholson has held that important office for a number of years , and on the present occasion wished to shirk his
responsibilities , in fact , objected to that part of the minutes referring to his re-election , by reason of his not being present when proposed . He also stoutly refused to come forward for investment ; but happily , his brethren would not be denied , and so the old veteran felt at last bound to relent , and he was invested with much acceptance as a matter of course . Hearty good wishes having been
tendered from Lodges 119 , 327 , 872 , 9 62 , 1002 , 1 4 00 , and 1 * 532 , the lodge was closed in form . An adjourment then took place , in order to prepare for the banquet , which was provided and served in the lodge room , with much taste , by Bro . Fletcher , of the Freemasons' Arms , Maryport . Bro . Carey , W . M ., presided , faced by the two Wardens , Bros . Robinson and Fulton , and a couple of hours were
liarmoniously spent , though the proceedings were necessarily curtailed , in consequence of the near departure of the last trains north and south . The conventional list of toasts was gone through , and the cr . ly item we have room for is embodied in the remarks of Bio . Gibson , the Provincial Grand Secretary , in proposing " The Health of the Earl of Bective , " M . P ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master of
Cumberland and Westmoreland . Therein Bro . Gibson forcibly alluded to the dull routine into which he feared the whole of the province had fallen . Members went to lodge night after nig ht to hear nothing but the ceremeny of initiation , passing , or raising , and beyond this they knew absolutely nothing of Masonry . This he characterised as the " dry bones of Masonry , '' and the only way to effect
a revival was to adopt and encourage the working of the sections and lectures . These remarks were well received by all present , and we trust that the initalive will at once betaken by the W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s of every lodge in the united Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . Apropos of the above , our correspondent hints that the whole mystery is explained in the almost total absence of regular lodges of
instruction throughout the two counties , as , although there arc now twenty lodges in the province , only two are actually registered E . S lodges of instruction . He thinks that if each lodge registered itself as a lodge of instruction , and appaintcd a Preceptor , twelve months would work wonders , and a great aid to proficiency and uniformity would likewise be provided in the interchange of visits by the Preceptors of
each lodge . CHESHUNT . —Gresham Lodge ( No . 8 G 9 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park , under the presidency of Bro . John Grocott , Prov . G . S . W ., the Wardens' chairs being filled by Bro . Etherington , S . W ., W . M . elect , and Bro . E . G . Pottle , J . W .,
P . G . S . B . 1 he ceremony of passing Bro . Johnson to the Second Degree having been completed by the W . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . W . E . Gompertz , P . P . G . P ., and a numerous Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Elheiington was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The lodge having been called lor three o'clock , the short time at the disposal of the Installing Master did not
permit of much elaboration , and this beautiful ceremony was therefore shorn of much of its beauty , a circumstance much to bc regretted , particularly in the hands of so capable a worker as our Bro . Gompertz . The shortcomings in the lodge were fully compensated at the banquet table , around which sat , as visitors , Bros . F . Binckes , P . M . Grand Stewards' Lodge , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ;
George Bilby , P . M . 183 ; George Mickley , P . M . 449 , P . P . G . D . Herts ; G . Lcviek , P . M . 1227 ; George Phythian , S . W . 22 ; W . J . Walsham , 1491 ; and H . W . Gompertz , J . W . 136 4 , and who , in response to the toast of " The Visitors , " one and all expressed the gratification they felt at their visit to the Gresham , which , from the historical associations of their lodge room , may be termed
unique . Bro . Binckes , in responding for "The Charities , " spoke of the great pleasure lie had in revisiting the lodge after an absence of nine years , and said , although he missed many old faces from the festive board , he felt very great pleasure in seeing so many earnest Masons still in connection with it , and wound up by strongly urging the brethren to give a hearty support to them all . The
brethren appointed lor the ensuing year are Bros , Pottle , S . W . ; Chapman , J . W . ; Perry , S . D . ; Cheese , J . D . ; Mayo , Chaplain ; Copestick , Treas . ; Gompertz , jun ., I . G . ; Discon , Org . ; Benard and Holland , Stewards . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge , ( No . 913 ) . — The last monthly meeting of the above lodge , which was held at Bro . Tucker ' s , the Lord Raglan , Burrage-road , was honoured by the presence of Bio , Eastes , the Deputy
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Grand Master for Kent , and the Rev . Bro . Hill , P . G . Chap . for Kent ; Bro . C . Coupland , P . G . J . Warden , who is a P . M . of the lodge , was also present , as well as the following , who were among the brethren and visitors : — G . Tapp , W . M . 706 : F . Poivnall , W . M . 13 , and P . M . 1536 ; W . Weston , W . M . 153 G ; A . Le Feaux , P . M . 30 ; J . F . Croisdale , P . M . 706 ; ' J . Griffin , P . M . 933 ; G .
Spinks , S . W . 1536 ; A . Woodley , J . W . 700 ; D . Deeves , 1 : 36 ; E . Sweeney , 706 ; H . Carlin , 153 , 6 ; G . H . Masters , 13 ; W . Bidgood , 700 ; G . W . Hill , 700 ; C . Jolly ( Freemason ) , 913 , and others . Bro . W . T . Vincent , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers—Past Masters Tongue , P . P . J . W . ; Kent Ellis , McDougall , Penfold , I . P . M . ; H . Butter , S . W . ; T . D . Hayes , J . W . ; A . Jessup
Treas . ; E . Denton , Sec . and P . M . and P . P . G . P . Kent ; C . Cooke , Organist ; W . B . Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ; R . J . Cook , I . G . ; H . Mason , D . C . ; and R . Lester , Tyler . On account of the death , recently announced in the Freemason , of Bro . F . Pattison , late P . G . W . England , who was the patron of the lodge , the whole of the lodge was dressed in deep mourning , the walls were hung with
black cloth , and the hatchment of the deceased hung over the W . M . ' s chair . Upon the arrival of Bro . Eastes the brethren rose and saluted him with the honours of " five , " and he took his seat immediately on the right of the Master . The only degree worked was the Third ( Bro . Haslett receiving the benefit of it ) , which was most impressively done by Bro . Vincent ; the fine harmonium ,
under the hands of Bro . Cooke , and the heavy funereal appearance of the lodge , produced an effect at once solemn and effective . The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree , and the W . M . rose to address the brethren upon the death of our beloved Bro . Pattison . He said they had met that day under the most solemn circumstances , to mourn the loss of one whom they revered as the father of
the lodge , the distinguished Mason whose name they hoped to hold and perpetuate as long as the Pattison Lodge endured , one who was not only a Mason himself for forty years , but whose father was a zealous member of the Craft before him . When , fifteen years ago , it was decided to found a lodge of Freemasons at Plumstcad , its founders were not long in discovering that the chief representative
of the Pattison estate was a distinguished Mason , and hence the name , which at once stamped its locality , and gave it an immediate introduction to the Craft at large , to whom the name of Pattison is as familiar as " household words . " He need hardly tell them that their late brother was a Grand Warden of England . Many of them who had seen him in his seat of honour at Grand Lodge
had been proud to see one of their lodge so exalted among the chiefs of their noble Order . In the name of the lodge he thanked the many brethren who had come to join their regrets with them ; especially he thanked the Deputy Grand Master of their Province , and their Grand Chaplain ( who if they had sought their pleasure might have found a more festive occasion ) , for lending their honoured
presence . Their Bro . Eastes , whose name was honoured and revered amongst them , and was never omitted from their gathering , had come many miles to be with them that day , and Bro . Hill , whom they knew so well , could never pay them a visit without sacrificing some two days of his valuable time . He hoped , as there would be no festive gathering that night , that before they closed their Worshipful
Deputy Grand Master , in whom they practically recognised the working centre of the province , would tell them something of Masonry in that part , and he would also ask Bro . Hill , who he had reasons to know was as well beloved throughout the province as he was here , to address a few words to them befitting the occasion . In conclusion , he moved that the Pattison Lodge , No . 913 , of Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons desires to express its profound sorrow at the death of their distinguished Brother Frederick Pattison , Past Grand Warden of England , P . M . of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 , and a member of this lodge from its foundation . In the worthy character of their late Brother , his estimable charity , his warm hearted and generous friendship , and his constant walk in the
undcviating line of rectitude , the members of this lodge recognise the personfication of the genuine principles of Freemasonry , and a bright example for their imitiation . They therefore place on the minutes of the lodge this expression of their respect and sorrow , and direct that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family of their late Brother F . Pattison in token of their sincere and
earnest sympathy in the loss they have sustained At the request of the W . M ., ithe Rev . W . A Hill , P . G . Chaplain , and vicar of Throwly , Kent , then addressed the brethren , and commenced by remarking that there were times in every man's life when he would gladly maintain silence , and , like Aaron of old on the decease of his sons , " lay his hand on his lip , and lock up his
strength . " The proceedings of the evening seemed singularly to move to this—the mourning attire assumed ; the strains of sad music poured forth , what they had just witnessed in the raising of one from a figurative death to a companionship with them in their toil ; the emblems of mortality presented to their sight , conspired to produce a craving for quiet meditation , and to ponder on one's own
inevitable destiny ; but as he knew it would be a breach of duty to yield to that silence , he would speak . This was a sad day of mourning , as they all felt . They had sustained a serious loss . A " cedar of Lebanon " had fall *; n and lay prostrate . The sympathy of the departed founder of the Pattison Lodge and his valued counsel could henceforth be no more elicited . With good reason
they had felt quite incapable of offering their wonted hospitality . In sorrow nature withdrew the appetite for food , and that night they would share only the " bread and water of affliction . " And yet , possibly by this , the mind might the better flourish . From their fasting good might arise in the soul . They might better remember lessons concerning the mutability of all earthly things , and of the need of a personal preparation for death . The depar *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BE ,. ORTS of MASCN , C M KET . NGS : - •" t-raft Masonry ........ " ....:. "" . "" :. 251 g , rro « of ( o' * s"nti" « '"' ... . * 5 ' „ ld ' u . ™*'' ' - " - ' ^ of Wovccslersh . re 2 . 2 SJL " . ilentl . ofa Brother ... Liverpool 2 , ! ¦ of ncncvnleiicc > -
? , „ ] - ¦ > Misonir Institii'ion lor Hoys 2 . , 2 ^ Masonic Institution for Girls = S 3 .,, .-. m . trrfe in I ' rancc - * o i conic -am . General l . umgs - ? 3 ? i .. irity vol . ne •••••:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254 KL R « c . ! rIncident ln"Kris " " . ' . = 55 c : t- 'n" '' 'lc in l 7 vance -as T ! " vhnTuance of Non-Masons to the Boys' School Festival ...
^^ Kccnnnci . lvnl in Paris 25 S . / L Orders of Architecture 2 S Illc . Mtimacy ami Fn'c-mas-mry ... 2 " 0 Freemasons before the Law Courts 2 , . , 1 ' , . ... 2 =, U A Ouerv ; •••¦••* Pn , at Order of Scotland 2 ., 1 O ^ ec-atim * of the Crusader lodge 2-1 , '•„•Me-iinRs lor Next vVeek Sjt , Advertisements 25 S ,,. ...,.,. -v . v v ..
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
teft Ulasorcti ! . LODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 188 ) . —This lodge held is last meeting for the season on Monday , the . ( . th inst . at the Albion , Aldersgate-stiect . The lodge was opered pursuant to summons by the W . M ., Bro . Lewis Lazarus , at 4 p . " -- antl tne minutes of the last lodge were rtad and confirmed . Bro . Cogswell was passed to the Second Uegf-e and Bro . De Silva , of the Lodge of Israel , was , by
, the courtesy of the W . M ., raised to the Third Degree , his own lodge having adjourned till October . Theloage was then closed , and the brethren , numbering no , including several visitors , among whom were Bros . Clarke , P . P . S . W . ixvonj States , P . G . S . ' ; Cohen , W . M ., 205 ; Austin , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; and De Silv . i , 205 , adjourned to the banquit hall , where a splendid dinner and dessert were | r .-
vided . Daring dinner the usual Masonic tiasts were proposed , and were enlivened by a vocal and instrumental concert , by Bro . P . E . Van Nordcn , Miss Patty Lavtme , and others . Bro . E . P . Albert , P . M ., P . G . P ., responded for the Grand Officers ; Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., the prescient , for the Joppa Benevolent Fund ; Bro . Clarke for the visitors . The brethren passed a very pleasant evening ,
r . i . d parted shortly before 1 2 o'clock . MIZPAH LODGE ( No . 1671 ) . —An emergency meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Albion , on Saturday , the 9 th instant . There were present Bros . Nelson Reed , W . M . ; D . R . Still , S . W . ; W . W . Medcalf , | . \ V . ; J . J . Avery , P . G . Treas . Devon , Treas . ; H . G . BufS , Asst . G . Sec , Sec ; W . Vilven , S .
I ) . ; J . Bergman , J . D . ; C . Schmidt , J . G . ; Shaw , 1 yler ; alio Bros . Klotgen , Morgan , Wright , Coppard , Wells , Lewis ; and visitors , Bros . * W . S . Whitaker , W . M . 1572 ; J . Chancy , 180 ; J . Kimpton , ifioi ; C . Daubert , 238 . Lods .-e was opened at 2 . 30 . Bro . Klotgen was raised by thcW . M ., and Bros . Morgan , Wiight , Coppard , Lewis , and Wells were passed to the Second Degree . Th .: ballot
was taken for Messrs . Parkyns , Knott , Warden , Alpcter , and Nelson , which proved unanimous in their favour , and Messrs . Warden , Alpcter , and Nelson being in attendance , were each severally initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient rite . Lodge closed at 5 . 30 in due form . The brethren were afterwards refreshed by a capital collation provided by Bro . Jennings . After the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts had been proposed and duly honoured , Bro . Buss replying for the Grand Officers , the healths of the " Initiates , " " W . M ., " " Visitors , " " Officers , " and Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . During the evening some excellent songs and instrumental music were given by Bros . Berg maim ( who presided at the pianoforte ) , Morgan , Avery , Medcalf , Whitaker ,
Warden , S ::. LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 13-. I 1 inst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athenrcum , Bro . It . Taylor , W . M ., presiding . There was a good attendance of members and visitors . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Melrose and
Johnson having g iven proofs of their proficency , the former was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., and the latter passed to the Degree of F . C ., the working in both being gone through by the W . M . It was resolved that the festival of St John bc held on the aSth inst ., at the house of Bro . Hartley , the North Western Hotel , Morccambe . The usual proclamations were then made ,
wnuh elicited hearty good wishes from the visiting brethren , and the lodge was subsequently closed in peace , love , and harmony . MARYPORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 370 '—The festival of St . John the Baptist , in connection with this lodge , was held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at 'be Masonic HallMary portwhen Bro . Thos . CareyS . W .
, , , , W . M . elect ,, was duly ' installed in the chair of K . S . The "•M ., Uro . T . Mandle , opened the lodge about four o ' clock , assisted by the following officers : —Bros . T . Carey , ; ' - - ; T . Moore , J . W . ; J . Nicholson , P . M ., Treasurer , I ' -I ' . G . S . W . ; J . W . Robinson , Secretary ; J . Smith , Organist , P . P . G . Org . ; | . Fulton , S . D . ; G . Goodhall , '
¦ } - \ E . G . Mitchell , I . G . ; and Harris , Tyler ; •mil a goodly number of other members of the •" ••Sc-, including Bros . f . R . Tickle , P . M ., P . P . G . Purs . ; I- Gardiner , P . M ., P . P . G . Tyler ; W . Armstrong , P . M ., ' . * 9 : D -C - . . 1- Adair , P . M . ; J . Walters , P . M . ; & c . The ^ 'siting brethren also mustered in strong force from White - " 'iivcn , Harrington . Workington , Cockem-. outh . Carlisle ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Wigton , amongst whom we noticed Bros . G . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . B . Gibson , P . M . un , P . P . G . S . W ., P . G . Secretary ; R . Robinson , P . M . and Treasurer 1002 , P . P . G . S . D . ; A . Taylor , P . M . 1532 , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Alsop , W . M . 119 , P . P . G . Pour . ; E . Atter , P . M . 119 , P . P . G . Pour . ; J . J . Beattie , P . M . G 92 , P . G . Supt . Works ; J . Young , P . M . 1400 ; P . de E . Collin , W . M . 9 62 ,
P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Organist 1002 ; W . H . Hoodlcss , P . M . 327 * , W . F . Lamonby , P . M . and Secretary 1002 ( Freemason ); & c . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Kenworthy took the chair as Installing Master , when Bro . Carey , the W . M . elect , was presented and obligated , subsequently also being duly installed into the chair , in a
Board of Installed Masters numbering no fewer than twenty . The ceremony , we may add , was as usual performed by Bro . Kenworthy in his usual impressive and workmanlike style , ably assisted by Bro . Gibson , the Provincial Grand Secretary . The newly installed W . M . subsequently appointed his officers , and they were invested as follows : — Bros . T . W . Robinson , S . W . ; J . Fulton , J . W . ; Jos .
Nicholson , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . G . Mitchell , Secretary ; John Elliot , S . D . ; Stoddart , J . D . ; J . Smith , Organist ; G . Goodhall , I . G . ; R . Hetherington , D . C . ; Milburn and Waitc , Stewards ; and Harris , Tyler . With respect to the Treasurer , however , it should be mentioned that Bro . Nicholson has held that important office for a number of years , and on the present occasion wished to shirk his
responsibilities , in fact , objected to that part of the minutes referring to his re-election , by reason of his not being present when proposed . He also stoutly refused to come forward for investment ; but happily , his brethren would not be denied , and so the old veteran felt at last bound to relent , and he was invested with much acceptance as a matter of course . Hearty good wishes having been
tendered from Lodges 119 , 327 , 872 , 9 62 , 1002 , 1 4 00 , and 1 * 532 , the lodge was closed in form . An adjourment then took place , in order to prepare for the banquet , which was provided and served in the lodge room , with much taste , by Bro . Fletcher , of the Freemasons' Arms , Maryport . Bro . Carey , W . M ., presided , faced by the two Wardens , Bros . Robinson and Fulton , and a couple of hours were
liarmoniously spent , though the proceedings were necessarily curtailed , in consequence of the near departure of the last trains north and south . The conventional list of toasts was gone through , and the cr . ly item we have room for is embodied in the remarks of Bio . Gibson , the Provincial Grand Secretary , in proposing " The Health of the Earl of Bective , " M . P ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master of
Cumberland and Westmoreland . Therein Bro . Gibson forcibly alluded to the dull routine into which he feared the whole of the province had fallen . Members went to lodge night after nig ht to hear nothing but the ceremeny of initiation , passing , or raising , and beyond this they knew absolutely nothing of Masonry . This he characterised as the " dry bones of Masonry , '' and the only way to effect
a revival was to adopt and encourage the working of the sections and lectures . These remarks were well received by all present , and we trust that the initalive will at once betaken by the W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s of every lodge in the united Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . Apropos of the above , our correspondent hints that the whole mystery is explained in the almost total absence of regular lodges of
instruction throughout the two counties , as , although there arc now twenty lodges in the province , only two are actually registered E . S lodges of instruction . He thinks that if each lodge registered itself as a lodge of instruction , and appaintcd a Preceptor , twelve months would work wonders , and a great aid to proficiency and uniformity would likewise be provided in the interchange of visits by the Preceptors of
each lodge . CHESHUNT . —Gresham Lodge ( No . 8 G 9 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park , under the presidency of Bro . John Grocott , Prov . G . S . W ., the Wardens' chairs being filled by Bro . Etherington , S . W ., W . M . elect , and Bro . E . G . Pottle , J . W .,
P . G . S . B . 1 he ceremony of passing Bro . Johnson to the Second Degree having been completed by the W . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . W . E . Gompertz , P . P . G . P ., and a numerous Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Elheiington was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The lodge having been called lor three o'clock , the short time at the disposal of the Installing Master did not
permit of much elaboration , and this beautiful ceremony was therefore shorn of much of its beauty , a circumstance much to bc regretted , particularly in the hands of so capable a worker as our Bro . Gompertz . The shortcomings in the lodge were fully compensated at the banquet table , around which sat , as visitors , Bros . F . Binckes , P . M . Grand Stewards' Lodge , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ;
George Bilby , P . M . 183 ; George Mickley , P . M . 449 , P . P . G . D . Herts ; G . Lcviek , P . M . 1227 ; George Phythian , S . W . 22 ; W . J . Walsham , 1491 ; and H . W . Gompertz , J . W . 136 4 , and who , in response to the toast of " The Visitors , " one and all expressed the gratification they felt at their visit to the Gresham , which , from the historical associations of their lodge room , may be termed
unique . Bro . Binckes , in responding for "The Charities , " spoke of the great pleasure lie had in revisiting the lodge after an absence of nine years , and said , although he missed many old faces from the festive board , he felt very great pleasure in seeing so many earnest Masons still in connection with it , and wound up by strongly urging the brethren to give a hearty support to them all . The
brethren appointed lor the ensuing year are Bros , Pottle , S . W . ; Chapman , J . W . ; Perry , S . D . ; Cheese , J . D . ; Mayo , Chaplain ; Copestick , Treas . ; Gompertz , jun ., I . G . ; Discon , Org . ; Benard and Holland , Stewards . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge , ( No . 913 ) . — The last monthly meeting of the above lodge , which was held at Bro . Tucker ' s , the Lord Raglan , Burrage-road , was honoured by the presence of Bio , Eastes , the Deputy
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Grand Master for Kent , and the Rev . Bro . Hill , P . G . Chap . for Kent ; Bro . C . Coupland , P . G . J . Warden , who is a P . M . of the lodge , was also present , as well as the following , who were among the brethren and visitors : — G . Tapp , W . M . 706 : F . Poivnall , W . M . 13 , and P . M . 1536 ; W . Weston , W . M . 153 G ; A . Le Feaux , P . M . 30 ; J . F . Croisdale , P . M . 706 ; ' J . Griffin , P . M . 933 ; G .
Spinks , S . W . 1536 ; A . Woodley , J . W . 700 ; D . Deeves , 1 : 36 ; E . Sweeney , 706 ; H . Carlin , 153 , 6 ; G . H . Masters , 13 ; W . Bidgood , 700 ; G . W . Hill , 700 ; C . Jolly ( Freemason ) , 913 , and others . Bro . W . T . Vincent , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers—Past Masters Tongue , P . P . J . W . ; Kent Ellis , McDougall , Penfold , I . P . M . ; H . Butter , S . W . ; T . D . Hayes , J . W . ; A . Jessup
Treas . ; E . Denton , Sec . and P . M . and P . P . G . P . Kent ; C . Cooke , Organist ; W . B . Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ; R . J . Cook , I . G . ; H . Mason , D . C . ; and R . Lester , Tyler . On account of the death , recently announced in the Freemason , of Bro . F . Pattison , late P . G . W . England , who was the patron of the lodge , the whole of the lodge was dressed in deep mourning , the walls were hung with
black cloth , and the hatchment of the deceased hung over the W . M . ' s chair . Upon the arrival of Bro . Eastes the brethren rose and saluted him with the honours of " five , " and he took his seat immediately on the right of the Master . The only degree worked was the Third ( Bro . Haslett receiving the benefit of it ) , which was most impressively done by Bro . Vincent ; the fine harmonium ,
under the hands of Bro . Cooke , and the heavy funereal appearance of the lodge , produced an effect at once solemn and effective . The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree , and the W . M . rose to address the brethren upon the death of our beloved Bro . Pattison . He said they had met that day under the most solemn circumstances , to mourn the loss of one whom they revered as the father of
the lodge , the distinguished Mason whose name they hoped to hold and perpetuate as long as the Pattison Lodge endured , one who was not only a Mason himself for forty years , but whose father was a zealous member of the Craft before him . When , fifteen years ago , it was decided to found a lodge of Freemasons at Plumstcad , its founders were not long in discovering that the chief representative
of the Pattison estate was a distinguished Mason , and hence the name , which at once stamped its locality , and gave it an immediate introduction to the Craft at large , to whom the name of Pattison is as familiar as " household words . " He need hardly tell them that their late brother was a Grand Warden of England . Many of them who had seen him in his seat of honour at Grand Lodge
had been proud to see one of their lodge so exalted among the chiefs of their noble Order . In the name of the lodge he thanked the many brethren who had come to join their regrets with them ; especially he thanked the Deputy Grand Master of their Province , and their Grand Chaplain ( who if they had sought their pleasure might have found a more festive occasion ) , for lending their honoured
presence . Their Bro . Eastes , whose name was honoured and revered amongst them , and was never omitted from their gathering , had come many miles to be with them that day , and Bro . Hill , whom they knew so well , could never pay them a visit without sacrificing some two days of his valuable time . He hoped , as there would be no festive gathering that night , that before they closed their Worshipful
Deputy Grand Master , in whom they practically recognised the working centre of the province , would tell them something of Masonry in that part , and he would also ask Bro . Hill , who he had reasons to know was as well beloved throughout the province as he was here , to address a few words to them befitting the occasion . In conclusion , he moved that the Pattison Lodge , No . 913 , of Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons desires to express its profound sorrow at the death of their distinguished Brother Frederick Pattison , Past Grand Warden of England , P . M . of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 , and a member of this lodge from its foundation . In the worthy character of their late Brother , his estimable charity , his warm hearted and generous friendship , and his constant walk in the
undcviating line of rectitude , the members of this lodge recognise the personfication of the genuine principles of Freemasonry , and a bright example for their imitiation . They therefore place on the minutes of the lodge this expression of their respect and sorrow , and direct that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family of their late Brother F . Pattison in token of their sincere and
earnest sympathy in the loss they have sustained At the request of the W . M ., ithe Rev . W . A Hill , P . G . Chaplain , and vicar of Throwly , Kent , then addressed the brethren , and commenced by remarking that there were times in every man's life when he would gladly maintain silence , and , like Aaron of old on the decease of his sons , " lay his hand on his lip , and lock up his
strength . " The proceedings of the evening seemed singularly to move to this—the mourning attire assumed ; the strains of sad music poured forth , what they had just witnessed in the raising of one from a figurative death to a companionship with them in their toil ; the emblems of mortality presented to their sight , conspired to produce a craving for quiet meditation , and to ponder on one's own
inevitable destiny ; but as he knew it would be a breach of duty to yield to that silence , he would speak . This was a sad day of mourning , as they all felt . They had sustained a serious loss . A " cedar of Lebanon " had fall *; n and lay prostrate . The sympathy of the departed founder of the Pattison Lodge and his valued counsel could henceforth be no more elicited . With good reason
they had felt quite incapable of offering their wonted hospitality . In sorrow nature withdrew the appetite for food , and that night they would share only the " bread and water of affliction . " And yet , possibly by this , the mind might the better flourish . From their fasting good might arise in the soul . They might better remember lessons concerning the mutability of all earthly things , and of the need of a personal preparation for death . The depar *