Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
,-ned thanks for their good and loyal service to him , i th here and at Grand Lodge . To his brother Deacons i . crave his warmest thanks , and well might the lodge l ' oud of them , for many visitors had spoken to him with pcial commendation of the earnest and excellent man-CSP ' in which they had performed their duties . To the whole " f the brethren he returned thanks for their universal
kindind courtesy to him , and while he felt conscious that ['" h ' ad ( i id ' s duty , he hoped to their satisfaction , he i ul ' d evcr ' °° k osck to tne '' when their help and S . miiathy naa maoe those duties a work of love and leasilre . He again thanked them , and resumed his seat Mnid "reat cheering . The visitors were next honoured , and Bro 5- Vmcent i Woodlcy , Davis , Butterworth , and Sv . iUc responded severally . The W . M . elect feelingly
re-) licd to a warm reception of his name . The toast of ! , The Past Masters of the Lodge " was well received , and Bro . Pownall responded , saying he held it a great privilege to be a Past Master , and some of the most treasured memories of his life would be associated with his Immediate Past Mastership ot the United Military Lodge . He felt p leased and gratified to hear their W . M . say that his had been of serviceand he could
humble assistance , assure them that , such as they were , they were at the service of any one in the lodge who might require them , and Bro . Spinks might at any time rely on him in carrying out the important duties to which he had just been called . After a oraceful compliment to P . M . Bro . Croisdale , who had retired , he concluded a brilliant speech by assuring them of his affectionate esteem and regard . "The Officers "
followed , coupled with the name of Bro . J . McCaffery , who replied , as well as did Bro . Wright , and then , after Bro . | olly had replied to a high eulogy from the W . M . for his services since the foundation of the lodge , in reporting its doings faithfully and truly in the Frcemaso ::, the Tyler ' s loast ' closcd the meeting . GREAT STANMORE . —Abercorn Lodge
( No . I . i 49 ) . —The second regular meeting of this summer lodge passed off with the usual success on the 2 nd ult ., Bro . J . W . Garrod , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the officers , Bro . Helsdon , I . P . M ., and a good muster of the brethren . Visitors—Bros . Smith and Thompson , of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 , both of whom were proposed as joining members for next meeting . The lodge was opened
by W . M . at 4 . 20 . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed the ballot was then taken in favour of Bro . C . \ V . Hunt , No . 1423 , as joining member , and proved unanimous . The election followed of W . M . for the ensuing year , which resulted as expected in favour of Bro . Vincent , S . W ., that of Treasurer being equally unanimous for reelection of Bro . Dr . Rogers . Bro . Middleton was again
reappointed Tyler . Several brethren were then selected on the Audit Committee to meet prior to the installati n in July . This was the first occasion of the lodge meeting on Wednesday , permission having been obtained since last meeting for that day in future . On the W . M . making the usual inquiries , Mr . W . F . Middleton and Mr . E . F . de l ' ontehalon were proposed as initiates . Much regret was
also expressed at the unavoidable retirement of Bro . Patterson , S . D . A communication in favour of a testimonia to the Prov . G . M . was favourably supported , and will be again brought forward at the next meeting . The usual Past Master ' s jewel was then voted to the retiring Master , and after the I . P . M ., to the great interest of the brethren , had very ably worked the Second Section of the Second
Lecture , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony at 3 . 30 . The usual banquet followed , and the brethren dispersed at 9 p . m . MORECAMBE . —Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1-, (> i ) . — Vhe annual festival of St . John and installation of W . M . was celebrated by the brethren of the Morecambe Lodge on Friday afternoon , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic
Hall in Edward-street . There was a numerous attendance of brethren , including also a number of the Craft from Lancaster , among the latter being , Bros James Hatch , E . Simpson , Jno . Hatch , T . Atkinson , H . Longman , R . Taylor , J . Jowitt , W . H . Baginall , F . G . Dale , J . T . Jackson , & c . j Mawson and Brewer ( Bradford ) , & c . The chair at the opening was occupied by Bro . Capt . Garnett ,
the retiring W . M ., who went through the preliminary business of the lodge . The chair was then vacated , when it was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., who officiated as installing officer , and in a very effe'e'ive and impressive manner went through the ceremony of installing liro . William Dufl as Worshipful Master of the lodge , delivering also the charge to the Master . The Master then
proceeded to elect his officers as follows : —Bros . T . l-ongmire , S . W . ; W . Longmire , J . W . ; W . Stephenson , Sec . ; R . Stansfeld , S . D . ; W . W . Wiede , J . D . ; R . Bannister , I . G . ; A . E . Poole , S . S . ; and G . Bingham , J . S . the charge to the Wardens was given by Bro . Longman , ¦ ui'l that to the brethren by Bro . Jno . Hatch . A cordial ™ te of thanks was passed to Bro . Moore for the efficient
manner in which he had performed the duties of Installing waster , and also to Bro . Garnett for the urbanity and courtesy with whieh he had filled the office of Master dur-» ig the past twelve months , both voles being ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the house of Bro . T . Longmire , the West View "oiel , and sat down to an excellent dinner under the
Presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and in the course of the evening Bro . Garnett , LP M ., was presented by the W . M . with a very handsome Past Master ' s j . wel , in recognition < " lis valuable services as W . M . The jewel bore the folowing inscri ption : — " Presented to Bro . C . H . Garnett .
iS- ' - , ' , ' by the bret " ren of the Morecambe Lodge , June 1 st , ' //•Bro . Garnett , in acknowledging the gift , said he 1 hoU i l ) ' ( 't ' ly taken by surprise , and the jewel would ever u a place in his estimation equal to his love for the ' TT fr IS . 4 Lo < l £ e aml Freemasonry in general . The r RPOoL * — -Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — ordinary monthl y meeting of this exceedingly popular
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge was held , on Tuesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., presided , and the officers present were Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; J . W . Chapman , S . W . ; L . Courtenay , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas ; J . Skeaf , P . G . Org . ; W . Sandbrook , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; A . Collinson , S . ; J . Pyer , S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst the
members present were Bros . H . Leslie , F . Emery , F . Wilkinson , Levy , Ray , Durden , Whittle , Savage , Squire , Buck , Williams , Kcet , Ballard , Avan , Cotton , and others . The visitors were Bros . R . R . Martin , P . M . 1094 -, C . Heywood , 186 ; and J . Burfield , 220 . Mr . Thomas S . Bailey was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order ; and Bros . Bowden and Durden were passed to the
Degree of Fellow Craft , the work being most efficiently performed by the W . M ., assisted by his Wardens . Bro . Dr . Henry Yates Pitts was unanimously elected a joining member . The following motion , proposed by Bro . Sandbrook , J . D ., and seconded by Bro . Ray , was unanimously agreed to : " That the joining fee for non-professional brethren be raised from £ 2 2 ; . to £ 4 4 s . od ., the joining
fee for professional brethren ( those connected with the dramatic , musical , and literary professions ) to remain as at present . " After one or two propositions for initiation , the brethren adjourned to banquet , over which the W . M . presided . A pleasant evening was spent , several first-rate songs and recitations being given by Bros . C . Heywood , J . Burfield , L . Courtenay , H . Leslie , W . Hildyard , and
others . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No . 16 5 6 ) . —An . emergency meeting of this recently constituted lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel on Monday , the 4 th inst ., and notwithstanding the almost tropical heat of the weather it was numerously attended . When the founders petitioned the R . W . P . G . M . to recommend to G . L .
that a lodge should be constituted in this patticular locality , it was urged that it would only be supplying a want that was greatly needed , and that it would be a sure success . This favourable augury has been fully realised by the great number of local gentlemen who have joined the " Wolsey . " Under certain conditions the number of bona fide subscribing members is limited to thirty , and in consequence of the
W . M . ' s zeal and energy in allowing so many emergency meetings to be called , for the purpose of meeting the wishes of many residents anxious to receive Masonic " light , " that stipulated number of members is almost complete . There were present on the 4 th inst . Bros . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , W . M . ; J . Hammond , P . M . 201 , W . M . elect of 1512 ; Hon . I . P . M . Bentley , P . M . 193 , acting
S . W . in the absence , through illness , of Bro . Sharp , P . M . 84 ; J . Hurst , W . M . 1512 , J . D ., acting J . W . ; Honeywell , P . M . ; Dobie , Organist ! T . W . Ockenden , I . G . 1512 , Secretary ; Marvin , D . C . ; Scott , W . S . Bro . Pickering , P . M . 30 , was a visitor . The ballot having been taken and declared unanimous , Messrs . J . H . Duffell and A . Elphick were duly initiated . The ceremony of passing
Bros . Masters , Malcolm , and PiTler to the Second Degree was then performed , and the labours of the evening were brought to a close by the raising of Bros . Taylor , Pinto , and Forge to the degree of M . M . The W . M . as usual conducted the whole of the ceremonies most ably and impressively . The lodge was closed at ten , and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . — An emergency meeting of this most prosperous and flourishing chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on the second Thursday in May . Tne chapter was opened by Comps . J . W . Baldwin , M . E . Z . F . Walters , P . P . 1 st A . S . G . S . Middx ., P . Z ., as H . ; J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx ., P . Z ., as J . ;
W . Smeed , P . Z . The following companions were then admitted : M . D . Loewenstark , S . N . ; B . Isaacs , P . S . ; J . H . Spencer , J . H . Sweasey , L . Samuel , W . Dunham , T . W . Adams , and others . Strange to say , there were not any visitors . The ballots , taken separatelv , were declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of Bros . Henry Moore , 1326 , and James Moore , 1326 . Comp . William
Smeed , acting as the M . E . Z ., exalted Bros . Barney , Lamb and H . Moore into Royal Arch Freemasonry , the other , officers being well posted in their duties , which rendered able assistance to the good , correct , and excellent working of the acting M . E . Z . Business ended the chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , the 18 th October , at six o ' clock p . m . Banquet and dessert followed .
Songs , glees , and recitations were given . The usual , toasts were gone through . The members separated , well ' pleased with a delightful evening ' s reunion , which had been so agreeably spent . Apologies were received for the absence of Comp . John Mason , H ., caused through illness , also for Comp . James Cattley Mason , J ., who was out of town .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the companions of this chapter , which took place at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Thursday , the 17 th ult , was very numerously attended . The chapter was opened at five o'clock by Comps . H . Pearson , Z . ; P . B . Gee , H . ; and J . E . Jackson , J . The others present were Comps . John
Ellis , S . N . ; Thos . Ocleshaw , S . E . ; Joseph Healing , P . Z . ; Wm . Doyle , P . Z . ; Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . Z . ; Peter Ball , Janitor ; James Black , Robert Black , Thomas Mason , Alexander Cotter . Walter Nelson , C . Fothergill , John Dixon , C . J . Jones , Peter Robbie , J . M . Creak , G . W .
Webster , W . Fish , Robert Carter , J . H . Gregory , Joseph Hughes , Henry Firth , W . C . Webb , W . P . Jennings , W . G . Veal , G . S . Willings , and others . " The visitors were Comps . Joseph Skeaf , P . G . O ., P . Z . 216 ; Thos . Clark , P . Z . G 73 ; Jas . T . Callow , P . P . G . St . B ., P . Z . 6 73 ; Thomas Evans , P . G . S . B ., Z . 203 ; R . R . Martin , P . Z . io 94 ; John
Royal Arch.
Jones , P . Z . 203 , Z . 1393 * , Thos . Shaw , H . 823 * , James Kelly , 673 ; G . Musker , 673 ; J . G . Parker , 605 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and after the companions had retired Comp . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . P . G . S . E ., P . Z ., proceeded toinstal Comps . P . B . Gee , as Z . ; J . E . Jackson , as H . ; and T . Ocleshaw , as J . ; the work of installation being performed in a
remarkably efficient manner . The M . E . Z . then invested the following as his officers : Comps . Joseph Wood ( Freemason ) , as Treas . ( for the eighth time ) ; John Ellis , S . E . ; Henry Firth , S . N . ; A . Cotter , P . S . -, and Peter Ball , Janitor . Bvo . Thomas Hunt , of 1182 , and Bro . Thomas Walton , of 1264 , were duly exalted to the Sublime Degree in an impressive manner by the Principals . Before the chapter
was closed a splendid P . Z . jewel was presented to Comp . Pearson , I . P . Z ., as a token of the esteem in which he was held by all the members of the chapter . A first class banquet was provided by Comp . Ball , and a pleasant evening was spent . JERSET . — Cesaree Chapter ( No . 590 ) . —The anniversary convocation of the chapter was held on
Thursday , June 14 th , at the Masonic Temple . The chapter was opened by Comp . Ph . W . Binet , Z . ; supported by Comps . Jos . O'Flaherty , H . ; G . J . Renouf , P . Z ., as J . ; A . Schmitt , P . Z ., P . G . S . E ., E . ; J . Oatley , P . Z . ; A . Viel , P . Z . ; W . H . Chapman , N ., and others . Among the visitors were Comps . R . Barrow , ; P . Z . 491 ; J . O . Le Sueur , J . 491 ; Dr . W . J . Aubin , P . S . 491 ; G . F . Baker , 4 gi ;
F . P . Le Marquand , 491 ; E . Rivington , 491 ; J . Huelin , 244 , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes Comp . A . Schmitt proceeded to instal , with all the forms proper to the occasion , the following companions to their respective offices , they having been duly elected , viz ., Joseph O'Flaherty , First Prin . ; A . Viel ., Second Prin . ; G . J . Renouf , Third Prin . ; A . Gallichan , N . ; los . Pallot , P . S .:
J . Durell , P . Z ., Treas . ; George Rand , Asst . Soj . ; and G . Rogers , Jan . Agreeably with his notice of motion , the S . E . proposed , seconded by Comp . J . Oatley and others" That Comp . Constable be elected an hon . member of the chapter , for his spontaneous , generous , and benevolent services rendered to the Province of Jersey . " The mover briefly stated the nature of his helping hand so fraternally
extende . l to Jersey Craft , its fruits being generally known , to and appreciated by every member in the Province , The proposition being put was cariied by cordial acclamation . Several matters of local importance having been disposed of , the chapter was closed in love and perfect harmony , and thecompanionspartook of a supper provided in the banqueting room , and when the usual introductory toasts had been
duly honoured , tbe S . E . proposed "The Health of our highly esteemed and distinguished Hon . Members , Dr . H . Hopkins ( Bath ) , W . James Hughan ( Truro ) , and James Constable , " which was warmly and enthusiastically received . The othir toasts having been suitably acknowledged , the companions separated with most fraternal love and good feeling towards each other , highly pleased with
the evening s proceedings . HAMPTON . —Era Chapter ( No . 1423 ) . —An emergency meeting of this new chapter was held at the " Island " Hotel on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., to consider a notice of motion that the Chapter should be removed from the " Kings Arms " Hotel , Hampton Court , to the above mentioned place . There were present Comps .
Sabine , M . E . Z . ; Moss , P . Z ., acting H . ; Baldwin , M . E . Z . Lebanon , acting J . ; Faulkner , acting S . N . ; Dubois , acting S . E . ; Walls , P . S . 185 , acting P . S . ; Johnson , acting first A . S . ; W . Hammond , P . Z ., D . C . ; Gilbert , Janitor . The subject of the removal of the chapter having been fully ventilated , it was unanimously resolved that it should be forthwith carried out . The convocation
having been adjourned until the second Saturday in the ensuing July , the companions partook of a well served collation . The customary preliminary toasts having been fully done justice to , "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " was proposed by Comp . Thiellay , the Second Principal . In introducing the toast the worthy companion expatiated at length upon the great services of Comp . Sabine to the
cause of Freemasonry in general . He had but recently vacated the chair of the Chaucer Lodge , he was on the road to the Master ' s chair of the Era , and last but not least , he occupied the high position of founder and first Principal of the Era Chapter . He went on to state that the principal members of the Lodge and Chapter were the proud recipients of Prov . Grand honours , which distinctions not
only gave a lustre to their own names but shed a ray of brightness upon No . 1423 . In conclusion he said that he hoped the M . E . Z . would live many years to enjoy the society of his colleagues and companions of the Era Chapter . Comp . Sabine in reply made a very telling
speech , in which he augured a very bright future for the Era , and which had met under such happy auspices that day . In conclusion he told them that nothing should be wanting on his part to make the chapter a great success . The remainder of the evening having been agreeably spent , the companions separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
COCKERMOUTH . —Dykes Conclave ( No . 3 C 1 ) . —The cjuattetly assembly of this conclave was held on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Cockermouth . The proper date of meeting should have been the third Wednesday in April , but the illness and subsequent death of the M . P . S ., Em , Sir Knight Rev . W . Beeby , M . A ., caused a postponement . There were
present Em . Sir Knights R . Robinson , P . S ., as M . P . S . j E . Tyson , V . E ., J . Pearson , P . S . ; W . Shilton , P . S . ; W . F . F . Lamonby , P . S ., as Recorder , High Prelate , Prefect , and Herald ( Freemason ); Sir Knights J . R . Banks , S . G . j R . Bailey , J . G . ; T . Mandle , Treasurer ; J . Evening , St . Bearer -, W . H . Lewthwaite , Organist ; W , Potts , Sentinel ; T . Bird , and Stephen Thwaite . The minutes of the pre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
,-ned thanks for their good and loyal service to him , i th here and at Grand Lodge . To his brother Deacons i . crave his warmest thanks , and well might the lodge l ' oud of them , for many visitors had spoken to him with pcial commendation of the earnest and excellent man-CSP ' in which they had performed their duties . To the whole " f the brethren he returned thanks for their universal
kindind courtesy to him , and while he felt conscious that ['" h ' ad ( i id ' s duty , he hoped to their satisfaction , he i ul ' d evcr ' °° k osck to tne '' when their help and S . miiathy naa maoe those duties a work of love and leasilre . He again thanked them , and resumed his seat Mnid "reat cheering . The visitors were next honoured , and Bro 5- Vmcent i Woodlcy , Davis , Butterworth , and Sv . iUc responded severally . The W . M . elect feelingly
re-) licd to a warm reception of his name . The toast of ! , The Past Masters of the Lodge " was well received , and Bro . Pownall responded , saying he held it a great privilege to be a Past Master , and some of the most treasured memories of his life would be associated with his Immediate Past Mastership ot the United Military Lodge . He felt p leased and gratified to hear their W . M . say that his had been of serviceand he could
humble assistance , assure them that , such as they were , they were at the service of any one in the lodge who might require them , and Bro . Spinks might at any time rely on him in carrying out the important duties to which he had just been called . After a oraceful compliment to P . M . Bro . Croisdale , who had retired , he concluded a brilliant speech by assuring them of his affectionate esteem and regard . "The Officers "
followed , coupled with the name of Bro . J . McCaffery , who replied , as well as did Bro . Wright , and then , after Bro . | olly had replied to a high eulogy from the W . M . for his services since the foundation of the lodge , in reporting its doings faithfully and truly in the Frcemaso ::, the Tyler ' s loast ' closcd the meeting . GREAT STANMORE . —Abercorn Lodge
( No . I . i 49 ) . —The second regular meeting of this summer lodge passed off with the usual success on the 2 nd ult ., Bro . J . W . Garrod , W . M ., presiding , assisted by the officers , Bro . Helsdon , I . P . M ., and a good muster of the brethren . Visitors—Bros . Smith and Thompson , of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 , both of whom were proposed as joining members for next meeting . The lodge was opened
by W . M . at 4 . 20 . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed the ballot was then taken in favour of Bro . C . \ V . Hunt , No . 1423 , as joining member , and proved unanimous . The election followed of W . M . for the ensuing year , which resulted as expected in favour of Bro . Vincent , S . W ., that of Treasurer being equally unanimous for reelection of Bro . Dr . Rogers . Bro . Middleton was again
reappointed Tyler . Several brethren were then selected on the Audit Committee to meet prior to the installati n in July . This was the first occasion of the lodge meeting on Wednesday , permission having been obtained since last meeting for that day in future . On the W . M . making the usual inquiries , Mr . W . F . Middleton and Mr . E . F . de l ' ontehalon were proposed as initiates . Much regret was
also expressed at the unavoidable retirement of Bro . Patterson , S . D . A communication in favour of a testimonia to the Prov . G . M . was favourably supported , and will be again brought forward at the next meeting . The usual Past Master ' s jewel was then voted to the retiring Master , and after the I . P . M ., to the great interest of the brethren , had very ably worked the Second Section of the Second
Lecture , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony at 3 . 30 . The usual banquet followed , and the brethren dispersed at 9 p . m . MORECAMBE . —Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1-, (> i ) . — Vhe annual festival of St . John and installation of W . M . was celebrated by the brethren of the Morecambe Lodge on Friday afternoon , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic
Hall in Edward-street . There was a numerous attendance of brethren , including also a number of the Craft from Lancaster , among the latter being , Bros James Hatch , E . Simpson , Jno . Hatch , T . Atkinson , H . Longman , R . Taylor , J . Jowitt , W . H . Baginall , F . G . Dale , J . T . Jackson , & c . j Mawson and Brewer ( Bradford ) , & c . The chair at the opening was occupied by Bro . Capt . Garnett ,
the retiring W . M ., who went through the preliminary business of the lodge . The chair was then vacated , when it was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , P . G . S . B . of E ., who officiated as installing officer , and in a very effe'e'ive and impressive manner went through the ceremony of installing liro . William Dufl as Worshipful Master of the lodge , delivering also the charge to the Master . The Master then
proceeded to elect his officers as follows : —Bros . T . l-ongmire , S . W . ; W . Longmire , J . W . ; W . Stephenson , Sec . ; R . Stansfeld , S . D . ; W . W . Wiede , J . D . ; R . Bannister , I . G . ; A . E . Poole , S . S . ; and G . Bingham , J . S . the charge to the Wardens was given by Bro . Longman , ¦ ui'l that to the brethren by Bro . Jno . Hatch . A cordial ™ te of thanks was passed to Bro . Moore for the efficient
manner in which he had performed the duties of Installing waster , and also to Bro . Garnett for the urbanity and courtesy with whieh he had filled the office of Master dur-» ig the past twelve months , both voles being ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the house of Bro . T . Longmire , the West View "oiel , and sat down to an excellent dinner under the
Presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and in the course of the evening Bro . Garnett , LP M ., was presented by the W . M . with a very handsome Past Master ' s j . wel , in recognition < " lis valuable services as W . M . The jewel bore the folowing inscri ption : — " Presented to Bro . C . H . Garnett .
iS- ' - , ' , ' by the bret " ren of the Morecambe Lodge , June 1 st , ' //•Bro . Garnett , in acknowledging the gift , said he 1 hoU i l ) ' ( 't ' ly taken by surprise , and the jewel would ever u a place in his estimation equal to his love for the ' TT fr IS . 4 Lo < l £ e aml Freemasonry in general . The r RPOoL * — -Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — ordinary monthl y meeting of this exceedingly popular
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge was held , on Tuesday afternoon , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., presided , and the officers present were Bros . B . B . Marson , P . M . ; J . W . Chapman , S . W . ; L . Courtenay , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas ; J . Skeaf , P . G . Org . ; W . Sandbrook , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; A . Collinson , S . ; J . Pyer , S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst the
members present were Bros . H . Leslie , F . Emery , F . Wilkinson , Levy , Ray , Durden , Whittle , Savage , Squire , Buck , Williams , Kcet , Ballard , Avan , Cotton , and others . The visitors were Bros . R . R . Martin , P . M . 1094 -, C . Heywood , 186 ; and J . Burfield , 220 . Mr . Thomas S . Bailey was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order ; and Bros . Bowden and Durden were passed to the
Degree of Fellow Craft , the work being most efficiently performed by the W . M ., assisted by his Wardens . Bro . Dr . Henry Yates Pitts was unanimously elected a joining member . The following motion , proposed by Bro . Sandbrook , J . D ., and seconded by Bro . Ray , was unanimously agreed to : " That the joining fee for non-professional brethren be raised from £ 2 2 ; . to £ 4 4 s . od ., the joining
fee for professional brethren ( those connected with the dramatic , musical , and literary professions ) to remain as at present . " After one or two propositions for initiation , the brethren adjourned to banquet , over which the W . M . presided . A pleasant evening was spent , several first-rate songs and recitations being given by Bros . C . Heywood , J . Burfield , L . Courtenay , H . Leslie , W . Hildyard , and
others . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No . 16 5 6 ) . —An . emergency meeting of this recently constituted lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel on Monday , the 4 th inst ., and notwithstanding the almost tropical heat of the weather it was numerously attended . When the founders petitioned the R . W . P . G . M . to recommend to G . L .
that a lodge should be constituted in this patticular locality , it was urged that it would only be supplying a want that was greatly needed , and that it would be a sure success . This favourable augury has been fully realised by the great number of local gentlemen who have joined the " Wolsey . " Under certain conditions the number of bona fide subscribing members is limited to thirty , and in consequence of the
W . M . ' s zeal and energy in allowing so many emergency meetings to be called , for the purpose of meeting the wishes of many residents anxious to receive Masonic " light , " that stipulated number of members is almost complete . There were present on the 4 th inst . Bros . W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , W . M . ; J . Hammond , P . M . 201 , W . M . elect of 1512 ; Hon . I . P . M . Bentley , P . M . 193 , acting
S . W . in the absence , through illness , of Bro . Sharp , P . M . 84 ; J . Hurst , W . M . 1512 , J . D ., acting J . W . ; Honeywell , P . M . ; Dobie , Organist ! T . W . Ockenden , I . G . 1512 , Secretary ; Marvin , D . C . ; Scott , W . S . Bro . Pickering , P . M . 30 , was a visitor . The ballot having been taken and declared unanimous , Messrs . J . H . Duffell and A . Elphick were duly initiated . The ceremony of passing
Bros . Masters , Malcolm , and PiTler to the Second Degree was then performed , and the labours of the evening were brought to a close by the raising of Bros . Taylor , Pinto , and Forge to the degree of M . M . The W . M . as usual conducted the whole of the ceremonies most ably and impressively . The lodge was closed at ten , and the brethren adjourned . There was no banquet .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . — An emergency meeting of this most prosperous and flourishing chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on the second Thursday in May . Tne chapter was opened by Comps . J . W . Baldwin , M . E . Z . F . Walters , P . P . 1 st A . S . G . S . Middx ., P . Z ., as H . ; J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx ., P . Z ., as J . ;
W . Smeed , P . Z . The following companions were then admitted : M . D . Loewenstark , S . N . ; B . Isaacs , P . S . ; J . H . Spencer , J . H . Sweasey , L . Samuel , W . Dunham , T . W . Adams , and others . Strange to say , there were not any visitors . The ballots , taken separatelv , were declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of Bros . Henry Moore , 1326 , and James Moore , 1326 . Comp . William
Smeed , acting as the M . E . Z ., exalted Bros . Barney , Lamb and H . Moore into Royal Arch Freemasonry , the other , officers being well posted in their duties , which rendered able assistance to the good , correct , and excellent working of the acting M . E . Z . Business ended the chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , the 18 th October , at six o ' clock p . m . Banquet and dessert followed .
Songs , glees , and recitations were given . The usual , toasts were gone through . The members separated , well ' pleased with a delightful evening ' s reunion , which had been so agreeably spent . Apologies were received for the absence of Comp . John Mason , H ., caused through illness , also for Comp . James Cattley Mason , J ., who was out of town .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the companions of this chapter , which took place at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Thursday , the 17 th ult , was very numerously attended . The chapter was opened at five o'clock by Comps . H . Pearson , Z . ; P . B . Gee , H . ; and J . E . Jackson , J . The others present were Comps . John
Ellis , S . N . ; Thos . Ocleshaw , S . E . ; Joseph Healing , P . Z . ; Wm . Doyle , P . Z . ; Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . Z . ; Peter Ball , Janitor ; James Black , Robert Black , Thomas Mason , Alexander Cotter . Walter Nelson , C . Fothergill , John Dixon , C . J . Jones , Peter Robbie , J . M . Creak , G . W .
Webster , W . Fish , Robert Carter , J . H . Gregory , Joseph Hughes , Henry Firth , W . C . Webb , W . P . Jennings , W . G . Veal , G . S . Willings , and others . " The visitors were Comps . Joseph Skeaf , P . G . O ., P . Z . 216 ; Thos . Clark , P . Z . G 73 ; Jas . T . Callow , P . P . G . St . B ., P . Z . 6 73 ; Thomas Evans , P . G . S . B ., Z . 203 ; R . R . Martin , P . Z . io 94 ; John
Royal Arch.
Jones , P . Z . 203 , Z . 1393 * , Thos . Shaw , H . 823 * , James Kelly , 673 ; G . Musker , 673 ; J . G . Parker , 605 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and after the companions had retired Comp . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . P . G . S . E ., P . Z ., proceeded toinstal Comps . P . B . Gee , as Z . ; J . E . Jackson , as H . ; and T . Ocleshaw , as J . ; the work of installation being performed in a
remarkably efficient manner . The M . E . Z . then invested the following as his officers : Comps . Joseph Wood ( Freemason ) , as Treas . ( for the eighth time ) ; John Ellis , S . E . ; Henry Firth , S . N . ; A . Cotter , P . S . -, and Peter Ball , Janitor . Bvo . Thomas Hunt , of 1182 , and Bro . Thomas Walton , of 1264 , were duly exalted to the Sublime Degree in an impressive manner by the Principals . Before the chapter
was closed a splendid P . Z . jewel was presented to Comp . Pearson , I . P . Z ., as a token of the esteem in which he was held by all the members of the chapter . A first class banquet was provided by Comp . Ball , and a pleasant evening was spent . JERSET . — Cesaree Chapter ( No . 590 ) . —The anniversary convocation of the chapter was held on
Thursday , June 14 th , at the Masonic Temple . The chapter was opened by Comp . Ph . W . Binet , Z . ; supported by Comps . Jos . O'Flaherty , H . ; G . J . Renouf , P . Z ., as J . ; A . Schmitt , P . Z ., P . G . S . E ., E . ; J . Oatley , P . Z . ; A . Viel , P . Z . ; W . H . Chapman , N ., and others . Among the visitors were Comps . R . Barrow , ; P . Z . 491 ; J . O . Le Sueur , J . 491 ; Dr . W . J . Aubin , P . S . 491 ; G . F . Baker , 4 gi ;
F . P . Le Marquand , 491 ; E . Rivington , 491 ; J . Huelin , 244 , and others . After the confirmation of the minutes Comp . A . Schmitt proceeded to instal , with all the forms proper to the occasion , the following companions to their respective offices , they having been duly elected , viz ., Joseph O'Flaherty , First Prin . ; A . Viel ., Second Prin . ; G . J . Renouf , Third Prin . ; A . Gallichan , N . ; los . Pallot , P . S .:
J . Durell , P . Z ., Treas . ; George Rand , Asst . Soj . ; and G . Rogers , Jan . Agreeably with his notice of motion , the S . E . proposed , seconded by Comp . J . Oatley and others" That Comp . Constable be elected an hon . member of the chapter , for his spontaneous , generous , and benevolent services rendered to the Province of Jersey . " The mover briefly stated the nature of his helping hand so fraternally
extende . l to Jersey Craft , its fruits being generally known , to and appreciated by every member in the Province , The proposition being put was cariied by cordial acclamation . Several matters of local importance having been disposed of , the chapter was closed in love and perfect harmony , and thecompanionspartook of a supper provided in the banqueting room , and when the usual introductory toasts had been
duly honoured , tbe S . E . proposed "The Health of our highly esteemed and distinguished Hon . Members , Dr . H . Hopkins ( Bath ) , W . James Hughan ( Truro ) , and James Constable , " which was warmly and enthusiastically received . The othir toasts having been suitably acknowledged , the companions separated with most fraternal love and good feeling towards each other , highly pleased with
the evening s proceedings . HAMPTON . —Era Chapter ( No . 1423 ) . —An emergency meeting of this new chapter was held at the " Island " Hotel on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., to consider a notice of motion that the Chapter should be removed from the " Kings Arms " Hotel , Hampton Court , to the above mentioned place . There were present Comps .
Sabine , M . E . Z . ; Moss , P . Z ., acting H . ; Baldwin , M . E . Z . Lebanon , acting J . ; Faulkner , acting S . N . ; Dubois , acting S . E . ; Walls , P . S . 185 , acting P . S . ; Johnson , acting first A . S . ; W . Hammond , P . Z ., D . C . ; Gilbert , Janitor . The subject of the removal of the chapter having been fully ventilated , it was unanimously resolved that it should be forthwith carried out . The convocation
having been adjourned until the second Saturday in the ensuing July , the companions partook of a well served collation . The customary preliminary toasts having been fully done justice to , "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " was proposed by Comp . Thiellay , the Second Principal . In introducing the toast the worthy companion expatiated at length upon the great services of Comp . Sabine to the
cause of Freemasonry in general . He had but recently vacated the chair of the Chaucer Lodge , he was on the road to the Master ' s chair of the Era , and last but not least , he occupied the high position of founder and first Principal of the Era Chapter . He went on to state that the principal members of the Lodge and Chapter were the proud recipients of Prov . Grand honours , which distinctions not
only gave a lustre to their own names but shed a ray of brightness upon No . 1423 . In conclusion he said that he hoped the M . E . Z . would live many years to enjoy the society of his colleagues and companions of the Era Chapter . Comp . Sabine in reply made a very telling
speech , in which he augured a very bright future for the Era , and which had met under such happy auspices that day . In conclusion he told them that nothing should be wanting on his part to make the chapter a great success . The remainder of the evening having been agreeably spent , the companions separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
COCKERMOUTH . —Dykes Conclave ( No . 3 C 1 ) . —The cjuattetly assembly of this conclave was held on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Cockermouth . The proper date of meeting should have been the third Wednesday in April , but the illness and subsequent death of the M . P . S ., Em , Sir Knight Rev . W . Beeby , M . A ., caused a postponement . There were
present Em . Sir Knights R . Robinson , P . S ., as M . P . S . j E . Tyson , V . E ., J . Pearson , P . S . ; W . Shilton , P . S . ; W . F . F . Lamonby , P . S ., as Recorder , High Prelate , Prefect , and Herald ( Freemason ); Sir Knights J . R . Banks , S . G . j R . Bailey , J . G . ; T . Mandle , Treasurer ; J . Evening , St . Bearer -, W . H . Lewthwaite , Organist ; W , Potts , Sentinel ; T . Bird , and Stephen Thwaite . The minutes of the pre-