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PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE , ig , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 1782 . LOVIST Current Rates I Assured tree of all Liability Jberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , " ) Joint F . B . MACDONALD , i Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED , io . ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . Prospectuses and every information forwarded Post Free un application to the MANAGER .
Telephone No . 2 S 70 . Established 1 S 0 S . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . ESTIMATES SUBMITTED . "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A lligh-rlass Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW . & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , GRAY ' S INN PLACE , W . C .
FIRST PRIZE MEDALS . Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 ; Sydney Centenary Exhibition , 1888 . MASONS' CERTIFICATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . MORELL , 17 & 18 , GREAT ST . ANDREW ST ., BLOOMSBURY , LONDON , W . C . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds o £ Pic : u . r Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of Patterna , St pages 410 demy , revised for 1891 , post free ree penny stamw . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—RABBITRV , LONDON .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY . EADE'S PILLS . 2 , College Park Villas , Kensal Green , London , W ., May , EADE'S PILLS . 1891 . Dear Sir , —1 feel it my duty to tell EADE'S PILLS you I had Rheumatic Gout twice , and had to stop at home for three weeks . I cannot describe the pain I suffered . I read your advertisement , and looked upon it as all others . A brother signalman said , " Try them . " 1 did so . THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAV in a few hours , and I was able to resume CiOUT . my work . No one need be frightened to take them . 1 have recommended RHEUMATISM , them to all whom I have heard complaining of Rheumatism , Gout , LumuOUT . bago , Neuralgia , & c . 1 hope no one will doubt my statement . —Yours sin-KHEUMATISM . cerely , J . PETTENGALL . Mr . G . Eade . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . Prepared only by George Eade , 72 , Goswell Road , London , E . C . ; and Sold hy all Chemists in Bottles , is . ijd ., and 2 s . gd .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE , THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND , THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION , is CADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . I ley <| iiii lily remove irritation and feverish state of the S'l ONiAl . ll , coirect the : morbid condition of the LIVER , rtlii ve the system of all impurities , which , by circulating in lie I Icxil , injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS , ami . Uy urr . i ving the causes of so much discomfort , restore t ' le vital energies of body and mind . EADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . . Sold ty all Chemists in Boxes , is . ijd . and zs . gd ., or Mailtd fn-e on receipt oi remittance by GEORGE EADE , 72 , Goswell Read , London , E . C , EADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' H ALL , LONDON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be Held AT THE ROYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On WEDNESDAY , 27 th JUNE , 1894 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . W . LAWIES JACKSON , M . P . R . W . Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , Vice-President of the Institution . Full particularsof the arrangements as to special trains , & c , may be obtained at the office . Dinner Tickets' ( inclusive of First-class Return Fares from London ) , for Ladies 21 s ., and Brethren 25 s . By Order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . G , Frec . Tiasons' Hall , London , W . C . ist June , 1894 . ' The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards representing lodges or provinces on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
* -pHE " MANCHESTER" HOTEL , ¦ *¦ ALDERSGATE-STREET , E . C . FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL . 300 BEDS . Immediately opposite the Aldersgate Station of the Metropolitan Railway , and central and convenient for everywhere . THE "BRISTOL" & " GLOUCESTER " ROOMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR MASONIC PURPOSES AT REASONABLE TERMS . FINE BANQUETING HALL . Terms and all particulars on application to Bro . F . G . NEWELL , Manager .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREES , JERSEY . "
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MlDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , & c , Manager .
NOTICE OF REMOVAL . TJEPBURN AND COCKS , DEED , CASH BOX , WROUGHT IRON FRAME AND STRONG-ROOM DOOR MANUFACTURERS , For many years in CHANCERY LANE , respectfully beg to inform the public that they have removed to 49 A , LINCOLNS' INN FIELDS , ( s . w . CORNER ) , LONDON , W . C . Works—59 , WYCH STREET , STRAND . Over a hundred years' reputaiion for Quality and Good Value . Estimates given . Established I 7 Q 0 . Price Lists .
/^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW AT CAMBRIDGE , JUNE 25 to 29 . ADDITIONAL EXPRE 5 S TRAINS . —FROM MONDAY , J UNE 25 , to FRIDAY , JUNE 29 , inclusive , additional Express Trains , at ordinary fares , will leave King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , at 7 . 45 , 10 . 5 , and 11 . 45 a . m ., arriving at Cambridge at 9 . 20 , 11 . 27 a . m ., and 1 . 13 p . m ., respectively . ON THE SAME DATES , RETURN TRAINS will leave Cambridge ( G N . ) at 5 . 30 , 6 . 40 , and y . 30 p . m ., arriving in London at 6 . 52 , S . 3 , and 10 . 53 p . m ., respactively . ADDITIONAL EXPRESS TRAINS will also leive Cambridge ( G . N . ) on WEDNESDAY , 27 th , at 11 . 0 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross 12 . 45 ( midnight ); on THURSDAY , 2 Sth , at 10 . 30 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross 11 . 50 p . m . ; and on FRIDAY , 29 th , at S . 35 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross at 9 . 5 6 p . m . CHEAP TICKEIS . —For the convenience of Exhibitors and others attending the Show , CHEAP SEASON TICKETS , available from Saturday , 23 rd , to Saturday , 30 th June ( both days inclusive ) , will be issued between Cambridge and London ( King ' s Cross ) , and certain other Stations . ON JUNE 26 , 27 . 28 , and 29 , CHEAP RETURN TICKETS , at a single fare and quarter for the double journey , will be issued by ordinary trains from Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Holloway , Finsbury Park , and other Stations , to Cambridge . EXCURSIONS .-ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY , JUNE 28 and 29 , cheap DAY excursions to CAMBRIDGE will leave Moorgate 8 . 58 a . m ., Aldersgate 90 , Farringdon 9 . 2 , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) 9 . 15 , Holloway 7 . 45 , Finsbury Park 9 . 20 , and certain other Stations , returning June-2 S at 10 . 30 p . m . and June 29 at S . 35 p . m . ; third class return fare 4 s . HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON . MONDAY , JUNE 25 , for four days , to NEWCASTLE ( for Races ) , Northallerton , Richmond , Darlington , and Durham , from Moprgate , 6 . 37 a . m . ; Aidersgate , 6 . 39 ; Farringdon , 6 . 41 ; King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) 7 . 20 ; Finsbury Park , 7 . 25 , returning June 28 th . To SHERINGHAM , CROMER ( Beach ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , July 2 and 16 , from London ( King ' s Cross ) , 6 . 15 a . m . ; Finsbury Park , 6 . 20 ; returning from Yarmouth , 6 . 0 p . m . ; Cromer , C . 55 ; Sheringham , 7 . 5 p . m . Third class return fare , 5 s . To ST . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPSTEAD , and HARPENDEN , each Saturday afternoon until 29 th September inclusive . From Moorgate , 2 . 15 ; Aldersgate , 2 . 17 ; Farringdon , 2 . 19 ; King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , 2 . 40 ; Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars see bills , to be obtained at the Stations and Town Offices . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . King ' s Cross , June , 1894 .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED J 86 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . G . ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 93 J THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN . W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PROVISION S TORES ( NOW OPENED ) , 50 , Si . and 52 . OLD BROAD STREET . E . C
M ASTER MASON of Forty Years ' standing-. An intrepid traveller and explorer , desires some light occupation of trust ( having met with misfortunes and heavy losses through no fault of his own ) , or would be glad to meet with some gentleman to assist him to start in a business whicli requires patenting . For reference , & c , address : " Inventions , " c /> The Rev . ISAAC W . TAPER , St . Andrew ' s Vicarage , Union Grove , Wandsworth-road , London , S . W .
HAS ANY BROTHER FOUND , or got by mistake , A FULL DRESS APRON , Grand Sword Bearer of England , supposed to be lost either in the Provinces of Yorkshire , Lancashire , ot Cheshire ? If so , will they kindly return sime to Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 47 , Bridge Street , Manchester .
CANVASSERS and COLLECTORS Wanted by the London and Manchester Industrial Assurance Company in London and country ; life and medical life assurances ; liberal terms to suitable men . Apply by letter to MANAGING DIRECTOR , 42 to 47 ' Southwaik Exchange , London .
BROTHER Seeks EMPLOYMENT . Any capacity . Town or country . Recently from Melbourne . Five years Shipping Clerk to the Victorian Government . Married , with lamily . Willing , honest , and thoroughly trustworthy . Highest testimonials . —H . A ., ' 7 > Forest-road , Dalston , N . E .
/¦^ OALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers i : ucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE , ig , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 1782 . LOVIST Current Rates I Assured tree of all Liability Jberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , " ) Joint F . B . MACDONALD , i Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED , io . ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . Prospectuses and every information forwarded Post Free un application to the MANAGER .
Telephone No . 2 S 70 . Established 1 S 0 S . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . ESTIMATES SUBMITTED . "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A lligh-rlass Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW . & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , GRAY ' S INN PLACE , W . C .
FIRST PRIZE MEDALS . Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 ; Sydney Centenary Exhibition , 1888 . MASONS' CERTIFICATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . MORELL , 17 & 18 , GREAT ST . ANDREW ST ., BLOOMSBURY , LONDON , W . C . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds o £ Pic : u . r Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of Patterna , St pages 410 demy , revised for 1891 , post free ree penny stamw . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—RABBITRV , LONDON .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY . EADE'S PILLS . 2 , College Park Villas , Kensal Green , London , W ., May , EADE'S PILLS . 1891 . Dear Sir , —1 feel it my duty to tell EADE'S PILLS you I had Rheumatic Gout twice , and had to stop at home for three weeks . I cannot describe the pain I suffered . I read your advertisement , and looked upon it as all others . A brother signalman said , " Try them . " 1 did so . THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAV in a few hours , and I was able to resume CiOUT . my work . No one need be frightened to take them . 1 have recommended RHEUMATISM , them to all whom I have heard complaining of Rheumatism , Gout , LumuOUT . bago , Neuralgia , & c . 1 hope no one will doubt my statement . —Yours sin-KHEUMATISM . cerely , J . PETTENGALL . Mr . G . Eade . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . Prepared only by George Eade , 72 , Goswell Road , London , E . C . ; and Sold hy all Chemists in Bottles , is . ijd ., and 2 s . gd .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE , THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND , THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION , is CADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . I ley <| iiii lily remove irritation and feverish state of the S'l ONiAl . ll , coirect the : morbid condition of the LIVER , rtlii ve the system of all impurities , which , by circulating in lie I Icxil , injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS , ami . Uy urr . i ving the causes of so much discomfort , restore t ' le vital energies of body and mind . EADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS . . Sold ty all Chemists in Boxes , is . ijd . and zs . gd ., or Mailtd fn-e on receipt oi remittance by GEORGE EADE , 72 , Goswell Read , London , E . C , EADE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' H ALL , LONDON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be Held AT THE ROYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On WEDNESDAY , 27 th JUNE , 1894 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . W . LAWIES JACKSON , M . P . R . W . Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , Vice-President of the Institution . Full particularsof the arrangements as to special trains , & c , may be obtained at the office . Dinner Tickets' ( inclusive of First-class Return Fares from London ) , for Ladies 21 s ., and Brethren 25 s . By Order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . G , Frec . Tiasons' Hall , London , W . C . ist June , 1894 . ' The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards representing lodges or provinces on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
* -pHE " MANCHESTER" HOTEL , ¦ *¦ ALDERSGATE-STREET , E . C . FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL . 300 BEDS . Immediately opposite the Aldersgate Station of the Metropolitan Railway , and central and convenient for everywhere . THE "BRISTOL" & " GLOUCESTER " ROOMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR MASONIC PURPOSES AT REASONABLE TERMS . FINE BANQUETING HALL . Terms and all particulars on application to Bro . F . G . NEWELL , Manager .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREES , JERSEY . "
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MlDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , & c , Manager .
NOTICE OF REMOVAL . TJEPBURN AND COCKS , DEED , CASH BOX , WROUGHT IRON FRAME AND STRONG-ROOM DOOR MANUFACTURERS , For many years in CHANCERY LANE , respectfully beg to inform the public that they have removed to 49 A , LINCOLNS' INN FIELDS , ( s . w . CORNER ) , LONDON , W . C . Works—59 , WYCH STREET , STRAND . Over a hundred years' reputaiion for Quality and Good Value . Estimates given . Established I 7 Q 0 . Price Lists .
/^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW AT CAMBRIDGE , JUNE 25 to 29 . ADDITIONAL EXPRE 5 S TRAINS . —FROM MONDAY , J UNE 25 , to FRIDAY , JUNE 29 , inclusive , additional Express Trains , at ordinary fares , will leave King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , at 7 . 45 , 10 . 5 , and 11 . 45 a . m ., arriving at Cambridge at 9 . 20 , 11 . 27 a . m ., and 1 . 13 p . m ., respectively . ON THE SAME DATES , RETURN TRAINS will leave Cambridge ( G N . ) at 5 . 30 , 6 . 40 , and y . 30 p . m ., arriving in London at 6 . 52 , S . 3 , and 10 . 53 p . m ., respactively . ADDITIONAL EXPRESS TRAINS will also leive Cambridge ( G . N . ) on WEDNESDAY , 27 th , at 11 . 0 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross 12 . 45 ( midnight ); on THURSDAY , 2 Sth , at 10 . 30 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross 11 . 50 p . m . ; and on FRIDAY , 29 th , at S . 35 p . m ., arriving King ' s Cross at 9 . 5 6 p . m . CHEAP TICKEIS . —For the convenience of Exhibitors and others attending the Show , CHEAP SEASON TICKETS , available from Saturday , 23 rd , to Saturday , 30 th June ( both days inclusive ) , will be issued between Cambridge and London ( King ' s Cross ) , and certain other Stations . ON JUNE 26 , 27 . 28 , and 29 , CHEAP RETURN TICKETS , at a single fare and quarter for the double journey , will be issued by ordinary trains from Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Holloway , Finsbury Park , and other Stations , to Cambridge . EXCURSIONS .-ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY , JUNE 28 and 29 , cheap DAY excursions to CAMBRIDGE will leave Moorgate 8 . 58 a . m ., Aldersgate 90 , Farringdon 9 . 2 , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) 9 . 15 , Holloway 7 . 45 , Finsbury Park 9 . 20 , and certain other Stations , returning June-2 S at 10 . 30 p . m . and June 29 at S . 35 p . m . ; third class return fare 4 s . HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON . MONDAY , JUNE 25 , for four days , to NEWCASTLE ( for Races ) , Northallerton , Richmond , Darlington , and Durham , from Moprgate , 6 . 37 a . m . ; Aidersgate , 6 . 39 ; Farringdon , 6 . 41 ; King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) 7 . 20 ; Finsbury Park , 7 . 25 , returning June 28 th . To SHERINGHAM , CROMER ( Beach ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , July 2 and 16 , from London ( King ' s Cross ) , 6 . 15 a . m . ; Finsbury Park , 6 . 20 ; returning from Yarmouth , 6 . 0 p . m . ; Cromer , C . 55 ; Sheringham , 7 . 5 p . m . Third class return fare , 5 s . To ST . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPSTEAD , and HARPENDEN , each Saturday afternoon until 29 th September inclusive . From Moorgate , 2 . 15 ; Aldersgate , 2 . 17 ; Farringdon , 2 . 19 ; King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , 2 . 40 ; Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars see bills , to be obtained at the Stations and Town Offices . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . King ' s Cross , June , 1894 .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED J 86 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . G . ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 93 J THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN . W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PROVISION S TORES ( NOW OPENED ) , 50 , Si . and 52 . OLD BROAD STREET . E . C
M ASTER MASON of Forty Years ' standing-. An intrepid traveller and explorer , desires some light occupation of trust ( having met with misfortunes and heavy losses through no fault of his own ) , or would be glad to meet with some gentleman to assist him to start in a business whicli requires patenting . For reference , & c , address : " Inventions , " c /> The Rev . ISAAC W . TAPER , St . Andrew ' s Vicarage , Union Grove , Wandsworth-road , London , S . W .
HAS ANY BROTHER FOUND , or got by mistake , A FULL DRESS APRON , Grand Sword Bearer of England , supposed to be lost either in the Provinces of Yorkshire , Lancashire , ot Cheshire ? If so , will they kindly return sime to Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 47 , Bridge Street , Manchester .
CANVASSERS and COLLECTORS Wanted by the London and Manchester Industrial Assurance Company in London and country ; life and medical life assurances ; liberal terms to suitable men . Apply by letter to MANAGING DIRECTOR , 42 to 47 ' Southwaik Exchange , London .
BROTHER Seeks EMPLOYMENT . Any capacity . Town or country . Recently from Melbourne . Five years Shipping Clerk to the Victorian Government . Married , with lamily . Willing , honest , and thoroughly trustworthy . Highest testimonials . —H . A ., ' 7 > Forest-road , Dalston , N . E .
/¦^ OALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers i : ucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .