Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
CURIOUS CERTIFICATE . And God said Let there be light and there was light . And the light shintth in Darkness , and tbe darkness comprehendeth it not . In the East where reign silence and peace . We the Master and Wardens of Lodge No . 28 of Free and Accepted Masons on the Registry of Ireland
do hereby Certifie to all men enlightened that the bearer hereof our Brother Joseph Boruwlaski , having produced to us undoubted documents of his being Justly and legally Initiated into the Mysteries of our Fraternity , and having with great Knowledge and Skill answered all our Examinations and proving his admission to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason
to our satisfaction , was received by us as such into our Lodge and continued with us during his residence in this City , and having demeaned himself as a Worthy , true , and faithful ! Brother . Wc recommend him to all Brethren of our most Antient and Honourable Fraternity . Given under our hands and seal of our Lodge at our Lodge Room in the City of Corke this 22 d . day
of February in the year of our Lord 1794 and of Masonry 5794 . Joseph Boruwlaski DAN MCCARTHY , Master . J AMES CARR J Wardens . THOMAS KINAPSON ) GEO . NOBLE Secy . Original on parchment , ioj inches wide , 7 ) inches
deep . [ The above transcript of an Irish certificate was kindly made for me by my friend , Bro . Wm . Logan , of Langley Park , Durham . The seal is , as usual , viz ., name of lodge in a circle { Corke Lodge , No . 2 S ) , and in the centre a hand holding a trowel . Particulars of the Count losrph Boruwlaski are to be found in Bro .
Logan ' s " History of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , No . 124 , Durham . " He was elected one of the honorary members of the lodge 7 th December , 1 S 06 , and resided in a cottage near to Prebend ' s Bridge , still known as the Count ' s Cottage . He was 39 inches high .
The Prebendary of the Cathedral generously allowed this celebrated " Polish Dwarf" a handsome income to his death in 1837 , aged 99 . His remains were interred in Durham Cathedral . 1 do not know when original No . 28 fell through . It must have been chartered about 1733 . No . 28 of 1825 is now at Antrim . W . ] . HUGHAN .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Temperance in the East Lodge ( No SrjS ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at the Assembly Rooms , Newby-place , Poplar , under the presidency of Bro . W . Bigg , W . M ., supported by Bros . G . Graveley , P . M . ; J W . Pulsford , P . M . ; 11 . Cooper , P . M . ; J . C .
Armstrong , P . M . ; G . Shearman , P . M . ; A . G . Luck , P . M . j George Sidders , P . M . ; J . J . Carter , P . M . ; James Williams P . M . ; C . Chipman , P . M . ; j . Go-don , P . M . ; E . F . Williams , S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . S . Craze , J . VV . ; J . Byford , jun ., P . M ., Treas . ; C . Wyatt Smith , Sec . ; T , Kingrose , S . D . ; W . T . Legg , J . D . ; H . Rogers , P . M ., D . C . j W . Bussey , LG . ; F . Burdett , Stsvd . ; W .
Puttick , Org . j H . Baker , Tyler ; H . R . Baxter , G . L . Mason , G . F . Gardiner , W . J . Cowell , J . T . Kinipple , P . M . 1 S 1 G , J . Burbey , R . Franklin , J . N . Gillis , W . Cue , T . Byford , S . H . Baker , C . A . Savage , W . H . Darton , E . Horsey , W . T . H . Mills , W . Stuart , A . Hollingsworth , A . Tatham , H . Butler , VV . H . Graveley , I . Corbet , M .
Wagstaff , W . E . Gray , G . Haysom , W . Martin , G . Skinner , J . J . Richardson , C . P . Hendy , P . Shapland , G . T . Bridger , R . N . Beale , G . Sussex , H . Dunn , H . Burton , C . Johnson , T . Burns , J . J . Clark , J . A . Darton , and others . Visitors : H . H . Peck , 2291 ; VV . S . Holder , 1765 ; W . Brown ; A . Quigley , 132 S ; VV . Richards , 115 S ; J . T . Finch , P . M . SGi ; R . I . Sanders , SGi ; J . G . Chapman ,
1241 ; W . Andrew ? , 1716 ; VV . Hamsher , 1139 : J . Mills , 1765 ; C . J . Cutchey , P . M . 1 C 55 ; J . W . Gibbs , LP . M . 1 S 04 ; J . Lusty , jun , S . VV . 1259 ; E . | ones , 171 ( 5 ; W . C . Dickey , W . M . 2012 ; E . Douglas Smith , P . M . 27 ; J . II . Duckham , VV . M . 1595 ; H . J . Oliver , 1472 ; A . T . Ives , P . M . 1472 ; J . McHugh , 2184 ; H . j . Foulds , 1259 ; E . Barber , 127 S ; C . W .
Hankev , 1805 ; VV . Stone , 1 G 25 ; C . J . Ozanni , P . M . 17 O 5 ; VV . Lait , 1472 ; J . L . Andrews , 554 ; M . Abrahams , and many others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Messrs . P . N . '' " ganand I . Regan were initiated . Bro . E . F . Williams , S . VV ., W . M . elect , was then introduced to the VV . M . as a lit candidate for the chair of
K . S ., and he having assentel to the charges and obligations , a Board of Installed Misters vas formed , and the majority of the brethren having withdrawn , Bro . Williams was inducted into the chair according to ancient rite and custom . On the return of the brethren he was saluted by them in the respective Degrees under the guidance of Bro . II . Rogers , P . M ., I ' . / .., who acted as D . C . in his usual
dignified manner . The VV . M . then invested Ihe following oliicers ; Bros . W . Bigg , LP . M . j T . S . Craze , S . W . ; T . Kingrose , P . M . 21 S . 1 , Prov . Asst . G . Sec . Essex , [ . VV . ; I . Byford , jun ., P . M ., Treas . ; A . G . Duck , ' P . M ., Secretary ; W . T . Legg , S . D . ; W . Bussey , J . D . ; F . Burdett , I . G . J H . Rogers , P . M ., P . / .., D . of C . ; J . J . Olley , Asst . Sec ; P . Shapland , VV . Darton , and G . Mason , Stwds . ; VV . G . Pu . tick , Org . ; and II . Baker ,
Craft Masonry.
Tyler . The Installing Officer , Bro . W . Bigg , I . P . M ., then gave the addresses to the VV . M ., Wardens , and brethren respectively . Throughout the proceedings Bro . Bigg performed the whole of the beautiful ceremony with marked precision , and his delivery of the addresses and exhortations was eloquen * and impressive . He received able support from Bro . Rogers , acting as D . C . in his wonted businesslike manner . It was proposed by Bro . Pulsford , P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Armstrong , P . M ., that an address on vellum be presented to Bro . Bigg , I . P . M ., as a mirk of the recognition of his able discharge of the duties . This being unanimously agreed to , it was proposed by Bro . Byford , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Gordon , P . M , that a vote of 20 gumeas from the lodge funds begranted towards the list
now open to all the brethren mdiv du uly , with thi vie . v to a presentation to Bro . C . VVyatt-Smith , P . M ., for his eminent services as Secretary for 21 years , from which position he has just retired . This was also carried , and the VV . M . then presented , on behalf of the lodge , the Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Bigg , who briefly but aptly acknowledged the
honour . Other Masonic business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , where an excellent banquet awaited them . Bro . Duck , P . M ., having made all arrangements before hand , every brother knew his seat allotted to him , and all were seated in a few minutes . After the banquet the VV . M . proposed the loyal toasts
and that of "The Grand Officers , " to which adequate honours were paid . The LP . M ., Bro . ' Bigg , in proposing " The W . M ., " said that during his seven years apprenticeship he had filled all the offices with credit , and the collar of W . M . had rewarded his faithful efforts . The W . M ., in reply , said he had tried to fulfil all the duties of his offices to the satisfaction of the brethren , and
hoped with the assistance of the Past Masters and the officers to uphold the integrity of the lodge . He had a certain amount f diffidence in following such a predecessor . In reply to the toast of " The Installing Mister , " B .-o . Bigg renn-ked th \ t he tried to do his iluty , and hoped that all the Masters following would install th ir successors , as it set a good examp ! " in the lodge . Bro . Graveley P . M ., in responding for "The Past
Masters , " said that he had been called upon to speak first to the toast , although not the oldest Pa = t Master present He had much pleasure , however , in remarking that for several years past the various occupants of the chair had been his initiates . For himself he had long studied the beauties of Craft Masonry . Wh n he will have passed the chair of the Rosicrucian College his rouid of Freemasonry will have been completed .
Bro . Bjfo-. d , P . M ., said he could speak , as their Treasurer , to the excellent financial position of the lodge . He was pleased to note that some of the younger officers received their first collars during his year of office . Bro . Duck , P . M ., said hecould look back on the time , 10 years ago , when Bro . Graveley , who was his father in Masonry , initiated him . He had now , as Secretary , followed a very old and worthy Mason in a most important
position . Bro . Rogers said he was the eldest P . M . present . He had been 26 jears in the lodge , iG years P . M ., and 24 years in office . Respecting Bro . Graveley he had first , as Deacon , revealed to his eyes the lights of Masonry . He had missed none of their meetings except from illness , and would stick to his work as long as he was enabled to . Bros . Anderson , Gardiner , and Cutchey briefly responded
for "The Visitors . Bro . Pulsford , in responding for "The Charities , " said he was sorry Bro . McLeod could not be present with them , but he was obliged to be present at the Old Boys' dinner , He had over £ 25 from the members of the lodge and hoped to increase his list when he went to the Boys' Festival at Brighton . Bro . Gordon , although called upon to respond to this toast , thought Bro . Pulsford a better beggar than himself ,
and they could not do better than leave it in his hands . The late VV . M ., Bro . Bigg , had acted like a man of business in keeping the lodge straight . Bros . Craze , Ringrose , Legg , and Burdett briefly replied for the toast of " The Officers . " I he Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings . During the intervals a good musical programme was carried out under the able direction of Bro . Harry Tipper , P . P . G . Reg . Herts , R . M . 1 S 5 , 20 ^ , and 2090 .
Provincial Meetings.
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall in Rawson-squa-e on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Bro . J . T . Last , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . J , Niven , I . P . M . ; A . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; J ,
Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; E . P . Pearson , P . M ., Sec ; S . A . Auty , P . M . ; John Haigh , P . M . ; C . H . Ellis , S . W . ; S . Robinson , J . VV . ; John Moiton , S . D . ; J . B . Fearnley , J . D . ; A . t £ , Harris , I . G . ; H . Holmes , lylei ; and others . The visitors were Bros . A . Holmes , VV . M . 1522 ; J . E . Russell , J . VV . 16 4 S ; R . H . Lindsay , 1 G 4 S ; C . Sydney Vinning ,
2 S 4 ; W . H . Briggs , 302 ; J . Lindley , Org . 971 ; R . IS . Atkinson , 1391 ; li . Winters , 10 GS ; and Wm . Rycroft , VV . Dawson , G . C . Parritt , R . A . Pullan , VV . Vaux , and VVm . Foster , of Goo . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous regular meeting as well as an emergency meeting were duly conlirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . John Richard Markham , which resulted in
his favour , and he was afterwards initiated by Bro . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . Bro . J . B . Childe was passed to the Second Degree by the VV . M . The working tools in both Degrees were explained by Bro . Robinson , J . VV ., and the charges were given by Bro . Ellis , S . W . A grant of £ 2 25 . was made towards the maintenance of the Masonic Ward at the Bradford Infirmary .
After " Hearty good vishes" from the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , The W .. VI . proposed ' ! . The Visitors , " complimenting the lodge on being honoured with the presence of so many
Provincial Meetings.
visitors at a regular meeting , and in the name of the lodge gave them a very cordial welcome . Bro . C . Sydney Vinning , 2 S 4 , responded , and expressed the pleasure it had afforded him to visit the lodge ; he had been particula'ly gratified at the working of the ceremonies in the lodge as well as at the hospitality extended to the visitors . Bros . Lindley , 971 ; Bulhn , Goo ; and Russell , 1648 , also
responded . The "Worshipful Master" was proposed by Bro . ILImes , W . M . 1522 , who congratulated the lodge on the manner in which the W . M . had presided over its meetings . They were all aware of the very great interest that was displayed by him at the founding of the lodge , and the assistance he hid rendered in its management since . Bro . Last , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the very cordial manner the toast had been received , and assured
them that he was exceedingly proud of the position he occupied , and of his continued interest in the well being of the lodge . The other toasts honoured were " Bro . Holmes , W . M . 1 5 22 , a Founder of this Lodge , " " The Past Masters , " and "The Officers . " The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings of a very happy meeting which had been rendered harmonious by songs and recitations from Bros . Vinning , Sykes , Harris , Fearnley , Swaine , A . Holmes , and Wilson .
HAMPTON COURT . Wolsey Lodge ( No . 1656 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . H . j . Bond , W . M ., who was well supported by his officers . There were also present : Bros . Tom Grant , I . P . M . ; J . Spooner , S . W . ; W . T . Peat , J . W . ; R . W . Rice , S . D . ; R . W . Simpson , J . D . ; J . E . Gentle , LG .: Capt . T . C . Walls ,
G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; T . W . Ockenden , P . M . ; J . Featherstone , P . M ., Treas . ; F : L . Chandler , P . M . ; R . Diummond , P . M . ; E . Dare , P . M . ; H . Sapsworth , P . M . ; J . Miles , W . R . Flack , H . C . Crczier , R . St . Clair Cheeseman , D . A . Ross , A . S . Jehu , J . H . Gaunt , G . Loosen , R . Reynolds , F . G . Gardiner , G . Chumley , W . Scott , J . Nicholsm , J . T . Crocker , J . Satchwell , J . J . McCarthy , j . Kerswell , VV . Brown , and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The visitors
were : Bros . T . Skewes Cox , P . G . S . ; F . R . Robinson , W . M . 94 6 ; H . Herbert , 1 745 ; A . Grant , 127 ; J . Collins , 1326 ; R . A . Bench , 733 ; f . Neal , 134 S ; W . Gentle , 117 S ; R . C . H > ggett ; A . M . Livy , P . M . 889 ; A . J . Holland , 132 G ; W . C Page , P . M . 1475 ; MatKennally , 795 ; T . VV . Willis , P . M . 2243 ; G . C . Stafford , 902 ; W . Cooke , 19 S 7 ; VV . Lancaster , 21 ; J . H . Custance , P . M . 795 : Packington , 2444 ; Keyes , 2032 ; Murrell , loGSj
1 . Glass , VV . M . S 60 ; and R . T . West , 1744 . The minutes of the last meeting having been conlirmed , Bro . Bond , the W . M ., initiated Messrs . Wm , Radway , T . Jones , and R . H . Clement . ' The excellent working of Bro . Bond was much appreciated by the members and visitors . The next important business was ( he installation of Bro . J . Spooner as VV . M . for the ensuing year , and this duty was performed by Bro . Bond , the outgoing Master , in a
most exemplary manner . The new W . M . then appointed and invested his officers . Bro . H . J . Bond completed his duties as Installing Master by giving the customary addresses in a way that made it nearly impossible to have been better rendered , and for which he was congratulated . The Auditors' report having been adopted , it was , on the proposition of Bro . Ockenden , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Chandler , P . M ., unanimously resolved that a hearty vote
of congratulation be offered to Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . W . and Grand Steward of Middlesex , on the auspicious event of his splendid services to Masonry being recognised by his being appointed Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Lodge of England . In presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . II . J . Bond the VV . M . remarked that he richly deserved it for what he had done for the lodge , and he trusted that he would live for many many
years to wear it and to be with them . Bro . Bond , in eloquent terms , acknowledged the token , and it was then unanimously resolved that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Bond for his valuable services as W . M . and as Installing Master that evening . The lodge was then closed , and a banquet followed . The Worshipful Master gave the usual loyal and Ma : onic toasts , which were duly honoured .
In responding to the toast of "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls , whose name was coupled with the toast , on his rising received quite an ovation . In a lengthy speech he stattd that he telt overpowered after the very complimentary things said of him . Sometimes Grand honours were given in an ornamental way , but that did not apply to the whole of the Grand Officers , many of whom were splendid and energetic
workers in the Craft . For the last 20 years he had done his best for Freemasonry and he was proud to be an officer of the Grand Lodge of England , which was the oldest in the world . After repeated calls , lire . T . Skewes Cox also replied in a humorous speech . He congratulated the Province of Middlesex in having so many Surrey men amongst them , andreferring to the able working of Bro . Bond that
even-, ing , he thought the lodge should be proud of having such an efficient member . Bro . T . W . Ockenden replied to the toast of" The Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said he was glad to see the newly-installed W . VI . was an initiate of the lodge , which was second to none in the province . Bro . F . L . Chandler also responded , remarking that no one could be more popular or more genial than the W . M .,
Bro . Spooner , who was a good friend and he wished him everv success during the term of his reign . lira . H . J . B nd , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " He said that he had been a constant attendant at the lodges of instruction , and he would do his work to the satisfaction of the brethren . The toast was drank with acclamation , and the W . M . had a hearty greeting .
Bro . Spooner , W . M ., in reply , said he was sincerely grateful for his kind recep ' . i m . I le had acquired all his Masonic knowledge from Bros . Band , Featherstone , Sapsworth , an 1 VV . C . Page , the two last named being Preceptors in the lodges of instruction he attended , and that a few nights since it had been his privilege and pleasure to present to tiro . Sapsworth a jewel in the Royal Commemoration Lodge of Instruction . If it had not been for his friends he would not luve been able to have undertaken toe duties of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
CURIOUS CERTIFICATE . And God said Let there be light and there was light . And the light shintth in Darkness , and tbe darkness comprehendeth it not . In the East where reign silence and peace . We the Master and Wardens of Lodge No . 28 of Free and Accepted Masons on the Registry of Ireland
do hereby Certifie to all men enlightened that the bearer hereof our Brother Joseph Boruwlaski , having produced to us undoubted documents of his being Justly and legally Initiated into the Mysteries of our Fraternity , and having with great Knowledge and Skill answered all our Examinations and proving his admission to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason
to our satisfaction , was received by us as such into our Lodge and continued with us during his residence in this City , and having demeaned himself as a Worthy , true , and faithful ! Brother . Wc recommend him to all Brethren of our most Antient and Honourable Fraternity . Given under our hands and seal of our Lodge at our Lodge Room in the City of Corke this 22 d . day
of February in the year of our Lord 1794 and of Masonry 5794 . Joseph Boruwlaski DAN MCCARTHY , Master . J AMES CARR J Wardens . THOMAS KINAPSON ) GEO . NOBLE Secy . Original on parchment , ioj inches wide , 7 ) inches
deep . [ The above transcript of an Irish certificate was kindly made for me by my friend , Bro . Wm . Logan , of Langley Park , Durham . The seal is , as usual , viz ., name of lodge in a circle { Corke Lodge , No . 2 S ) , and in the centre a hand holding a trowel . Particulars of the Count losrph Boruwlaski are to be found in Bro .
Logan ' s " History of the Marquis of Granby Lodge , No . 124 , Durham . " He was elected one of the honorary members of the lodge 7 th December , 1 S 06 , and resided in a cottage near to Prebend ' s Bridge , still known as the Count ' s Cottage . He was 39 inches high .
The Prebendary of the Cathedral generously allowed this celebrated " Polish Dwarf" a handsome income to his death in 1837 , aged 99 . His remains were interred in Durham Cathedral . 1 do not know when original No . 28 fell through . It must have been chartered about 1733 . No . 28 of 1825 is now at Antrim . W . ] . HUGHAN .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN MEETINGS . Temperance in the East Lodge ( No SrjS ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at the Assembly Rooms , Newby-place , Poplar , under the presidency of Bro . W . Bigg , W . M ., supported by Bros . G . Graveley , P . M . ; J W . Pulsford , P . M . ; 11 . Cooper , P . M . ; J . C .
Armstrong , P . M . ; G . Shearman , P . M . ; A . G . Luck , P . M . j George Sidders , P . M . ; J . J . Carter , P . M . ; James Williams P . M . ; C . Chipman , P . M . ; j . Go-don , P . M . ; E . F . Williams , S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . S . Craze , J . VV . ; J . Byford , jun ., P . M ., Treas . ; C . Wyatt Smith , Sec . ; T , Kingrose , S . D . ; W . T . Legg , J . D . ; H . Rogers , P . M ., D . C . j W . Bussey , LG . ; F . Burdett , Stsvd . ; W .
Puttick , Org . j H . Baker , Tyler ; H . R . Baxter , G . L . Mason , G . F . Gardiner , W . J . Cowell , J . T . Kinipple , P . M . 1 S 1 G , J . Burbey , R . Franklin , J . N . Gillis , W . Cue , T . Byford , S . H . Baker , C . A . Savage , W . H . Darton , E . Horsey , W . T . H . Mills , W . Stuart , A . Hollingsworth , A . Tatham , H . Butler , VV . H . Graveley , I . Corbet , M .
Wagstaff , W . E . Gray , G . Haysom , W . Martin , G . Skinner , J . J . Richardson , C . P . Hendy , P . Shapland , G . T . Bridger , R . N . Beale , G . Sussex , H . Dunn , H . Burton , C . Johnson , T . Burns , J . J . Clark , J . A . Darton , and others . Visitors : H . H . Peck , 2291 ; VV . S . Holder , 1765 ; W . Brown ; A . Quigley , 132 S ; VV . Richards , 115 S ; J . T . Finch , P . M . SGi ; R . I . Sanders , SGi ; J . G . Chapman ,
1241 ; W . Andrew ? , 1716 ; VV . Hamsher , 1139 : J . Mills , 1765 ; C . J . Cutchey , P . M . 1 C 55 ; J . W . Gibbs , LP . M . 1 S 04 ; J . Lusty , jun , S . VV . 1259 ; E . | ones , 171 ( 5 ; W . C . Dickey , W . M . 2012 ; E . Douglas Smith , P . M . 27 ; J . II . Duckham , VV . M . 1595 ; H . J . Oliver , 1472 ; A . T . Ives , P . M . 1472 ; J . McHugh , 2184 ; H . j . Foulds , 1259 ; E . Barber , 127 S ; C . W .
Hankev , 1805 ; VV . Stone , 1 G 25 ; C . J . Ozanni , P . M . 17 O 5 ; VV . Lait , 1472 ; J . L . Andrews , 554 ; M . Abrahams , and many others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Messrs . P . N . '' " ganand I . Regan were initiated . Bro . E . F . Williams , S . VV ., W . M . elect , was then introduced to the VV . M . as a lit candidate for the chair of
K . S ., and he having assentel to the charges and obligations , a Board of Installed Misters vas formed , and the majority of the brethren having withdrawn , Bro . Williams was inducted into the chair according to ancient rite and custom . On the return of the brethren he was saluted by them in the respective Degrees under the guidance of Bro . II . Rogers , P . M ., I ' . / .., who acted as D . C . in his usual
dignified manner . The VV . M . then invested Ihe following oliicers ; Bros . W . Bigg , LP . M . j T . S . Craze , S . W . ; T . Kingrose , P . M . 21 S . 1 , Prov . Asst . G . Sec . Essex , [ . VV . ; I . Byford , jun ., P . M ., Treas . ; A . G . Duck , ' P . M ., Secretary ; W . T . Legg , S . D . ; W . Bussey , J . D . ; F . Burdett , I . G . J H . Rogers , P . M ., P . / .., D . of C . ; J . J . Olley , Asst . Sec ; P . Shapland , VV . Darton , and G . Mason , Stwds . ; VV . G . Pu . tick , Org . ; and II . Baker ,
Craft Masonry.
Tyler . The Installing Officer , Bro . W . Bigg , I . P . M ., then gave the addresses to the VV . M ., Wardens , and brethren respectively . Throughout the proceedings Bro . Bigg performed the whole of the beautiful ceremony with marked precision , and his delivery of the addresses and exhortations was eloquen * and impressive . He received able support from Bro . Rogers , acting as D . C . in his wonted businesslike manner . It was proposed by Bro . Pulsford , P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Armstrong , P . M ., that an address on vellum be presented to Bro . Bigg , I . P . M ., as a mirk of the recognition of his able discharge of the duties . This being unanimously agreed to , it was proposed by Bro . Byford , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Gordon , P . M , that a vote of 20 gumeas from the lodge funds begranted towards the list
now open to all the brethren mdiv du uly , with thi vie . v to a presentation to Bro . C . VVyatt-Smith , P . M ., for his eminent services as Secretary for 21 years , from which position he has just retired . This was also carried , and the VV . M . then presented , on behalf of the lodge , the Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Bigg , who briefly but aptly acknowledged the
honour . Other Masonic business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the London Tavern , Fenchurch-street , where an excellent banquet awaited them . Bro . Duck , P . M ., having made all arrangements before hand , every brother knew his seat allotted to him , and all were seated in a few minutes . After the banquet the VV . M . proposed the loyal toasts
and that of "The Grand Officers , " to which adequate honours were paid . The LP . M ., Bro . ' Bigg , in proposing " The W . M ., " said that during his seven years apprenticeship he had filled all the offices with credit , and the collar of W . M . had rewarded his faithful efforts . The W . M ., in reply , said he had tried to fulfil all the duties of his offices to the satisfaction of the brethren , and
hoped with the assistance of the Past Masters and the officers to uphold the integrity of the lodge . He had a certain amount f diffidence in following such a predecessor . In reply to the toast of " The Installing Mister , " B .-o . Bigg renn-ked th \ t he tried to do his iluty , and hoped that all the Masters following would install th ir successors , as it set a good examp ! " in the lodge . Bro . Graveley P . M ., in responding for "The Past
Masters , " said that he had been called upon to speak first to the toast , although not the oldest Pa = t Master present He had much pleasure , however , in remarking that for several years past the various occupants of the chair had been his initiates . For himself he had long studied the beauties of Craft Masonry . Wh n he will have passed the chair of the Rosicrucian College his rouid of Freemasonry will have been completed .
Bro . Bjfo-. d , P . M ., said he could speak , as their Treasurer , to the excellent financial position of the lodge . He was pleased to note that some of the younger officers received their first collars during his year of office . Bro . Duck , P . M ., said hecould look back on the time , 10 years ago , when Bro . Graveley , who was his father in Masonry , initiated him . He had now , as Secretary , followed a very old and worthy Mason in a most important
position . Bro . Rogers said he was the eldest P . M . present . He had been 26 jears in the lodge , iG years P . M ., and 24 years in office . Respecting Bro . Graveley he had first , as Deacon , revealed to his eyes the lights of Masonry . He had missed none of their meetings except from illness , and would stick to his work as long as he was enabled to . Bros . Anderson , Gardiner , and Cutchey briefly responded
for "The Visitors . Bro . Pulsford , in responding for "The Charities , " said he was sorry Bro . McLeod could not be present with them , but he was obliged to be present at the Old Boys' dinner , He had over £ 25 from the members of the lodge and hoped to increase his list when he went to the Boys' Festival at Brighton . Bro . Gordon , although called upon to respond to this toast , thought Bro . Pulsford a better beggar than himself ,
and they could not do better than leave it in his hands . The late VV . M ., Bro . Bigg , had acted like a man of business in keeping the lodge straight . Bros . Craze , Ringrose , Legg , and Burdett briefly replied for the toast of " The Officers . " I he Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings . During the intervals a good musical programme was carried out under the able direction of Bro . Harry Tipper , P . P . G . Reg . Herts , R . M . 1 S 5 , 20 ^ , and 2090 .
Provincial Meetings.
BRADFORD . Acacia Lodge ( No . 2321 ) . -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall in Rawson-squa-e on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Bro . J . T . Last , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . J , Niven , I . P . M . ; A . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; J ,
Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; E . P . Pearson , P . M ., Sec ; S . A . Auty , P . M . ; John Haigh , P . M . ; C . H . Ellis , S . W . ; S . Robinson , J . VV . ; John Moiton , S . D . ; J . B . Fearnley , J . D . ; A . t £ , Harris , I . G . ; H . Holmes , lylei ; and others . The visitors were Bros . A . Holmes , VV . M . 1522 ; J . E . Russell , J . VV . 16 4 S ; R . H . Lindsay , 1 G 4 S ; C . Sydney Vinning ,
2 S 4 ; W . H . Briggs , 302 ; J . Lindley , Org . 971 ; R . IS . Atkinson , 1391 ; li . Winters , 10 GS ; and Wm . Rycroft , VV . Dawson , G . C . Parritt , R . A . Pullan , VV . Vaux , and VVm . Foster , of Goo . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous regular meeting as well as an emergency meeting were duly conlirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . John Richard Markham , which resulted in
his favour , and he was afterwards initiated by Bro . Stephenson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . Bro . J . B . Childe was passed to the Second Degree by the VV . M . The working tools in both Degrees were explained by Bro . Robinson , J . VV ., and the charges were given by Bro . Ellis , S . W . A grant of £ 2 25 . was made towards the maintenance of the Masonic Ward at the Bradford Infirmary .
After " Hearty good vishes" from the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , The W .. VI . proposed ' ! . The Visitors , " complimenting the lodge on being honoured with the presence of so many
Provincial Meetings.
visitors at a regular meeting , and in the name of the lodge gave them a very cordial welcome . Bro . C . Sydney Vinning , 2 S 4 , responded , and expressed the pleasure it had afforded him to visit the lodge ; he had been particula'ly gratified at the working of the ceremonies in the lodge as well as at the hospitality extended to the visitors . Bros . Lindley , 971 ; Bulhn , Goo ; and Russell , 1648 , also
responded . The "Worshipful Master" was proposed by Bro . ILImes , W . M . 1522 , who congratulated the lodge on the manner in which the W . M . had presided over its meetings . They were all aware of the very great interest that was displayed by him at the founding of the lodge , and the assistance he hid rendered in its management since . Bro . Last , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the very cordial manner the toast had been received , and assured
them that he was exceedingly proud of the position he occupied , and of his continued interest in the well being of the lodge . The other toasts honoured were " Bro . Holmes , W . M . 1 5 22 , a Founder of this Lodge , " " The Past Masters , " and "The Officers . " The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings of a very happy meeting which had been rendered harmonious by songs and recitations from Bros . Vinning , Sykes , Harris , Fearnley , Swaine , A . Holmes , and Wilson .
HAMPTON COURT . Wolsey Lodge ( No . 1656 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the nth inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . H . j . Bond , W . M ., who was well supported by his officers . There were also present : Bros . Tom Grant , I . P . M . ; J . Spooner , S . W . ; W . T . Peat , J . W . ; R . W . Rice , S . D . ; R . W . Simpson , J . D . ; J . E . Gentle , LG .: Capt . T . C . Walls ,
G . Std . Br ., Sec . ; T . W . Ockenden , P . M . ; J . Featherstone , P . M ., Treas . ; F : L . Chandler , P . M . ; R . Diummond , P . M . ; E . Dare , P . M . ; H . Sapsworth , P . M . ; J . Miles , W . R . Flack , H . C . Crczier , R . St . Clair Cheeseman , D . A . Ross , A . S . Jehu , J . H . Gaunt , G . Loosen , R . Reynolds , F . G . Gardiner , G . Chumley , W . Scott , J . Nicholsm , J . T . Crocker , J . Satchwell , J . J . McCarthy , j . Kerswell , VV . Brown , and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The visitors
were : Bros . T . Skewes Cox , P . G . S . ; F . R . Robinson , W . M . 94 6 ; H . Herbert , 1 745 ; A . Grant , 127 ; J . Collins , 1326 ; R . A . Bench , 733 ; f . Neal , 134 S ; W . Gentle , 117 S ; R . C . H > ggett ; A . M . Livy , P . M . 889 ; A . J . Holland , 132 G ; W . C Page , P . M . 1475 ; MatKennally , 795 ; T . VV . Willis , P . M . 2243 ; G . C . Stafford , 902 ; W . Cooke , 19 S 7 ; VV . Lancaster , 21 ; J . H . Custance , P . M . 795 : Packington , 2444 ; Keyes , 2032 ; Murrell , loGSj
1 . Glass , VV . M . S 60 ; and R . T . West , 1744 . The minutes of the last meeting having been conlirmed , Bro . Bond , the W . M ., initiated Messrs . Wm , Radway , T . Jones , and R . H . Clement . ' The excellent working of Bro . Bond was much appreciated by the members and visitors . The next important business was ( he installation of Bro . J . Spooner as VV . M . for the ensuing year , and this duty was performed by Bro . Bond , the outgoing Master , in a
most exemplary manner . The new W . M . then appointed and invested his officers . Bro . H . J . Bond completed his duties as Installing Master by giving the customary addresses in a way that made it nearly impossible to have been better rendered , and for which he was congratulated . The Auditors' report having been adopted , it was , on the proposition of Bro . Ockenden , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Chandler , P . M ., unanimously resolved that a hearty vote
of congratulation be offered to Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . W . and Grand Steward of Middlesex , on the auspicious event of his splendid services to Masonry being recognised by his being appointed Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Lodge of England . In presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . II . J . Bond the VV . M . remarked that he richly deserved it for what he had done for the lodge , and he trusted that he would live for many many
years to wear it and to be with them . Bro . Bond , in eloquent terms , acknowledged the token , and it was then unanimously resolved that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Bond for his valuable services as W . M . and as Installing Master that evening . The lodge was then closed , and a banquet followed . The Worshipful Master gave the usual loyal and Ma : onic toasts , which were duly honoured .
In responding to the toast of "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls , whose name was coupled with the toast , on his rising received quite an ovation . In a lengthy speech he stattd that he telt overpowered after the very complimentary things said of him . Sometimes Grand honours were given in an ornamental way , but that did not apply to the whole of the Grand Officers , many of whom were splendid and energetic
workers in the Craft . For the last 20 years he had done his best for Freemasonry and he was proud to be an officer of the Grand Lodge of England , which was the oldest in the world . After repeated calls , lire . T . Skewes Cox also replied in a humorous speech . He congratulated the Province of Middlesex in having so many Surrey men amongst them , andreferring to the able working of Bro . Bond that
even-, ing , he thought the lodge should be proud of having such an efficient member . Bro . T . W . Ockenden replied to the toast of" The Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said he was glad to see the newly-installed W . VI . was an initiate of the lodge , which was second to none in the province . Bro . F . L . Chandler also responded , remarking that no one could be more popular or more genial than the W . M .,
Bro . Spooner , who was a good friend and he wished him everv success during the term of his reign . lira . H . J . B nd , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M . " He said that he had been a constant attendant at the lodges of instruction , and he would do his work to the satisfaction of the brethren . The toast was drank with acclamation , and the W . M . had a hearty greeting .
Bro . Spooner , W . M ., in reply , said he was sincerely grateful for his kind recep ' . i m . I le had acquired all his Masonic knowledge from Bros . Band , Featherstone , Sapsworth , an 1 VV . C . Page , the two last named being Preceptors in the lodges of instruction he attended , and that a few nights since it had been his privilege and pleasure to present to tiro . Sapsworth a jewel in the Royal Commemoration Lodge of Instruction . If it had not been for his friends he would not luve been able to have undertaken toe duties of