Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SWEDISH MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article SWEDISH MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article SWEDISH MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 2 →
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Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DBA THS . ENGLAND . —On the loth inst ., at the AVoodlands , Clapham Common , Bro . George England , jun ., of Hatcham Lodge , a member of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , aged 26 years . GIRLING . —On July II , at his residence in Ipswich , Bro .
Robert Girling , P . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 376 , P . P . Grand Registrar for Suffolk , P . Principal of the Royal Sussex Chapter , and Past Eminent Commander of the Encampment of Prudence . SPEER . —On July I , at 20 , Falkland-street , Liverpool , Jane Kenyon , the beloved wife of Bro . Dr . Joseph Speer , of Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , in her 27 th year .
All communications for THE FREEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received hot later than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must he sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , JULY 23 , 1 S 70 .
THE FREEMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of THE FKUEMASOM is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 S . 3 d . ^ Annual Subscription , 12 s . Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to the EDITOR 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Swedish Masonry.
THE initiation of the Prince of Wales into a lodge over A \ 'hich the King of SAveden presides , and in Avhich the CroAvn Prince officiates as Deacon or Expert , naturally
excited much interest in the minds of English Masons as to the SAvedish Masonic system . It is probably known to most of our readers that the SAA edish Rite differs
from all others , and offers some remarkable peculiarities to the intelligent student who undertakes thc labour of iin-estigating tlie origin and progress of thc Craft in various
nations . Swedish Freemasonry has passed through many phases , and retains visible traces of all . Founded , in the first instance , upon the broad basis of thc symbolic grades
and adhering strictly to the regulations of the Grand Lodge of England , AVC find that the latter body nominated the Count dc Scheffer as Provincial Grand Master over the Swedish lodges in 1735 .
But in twenty years a change came over the aspect of affairs . Germany , thc cradle of mysticism , poured forth her legions of Masonic dreamers ; philosophical enigmas
and cabalistic utterances usurped the place antl scorned the simplicity of the ancient Craft ; theories and subtilties Avcrc interwoven into the fine old system of the Craft .
The result being thc obliteration for a time on the Continent of Europe of thc true and genuine principles of Speculative Freemasonry . Thc ancient ccrcmonv of
initiation Avas merged in strange and horrible tests , dismal chambers , glimmering lamps , gliding phantoms—all were employed by the innovators to deepen , while in reality
they destroyed , the moral impression made upon thc candidates . In France the Rite of Perfection arose , but from Germany proceeded the Rite of
Strict Observance , which gave birth to many clumsy imitations of Freemasonry . Baron Hund is believed to have originated the degrees of the Strict Observance , and
Swedish Masonry.
they appear to have been based upon the theory that the ancient Knights Templar Avere the only . u __ Freemasons—a very
plausible supposition , and one which commended itself especially to the noble and high-descended .
In the Avritings of Werner Ave obtain more than a glimpse of the dramatic doings of the German Templars—initiations in cemeteries , where colossal skeletons and ghastly
skulls appal the neophyte ; where weird voices are heard and horrid shapes flit around , casting a momentary phosphoric glare over the darkness of the scene . Such Avere the main concomitants of the neAV
system , and it spread rapidly through Europe . SAA'eden embraced the rite of Strict Observance Avith ardour : but this AA'as
afterwards modified by Count Zinnendorf , Avho incorporated in its ceremonies several of the mystical lectures of the celebrated SAvedenborg . The decrees have been scarcely
altered since his time , and are HOAV conferred in the following order : —First , the three grades of symbolic or St . John ' s Masonry , the fourth grade being elect-Master or FelloAV Craft of St . Andrew .
Then the Scottish Master of St . Andrew , which entitles its members to civil rank in the kingdom " . The sixth is the Knight of the East , in which the New Jerusalem and its
twelve gates are represented . The next in order is the Knight of thc West , or the True Templar-Master of the Key ; the jewel of this grade is a
triangular key Avith five red rosettes , which refer to thc five AA ounds of the Saviour . Thc Knight of the South , also known as " Favourite Brother of St . John , " is thc
eighth degree ; the JCAVCI is a red cross , attached to a white ribbon , on which is embroidered the initial letters of the tvords , Vcnitc vcsuin . The ceremonies of this
grade resemble those used by thc Alcliymists or early Rosicrucians . Thc ninth degree is called thc " Favourite Brother of St . Andrew , " and clearly SIIOAVS thc
derivation of the Avholc system from the soidisant Scottish degrees , promulgated so freely throughout the Avorld during thc eighteenth century . The three highest
degrees are those of the " Brethren of the Red Cross , " who arc divided into three classes , thus : Member of the Chapter ,
Dignitary of thc Chapter , Reigning Grand Master—a dignity enjoyed only by thc King himself , who is also styled the " Vicar oi Solomon . "' Thc members of these three
classes compose wnat is termed tho " Illuminated Chapter , " and no one can be admitted a grand dignitary unless he can show four quarters of nobility .
On tlie 27 th May , 1 S 11 , King Charles XIII . instituted thc Order which bears his name , and decreed that its decorations and privileges should be restricted to
Freemasons . In the original statutes , thc King said : " To give to thc Masonic Society an evidence of our gracious sentiments towards it , AVC Avill and ordain that its first dignitaries , to the number which we may
Swedish Masonry.
determine , shall in future be decorated with the most intimate proof of our confidence , and which shall be for them a distinctiA'e mark of the highest dignity . "
Of this illustrious Order , the King of SAveden is perpetual Grand Master , and the number of knights is limited to thirtythree being ecclesiastics . The badge is a
cross of four points—ruby red , with a golden border , surmounted by the regal croAvn , and it is worn pendant to a red-Avatered ribbon . The heir-apparent to the British Throne was admitted a member of
this select body in the beginning of 1869 . From the rapid sketch Avhich AVC haA'e thus given , it Avill be seen that Freemasonry in SAveden , although it differs considerably
from the system recognised by the Grand Lodge of England , is entitled to our warmest consideration and respect , and if a closer assimilation in the ritual of the
two grand bodies could be obtained , it AA'ould cement a permanent union between English and SAvedish brethren . His Majesty , the present King , AVC are informed
on high authority , is anxious to effect this desirable consummation , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is also greatly interested in promoting a retppro
c / tei / tciil , not only between the tAA'o Grand Lodges , but bctAveen the Illuminated Chapter and the governing bodies of certain English high grades . A deputation
from the Supreme Grand Council 33 is charged Avith an important mission upon this subject to Stockholm , and AVC trust their labours -will result in thc spread of
the genuine principles of the Ancient and Accepted Rite in the SAvedish Kingdom . In any case , AVC are glad to hail the interchange of fraternal courtesies bctAveen
English Masons and their brethren in Sweden , whose ceremonies and practices have hitherto been but little studied or understood .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Some of your readers will be pleased to hear that in Glasgow the activity of " Knight Templars " in its integrity is well illustrated by a conclave working under a " Deuchar AVarrant "
at 22 , Slnuliers-street ; it is exceedingly prosjierous , and is likely to continue so , even without the patronage of Bro . Hughan . The " Glasgow Priory" is dormant . It is hibernating through the season cf ils discontent , we hope , to be aroused to its " glorictis summer " by the prosjicrity cf the conclave above-named .
AVhat has become of the other K . T . working under about forty warrants granted hy Pen char , are they to be found at the "Chapter Genera ) of ihe Temple , Edinburgh " ?—A SUBSCUIIIF . K .
REMEMBER . It has been truly said : " It is not what they possess , but what ihey practice , lhat makes them righteous . " Let Freemasons ever remember this . If we possess morality , relief , tiuth , and brotherly love and do not jiracticc them , then
we he , and the truth is not in us . AVhat will the world say if we do not remember the teachings of our own symbols ? I say , again , look at the symbol of a joint within a circle , embroidered by two perpendicular parallel lines , and , remember ! CHALMERS 1 . PATON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DBA THS . ENGLAND . —On the loth inst ., at the AVoodlands , Clapham Common , Bro . George England , jun ., of Hatcham Lodge , a member of the Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , aged 26 years . GIRLING . —On July II , at his residence in Ipswich , Bro .
Robert Girling , P . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , No . 376 , P . P . Grand Registrar for Suffolk , P . Principal of the Royal Sussex Chapter , and Past Eminent Commander of the Encampment of Prudence . SPEER . —On July I , at 20 , Falkland-street , Liverpool , Jane Kenyon , the beloved wife of Bro . Dr . Joseph Speer , of Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , in her 27 th year .
All communications for THE FREEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received hot later than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must he sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , JULY 23 , 1 S 70 .
THE FREEMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of THE FKUEMASOM is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 S . 3 d . ^ Annual Subscription , 12 s . Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to the EDITOR 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Swedish Masonry.
THE initiation of the Prince of Wales into a lodge over A \ 'hich the King of SAveden presides , and in Avhich the CroAvn Prince officiates as Deacon or Expert , naturally
excited much interest in the minds of English Masons as to the SAvedish Masonic system . It is probably known to most of our readers that the SAA edish Rite differs
from all others , and offers some remarkable peculiarities to the intelligent student who undertakes thc labour of iin-estigating tlie origin and progress of thc Craft in various
nations . Swedish Freemasonry has passed through many phases , and retains visible traces of all . Founded , in the first instance , upon the broad basis of thc symbolic grades
and adhering strictly to the regulations of the Grand Lodge of England , AVC find that the latter body nominated the Count dc Scheffer as Provincial Grand Master over the Swedish lodges in 1735 .
But in twenty years a change came over the aspect of affairs . Germany , thc cradle of mysticism , poured forth her legions of Masonic dreamers ; philosophical enigmas
and cabalistic utterances usurped the place antl scorned the simplicity of the ancient Craft ; theories and subtilties Avcrc interwoven into the fine old system of the Craft .
The result being thc obliteration for a time on the Continent of Europe of thc true and genuine principles of Speculative Freemasonry . Thc ancient ccrcmonv of
initiation Avas merged in strange and horrible tests , dismal chambers , glimmering lamps , gliding phantoms—all were employed by the innovators to deepen , while in reality
they destroyed , the moral impression made upon thc candidates . In France the Rite of Perfection arose , but from Germany proceeded the Rite of
Strict Observance , which gave birth to many clumsy imitations of Freemasonry . Baron Hund is believed to have originated the degrees of the Strict Observance , and
Swedish Masonry.
they appear to have been based upon the theory that the ancient Knights Templar Avere the only . u __ Freemasons—a very
plausible supposition , and one which commended itself especially to the noble and high-descended .
In the Avritings of Werner Ave obtain more than a glimpse of the dramatic doings of the German Templars—initiations in cemeteries , where colossal skeletons and ghastly
skulls appal the neophyte ; where weird voices are heard and horrid shapes flit around , casting a momentary phosphoric glare over the darkness of the scene . Such Avere the main concomitants of the neAV
system , and it spread rapidly through Europe . SAA'eden embraced the rite of Strict Observance Avith ardour : but this AA'as
afterwards modified by Count Zinnendorf , Avho incorporated in its ceremonies several of the mystical lectures of the celebrated SAvedenborg . The decrees have been scarcely
altered since his time , and are HOAV conferred in the following order : —First , the three grades of symbolic or St . John ' s Masonry , the fourth grade being elect-Master or FelloAV Craft of St . Andrew .
Then the Scottish Master of St . Andrew , which entitles its members to civil rank in the kingdom " . The sixth is the Knight of the East , in which the New Jerusalem and its
twelve gates are represented . The next in order is the Knight of thc West , or the True Templar-Master of the Key ; the jewel of this grade is a
triangular key Avith five red rosettes , which refer to thc five AA ounds of the Saviour . Thc Knight of the South , also known as " Favourite Brother of St . John , " is thc
eighth degree ; the JCAVCI is a red cross , attached to a white ribbon , on which is embroidered the initial letters of the tvords , Vcnitc vcsuin . The ceremonies of this
grade resemble those used by thc Alcliymists or early Rosicrucians . Thc ninth degree is called thc " Favourite Brother of St . Andrew , " and clearly SIIOAVS thc
derivation of the Avholc system from the soidisant Scottish degrees , promulgated so freely throughout the Avorld during thc eighteenth century . The three highest
degrees are those of the " Brethren of the Red Cross , " who arc divided into three classes , thus : Member of the Chapter ,
Dignitary of thc Chapter , Reigning Grand Master—a dignity enjoyed only by thc King himself , who is also styled the " Vicar oi Solomon . "' Thc members of these three
classes compose wnat is termed tho " Illuminated Chapter , " and no one can be admitted a grand dignitary unless he can show four quarters of nobility .
On tlie 27 th May , 1 S 11 , King Charles XIII . instituted thc Order which bears his name , and decreed that its decorations and privileges should be restricted to
Freemasons . In the original statutes , thc King said : " To give to thc Masonic Society an evidence of our gracious sentiments towards it , AVC Avill and ordain that its first dignitaries , to the number which we may
Swedish Masonry.
determine , shall in future be decorated with the most intimate proof of our confidence , and which shall be for them a distinctiA'e mark of the highest dignity . "
Of this illustrious Order , the King of SAveden is perpetual Grand Master , and the number of knights is limited to thirtythree being ecclesiastics . The badge is a
cross of four points—ruby red , with a golden border , surmounted by the regal croAvn , and it is worn pendant to a red-Avatered ribbon . The heir-apparent to the British Throne was admitted a member of
this select body in the beginning of 1869 . From the rapid sketch Avhich AVC haA'e thus given , it Avill be seen that Freemasonry in SAveden , although it differs considerably
from the system recognised by the Grand Lodge of England , is entitled to our warmest consideration and respect , and if a closer assimilation in the ritual of the
two grand bodies could be obtained , it AA'ould cement a permanent union between English and SAvedish brethren . His Majesty , the present King , AVC are informed
on high authority , is anxious to effect this desirable consummation , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is also greatly interested in promoting a retppro
c / tei / tciil , not only between the tAA'o Grand Lodges , but bctAveen the Illuminated Chapter and the governing bodies of certain English high grades . A deputation
from the Supreme Grand Council 33 is charged Avith an important mission upon this subject to Stockholm , and AVC trust their labours -will result in thc spread of
the genuine principles of the Ancient and Accepted Rite in the SAvedish Kingdom . In any case , AVC are glad to hail the interchange of fraternal courtesies bctAveen
English Masons and their brethren in Sweden , whose ceremonies and practices have hitherto been but little studied or understood .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Some of your readers will be pleased to hear that in Glasgow the activity of " Knight Templars " in its integrity is well illustrated by a conclave working under a " Deuchar AVarrant "
at 22 , Slnuliers-street ; it is exceedingly prosjierous , and is likely to continue so , even without the patronage of Bro . Hughan . The " Glasgow Priory" is dormant . It is hibernating through the season cf ils discontent , we hope , to be aroused to its " glorictis summer " by the prosjicrity cf the conclave above-named .
AVhat has become of the other K . T . working under about forty warrants granted hy Pen char , are they to be found at the "Chapter Genera ) of ihe Temple , Edinburgh " ?—A SUBSCUIIIF . K .
REMEMBER . It has been truly said : " It is not what they possess , but what ihey practice , lhat makes them righteous . " Let Freemasons ever remember this . If we possess morality , relief , tiuth , and brotherly love and do not jiracticc them , then
we he , and the truth is not in us . AVhat will the world say if we do not remember the teachings of our own symbols ? I say , again , look at the symbol of a joint within a circle , embroidered by two perpendicular parallel lines , and , remember ! CHALMERS 1 . PATON .