Article Foreign and Colonial Agents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriage, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BUSINESS to be TRANSACTED IN GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article BUSINESS to be TRANSACTED IN GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article BUSINESS to be TRANSACTED IN GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
—?—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER B RENNAN , I 14 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little
Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . . < CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . MANLY , Levant Times .
EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WYMAN BROS . Bvculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . J ORDAN . Kurrachce : Bro . G . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhoiu : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : Irsicic KHAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DU . MESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Ncuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . WEST INDIES : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth , Jamaica . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Births, Marriage, And Deaths.
Births , Marriage , and Deaths .
4 , BIRTH . HILDER . —On the iSth inst ., at Moydcrwell , the wife of Bro . H . Hilder , R . A . Lodge , No . 379 , Tralee , of a daughter .
DEATH . HARTNESS . —On the 16 th inst ., at Cockermouth , Bro . Wm . John Hartness , auctioneer and wine merchant , aged 35 years . The deceased was a Past Warden of Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 , and was the second candidate initiated in that lodge .
All communications for THE FREEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received not later than 10 o'clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 26 , 1 S 70 .
THE FREEMASON IS published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early trains . Thcprice of Tun FRREMASOM is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , 12 s , Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the KDITOR , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little liritain , K . C . Tlie Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS , entrusted to lum , but cannot undertake lo return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
ON Wednesday next , thc Grand Lodge of England will again assemble , and the subjects to be considered on that occasionby the representatives ofthe Craft are by no means uninteresting or unimportant .
The first business to which wc need refer wil 1 be " Thc election of a M . IV . Grand Master , '' an event which has not transpired in England since 1844 , when Lord Zetland was chosen
to succeed thc late Duke of Sussex . Thc noble carl has wielded tlie Masonic sceptre with great advantage to thc Order in general , but as age is now fast creeping upon
him he doubtless feels that the interests of Freemasonry had better be confided to a younger man , and more especially when thc brother nominated to succeed him is
one of such eminent ability ancl high Masonic worth as the present Deputy Grand Master . Thc election of Grand
Master will , of course , be decided by acclamation in favour ofthe Earl de Grey and Ripon , whose first duty as Grand Masterelect will be one most congenial to his feel-
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
ings , and in entire consonance with his character . Lord de Grey " will move , pursuant to notice given at last Quarterly Communication , a resolution' expressive of tlie
regret of Grand Lodge at the retirement of thc Earl of Zetland from thc office of Most Worshipful Grand Master , " and we can
easily anticipate that a resolution submitted so gracefully by the Deputy Grand Master , ancl one which embodies the
sentiments of every English Mason , will be carried by the enthusiastic votes of the entire Grand Lodge . " The election of a Grand Treasurer . " This
is purely a matter of formality , as the highly-respected brother who now fills the important post of Grand Treasurer will be unanimously re-elected to that office . " The M . W . Grand Master will make a
communication to Grand Lodge in reference to thc formation of a Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , and will move a resolution to acknowledge it . " This announcement is an
additional evidence , if any were needed , of the truly liberal ideas which sway the authorities of the Grand Lodge of England . Nova Scotia has been recognised and
welcomed into the great family of Grand Lodges , and thc same fellowship is now to be accorded to New Brunswick , as we anticipated in a recent article . May thc new
Grand Lodge flourish , and may its children ever remember that England is the fountainhead of that great stream of Freemasonry
which is now flowing rcsistlessly from land to land , and morally fertilising and blessing thc universal heart of man .
The next business on the agenda paper is not devoid of importance , as it is a proposition to confer powers upon thc District Grancl Lodges , with reference to the
expulsion of unworthy members , similar to those exercised by thc Supreme Grand Lodge . It is manifest that in most instances thc merits of such cases arc better understood
onthcspotwhcrcthcyarisc , and that the local jurisdiction is better qualified to pass judgment upon them . Besides which , appeals to the Grand Lodge of England arc at present
practically useless , there being no timeto discuss thc questions thoroughly ; consequently the decision practically rests with thc Grand Registrar , who devotes much of his valuable
time to collate the evidence ancl prepare a digest ofthe proceedings for thc members of Grand Lodge . It not unfrcqucntly happens , likewise , that the business before the
brethren is so weight )* , and so much eloquence requires clue delivery , that thc unfortunate appellants arc not heard for several meetings after their appeals have
been lodged with the Grand Secretary . Thc proposed alteration , which the Grand Master will himself move , is therefore one which commends itself to our common
sense , and it will undoubtedly be affirmed by Grancl Lodge . "Election of thc Committee of Past Masters ,
upon the motion of Bro . James Stevens , P . M . No . 720 , respecting the Uniformity of Working . Upon this subject of uniformity of working , our opinions are so well-known
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
that we need not repeat them but we cannot avoid giving expression to the general feeling of the Craft with reference to the choice of really representative Masons on a committee of so much importance . It is
more than whispered that out of the thirtythree names proposed for Bro . Stevens ' Committee , not more than six have ever been heard of outside the lodges to which the respective brethren belong . If this be so ,
it will be a grievous disappointment to the Craft , and will probably cause the collapse of the movement , as men of intellect and good practical workers will not allow the ceremonies of Freemasonry to become
the prey of unfledged eaglets . It were better to go on for ever in the old groove than to suffer our really noble ritual to be emasculated at the hands of unskilled Craftsmen , and we warn those who have fallen into such an unaccountable error that a formidable
opposition awaits them at the next Grand Lodge . The reports ofthe various Boards we may pass over without comment , and we then arrive at what will truly prove an opus
magnum : we refer to the " Report of the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence . " We trust Bro . Clabon will this time persevere
with his projected alterations , and bring thc subject fairly before the Grand Lodge . A great reform is required both in thc constitution of thc Board of
Benevolence and in the powers with which the members are entrusted . There are ample funds , and we hold that ample assistance should be awarded to every deserving case ; * but unfortunately the Board is shackled by
restrictions which however expedient fifty ycarsago arc no longer applicable to thepresent position ofFrccmasonry . Thc casesshould be most closely investigated ; but , when found worthy of relief , the help extended
should be of a substantial character . But wc will not anticipate the arguments by which so able a speaker as Bro . Clabon will support the adoption of his scheme . It is
our province , however , to bespeak for it that calm , just , and rational consideration which an enlightened body like thc Grand Lodge of England is every ready to afford to every fair proposition .
In the event of Bro . Gabon ' s scheme coming before Grand Lodge , wc do not imagine that any subsequent business on thc agenda paper will be reached before thc time for closing the proceedings . But we
may say just one word , that while our opinions with reference to the desirability of abbreviating the term of the Grand Mastership remain unchanged , we cannot too strongly deprecate the revival of the
discussion on thc very night when a new Grand Master is to be elected . We consider it an ill-advised measure on thc part of those who have assumed thc lead in thc matter , and we hold that it is contrary to every
canon of good taste , and repugnant to every gentlemanly instinct , to pursue thc attainment of an object , however laudable ,
in such indecent haste . Should thc question , however , unfortunately arise for discussion on Wednesday next , wc can only state our conviction that thc irretrievable defeat of
the motion for restricting the Grand Master s tenure of office may be justly laid to the charge of those who shall have thus rashly forced it to a premature conclusion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
—?—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER B RENNAN , I 14 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little
Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . . < CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . MANLY , Levant Times .
EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WYMAN BROS . Bvculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . J ORDAN . Kurrachce : Bro . G . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhoiu : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS .
GALATA : Irsicic KHAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DU . MESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near the Pont Ncuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . WEST INDIES : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth , Jamaica . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Births, Marriage, And Deaths.
Births , Marriage , and Deaths .
4 , BIRTH . HILDER . —On the iSth inst ., at Moydcrwell , the wife of Bro . H . Hilder , R . A . Lodge , No . 379 , Tralee , of a daughter .
DEATH . HARTNESS . —On the 16 th inst ., at Cockermouth , Bro . Wm . John Hartness , auctioneer and wine merchant , aged 35 years . The deceased was a Past Warden of Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 , and was the second candidate initiated in that lodge .
All communications for THE FREEMASON should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received not later than 10 o'clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 26 , 1 S 70 .
THE FREEMASON IS published on Saturday Mornings in time for thc early trains . Thcprice of Tun FRREMASOM is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , 12 s , Subscriptions payable in advance . All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the KDITOR , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little liritain , K . C . Tlie Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS , entrusted to lum , but cannot undertake lo return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
ON Wednesday next , thc Grand Lodge of England will again assemble , and the subjects to be considered on that occasionby the representatives ofthe Craft are by no means uninteresting or unimportant .
The first business to which wc need refer wil 1 be " Thc election of a M . IV . Grand Master , '' an event which has not transpired in England since 1844 , when Lord Zetland was chosen
to succeed thc late Duke of Sussex . Thc noble carl has wielded tlie Masonic sceptre with great advantage to thc Order in general , but as age is now fast creeping upon
him he doubtless feels that the interests of Freemasonry had better be confided to a younger man , and more especially when thc brother nominated to succeed him is
one of such eminent ability ancl high Masonic worth as the present Deputy Grand Master . Thc election of Grand
Master will , of course , be decided by acclamation in favour ofthe Earl de Grey and Ripon , whose first duty as Grand Masterelect will be one most congenial to his feel-
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
ings , and in entire consonance with his character . Lord de Grey " will move , pursuant to notice given at last Quarterly Communication , a resolution' expressive of tlie
regret of Grand Lodge at the retirement of thc Earl of Zetland from thc office of Most Worshipful Grand Master , " and we can
easily anticipate that a resolution submitted so gracefully by the Deputy Grand Master , ancl one which embodies the
sentiments of every English Mason , will be carried by the enthusiastic votes of the entire Grand Lodge . " The election of a Grand Treasurer . " This
is purely a matter of formality , as the highly-respected brother who now fills the important post of Grand Treasurer will be unanimously re-elected to that office . " The M . W . Grand Master will make a
communication to Grand Lodge in reference to thc formation of a Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , and will move a resolution to acknowledge it . " This announcement is an
additional evidence , if any were needed , of the truly liberal ideas which sway the authorities of the Grand Lodge of England . Nova Scotia has been recognised and
welcomed into the great family of Grand Lodges , and thc same fellowship is now to be accorded to New Brunswick , as we anticipated in a recent article . May thc new
Grand Lodge flourish , and may its children ever remember that England is the fountainhead of that great stream of Freemasonry
which is now flowing rcsistlessly from land to land , and morally fertilising and blessing thc universal heart of man .
The next business on the agenda paper is not devoid of importance , as it is a proposition to confer powers upon thc District Grancl Lodges , with reference to the
expulsion of unworthy members , similar to those exercised by thc Supreme Grand Lodge . It is manifest that in most instances thc merits of such cases arc better understood
onthcspotwhcrcthcyarisc , and that the local jurisdiction is better qualified to pass judgment upon them . Besides which , appeals to the Grand Lodge of England arc at present
practically useless , there being no timeto discuss thc questions thoroughly ; consequently the decision practically rests with thc Grand Registrar , who devotes much of his valuable
time to collate the evidence ancl prepare a digest ofthe proceedings for thc members of Grand Lodge . It not unfrcqucntly happens , likewise , that the business before the
brethren is so weight )* , and so much eloquence requires clue delivery , that thc unfortunate appellants arc not heard for several meetings after their appeals have
been lodged with the Grand Secretary . Thc proposed alteration , which the Grand Master will himself move , is therefore one which commends itself to our common
sense , and it will undoubtedly be affirmed by Grancl Lodge . "Election of thc Committee of Past Masters ,
upon the motion of Bro . James Stevens , P . M . No . 720 , respecting the Uniformity of Working . Upon this subject of uniformity of working , our opinions are so well-known
Business To Be Transacted In Grand Lodge.
that we need not repeat them but we cannot avoid giving expression to the general feeling of the Craft with reference to the choice of really representative Masons on a committee of so much importance . It is
more than whispered that out of the thirtythree names proposed for Bro . Stevens ' Committee , not more than six have ever been heard of outside the lodges to which the respective brethren belong . If this be so ,
it will be a grievous disappointment to the Craft , and will probably cause the collapse of the movement , as men of intellect and good practical workers will not allow the ceremonies of Freemasonry to become
the prey of unfledged eaglets . It were better to go on for ever in the old groove than to suffer our really noble ritual to be emasculated at the hands of unskilled Craftsmen , and we warn those who have fallen into such an unaccountable error that a formidable
opposition awaits them at the next Grand Lodge . The reports ofthe various Boards we may pass over without comment , and we then arrive at what will truly prove an opus
magnum : we refer to the " Report of the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence . " We trust Bro . Clabon will this time persevere
with his projected alterations , and bring thc subject fairly before the Grand Lodge . A great reform is required both in thc constitution of thc Board of
Benevolence and in the powers with which the members are entrusted . There are ample funds , and we hold that ample assistance should be awarded to every deserving case ; * but unfortunately the Board is shackled by
restrictions which however expedient fifty ycarsago arc no longer applicable to thepresent position ofFrccmasonry . Thc casesshould be most closely investigated ; but , when found worthy of relief , the help extended
should be of a substantial character . But wc will not anticipate the arguments by which so able a speaker as Bro . Clabon will support the adoption of his scheme . It is
our province , however , to bespeak for it that calm , just , and rational consideration which an enlightened body like thc Grand Lodge of England is every ready to afford to every fair proposition .
In the event of Bro . Gabon ' s scheme coming before Grand Lodge , wc do not imagine that any subsequent business on thc agenda paper will be reached before thc time for closing the proceedings . But we
may say just one word , that while our opinions with reference to the desirability of abbreviating the term of the Grand Mastership remain unchanged , we cannot too strongly deprecate the revival of the
discussion on thc very night when a new Grand Master is to be elected . We consider it an ill-advised measure on thc part of those who have assumed thc lead in thc matter , and we hold that it is contrary to every
canon of good taste , and repugnant to every gentlemanly instinct , to pursue thc attainment of an object , however laudable ,
in such indecent haste . Should thc question , however , unfortunately arise for discussion on Wednesday next , wc can only state our conviction that thc irretrievable defeat of
the motion for restricting the Grand Master s tenure of office may be justly laid to the charge of those who shall have thus rashly forced it to a premature conclusion .