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Table Of Contents.
RETORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — PACE Craft Masonry IJI Scotland J " Mark Masonry " 4 < = ocietatis Rosicrucite in Angha ..... 134 Early Grand Encampment Scotland i » 4 ClIRR-SSl'OSDESCE : — The Installation of the Grand Master 124
Commemoration Jewel 124 Thc Status of Pas ' . Masters 125 Mr . Bradlaugh and Freemasonry I 2 J The Apollo University Lodge IJJ An Impostor I 2 S Glasgow St . Mungo I . odgo « 5 The ensuing Elections for the Boys' anilGirls' Schools ... "S Poetry ••• " - - ¦ " ' Installation 01 rami niasier
The me - * - * Mr . Charles Bra-Hang- 126 Our Lodge Meetings 120 The Candidates for the Girls'School "V Masonic Bores I 2 7 Foreign Freemasons and tlie Installation 127 Dress * for the Installation 127 Tlie Great Citv Lodge . —Entertainment to the Lord Mayor
and Shcrill ' s of London 127 Masonic Notes and Queries 130 Freemasonry in New Zealand 129 Freemasonry in Bermuda 129 Lodge Meetings for next Week 130 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Itirsonm
COWES . —MEDINA LODGE ( NO . 33 ) . —The monthly meeting of this old established lodge took place on Thursday last , when Bro . J . G . Wheeler , in the absence of the VV . M ., conducted the business of thc evening . Thc following brethren were present : —Bro . W . Strickland , VV . M . of the Ryde Lodge * , anil Bros . Scadiling , Vaughan , and Turner , visitors . Bros . O . Haxthauscn , P . M . ; J . TL
Wallace , D . C ; J . Hall Smith , S . W . ; J . C . Airs , J . W . ; E . Wyatt , J . D ., G . Munt , S . D ., S . Benzie , I . G ., T . Giles , Sec . Amongst thc o > hcr brethren present were Bros . TL S . anil VV . Weeding , R . Fox , F . Dyett , J . Pryor , C . Fellows , and J . Gettliffc . Thc VV . M . pro tern , informed the brethren that he had received a communication from thc Worshipful Master , stating that he was away ,
ami asking him ( Bro . Wheeler ) to perform the duties of the evening . The W . M . informed the lodge that there were four candidates for Masonry , but one could not be present that evening . A ballot was then taken for Mr . S . Wheeler , Mr . W . H . Holmes , Collector H . M . Customs , Cowes , also for Captain A . K . Granville , and Mr . Richard Andrews , and being unanimous in their favour , each
candidate was separately initiated into the ancient mysteries cf Freemasonry . 'There being no other business to transact the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banqueting-room , where a capital supper was laid . The Stewards had again almost eclipsed themselves , and through thc kindness of two of the brethren the spread was considerably added to , and at the
conclusion grace was again said , anil the cloths removed . Ihe chairman stated that the time was short , and he had a toast to propose which thc brethren of Medina Lodge always responded to with a deal of pleasure . It was "The I Icalth of the Visiting Brethren , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Strickland . Uro . Strickland rose , antl in his reply remarked upon thc perfect working of the Medina Lodge ,
that he could say with truth he had visited many lodges , hut never saw the various duties carried out more efficiently . Thc health of thc newly-initiated was also proposed and responded to , and the remainder of the evening was passed in a most enjoyable manner . ROCHDALE . —HOPE LODGE ( No . 34 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lotlge was held on Wednesday , loth inst .,
at the Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was an excellent attendance of the brethren ; all thc ofliccrs were jiresent : Bros . Richard Simpson , VV . M . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M ., Secretary ; ( 'Treasurer being ill was unable to attend ); li . Collingwood , S . D . ; Charles O'Dhorty , J . D . ; Uinclilfe , I . G . ; James Midgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form at 3 . 20 p . m . and thc minutes of
the former lodges were read and confirmed , after which the business of the evening commenced by initiating Mr . John Thomas North , which was done in a very efficient manner by Bro . T . B . Ashworth , P . M . Bro . Metcalfe presented himself as a candidate to he passed to thc second degree . He was examined , and having satisfied the brethren he was then entrusted antl retired . Thc lodge
was opened in thc second degree , and Bro . Metcalfe was then admittetl and regularly passed to thc tlegree of a F . C . liy Bro . Dan Mitchell , P . M ., in a very creditable manner ; lie was then invested and retired . Bro . Clegg was next called upon , and after giving satisfactory proofs of his proficiency in the former degrees , he was entrusted and retired . 'The lodge was then opened in the third degree * , the
candidate- was then admittetl and was duly raised as a . Master Mason by Bro . William Davies , P . AI . ; he was invested . 'The lodge was closed in thc third degree . 'The lotl ge was also closed in the second degree . After the eonimunications were read , Bro . T . B . Ashworth made a motion that a vote of thanks be sent to Bro . David ' liomas Buddy for his willingness to prepare a testimonial mid the skill he displayed in executing thc same , giving universal
satisfaction to thc brethren . This testimonial was presented to Bro . Edward Clegg for his long antl "•• duable services as Secretary to Hope Lodge , 34 , for over ¦ l period of thirty years—which he discharged with honour u > himself and credit lo the lodge . The motion was entered on the miiiite book . There being no other business J he lotl ge was finally closed at the hour of 8 . 13 p . m ., and c brethren atljoun e . l to refreshment , which was elegantly Provided by Bro . WIT :. Ashworth , P . M ., and his wife , in
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that excellent style which at all times is highly approved of by the brethren . After thc cloth was removed the W . M . gave thc usual toasts—commencing with " Thc Queen , " which was drunk with that feeling of respect it so justly merits . Thc remainder of thc toasts followed in due course , amongst which "Thc Newly-raised Brother" was given and briefly responded to . "The Ncwly-passetl
Brother" was next given and was responded to 411 an eloquent manner . " Thc new Initiate" was also given , and Bro . J . T . Worth , on rising to respond , thanked the brethren for having admitted him to thc mysteries antl privileges of so ancient and honourable an Order as a member of this lodge . Thc usual closing toast was given anil the brethren separated in peace and brotherly love
towards each other , after having spent a very pleasant antl comfortable evening . SEAHAM HARBOUR . —FAWCETT LODGE ( No . 661 ) . — On Monday , 14 th March , the annual installation of W . M . of the Fawcett Lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . J . B . Wells was installed . Bro . J . Ayre was the Installing Master , assisted by Bro . Humphrey of
Sunderland . Thc W . M . then invested the following ofliccrs Bros . TL B . Wright , I . P . M . ; Gibbon , S . W . ; Stratford , J . W . ; J . Richardson , Treasurer ; Tl . W . Richardson , Secretary ; Cockburn , S . D . ; J . Potts , J . D . ; G . Grieves , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . Among thc visiting brethren were the following : —Bros . W . TI . Crookes , P . G . S . ; R . Humphrey , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Kiddle , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; G . Lord , P . Prov . G . S . B . ;
M . Douglas , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; R . Lutert , P . G . J . D . ; S . Surtees , W . M . 94 ; H . Fryer , S . W . 97 ; J . Symington , Blyth ; W . Mitford , Darlington ; W . A . Harbron , Plymouth ; Thos . Riley , W . M . 1398 . After thc business of the lotlge was concluded , thc brethren , to the number of 50 , sat down to a magnificent banquet . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —A strong meeting of this
old and distinguished lodge was held at thc Freemasons ' Hall , on Saturday , the 13 th inst . Thc proceedings commenced at four o ' clock in the afternoon . 'The officers present were Bros . Vine , W . M . ; Wiles , S . W . ; Carter , J . W . ; Massey , S . D . ; Phillips , J . D . ; Finch , I . G . ; Wilson , P . M ., P . Z ., 'Treas . ; Matthews , Sec . ; Allen , D . C . ; Burford , W . S . ; Salmon , acting I . P . M . The minutes having been read
and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , passed Bros . Parker , Pearce and Mabey to thc second tlegree , anil gave the lecture on the tracing board . 'The whole ceremony reflected great credit on all concerned . Mr . Waterman was then initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . M . in an impressive manner . The sum of ten guineas was voted by the lotlge , to heatl the list of the W . M . as Stewartl
to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Several communications were then read from Grand Lodge , respecting the forthcoming installation of the M . W . G . M . Several of thc brethren having offered themselves as candidates to represent thc lodge as one of thc Stewards to officiate on that important occasion , thc W . M . requested them to retire , and their names were then severally submitted to a
show of hand :,, which resulted in favour of Bro . Green , P . M ., being elected to serve that distinguished office . The lodge was then duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to banquet , which was well served . Grace was sung by Bros . Salmon , Witt antl Parker . The W . M . having briefly given the " Queen andthe Craft , " " H . R . I 1 . the M . W . G . M . " and "The Pro Grantl Master antl the rest of the Grand
Officers . " Bros . Farquharson , Parker , Witt and Salmon sang the"National Anthem , " and Bro . Wilson "God Bless the Prince of Wales . " "Thc Health of thc W . M . " was proposed with great warmth Bro . Salmon , heartily received by the brethren , and briefly acknowledged by Bro . Vine . " Thc Initiate , " Bro . Waterman , and " 'The Fellow Craftsmen , " Bros . Parker , Pearce and Mabey , were toasted ,
and they severally replied . Among thc visitors present were Bros . Adams , P . M . 304 , Sec . ; Walls , 141 , 1381 , 1303 , I . G . 1312 ; Moore , 173 ; Emsworth , 813 ; Turner , 902 , 1266 . The W . M . proposed " Thc 1 Icalth of the Visitors , " coupled with names of Bros . Adams anil Walls . The former , in reply , expressed his gratification at having hatl the pleasure of visiting the lotlge that tlay , and
congratulated the brethren upon possessing so able a W . M ., who not only hatl carried out the ceremonies of passing and initiating so well , hut had given thc beautiful lecture on the second tracing board with such great effect . Bro . Walls , in responding , said it was thc first time he hatl hatl thc pleasure of visiting thc Phoenix Lotlge , which honour he owed to the VV . M . He came prepared to sec thc
ceremonies well carried out , as became so distinguished a lodge , but he was quite unprepared to witness the proceedings of thc banquet tabic , antl thc musical arrangements so admirably concluded . In conclusion he could honestly state that his senses of " seeing , tasting , anil hearing , " hail never before , in a Masonic gathering , been so agreeabty employed ; he had seen thc excellent working
of thc lodge , he had enjoyed an elegant antl substantial banquet , and his car had been delighted by thc vocal and instrumental abilities of the brethren , and hcjelt exceedingly gratified nt the manner in which he had been received . " 'The Health of thc Past Masters " was then proposed anil severally rcspontlctl to . Bro . Witt , P . M ., in thc course of his reply , introduced an eloquent appeal for thc interest of
the brethren having votes for the Boys' School , on behalf of the son of Bro . Dawson , of thc Phcenix , who died suddenly of heart disease , and left his family totally unprovided for . In addition to thc before mentioned brethren , who discoursed most excellent music , Bros . Walls antl Matthews , between the toasts , sang and reci . ed . " 'The Health of thc Officers of the Lodge " having been given and replied to ,
the Tyler gave thc final toast , and the proceedings terminated . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong muster of this large and prosperous lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on the 12 th inst . 'The business commenced at four o'clock by Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., opening thc lodge , in the absence of Bro . Everett , W . M . 'The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Kent raised Bros . Iscusteu ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Marriott , Herbage , and Gibson , to the third degree , with the assistance of thc officers Bros . Treadwell , S . W . ; J . Willing , jun ., J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Buscall , J . D . ; Smith , P . M ., P . G . P ., Treasurer ; Williams , Secretary ; White , D . C ; Spink , A . D . C . Thc beautiful and solemn ceremony was well performed . Among the Past Masters of the lotlge present were Bros . Brett , P . G . P . ; Adams , P . G . P . ;
and Ferguson . Upon the arrival of the W . M ., Bro . Everett , he passed Bros . Plummer antl Robinson , and initiated Mr . Thomas Grant Wells . Both ceremonies were performed with great care and ability . Thc Secretary then read communications he had received concerning the approaching ceremonial of installing His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . It was moved and
seconded by Bros . Smith and Kent , and carried unanimously , that thc VV . M . shoultl be requested to represent thc lotlge as Stewart ! on the occasion . Bro . Everett having acceptetl the office with thanks , a resolution was passed that thc sum of ten guineas should be voted to Past Master Ferguson , who had volunteered to act as Steward to the Girls' School Festival . Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., who had
actctl as Steward to the Aged Freemasons' Festival in January last , and whose list was headed by a sum of ten guineas from the lodge , then atldresscd the brethren on the subject , and a formal vote of thc lodge was then taken and carried , and that sum decided to be paid to him by the Treasurer . A resolution having been passed that a Summer Festival in connection with thc lodge , and in which
ladies should participate , a committee consisting of seven members in addition to the officers of the lodge appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements , and thc W . M . was empowered to use some of thc funds of thc lotlge for the purpose , shoultl they permit . Thc lodge was then closed in ancient form , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banqueting hall . Among the visitors present were
Bros . Boyd , 143 , P . G . P . of England , & c . ; Koch , P . M . 820 and 12 . 81 ; Fairfax , W . M . 4-1 ; Gardner , W . M . 1 381 ; Sice , VV . M . 1421 ; Tucker , J . W . 433 ; Baker , S . D . 1303 ; Walls , I . G . 141 , 1381 , 1503 , ' and 1312 ; Marks , 1479 . TheW . M . gave , with commendable brevity , " 'The Queen and Craft , " ' " I I . R . I I . thc M . W . G . M . and the Pro G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . Walls having sang one verse
of thc National Anthem , Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., proposed "The " Health of tlie W . M . " in a neat speech . Bro . Everett , in reply , stated that it was his intention during his term of office , not to trouble the brethren with long speeches , as he wished them to enjoy themselves convivially as much as possible , and therefore he should content himself by thanking them very heartily for the compliment they had
paid him , and he hoped that at the expiration of his Mastership , the lodge would have no occasion to regret having elected him to fill the high position which he then held . Thc initiate , Bro . Wells , having been toasted , made an excellent reply . In proposing "Thc Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . mentioned the names of several who were present at the banquet table , and expressed the
gratification he felt at having the honour to dispense the hospitality of the Domatic Lotlge to them . Bro . Boyd , in reply , thanked the lodge , through its W . M ., for the very excellent manner in which he had been entertained . Bro . Fairfax , in the course of a good speech , stated that he had been highly impressed with the working of the lodge , and at the harmony which prevailed at the banquet table , and
should any of the brethren ever visit Warwickshire , he should be only too pleased to see them al his lodge . Bro . Walls , in reply , saitl that thc brethren might think it importunate on his part to address them , after the able manner in which the preceding speakers had responded for thc visitors , but as it was the second time he had received their hospitality , he could not allow the last night of
their session to pass without expressing his humble meed of praise at the exceedingly good working and general arrangements of the lotlge . In conclusion lie stated that the W . M . had been thc S . W . of his mother lodge , when he received from his hands that badge which he shoultl endeavour to keep Masonically unsullied , and which he should ever regard as a bond of friendship , and on that
account he had felt it incumbent upon him to congratulate the Domatic Lotlge upon possessing so energetic and zealous a VV . M ., who had first presented him as a candidate for thc privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Marks also briefly replied . The remaining toasts followed in quick succession , viz .: " The Past Masters of the Lodge , " and " The Officers of thc Lodge , " who all acknowledged the high
compliment paid them by thc W . M ., thc replies of Bros . Kent , Smith , and Willing , jun ., being particularly good . Between the toasts Bros . Palmer , Dawson , and Walls , entertained the lodge by several vocal and dramatic contributions . 'The 'Tyler having given the last toast , the lodge adjourned until October . CROYDON . —EAST SURREY LODGE OF CONCORD ( NO .
463 ) . —The members of the Lotlge of Instruction connected with thc East Surrey Lodge of Concord met at their headquarters , Bro . Goodman's , the Fox antl I lounds , Croydon , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., to partake of a good substantial dinner , provided by mine host with his usual care ami attention ; the occasion being the presentation ofa testimonial , consisting of a very handsome tea and coffee
service and tray to Bro . C . II . Woodward , P . M ., on his retirement from his position of Preceptor to the lodge , in acknowledgment of his most zealous attention to his duties , extending over a period of seventeen years . 'The repast over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , in well chosen words , by the chairman , Bro . 'Thos . Wales , P . M ., and were duly received and responded to . 'The toast
of the evening then followed and thc chairman , 111 very appropriate terms , presented the testimonial , accompanied by a beautifully executed inscription on vellum , which hatl been kindly done hy a well-known antl respected Mason , Bro . Thos . Wales Lee . The testimonial was acknowledged in feeling terms . Several other toasts followed , including "The Chairman . " "Thc Vice-Chairman , Bro . A . C . Ebbult , " " Bro . Sharp , " " Bro . Lee , " and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RETORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — PACE Craft Masonry IJI Scotland J " Mark Masonry " 4 < = ocietatis Rosicrucite in Angha ..... 134 Early Grand Encampment Scotland i » 4 ClIRR-SSl'OSDESCE : — The Installation of the Grand Master 124
Commemoration Jewel 124 Thc Status of Pas ' . Masters 125 Mr . Bradlaugh and Freemasonry I 2 J The Apollo University Lodge IJJ An Impostor I 2 S Glasgow St . Mungo I . odgo « 5 The ensuing Elections for the Boys' anilGirls' Schools ... "S Poetry ••• " - - ¦ " ' Installation 01 rami niasier
The me - * - * Mr . Charles Bra-Hang- 126 Our Lodge Meetings 120 The Candidates for the Girls'School "V Masonic Bores I 2 7 Foreign Freemasons and tlie Installation 127 Dress * for the Installation 127 Tlie Great Citv Lodge . —Entertainment to the Lord Mayor
and Shcrill ' s of London 127 Masonic Notes and Queries 130 Freemasonry in New Zealand 129 Freemasonry in Bermuda 129 Lodge Meetings for next Week 130 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Itirsonm
COWES . —MEDINA LODGE ( NO . 33 ) . —The monthly meeting of this old established lodge took place on Thursday last , when Bro . J . G . Wheeler , in the absence of the VV . M ., conducted the business of thc evening . Thc following brethren were present : —Bro . W . Strickland , VV . M . of the Ryde Lodge * , anil Bros . Scadiling , Vaughan , and Turner , visitors . Bros . O . Haxthauscn , P . M . ; J . TL
Wallace , D . C ; J . Hall Smith , S . W . ; J . C . Airs , J . W . ; E . Wyatt , J . D ., G . Munt , S . D ., S . Benzie , I . G ., T . Giles , Sec . Amongst thc o > hcr brethren present were Bros . TL S . anil VV . Weeding , R . Fox , F . Dyett , J . Pryor , C . Fellows , and J . Gettliffc . Thc VV . M . pro tern , informed the brethren that he had received a communication from thc Worshipful Master , stating that he was away ,
ami asking him ( Bro . Wheeler ) to perform the duties of the evening . The W . M . informed the lodge that there were four candidates for Masonry , but one could not be present that evening . A ballot was then taken for Mr . S . Wheeler , Mr . W . H . Holmes , Collector H . M . Customs , Cowes , also for Captain A . K . Granville , and Mr . Richard Andrews , and being unanimous in their favour , each
candidate was separately initiated into the ancient mysteries cf Freemasonry . 'There being no other business to transact the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banqueting-room , where a capital supper was laid . The Stewards had again almost eclipsed themselves , and through thc kindness of two of the brethren the spread was considerably added to , and at the
conclusion grace was again said , anil the cloths removed . Ihe chairman stated that the time was short , and he had a toast to propose which thc brethren of Medina Lodge always responded to with a deal of pleasure . It was "The I Icalth of the Visiting Brethren , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Strickland . Uro . Strickland rose , antl in his reply remarked upon thc perfect working of the Medina Lodge ,
that he could say with truth he had visited many lodges , hut never saw the various duties carried out more efficiently . Thc health of thc newly-initiated was also proposed and responded to , and the remainder of the evening was passed in a most enjoyable manner . ROCHDALE . —HOPE LODGE ( No . 34 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lotlge was held on Wednesday , loth inst .,
at the Spread Eagle Inn , Rochdale , and there was an excellent attendance of the brethren ; all thc ofliccrs were jiresent : Bros . Richard Simpson , VV . M . ; Dan Mitchell , P . M ., Secretary ; ( 'Treasurer being ill was unable to attend ); li . Collingwood , S . D . ; Charles O'Dhorty , J . D . ; Uinclilfe , I . G . ; James Midgley , P . M ., Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form at 3 . 20 p . m . and thc minutes of
the former lodges were read and confirmed , after which the business of the evening commenced by initiating Mr . John Thomas North , which was done in a very efficient manner by Bro . T . B . Ashworth , P . M . Bro . Metcalfe presented himself as a candidate to he passed to thc second degree . He was examined , and having satisfied the brethren he was then entrusted antl retired . Thc lodge
was opened in thc second degree , and Bro . Metcalfe was then admittetl and regularly passed to thc tlegree of a F . C . liy Bro . Dan Mitchell , P . M ., in a very creditable manner ; lie was then invested and retired . Bro . Clegg was next called upon , and after giving satisfactory proofs of his proficiency in the former degrees , he was entrusted and retired . 'The lodge was then opened in the third degree * , the
candidate- was then admittetl and was duly raised as a . Master Mason by Bro . William Davies , P . AI . ; he was invested . 'The lodge was closed in thc third degree . 'The lotl ge was also closed in the second degree . After the eonimunications were read , Bro . T . B . Ashworth made a motion that a vote of thanks be sent to Bro . David ' liomas Buddy for his willingness to prepare a testimonial mid the skill he displayed in executing thc same , giving universal
satisfaction to thc brethren . This testimonial was presented to Bro . Edward Clegg for his long antl "•• duable services as Secretary to Hope Lodge , 34 , for over ¦ l period of thirty years—which he discharged with honour u > himself and credit lo the lodge . The motion was entered on the miiiite book . There being no other business J he lotl ge was finally closed at the hour of 8 . 13 p . m ., and c brethren atljoun e . l to refreshment , which was elegantly Provided by Bro . WIT :. Ashworth , P . M ., and his wife , in
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that excellent style which at all times is highly approved of by the brethren . After thc cloth was removed the W . M . gave thc usual toasts—commencing with " Thc Queen , " which was drunk with that feeling of respect it so justly merits . Thc remainder of thc toasts followed in due course , amongst which "Thc Newly-raised Brother" was given and briefly responded to . "The Ncwly-passetl
Brother" was next given and was responded to 411 an eloquent manner . " Thc new Initiate" was also given , and Bro . J . T . Worth , on rising to respond , thanked the brethren for having admitted him to thc mysteries antl privileges of so ancient and honourable an Order as a member of this lodge . Thc usual closing toast was given anil the brethren separated in peace and brotherly love
towards each other , after having spent a very pleasant antl comfortable evening . SEAHAM HARBOUR . —FAWCETT LODGE ( No . 661 ) . — On Monday , 14 th March , the annual installation of W . M . of the Fawcett Lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . J . B . Wells was installed . Bro . J . Ayre was the Installing Master , assisted by Bro . Humphrey of
Sunderland . Thc W . M . then invested the following ofliccrs Bros . TL B . Wright , I . P . M . ; Gibbon , S . W . ; Stratford , J . W . ; J . Richardson , Treasurer ; Tl . W . Richardson , Secretary ; Cockburn , S . D . ; J . Potts , J . D . ; G . Grieves , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . Among thc visiting brethren were the following : —Bros . W . TI . Crookes , P . G . S . ; R . Humphrey , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; W . Kiddle , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; G . Lord , P . Prov . G . S . B . ;
M . Douglas , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; R . Lutert , P . G . J . D . ; S . Surtees , W . M . 94 ; H . Fryer , S . W . 97 ; J . Symington , Blyth ; W . Mitford , Darlington ; W . A . Harbron , Plymouth ; Thos . Riley , W . M . 1398 . After thc business of the lotlge was concluded , thc brethren , to the number of 50 , sat down to a magnificent banquet . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —A strong meeting of this
old and distinguished lodge was held at thc Freemasons ' Hall , on Saturday , the 13 th inst . Thc proceedings commenced at four o ' clock in the afternoon . 'The officers present were Bros . Vine , W . M . ; Wiles , S . W . ; Carter , J . W . ; Massey , S . D . ; Phillips , J . D . ; Finch , I . G . ; Wilson , P . M ., P . Z ., 'Treas . ; Matthews , Sec . ; Allen , D . C . ; Burford , W . S . ; Salmon , acting I . P . M . The minutes having been read
and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , passed Bros . Parker , Pearce and Mabey to thc second tlegree , anil gave the lecture on the tracing board . 'The whole ceremony reflected great credit on all concerned . Mr . Waterman was then initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . M . in an impressive manner . The sum of ten guineas was voted by the lotlge , to heatl the list of the W . M . as Stewartl
to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Several communications were then read from Grand Lodge , respecting the forthcoming installation of the M . W . G . M . Several of thc brethren having offered themselves as candidates to represent thc lodge as one of thc Stewards to officiate on that important occasion , thc W . M . requested them to retire , and their names were then severally submitted to a
show of hand :,, which resulted in favour of Bro . Green , P . M ., being elected to serve that distinguished office . The lodge was then duly closed , and thc brethren adjourned to banquet , which was well served . Grace was sung by Bros . Salmon , Witt antl Parker . The W . M . having briefly given the " Queen andthe Craft , " " H . R . I 1 . the M . W . G . M . " and "The Pro Grantl Master antl the rest of the Grand
Officers . " Bros . Farquharson , Parker , Witt and Salmon sang the"National Anthem , " and Bro . Wilson "God Bless the Prince of Wales . " "Thc Health of thc W . M . " was proposed with great warmth Bro . Salmon , heartily received by the brethren , and briefly acknowledged by Bro . Vine . " Thc Initiate , " Bro . Waterman , and " 'The Fellow Craftsmen , " Bros . Parker , Pearce and Mabey , were toasted ,
and they severally replied . Among thc visitors present were Bros . Adams , P . M . 304 , Sec . ; Walls , 141 , 1381 , 1303 , I . G . 1312 ; Moore , 173 ; Emsworth , 813 ; Turner , 902 , 1266 . The W . M . proposed " Thc 1 Icalth of the Visitors , " coupled with names of Bros . Adams anil Walls . The former , in reply , expressed his gratification at having hatl the pleasure of visiting the lotlge that tlay , and
congratulated the brethren upon possessing so able a W . M ., who not only hatl carried out the ceremonies of passing and initiating so well , hut had given thc beautiful lecture on the second tracing board with such great effect . Bro . Walls , in responding , said it was thc first time he hatl hatl thc pleasure of visiting thc Phoenix Lotlge , which honour he owed to the VV . M . He came prepared to sec thc
ceremonies well carried out , as became so distinguished a lodge , but he was quite unprepared to witness the proceedings of thc banquet tabic , antl thc musical arrangements so admirably concluded . In conclusion he could honestly state that his senses of " seeing , tasting , anil hearing , " hail never before , in a Masonic gathering , been so agreeabty employed ; he had seen thc excellent working
of thc lodge , he had enjoyed an elegant antl substantial banquet , and his car had been delighted by thc vocal and instrumental abilities of the brethren , and hcjelt exceedingly gratified nt the manner in which he had been received . " 'The Health of thc Past Masters " was then proposed anil severally rcspontlctl to . Bro . Witt , P . M ., in thc course of his reply , introduced an eloquent appeal for thc interest of
the brethren having votes for the Boys' School , on behalf of the son of Bro . Dawson , of thc Phcenix , who died suddenly of heart disease , and left his family totally unprovided for . In addition to thc before mentioned brethren , who discoursed most excellent music , Bros . Walls antl Matthews , between the toasts , sang and reci . ed . " 'The Health of thc Officers of the Lodge " having been given and replied to ,
the Tyler gave thc final toast , and the proceedings terminated . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong muster of this large and prosperous lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on the 12 th inst . 'The business commenced at four o'clock by Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., opening thc lodge , in the absence of Bro . Everett , W . M . 'The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Kent raised Bros . Iscusteu ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Marriott , Herbage , and Gibson , to the third degree , with the assistance of thc officers Bros . Treadwell , S . W . ; J . Willing , jun ., J . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Buscall , J . D . ; Smith , P . M ., P . G . P ., Treasurer ; Williams , Secretary ; White , D . C ; Spink , A . D . C . Thc beautiful and solemn ceremony was well performed . Among the Past Masters of the lotlge present were Bros . Brett , P . G . P . ; Adams , P . G . P . ;
and Ferguson . Upon the arrival of the W . M ., Bro . Everett , he passed Bros . Plummer antl Robinson , and initiated Mr . Thomas Grant Wells . Both ceremonies were performed with great care and ability . Thc Secretary then read communications he had received concerning the approaching ceremonial of installing His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . It was moved and
seconded by Bros . Smith and Kent , and carried unanimously , that thc VV . M . shoultl be requested to represent thc lotlge as Stewart ! on the occasion . Bro . Everett having acceptetl the office with thanks , a resolution was passed that thc sum of ten guineas should be voted to Past Master Ferguson , who had volunteered to act as Steward to the Girls' School Festival . Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., who had
actctl as Steward to the Aged Freemasons' Festival in January last , and whose list was headed by a sum of ten guineas from the lodge , then atldresscd the brethren on the subject , and a formal vote of thc lodge was then taken and carried , and that sum decided to be paid to him by the Treasurer . A resolution having been passed that a Summer Festival in connection with thc lodge , and in which
ladies should participate , a committee consisting of seven members in addition to the officers of the lodge appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements , and thc W . M . was empowered to use some of thc funds of thc lotlge for the purpose , shoultl they permit . Thc lodge was then closed in ancient form , and thc brethren adjourned to thc banqueting hall . Among the visitors present were
Bros . Boyd , 143 , P . G . P . of England , & c . ; Koch , P . M . 820 and 12 . 81 ; Fairfax , W . M . 4-1 ; Gardner , W . M . 1 381 ; Sice , VV . M . 1421 ; Tucker , J . W . 433 ; Baker , S . D . 1303 ; Walls , I . G . 141 , 1381 , 1503 , ' and 1312 ; Marks , 1479 . TheW . M . gave , with commendable brevity , " 'The Queen and Craft , " ' " I I . R . I I . thc M . W . G . M . and the Pro G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers . " Bro . Walls having sang one verse
of thc National Anthem , Bro . Kent , I . P . M ., proposed "The " Health of tlie W . M . " in a neat speech . Bro . Everett , in reply , stated that it was his intention during his term of office , not to trouble the brethren with long speeches , as he wished them to enjoy themselves convivially as much as possible , and therefore he should content himself by thanking them very heartily for the compliment they had
paid him , and he hoped that at the expiration of his Mastership , the lodge would have no occasion to regret having elected him to fill the high position which he then held . Thc initiate , Bro . Wells , having been toasted , made an excellent reply . In proposing "Thc Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . mentioned the names of several who were present at the banquet table , and expressed the
gratification he felt at having the honour to dispense the hospitality of the Domatic Lotlge to them . Bro . Boyd , in reply , thanked the lodge , through its W . M ., for the very excellent manner in which he had been entertained . Bro . Fairfax , in the course of a good speech , stated that he had been highly impressed with the working of the lodge , and at the harmony which prevailed at the banquet table , and
should any of the brethren ever visit Warwickshire , he should be only too pleased to see them al his lodge . Bro . Walls , in reply , saitl that thc brethren might think it importunate on his part to address them , after the able manner in which the preceding speakers had responded for thc visitors , but as it was the second time he had received their hospitality , he could not allow the last night of
their session to pass without expressing his humble meed of praise at the exceedingly good working and general arrangements of the lotlge . In conclusion lie stated that the W . M . had been thc S . W . of his mother lodge , when he received from his hands that badge which he shoultl endeavour to keep Masonically unsullied , and which he should ever regard as a bond of friendship , and on that
account he had felt it incumbent upon him to congratulate the Domatic Lotlge upon possessing so energetic and zealous a VV . M ., who had first presented him as a candidate for thc privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Marks also briefly replied . The remaining toasts followed in quick succession , viz .: " The Past Masters of the Lodge , " and " The Officers of thc Lodge , " who all acknowledged the high
compliment paid them by thc W . M ., thc replies of Bros . Kent , Smith , and Willing , jun ., being particularly good . Between the toasts Bros . Palmer , Dawson , and Walls , entertained the lodge by several vocal and dramatic contributions . 'The 'Tyler having given the last toast , the lodge adjourned until October . CROYDON . —EAST SURREY LODGE OF CONCORD ( NO .
463 ) . —The members of the Lotlge of Instruction connected with thc East Surrey Lodge of Concord met at their headquarters , Bro . Goodman's , the Fox antl I lounds , Croydon , on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., to partake of a good substantial dinner , provided by mine host with his usual care ami attention ; the occasion being the presentation ofa testimonial , consisting of a very handsome tea and coffee
service and tray to Bro . C . II . Woodward , P . M ., on his retirement from his position of Preceptor to the lodge , in acknowledgment of his most zealous attention to his duties , extending over a period of seventeen years . 'The repast over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , in well chosen words , by the chairman , Bro . 'Thos . Wales , P . M ., and were duly received and responded to . 'The toast
of the evening then followed and thc chairman , 111 very appropriate terms , presented the testimonial , accompanied by a beautifully executed inscription on vellum , which hatl been kindly done hy a well-known antl respected Mason , Bro . Thos . Wales Lee . The testimonial was acknowledged in feeling terms . Several other toasts followed , including "The Chairman . " "Thc Vice-Chairman , Bro . A . C . Ebbult , " " Bro . Sharp , " " Bro . Lee , " and