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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Pocock , the I lon . Sec . to thc Lodge of Instruction . " The p leasures of Ihe evening were much enhanced by the vocal powers of several of thc brethren present ; and aftei a most enjoyable meeting thc party retired , all feeling convinced they-had done honour lo one to whom it was due . DERBY . —ARUORI-TUM LODGE ( NO . 731 . )—The annual meeting of this lotlge was held in the lotlge
room , Arboretum Hotel , Derby , on Wednesday , thc 1 oth of March , at 4 p . m . when there was a large assemblage of the brethren of this antl other lodges . 'Tlie lotlge was opened by Bro . T . R . Gee , VV . M . ; and the ceremony of installing the W . M . Elect , Bro . J . C . Merry , was performed by him , assisted by P . M . Bro . Wright , and P . M . Bro . Cox , and a board of sixteen Installed Masters . The
new * VV . M . appointed his officers as follows , giving an appropriate address to each , on investing him with his collar and jewel , in regard to tlie duties devolving upon him , Bro . Gee , I . P . M . and 'Treasurer ; Burton , S . VV . ; Brown , | . W . ; Cooper , Sec . jVVinter , D . C . * , Fowkcs , S . D . ; T . Merry , j . D . ; Knight , 1 . G . ; Cay , Whittakcr , and Frazer ; Stewards ; Stone , ' 'Tyler . Amongst the brethren present
were , H . Ilillam , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . ; I . Worsnop , P . M . ; R . Bennett , S . VV . ; J . Miller , I . E . Holloway , W . W . Vincent , I . Gabon-., I . Poxon , T . Day , I . Harper , T . Roe , lunr . W . M . 102 ; W . P . Mortis , P . M . 815 ; VV . F . Fowlc , P . M . S 15 ; VV . H . Marsden , P . G . Sec ; W . I . Gardner , 411 ; VV . Boden , J . . , 3 ; James Merry ,
P . M . 1179 ; W . Loveroch , VV . M . 7 H 7 * , G . Small , P . M . 787 ; J . 11 . Biggs , J . D . 802 ; B . Cooper , S . VV . 787 ; T . II . Warner , P . M . 802 ; Thc lotlge having been closed , the brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided hy Bro . Baldock , thc proprietor of thc hotel , in his usual faultless manner , at which upwards of 40 brethren
sat down ; thc W . M . occupied the chair , supported by thc Past Masters of thc lodge and visiting brethren , the S . W . occupying thc vice chair . After the cloth was drawn , "'The Queen a lid Craft , " was given from the chair , next , " I I . R . T 1 . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " " R . VV Pro G . M . the Earl nf Carnarvon . 'The Earl
Skelmersdale , and rest of the Ofliccrs of Grand Lodge . " " Ihe R . W . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., 11 . C . Okeover , Esq , and the P . G . L . Officers . " " The Worshipful Master , " was proposed by Bro . P . VI . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . W ., in suitable terms , congratulating him upon thc position he had attained in the lodge , and wishing him a happy and
prosperous year . 'The VV . M . responded in a manner which showed how fully he appreciated the honour that had been conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that his best exertions should be put forth to maintain the high character which the lodge had acquired . 'The VV . M . then gave "Thc Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Gee , " congratulating him on his popularity with the brethren , and the manner in
which the business of thc lodge had been conducted during the last 12 months , when with a few more suitable remarks he affixed to his breast a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by thc lodge . The applause of the brethren evinced how thoroughly he had given expression to their sentiments . Bro . Gee responded , thanking them for their kind expressions and handsome present ,
remarked that thc most cordial unanimity had existed in the lodge during the year , and it had been to him a most happy one , and he hoped his successor woultl have one equally agreeable . TheW . M . proposed . '' The Health of the Installing Masters and Past Masters of the Arboretum Lodge . " "TheVisiting Brethren" by the S . W . 'The "Officers of thc Lodge , " by the VV . M . and the "Tyler's Toast "
brought to an end one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent in the Arboretum Lotlge . WiiiTTisoTON LODGE ( No . 862 ) held its last meeting for this season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Mondav , March 13 th . The lodge was numerously attended , tne VV . M . was well-supported by his officers : — Bro * . T . Kingston , S . W . ; W . Walker , J . W . ; G . Pritchard ,
S . D . ; Walmsley , | . D . * , VV . llurlstone , P . M . ; F . Smith , I . P . M . ; Jones , P . M . ; N . Quilty , Treasurer ; R . W . Little , Secretary Girls' School , P . G . S . Middlesex ; and Bro . James Weaver , P . M . 862 , and 1312 , P . Prav . G . Org . Middlesex . There were several visitors ; the W . M . passed to thc second degree Bros . Cole and Brown . Bro . Weaver then took the chair , and raised to the tlegree of a Master
Mason Bro . Holland , giving the whole of the ceremony with the traditional history and explanation of the tracing hoard . 'The lodge will send a Steward to thc Albert Hall to represent the lotlge at the installation of His Royal I lig hucss thc Prince of Wales . 'The lodge was closed and the brethren adjojrned to thc banquet , where a sumptuous repast awaited them .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( NO . 12 S ;) . —Thc March meeting of this lotlge took place on 'Thursday , 18 th inst ., Bro . J . Forbes , VV . M ., in the chair , assisted by 11 . Bescoby , S . W . ' ; E . Lmcaslcr , J . W . ; R . Christie , J . D . ; G . West , I . G . ; G . Webb , 'Treasurer , P . M . ; and P . G . Jupe , Sec . There were present T . IL Statnn , I . P . iL ; and II . T . Reed , P . M . ; also Bros . Arkell , Barnes , Bathord , Buszard ,
Ilawtin , Hitchcock , Jones , Jenkins , Lancaster , Robinson , Schmerl , Tewkesbury , Timhcrlake . 'The business of the evening consisted of raising Bros . Short and Hitchcock , and in passing Bros . Jones , Barnes , and Jenkins . 'The W . M . commenced by examining Bros . Jones anil Barnes , antl passing them to the second degree , afterwards passing Bro . Jenkins . Bro . Hitchcock was then examined , and
raised to thc sublime degree . Bro . Short not being in attendance , the VV . M . brought forward thc notice of the installation of the M . W . G . M ,, whim it was proposed by Bro . Staton , I . P . M ., that Br . ) . Webb , P . M ., be nominated as Steward . 'This was unanimously agreed to , .-11111 as
there were several members absent , it was decided to send a circular to all , asking for an Answer hy return ., it they intended to be present at the Albert Hall . Bro . Webb returned thanks for the compliment , and there not being any business lo transact , the W . M . closed the lodge in due form .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ROCK FERRY . —ROCK LODGE ( No . 1289 ) . —This lotlge met on Friday , thc 12 th inst ., when there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Bro . Friend , P . M ., performed the ceremony of initiation , the candidates afterwards receiving the lecture of the tlegree , delivered in an admirable manner , bv Bro . S . Sprathy , M . D ., P . Prov . S . G . D . of Chcsire . Tlie W . M ., Bro . Ellis , then
assumed the chair , and raised a brother to the degree of M . M .., in his usual careful and efficient slylc . About twenty-eig ht brethren afterwards partook of supper , and a very harmonious evening was spent by all . WEST DERBY . —PEMRHOKE LODGE ( No . 1299 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this excellent suburban lotlge was held on Friday , the 19 th inst ., at the West Derby
Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool , where there was a very large and influential gathering of members and visitors . 'The business commenced shortly before three o ' clock , when the lotlge was opened by Bro . Peter Macmuldrow , W . M ., and thc officers who supported him at the initial proceedings were Bros . Joseph Clegg , I . P . M . ; Wm . Crane , P . M . ; W . tones , S . W . ; R . Bennett , J . . ; II . Livcrsage , Treasurer ;
A . E . Kirkpatrick , Secretary ; G . Aspinall , J . D . ; J . Capcll , I . G . ; VV . S . Bennett , Steward ; and Tl . Robinson , 'T yler . The members of the lotlge present were Bros . VV . Brown , VV . Hilcs , J . Sutcliffe , P . M . ; F . R . Bramham , J . Stephenson , J . Lonsdale , _ £ . I largreaves , T . Baxter , J . Holmes , J . Dawson , and ] . Christian . Thc visitors present were Bros . VV . Doyle , P . Prov . J . G . D ., P . M . 667 j J . Skeaf , P . G . Org .,
P . M . 216 ; J . Lunt , P . G . S ., P . M . 1086 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 ; Rev . Dr . Hyde , IOI 6 ; J . P . Bryan , O . 103 3 ; C . Humphries , VV . M ., 101-j ; R . Yelland , S . W . ; 1094 ; W . J . Chapman , 667 ; 11 . Nelson , W . M ., 1305 , P . M ., 6 73 ; VV . Wood , P . M ., 1182 ; W . T . May , P . M . 6 73 ; R . Brown , S . W ., 241 , cVc . After thc minutes had been read and confirmed , Bro . Wm . [ ones , the W . M . elect , was presented to Bro . J .
Clegg , P . M ., by Bro . P . Macmuldrow , P . M ., and Bro . Crane , P . M ., for thc benefit of installation . Bro . Clegg last year performed this ceremony in a remarkably effective manner , and although called upon for the second time at a few hours ' notice , he went throug h the performance of the installation and the investiture proceedings in a creditable manner . Bro . Wm . J ones , after being placed in the chair
of W . M . with the usual ceremonial , chose the following as his officers : —Bros . P . Macmuldrow , I . P . M . ; Richard Bennett , S . W . ; G . Aspinall , J . W .: H . Livcrsage , Treasurer , ( unanimously re-elected for the third time ) ; A . G . Kirkpatrick , Secretary ; J . Capcll , S . D . ; VV . S . Bennett , J . D . ; John Dawson , L G . ; Joseph Clegg , P . M ., D . C . ; John Holme , S . S .: W . Hilcs , J . S . ; and II . Robinson , Tyler . At
the conclusion of business , the brethren sal down to a capital banquet , provided by Bro . Rawlinson , " mine hest" of thc hotel in which the meeting was held . Thc VV . M . briefly gave the toasts , " 'The Queen and the Craft , " "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , thc Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Bro . thc Right Hon . Lord
Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , and his Deputy , Bro . the Ri g ht Hon . F . Stanley . " "Thc 1 Icalth of the W . M . " was pointedly and-happily proposed by Bro . P . Macmuldrow , I . P . M ., and then followed the toast of "The Installing Master , Bro . J . Clegg , P . M . " Thc W . M . afterwards proposed " The I . P . M ., Bro . P . Macmuldrow , " lo whom , in thc name of thc lodge , he
presented a handsome Past Alaster s jewel , referring to thc excellent way in which he had fulfilled the duties of thc chair . " The Past Masters of No . 1 299 " was responded to hy Bro . W . Crane , P . M . ; " 'The Officers of No . 1299 , " v the S . W ., Bro . R . Bennett ; " Thc Visitors , " by Bro . the Rev . Dr . 1 Iyde ; and " 'The West l-ancasliire . Masonic Educational Institution , " Bro . R . Brown , thc lion . Sec . to
the noble charily . 'The 'T yler ' s 'Toast brought the afterdinner proceedings to a termination at au early hour , anil afterwards the lodge was closed in due form . Ivv LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The brethren of this lodge responded very numerously to the call of the VV . M ., which summoned them together for Masonic business 011 Tuesday the 16 th inst ., al Bro . Pluck ' s , thc Windsor Castle Tavern ,
Southwark Bridge Road , anil some twenty visitors were also present to share in the working of the lodge , and thc subsequent festivities which crowned thc occasion , it being the nig ht of installation in the lodge . 'The lotlge was opened in due form at the appointed hour by Bro . Charles Smith , VV . M ., ami founder , who , during his tenure of office , since the consecration of the lodge in the year before
last , has discharged thc duties of the chair in a manner which we trust will he long treasured up in the memories of the brethren of the Iv > Lotlge , as one to be followed and imitated by every succeeding VV . M . Afore especially we signal out for special approbation his careful husbanding of the funds of the lotlge , thc balance-sheet showing that the lotlge has obtained , during ils brief existence under his
Mastership , a very satisfactory position , being not only free from debt , but with a considerable sum devoted to the benefit of thc Masonic charities , anil the promotion of a private benevolent fund attached to the lodge . Bro . Smith , who , we were sorry to observe , was suffering from indisposition , having opened the lotlge , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed ; the lodge was
then opened in the second tlegree , and Bro . D . II . Ashford was investigated as to his proficiency in the science preparatory to his being raised to tbe sublime degree , which was ultimately conferred upon him . The lotlge having again been resumed to the proper stage , Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., presented Bro . G . Mattock , S . W . anil VV . M . Elect , to receive from the hands of the VV . M . the benefit
of installation , a duty which was discharged by Bro . Smith in . 1 manner which elicited thc highest compliments and felicitations from the many eminent brethren who were present ; he was rapturously applauded al thc termination of his labour , lu due course thc officers were appointed for Ihe ensuing year . Bro . Smith addressing each in appropriate terms on the duties of his station , viz ., Bros . J . J . Cantle , S . W . ; C . F . Poupard ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . W . ; Smith , Treasurer ; C . S . Jolly , Secretary ; L . Cornclissen , S . D . ; W . Ashwcll , ] . D . ; ] . F . K . Smith , I . G . ; T . II . Cox , W . S . ; R . Forster , D . C ; and G . T . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . The ceremony of installation being concluded , thc newly installed W . M . gave thc brethren a taste of his quality , by initiating in a very creditable manner , Messrs . A . II . Miller and R . M . C . Gloag , two professional
gentlemen of eminence , after which Bro . Mattock addressed thc brethren thus -. — " Brethren , I have now a duty to perform , which occasions me great satisfaction antl pleasure . It is to present to Bro . Chas . Smith , our retiring VV . M ., a jewel , as a token of the affection and high esteem in which he is held by the members of thc Ivy Lodge , and also a testimonial on vellum , expressing those sentiments entertained
by thc brethren . I need not make any comment upon his abilities as a Mason , or upon his conduct in public ami private capacity . Suffice it to say that he is every where equally respected by all who have thc pleasure of his acquaintance antl friendship . May he live long to be amongst us . " Thc jewel was then affixed to Bro . Smith ' s breast , and the testimonial presented which was elaborately
emblazoned and surrounded with an admirably executed border , emblematic cf thc p lant from which thc lotlge derives its name , antl bearing the following inscription : — " Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 -. This testimonial , accompanying a Past Master ' s jewel , is presented to Bro . Charles Smith , one of the Founders and First Worshi pful Master of the above Masonic lodge , upon his retirement from office , as a
token of thc sincere respect and admiration entertained by thc brethren for thc efficient manner in which he fulfilled thc duties of thai important position . In verification of which wc have subscribed our names this 16 th March , 1875 . ( Signed ) . '' Bro . Smith expressed his acknowledgement iu a few well chosen sentences , which showed that he fully appreciated the kind expressions of good will emanating
from thc brethren . Ihe lotlge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren proceeded to thc Bridge I louse Miotel , where a superb banquet awaited them . Thc retiring W . M . was unable to remain with thc brethren , having only left a sick room to discharge what to him was a solemn antl inperalivc duty ; antl his absence from thc banquet tabic was most materially felt .
HAMPTON HILL . —FRANCIS BLUDETT LODGE ( NO . 1303 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel on the 10 th inst . In consequence cf thc unavoidable absence of Bro . Col . Wi ggington , thc W . M ., the proceedings were opened by Bro . Hammond , P . M ., and VV . M . of 1512 , why kindly officiated in his stead , assisted by Bros . Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . G . S . D .
of Norfolk , J . W . ; Walls , acting S . D . ; Dcckes , J . D . ; Vinaggo , Treasurer ; Mitchell , Secretary ; Jenkins , acting I . G . ; Harrison , Tyler . Thc minutes of thc previous meeting having [ been read anil confirmed , Bro . Hammond raised Bros . Court and Vaughan to the sublime degree . Thc ceremony was well carried out . Bro . Horsley , P . M ., & c , then assumed the position of VV . M .
and passed Bro . Bennett to the degree of Fellow Craft in an excellent manner . 'The W . M ., Bro . Col . Wi gginton , having arrived , then initiated Mr . W . Taylor into the Craft with his customary ability . Thc notice of motion , given by thc VV . M . at thc last meeting , that the W . M . of the Francis Burdett Lotlge for the time being should have the sum of £ 10 10 s . voted to him to head his list as
Steward to one of the three charities , was then fully discussed , and ultimately a resolution was unanimously passed to the effect that thc VV . M . for the time being , or a member should become a Life Governor of one of thc three charities alternately . The W . \ T . nlso moved that a Masonic lending library should he formed and a Committee appointed to carry it out , consisting of the W . M ., P . M . ' s
the Wardens , the Secretary , and the 'Treasurer , who should be annually elected . 'This was seconded by the S . W . and unanimously carried . 'The W . M . further moved that a Lodge of fnstruction—to be held under the sanction of the lotlge—should he formed as soon as practicable ; this was also seconded h y the S . W ., and carried without dissent . In introducing the next and last motion on thc agenda as
to the removal of thc lotlge , on account of the insufficiency of accomodation , the . VV . M . stated that he had personally used every endeavour to obtain at the last licensing sessions a licence for the house , but on account of the strong opposition antl influence of one of thc residents , the application was refused , ami he believed that another petition woultl fare no better next year , and consequently ,
although he would rather have remained at the King ' s Arms Hotel , yet , as many of the brethren resided in town , it was necessary that some place should be obtained where the trains were more frequent , ami where adequate refreshment and other accomodation could be obtained . 1 le then called upon Bro . Horsley , P . M ., to move a resolution upon thc matier . Bro . Horsley said that as he had on
tlie last occasion brought thc matter forward at length , he shoultl not trouble the brethren with many remarks on the subject that evening , but as he had heard that there was good accomodation to be had at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham Station , and as there were frequent trains to and from town from that place he should move that the Francis Burdett Lodge should be removed to thc Albany
1 Intel , subject to the sanction anil approval of Col . Burdett , the P . G . M . of Middlesex , or to sonic other place in its vicinity . This resolution was seconded b y Bro . Saunders and unanimously carried , and a committee—consisting of the VV . M ., thc Wardens , nnd Bros . Horsley , Knaggs , and Mitchell , appointed to wait upon Col . Burdett upon thc matter , and , if his consent were obtained , to immediately
carry out thc necessary arrangements . Some minor business having been transacted the lodge was duly closed antl the brethren separated . METROPOLITAN LUIK ; E ( NO . 1507 ) . —Thc regular March meeting of this lodge was held 011 the 18 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 , Pentonville-road , under the presidency of Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . J . Michael , S . W . ; T *
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Pocock , the I lon . Sec . to thc Lodge of Instruction . " The p leasures of Ihe evening were much enhanced by the vocal powers of several of thc brethren present ; and aftei a most enjoyable meeting thc party retired , all feeling convinced they-had done honour lo one to whom it was due . DERBY . —ARUORI-TUM LODGE ( NO . 731 . )—The annual meeting of this lotlge was held in the lotlge
room , Arboretum Hotel , Derby , on Wednesday , thc 1 oth of March , at 4 p . m . when there was a large assemblage of the brethren of this antl other lodges . 'Tlie lotlge was opened by Bro . T . R . Gee , VV . M . ; and the ceremony of installing the W . M . Elect , Bro . J . C . Merry , was performed by him , assisted by P . M . Bro . Wright , and P . M . Bro . Cox , and a board of sixteen Installed Masters . The
new * VV . M . appointed his officers as follows , giving an appropriate address to each , on investing him with his collar and jewel , in regard to tlie duties devolving upon him , Bro . Gee , I . P . M . and 'Treasurer ; Burton , S . VV . ; Brown , | . W . ; Cooper , Sec . jVVinter , D . C . * , Fowkcs , S . D . ; T . Merry , j . D . ; Knight , 1 . G . ; Cay , Whittakcr , and Frazer ; Stewards ; Stone , ' 'Tyler . Amongst the brethren present
were , H . Ilillam , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . ; I . Worsnop , P . M . ; R . Bennett , S . VV . ; J . Miller , I . E . Holloway , W . W . Vincent , I . Gabon-., I . Poxon , T . Day , I . Harper , T . Roe , lunr . W . M . 102 ; W . P . Mortis , P . M . 815 ; VV . F . Fowlc , P . M . S 15 ; VV . H . Marsden , P . G . Sec ; W . I . Gardner , 411 ; VV . Boden , J . . , 3 ; James Merry ,
P . M . 1179 ; W . Loveroch , VV . M . 7 H 7 * , G . Small , P . M . 787 ; J . 11 . Biggs , J . D . 802 ; B . Cooper , S . VV . 787 ; T . II . Warner , P . M . 802 ; Thc lotlge having been closed , the brethren then adjourned to a sumptuous banquet provided hy Bro . Baldock , thc proprietor of thc hotel , in his usual faultless manner , at which upwards of 40 brethren
sat down ; thc W . M . occupied the chair , supported by thc Past Masters of thc lodge and visiting brethren , the S . W . occupying thc vice chair . After the cloth was drawn , "'The Queen a lid Craft , " was given from the chair , next , " I I . R . T 1 . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " " R . VV Pro G . M . the Earl nf Carnarvon . 'The Earl
Skelmersdale , and rest of the Ofliccrs of Grand Lodge . " " Ihe R . W . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., 11 . C . Okeover , Esq , and the P . G . L . Officers . " " The Worshipful Master , " was proposed by Bro . P . VI . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . W ., in suitable terms , congratulating him upon thc position he had attained in the lodge , and wishing him a happy and
prosperous year . 'The VV . M . responded in a manner which showed how fully he appreciated the honour that had been conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that his best exertions should be put forth to maintain the high character which the lodge had acquired . 'The VV . M . then gave "Thc Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Gee , " congratulating him on his popularity with the brethren , and the manner in
which the business of thc lodge had been conducted during the last 12 months , when with a few more suitable remarks he affixed to his breast a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , voted by thc lodge . The applause of the brethren evinced how thoroughly he had given expression to their sentiments . Bro . Gee responded , thanking them for their kind expressions and handsome present ,
remarked that thc most cordial unanimity had existed in the lodge during the year , and it had been to him a most happy one , and he hoped his successor woultl have one equally agreeable . TheW . M . proposed . '' The Health of the Installing Masters and Past Masters of the Arboretum Lodge . " "TheVisiting Brethren" by the S . W . 'The "Officers of thc Lodge , " by the VV . M . and the "Tyler's Toast "
brought to an end one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent in the Arboretum Lotlge . WiiiTTisoTON LODGE ( No . 862 ) held its last meeting for this season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Mondav , March 13 th . The lodge was numerously attended , tne VV . M . was well-supported by his officers : — Bro * . T . Kingston , S . W . ; W . Walker , J . W . ; G . Pritchard ,
S . D . ; Walmsley , | . D . * , VV . llurlstone , P . M . ; F . Smith , I . P . M . ; Jones , P . M . ; N . Quilty , Treasurer ; R . W . Little , Secretary Girls' School , P . G . S . Middlesex ; and Bro . James Weaver , P . M . 862 , and 1312 , P . Prav . G . Org . Middlesex . There were several visitors ; the W . M . passed to thc second degree Bros . Cole and Brown . Bro . Weaver then took the chair , and raised to the tlegree of a Master
Mason Bro . Holland , giving the whole of the ceremony with the traditional history and explanation of the tracing hoard . 'The lodge will send a Steward to thc Albert Hall to represent the lotlge at the installation of His Royal I lig hucss thc Prince of Wales . 'The lodge was closed and the brethren adjojrned to thc banquet , where a sumptuous repast awaited them .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( NO . 12 S ;) . —Thc March meeting of this lotlge took place on 'Thursday , 18 th inst ., Bro . J . Forbes , VV . M ., in the chair , assisted by 11 . Bescoby , S . W . ' ; E . Lmcaslcr , J . W . ; R . Christie , J . D . ; G . West , I . G . ; G . Webb , 'Treasurer , P . M . ; and P . G . Jupe , Sec . There were present T . IL Statnn , I . P . iL ; and II . T . Reed , P . M . ; also Bros . Arkell , Barnes , Bathord , Buszard ,
Ilawtin , Hitchcock , Jones , Jenkins , Lancaster , Robinson , Schmerl , Tewkesbury , Timhcrlake . 'The business of the evening consisted of raising Bros . Short and Hitchcock , and in passing Bros . Jones , Barnes , and Jenkins . 'The W . M . commenced by examining Bros . Jones anil Barnes , antl passing them to the second degree , afterwards passing Bro . Jenkins . Bro . Hitchcock was then examined , and
raised to thc sublime degree . Bro . Short not being in attendance , the VV . M . brought forward thc notice of the installation of the M . W . G . M ,, whim it was proposed by Bro . Staton , I . P . M ., that Br . ) . Webb , P . M ., be nominated as Steward . 'This was unanimously agreed to , .-11111 as
there were several members absent , it was decided to send a circular to all , asking for an Answer hy return ., it they intended to be present at the Albert Hall . Bro . Webb returned thanks for the compliment , and there not being any business lo transact , the W . M . closed the lodge in due form .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ROCK FERRY . —ROCK LODGE ( No . 1289 ) . —This lotlge met on Friday , thc 12 th inst ., when there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Bro . Friend , P . M ., performed the ceremony of initiation , the candidates afterwards receiving the lecture of the tlegree , delivered in an admirable manner , bv Bro . S . Sprathy , M . D ., P . Prov . S . G . D . of Chcsire . Tlie W . M ., Bro . Ellis , then
assumed the chair , and raised a brother to the degree of M . M .., in his usual careful and efficient slylc . About twenty-eig ht brethren afterwards partook of supper , and a very harmonious evening was spent by all . WEST DERBY . —PEMRHOKE LODGE ( No . 1299 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this excellent suburban lotlge was held on Friday , the 19 th inst ., at the West Derby
Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool , where there was a very large and influential gathering of members and visitors . 'The business commenced shortly before three o ' clock , when the lotlge was opened by Bro . Peter Macmuldrow , W . M ., and thc officers who supported him at the initial proceedings were Bros . Joseph Clegg , I . P . M . ; Wm . Crane , P . M . ; W . tones , S . W . ; R . Bennett , J . . ; II . Livcrsage , Treasurer ;
A . E . Kirkpatrick , Secretary ; G . Aspinall , J . D . ; J . Capcll , I . G . ; VV . S . Bennett , Steward ; and Tl . Robinson , 'T yler . The members of the lotlge present were Bros . VV . Brown , VV . Hilcs , J . Sutcliffe , P . M . ; F . R . Bramham , J . Stephenson , J . Lonsdale , _ £ . I largreaves , T . Baxter , J . Holmes , J . Dawson , and ] . Christian . Thc visitors present were Bros . VV . Doyle , P . Prov . J . G . D ., P . M . 667 j J . Skeaf , P . G . Org .,
P . M . 216 ; J . Lunt , P . G . S ., P . M . 1086 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . 241 ; Rev . Dr . Hyde , IOI 6 ; J . P . Bryan , O . 103 3 ; C . Humphries , VV . M ., 101-j ; R . Yelland , S . W . ; 1094 ; W . J . Chapman , 667 ; 11 . Nelson , W . M ., 1305 , P . M ., 6 73 ; VV . Wood , P . M ., 1182 ; W . T . May , P . M . 6 73 ; R . Brown , S . W ., 241 , cVc . After thc minutes had been read and confirmed , Bro . Wm . [ ones , the W . M . elect , was presented to Bro . J .
Clegg , P . M ., by Bro . P . Macmuldrow , P . M ., and Bro . Crane , P . M ., for thc benefit of installation . Bro . Clegg last year performed this ceremony in a remarkably effective manner , and although called upon for the second time at a few hours ' notice , he went throug h the performance of the installation and the investiture proceedings in a creditable manner . Bro . Wm . J ones , after being placed in the chair
of W . M . with the usual ceremonial , chose the following as his officers : —Bros . P . Macmuldrow , I . P . M . ; Richard Bennett , S . W . ; G . Aspinall , J . W .: H . Livcrsage , Treasurer , ( unanimously re-elected for the third time ) ; A . G . Kirkpatrick , Secretary ; J . Capcll , S . D . ; VV . S . Bennett , J . D . ; John Dawson , L G . ; Joseph Clegg , P . M ., D . C . ; John Holme , S . S .: W . Hilcs , J . S . ; and II . Robinson , Tyler . At
the conclusion of business , the brethren sal down to a capital banquet , provided by Bro . Rawlinson , " mine hest" of thc hotel in which the meeting was held . Thc VV . M . briefly gave the toasts , " 'The Queen and the Craft , " "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , thc Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Bro . thc Right Hon . Lord
Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , and his Deputy , Bro . the Ri g ht Hon . F . Stanley . " "Thc 1 Icalth of the W . M . " was pointedly and-happily proposed by Bro . P . Macmuldrow , I . P . M ., and then followed the toast of "The Installing Master , Bro . J . Clegg , P . M . " Thc W . M . afterwards proposed " The I . P . M ., Bro . P . Macmuldrow , " lo whom , in thc name of thc lodge , he
presented a handsome Past Alaster s jewel , referring to thc excellent way in which he had fulfilled the duties of thc chair . " The Past Masters of No . 1 299 " was responded to hy Bro . W . Crane , P . M . ; " 'The Officers of No . 1299 , " v the S . W ., Bro . R . Bennett ; " Thc Visitors , " by Bro . the Rev . Dr . 1 Iyde ; and " 'The West l-ancasliire . Masonic Educational Institution , " Bro . R . Brown , thc lion . Sec . to
the noble charily . 'The 'T yler ' s 'Toast brought the afterdinner proceedings to a termination at au early hour , anil afterwards the lodge was closed in due form . Ivv LODGE ( NO . 1441 ) . —The brethren of this lodge responded very numerously to the call of the VV . M ., which summoned them together for Masonic business 011 Tuesday the 16 th inst ., al Bro . Pluck ' s , thc Windsor Castle Tavern ,
Southwark Bridge Road , anil some twenty visitors were also present to share in the working of the lodge , and thc subsequent festivities which crowned thc occasion , it being the nig ht of installation in the lodge . 'The lotlge was opened in due form at the appointed hour by Bro . Charles Smith , VV . M ., ami founder , who , during his tenure of office , since the consecration of the lodge in the year before
last , has discharged thc duties of the chair in a manner which we trust will he long treasured up in the memories of the brethren of the Iv > Lotlge , as one to be followed and imitated by every succeeding VV . M . Afore especially we signal out for special approbation his careful husbanding of the funds of the lotlge , thc balance-sheet showing that the lotlge has obtained , during ils brief existence under his
Mastership , a very satisfactory position , being not only free from debt , but with a considerable sum devoted to the benefit of thc Masonic charities , anil the promotion of a private benevolent fund attached to the lodge . Bro . Smith , who , we were sorry to observe , was suffering from indisposition , having opened the lotlge , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed ; the lodge was
then opened in the second tlegree , and Bro . D . II . Ashford was investigated as to his proficiency in the science preparatory to his being raised to tbe sublime degree , which was ultimately conferred upon him . The lotlge having again been resumed to the proper stage , Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., presented Bro . G . Mattock , S . W . anil VV . M . Elect , to receive from the hands of the VV . M . the benefit
of installation , a duty which was discharged by Bro . Smith in . 1 manner which elicited thc highest compliments and felicitations from the many eminent brethren who were present ; he was rapturously applauded al thc termination of his labour , lu due course thc officers were appointed for Ihe ensuing year . Bro . Smith addressing each in appropriate terms on the duties of his station , viz ., Bros . J . J . Cantle , S . W . ; C . F . Poupard ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . W . ; Smith , Treasurer ; C . S . Jolly , Secretary ; L . Cornclissen , S . D . ; W . Ashwcll , ] . D . ; ] . F . K . Smith , I . G . ; T . II . Cox , W . S . ; R . Forster , D . C ; and G . T . Fox , P . M ., Tyler . The ceremony of installation being concluded , thc newly installed W . M . gave thc brethren a taste of his quality , by initiating in a very creditable manner , Messrs . A . II . Miller and R . M . C . Gloag , two professional
gentlemen of eminence , after which Bro . Mattock addressed thc brethren thus -. — " Brethren , I have now a duty to perform , which occasions me great satisfaction antl pleasure . It is to present to Bro . Chas . Smith , our retiring VV . M ., a jewel , as a token of the affection and high esteem in which he is held by the members of thc Ivy Lodge , and also a testimonial on vellum , expressing those sentiments entertained
by thc brethren . I need not make any comment upon his abilities as a Mason , or upon his conduct in public ami private capacity . Suffice it to say that he is every where equally respected by all who have thc pleasure of his acquaintance antl friendship . May he live long to be amongst us . " Thc jewel was then affixed to Bro . Smith ' s breast , and the testimonial presented which was elaborately
emblazoned and surrounded with an admirably executed border , emblematic cf thc p lant from which thc lotlge derives its name , antl bearing the following inscription : — " Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 -. This testimonial , accompanying a Past Master ' s jewel , is presented to Bro . Charles Smith , one of the Founders and First Worshi pful Master of the above Masonic lodge , upon his retirement from office , as a
token of thc sincere respect and admiration entertained by thc brethren for thc efficient manner in which he fulfilled thc duties of thai important position . In verification of which wc have subscribed our names this 16 th March , 1875 . ( Signed ) . '' Bro . Smith expressed his acknowledgement iu a few well chosen sentences , which showed that he fully appreciated the kind expressions of good will emanating
from thc brethren . Ihe lotlge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren proceeded to thc Bridge I louse Miotel , where a superb banquet awaited them . Thc retiring W . M . was unable to remain with thc brethren , having only left a sick room to discharge what to him was a solemn antl inperalivc duty ; antl his absence from thc banquet tabic was most materially felt .
HAMPTON HILL . —FRANCIS BLUDETT LODGE ( NO . 1303 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel on the 10 th inst . In consequence cf thc unavoidable absence of Bro . Col . Wi ggington , thc W . M ., the proceedings were opened by Bro . Hammond , P . M ., and VV . M . of 1512 , why kindly officiated in his stead , assisted by Bros . Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . G . S . D .
of Norfolk , J . W . ; Walls , acting S . D . ; Dcckes , J . D . ; Vinaggo , Treasurer ; Mitchell , Secretary ; Jenkins , acting I . G . ; Harrison , Tyler . Thc minutes of thc previous meeting having [ been read anil confirmed , Bro . Hammond raised Bros . Court and Vaughan to the sublime degree . Thc ceremony was well carried out . Bro . Horsley , P . M ., & c , then assumed the position of VV . M .
and passed Bro . Bennett to the degree of Fellow Craft in an excellent manner . 'The W . M ., Bro . Col . Wi gginton , having arrived , then initiated Mr . W . Taylor into the Craft with his customary ability . Thc notice of motion , given by thc VV . M . at thc last meeting , that the W . M . of the Francis Burdett Lotlge for the time being should have the sum of £ 10 10 s . voted to him to head his list as
Steward to one of the three charities , was then fully discussed , and ultimately a resolution was unanimously passed to the effect that thc VV . M . for the time being , or a member should become a Life Governor of one of thc three charities alternately . The W . \ T . nlso moved that a Masonic lending library should he formed and a Committee appointed to carry it out , consisting of the W . M ., P . M . ' s
the Wardens , the Secretary , and the 'Treasurer , who should be annually elected . 'This was seconded by the S . W . and unanimously carried . 'The W . M . further moved that a Lodge of fnstruction—to be held under the sanction of the lotlge—should he formed as soon as practicable ; this was also seconded h y the S . W ., and carried without dissent . In introducing the next and last motion on thc agenda as
to the removal of thc lotlge , on account of the insufficiency of accomodation , the . VV . M . stated that he had personally used every endeavour to obtain at the last licensing sessions a licence for the house , but on account of the strong opposition antl influence of one of thc residents , the application was refused , ami he believed that another petition woultl fare no better next year , and consequently ,
although he would rather have remained at the King ' s Arms Hotel , yet , as many of the brethren resided in town , it was necessary that some place should be obtained where the trains were more frequent , ami where adequate refreshment and other accomodation could be obtained . 1 le then called upon Bro . Horsley , P . M ., to move a resolution upon thc matier . Bro . Horsley said that as he had on
tlie last occasion brought thc matter forward at length , he shoultl not trouble the brethren with many remarks on the subject that evening , but as he had heard that there was good accomodation to be had at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham Station , and as there were frequent trains to and from town from that place he should move that the Francis Burdett Lodge should be removed to thc Albany
1 Intel , subject to the sanction anil approval of Col . Burdett , the P . G . M . of Middlesex , or to sonic other place in its vicinity . This resolution was seconded b y Bro . Saunders and unanimously carried , and a committee—consisting of the VV . M ., thc Wardens , nnd Bros . Horsley , Knaggs , and Mitchell , appointed to wait upon Col . Burdett upon thc matter , and , if his consent were obtained , to immediately
carry out thc necessary arrangements . Some minor business having been transacted the lodge was duly closed antl the brethren separated . METROPOLITAN LUIK ; E ( NO . 1507 ) . —Thc regular March meeting of this lodge was held 011 the 18 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , 269 , Pentonville-road , under the presidency of Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . J . Michael , S . W . ; T *