Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
For we form each a link in the chain that shall bind In its loving embrace , man to man , Then let none in his duty go Jagging behind , But let each do the best that he can . Chorus .
NEWPORT , MON . —Silurian Lodge , No . 471 . —The monthly meeting of the members took place at the Masonic Hall , Bro . the Rev . Samuel Fox , W . M ., and Prov . G . Chaplain , in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Wm . Oliver and W . H . Matthews , were passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons , and Mr . Win ; Henry Penymore , of
Cumbran , being in attendance , was also initiated in Masonry , both ceremonies being most correctly rendered by the W . M . This being the whole of the business , the lodge was closed in harmony . ' EAST LANCASHIRE . —i ?/ , ;// - Lodge , A o . Sis . — T '" rapidly increasing lodge , which now numbers sixty-seven members , was held at the Hulmc Town Hall , Manchester ,
on the evening of the 14 th inst ., when there was a numerous attendance both of members and visitors . Mr . William Henry Pierce , merchant , and Mr . Izydor Blum , merchant , were initialed by Bro . James Redford , the W . M . Bros . J . Richardson and A . McAllister having passed a satisfactory examination in the F . C . degree , were entrusted with a test of merit , and were afterwards
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . A substantial repast was disposed of , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with strains of melody , and after spending a delightful and fraternal evening the brethren separated in peace and harmony . COCKEKMOUTH . —Skiddaw Lodge , A ' o . 1002 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge
rooms , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . Robinson , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . This being the usual lime for electing the W . iM . and Treas . for the ensuing year , Bro . Robinson proceeded to take the ballot for them . Bros , the Rev . II . L . Puxley , was elected W . M . ; Evening , Treas . ; and Potts , Tyler . It was also resolved that the
installation be on the 21 st June . There was a good muster of the brethren on this occasion , viz ., Bros . Shilton , P . M . ; Faithfull , P . M . ; T . F . Taylor , S . W . ; Jos . Mayson , J . W . ; Pearson ( Cockermouth ) , Treas . ; Evening , S . D . ; Braithwaite , J . D . ; Pearson ( Lorton ) , l . G . ; Potts , Tyler ; R . Brown , W . Taylor , Jos . Allison , W . II . Lewthwaite and S . Thwaite . Nothing further remaining to be done ,
the lodge was closed according to ancient custom . BIRMINGHAM—Fletcher Lodge , A o . 1031 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the nth inst . Punctually at 6 o'clock-, the W . M ., Bro . E . Kent , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . W . Hale , S . W . ; II . Darwin , of the Bedford Lodge , ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . A .
Rooke ) , occupied the chair of J . W . ; C . Cooper , S . D . ; J . S . Kennedy , J . D . ; R . J . L . Brinton , l . G . ; Belcher , Org . ; and many other brethren . Bro . Dr . Partridge , P . G . O . and Senior P . M . of the lodge , acted as I . P . M . The W . M . was supported by the following visiting brethren : Bros . V . Taylor , W . M ., Bedford ; John Hutton , W . M . Faithful ; S . Cowan , W . M .
Grosvenor ; W . Wade , W . M . Unity Lodge , Warwick ; II . Darwin , Bedford Lodge ; and Rev . II . W . Croskey . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Mr . Benjamin M'Kay , was duly received into the light of Masonry , according to ancient form . The lodge was then closed in perfect harmony , after which the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , and spent a
nost happy and social evening . CONGRESHUUY , SOMERSET . —Lodge of Agriculture , A ' . 1199 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was he . 1 on Monday , the 9 th inst ., under ( lie presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . Partridge . There were also present Bros . J . 1 . Bramble , Prov . G . Reg . Bristol ; Rev . W . I lunt , Pro , G . Chaplain , Somerset , J . W . ; G . J . M .
Blackburn- , S . W . ; Capt . W . Long , Sec . and Treas . ; Dr . Kurd D . C ; T . Pitt , S . D , ; E . Linton , J . D . ; & c Bro . C » . \ - , P . G . S ., and several brethren from the St . Kew L'dgc , Weston-super-Mare , also attended . Bro . Eenund Hurd was passed to the second degree by the W . M . very ably and satisfactorily . The ceremony of raisig was postponed until the next lodge night in June ,
as U < candidate was prevented attending . The bvelhen adjouned from labour to refreshment at an early hour , and si » nt a very pleasant evening . WAJUNGTON . —Gilbert Greenall Lodge , A o . 1250 . — The reylar meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masiiic rooms , when , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ( R . W . Bro . Greenall ) , the chair was occupied
by W . Bi . Finnev , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . Mossp , S . W . ; W . Woods , J . W . ; Richardson , Treas . ; Ibvkins , Rev . N . Postin , J . Hepliard , P . M . 148 ; W . Srith , W . M . 14 S ; Pollitt , E . Aukland , T . Aukland , C » ropton , Roberts , P . Leigh , W . Robinson ( 148 ) , Cassi a ( 14 S ) , T . Pierpoint , J . II . Potter , J . Woods , Iintiiriu , and a goodly number of other brethren . The lodge was opened in form , and the
minutes of thcorcvious regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bis . T . Pierpoint , J . Woods , and J . II . Potter were se | rately passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting W . M Bro . W . Smith now assumed the chair , and the brtthrcin'ere called upon to elect their W . M . for the next twel » months . Bro . Mossop , S . W ., was declared to be thcW . M .-elect . Bro . Richardson was reelected Treasurer ; Tantes Hannah , Tyler .
BOMBAY . Lodge St George , r , 540 ( IC . C ) . —The regular meeting of the lodge was hei at Freemasons' Hall , ' Mazagon , 011 15 th March , 1870 , wen Dr . J . Lumsdaine and Mr . J . B . Larcom were initial ! into the mysteries of the first degree . An emerpney meeting of Lodge St . George was held on the zsilMarch , 1870 , for the initiation of Messrs . Gerald Fitzgrald and G , M , Stewart , and for
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
passing Bros . Atkinson , Douglas , Best , Larcom , and Lumsdaine to the F . C . degree . —Masonic Record of Western India . Lodge Concord , A o . 737 ( E . C ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on lhe 19 th March , 1 S 70 , when Mr . Husson Khan , son of Bro . Mirza Ali Acbar Khan Bahadoor , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . —Ibid .
Lodge Star of India , No . 1062 ( E . C ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 3 rd March , 1870 , when Bro . F . D . Parker , who has been a member of the lodge since its estab-I ' shment , and twice held the office of Warden , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . R . K . Williams was elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . W . Seager , as Tyler ; W . Bro . Dr . J . W . Hulsebcrg wits elected a joining member ; Bro . II . M . Collins was raised lo the sublime degree of M . M . —f / uW .
Lodge Emulation , Ao . 1100 ( E . C ) . —lhe regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 17 th March , 1870 . W . Bro . C . Beard was unanimously re-elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . T . Counsel ] , Treasurer ; and Bro . J . W . Seager , Tyler . Mr . John Hill Perrins was initiated , and Bro . H . J . Fennell passed to the F . C . degree . One candidate was
proposed for initiation . His Highness Syed Toorkey having proceeded to Muscat , communicated his wish through a brother to be placed on the absent list . The annual meeting of this well managed and prosperous lodge , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on Thursday , April 21 st , 1 S 70 , and was very numerously attended , as many as 130 members and visitors being
present , amongst whom were Right W . Bro . George Taylor , District Grand Master ; W . Bro . H . 11 . Avion , W . M . 757 , P . M . 1100 , P . D . G . R . ; Wor . Bro . C . Thwaites , P . M . 1062 , D . G . J . W . ; W . Bro . W . H , Hussey , W . M . 944 , D . G . Sec . ; W . Bro . C . Hyne , W . M . 1270 , D . G . S . W . ; W . Bro . Pcstonjee Bazonjee , W . M . nS 9 , D . G . P . ; and the following lodges
represented by brethren present . Lodge Concord ( 737 ) , Bombay ; Lodge St . George ( S 07 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Truth ( 944 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Star of India ( 1062 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Eastern Star ( 1189 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Perseverance ( 351 ) S ., Bombay ; Lodge Orion in the West ( 415 ) , Poonah ; Lodge St . David in the East ( 371 ) S ., Calcutta ; Lodge Barton ( 473 ) S ., Lanowlec ; Lodge New Forrest
( 319 ) , Lymington ; Lodge British ( 334 ) , Cape of Good Hope ; Lodge Tweed ( 261 ) S ., Kelso ; Lodge Callender ( 1032 ) , Manchester . The lodge was opened in the first degree , at 6 . 40 p . m ., with prayer and music , the brethren of the united choir of Lodges Concord ( 757 ) , and Emulation ( 1100 ) , being present , with Bro . J . Thomas , D . G . O . and Organist of the Lodge , whose abilities in the musical
profession are so well known , and whose valuable services to the Craft are highly appreciated by his Masonic brethren in Bombay . The lodge was passed to the second and then raised to lhe third degree , when the R . W . the District Grand Master was announced , received , and saluted in due and ancient form . The R . W . the D . G . M . on ascending the dais , said : Brethren , I shall
relieve your Worshipful Master of his hiram but for a few moments , and that to assure you of the pleasure it affords me to come amongst you . I should under any circumstances have been present this evening to attend the installation of your W . M .-elect , but I have on this occasion to inform you that I am about to resign that high office which I have had the honour to hold over
you for the space of nearly nine years , and I wish you to understand , that I do so , not because I am about to leave this country—not because of any unpleasantness that may have occurred during my time of office but because I think it high time I should step aside and make way for some other worthy brother . The latter announcement was received with deep regret by all
the brethren present . The R . \\ . . the D . G . M . then restored the hiram to the W . M ., and the work of the evening was proceeded with . Bro . F . Stitch was raised to the high and sublime degree . All other Masons having retired , a board of installed Masters was formed , when W . Bro . C . Beard ( who had been re-elected ) was regularly and constitutionally installed as Worshipful Master of
Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 ( E . C ) , for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was worked by the W . Bro . H . II . Avion , in a style of perfection and impressiveness , well-known lo those who have witnessed that worthy Brother . On the re-admission of the brethren the usual salutes were given , and the officers for the ensuing twelve months were appointed or invested as
follows : Bros . W . N . McCann , S . W . ; G . L . D'Emden , J . W . ; T . Cour . sell , Treasurer ; T . A . Hopewell ( reelected ) , Secretary ; ] . Thomas , Organist ; J . Hartley , D . C . ; J . limes , S . D . ; R . F . Goode , J . D . ; J . Thornson , l . G . ; f . F . Pennock , and J . S . Bennett , Stewards ; and Bro . J . W . Seager , Tyler . The W . M . briefly referred to the working of the lodge during the past year ,
ami congratulated the members on the flourishing state of their finances . A grant of R 50 was voted to a distressed Brother , and Itioo from the general fund , together with a sum to be raised by a subscription amongst the members of the lodge , for the purpose of erecting a tablet to the memory of a deceased Brother . The brethren ihen adjourned to the Banqueting Hall , where a sumptuous
dinner was provided , under lhe immediate supervision of of Pro . J . F . Binnock , Steward of the lodge . Ample justice having been done to the good things provided , and lhe cloth having been removed , the W . M . proposed in happy terms the health of her Most Gracious Majesty
the Queen , which was most loyally received , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Some capital songs were sung during the evening by Bro . J . J . Sandy and others . The last toast of O . B . given by the Right W . M . the D . G . M . to all poor and distressed Masons , at 11 , 16 p . m ., brought to a close this highly successful meeting of an Indian lodce .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , No . 720 . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the 9 th inst ., and was attended by Comps . H . C . Levander , M . E . Z . ; E . Worthington , H . ; J . Nunn , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E ; J . Read , P . Z ., and a considerable number
of members . After confimation of the minutes of preced-. ing convocation , Comps . E . Worthington was duly installed as M . E . Z . ; J . Nunn P . Z ., as II . ; and R . Harvey as J . The following officers were then invested , viz ., Comps . H . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; H . Smith , Scribe N . ; J . Thomas , P . Z . and P . G . D . C , D . C . ; the Rev . W . B . Church , P . S . ; Dr ..
Eugene Cronin , 1 st A . S . ; C . Hammerton , 2 nd A . S . : A . Perrott , Senior Steward , and G . H . N . Bridges , Junior Steward . Bro . Bradley was re-appointcd Janitor .. Ballots were then taken for Bros . James Hepburn Plastie , William Worrell and Arthur Wolton , all of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , which proving unanimous , those brethren were severally introduced and exalted to the
supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . A very handsome P . Z . jewel was presented to Comp . H . C . Levander in recognition of his services as M . E . Z ., and the Chapter was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The Companions subsequently met at banquet , when the
usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were given and responded to , and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed under the presidency of Comp . Worthington , the new M . li . Z . We are glad to note that this Chapter is rapidly gaining ground , and becoming one of the best in tlie South London district .
PROVINCIAL . CHESTER . —Grorjcrnor Chapter , No . 721 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on the 4 th inst ., at which the following Companions were present : —Comps . W . B . A . Bainbridge , Z . ; J . P . Piatt , I . P . Z . ; J . Gerrard , H . ; R . W . Worrall , J . ; I . McEvoy , S . E . ; A . J Brereton , S . N . ; W . Brown , P . S . ; II . Allsop , 1 st A . S . ;
W . M . Richmond , Janitor ; also E . L . Sellers , M . D ., D , II . Gwynne , J . Cunnah , A . McMillan , Visitors , Comps . II . Bulley ( P . Z . 537 ) , Thos . Piatt ( Z . 537 ) , W . Wade ( Z . 605 , P . Z . 477 ) , E . Friend , F . Stevens ( II . 477 ) , R . Grade ( J . 477 ) , II . Barclay , R . Ackerley ( N . 477 . ) The business before the Chapter was the exaltation of Bro . T . Hathaway , and a visitation from the Prov . Grand Chapter
represented by M . E . Comps . Capt . Cope , P . G . H . ; E . G . Willoughby , P . G J . ; Rev . F . Terry , P . G . S . E , ; G . Latham , P . G . P . S . ; W . Bulley , P . G . A S . It being the first meeting after the installation , the principal officers retained their previous positions , and lhe deputation expressed themselves highly satisfied with the manner in which the working of the Chapter had been performed ,
and stated it was their intention of visiting the other Chapiers in the province . After business the Companions retired to refreshment , during which Comp . Gerrard , M E II ., very ably gave expression to the feelings of the Companions of the Chapter , in presenting on their behalf a handsome time-piece to Comp . J . P . Piatt , P . Z ., as a recognition of the valuable assistance he has given to the
Chapter for several years , thereby placing it in a flourishing condition . LANCASTER . —Renoley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The regular convocation of ibis Chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athcna : um , Lancaster . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Bagnall , presided , and was supported by Ex . Comps . Mason , II . ; Hall , J . ; Moore ,
P . Z . ; Comps . Merscr , E . ; Whimpray , N . ; E . Simpson , Airey , Taylor , Watson ( Janitor . ) The Chapter was opened , and formal business transacted . A ballot was then taken and declared to be unanimous in favour of Bro . William Hall , ofthe Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 , as a candidate for exaltation . Bro Hall being in attendance was duly exalted to the Royal Arch degree by the M . E . Z . llie duty of P . S ., in tlie absence of lhe Companion
holding that office , being undertaken by Comp . Mercer . Ex . Comp . Moore presented to the Chapter an album containing portraits of all the members of the Chapter , which which was received by the M . E . Z . on behalf of the Companions , and a vote of thanks awarded to the donor . A candidate was pvoposcd for exaltation , and the labours of the evening being ended , the Chapter was closed in due form .
In our report of the proceedings of the Supreme Chapter of G . E . Kis ., K . H ., last week the name of Samuel Jones , K . H ., 30 , was omitted . The New Vadc Mecum ( invented and manufactured by Charles II . Vincent , optician , of 23 , Windsor * street , Liverpool ) consists of a telescope well adapted for
tourists , & c , to which is added an excellent microscope of great power and first-class definition , quite equal to others sold at ten times the price . Wonderful as it may seem , the price of this ingenious combination is only 3 s . 6 d ., and Mr . Vincent sends it ( carriage free ) anywhere , with printed directions , upon receipt of post-office order or stamps to
the amount of 3 s . iod . —[ Advt . ] GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 11070 ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and
may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee —J . L . Piilvcrmacher , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pain ? , Functional Disorders , Sec ., & c—[ Advt , ]
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
For we form each a link in the chain that shall bind In its loving embrace , man to man , Then let none in his duty go Jagging behind , But let each do the best that he can . Chorus .
NEWPORT , MON . —Silurian Lodge , No . 471 . —The monthly meeting of the members took place at the Masonic Hall , Bro . the Rev . Samuel Fox , W . M ., and Prov . G . Chaplain , in the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Wm . Oliver and W . H . Matthews , were passed to the degree of F . C . Freemasons , and Mr . Win ; Henry Penymore , of
Cumbran , being in attendance , was also initiated in Masonry , both ceremonies being most correctly rendered by the W . M . This being the whole of the business , the lodge was closed in harmony . ' EAST LANCASHIRE . —i ?/ , ;// - Lodge , A o . Sis . — T '" rapidly increasing lodge , which now numbers sixty-seven members , was held at the Hulmc Town Hall , Manchester ,
on the evening of the 14 th inst ., when there was a numerous attendance both of members and visitors . Mr . William Henry Pierce , merchant , and Mr . Izydor Blum , merchant , were initialed by Bro . James Redford , the W . M . Bros . J . Richardson and A . McAllister having passed a satisfactory examination in the F . C . degree , were entrusted with a test of merit , and were afterwards
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . A substantial repast was disposed of , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with strains of melody , and after spending a delightful and fraternal evening the brethren separated in peace and harmony . COCKEKMOUTH . —Skiddaw Lodge , A ' o . 1002 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge
rooms , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . Robinson , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . This being the usual lime for electing the W . iM . and Treas . for the ensuing year , Bro . Robinson proceeded to take the ballot for them . Bros , the Rev . II . L . Puxley , was elected W . M . ; Evening , Treas . ; and Potts , Tyler . It was also resolved that the
installation be on the 21 st June . There was a good muster of the brethren on this occasion , viz ., Bros . Shilton , P . M . ; Faithfull , P . M . ; T . F . Taylor , S . W . ; Jos . Mayson , J . W . ; Pearson ( Cockermouth ) , Treas . ; Evening , S . D . ; Braithwaite , J . D . ; Pearson ( Lorton ) , l . G . ; Potts , Tyler ; R . Brown , W . Taylor , Jos . Allison , W . II . Lewthwaite and S . Thwaite . Nothing further remaining to be done ,
the lodge was closed according to ancient custom . BIRMINGHAM—Fletcher Lodge , A o . 1031 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the nth inst . Punctually at 6 o'clock-, the W . M ., Bro . E . Kent , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . W . Hale , S . W . ; II . Darwin , of the Bedford Lodge , ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . A .
Rooke ) , occupied the chair of J . W . ; C . Cooper , S . D . ; J . S . Kennedy , J . D . ; R . J . L . Brinton , l . G . ; Belcher , Org . ; and many other brethren . Bro . Dr . Partridge , P . G . O . and Senior P . M . of the lodge , acted as I . P . M . The W . M . was supported by the following visiting brethren : Bros . V . Taylor , W . M ., Bedford ; John Hutton , W . M . Faithful ; S . Cowan , W . M .
Grosvenor ; W . Wade , W . M . Unity Lodge , Warwick ; II . Darwin , Bedford Lodge ; and Rev . II . W . Croskey . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Mr . Benjamin M'Kay , was duly received into the light of Masonry , according to ancient form . The lodge was then closed in perfect harmony , after which the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , and spent a
nost happy and social evening . CONGRESHUUY , SOMERSET . —Lodge of Agriculture , A ' . 1199 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was he . 1 on Monday , the 9 th inst ., under ( lie presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . Partridge . There were also present Bros . J . 1 . Bramble , Prov . G . Reg . Bristol ; Rev . W . I lunt , Pro , G . Chaplain , Somerset , J . W . ; G . J . M .
Blackburn- , S . W . ; Capt . W . Long , Sec . and Treas . ; Dr . Kurd D . C ; T . Pitt , S . D , ; E . Linton , J . D . ; & c Bro . C » . \ - , P . G . S ., and several brethren from the St . Kew L'dgc , Weston-super-Mare , also attended . Bro . Eenund Hurd was passed to the second degree by the W . M . very ably and satisfactorily . The ceremony of raisig was postponed until the next lodge night in June ,
as U < candidate was prevented attending . The bvelhen adjouned from labour to refreshment at an early hour , and si » nt a very pleasant evening . WAJUNGTON . —Gilbert Greenall Lodge , A o . 1250 . — The reylar meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masiiic rooms , when , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ( R . W . Bro . Greenall ) , the chair was occupied
by W . Bi . Finnev , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . Mossp , S . W . ; W . Woods , J . W . ; Richardson , Treas . ; Ibvkins , Rev . N . Postin , J . Hepliard , P . M . 148 ; W . Srith , W . M . 14 S ; Pollitt , E . Aukland , T . Aukland , C » ropton , Roberts , P . Leigh , W . Robinson ( 148 ) , Cassi a ( 14 S ) , T . Pierpoint , J . II . Potter , J . Woods , Iintiiriu , and a goodly number of other brethren . The lodge was opened in form , and the
minutes of thcorcvious regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bis . T . Pierpoint , J . Woods , and J . II . Potter were se | rately passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting W . M Bro . W . Smith now assumed the chair , and the brtthrcin'ere called upon to elect their W . M . for the next twel » months . Bro . Mossop , S . W ., was declared to be thcW . M .-elect . Bro . Richardson was reelected Treasurer ; Tantes Hannah , Tyler .
BOMBAY . Lodge St George , r , 540 ( IC . C ) . —The regular meeting of the lodge was hei at Freemasons' Hall , ' Mazagon , 011 15 th March , 1870 , wen Dr . J . Lumsdaine and Mr . J . B . Larcom were initial ! into the mysteries of the first degree . An emerpney meeting of Lodge St . George was held on the zsilMarch , 1870 , for the initiation of Messrs . Gerald Fitzgrald and G , M , Stewart , and for
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
passing Bros . Atkinson , Douglas , Best , Larcom , and Lumsdaine to the F . C . degree . —Masonic Record of Western India . Lodge Concord , A o . 737 ( E . C ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on lhe 19 th March , 1 S 70 , when Mr . Husson Khan , son of Bro . Mirza Ali Acbar Khan Bahadoor , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . —Ibid .
Lodge Star of India , No . 1062 ( E . C ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 3 rd March , 1870 , when Bro . F . D . Parker , who has been a member of the lodge since its estab-I ' shment , and twice held the office of Warden , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . R . K . Williams was elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . W . Seager , as Tyler ; W . Bro . Dr . J . W . Hulsebcrg wits elected a joining member ; Bro . II . M . Collins was raised lo the sublime degree of M . M . —f / uW .
Lodge Emulation , Ao . 1100 ( E . C ) . —lhe regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on the 17 th March , 1870 . W . Bro . C . Beard was unanimously re-elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . T . Counsel ] , Treasurer ; and Bro . J . W . Seager , Tyler . Mr . John Hill Perrins was initiated , and Bro . H . J . Fennell passed to the F . C . degree . One candidate was
proposed for initiation . His Highness Syed Toorkey having proceeded to Muscat , communicated his wish through a brother to be placed on the absent list . The annual meeting of this well managed and prosperous lodge , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on Thursday , April 21 st , 1 S 70 , and was very numerously attended , as many as 130 members and visitors being
present , amongst whom were Right W . Bro . George Taylor , District Grand Master ; W . Bro . H . 11 . Avion , W . M . 757 , P . M . 1100 , P . D . G . R . ; Wor . Bro . C . Thwaites , P . M . 1062 , D . G . J . W . ; W . Bro . W . H , Hussey , W . M . 944 , D . G . Sec . ; W . Bro . C . Hyne , W . M . 1270 , D . G . S . W . ; W . Bro . Pcstonjee Bazonjee , W . M . nS 9 , D . G . P . ; and the following lodges
represented by brethren present . Lodge Concord ( 737 ) , Bombay ; Lodge St . George ( S 07 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Truth ( 944 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Star of India ( 1062 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Eastern Star ( 1189 ) , Bombay ; Lodge Perseverance ( 351 ) S ., Bombay ; Lodge Orion in the West ( 415 ) , Poonah ; Lodge St . David in the East ( 371 ) S ., Calcutta ; Lodge Barton ( 473 ) S ., Lanowlec ; Lodge New Forrest
( 319 ) , Lymington ; Lodge British ( 334 ) , Cape of Good Hope ; Lodge Tweed ( 261 ) S ., Kelso ; Lodge Callender ( 1032 ) , Manchester . The lodge was opened in the first degree , at 6 . 40 p . m ., with prayer and music , the brethren of the united choir of Lodges Concord ( 757 ) , and Emulation ( 1100 ) , being present , with Bro . J . Thomas , D . G . O . and Organist of the Lodge , whose abilities in the musical
profession are so well known , and whose valuable services to the Craft are highly appreciated by his Masonic brethren in Bombay . The lodge was passed to the second and then raised to lhe third degree , when the R . W . the District Grand Master was announced , received , and saluted in due and ancient form . The R . W . the D . G . M . on ascending the dais , said : Brethren , I shall
relieve your Worshipful Master of his hiram but for a few moments , and that to assure you of the pleasure it affords me to come amongst you . I should under any circumstances have been present this evening to attend the installation of your W . M .-elect , but I have on this occasion to inform you that I am about to resign that high office which I have had the honour to hold over
you for the space of nearly nine years , and I wish you to understand , that I do so , not because I am about to leave this country—not because of any unpleasantness that may have occurred during my time of office but because I think it high time I should step aside and make way for some other worthy brother . The latter announcement was received with deep regret by all
the brethren present . The R . \\ . . the D . G . M . then restored the hiram to the W . M ., and the work of the evening was proceeded with . Bro . F . Stitch was raised to the high and sublime degree . All other Masons having retired , a board of installed Masters was formed , when W . Bro . C . Beard ( who had been re-elected ) was regularly and constitutionally installed as Worshipful Master of
Lodge Emulation , No . 1100 ( E . C ) , for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was worked by the W . Bro . H . II . Avion , in a style of perfection and impressiveness , well-known lo those who have witnessed that worthy Brother . On the re-admission of the brethren the usual salutes were given , and the officers for the ensuing twelve months were appointed or invested as
follows : Bros . W . N . McCann , S . W . ; G . L . D'Emden , J . W . ; T . Cour . sell , Treasurer ; T . A . Hopewell ( reelected ) , Secretary ; ] . Thomas , Organist ; J . Hartley , D . C . ; J . limes , S . D . ; R . F . Goode , J . D . ; J . Thornson , l . G . ; f . F . Pennock , and J . S . Bennett , Stewards ; and Bro . J . W . Seager , Tyler . The W . M . briefly referred to the working of the lodge during the past year ,
ami congratulated the members on the flourishing state of their finances . A grant of R 50 was voted to a distressed Brother , and Itioo from the general fund , together with a sum to be raised by a subscription amongst the members of the lodge , for the purpose of erecting a tablet to the memory of a deceased Brother . The brethren ihen adjourned to the Banqueting Hall , where a sumptuous
dinner was provided , under lhe immediate supervision of of Pro . J . F . Binnock , Steward of the lodge . Ample justice having been done to the good things provided , and lhe cloth having been removed , the W . M . proposed in happy terms the health of her Most Gracious Majesty
the Queen , which was most loyally received , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Some capital songs were sung during the evening by Bro . J . J . Sandy and others . The last toast of O . B . given by the Right W . M . the D . G . M . to all poor and distressed Masons , at 11 , 16 p . m ., brought to a close this highly successful meeting of an Indian lodce .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , No . 720 . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the 9 th inst ., and was attended by Comps . H . C . Levander , M . E . Z . ; E . Worthington , H . ; J . Nunn , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E ; J . Read , P . Z ., and a considerable number
of members . After confimation of the minutes of preced-. ing convocation , Comps . E . Worthington was duly installed as M . E . Z . ; J . Nunn P . Z ., as II . ; and R . Harvey as J . The following officers were then invested , viz ., Comps . H . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; H . Smith , Scribe N . ; J . Thomas , P . Z . and P . G . D . C , D . C . ; the Rev . W . B . Church , P . S . ; Dr ..
Eugene Cronin , 1 st A . S . ; C . Hammerton , 2 nd A . S . : A . Perrott , Senior Steward , and G . H . N . Bridges , Junior Steward . Bro . Bradley was re-appointcd Janitor .. Ballots were then taken for Bros . James Hepburn Plastie , William Worrell and Arthur Wolton , all of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , which proving unanimous , those brethren were severally introduced and exalted to the
supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . A very handsome P . Z . jewel was presented to Comp . H . C . Levander in recognition of his services as M . E . Z ., and the Chapter was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The Companions subsequently met at banquet , when the
usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were given and responded to , and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed under the presidency of Comp . Worthington , the new M . li . Z . We are glad to note that this Chapter is rapidly gaining ground , and becoming one of the best in tlie South London district .
PROVINCIAL . CHESTER . —Grorjcrnor Chapter , No . 721 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on the 4 th inst ., at which the following Companions were present : —Comps . W . B . A . Bainbridge , Z . ; J . P . Piatt , I . P . Z . ; J . Gerrard , H . ; R . W . Worrall , J . ; I . McEvoy , S . E . ; A . J Brereton , S . N . ; W . Brown , P . S . ; II . Allsop , 1 st A . S . ;
W . M . Richmond , Janitor ; also E . L . Sellers , M . D ., D , II . Gwynne , J . Cunnah , A . McMillan , Visitors , Comps . II . Bulley ( P . Z . 537 ) , Thos . Piatt ( Z . 537 ) , W . Wade ( Z . 605 , P . Z . 477 ) , E . Friend , F . Stevens ( II . 477 ) , R . Grade ( J . 477 ) , II . Barclay , R . Ackerley ( N . 477 . ) The business before the Chapter was the exaltation of Bro . T . Hathaway , and a visitation from the Prov . Grand Chapter
represented by M . E . Comps . Capt . Cope , P . G . H . ; E . G . Willoughby , P . G J . ; Rev . F . Terry , P . G . S . E , ; G . Latham , P . G . P . S . ; W . Bulley , P . G . A S . It being the first meeting after the installation , the principal officers retained their previous positions , and lhe deputation expressed themselves highly satisfied with the manner in which the working of the Chapter had been performed ,
and stated it was their intention of visiting the other Chapiers in the province . After business the Companions retired to refreshment , during which Comp . Gerrard , M E II ., very ably gave expression to the feelings of the Companions of the Chapter , in presenting on their behalf a handsome time-piece to Comp . J . P . Piatt , P . Z ., as a recognition of the valuable assistance he has given to the
Chapter for several years , thereby placing it in a flourishing condition . LANCASTER . —Renoley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The regular convocation of ibis Chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athcna : um , Lancaster . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Bagnall , presided , and was supported by Ex . Comps . Mason , II . ; Hall , J . ; Moore ,
P . Z . ; Comps . Merscr , E . ; Whimpray , N . ; E . Simpson , Airey , Taylor , Watson ( Janitor . ) The Chapter was opened , and formal business transacted . A ballot was then taken and declared to be unanimous in favour of Bro . William Hall , ofthe Lodge of Fortitude , No . 2 S 1 , as a candidate for exaltation . Bro Hall being in attendance was duly exalted to the Royal Arch degree by the M . E . Z . llie duty of P . S ., in tlie absence of lhe Companion
holding that office , being undertaken by Comp . Mercer . Ex . Comp . Moore presented to the Chapter an album containing portraits of all the members of the Chapter , which which was received by the M . E . Z . on behalf of the Companions , and a vote of thanks awarded to the donor . A candidate was pvoposcd for exaltation , and the labours of the evening being ended , the Chapter was closed in due form .
In our report of the proceedings of the Supreme Chapter of G . E . Kis ., K . H ., last week the name of Samuel Jones , K . H ., 30 , was omitted . The New Vadc Mecum ( invented and manufactured by Charles II . Vincent , optician , of 23 , Windsor * street , Liverpool ) consists of a telescope well adapted for
tourists , & c , to which is added an excellent microscope of great power and first-class definition , quite equal to others sold at ten times the price . Wonderful as it may seem , the price of this ingenious combination is only 3 s . 6 d ., and Mr . Vincent sends it ( carriage free ) anywhere , with printed directions , upon receipt of post-office order or stamps to
the amount of 3 s . iod . —[ Advt . ] GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 11070 ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and
may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee —J . L . Piilvcrmacher , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pain ? , Functional Disorders , Sec ., & c—[ Advt , ]