Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Foreign and Colonial Agents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BUSINESS to de TRANSACTED in GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate oixuscfiy Haifa-million per annum , offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason is now the accepted organ ofthe Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
• r AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENXAN , 11 4 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BUITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times . EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WVMAN BROS . Bombay : Bro . M . B . COUEN . Byeulla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . Kurrachec : Bro . G . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhow : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEF .. Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS . r : A T ATA . Incra- T . ' inxt P « r . MPn ; . . lUll 311 Vlll ! 1111
U . ... . J . . . *^^ . .., , A * .. V .-J < IILIJ . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECIIEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near the Font Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . WEST ' INDIES : Jamaica : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth . Trinidad : Bros . S . CARTER and J LEWIS , 3 , Abercrombic-strcct , Port of Spain ; and Bro . W . A . KERNAHAN , San Fernando . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DEA TIL SIMEON . —Recently , Tiro . Sir John Simeon , Bart ., M . P . Past Prov . Grand Master for Isle of Wight .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . M . M . — In London the " proving" is done by the proper knocks on the door . You do not say which mode is practised in Derby . ETA . —Wc have answered your query under '' Multum in Parvo . "
The Freemason , SATURDAY , MAY 28 , 1870 .
THE KKKI-MASON is publ slictl on Saturday Morninjjs in time for lie early trains . Tlie price til" Tin : FKEE . MASON is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) « . 3 d . ^ Annual Subscription , is . Subscriptions payable in advance . - Ail communications , letters , & c , to be addressed lo the EDITOR , B , 3 , and 4 , Little JJriiain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage Stamp- ; .
Business To De Transacted In Grand Lodge.
AT the next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , which will be holden on the 1 st clay of June , several important subjects
arc likely to be discussed , and in accordance with our usual custom we place the programme before our readers .
After the confirmation of the minutes of several meetings , "The M . W . Grand Master will announce that he has appointed Ero . William Ough , late Grand Pursuivant , to
take rank as , and wear the clothing of , a Past Grand Pursuivant . " With reference to this we need only say that Bro . Ough has always discharged his onerous duties well and zealously , and is fairly entitled to the
position which the Grand Master has been pleased to confer upon him . The next business will be the election of members of the Board of General Purposes , and here we must raise a protest against the
practice which prevails amongst certain brethren of preparing a ready-made list of all the members to be elected , in the hope that none others may be proposed , and that their entire list may be elected . This is a
most objectionable interference with the privileges of Grand Lodge , and pre-supposes a degree of apathy on the part of its members which we are glad to say no longer exists . No doubt it saves trouble to have
everything cut and dried , but in this particular instance we believe it to be a mistaken policy . No brother ought to be allowed to propose more than one candidate , and then we should really know who were the nominators
of those who compose what is , we believe erroneously , called the official list . As a practical expression of their feelings on the subject , and to show that they are independent men , we invite the members of Grand
Lodge to vote for three brethren whose names are NOT to be found on the readymade list , but who are all true and tried servants of the Craft . Wc allude to Bros . FREDERICK WALTERS , W . M . 1309 :
HENRY CHARLES LEVANDER , M . A ., W . M . 507 , P . M . 632 and 928 ; and GEORGE S . STATES , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 145 , We detest cliqueism , and while bearing willing testimony to the merits of many of
the brethren proposed for the Board of General Purposes , we feel bound to say that there are others nominated who are to all intents and purposes such perfect
nonentities that we might just as well place figures of wax upon the Board . We therefore exhort all who value freedom of election to note the names which we
have indicated above , and to vote accordingly . After the election of the members of the Board of General Purposes , will follow the
election of the Colonial Board and the Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and then the report of the present Board of General Purposes , which contains nothing that calls for comment .
Bro . Nunn , P . G . S . B ., will then move that the following form of certificate be adopted with the view of facilitating the work of the Lodge of Benevolence : — " Certificate to be sent with every Application for
Relief from the Lodge of Benevolence . '' That the Master or visiting brother of any lodge recommending a case for relief at the Ledge of Benevolence shall certify in writing , under his signature , to the actual condition of the applicant , his
age , profession or calling , means of subsistence , what aid he receives from his family , his future prospects , the position he has held in the Craft , and any matter that may guide the Lodge of Benevolence in adjusting the distribution of relief from its funds .
The application of widows or children to be accompanied with a like certificate so far as practicable , with the probable disposal of the funds if relieved .
Masters of lodges or visiuvy * brethren Arc earnestly requested to forward the fullest particulars of each case , to enable the Lodge of Benevolence to relieve the applicants to the utmost extent of its means . "
The next business will be , " to consider the appointment of the Committee respectthe uniformity of working , " and we trust that some definite progress will now be
made to ensure a consummation so devoutly to be wished as the abolition of those atrocious anachronisms and historical inaccuracies which have crept into the Masonic
ritual . A few educated men would soon purge the ceremonies of those grammatical errors which are painfully visible in some portions of the ceremonies , and the Order
generally would benefit by such a purifying process . We commend the careful consideration of the whole subject to Bro . Stevens
and others who have taken an active part in promoting the movement for uniformity . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart will then
move : — " That inasmuch as the Freemasons' Hall and buildings have been built out ofthe funds belonging to the Craft , that on and after the 24 th June next the
respective rents now paid by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , the Royal Masonic Girls' School , and the Royal Masonic Boys' School , shall cease
and determine , and that the same accommodation as now afforded them , in all respects , shall be continued for the benefit of such Institutions , free of all charge whatsoever . "
This motion has our cordial support , and is sure to be carried by Grand Lodge , the charities being in quite a different position to the lodges occupying rooms in
Freemasons Hall , as the former pertain to the entire English Craft , while the latter enjoy accommodation which is strictly local , and not available for the provincial brethren .
The same brother will call attention to the " want of proper arrangements for the identification and admission of brethren at the Grand Lodge on the 14 th inst ., and
the subject will doubtless be referred to the Board of General Purposes , whose province it is , we conceive , to frame such rules as will ensure the observance of better order
and regularity on similar occasions in future . The usual proposition by Bro . Udall , that £ 50 be given to provide the
inmates of the Croydon Asylum with coah will then be made , and of course the amoun ' will be granted without demur .
Bro . Mason will move that an organ tlat be provided for Grand Lodge ; and B * o . Nunn has a notice of motion that will rejoice the heart of the Grand Lodge prater .
The appeal of Bro . Bease against his expulsion from the Craft stands next on tie agenda , and we sincerely trust it will , be fairly and impartially considered . Fpm
what we know of the case , having read at the correspondence in Bro . Bease ' s papei ' the Masonic Record of Western Indji , we entertain the conviction that Bro , Bease
has been treated with unmerited h . fshncss , and there is little doubt that the decision by which he was thrust out of Freemasonry will be reversed by the Grand Lodge of England . >
There is another appeal , respecting the merits of which we know nothipg , but the brethren may rest assured thaVa lucid and exhaustive abstract ofthe casAvill be
presented to them by our able Gnnd Registrar , Bro . Mclntyre . / With these appeals the bigness of Grand
Lodge closes , and , as our readers may perceive , it is of a varied and somewhat interest , ing character . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate oixuscfiy Haifa-million per annum , offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason is now the accepted organ ofthe Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
Foreign And Colonial Agents.
Foreign and Colonial Agents .
• r AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENXAN , 11 4 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio . „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . GEORGE BUITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON : Messrs . W . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times . EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WVMAN BROS . Bombay : Bro . M . B . COUEN . Byeulla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . Kurrachec : Bro . G . C . BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mhow : Bro . COWASJEE NUSSERWANJEF .. Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS . r : A T ATA . Incra- T . ' inxt P « r . MPn ; . . lUll 311 Vlll ! 1111
U . ... . J . . . *^^ . .., , A * .. V .-J < IILIJ . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECIIEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near the Font Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Macon . WEST ' INDIES : Jamaica : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth . Trinidad : Bros . S . CARTER and J LEWIS , 3 , Abercrombic-strcct , Port of Spain ; and Bro . W . A . KERNAHAN , San Fernando . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
DEA TIL SIMEON . —Recently , Tiro . Sir John Simeon , Bart ., M . P . Past Prov . Grand Master for Isle of Wight .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . M . M . — In London the " proving" is done by the proper knocks on the door . You do not say which mode is practised in Derby . ETA . —Wc have answered your query under '' Multum in Parvo . "
The Freemason , SATURDAY , MAY 28 , 1870 .
THE KKKI-MASON is publ slictl on Saturday Morninjjs in time for lie early trains . Tlie price til" Tin : FKEE . MASON is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) « . 3 d . ^ Annual Subscription , is . Subscriptions payable in advance . - Ail communications , letters , & c , to be addressed lo the EDITOR , B , 3 , and 4 , Little JJriiain , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage Stamp- ; .
Business To De Transacted In Grand Lodge.
AT the next Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , which will be holden on the 1 st clay of June , several important subjects
arc likely to be discussed , and in accordance with our usual custom we place the programme before our readers .
After the confirmation of the minutes of several meetings , "The M . W . Grand Master will announce that he has appointed Ero . William Ough , late Grand Pursuivant , to
take rank as , and wear the clothing of , a Past Grand Pursuivant . " With reference to this we need only say that Bro . Ough has always discharged his onerous duties well and zealously , and is fairly entitled to the
position which the Grand Master has been pleased to confer upon him . The next business will be the election of members of the Board of General Purposes , and here we must raise a protest against the
practice which prevails amongst certain brethren of preparing a ready-made list of all the members to be elected , in the hope that none others may be proposed , and that their entire list may be elected . This is a
most objectionable interference with the privileges of Grand Lodge , and pre-supposes a degree of apathy on the part of its members which we are glad to say no longer exists . No doubt it saves trouble to have
everything cut and dried , but in this particular instance we believe it to be a mistaken policy . No brother ought to be allowed to propose more than one candidate , and then we should really know who were the nominators
of those who compose what is , we believe erroneously , called the official list . As a practical expression of their feelings on the subject , and to show that they are independent men , we invite the members of Grand
Lodge to vote for three brethren whose names are NOT to be found on the readymade list , but who are all true and tried servants of the Craft . Wc allude to Bros . FREDERICK WALTERS , W . M . 1309 :
HENRY CHARLES LEVANDER , M . A ., W . M . 507 , P . M . 632 and 928 ; and GEORGE S . STATES , Past Grand Steward , P . M . 145 , We detest cliqueism , and while bearing willing testimony to the merits of many of
the brethren proposed for the Board of General Purposes , we feel bound to say that there are others nominated who are to all intents and purposes such perfect
nonentities that we might just as well place figures of wax upon the Board . We therefore exhort all who value freedom of election to note the names which we
have indicated above , and to vote accordingly . After the election of the members of the Board of General Purposes , will follow the
election of the Colonial Board and the Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and then the report of the present Board of General Purposes , which contains nothing that calls for comment .
Bro . Nunn , P . G . S . B ., will then move that the following form of certificate be adopted with the view of facilitating the work of the Lodge of Benevolence : — " Certificate to be sent with every Application for
Relief from the Lodge of Benevolence . '' That the Master or visiting brother of any lodge recommending a case for relief at the Ledge of Benevolence shall certify in writing , under his signature , to the actual condition of the applicant , his
age , profession or calling , means of subsistence , what aid he receives from his family , his future prospects , the position he has held in the Craft , and any matter that may guide the Lodge of Benevolence in adjusting the distribution of relief from its funds .
The application of widows or children to be accompanied with a like certificate so far as practicable , with the probable disposal of the funds if relieved .
Masters of lodges or visiuvy * brethren Arc earnestly requested to forward the fullest particulars of each case , to enable the Lodge of Benevolence to relieve the applicants to the utmost extent of its means . "
The next business will be , " to consider the appointment of the Committee respectthe uniformity of working , " and we trust that some definite progress will now be
made to ensure a consummation so devoutly to be wished as the abolition of those atrocious anachronisms and historical inaccuracies which have crept into the Masonic
ritual . A few educated men would soon purge the ceremonies of those grammatical errors which are painfully visible in some portions of the ceremonies , and the Order
generally would benefit by such a purifying process . We commend the careful consideration of the whole subject to Bro . Stevens
and others who have taken an active part in promoting the movement for uniformity . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart will then
move : — " That inasmuch as the Freemasons' Hall and buildings have been built out ofthe funds belonging to the Craft , that on and after the 24 th June next the
respective rents now paid by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , the Royal Masonic Girls' School , and the Royal Masonic Boys' School , shall cease
and determine , and that the same accommodation as now afforded them , in all respects , shall be continued for the benefit of such Institutions , free of all charge whatsoever . "
This motion has our cordial support , and is sure to be carried by Grand Lodge , the charities being in quite a different position to the lodges occupying rooms in
Freemasons Hall , as the former pertain to the entire English Craft , while the latter enjoy accommodation which is strictly local , and not available for the provincial brethren .
The same brother will call attention to the " want of proper arrangements for the identification and admission of brethren at the Grand Lodge on the 14 th inst ., and
the subject will doubtless be referred to the Board of General Purposes , whose province it is , we conceive , to frame such rules as will ensure the observance of better order
and regularity on similar occasions in future . The usual proposition by Bro . Udall , that £ 50 be given to provide the
inmates of the Croydon Asylum with coah will then be made , and of course the amoun ' will be granted without demur .
Bro . Mason will move that an organ tlat be provided for Grand Lodge ; and B * o . Nunn has a notice of motion that will rejoice the heart of the Grand Lodge prater .
The appeal of Bro . Bease against his expulsion from the Craft stands next on tie agenda , and we sincerely trust it will , be fairly and impartially considered . Fpm
what we know of the case , having read at the correspondence in Bro . Bease ' s papei ' the Masonic Record of Western Indji , we entertain the conviction that Bro , Bease
has been treated with unmerited h . fshncss , and there is little doubt that the decision by which he was thrust out of Freemasonry will be reversed by the Grand Lodge of England . >
There is another appeal , respecting the merits of which we know nothipg , but the brethren may rest assured thaVa lucid and exhaustive abstract ofthe casAvill be
presented to them by our able Gnnd Registrar , Bro . Mclntyre . / With these appeals the bigness of Grand
Lodge closes , and , as our readers may perceive , it is of a varied and somewhat interest , ing character . ;