Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Brethren desirous of assisting and supporting BRO . GORDON SMITH ( M . A . ) , P . G . S . Eng ., P . M . 2041 , AV . M . 14 , Member of the Board of General Purposes , & c , & c , in his Candidature for the Secretaryship of the Institution , are requested to kindly send their names to BRO . EUGENE MONTEUUIS , P . M . 14 , 2060 , 2243 , P . G . S ., G . Swd . B . Eng ., & c , & c , Hon . Sec . to the Committee , 2 , Paper Buildings , Temple , E . C . December 10 th , 1889 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION OF SECRETARY . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS . Committee Rooms , Evershot , Dorchester . BRO . BASKETT'S COMMITTEE wish to express their thanks for the very numerous and influential promises alread y received , and to ask any other Brethren and Voters who are willing to support BRO . BASKETT to send in their names as soon as possible to W . DOUGLAS DUGDALE , 17 th December . 1880 . Hon . Sec .
OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS . BRETHREN desirous of supporting the Candidature of BRO . ALFRED CRAVEN GREENAVOOD , Assist . Prov . Grand Secretary , Surrey , in the event of a vacancy in the Secretaryship , are respectfully solicited to forward their Names to Bro . CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Prov . Grand Secretary , Surrey , 12 Serjeant ' s Inn , Temple , E . C .
LONDON & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY . NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . On MONDAY , 30 th December , a CHEAP EXCURSION for Four and Eight Days win be run to CARLISLE , Dum fries , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Greenock , and Gourock " leaving Euston 9 . 0 p . m ., Broad-street S . 25 p . m ., Dalston S . 30 p . m ., Kensington 8 . 42 p . m ., and Willesden 9 . 12 p . m . By this Excursion Train Tickets at Single Fares for the Double journey will be issued to the places named , available to return on any day within Eight Days . For further particulars , see Bills , which can be obtained at the Railway Stations and Parcels Receiving Offices of the Company , and from Messrs . Gaze and Son , 142 , Strand . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , December , 1 SS 9 .
THE GERM THEORY AND CURE OF DISEASES . Hotel Victoria , London , W . C , September 20 th , iSSp . RADAM ' MICROBE KILLER Co . Gentlemen , —In justice to you I will state I have been taking your wonderful remedy , the MICROBE KILLER , for a very characteristic case of gout ( podagra ) in my left foot , complicated with general rheumatic symptoms . As an external remedy it gave me almost immediate relief from the great heat and pains in the foot , when all other local applications heretofore used had failed . I have been taking it also internally , and have every reason to believe that , as an internal remedy , it assisted in removing all symptoms of the gout . I have been undergoing your treatment so short a time , and such quick relief afforded , that from my own experience I can cheerfully and heartily recommend it to all suffering from rheumatism and gout as an extraordinary remedy . I am , yours sincerely , FREDK . H . WINSTON , Late United States Minister to His Majesty the Shah of Persia . WM . RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER , 111 , OXFORD STREET LONDON , W . Pamphlets and Testimonials of cures made free on application .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M ., P . Z ., P . M . W . S . Rose Croix ) , Professor of Latin , "The College , " South Kensington , is open to Engagements at Literary Institutions , Schools , & c , to deliver his popular Lecture on " Paris and the Exhibition , 1 SS 9 " ( from Notes taken during a personal visit ) , profusely illustrated with Dissolving Views of the chief objects of interest . The Lecturer will be assisted by a well-known Musical Entertainer . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS AND LIFE GOVERNORS OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The Friends and Supporters of BROTHER EDWIN STORR , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , request you to kindly note that should a vacancy occur , he will , at tl . e proper time , duly offer himself a Candidate for the post of Secretary . Chairman of Committee : R . W . BRO . SIR R . N . FOWLER , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England . Copies of the formal application of Bro . EDWIN STOKR stating his Masonic services , together with copies of Testimonials from the General Manager of the London ancl County Bank , and Messrs . James Pain and Sons , covering the past eighteen years , will be forwarded with pleasure if desired . By order of the Committee . W . M . STILES , W . M . 1987 , M . E . Z . 19 , & c , Committee Rooms , Hon . Sec . Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C , December 6 th , iSSg .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
AVe are again reluctantly compelled to omit a large number of lodge reports and other communications of importance . Our summary of the year and the chronology of important events , which we venture to think will be found both interesting to the reader of to-day and useful to the Masonic historian of the future , have the first claim , and vve must ask the indulgence of our correspondents and readers until our next appearance . BOOKS , See , RECEIVED . "Victorian Freemason , " "The Tyler , " "Keystone , " and "Canadian Craftsman . "
flDasomc Uflotes . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1889 . A
In wishing all our friends a Happy Christinas , vve performed last week one of the special duties which devolve on us at this season . We now fulfil the other imperative duty of the moment and wish them , with
equal sincerity , a Happy New Year . May good fortune attend them in all their enterprises , and may those who have fared indifferently during the current year , recover their position , and those who have prospered become more prosperous still .
Happily there are not many lodges which are able to include among their many and varied experiences the destruction by earthquake of their lodge quarters ^ and furniture . Cataclysms , earthquakes , volcanic eruptions ,
& c , are very unpleasant experiences when they come home to you and give you an opportunity of practicall y knowing what it is to have your home tumbling about your ears .
* * * Such an experience , however , befel the New Zealand Pacific Lodge , No . 517 , during the earlier years of its existence . This lodge , which was warranted , according
to Grand Lodge Calendar , in 1845 , commenced working under a dispensation in November , 1842 . So , at least , we are told in Bro . George Robertson ' s recently published history of No . 517 .
For nearly six years New Zealand Pacific carried on its duties with considerable success , but in October , 1848 , Port Nicholson , where it held its meetings , was almost wholly destroyed by an earthquake , which is described as having been the most severe " ever
experienced by the white residents or remembered by the Maoris . " The storm which heralded the approach of this terrible catastrophe broke on Friday , the 13 th October . On the following Monday the Wellington Independent , as quoted by Bro . Robinson , records that about 3 p . m . " a distinct hollow roar was heard , the
sound travelling at a most rapid rate , and almost instantaneously , in the course of a few seconds of time , the whole town was labouring from the most severe shock of an earthquake . . . . The scene can never be described . The crashing of houses , the fall o
bricks , the hurrying to and fro of women and children , and the incessant wave-like motion of the earth , producing a chill at the heart and dreadful feeling of sickness , were more than sufficient to appal the stoutestminded in the place . "
The shocks continued on the 19 th—on which day " the New Zealand Pacific lodge room and furniture were completely wrecked " —20 th , 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th October , and we are told that " all brick and stone buildings were totally destroyed , but fortunately the
loss of life was very small considering the amount of damage done . " Business was , however , at a complete standstill for over a week . " The 20 th October , by command of the Lieutenant-Governor , was set apart as " a day of public fast , prayer , and humiliation . "
Beyond the money loss caused by the earthquake , however , the lodge does not appear to have sustained damage , and in 1849 vve find it working away diligently , but at the same time paying more attention than usual to the " prompt payment of dues . "
Bro . W . H . Cooper , P . M ., of Auckland , New Zealand , is a hard man to please . Bro . Fenwick , D . G . Sec . ( E . C . ) Queensland , in the manifesto which he issued some time ago , and which appeared in these columns , enumerated among other advantages resulting
from the connection of colonial lodges with our Grand Lodge , that the children of deceased or indigent brethren , as well as indigent brethren and their widows ,
were elig ible to be admitted into our Institution , and he would like to know if any New Zealand case succeeded in being elected . ± * *
We have much p leasure in informing Bro . Cooper , in corroboration of Bro . Fenwick ' s statement , that a g irl hailing from the Colony of Victoria obtained the highest place on the poll at the Girls' School Election in April last , while at the Boys' School Election the
same month a New South Wales candidate was elected , being second on the poll with a total of 2784 votes . At the latter election there was also a candidate from
Jersey and Ceylon who succeeded in obtaining the 19 th place , and with it admission into the School , the number of votes polled for him being 2189 . * * *
We cannot point to other cases of election from the colonies because it takes time to go through the returns of the various polls . But vve are in a position to state that a short time ago there were four male and six widow annuitants hailing from the colonies , receiving
the benefits of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; that in the list of Subscribers to the Girls ' School , issued early in the current year , there were 11 girls from foreign parts , India , Hong Kong , the West Indies , Gibraltar , Malta , and Tasmania , while in the
Boys' School list for 188 9 there are seven boys entered as hailing from abroad , one being from Hong Kong , one from Montreal , one from India , two from Malta , one from the Cape of Good Hope , one from Hobart Town ( Tasmania ) , and one from LyHelton , New Zealand .
* * * There ' s for you , Brother Cooper , and vve trust after this that you will not stigmatise as a worthless advantage to colonial brethren that they should be connected
with our Grand Lodge . The facts we have given show that they can succeed in obtaining for their candidates the benefits of our Institutions . * * *
A Masonic contemporary refers to several volumes having been published during the year from the pens of W . // . Hughan and John Jane—such is fame 1 The purchase of Utica Driving Park , which has been selected as the site of the proposed Masonic Home in
the State of New York , has been completed , the sum agreed upon having been paid , and the deed of conveyance having been received by the Officers of the Grand Lodge . The amount paid was 50 , 000 dollars
(^ 10 , 000 ) , of which 30 , 000 dollars (^ 6000 ) was the g ift of the brethren of Utica , while the remaining 20 , 000 dollars ( , £ 4000 ) was appropriated from the funds of Grand Lodge by formal resolution .
* * * The following are the salaries paid to sundry of the Grand Officers of California , namely . Grand Master ,
§ 200 ; Grand Secretary , !? 3000 ; Assistant Grand Secretary , # 2000 ; Grand Organist , § 50 ; Grand Tyler , Sioo ; Chairman of Committee of Correspondence , # 250 ; and Grand Lecturer , § 10 per day , not to exceed ijiooo per annum .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Brethren desirous of assisting and supporting BRO . GORDON SMITH ( M . A . ) , P . G . S . Eng ., P . M . 2041 , AV . M . 14 , Member of the Board of General Purposes , & c , & c , in his Candidature for the Secretaryship of the Institution , are requested to kindly send their names to BRO . EUGENE MONTEUUIS , P . M . 14 , 2060 , 2243 , P . G . S ., G . Swd . B . Eng ., & c , & c , Hon . Sec . to the Committee , 2 , Paper Buildings , Temple , E . C . December 10 th , 1889 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION OF SECRETARY . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS . Committee Rooms , Evershot , Dorchester . BRO . BASKETT'S COMMITTEE wish to express their thanks for the very numerous and influential promises alread y received , and to ask any other Brethren and Voters who are willing to support BRO . BASKETT to send in their names as soon as possible to W . DOUGLAS DUGDALE , 17 th December . 1880 . Hon . Sec .
OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS , AND LIFE GOVERNORS . BRETHREN desirous of supporting the Candidature of BRO . ALFRED CRAVEN GREENAVOOD , Assist . Prov . Grand Secretary , Surrey , in the event of a vacancy in the Secretaryship , are respectfully solicited to forward their Names to Bro . CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Prov . Grand Secretary , Surrey , 12 Serjeant ' s Inn , Temple , E . C .
LONDON & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY . NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . On MONDAY , 30 th December , a CHEAP EXCURSION for Four and Eight Days win be run to CARLISLE , Dum fries , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Greenock , and Gourock " leaving Euston 9 . 0 p . m ., Broad-street S . 25 p . m ., Dalston S . 30 p . m ., Kensington 8 . 42 p . m ., and Willesden 9 . 12 p . m . By this Excursion Train Tickets at Single Fares for the Double journey will be issued to the places named , available to return on any day within Eight Days . For further particulars , see Bills , which can be obtained at the Railway Stations and Parcels Receiving Offices of the Company , and from Messrs . Gaze and Son , 142 , Strand . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , December , 1 SS 9 .
THE GERM THEORY AND CURE OF DISEASES . Hotel Victoria , London , W . C , September 20 th , iSSp . RADAM ' MICROBE KILLER Co . Gentlemen , —In justice to you I will state I have been taking your wonderful remedy , the MICROBE KILLER , for a very characteristic case of gout ( podagra ) in my left foot , complicated with general rheumatic symptoms . As an external remedy it gave me almost immediate relief from the great heat and pains in the foot , when all other local applications heretofore used had failed . I have been taking it also internally , and have every reason to believe that , as an internal remedy , it assisted in removing all symptoms of the gout . I have been undergoing your treatment so short a time , and such quick relief afforded , that from my own experience I can cheerfully and heartily recommend it to all suffering from rheumatism and gout as an extraordinary remedy . I am , yours sincerely , FREDK . H . WINSTON , Late United States Minister to His Majesty the Shah of Persia . WM . RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER , 111 , OXFORD STREET LONDON , W . Pamphlets and Testimonials of cures made free on application .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M ., P . Z ., P . M . W . S . Rose Croix ) , Professor of Latin , "The College , " South Kensington , is open to Engagements at Literary Institutions , Schools , & c , to deliver his popular Lecture on " Paris and the Exhibition , 1 SS 9 " ( from Notes taken during a personal visit ) , profusely illustrated with Dissolving Views of the chief objects of interest . The Lecturer will be assisted by a well-known Musical Entertainer . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
ROYA L MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . To THE PATRONS , VICE-PATRONS , VICE-PRESIDENTS AND LIFE GOVERNORS OF THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The Friends and Supporters of BROTHER EDWIN STORR , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , request you to kindly note that should a vacancy occur , he will , at tl . e proper time , duly offer himself a Candidate for the post of Secretary . Chairman of Committee : R . W . BRO . SIR R . N . FOWLER , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden of England . Copies of the formal application of Bro . EDWIN STOKR stating his Masonic services , together with copies of Testimonials from the General Manager of the London ancl County Bank , and Messrs . James Pain and Sons , covering the past eighteen years , will be forwarded with pleasure if desired . By order of the Committee . W . M . STILES , W . M . 1987 , M . E . Z . 19 , & c , Committee Rooms , Hon . Sec . Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C , December 6 th , iSSg .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
AVe are again reluctantly compelled to omit a large number of lodge reports and other communications of importance . Our summary of the year and the chronology of important events , which we venture to think will be found both interesting to the reader of to-day and useful to the Masonic historian of the future , have the first claim , and vve must ask the indulgence of our correspondents and readers until our next appearance . BOOKS , See , RECEIVED . "Victorian Freemason , " "The Tyler , " "Keystone , " and "Canadian Craftsman . "
flDasomc Uflotes . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1889 . A
In wishing all our friends a Happy Christinas , vve performed last week one of the special duties which devolve on us at this season . We now fulfil the other imperative duty of the moment and wish them , with
equal sincerity , a Happy New Year . May good fortune attend them in all their enterprises , and may those who have fared indifferently during the current year , recover their position , and those who have prospered become more prosperous still .
Happily there are not many lodges which are able to include among their many and varied experiences the destruction by earthquake of their lodge quarters ^ and furniture . Cataclysms , earthquakes , volcanic eruptions ,
& c , are very unpleasant experiences when they come home to you and give you an opportunity of practicall y knowing what it is to have your home tumbling about your ears .
* * * Such an experience , however , befel the New Zealand Pacific Lodge , No . 517 , during the earlier years of its existence . This lodge , which was warranted , according
to Grand Lodge Calendar , in 1845 , commenced working under a dispensation in November , 1842 . So , at least , we are told in Bro . George Robertson ' s recently published history of No . 517 .
For nearly six years New Zealand Pacific carried on its duties with considerable success , but in October , 1848 , Port Nicholson , where it held its meetings , was almost wholly destroyed by an earthquake , which is described as having been the most severe " ever
experienced by the white residents or remembered by the Maoris . " The storm which heralded the approach of this terrible catastrophe broke on Friday , the 13 th October . On the following Monday the Wellington Independent , as quoted by Bro . Robinson , records that about 3 p . m . " a distinct hollow roar was heard , the
sound travelling at a most rapid rate , and almost instantaneously , in the course of a few seconds of time , the whole town was labouring from the most severe shock of an earthquake . . . . The scene can never be described . The crashing of houses , the fall o
bricks , the hurrying to and fro of women and children , and the incessant wave-like motion of the earth , producing a chill at the heart and dreadful feeling of sickness , were more than sufficient to appal the stoutestminded in the place . "
The shocks continued on the 19 th—on which day " the New Zealand Pacific lodge room and furniture were completely wrecked " —20 th , 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th October , and we are told that " all brick and stone buildings were totally destroyed , but fortunately the
loss of life was very small considering the amount of damage done . " Business was , however , at a complete standstill for over a week . " The 20 th October , by command of the Lieutenant-Governor , was set apart as " a day of public fast , prayer , and humiliation . "
Beyond the money loss caused by the earthquake , however , the lodge does not appear to have sustained damage , and in 1849 vve find it working away diligently , but at the same time paying more attention than usual to the " prompt payment of dues . "
Bro . W . H . Cooper , P . M ., of Auckland , New Zealand , is a hard man to please . Bro . Fenwick , D . G . Sec . ( E . C . ) Queensland , in the manifesto which he issued some time ago , and which appeared in these columns , enumerated among other advantages resulting
from the connection of colonial lodges with our Grand Lodge , that the children of deceased or indigent brethren , as well as indigent brethren and their widows ,
were elig ible to be admitted into our Institution , and he would like to know if any New Zealand case succeeded in being elected . ± * *
We have much p leasure in informing Bro . Cooper , in corroboration of Bro . Fenwick ' s statement , that a g irl hailing from the Colony of Victoria obtained the highest place on the poll at the Girls' School Election in April last , while at the Boys' School Election the
same month a New South Wales candidate was elected , being second on the poll with a total of 2784 votes . At the latter election there was also a candidate from
Jersey and Ceylon who succeeded in obtaining the 19 th place , and with it admission into the School , the number of votes polled for him being 2189 . * * *
We cannot point to other cases of election from the colonies because it takes time to go through the returns of the various polls . But vve are in a position to state that a short time ago there were four male and six widow annuitants hailing from the colonies , receiving
the benefits of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; that in the list of Subscribers to the Girls ' School , issued early in the current year , there were 11 girls from foreign parts , India , Hong Kong , the West Indies , Gibraltar , Malta , and Tasmania , while in the
Boys' School list for 188 9 there are seven boys entered as hailing from abroad , one being from Hong Kong , one from Montreal , one from India , two from Malta , one from the Cape of Good Hope , one from Hobart Town ( Tasmania ) , and one from LyHelton , New Zealand .
* * * There ' s for you , Brother Cooper , and vve trust after this that you will not stigmatise as a worthless advantage to colonial brethren that they should be connected
with our Grand Lodge . The facts we have given show that they can succeed in obtaining for their candidates the benefits of our Institutions . * * *
A Masonic contemporary refers to several volumes having been published during the year from the pens of W . // . Hughan and John Jane—such is fame 1 The purchase of Utica Driving Park , which has been selected as the site of the proposed Masonic Home in
the State of New York , has been completed , the sum agreed upon having been paid , and the deed of conveyance having been received by the Officers of the Grand Lodge . The amount paid was 50 , 000 dollars
(^ 10 , 000 ) , of which 30 , 000 dollars (^ 6000 ) was the g ift of the brethren of Utica , while the remaining 20 , 000 dollars ( , £ 4000 ) was appropriated from the funds of Grand Lodge by formal resolution .
* * * The following are the salaries paid to sundry of the Grand Officers of California , namely . Grand Master ,
§ 200 ; Grand Secretary , !? 3000 ; Assistant Grand Secretary , # 2000 ; Grand Organist , § 50 ; Grand Tyler , Sioo ; Chairman of Committee of Correspondence , # 250 ; and Grand Lecturer , § 10 per day , not to exceed ijiooo per annum .