Article OCCURRENCES OF THE YEAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OCCURRENCES OF THE YEAR. Page 2 of 2 Article OCCURRENCES OF THE YEAR. Page 2 of 2
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Occurrences Of The Year.
5 . —Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge " United Grand Lodge of Victoria recognised , and Prince of Wales becomes its Patron . Annual Meeting at Tewkesbury of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire . C . —Annual Meeting at Grimsby of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire .
Consecration at AVhitchurch by Bro . Sir OfHey AVake man , Bart ., of St . Alkmund Lodge , No . 2311 : Bro . V . C . L . Crump first AV . M . Special General Court of the Boys' School : Report of the Committee of Inquiry adopted ; Provisional Management Committee appointed . 12 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic I :
Benevolent Institution . 13 . —Annual Meeting at Huntingdon of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norths and Hunts . 17 . —First Quarterly Communication at Melbourne of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria . Meeting at Framlingham of the Provincial Grand I I
Chapter of Suffolk . Consecration by Comp . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Superintendent , of the Henniker Chapter , No . 535 : Comp . the Rev . R . Peck first M . E . Z . 19 . —Board of Benevolence : 20 cases relieved with £ 510 . Grand Festival of the Order of the Secret Monitor .
Annual Masonic Rifle Match won by the Queen s AVestminster Team . 20 . —Special Meeting at AVorksop of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire : Bro . the Rev . F . V . Bussell , P . G . Chap ., installed D . P . G . M . Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Sterndale Bennett Chapter ,
No . 21 S 2 : Comp . H . AV . Little first M . E . Z . 21 . —Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey . Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Kent and Surrey : Sir Knight Col . Haldane installed Provincial Prior by the Great Sub-Prior .
24 . —Annual Meeting at Cardiff of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( East Division ) . Testimonial presented to Bro . M . Tennant , D . P . G . A'I . 25 . —St . Michael ' s Masonic Hall at Sittingbourne consecrated by Bro . Earl Amherst , P . G . M . Kent . 26 . —Celebration of the Centenary of the Oak Lodge , No .
190 . 27 . —Distribution of Prizes by Bro . R . Eve , P . G . Treas ., to the Pupils of the Boys' School , AVood Green . Foundation-stone of anew Cottage Hospital at Normacott laid by Bro . Col . Foster Gough , P . G . M .
Staffordshire . 29 . —Annual Meeting - at Twickenham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . Adjourned Meeting of the General Committee of the Boys' School .
J . 1 . —Annual Athletic Sports of the Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School . 2 . —Annual Meeting at Bromley of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent . 3 . —The 91 st Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School : Bro . Richard Eve , Past G . Treas ., in the chair ;
Subscriptions over £ 13 , 600 . Annual Meeting at Beccles of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk . 4 . —Annual Meeting of the General Committee of the Dorset Masonic Charity . G . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys : First Report of the Provisional Management Committee .
Annual Meeting at Hampton Court of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex . S . —Annual Meeting at Derb y of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Lincolnshire , Derbyshire , & c . 10 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke ,
Grand Scribe E ., of the Montefiore Chapter , No . 1017 : Comp . S . V . Abraham first M . E . Z . 11 . —Annual Meeting at Reading of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks . 12 . —Jubilee of the Aire and Calder Lodge , No . 458 , Goole . 15 . —Consecration at Buckhurst Hill by Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Essex , of the Lennox Browne Lodge ,
No . 231 S : Bro . Dr . T . Scoresby-Jackson first AV . M . 16 . —Annual Meeting at Hereford of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire . 17 . —Duke of Connaught , District Grand Master Bombay , present at the installation Meeting of Lodge Orion in the AVest , No . 415 , Poona . Annual Meeting at Frizington of the Provincial Grand
Mark Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland . Centenary Festival of the Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 274 , Newchurch . iS . —Annual Meetings at Caterham of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey . Vote of Condolence with the Family of the late Bro . General Brownrigg .
19 . —Installation at Portsmouth of Bro . W . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Mark Master of Hants and Isle of Wight . 20 . —Excursion to St . Albans of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . "" 22 . —Annual Meeting at AVatford of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire .
Consecration by Comp . F . Binckes , P . G . S . B ., of the Israel Chapter of Improvement . 23 . —Entertainment of American Brethren by the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 . 24 . —Annual Meeting at Hull of the Provincial Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire . Special Meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge : Bro . C . F .
Matier invested as Grand Secretary vice Bro . F Binckes , retired on a pension of £ 125 . Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . Bro Sir Lionel E . Darell , Bart ., in the chair ; Subscrip ions , £ 2 oS 6 . Board of Benevolence : 34 cases relieved with £ 660 .
^ i . —Summer Entertainment to the Inmates of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at Croydon . 20 . —Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . 27 . —Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Consecration by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand
Occurrences Of The Year.
: : Secretary , of the Scots Lodge , No . 2319 : Bro . the I Earl of Euston first W . M . 29 . —Death of Bro . C . Spence Bate , P . G . M . M . nominate I of Devonshire . 30 . —Annual Meeting at Plymouth of the Provincial Grand
- 1 Chapter of Devonshire . 31 . —Annual Meeting at Scarborough of the Provincial Priory of North and East Yorkshire . Bro . Viscount A ' alentia installed P . G . M . M . of Berks and Oxon by Bro . the Earl of Jersey , retiring : P . G . M . M .
AUGUST . 1 . —Ouarteriy Communication of the Grand Lodge of " Scotland . Annual Meeting at Monmouth of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . 2 . —Annual Meeting at AVeston-Super-Mare of the Pro-: vincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire .
Comp . Col . Foster Gough installed b y Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., at Wolver-: hampton , Grand Superintendent of Staffordshire . 6 . —Annual Meeting at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex . 7 . —Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter . " Emergency Meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter
of Scotland . ; 8 . —Masonic Bowling Competition at Glasgow for the Pearce and Jubilee Cups . 10 . —Adjourned Meeting of the General Committee of the Boys' School : Report of the Provisional Management Committee adopted . 12 . —Unveiling of Memorial AVindows in St . Cuthbert's
Church , Dudley , by Bro . Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . 13 . —Meeting at Andover of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hants and the Isle of Wight . 14 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . 20 . —Annual Meeting at Berwick-on-Tweed of the
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Northumberland and Durham . Funeral at Kensal Green of Bro . James Albery , Playwright . 21 . —Board of Benevolence : 20 cases relieved with £ 4 85 . Memorial-stone of the new Town Hall , Bakewell , laid with Masonic Ceremonial by Bro . H . C . Okeover ,
P . G . W ., D . P . G . M . Derbyshire . 22 . —Centenary Festival of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 277 , Oldham . Presentation to Bro . H . L . Hollingsworth , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas . East Lancashire . Annual Meeting at Wimborne of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Dorsetshire .
23 . —Death of Bro . James AVebster , R . W . M . Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 . 27 . —Annual Meeting at Liskeard of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall . Consecration by Bro . R . AVylie , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W . AVest Lancashire , of the Prince ' s Lodge , No . 2316 ,
Liverpool : Bro . G . A . A . Harradon first W . M . 31 . —Funeral at Hammersmith of Bro . F . Delevante , P . M . Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 .
SEPTEMBER . 4 . —Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge . 9 . —Annual Meeting at Hexham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland . 11 . — 'Foundation-stone of new Masonic Hall , Stronniess , laid by Bro . Sheriff Thomas , P . G . M . Caithnessshire . Committee of Management Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution . Annual Meeting at Stourport of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire . 14 —Death of Bro . T . VV . Shuttleworth , 'W . M . 32 , P . S . G . AV . West Lancashire . iS . —Board of Benevolence : 9 cases relieved with £ 260 . Annual Meeting at Hyde of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Cheshire . Annual Meetings at Barrow of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter of West Lancashire . Annual Meeting at New Pitsligo of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeenshire East . ig .-Death of Bro . / En . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , P . G . AV ., P . G .
Registrar . Meeting at Greenock of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Renfrewshire . 21 . —Annual Meeting at Portsmouth of the Provincial Priory of Hampshire . Foundation-stone of the Camlachie Institute , Glasgow , laid with Masonic Ceremonial by Bro . John Graham ,
P . G . M . 24 . —Annual Meeting at Sunderland of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham . 25 . —Annual Meeting at Tenby of the _ Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( West Division ) . Consecration at Bisley by Bro . F . AVest , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey , of the Bisley Lodge , No . 2317 :
Bro . the Rev . J . Cater first AV . M . Annual Meeting' at Carnarvon Castle of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of North Wales . 26 . —Annual Meeting at Wareham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire . 27 . —Annual Meeting at Oswestry of the Provincial Grand Lodg'e of Shropshire .
Consecration at Bradford by Bro . T . W . Tew , P . G . M . West Yorkshire , of the Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 : Bro . A . Stephenson first W . M . Death of Bro . Gerard Ford , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Sussex . 30 . —Meeting at Ballymoney of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim .
OCTOBER . 1 . —Annual Meeting at Leicester of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Leicestershire and Rutland . _ 2 . —Annual Meeting at Bradford of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of West Yorkshire . 3 . —Dedication by Bro . the Hon . AV . T . Orde-Powlett , P . G . AV ., D . P . G . M . North and East A ' orkshire , 0
the new Masonic Hall , Howden . Annual Court of Governors of the AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . 5 . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys : Retirement of Bro . the Rev . R . Morris , M . A ., LL . D ., Head Master , announced . S . —Meeting at Hamilton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire ( Middle AVard . )
Occurrences Of The Year.
9 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . the Marquis of Hertford installed at Belfast as Provincial Grand Master of Antrim by Bro . the Duke of Abercorn , M . VV . G . M . 13 . —Annual Meeting at Brighton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex .
15 —Death of Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., P . G . M . Berks and Bucks . Annual Meeting at Keswick of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland . Presentation by the Mark Brethren of North and East Yorkshire to Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . G . M . O ., P . P . G . Sec .
16 . —Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Regent ' s Park Chapter , No . 2202 : Comp . J . K . R . Cama first M . E . Z . iS . —Centenary Festival of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , Brighton . 19 . —Foundation-stone of the New Church of SS . Simon and Jude , Southport , laid with Masonic Ceremonial
by Bro . the Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . AVest Lancashire . 21 . —Consecration by Comp . T . Fenn , P . P . C . G . P ., of the La France Chapter , No . 2060 : Comp . E . Monteuuis first M . E . Z . 23 . —Board of Benevolence : 41 cases relieved with £ 1005 .
Annual Meeting at Tavistock of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Devonshire . Annual Meeting at Brighton of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Sussex : Duke of Connaught announced as the new Provincial Grand Mark Master . Presentation of Gold Jewel to Bro . C . I . Smith ,
D . P . G . M . Consecration at Bang'or by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Star of Gwynedd Chapter , No . 3 S 4 : Comp . Piatt first M . E . Z . ; and Installation of Comp . Lieut .-Col . Sackville West as Grand Superintendent North Wales . Revocation by the Grand Master of Ouebec of the
Edict of Non-intercourse with the Grand Lodge of England and her lodg'es . 25 . —Quarterly General Court of the Boys' School . Bro . Porter elected Medical Officer . Pension of £ 350 voted to Bro . F . Binckes by 320 to 213 votes . Sixteen boys elected from a list of 70 candidates . Annual Meeting at Chester of the Provincial Grand
Chapter of Cheshire . Installation at Aberdeen of Bro . Lord Saltoun as Provincial Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland . 26 . —Quarterly General Court of the Girls' School : nine girls elected from a list of 49 candidates . 29 . —Meeting at Plymouth of the Provincial Priory of
Devonshire . Annual Meeting' at Loughborough of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland . Address by Bro . T . VV . Tew , P . G . M ., at the Wakefield Masonic Literary Society . 30 . —Foundation-stone of Masonic Hall at Henley-on-Thames laid by Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . M . Oxfordshire .
NOVEMBER . 1 . — -Centenary Festival of the St . James ' s Lodge , No . 171 ( S . C . ) , Doune . 2 . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
Consecration at Bushey Hall by Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . Hertfordshire , of the Bushey Hall Lodge , No . 2323 : Bro . C . E . Keyser first AV . M . 5 . —Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodg'e of Glasgow . 6 . —Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter .
Annual Meeting at Seaton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire . 7 . —Ouarteriy Communication of the Grand Lodge o Scotland : Bro . D . Reid elected Grand Cashier . 10 . —Divine Service in Huddersfield Parish Church in commemoration of the Centenary of the Lodge of
Harmon }' , No . 275 . 12 . —Annual Meeting' at Oxford of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Oxfordshire . Half-yearly Meeting of the Governors of the Masonic Orphan Schools , Dublin : live children elected from
a list of 15 candidates . 13 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution : Report of the Sub-Committee of Inquiry into Secretary ' s Office presented . Consecration at Horwich by Bro . AV . Goodacie , P . G . S . B ., Prov . G . Secretary West Lancashire , of the Horwich Lodg'e , No . 2324 : Bro . J . Rogers first
W . M . Meeting at Huddersfield of the Provincial Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire . 15 . —Consecration at Manchester by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary , of the East Lancashire Centurion Lodge , No . 2322 : Bro . Col . Starkie ,
P . G . M ., first W . M . iC . —Consecration by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , Grand Sec , of the London Irish Rifles Lodge , No . 2312 : the Duke of Connaught first W . M . ; Bro . Major C . AV . Carroll Deputy AV . M . Installation at Aberdeen by Bro . Sir A . Campbell , Bart ., M . P ., M . W . G . M ., of Bro . H . Lumsden , of
Pitcaple , as Prov . G . M . Aberdeenshire AVest . 16 . —Consecration at Tynemouth by Bro . Sir AT . W . Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . Northumberland , of the St . Oswin's Lodge , No . 2327 : Bro . J . D . Gillispic first W . M . 20 . —Board of Benevolence : 31 cases relieved with £ 805 . 21 . —Annual Meeting at Wisbech of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Cambridgeshire . Consecration at Liverpool by Bro . the Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . West Lancashire , of the Rose of Lancaster Lodge , No . 2325 : Bro . W . Piatt first W . M . Annual Meeting at Romford of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex . 23 . —Annual Meeting of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees .
2 C—Consecration at York of the Albert Victor Lodge , No . 233 S : Bro . Hie Dean of York , P . G . C ., first W . M . 37 . —Annual Meeting at Trowbridge of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire . 39 . —Half-yearly Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire _ : Presentation of gold Consecration vessels to Provincial Grand Lodge by Bro . Col . Starkie , P . G . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Occurrences Of The Year.
5 . —Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge " United Grand Lodge of Victoria recognised , and Prince of Wales becomes its Patron . Annual Meeting at Tewkesbury of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire . C . —Annual Meeting at Grimsby of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire .
Consecration at AVhitchurch by Bro . Sir OfHey AVake man , Bart ., of St . Alkmund Lodge , No . 2311 : Bro . V . C . L . Crump first AV . M . Special General Court of the Boys' School : Report of the Committee of Inquiry adopted ; Provisional Management Committee appointed . 12 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic I :
Benevolent Institution . 13 . —Annual Meeting at Huntingdon of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norths and Hunts . 17 . —First Quarterly Communication at Melbourne of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria . Meeting at Framlingham of the Provincial Grand I I
Chapter of Suffolk . Consecration by Comp . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Superintendent , of the Henniker Chapter , No . 535 : Comp . the Rev . R . Peck first M . E . Z . 19 . —Board of Benevolence : 20 cases relieved with £ 510 . Grand Festival of the Order of the Secret Monitor .
Annual Masonic Rifle Match won by the Queen s AVestminster Team . 20 . —Special Meeting at AVorksop of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire : Bro . the Rev . F . V . Bussell , P . G . Chap ., installed D . P . G . M . Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Sterndale Bennett Chapter ,
No . 21 S 2 : Comp . H . AV . Little first M . E . Z . 21 . —Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey . Annual Meeting of the Provincial Priory of Kent and Surrey : Sir Knight Col . Haldane installed Provincial Prior by the Great Sub-Prior .
24 . —Annual Meeting at Cardiff of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( East Division ) . Testimonial presented to Bro . M . Tennant , D . P . G . A'I . 25 . —St . Michael ' s Masonic Hall at Sittingbourne consecrated by Bro . Earl Amherst , P . G . M . Kent . 26 . —Celebration of the Centenary of the Oak Lodge , No .
190 . 27 . —Distribution of Prizes by Bro . R . Eve , P . G . Treas ., to the Pupils of the Boys' School , AVood Green . Foundation-stone of anew Cottage Hospital at Normacott laid by Bro . Col . Foster Gough , P . G . M .
Staffordshire . 29 . —Annual Meeting - at Twickenham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . Adjourned Meeting of the General Committee of the Boys' School .
J . 1 . —Annual Athletic Sports of the Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School . 2 . —Annual Meeting at Bromley of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent . 3 . —The 91 st Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School : Bro . Richard Eve , Past G . Treas ., in the chair ;
Subscriptions over £ 13 , 600 . Annual Meeting at Beccles of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk . 4 . —Annual Meeting of the General Committee of the Dorset Masonic Charity . G . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys : First Report of the Provisional Management Committee .
Annual Meeting at Hampton Court of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex . S . —Annual Meeting at Derb y of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Lincolnshire , Derbyshire , & c . 10 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke ,
Grand Scribe E ., of the Montefiore Chapter , No . 1017 : Comp . S . V . Abraham first M . E . Z . 11 . —Annual Meeting at Reading of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks . 12 . —Jubilee of the Aire and Calder Lodge , No . 458 , Goole . 15 . —Consecration at Buckhurst Hill by Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Essex , of the Lennox Browne Lodge ,
No . 231 S : Bro . Dr . T . Scoresby-Jackson first AV . M . 16 . —Annual Meeting at Hereford of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire . 17 . —Duke of Connaught , District Grand Master Bombay , present at the installation Meeting of Lodge Orion in the AVest , No . 415 , Poona . Annual Meeting at Frizington of the Provincial Grand
Mark Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland . Centenary Festival of the Lodge of Tranquillity , No . 274 , Newchurch . iS . —Annual Meetings at Caterham of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey . Vote of Condolence with the Family of the late Bro . General Brownrigg .
19 . —Installation at Portsmouth of Bro . W . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Mark Master of Hants and Isle of Wight . 20 . —Excursion to St . Albans of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . "" 22 . —Annual Meeting at AVatford of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire .
Consecration by Comp . F . Binckes , P . G . S . B ., of the Israel Chapter of Improvement . 23 . —Entertainment of American Brethren by the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 . 24 . —Annual Meeting at Hull of the Provincial Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire . Special Meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge : Bro . C . F .
Matier invested as Grand Secretary vice Bro . F Binckes , retired on a pension of £ 125 . Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . Bro Sir Lionel E . Darell , Bart ., in the chair ; Subscrip ions , £ 2 oS 6 . Board of Benevolence : 34 cases relieved with £ 660 .
^ i . —Summer Entertainment to the Inmates of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution at Croydon . 20 . —Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . 27 . —Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Consecration by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand
Occurrences Of The Year.
: : Secretary , of the Scots Lodge , No . 2319 : Bro . the I Earl of Euston first W . M . 29 . —Death of Bro . C . Spence Bate , P . G . M . M . nominate I of Devonshire . 30 . —Annual Meeting at Plymouth of the Provincial Grand
- 1 Chapter of Devonshire . 31 . —Annual Meeting at Scarborough of the Provincial Priory of North and East Yorkshire . Bro . Viscount A ' alentia installed P . G . M . M . of Berks and Oxon by Bro . the Earl of Jersey , retiring : P . G . M . M .
AUGUST . 1 . —Ouarteriy Communication of the Grand Lodge of " Scotland . Annual Meeting at Monmouth of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire . 2 . —Annual Meeting at AVeston-Super-Mare of the Pro-: vincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire .
Comp . Col . Foster Gough installed b y Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., at Wolver-: hampton , Grand Superintendent of Staffordshire . 6 . —Annual Meeting at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex . 7 . —Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter . " Emergency Meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter
of Scotland . ; 8 . —Masonic Bowling Competition at Glasgow for the Pearce and Jubilee Cups . 10 . —Adjourned Meeting of the General Committee of the Boys' School : Report of the Provisional Management Committee adopted . 12 . —Unveiling of Memorial AVindows in St . Cuthbert's
Church , Dudley , by Bro . Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . 13 . —Meeting at Andover of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hants and the Isle of Wight . 14 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . 20 . —Annual Meeting at Berwick-on-Tweed of the
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Northumberland and Durham . Funeral at Kensal Green of Bro . James Albery , Playwright . 21 . —Board of Benevolence : 20 cases relieved with £ 4 85 . Memorial-stone of the new Town Hall , Bakewell , laid with Masonic Ceremonial by Bro . H . C . Okeover ,
P . G . W ., D . P . G . M . Derbyshire . 22 . —Centenary Festival of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 277 , Oldham . Presentation to Bro . H . L . Hollingsworth , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas . East Lancashire . Annual Meeting at Wimborne of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Dorsetshire .
23 . —Death of Bro . James AVebster , R . W . M . Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 . 27 . —Annual Meeting at Liskeard of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall . Consecration by Bro . R . AVylie , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W . AVest Lancashire , of the Prince ' s Lodge , No . 2316 ,
Liverpool : Bro . G . A . A . Harradon first W . M . 31 . —Funeral at Hammersmith of Bro . F . Delevante , P . M . Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 .
SEPTEMBER . 4 . —Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge . 9 . —Annual Meeting at Hexham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland . 11 . — 'Foundation-stone of new Masonic Hall , Stronniess , laid by Bro . Sheriff Thomas , P . G . M . Caithnessshire . Committee of Management Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution . Annual Meeting at Stourport of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVorcestershire . 14 —Death of Bro . T . VV . Shuttleworth , 'W . M . 32 , P . S . G . AV . West Lancashire . iS . —Board of Benevolence : 9 cases relieved with £ 260 . Annual Meeting at Hyde of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Cheshire . Annual Meetings at Barrow of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter of West Lancashire . Annual Meeting at New Pitsligo of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeenshire East . ig .-Death of Bro . / En . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , P . G . AV ., P . G .
Registrar . Meeting at Greenock of the Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Renfrewshire . 21 . —Annual Meeting at Portsmouth of the Provincial Priory of Hampshire . Foundation-stone of the Camlachie Institute , Glasgow , laid with Masonic Ceremonial by Bro . John Graham ,
P . G . M . 24 . —Annual Meeting at Sunderland of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham . 25 . —Annual Meeting at Tenby of the _ Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales ( West Division ) . Consecration at Bisley by Bro . F . AVest , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey , of the Bisley Lodge , No . 2317 :
Bro . the Rev . J . Cater first AV . M . Annual Meeting' at Carnarvon Castle of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of North Wales . 26 . —Annual Meeting at Wareham of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorsetshire . 27 . —Annual Meeting at Oswestry of the Provincial Grand Lodg'e of Shropshire .
Consecration at Bradford by Bro . T . W . Tew , P . G . M . West Yorkshire , of the Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 : Bro . A . Stephenson first W . M . Death of Bro . Gerard Ford , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Sussex . 30 . —Meeting at Ballymoney of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim .
OCTOBER . 1 . —Annual Meeting at Leicester of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Leicestershire and Rutland . _ 2 . —Annual Meeting at Bradford of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of West Yorkshire . 3 . —Dedication by Bro . the Hon . AV . T . Orde-Powlett , P . G . AV ., D . P . G . M . North and East A ' orkshire , 0
the new Masonic Hall , Howden . Annual Court of Governors of the AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . 5 . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys : Retirement of Bro . the Rev . R . Morris , M . A ., LL . D ., Head Master , announced . S . —Meeting at Hamilton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire ( Middle AVard . )
Occurrences Of The Year.
9 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . the Marquis of Hertford installed at Belfast as Provincial Grand Master of Antrim by Bro . the Duke of Abercorn , M . VV . G . M . 13 . —Annual Meeting at Brighton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex .
15 —Death of Bro . Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., P . G . M . Berks and Bucks . Annual Meeting at Keswick of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland . Presentation by the Mark Brethren of North and East Yorkshire to Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . G . M . O ., P . P . G . Sec .
16 . —Consecration by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Regent ' s Park Chapter , No . 2202 : Comp . J . K . R . Cama first M . E . Z . iS . —Centenary Festival of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , Brighton . 19 . —Foundation-stone of the New Church of SS . Simon and Jude , Southport , laid with Masonic Ceremonial
by Bro . the Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . AVest Lancashire . 21 . —Consecration by Comp . T . Fenn , P . P . C . G . P ., of the La France Chapter , No . 2060 : Comp . E . Monteuuis first M . E . Z . 23 . —Board of Benevolence : 41 cases relieved with £ 1005 .
Annual Meeting at Tavistock of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Devonshire . Annual Meeting at Brighton of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Sussex : Duke of Connaught announced as the new Provincial Grand Mark Master . Presentation of Gold Jewel to Bro . C . I . Smith ,
D . P . G . M . Consecration at Bang'or by Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Scribe E ., of the Star of Gwynedd Chapter , No . 3 S 4 : Comp . Piatt first M . E . Z . ; and Installation of Comp . Lieut .-Col . Sackville West as Grand Superintendent North Wales . Revocation by the Grand Master of Ouebec of the
Edict of Non-intercourse with the Grand Lodge of England and her lodg'es . 25 . —Quarterly General Court of the Boys' School . Bro . Porter elected Medical Officer . Pension of £ 350 voted to Bro . F . Binckes by 320 to 213 votes . Sixteen boys elected from a list of 70 candidates . Annual Meeting at Chester of the Provincial Grand
Chapter of Cheshire . Installation at Aberdeen of Bro . Lord Saltoun as Provincial Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland . 26 . —Quarterly General Court of the Girls' School : nine girls elected from a list of 49 candidates . 29 . —Meeting at Plymouth of the Provincial Priory of
Devonshire . Annual Meeting' at Loughborough of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland . Address by Bro . T . VV . Tew , P . G . M ., at the Wakefield Masonic Literary Society . 30 . —Foundation-stone of Masonic Hall at Henley-on-Thames laid by Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . M . Oxfordshire .
NOVEMBER . 1 . — -Centenary Festival of the St . James ' s Lodge , No . 171 ( S . C . ) , Doune . 2 . —General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
Consecration at Bushey Hall by Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . Hertfordshire , of the Bushey Hall Lodge , No . 2323 : Bro . C . E . Keyser first AV . M . 5 . —Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodg'e of Glasgow . 6 . —Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter .
Annual Meeting at Seaton of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire . 7 . —Ouarteriy Communication of the Grand Lodge o Scotland : Bro . D . Reid elected Grand Cashier . 10 . —Divine Service in Huddersfield Parish Church in commemoration of the Centenary of the Lodge of
Harmon }' , No . 275 . 12 . —Annual Meeting' at Oxford of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Oxfordshire . Half-yearly Meeting of the Governors of the Masonic Orphan Schools , Dublin : live children elected from
a list of 15 candidates . 13 . —Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution : Report of the Sub-Committee of Inquiry into Secretary ' s Office presented . Consecration at Horwich by Bro . AV . Goodacie , P . G . S . B ., Prov . G . Secretary West Lancashire , of the Horwich Lodg'e , No . 2324 : Bro . J . Rogers first
W . M . Meeting at Huddersfield of the Provincial Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire . 15 . —Consecration at Manchester by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Secretary , of the East Lancashire Centurion Lodge , No . 2322 : Bro . Col . Starkie ,
P . G . M ., first W . M . iC . —Consecration by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , Grand Sec , of the London Irish Rifles Lodge , No . 2312 : the Duke of Connaught first W . M . ; Bro . Major C . AV . Carroll Deputy AV . M . Installation at Aberdeen by Bro . Sir A . Campbell , Bart ., M . P ., M . W . G . M ., of Bro . H . Lumsden , of
Pitcaple , as Prov . G . M . Aberdeenshire AVest . 16 . —Consecration at Tynemouth by Bro . Sir AT . W . Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . Northumberland , of the St . Oswin's Lodge , No . 2327 : Bro . J . D . Gillispic first W . M . 20 . —Board of Benevolence : 31 cases relieved with £ 805 . 21 . —Annual Meeting at Wisbech of the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Cambridgeshire . Consecration at Liverpool by Bro . the Earl of Lathom , P . G . M . West Lancashire , of the Rose of Lancaster Lodge , No . 2325 : Bro . W . Piatt first W . M . Annual Meeting at Romford of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex . 23 . —Annual Meeting of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees .
2 C—Consecration at York of the Albert Victor Lodge , No . 233 S : Bro . Hie Dean of York , P . G . C ., first W . M . 37 . —Annual Meeting at Trowbridge of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire . 39 . —Half-yearly Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire _ : Presentation of gold Consecration vessels to Provincial Grand Lodge by Bro . Col . Starkie , P . G . M .