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Inaugural Ball At The Surrey Masonic Hall .
Company , obtained permission for the members of thc Order to appear in Masonic costume , which gave great effect and eeJat- to thc assembly . Bro . D . Godfrey ' s band was in attendance and performed some choice music , Bro . John Jarvis proving himself an able Master of the Ceremonies . Suuper was supplied about one o ' clock in the rooms
adjoining the hall . The usual toasts were given and duly responded to . During the evening ths following Inaugural Ode , on the completion of the Surrey Masonic Hall , wiitten by Bro . Samuel Poynter , P . M . 902 and 1491 , barrister-at-law , was delivered by Bro . Dawson in a very able manner .
ODE . " And the house , when it was in buiMing " , was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither ; so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard m thc house , while it was in building . "—1 Kings , VI ., v . 7 . "An house not made with hands . "—II . Cor ., V ., v . 1 .
In Israel's holy city , when tne word Went forth to build a Temple to the Lord , Thc pious prince , who swayed thc sceptre then , —• Wisest alike of monarchs and of men , — Inspired by zeal , by light divine illumed , To give command unparalleled presumed . "The fane we build "—so mused his mighty
mind" Is for no earthly potentate designed ; " For human ruler , howsoever great , " Whate ' cr the pomp , the pageantry , the state , " His throne surround , how loud soe'er th' acclaim " With which the sycophantic shout his name , — " Let mortal hands with lusty strokes attest " A mortal ' s lodging ' tis they build at best ' .
" The maul for luxury ' s use now deftly plied " Shall ring on nails that clinch the coffin ' s side ; " The pick that cleaves thc earth to found the throne " Breaks up thc ground beneath the cold grave stone ; " Each sound of toil that jars on royalty ' s car
" Proclaims that e ' en to monarchs eieath is near ! " E ' en as at Pharaoh ' a feasts , o ' er pomp and power , "Thc grisly , grinning , skeleton would toiver , * " So , as the sumptuous palace stone by stone " Rises in beauty , rings the dirge-like tone , — " ' Whomsoe ' er thou art for whom these toilers ply ,
" ' Thou shar ' st their lot in this—thou too must die !' " Not so that Being "—thus thc king ' s thoughts ran , " For whom this regal edifice we plan ; " How grand soe'er , yet all too mean for One " Whose Temple is the Universe alone , — " Ruler of all , e ' en of the gruesome king ;
" Cedes grave no vict'ry , knows in death no sting ! " Let then no harsh discordant noises break " The solemn silence in thc house we make ; " No stroke disturb , or clang of tool dispel , " The stillness where we pray our God to divell ! " The king decreed , and wond'ring Israel viewed The logs well shaped , thc ashlars squared where hewed ,
In forest and in ejuarry , leagues away From that all hallow'd site , where , day by day , Conveyed by tedious toil o ' er sea and land , All ready fashioned to the builder ' s hanel , The precious freig ht airived ; and fingers skilled The pieces fitted—and , with rev ' rence filled , The Jewish people saw before them rise
Thc stately fabric—mounting to the skies ; The worlel ' s new wonder growing—tower by tower—In symmetry anel silence hour by hour ! So the first Temple sprung—how changed thc tone Upon that spot , when , ruincet and o ' erthrown , The pious builders of the second sought The ancient glory to restore—and wrought
With sturdy arm ;;—ihe hammer swinging high , Trowel anil pick in hand , but sword on thigh ! Thus to all time they thc example set That lawless violence must by force be met , Proclaiming in thc patriot ' s loftiest strain What toil produces valour must maintain ' . Shall these great lessons of time passeel away
Be told in dull , deaf , nay , elead , ears to-day ? Shall we , whom God has blessed with peace and means , With sceptic sneer turn fiom these old-world scenes ? Or read with pride that goes before a fall The unregarded writing on th" wall ? Not so ! The Temple that the \ : is-- king planned , Too great almost for work ef human hanel ,
So grand , so glorious , that it seemed to grow By nature ' s process from the earth below , We builders speculative , in our state Of moital sojourn , strive to imitate . Ah ! would our skill could from the world around All evil banish , as metallic sound Was stilleel within the Temple ' s gorgeous walls !
But here sin ' s ringing conflict still appals ; Yet work we on , our house the human soul ; The sounds wc seek to banish or control Are vice ' s promptings , passion ' s fierce appeal ; Or avarice hamm ' ring tender hearts to steel ; These sounds discordant silenced , we coulel hear The " still small voice" that whispers " Peace is here !"
Nor yet alone the earlier I emple s rise Exhausts the lesson Holy Writ supplies ; The careless and indifferent may cease . To heed the conscience , and may call that peace ; But lethargy , like this , so dense and deep ,
Is , as to peace , as death is unto sleep . Be ours , while silencing thc angry din Of raging passions jarring all within The human temple—ever to incline Our mental ears unto the voice Divine ! And , as the builders , when they sought to raise * An allusion to the well-known traditionary custom at Egyptian banquets .
Inaugural Ball At The Surrey Masonic Hall .
Again thc Temple to Jehovah ' s praise , Toiled with their hands , but carried at their side The sword to guard the work their skill supplied , We , too , must learn , when right ' s by force withstood , Like men to 'quit us for the common good ! Thc common gojd ! Our revels here to-night Remind us of an enemy to fi * ht .
Grim foes we Masons face ; the strife we ' ll win Is waged with want , with ignorance , with sin ! Whom threaten they ? Hark ! where in yonder walls The tiny foot of blooming girlhood falls . Our Brethren's orphans ! Brethren whom hard care Their feet through life kept ou thc dark ' ned square . Poor girls . ' Ye gentle fair , whose witching eyes
To-night our festal scene ' s chief charm supplies , From joyful thoughts with which your bosoms glow , One warm pulsation of your hearts bestow In gentle sympathy with this our aim , In sanctioning the privilege we claim To succour those for whom to-night we plead—Our orphan sisters—in their hour of need !
Hold ! I have said enough . You'll say there ' s quite Sufficient moralising for one night . All harsh , discordant noises from this scene Be banished now ; while tranquil and serene , Sole interruption of the stillness round , Shall be sweet music ' s j ly-inspiring sound ; Tiie only strokes upon our ears to beat ,
I he joyous pattering of youthful feet , Threading the circling maze ; and if , by chance , Some cheery voices break the pleasant trance , The heartfelt wishes ou our cars will fall Affection's welcome—warm good-will to all . SUCCESS to this our roof , and , to have done , As Tiny Tim says , " God bless evcrv one !"
Visit Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire To The Phœnix Lodge Of St. Ann, Buxton, No. 1235.
Thc Phoenix Lodge eif St . Ann , Buxton , was on thc 16 th inst . honoureet feir the first time by the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire , with liro . II . C . Okeover , R . W . P . G . W . of F . nglaad , D . P . G . M . Lodge was
opened in the Court House at 1 . 30 p . m . by Bro . a . C . Milligan , W . M . of tile Pluvnit , anel after th : transaction of the usual business of the iodge the arrival of the Provincial Grand Lodge was announced . There was a very large attendance , thc Comt House being so well filled that the gathering of so many distinguished Masons had a very imposing effect . The meeting was a very
satisfactory one , and several suggestions in connection with the charities ami the Freemasonry cf the province were discussed in a manner which will doubtless bear good fruit . After the lodge had been clos'il with f'C usual impressive ceicmonies , thc numerous brethren adjourned to thc Palace Hotel , where tables , decorated with thc choicest flowers from Chatsuorth through the
kindness e : f the Marquis of Hartington , P . G . M ., had been spread for a sumptuous banquet . At erne cnel of the rroni , also , was a line acacia from thc conservatory of Bro . U . H . Duke . A photograph of the . artistically laid tables was taken by Mr . Hobiss , of the Market Place . Bro . E .
C . Milligan . W . M . of the Phoenix , presided , supported bv Bro . IT . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., and Bro W . Smith , l . P . M . of thc Phrenix ; and the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . P . S . G . W ., and l' . P . C . C , Chaplain , said ' grace . The menu was served " a la Russe , " and in ruch a manner that it eliciti-el from the . D . P . G . M . Ihp remark that '' it was the most
elegant banquet he had ever seen . " After dinner thc following toasts were submitted , and honoured in the usual loyal and Masonic manner , the presiding W . M . performing his arduous duties admirably : — ' The Queen and Freemasonry , " "H . R . H . the Piince of V ; , iles . G . M . of England ; the Princess of Wales ; and the It ( iv al Family ; " "Bro . the Eail of Carnarvon , acting
G . M . ; anil the Grand Lodge of England ; " Bro . thc Marijiiis of H . artiiigdon , R . W . P . G . M . ;' ' ' " II . C . Okeover , Esip , R . W . D . P . G . M . ; anil th " . Officers of Prov . Grand ! 1 eige , Past nnd Present ; " " The Phei-nix Lodge of St . Ann ; " "The Visitors ; " "Thc Charities ;"" Tylei ' s T oast . " Altogether it was a most enjoyable elay , and thc
brethren of Provincial Grand Lodge expressed their satisfaction again and again ; anil hopes were entertained that , though it was the first , it would probably not be the last visit of Provincial Grand Lodge . Amongst tli-jse present at the lodge and at the banquet were the following ( but the list is not complete in consequence of many eif the brethren omitting to enter their
names in the Tyler ' s book ) : —Bros . E . C . Milligan , W . M . Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , 1213 ; ' {( - ' v- A . A . Bagshawe , Chaplain , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., ' P . P . Ch ., kc . ; VV . Smith , l . P . M ., - & c ; R . Duke , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Josiah Taylor , P . M ., P . P . Std . B . ; F . Turner , P . M ., P . P . S . D . ; G . J . Sykes , S . W . ; J . II . Lawson , J . W . ; W . D . Sutton , Treas . ; C . Adams , Sec . ; P . Le Gros , S . D . ; VV . Bouglien , J . D . ;
G . Marsden , P . G . O . ; C . Wilkinson , I . G . ; G . Gooeiwin , Stwel . ; C . Gwinncll , Stwd . ; T . Bragg , P . M . 74 , 1016 , P . Z . 74 , P . P . G . S . D . Warwick ; W . C . Moore , G . 1 ' . Barnard , Joseph Mortin , j . C . Bates , ami others . The visitors in . eluded the following brethren : —11 . C . Okeover , R . W . P . G . W . and D . P . G . M . j R . Darwin , P . P . G . W ., P . M . 6 . 154 ; T . Cox , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . T ., Sec . ; J . Casson , P . P . G . O . ; G . K .. Baines , S . W , 1 . 19 ^ ; T . Bramwcll , S . W .
054 ; W . Loinas , W . M . SS 4 ; 1 . Parker , 1495 ; W . Sperry , 1495 ; T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . 2 ; i , S . Pipes , W . M . 10 K 5 ; VV . W . Jeudwinc , J . W . 081 ; * C . Busby , I . G . 081 ; W . Chippendale , 44 ; VV . L . Barrow , S . 1495 ; —Grindrod , G 54 ; J- W . Wright , 1 , G . 654 ; T . Hibbert , 654 ; J . Hawthorn , 6 54 ; W . Piatt , 6 54 ; J . I'latt , 654 : J . Wyatt , 6 54 ; C . Bennett , 6 54 ; J . D . Simpson , O 54 ; S . W . Ready , P . M . O 54 ; W . Bembridge ; C . Wright , 884 ; John J . Bingham
Visit Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire To The Phœnix Lodge Of St. Ann, Buxton, No. 1235.
W . M , i 2 S ; T . Horsley , P . P . S . G . W . 253 ; T . Slinn , P . G Tyler ; T . Wright , W . M . 6 54 ; and othirs .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
An especial Provincial Grand Lodge of the Western Division of thc county of Lancashire was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., for thc purpose of taking into consideration a letter which had been received from thc Rev . IS . Deacle , precentor of Chester
Cathedral , with regard to the proposed contribution by the Freemasons of West Lancashire towards thc restoration of Chester Cathedral . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , was pre « ent , and accepted the place of honour at the proceedings . Amongst the others present were Bros . A . C . Dceley , P . Q . J . W . ; Dr . J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg . ; T .
Armstrong , P . G . Treas . ; H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; J . F . Goggin , P . P . G . Chap . ; R . Wilson , P . P . G . S . D . ; T . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg . ; R . Wylie , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . J . Turley , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . Lunt , P . G . D . C . ; G . Broadbrielgc , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Skeag , P . G . O . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Bell , W . M . 135 G ; R . Brown , W . M . 241 , Hon . Sec . West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution ; J . Wood , Treas . 1094 ( "Freemason" ); J . W J . Fowler , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . [ ohnson , 241 ; 1- Moulding , J . W . S 23 : W . Healing , W . M . 1094 ; W . S . Vines , P . M . 220 ; J . H . McQuistan . 241 ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., Treas . 241 ; H . Liversage , 1299 ; R . Bennett , W . M . 1299 ; A . Jones , J . W . 1 ^ 02 ; f . T . Callow , W . M . 1505 ; H . Nelson , P . M . 1503 ; T . Clark , P . M . 673 ; J . Hock ' en , P . M ., Treas .
673 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , 786 ; IT . Ashmorc , W . M . 1325 ; G . Turner , P . M . S 23 ; R . Young , P . M . 86 ; VV . fyrer , W . M . 86 ; H . Vaughan , J . W . 86 ; J . A . Edginton , P . M . 1182 ; P . E . Gee , W . M . 1264 ; J . Higson Johnson , P . M . 1350 ; A . Woolrich , S . D . 135 6 , & c . The P . G . M . saiel it would be remembered that at the last P . G . Lodge meeting a letter was read from the Rev .
Mr . Deacle with reference to the restoration of Chester Cathedral , but it was then thought advisable to postpone the consideration of thc matter , as the brethren wcre then engaged in raising funds for thc Benevolent Institution . He then took it upon him to say that the brethren would raise money for the purpose of helping on the restoration , and he had promised that their gift would take the form of a
scdilia , which he thought would be a much more appropriate gift to come from Freemasons than either a pavement or coronna , thc other gifts which had been named by Mr . Deacle in his letter . I le now asked the brethren to give him their e . pinion on the subject , and say what they thought the P . G . Loelge should do in connection with the matter .
Bro . R . Wylie , P . P . J . G . D ., now moved that the sum of £ 100 be given towards the restoration of Chester Cathedra ! . Bro . Dce ; ley , P . G . J . W ., seconded thc motion . Bro . Brtadbrielgc ' , P . ' ' . G . D . C , said he thought they should hesitate before voting the lands of the P . G , Lodge to this purpose . They had amongst their number many
brethren who were Dissenters , Roman Catholics , and members of other persuasions , and in relation to these they stood in a very peculiar position . Moreover , they ought to remember that they had thc greatest difficulty in raising the sums required to get their children elected in connection with their institutions . Besides , he thought
that before they parted with their funds they ought at least to furnish that hall properly . In answer to a brother , thc P . G . M . said the scdilia would cost about / " 450 . A brother from Barrow also objected to the vote , remarking that the clergy of Carlisle , in which part of that province was situated , might as well ask for a similar
vote . After several other brethren had spoken for and against the proposal , Bro . T . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg ., calleel attention to the Masonic gift which had recently been made to the cathedral at Gloucester , anel urged the brethren to sec that the pledge or promise of their P . G . M . should be redeemed with
what he might call " flying colours . " Bro . IT . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec , in supporting the motion for the vote , pointed out that amongst the 4400 Freemasons in the province of West I-ancashire no fewer than 3 200 wcre resident in the diocese of Chester . With regard to thc objection raised as to the different creeds to be found in the Masonic body , be stated , as the result of a long
expenrnce , that thc clergymen of the Church of England wcre almost thc only ministers who joined the Order , a fact which he considered a complete answer to the repeated charges of irreligion which had been made against Freemasonry . When so many clergymen of the Established Church became Masons anil took part in the ceremonies of the Craft , the members of that Order could be neither
infidels nor deists , as many had alleged . They owed a debt of giatitude to thc ministers of the Church , and they could show this in some measure by their aid in this work of restoration . After Bro . R . Young , P . M . 86 , had spoken against the proposition , Bro . If . Wylie said this was not a question of religion ,
but a Masonic question , in which they were called upon to contribute to the rcstoialiem of a building in which they ought to have a special interest . The motion was carried by an overwhelming majority and it was also resolved that the P . G . M . should recon . mend thc members of private lodges within his province
to supplement the vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Lord Skelmersdale intimated his intention of subscribing £ 25 towards the object . After £ 55 had been voted for relief and assistance in the education of deceased Freemasons' children , the proceedings of the special meeting terminated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Inaugural Ball At The Surrey Masonic Hall .
Company , obtained permission for the members of thc Order to appear in Masonic costume , which gave great effect and eeJat- to thc assembly . Bro . D . Godfrey ' s band was in attendance and performed some choice music , Bro . John Jarvis proving himself an able Master of the Ceremonies . Suuper was supplied about one o ' clock in the rooms
adjoining the hall . The usual toasts were given and duly responded to . During the evening ths following Inaugural Ode , on the completion of the Surrey Masonic Hall , wiitten by Bro . Samuel Poynter , P . M . 902 and 1491 , barrister-at-law , was delivered by Bro . Dawson in a very able manner .
ODE . " And the house , when it was in buiMing " , was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither ; so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard m thc house , while it was in building . "—1 Kings , VI ., v . 7 . "An house not made with hands . "—II . Cor ., V ., v . 1 .
In Israel's holy city , when tne word Went forth to build a Temple to the Lord , Thc pious prince , who swayed thc sceptre then , —• Wisest alike of monarchs and of men , — Inspired by zeal , by light divine illumed , To give command unparalleled presumed . "The fane we build "—so mused his mighty
mind" Is for no earthly potentate designed ; " For human ruler , howsoever great , " Whate ' cr the pomp , the pageantry , the state , " His throne surround , how loud soe'er th' acclaim " With which the sycophantic shout his name , — " Let mortal hands with lusty strokes attest " A mortal ' s lodging ' tis they build at best ' .
" The maul for luxury ' s use now deftly plied " Shall ring on nails that clinch the coffin ' s side ; " The pick that cleaves thc earth to found the throne " Breaks up thc ground beneath the cold grave stone ; " Each sound of toil that jars on royalty ' s car
" Proclaims that e ' en to monarchs eieath is near ! " E ' en as at Pharaoh ' a feasts , o ' er pomp and power , "Thc grisly , grinning , skeleton would toiver , * " So , as the sumptuous palace stone by stone " Rises in beauty , rings the dirge-like tone , — " ' Whomsoe ' er thou art for whom these toilers ply ,
" ' Thou shar ' st their lot in this—thou too must die !' " Not so that Being "—thus thc king ' s thoughts ran , " For whom this regal edifice we plan ; " How grand soe'er , yet all too mean for One " Whose Temple is the Universe alone , — " Ruler of all , e ' en of the gruesome king ;
" Cedes grave no vict'ry , knows in death no sting ! " Let then no harsh discordant noises break " The solemn silence in thc house we make ; " No stroke disturb , or clang of tool dispel , " The stillness where we pray our God to divell ! " The king decreed , and wond'ring Israel viewed The logs well shaped , thc ashlars squared where hewed ,
In forest and in ejuarry , leagues away From that all hallow'd site , where , day by day , Conveyed by tedious toil o ' er sea and land , All ready fashioned to the builder ' s hanel , The precious freig ht airived ; and fingers skilled The pieces fitted—and , with rev ' rence filled , The Jewish people saw before them rise
Thc stately fabric—mounting to the skies ; The worlel ' s new wonder growing—tower by tower—In symmetry anel silence hour by hour ! So the first Temple sprung—how changed thc tone Upon that spot , when , ruincet and o ' erthrown , The pious builders of the second sought The ancient glory to restore—and wrought
With sturdy arm ;;—ihe hammer swinging high , Trowel anil pick in hand , but sword on thigh ! Thus to all time they thc example set That lawless violence must by force be met , Proclaiming in thc patriot ' s loftiest strain What toil produces valour must maintain ' . Shall these great lessons of time passeel away
Be told in dull , deaf , nay , elead , ears to-day ? Shall we , whom God has blessed with peace and means , With sceptic sneer turn fiom these old-world scenes ? Or read with pride that goes before a fall The unregarded writing on th" wall ? Not so ! The Temple that the \ : is-- king planned , Too great almost for work ef human hanel ,
So grand , so glorious , that it seemed to grow By nature ' s process from the earth below , We builders speculative , in our state Of moital sojourn , strive to imitate . Ah ! would our skill could from the world around All evil banish , as metallic sound Was stilleel within the Temple ' s gorgeous walls !
But here sin ' s ringing conflict still appals ; Yet work we on , our house the human soul ; The sounds wc seek to banish or control Are vice ' s promptings , passion ' s fierce appeal ; Or avarice hamm ' ring tender hearts to steel ; These sounds discordant silenced , we coulel hear The " still small voice" that whispers " Peace is here !"
Nor yet alone the earlier I emple s rise Exhausts the lesson Holy Writ supplies ; The careless and indifferent may cease . To heed the conscience , and may call that peace ; But lethargy , like this , so dense and deep ,
Is , as to peace , as death is unto sleep . Be ours , while silencing thc angry din Of raging passions jarring all within The human temple—ever to incline Our mental ears unto the voice Divine ! And , as the builders , when they sought to raise * An allusion to the well-known traditionary custom at Egyptian banquets .
Inaugural Ball At The Surrey Masonic Hall .
Again thc Temple to Jehovah ' s praise , Toiled with their hands , but carried at their side The sword to guard the work their skill supplied , We , too , must learn , when right ' s by force withstood , Like men to 'quit us for the common good ! Thc common gojd ! Our revels here to-night Remind us of an enemy to fi * ht .
Grim foes we Masons face ; the strife we ' ll win Is waged with want , with ignorance , with sin ! Whom threaten they ? Hark ! where in yonder walls The tiny foot of blooming girlhood falls . Our Brethren's orphans ! Brethren whom hard care Their feet through life kept ou thc dark ' ned square . Poor girls . ' Ye gentle fair , whose witching eyes
To-night our festal scene ' s chief charm supplies , From joyful thoughts with which your bosoms glow , One warm pulsation of your hearts bestow In gentle sympathy with this our aim , In sanctioning the privilege we claim To succour those for whom to-night we plead—Our orphan sisters—in their hour of need !
Hold ! I have said enough . You'll say there ' s quite Sufficient moralising for one night . All harsh , discordant noises from this scene Be banished now ; while tranquil and serene , Sole interruption of the stillness round , Shall be sweet music ' s j ly-inspiring sound ; Tiie only strokes upon our ears to beat ,
I he joyous pattering of youthful feet , Threading the circling maze ; and if , by chance , Some cheery voices break the pleasant trance , The heartfelt wishes ou our cars will fall Affection's welcome—warm good-will to all . SUCCESS to this our roof , and , to have done , As Tiny Tim says , " God bless evcrv one !"
Visit Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire To The Phœnix Lodge Of St. Ann, Buxton, No. 1235.
Thc Phoenix Lodge eif St . Ann , Buxton , was on thc 16 th inst . honoureet feir the first time by the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire , with liro . II . C . Okeover , R . W . P . G . W . of F . nglaad , D . P . G . M . Lodge was
opened in the Court House at 1 . 30 p . m . by Bro . a . C . Milligan , W . M . of tile Pluvnit , anel after th : transaction of the usual business of the iodge the arrival of the Provincial Grand Lodge was announced . There was a very large attendance , thc Comt House being so well filled that the gathering of so many distinguished Masons had a very imposing effect . The meeting was a very
satisfactory one , and several suggestions in connection with the charities ami the Freemasonry cf the province were discussed in a manner which will doubtless bear good fruit . After the lodge had been clos'il with f'C usual impressive ceicmonies , thc numerous brethren adjourned to thc Palace Hotel , where tables , decorated with thc choicest flowers from Chatsuorth through the
kindness e : f the Marquis of Hartington , P . G . M ., had been spread for a sumptuous banquet . At erne cnel of the rroni , also , was a line acacia from thc conservatory of Bro . U . H . Duke . A photograph of the . artistically laid tables was taken by Mr . Hobiss , of the Market Place . Bro . E .
C . Milligan . W . M . of the Phoenix , presided , supported bv Bro . IT . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., and Bro W . Smith , l . P . M . of thc Phrenix ; and the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . P . S . G . W ., and l' . P . C . C , Chaplain , said ' grace . The menu was served " a la Russe , " and in ruch a manner that it eliciti-el from the . D . P . G . M . Ihp remark that '' it was the most
elegant banquet he had ever seen . " After dinner thc following toasts were submitted , and honoured in the usual loyal and Masonic manner , the presiding W . M . performing his arduous duties admirably : — ' The Queen and Freemasonry , " "H . R . H . the Piince of V ; , iles . G . M . of England ; the Princess of Wales ; and the It ( iv al Family ; " "Bro . the Eail of Carnarvon , acting
G . M . ; anil the Grand Lodge of England ; " Bro . thc Marijiiis of H . artiiigdon , R . W . P . G . M . ;' ' ' " II . C . Okeover , Esip , R . W . D . P . G . M . ; anil th " . Officers of Prov . Grand ! 1 eige , Past nnd Present ; " " The Phei-nix Lodge of St . Ann ; " "The Visitors ; " "Thc Charities ;"" Tylei ' s T oast . " Altogether it was a most enjoyable elay , and thc
brethren of Provincial Grand Lodge expressed their satisfaction again and again ; anil hopes were entertained that , though it was the first , it would probably not be the last visit of Provincial Grand Lodge . Amongst tli-jse present at the lodge and at the banquet were the following ( but the list is not complete in consequence of many eif the brethren omitting to enter their
names in the Tyler ' s book ) : —Bros . E . C . Milligan , W . M . Phoenix Lodge of St . Ann , 1213 ; ' {( - ' v- A . A . Bagshawe , Chaplain , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., ' P . P . Ch ., kc . ; VV . Smith , l . P . M ., - & c ; R . Duke , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Josiah Taylor , P . M ., P . P . Std . B . ; F . Turner , P . M ., P . P . S . D . ; G . J . Sykes , S . W . ; J . II . Lawson , J . W . ; W . D . Sutton , Treas . ; C . Adams , Sec . ; P . Le Gros , S . D . ; VV . Bouglien , J . D . ;
G . Marsden , P . G . O . ; C . Wilkinson , I . G . ; G . Gooeiwin , Stwel . ; C . Gwinncll , Stwd . ; T . Bragg , P . M . 74 , 1016 , P . Z . 74 , P . P . G . S . D . Warwick ; W . C . Moore , G . 1 ' . Barnard , Joseph Mortin , j . C . Bates , ami others . The visitors in . eluded the following brethren : —11 . C . Okeover , R . W . P . G . W . and D . P . G . M . j R . Darwin , P . P . G . W ., P . M . 6 . 154 ; T . Cox , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . T ., Sec . ; J . Casson , P . P . G . O . ; G . K .. Baines , S . W , 1 . 19 ^ ; T . Bramwcll , S . W .
054 ; W . Loinas , W . M . SS 4 ; 1 . Parker , 1495 ; W . Sperry , 1495 ; T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . 2 ; i , S . Pipes , W . M . 10 K 5 ; VV . W . Jeudwinc , J . W . 081 ; * C . Busby , I . G . 081 ; W . Chippendale , 44 ; VV . L . Barrow , S . 1495 ; —Grindrod , G 54 ; J- W . Wright , 1 , G . 654 ; T . Hibbert , 654 ; J . Hawthorn , 6 54 ; W . Piatt , 6 54 ; J . I'latt , 654 : J . Wyatt , 6 54 ; C . Bennett , 6 54 ; J . D . Simpson , O 54 ; S . W . Ready , P . M . O 54 ; W . Bembridge ; C . Wright , 884 ; John J . Bingham
Visit Of The Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire To The Phœnix Lodge Of St. Ann, Buxton, No. 1235.
W . M , i 2 S ; T . Horsley , P . P . S . G . W . 253 ; T . Slinn , P . G Tyler ; T . Wright , W . M . 6 54 ; and othirs .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
An especial Provincial Grand Lodge of the Western Division of thc county of Lancashire was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., for thc purpose of taking into consideration a letter which had been received from thc Rev . IS . Deacle , precentor of Chester
Cathedral , with regard to the proposed contribution by the Freemasons of West Lancashire towards thc restoration of Chester Cathedral . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , was pre « ent , and accepted the place of honour at the proceedings . Amongst the others present were Bros . A . C . Dceley , P . Q . J . W . ; Dr . J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg . ; T .
Armstrong , P . G . Treas . ; H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; J . F . Goggin , P . P . G . Chap . ; R . Wilson , P . P . G . S . D . ; T . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg . ; R . Wylie , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . J . Turley , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . Lunt , P . G . D . C . ; G . Broadbrielgc , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Skeag , P . G . O . ; S . E . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Bell , W . M . 135 G ; R . Brown , W . M . 241 , Hon . Sec . West Lancashire Masonic Educational
Institution ; J . Wood , Treas . 1094 ( "Freemason" ); J . W J . Fowler , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . [ ohnson , 241 ; 1- Moulding , J . W . S 23 : W . Healing , W . M . 1094 ; W . S . Vines , P . M . 220 ; J . H . McQuistan . 241 ; S . J . McGeorge , P . M ., Treas . 241 ; H . Liversage , 1299 ; R . Bennett , W . M . 1299 ; A . Jones , J . W . 1 ^ 02 ; f . T . Callow , W . M . 1505 ; H . Nelson , P . M . 1503 ; T . Clark , P . M . 673 ; J . Hock ' en , P . M ., Treas .
673 ; Dr . F . J . Bailey , 786 ; IT . Ashmorc , W . M . 1325 ; G . Turner , P . M . S 23 ; R . Young , P . M . 86 ; VV . fyrer , W . M . 86 ; H . Vaughan , J . W . 86 ; J . A . Edginton , P . M . 1182 ; P . E . Gee , W . M . 1264 ; J . Higson Johnson , P . M . 1350 ; A . Woolrich , S . D . 135 6 , & c . The P . G . M . saiel it would be remembered that at the last P . G . Lodge meeting a letter was read from the Rev .
Mr . Deacle with reference to the restoration of Chester Cathedral , but it was then thought advisable to postpone the consideration of thc matter , as the brethren wcre then engaged in raising funds for thc Benevolent Institution . He then took it upon him to say that the brethren would raise money for the purpose of helping on the restoration , and he had promised that their gift would take the form of a
scdilia , which he thought would be a much more appropriate gift to come from Freemasons than either a pavement or coronna , thc other gifts which had been named by Mr . Deacle in his letter . I le now asked the brethren to give him their e . pinion on the subject , and say what they thought the P . G . Loelge should do in connection with the matter .
Bro . R . Wylie , P . P . J . G . D ., now moved that the sum of £ 100 be given towards the restoration of Chester Cathedra ! . Bro . Dce ; ley , P . G . J . W ., seconded thc motion . Bro . Brtadbrielgc ' , P . ' ' . G . D . C , said he thought they should hesitate before voting the lands of the P . G , Lodge to this purpose . They had amongst their number many
brethren who were Dissenters , Roman Catholics , and members of other persuasions , and in relation to these they stood in a very peculiar position . Moreover , they ought to remember that they had thc greatest difficulty in raising the sums required to get their children elected in connection with their institutions . Besides , he thought
that before they parted with their funds they ought at least to furnish that hall properly . In answer to a brother , thc P . G . M . said the scdilia would cost about / " 450 . A brother from Barrow also objected to the vote , remarking that the clergy of Carlisle , in which part of that province was situated , might as well ask for a similar
vote . After several other brethren had spoken for and against the proposal , Bro . T . Wylie , P . P . G . Reg ., calleel attention to the Masonic gift which had recently been made to the cathedral at Gloucester , anel urged the brethren to sec that the pledge or promise of their P . G . M . should be redeemed with
what he might call " flying colours . " Bro . IT . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec , in supporting the motion for the vote , pointed out that amongst the 4400 Freemasons in the province of West I-ancashire no fewer than 3 200 wcre resident in the diocese of Chester . With regard to thc objection raised as to the different creeds to be found in the Masonic body , be stated , as the result of a long
expenrnce , that thc clergymen of the Church of England wcre almost thc only ministers who joined the Order , a fact which he considered a complete answer to the repeated charges of irreligion which had been made against Freemasonry . When so many clergymen of the Established Church became Masons anil took part in the ceremonies of the Craft , the members of that Order could be neither
infidels nor deists , as many had alleged . They owed a debt of giatitude to thc ministers of the Church , and they could show this in some measure by their aid in this work of restoration . After Bro . R . Young , P . M . 86 , had spoken against the proposition , Bro . If . Wylie said this was not a question of religion ,
but a Masonic question , in which they were called upon to contribute to the rcstoialiem of a building in which they ought to have a special interest . The motion was carried by an overwhelming majority and it was also resolved that the P . G . M . should recon . mend thc members of private lodges within his province
to supplement the vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Lord Skelmersdale intimated his intention of subscribing £ 25 towards the object . After £ 55 had been voted for relief and assistance in the education of deceased Freemasons' children , the proceedings of the special meeting terminated .