Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 3 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 3 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
also brought forward the claims of the charities , urging those who had been content hitherto to act passively should now actively and heartily cooperate with the Stewards going from the different lodges . The party broke up about II p . m ., separating with hearty good wishes and all unanimous in the opinion that they had spent a very cnjoyaole evening . Regret was expressed t nab t le
Secretary was unable to be present on account of illness . BIRMINGHAM . —Lodge of Israel ( No- 1502 . ) The first meeting of this prosperous lodge under the new Mastership was held on the 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Severn-street . There being a large amount of work to do the lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , Bros . S . Ly on , W . M . ; T . Silvcrstone , S . W . ; B . Lazarus , J . W . ; H .
Harris , S . D . ; P . Roberts , J . D . ; W . Wood , I . G . The minutes of the March meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , raised Bro . Ball and Gorden to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; afterwards passed Bros . Deal and Cohen to the Second Degree ; afterwards initiated Mr . Saul Abrahams , Mr . A . B . Newman , and Mr . S . Druiff ( a Lewis by
dispensation ) , the whole of the three degrees being rendered by the new W . M . in a very able manner . Afterwards the Rev . J . G . Emanuel , B . A ., Chaplain , in a very feeling and eloquent manner proposed a vote of condolence to the family of the late Bro . M . Wilcox , who lost his life in the recent football match at Derby , also to Bro . A . Jacobs , on the loss of his wife . Before closing the lodge £ 30 was voted from the benevolent fund for Masonic charities . The
brethren then adjourned to the banqueting room , where the W . M . presided , and gave the usual lojal and Masonic
toasts . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Israel ( No . 1502 ) . — At a recent meeting of this lodge , held in the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , March , 1876 , the following resolution was proposed by Bro . Dr . S . Lewis , seconded by Bro . Rev . J . Prag , Chaplain , and carried , " That a letter of congratulation from this lodge be sent to thc Freemasons' Lodge
in Jerusalem , and that the same be transcribed in English , German , and Hebrew . " The following is a copy of the letter forwarded : — " To thc W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of thc Masonic Lodge at Jerusalem : Worshipful Master and Brethren , —In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , 1 , Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . of the Lodge ol Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , No . 1502 , of
Liverpool , Great Britain ( our lodge being duly opened and propeily consecrated ) assisted by the principal officers , and in the presence of brethren from North , South , East and West , hereby convey to you our fraternal greetings and hearty congratulations on this occasion of the formation of a Masonic lodge at Jerusalem . With satisfaction and delight we hail the tidings of such a lodge having been established
within the confines of the Holy City . Masonry has achieved an illustrious reputation in the past , and rejoicing as wc do in acknowledgment of its oiigin and fundamental principles , it becomes to us a source of sincere pleasure to recognise that this time-honoured institution is experiencing an active and manifest revival in that sacred spot which centuries ago contained its cradle . Masonry , like other
channels of amelioration and mercy , has been subjected to persecution , and in thc operation we are bold to affirm that a chief agent for ennobling the individual mind , and for benefitting humanity at large , has been unjustly assailed . The effect we know has been analogous to thc shooting of arrows against walls of granite . Still wc observe with a lively sense of pleasure that a
totally different regime is extant in the country juled by your exalted and enlightened sovereign H . H . the Sultan ( under whose benign sway it is your privilege to live ) for which Masons and mankind in the main accord him unequivocal thanks . In Great Britain our Craft is flourishing . H . R . H . the Prince of Wahs , heir-apparent to the throne of this mighty empire , is one of us , and the nobles of the
land and the worthies of the nation , are proud to enrol themselves under our banner . Our Lodge of Israel is not exclusive , as its name might indicate . Amongst its members are worthy men , representatives of various denominations , and similarly disciplined to your lodge at Jerusalem , neither creeds nor nationalities are allowed to interpose invidious distinctions . The only qualifications for
admission that wc demand are those which arc wisely insisted on in all Masonic Lodges , and which are unquestionably essential with men who desire to live in conformity with the pure principles of piety and virtue , and who are also anxious to be united and identified with the wise and good of every clime . In conclusion , wc pray that the Almighty Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe may
grant to you and to all Freemasons His gracious aid , that we may be enabled to dedicate and devote our lives to his service , and that prudence may direct us , temperance chasten us , fortitude support us , and justice guide us in all our actions . Finally , that as true Freemasons , we may always practice brotherly love , afford relief to the
needy to the utmost of our power , pay due obedience to the laws of the country in which we are called to reside , and that in happy union with these beneficent duties , we desire that the Angel of truth may be the pioneer , the guiding star of all our words and actions . With fraternal greetings , Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . ; Maurice Hart , S . W . ; Alexander Jones , J . W . "
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No . 41 ) . —At a regular meeting , held at the Masonie Hall , on Tuesday , April 18 th , the Board of Installed Principals was opened by Ex . Comps . Moutiie , P . Z ., acting as Z . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z ., as IT . ; H . Carey , j . ; and Mann , P . Z . The
following companions , were then admitted , and the chapter was duly opened : Hill , E . ; Hearne , N . ; Brown , P . Soj . ; Young , S . Soj . ; Falkner , J , Soj . ; Howes , Gammer , and Williamson . Bigwood was in his place as Janitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
Royal Arch.
Letters of apology for absence were read from the ist and 2 nd Principals , Comp . Davis , and the candidate for exaltation . The voting papers for the several Masonic charitable institutions were ordered to be placed in the hands of Ex Comp , Ashley , to be used in favour of candidates from this province . On thc proposition of the acting H ., seconded by J ., the following resolution was passed : —
" That , considering thc recent extension of R . A . Masonry in the Province of Somerset , which now contains 10 chapters , it appears desirable to unite them in closer bonds , with a view to the further promotion of the general interests of the Order , and to the bestowal of provincial rank on many members who have distinguished themselves by long and efficient services . That , with this object , it be a
recommendation from the Royal Cumberland Chapter to the constituted authorities to consider the propriety of establishing a Provincial Grand Chapter , and if the suggestion be favourably entertained , to take the necessary measures for carrying out the project , in conformity with the Constitutions of Royal Arch Masonry . No other business offering , the chapter was closed at an early hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
ST . GEORGE'S CHAPTER , ROSE CROIX . —A meeting of this chapter was held at 33 . Goldensquare , on Monday last , Bro . F . Davison , M . W . S . The meeting was fully attended by the members of the chapter , and there was a goodly array of visitors . Bros . C . T . Sparkes , Chaucer Lodge ; F . Burgess , Asaph Lodge ; G . J . Smallpiec ? , 777 ; J . T . Gibson , Earl Spencer Lodge ;
and W . Poore , Burgoyne Lodge , were perfected very ably by the M . W . S ., after which the ceremony of installing the M . W . S . elect , Bro . James Stevens , was performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen in a most impressive manner . BOMBAY . —Bombay Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Mazagon , on the 17 th D .-cembcr .
HI . Bros . Dr . J . Anderson , M . W . Sov . ; Bro . C E . Mitchell , P . M . W . Sov . ; 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe , High Prelate ; Bro . Walton , ist General ; III . Bro . VV . H . Hussey , 2 nd General ; Bro . H . Stead , Grand Marshal ; 11 . W . Barrow , Raphael ; J . Thomas , Recorder ; J . L . Madden , Captain of Guards ; J . W . Seager , Guard . The chapter was opened in due form . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The M . W . Sov . said that the business before
the convocation was the installation of thc M . W . Sov . elect , 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe , 30 . The M . W . Sov ., 111 . Bro . Dr . J . Anderson , after eulogizing thc services of 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe to the different degrees and orders to which he belonged , and the services which he had rendered to this chapter in particular , said he was sure that during his year of office the chapter would flourish , and proceeded to
instal him into that high office in ancient form . 111 . Bro . J . Anderson then proclaimed 111 . Bro . VV . C Rowe , 30 ° M . W . S . of the Bombay Chapter , 1 S , for thc ensuing year . III . Bro . XV . C . Rowe then rose and in suitable terms returned thanks to the III . brother who had just installed him , and sail that he would use his utmost endeavours to maintain the dignity and hiir ' i standintr with
which the Bombay Chapter of S . P . H . C had hitherto been held , and he hoped he should have the hearty co-operatii n of the officers to assist him in working the chapter , and begged that they would attend regularly and punctually to the duties of those several offices which he was about to appoint them to , and proceeded to invest the following brethren : —III . Bro . VV . IT . Hussey , 30 , I LP . ; Bros . H . G .
Walton , ist G . ; IT . Stead , 2 nd G . ; J . Thomas , R . ; IT . W . Barrow , G . M . ; C . Vudball , R . ; J . L . Madden C . of G . ; J VV . Seager , G . P . M . W . S . C . E . Mitchell , 18 , was elected Treas ., and warmly applauded in taking the post again for another year . III . Bro . VV . II . Hussey , 30 ° , IT . P ., returned thanks to the M . W . S . for the honour
he had done the officers , ar . d himself in particular , by appointing them to the posts which lie had done , and said that he was sure thai he ( the M . W . S . ) would have the united assistance of the officers to enable him to carry out the working of the degree with that efficiency which he was sure it would be woiked by their newly-installed M . W . S .
Scotland .
VISITATIONS or PROVINCIAL GRAND Loner ; or GLASGOW , The annual "visitations" of the different lodges throughout thc province by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow for the current year ( 1876 ) have now begun . A commencement was made on Thursday , 20 th inst ., with Lodge St . Mungo , 27 , and Lodge St . Andrew , 4 6 5 ; and , according to the syllabus , the work will be completed with
the visitation of Lodge St . John ' s , Shettleston , 128 , on Wednesday , 7 th June . The amount of time and labour perforce expended in this periodical task by the officebearers of the Prov . Grand Lodge is , we fee ! certain , but imperfectly comprehended by many of the brethren , who only see them once , at their own lodge , and do not follow them throughout . It may assist toward forming some
idea of the matter when we state that , as regards this year , the number of lodges to be visited during the short period indicated is 28 ; that in one week ( that commencing ist proximo ) no fewer than seven are to be overtaken ; and that on ten occasions , two lodges—in some cases remotely apart—are to be visited on the one evening . GLASGOW— Lodge St . John ( No . 34 ) . —The
regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-strect , on Tuesday evening , 18 th inst . Bro . W . Bell , I . P . M ., informed the brethren that the W . M ., Bro . D . M . Nelson , was unavoidably in England on business , and could not be present that evening , and under these circumstances called upon Bro . J . D . Young , D . M ., to open the lodge , which was accordingly proceeded with ; [ as . Sellars , S . W . ; P . Brownlie , J . W . ; J . Dick , Sec . ; A . Cameron ,
S . D . ; D . Paton , J . D . ; A . Peddic , I . G . ; and the other office-bearers in their places . The meeting was particul arj well attended by the membeis and a large number of visit , ing brethren , among whom we noticed Bros . J . Mili er P . M . 413 ; j . S . Adam , Doric , 5 8 , Canada ; W . H Mj > w ' W . M . 40 S ; ' J- Mclnnes , S . W . 332 ; W . Murray , s . Jj 332 ; J . R . McKay , Neptune , 375 , Aberdeen ; W . Ferg u ,
son , l . P . M . 543 (" Freemason" ); and brethren froni Lodges 73 , 103 , 129 , 197 , 300 , 370 , 419 , and 46 ; . on thc lodge being opened , Bro . Dick , Sec , read minutes of last regular and one emergency meeting , which were ap . proved of . Bro . the Rev . Joseph Rice , M . A ., of Lod ge Acacia , 223 , I . C ., Dublin , whi was proposed and seconded at last ' meeting for affiliation to the lodge , was then obli .
gated by Bro . Ferguson , l . P . M . 343 . 1 he lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . W . Weir , J . Mor . rison , G . R . Morrison , Alex . Murray , H . Tennant , A . Jf , Robertson , and R . Weatherston were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . Miller , P . M . 413 , in a very impressive manner . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) .-
The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Thursday . In thc absence , through illness , of the W . M . ( Bro . Dugald Butler ) , the chair was occupied by his S . M ., Bro . David Dick , win , Bros . Dr . J . M'Innes , S . W ., and G . M'Comb , J . W ., in their respective places . Amongst those present were Bros . D . Ronald , W . M . 275 ; W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . 57 ,.
W . Morrison , P . M . 215 ; It . Jack , W . M . 128 ; W . Fergu . son , P . M . 543 ( Freemason ); W . Taylor , Treas . 5 81 ; M . Stork , 553 , tSre . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , it was announced that thc Provincial Grand Lodge wcre in waiting . The chairman at once ga « orders for their admittance , and they were received by the brethren upstanding ar . d with thc customary formalities ,
Thc deputation consisted of Bros . George Sinclair , acti ng Prov . Grand Master ; James Gillies , Treas . ; Archibald M'Taggart , Sec ; A . Allison , Jeweller ; A . Bain , B . B . James Balfour , Dir . of Cir . ; and David Reid , I . G . The deputation having taken their seats upon thc dais , the Chairman acknowledged the supremacy 0 ! P . G . L . in the usual form , by presenting his mallet to the acting P . G ,
Master , and as usual had it immediately returned to him , with a request to retain command of his lodge . Bro . M'Taggart , P . G . Sec , said that before submitting to Ihe lodge the report of the deputation he had to sympathise with them in the circumstances under which they had met that night in the absence , through indisposition , of their W . M . He was sorry also at having to state that , from a
similar cause , the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . W . M . Ntilson , would not be with them on the occasion . He thought , however , that they had something to congratulate them , selves upon in the history of the Province of Glasgow and the progress it was making , as to which he might just mention that one-half of the Masons made in Scotland during the past vear were made within it . They ( ihe
P . G . L . ) were very glad to meet an old lodge like St . Mungo . They could ill afford ro find a lodge with suc ' . i a history and reminiscences dropping into the shade , and they were glad to find that it was not so . Thc number added to the membership during the past year was , as formerly , very respectable . They had made the average number of 26 , and a very respectable average indeed .
Moreover , he was proud to say , from personal knowledge and icport , that they had had no better or more firmlylaid stones in the past than those they had laid Ust year , Thereafter Bro , M'Taggart stated that the deputation had gone over the books carefully , and found them , on the whole , remarkably well kept—the sederunt book , the minute book , the roll book , ami the receipt book . The official
report which they had to make would be to that effect , and also that the lodge generally was working in strict harmony with thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . After a few remarks from the acting P . G . M ., Bro . Sinclair , the Chairman said that on behalf of the XV M . he had very great pleasure in thanking the Prov . G . Lodge for their favourable report , and hoped the lodge would always continue to in
merit the like . The P . G . deputation then withdrew order as they had entered , GLASGOW . — Lodge Scotia ( No . 17 8 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in Kilwinning Hall on Wednesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . J . Singleton , W . M ., presiding ; V . Hepburn , S . W . ; A . Mercer , J . W . ; W . Iliggins , D . M . ; IT . Killin , Sec ; VV . King ,
Treas . ; | . Malheson , P . M ., Chap . ; W . McDonald , S . D . I W . Hart ' , | . D . ; R . McEwan , B . B . ; and XV . King , j ""' I . G . ; Bros . W . Bell , l . P . M . vi ; «• Murray , W . M . io . il R . Munro , D . M . 103 ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., and Sec . 101 ; N . Cameron , Treas . 109 ; I . Wilson , i-V ; . )• Wilson , 18 ; A . McGregor , 321 ; j " . Reid , 354 ; ' \ V / Fergus * ( " Freemason " ) ; and others . On thc lodge being opened ,
Messrs . R . Chalmers , Jos . Kelly , and W . Dalg lish wc " initiated into the E . A . Degree by Bro . Matheson , ? . »• Thc last-named gentlemen was initiated on behalf of " Lodge Union and Crown , 103 , for which Bro . Gillies , -f ' 103 , thanked the W . M . anil members of Lodge Scrtj >' The members were engaged the remaining pait of < evening in framing a new code of bye-laws .
GLASGOW— Lodge Star ( No . 219 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Trong . y on Monday evening , the 10 th inst ., Bro . J . Morg 3 ' W . M ., in ^ thc chair , J . Brown , S . D ., acting S . W-i : \ Mcarns , J . W . ; J . Martin , D . M . ; W . Anderson , *>¦¦ •' F . Dow , Sec . ; B . Smart , Treas . ; R . Watson , UW lain ; D . Taylor , J . D . ; J . Duthie ; and J . l '«> >' « , ' Tyler . Present : Bros . D . Sinclair , Tieasurer of the
viucial Benevolent Fund ; J . Gillies , P . G . ' ' rcas ., Bain , P . G . B . B . ; D . Reid , P . M . 4 O 5 and P . IU- L > - > . Campbell , 22 , New Brunswick ; R . Young , ' 95 ' ' , ' ; R . P . out , W . M . 4 ; D . Murray , W . M . 10 . I ; Munro , D . M . 103 ; W . Forsyth , J . W . 103 ; f " .. meron , Treas . 103 ; J . Singleton , W . M . 178 ; »¦ r burn , S . W . 101 ; A . B . Ferguson , W . M . 354 ' ¦ j ] liarlcy , S . W . ^ 54 ; C . McKenzie , J . W . 354 >
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
also brought forward the claims of the charities , urging those who had been content hitherto to act passively should now actively and heartily cooperate with the Stewards going from the different lodges . The party broke up about II p . m ., separating with hearty good wishes and all unanimous in the opinion that they had spent a very cnjoyaole evening . Regret was expressed t nab t le
Secretary was unable to be present on account of illness . BIRMINGHAM . —Lodge of Israel ( No- 1502 . ) The first meeting of this prosperous lodge under the new Mastership was held on the 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Severn-street . There being a large amount of work to do the lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , Bros . S . Ly on , W . M . ; T . Silvcrstone , S . W . ; B . Lazarus , J . W . ; H .
Harris , S . D . ; P . Roberts , J . D . ; W . Wood , I . G . The minutes of the March meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by his officers , raised Bro . Ball and Gorden to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ; afterwards passed Bros . Deal and Cohen to the Second Degree ; afterwards initiated Mr . Saul Abrahams , Mr . A . B . Newman , and Mr . S . Druiff ( a Lewis by
dispensation ) , the whole of the three degrees being rendered by the new W . M . in a very able manner . Afterwards the Rev . J . G . Emanuel , B . A ., Chaplain , in a very feeling and eloquent manner proposed a vote of condolence to the family of the late Bro . M . Wilcox , who lost his life in the recent football match at Derby , also to Bro . A . Jacobs , on the loss of his wife . Before closing the lodge £ 30 was voted from the benevolent fund for Masonic charities . The
brethren then adjourned to the banqueting room , where the W . M . presided , and gave the usual lojal and Masonic
toasts . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Israel ( No . 1502 ) . — At a recent meeting of this lodge , held in the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , March , 1876 , the following resolution was proposed by Bro . Dr . S . Lewis , seconded by Bro . Rev . J . Prag , Chaplain , and carried , " That a letter of congratulation from this lodge be sent to thc Freemasons' Lodge
in Jerusalem , and that the same be transcribed in English , German , and Hebrew . " The following is a copy of the letter forwarded : — " To thc W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of thc Masonic Lodge at Jerusalem : Worshipful Master and Brethren , —In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe , 1 , Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . of the Lodge ol Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , No . 1502 , of
Liverpool , Great Britain ( our lodge being duly opened and propeily consecrated ) assisted by the principal officers , and in the presence of brethren from North , South , East and West , hereby convey to you our fraternal greetings and hearty congratulations on this occasion of the formation of a Masonic lodge at Jerusalem . With satisfaction and delight we hail the tidings of such a lodge having been established
within the confines of the Holy City . Masonry has achieved an illustrious reputation in the past , and rejoicing as wc do in acknowledgment of its oiigin and fundamental principles , it becomes to us a source of sincere pleasure to recognise that this time-honoured institution is experiencing an active and manifest revival in that sacred spot which centuries ago contained its cradle . Masonry , like other
channels of amelioration and mercy , has been subjected to persecution , and in thc operation we are bold to affirm that a chief agent for ennobling the individual mind , and for benefitting humanity at large , has been unjustly assailed . The effect we know has been analogous to thc shooting of arrows against walls of granite . Still wc observe with a lively sense of pleasure that a
totally different regime is extant in the country juled by your exalted and enlightened sovereign H . H . the Sultan ( under whose benign sway it is your privilege to live ) for which Masons and mankind in the main accord him unequivocal thanks . In Great Britain our Craft is flourishing . H . R . H . the Prince of Wahs , heir-apparent to the throne of this mighty empire , is one of us , and the nobles of the
land and the worthies of the nation , are proud to enrol themselves under our banner . Our Lodge of Israel is not exclusive , as its name might indicate . Amongst its members are worthy men , representatives of various denominations , and similarly disciplined to your lodge at Jerusalem , neither creeds nor nationalities are allowed to interpose invidious distinctions . The only qualifications for
admission that wc demand are those which arc wisely insisted on in all Masonic Lodges , and which are unquestionably essential with men who desire to live in conformity with the pure principles of piety and virtue , and who are also anxious to be united and identified with the wise and good of every clime . In conclusion , wc pray that the Almighty Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe may
grant to you and to all Freemasons His gracious aid , that we may be enabled to dedicate and devote our lives to his service , and that prudence may direct us , temperance chasten us , fortitude support us , and justice guide us in all our actions . Finally , that as true Freemasons , we may always practice brotherly love , afford relief to the
needy to the utmost of our power , pay due obedience to the laws of the country in which we are called to reside , and that in happy union with these beneficent duties , we desire that the Angel of truth may be the pioneer , the guiding star of all our words and actions . With fraternal greetings , Alfred J . Henochsberg , W . M . ; Maurice Hart , S . W . ; Alexander Jones , J . W . "
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No . 41 ) . —At a regular meeting , held at the Masonie Hall , on Tuesday , April 18 th , the Board of Installed Principals was opened by Ex . Comps . Moutiie , P . Z ., acting as Z . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Z ., as IT . ; H . Carey , j . ; and Mann , P . Z . The
following companions , were then admitted , and the chapter was duly opened : Hill , E . ; Hearne , N . ; Brown , P . Soj . ; Young , S . Soj . ; Falkner , J , Soj . ; Howes , Gammer , and Williamson . Bigwood was in his place as Janitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed .
Royal Arch.
Letters of apology for absence were read from the ist and 2 nd Principals , Comp . Davis , and the candidate for exaltation . The voting papers for the several Masonic charitable institutions were ordered to be placed in the hands of Ex Comp , Ashley , to be used in favour of candidates from this province . On thc proposition of the acting H ., seconded by J ., the following resolution was passed : —
" That , considering thc recent extension of R . A . Masonry in the Province of Somerset , which now contains 10 chapters , it appears desirable to unite them in closer bonds , with a view to the further promotion of the general interests of the Order , and to the bestowal of provincial rank on many members who have distinguished themselves by long and efficient services . That , with this object , it be a
recommendation from the Royal Cumberland Chapter to the constituted authorities to consider the propriety of establishing a Provincial Grand Chapter , and if the suggestion be favourably entertained , to take the necessary measures for carrying out the project , in conformity with the Constitutions of Royal Arch Masonry . No other business offering , the chapter was closed at an early hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
ST . GEORGE'S CHAPTER , ROSE CROIX . —A meeting of this chapter was held at 33 . Goldensquare , on Monday last , Bro . F . Davison , M . W . S . The meeting was fully attended by the members of the chapter , and there was a goodly array of visitors . Bros . C . T . Sparkes , Chaucer Lodge ; F . Burgess , Asaph Lodge ; G . J . Smallpiec ? , 777 ; J . T . Gibson , Earl Spencer Lodge ;
and W . Poore , Burgoyne Lodge , were perfected very ably by the M . W . S ., after which the ceremony of installing the M . W . S . elect , Bro . James Stevens , was performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen in a most impressive manner . BOMBAY . —Bombay Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Mazagon , on the 17 th D .-cembcr .
HI . Bros . Dr . J . Anderson , M . W . Sov . ; Bro . C E . Mitchell , P . M . W . Sov . ; 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe , High Prelate ; Bro . Walton , ist General ; III . Bro . VV . H . Hussey , 2 nd General ; Bro . H . Stead , Grand Marshal ; 11 . W . Barrow , Raphael ; J . Thomas , Recorder ; J . L . Madden , Captain of Guards ; J . W . Seager , Guard . The chapter was opened in due form . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The M . W . Sov . said that the business before
the convocation was the installation of thc M . W . Sov . elect , 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe , 30 . The M . W . Sov ., 111 . Bro . Dr . J . Anderson , after eulogizing thc services of 111 . Bro . VV . C . Rowe to the different degrees and orders to which he belonged , and the services which he had rendered to this chapter in particular , said he was sure that during his year of office the chapter would flourish , and proceeded to
instal him into that high office in ancient form . 111 . Bro . J . Anderson then proclaimed 111 . Bro . VV . C Rowe , 30 ° M . W . S . of the Bombay Chapter , 1 S , for thc ensuing year . III . Bro . XV . C . Rowe then rose and in suitable terms returned thanks to the III . brother who had just installed him , and sail that he would use his utmost endeavours to maintain the dignity and hiir ' i standintr with
which the Bombay Chapter of S . P . H . C had hitherto been held , and he hoped he should have the hearty co-operatii n of the officers to assist him in working the chapter , and begged that they would attend regularly and punctually to the duties of those several offices which he was about to appoint them to , and proceeded to invest the following brethren : —III . Bro . VV . IT . Hussey , 30 , I LP . ; Bros . H . G .
Walton , ist G . ; IT . Stead , 2 nd G . ; J . Thomas , R . ; IT . W . Barrow , G . M . ; C . Vudball , R . ; J . L . Madden C . of G . ; J VV . Seager , G . P . M . W . S . C . E . Mitchell , 18 , was elected Treas ., and warmly applauded in taking the post again for another year . III . Bro . VV . II . Hussey , 30 ° , IT . P ., returned thanks to the M . W . S . for the honour
he had done the officers , ar . d himself in particular , by appointing them to the posts which lie had done , and said that he was sure thai he ( the M . W . S . ) would have the united assistance of the officers to enable him to carry out the working of the degree with that efficiency which he was sure it would be woiked by their newly-installed M . W . S .
Scotland .
VISITATIONS or PROVINCIAL GRAND Loner ; or GLASGOW , The annual "visitations" of the different lodges throughout thc province by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow for the current year ( 1876 ) have now begun . A commencement was made on Thursday , 20 th inst ., with Lodge St . Mungo , 27 , and Lodge St . Andrew , 4 6 5 ; and , according to the syllabus , the work will be completed with
the visitation of Lodge St . John ' s , Shettleston , 128 , on Wednesday , 7 th June . The amount of time and labour perforce expended in this periodical task by the officebearers of the Prov . Grand Lodge is , we fee ! certain , but imperfectly comprehended by many of the brethren , who only see them once , at their own lodge , and do not follow them throughout . It may assist toward forming some
idea of the matter when we state that , as regards this year , the number of lodges to be visited during the short period indicated is 28 ; that in one week ( that commencing ist proximo ) no fewer than seven are to be overtaken ; and that on ten occasions , two lodges—in some cases remotely apart—are to be visited on the one evening . GLASGOW— Lodge St . John ( No . 34 ) . —The
regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-strect , on Tuesday evening , 18 th inst . Bro . W . Bell , I . P . M ., informed the brethren that the W . M ., Bro . D . M . Nelson , was unavoidably in England on business , and could not be present that evening , and under these circumstances called upon Bro . J . D . Young , D . M ., to open the lodge , which was accordingly proceeded with ; [ as . Sellars , S . W . ; P . Brownlie , J . W . ; J . Dick , Sec . ; A . Cameron ,
S . D . ; D . Paton , J . D . ; A . Peddic , I . G . ; and the other office-bearers in their places . The meeting was particul arj well attended by the membeis and a large number of visit , ing brethren , among whom we noticed Bros . J . Mili er P . M . 413 ; j . S . Adam , Doric , 5 8 , Canada ; W . H Mj > w ' W . M . 40 S ; ' J- Mclnnes , S . W . 332 ; W . Murray , s . Jj 332 ; J . R . McKay , Neptune , 375 , Aberdeen ; W . Ferg u ,
son , l . P . M . 543 (" Freemason" ); and brethren froni Lodges 73 , 103 , 129 , 197 , 300 , 370 , 419 , and 46 ; . on thc lodge being opened , Bro . Dick , Sec , read minutes of last regular and one emergency meeting , which were ap . proved of . Bro . the Rev . Joseph Rice , M . A ., of Lod ge Acacia , 223 , I . C ., Dublin , whi was proposed and seconded at last ' meeting for affiliation to the lodge , was then obli .
gated by Bro . Ferguson , l . P . M . 343 . 1 he lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . W . Weir , J . Mor . rison , G . R . Morrison , Alex . Murray , H . Tennant , A . Jf , Robertson , and R . Weatherston were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by Bro . Miller , P . M . 413 , in a very impressive manner . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) .-
The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Thursday . In thc absence , through illness , of the W . M . ( Bro . Dugald Butler ) , the chair was occupied by his S . M ., Bro . David Dick , win , Bros . Dr . J . M'Innes , S . W ., and G . M'Comb , J . W ., in their respective places . Amongst those present were Bros . D . Ronald , W . M . 275 ; W . J . E . Dobson , W . M . 57 ,.
W . Morrison , P . M . 215 ; It . Jack , W . M . 128 ; W . Fergu . son , P . M . 543 ( Freemason ); W . Taylor , Treas . 5 81 ; M . Stork , 553 , tSre . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , it was announced that thc Provincial Grand Lodge wcre in waiting . The chairman at once ga « orders for their admittance , and they were received by the brethren upstanding ar . d with thc customary formalities ,
Thc deputation consisted of Bros . George Sinclair , acti ng Prov . Grand Master ; James Gillies , Treas . ; Archibald M'Taggart , Sec ; A . Allison , Jeweller ; A . Bain , B . B . James Balfour , Dir . of Cir . ; and David Reid , I . G . The deputation having taken their seats upon thc dais , the Chairman acknowledged the supremacy 0 ! P . G . L . in the usual form , by presenting his mallet to the acting P . G ,
Master , and as usual had it immediately returned to him , with a request to retain command of his lodge . Bro . M'Taggart , P . G . Sec , said that before submitting to Ihe lodge the report of the deputation he had to sympathise with them in the circumstances under which they had met that night in the absence , through indisposition , of their W . M . He was sorry also at having to state that , from a
similar cause , the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . W . M . Ntilson , would not be with them on the occasion . He thought , however , that they had something to congratulate them , selves upon in the history of the Province of Glasgow and the progress it was making , as to which he might just mention that one-half of the Masons made in Scotland during the past vear were made within it . They ( ihe
P . G . L . ) were very glad to meet an old lodge like St . Mungo . They could ill afford ro find a lodge with suc ' . i a history and reminiscences dropping into the shade , and they were glad to find that it was not so . Thc number added to the membership during the past year was , as formerly , very respectable . They had made the average number of 26 , and a very respectable average indeed .
Moreover , he was proud to say , from personal knowledge and icport , that they had had no better or more firmlylaid stones in the past than those they had laid Ust year , Thereafter Bro , M'Taggart stated that the deputation had gone over the books carefully , and found them , on the whole , remarkably well kept—the sederunt book , the minute book , the roll book , ami the receipt book . The official
report which they had to make would be to that effect , and also that the lodge generally was working in strict harmony with thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . After a few remarks from the acting P . G . M ., Bro . Sinclair , the Chairman said that on behalf of the XV M . he had very great pleasure in thanking the Prov . G . Lodge for their favourable report , and hoped the lodge would always continue to in
merit the like . The P . G . deputation then withdrew order as they had entered , GLASGOW . — Lodge Scotia ( No . 17 8 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in Kilwinning Hall on Wednesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . J . Singleton , W . M ., presiding ; V . Hepburn , S . W . ; A . Mercer , J . W . ; W . Iliggins , D . M . ; IT . Killin , Sec ; VV . King ,
Treas . ; | . Malheson , P . M ., Chap . ; W . McDonald , S . D . I W . Hart ' , | . D . ; R . McEwan , B . B . ; and XV . King , j ""' I . G . ; Bros . W . Bell , l . P . M . vi ; «• Murray , W . M . io . il R . Munro , D . M . 103 ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., and Sec . 101 ; N . Cameron , Treas . 109 ; I . Wilson , i-V ; . )• Wilson , 18 ; A . McGregor , 321 ; j " . Reid , 354 ; ' \ V / Fergus * ( " Freemason " ) ; and others . On thc lodge being opened ,
Messrs . R . Chalmers , Jos . Kelly , and W . Dalg lish wc " initiated into the E . A . Degree by Bro . Matheson , ? . »• Thc last-named gentlemen was initiated on behalf of " Lodge Union and Crown , 103 , for which Bro . Gillies , -f ' 103 , thanked the W . M . anil members of Lodge Scrtj >' The members were engaged the remaining pait of < evening in framing a new code of bye-laws .
GLASGOW— Lodge Star ( No . 219 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Trong . y on Monday evening , the 10 th inst ., Bro . J . Morg 3 ' W . M ., in ^ thc chair , J . Brown , S . D ., acting S . W-i : \ Mcarns , J . W . ; J . Martin , D . M . ; W . Anderson , *>¦¦ •' F . Dow , Sec . ; B . Smart , Treas . ; R . Watson , UW lain ; D . Taylor , J . D . ; J . Duthie ; and J . l '«> >' « , ' Tyler . Present : Bros . D . Sinclair , Tieasurer of the
viucial Benevolent Fund ; J . Gillies , P . G . ' ' rcas ., Bain , P . G . B . B . ; D . Reid , P . M . 4 O 5 and P . IU- L > - > . Campbell , 22 , New Brunswick ; R . Young , ' 95 ' ' , ' ; R . P . out , W . M . 4 ; D . Murray , W . M . 10 . I ; Munro , D . M . 103 ; W . Forsyth , J . W . 103 ; f " .. meron , Treas . 103 ; J . Singleton , W . M . 178 ; »¦ r burn , S . W . 101 ; A . B . Ferguson , W . M . 354 ' ¦ j ] liarlcy , S . W . ^ 54 ; C . McKenzie , J . W . 354 >