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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
KE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ) . IJ' - > *~ . ; nst . this prosperous lodge held its sixth -0 tl LIL « at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell regular rncei ^^ . Bro = _ w # Snowdcn i W-Mi . . S New-roatl . T g , . Dam ) i RM ( Scc . _ Ca ckcn , *• > w A Runacres , J . D . ; E . W . Boyton , D . C ; Mitchell ; - ^ . _ Geider , Tyler ; and the following W - ? , -of tlie lodge : —Bros . J . R . Smith , R . Scott , J . member :. mSi c simS i r . E . pcntreath , W . Grayson , Vi * ' % Jis W . Fish , J . H . Swan , and W . J . B . ott . Also G- ; , . r s ' —Bros . E . G . Webster , Royal Jubilee , No . 72 ; f 1 awren ' ee , P . M . Castle , No . 36 ( lapsed ) ; and J . W .
nnvson , D . C , Royal Union , No . 3 82 . The lodge was ed in due form with solemn prayer . The minutes of IT last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . J . Kemp , tendering his icrn-ition of I . G ., whereupon the W . M . appointed and -ted Bro . E . W . Boyton . D . C , as I . G .. and Bro . W .
C \ ilk W . S ., as D . C . Bro . C . E . Power was appointed as w ' s ' Bros . Fish and Bott , who were candidates for pis-. ' ' „ aVe proof of proficiency , were entrusted , and ret ' red . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree . Bros . Pix ° n and Emms > who were candidates for raising , examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then The left the chair and
nnened in the Third Degree . W . M ., Bro- Dann , P . M . and Sec , officiated as W . M . Bros . Dixon and Emms were duly admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then resumed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Fish and Bolt were admitted on the square and duly passed to the de-Wee of Fellow Craft . The lodge was resumed to the
First Degree . The W . M . again took the chair . In rising , he said : It affords me great pleasure to state that the lodge owes no man anything and is in a most flourishing condition . The consecration and installation only took place in Octcber last , and we are now 27 in number with proposing membeis and initiates ready to join . The funds are
inliand for Grand Lodge dues ; we have also a fund for benevolence . I would suggest that £ 3 3 s . from the general fuid be g iven to Bo . Mitchell for the Girls' School , and I s la' . l be p leased to hand him a guinea on my own account for the same purpose . I think the brethren will admit that 1 have provided liberally after the labours of the
lodge , although not extravagantly , and this , ton , upon every occasion of meeting . This I think , brctl . r . 11 , is a success that few lodges can equal in so shoit a period of . 'even month :. This statement was received with app lause . Bro . Mitchell , S . D ., proposed a vote of thanks tj the W . M ., and that the same be recorded in the minutes
of the lodge , fcr his very able and efficient management cf the business and funds of the lodge . This was seconded i by Bro . Cacken , S . W ., and cairied unanimously . The < W . M . thanked the brethren for thdr kind expression of : approbation , which he valued very much , and it would be sliil his constant endeavour to do all he could to promote
the interests of Ihe ledge . The W . M . rose for the sec n I time . Brother S-ott questioned the propriety or justice of charging the full amount of half-yearly subscriptions to tho e brethren who had recently been initiated , and contended that a reduction should be made fairly . The W M . was quite disposed to make some reduction , but not to go
into fractions . It was very difficult to draw the line . After some discussion , in which several brethren took part , Bro . Cackcn , S . W ., proposed that the subscriptions be paid as usual without deduction . This was seconded by Bro . S Grayson , and carried by a majority of eight to four . Proposed by Bro . Power , and seconded by Bro . Dann , that
Kro . C . Lawrence , P . M . of late Lodge Castle , 3 6 , lie balloted lor as a joining member of this lodge . The W . M . rose for the third time , and all Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed and adjourned till the nth May next . The brethren then retired to the banqueting IiaU , where the usual provision was made in the way of a goof dinner , which all seemed to enjoy . The usual toasts
jjuen upon these occasions were done justice to by the W . M ., and well responded to by the brethren ST . DUN STAN'S LODGE ( N 0 . 1581 )) . —This new i ( d 'eheld an cmeigency mcct'iig at Anderton ' s Hotel on . . Friday , the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Dwarber , W . M ; Wellsman , S . W . ; Dalwood , J . W . ; Maxwell , P . G . S .,
{• P . M . ; Tisley , Sec ; Turner , J . D . ; Woodbridge , I . G . ; and Bros . C . H . Stephenson , W . S ., and 11 . F n' -C " . of thc Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 , as visitors , rite W . M . in his well-known impressive manner passed Bros . Manners , Bull , Low , Thurgojd , and W . II . Clemow to the Second Degree , and duly initiated into the Order Mr . F . c . Plaits ( the son of the late Bro . Platts , of No , ! i
, ) j ) . A ballot was taken and declared to be unanimous ™ lavour of Bros . E . D . Maddick , of No . 171 , and F . * f arnn gton , of No . , as joining members . After the . bours » f the evening were concluded the brethren adjoiirncd to ' refreshment , " when the usual loyal and Mi-. " ° j lsts Wfre given , and the brethien rpent a most ^ J . oyablc evening , agreeably enlivened with songs and
( No ° ? LWlCH - Union Waterloo Lodge X . ' 3 ) . A well-attended meiting of the members of jnisgood old ledge took place on Wednesday , thc 12 th " *•¦ at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Bro . T . | . v-arnell y presiding , assisted by the following officers of ] oc ! Davies ¦ luung ivi uavies 1
p ^ - —C . Young , P . M . ; G . , P . M . ; F . G . p p- ' - ' , r .. ; ur . , .. » . ; r . VJ . £ wnal | S . W . ; G . Reed , J . W . ; J . Henderson , P . M . and lllxr o Sl Sycr ' Sec ' i J- Aloore > S . D . ; T . Mutton , t " " . ; Brown , I . G . ; and B . Norman , Tyle . r . The vi .-i-1 , " , clude ( l A . Penfold , W . M . 913 ; J . Lavcrack , 1255 ; Cot ' h ? n R ' 4 S ! J- GreS 8 ' ? ' ' J- Collier ' " ° ' J ' , gnian , 898 ; and C . lollv . on . The lodre having
aml ' l | .- ° pened ' « srs . James Pook , of H . M . S . Buffalo , into "il Bc " ' 1 > lumstead , wcre after approval initiated mei » aso I nry- The brethren then adjourned for refresh-End M ' rcsumin & labour Bros . Wells , Morley , Baktr , WM , lllel weie P isse 1 to the Second Degree , the * P o"aing the ceremony twice , two of thc candi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
dates at a time , and it is needless to say in a most excellent and impressive manner . Tne lodge was then resumed to the First Degree , and Bio . Pownall took occasion to thank the W . M . for placing in his hands 10 votes belonging to the lodge for the benefit of Mrs . Brown , the widow of nn ol i and esteemed member of thc lodge , she being now a candidate for the benefits of the Aged Widows '
Benevolent Institution . The lodge was then closed , and aga n the brethren assembled round the social , board , which was spread in the hall , doing away with the necessity of their adjourning to a neighbouring tavern , and there in brotherly love and harmony passed a few pleasant hours together most happily . WOOLWICH . —Lodge Nelson ( N o . 700 ) . —
The usual monthly meeting of the above lodge took place at tVu Masonic Hall , William-street , on Wednesday , the 1 nth inst ., and , as is the rule with this popular and excellent lodge , there was a good muster of both brethren and visiters . Among the latter were three Indian brethren , that is to say , members of a lodge in that land of " beauty and of death " just visited by our Grand Master and future
King , they having lately arrived in England with detachments of the Royal Artillery , to which important branch c f the service they have the honour to belong . Their mother lodge is the R'ick of Gwalior , No . io 60 , and from the well-known hospitality of the Nelson it may be imagined better than described the hearty reception they met with . Bro . T . Ward , the W . M ., presided , supported
by the following officers : —G . Bowles , P . M . ; S . C . Norman , P . M . ; C . W . llobson , P . M . ; S . Goddard , P . M . ; T . Butt , S . W . ; S . Waters , J . W . ; F . Dawson , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Henderson , P . M . and Sec ; A . Woodley , S . D . ; J . Warren , J . D . ; C . Cooke , Org . ; and B . Norman , Tyler . Among the visitors were VV . T . Vincent , S . W . 913 ; W . Weston , S . W . 153 6 ; T .
Hastings , S . W . 829 ; G . Spinks , J . W . 1536 ; E , Humphrey , 1066 ; R . Fletcher , 1066 ; VV . Towers , 1066 ; C . Morris , 1331 ; VV . A . Watkins , 1536 ; and C . J Hy , 913 . 'he business before the lodge was the balloting for and inflating of Mr . J . IT . Buckley , if approved , which was hapuily affected , and the passing of Bros , \ litchell and Challis , both ceremonies being worked
by tno W . M . in a style worthy of the lodge ' s fame ; relief was then voted to two distressed biethren , and notice of motion in reference to an alteration of one of the byeliws , and then the lodire was closeI in due form and the brethren adjourned to refreshment to the Red Lion , where the usual loyal and M isonic toasts were proposed and honoured by the W . M . and brethren most heartily . Bro .
Humphreys responded for " The Brethren of the Rock of Gwalior Ledge , " Bro . Weston for the " United Military . " a < : d Bro . C . joily for " The Pattison , " in reply to " The Vi-itors , " most cordially proposed by the W . M . The initiate neatly responded to his hfiilth , and Bro . Bi _ tt to a very flattering reception of The Officers of the Lodge . " The W . M of course received , as is so well and worthily
his due , an ovation , ai . d " God Save _ the Queen " conclude ! the pleasures of the evening . MAZAGON . —Lodge Concord ( No . 757 , E . C ) . —Thc meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Saturday , March iSth , 18 7 6 , at 6 . 15 , p . m . There were pnsent W . Bros . Henderson , W . M . ; XV . C . Rowe , l . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M . ; O . Tomlinson , S . W . ;
J . Speirs , | . VV . ; G . Macdonald , acting Secretary ; r . Bjrdat , Treas . ; W . G . Danie , S . D . ; Watson , J . D . ; F . Grew , acting I . G . ; J . Luke , Steward Members , Bros . May , Lean , Wilson . Visiters , XV . Bros . Barrow , P . M . 944 , E . C ; McKenzie , P . M . No . 944 , E . C ; Rev . C . Gilder , 1100 , E . C . ; C . Parker , J . W . 1100 , & . ¦ The lodge was opened with prayer , and thc minutes of the last regular meeting
were read and confirmed , also those of the Permanent Committee were read and adopted . Thc first business before the meeting was to ballot f > r Mr . L . Valentine Jones as a candidate for initiation ; he having been elected and present was duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , the address , Sec , being given by the S . W . in a very impressive manner , which called foith the
applause of tne brethren . The lodge was then opened in tne Second Degree , and Bro . Watson examined as to his qualifications 111 the former degrees , and having passed a very creditable examination was entrusted and passed out . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Watson duly admitted and raised to the Ili ^ h and Sublime Degree of a M . M . ; the lodge loweitd to the First
Degree , in due f .. rm , and all K . ' \ . admitted . W . Bro . Henderson then lose and said he had now to claim their attention for a few minutes , while he performed the very pleasing task of presenting the testimonial which they had voted to their Immediate Past Master , W . Bro . W . C . Rowe , for his valuable ser . ics to the lodge during the year 187 ; , which had been of such a nature that it had
not been thought right to let them piss by altogether unrewarded . They trusted that he would long be spared to appear among them wearing the Past Master's jewel and the clothing which they now asked him to accept , with the warm expressions of their affection for him as a brother Mason , and of his services as their Master . VV . Bro . Henderson then pinned on to W . Bro .
Rowe ' s breast the P . M . ' s jewel of thc lodge pattern , and handed to him the full set of a P . M . ' s clothing . W . Bro . Rowe , who , on rising was warmly applauded , in acknowledging the gift , said : W . Master , Past Masters , officers , and brethren , —You have so taken me by surprise in presenting me with this very handsome gift , that I do not know how t ; return my thanks to you for thc same ; but
I cannot allow the very unexpected compliment you have just paid me to pass by unacknowledged , although I am not prepared to thank you as I could wish , for the handsome present which has just been made to me by the lodge . I cannot feel that I have deserved such a gift , because I have simply done my best , which it was my duty to do as Master of this lodge , during the past year . and I should have been sufficiently rewarded by the knowledge that my ser-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vices and endeavours to do my duty have met with your approbation . Nevertheless , since you have been pleased to honour me in this way , I can only assure you that I shall always regard this beautiful jewel as among the most valued of the Masonic decorations which I am permitted to wear , and as regards thc clothing , I trust I may be spired by the G . A . O . 'i ' . U . for many years to come , to
appear here as one of your Past Masters , month aftei month , clothed in this or a similar costume . Again , brethren , I thank you for this vry handsome gift . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in peace , love , and harmony at S . 'jo p . m . MAZAGON . — Lodge Truth ( No . 944 , E . C . ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the
Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the ^ rd March , ' 1876 . Present W . Bros . W . C . Rowe , l . P . M . 757 , E . C , W . M . ; Alex . Me Kenzi ; , P . M . and Treas . ; IT . W . Barrow , P . M . ; Bros . C Tudball , S . W . ; C . Parker , J . W . 1100 , as J . W . ; Capt . S . Babington , Sec ; Rev . G . Gilder , S . D . ; G . Claridge , J . D . ; R . Simkins , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bro . Claridge , and others . Visitors : Bros . Rev .
C . Gilder and C Parker . The lodge was opened with prayer at 0 p . m . punctually . The summons convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . informed the brethren that as there was no work before the lodge in the way of initiations , & c , he had arranged for the sections of the First Degree to be worked , in which Bro .
C Tudball , S . W ; J . O . Weeks , J . W . ; Capt . S . Babington , Sec . ; and R . S . Simkins , I . G ., had promised to take part with him in the working of the same , and should therefore proceed . W . Bro . W . C Rowe asked all the questions , wh ch were answered by Bros . C . Tudball , Capt . S . Babington , and Simkins in a most able manner , which was a credit to any lodge , and the W . M . expressed
his entire satisfaction to those brethren who had assisted him , and hoped that they would still continue with their labours , and he had no doubt of the lodge gaining its former position in a \ ery short time , and stated that it was his intention to continue the working of the sections at the next and other meetings , until they had gone through the whole cf thc fifteen sections of the First , Second , and Third
Lectures , and still to do without the banquets , as eveiy broth : r that was present must acknowledge that a large amount of work was gone through , and they were all enabled to return to their homes again to their own dinners , which met with the approval of all present . W . Bro . Mc Kenzie , P . M ., apologised for the non-attendance of W . Bro , C . E . Mitchell , I . P . M ., on account of the death of his father .
The W . M . said the brethren would , he was sure , join with hi 11 in expressing their regret to their oldest P . M ., and said that he would propose that a lettei of condolence b : sent to VV . Bro . Mitchell in the name of the lodge , which was carried . Thtre being no further work before the lodge , if was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 7 . 45 p . m .
WALMER . — Lord Warden Lodge ( N ' o . ionfi ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was hcl 1 at the Public Rooms , Deal , on the 21 st inst . Bro . R . J . Emmerson , P . M ., P P . G . J . W ., 1206 , presided as Installing Master , and was supported by a large number of the members of the lodge and visitors . It was the most successful of such meetings ever held by this lodge , not
only on account of the number present , but also by the very admirjble mauner in which every detail of the ceremonies was carried out . Shortly after the lodge was opened Bro . J . Eastes , D . P . G . M ., was announced , and received by the members of the lodge with the cusiomary honours , suitable music being played during the procession . The following were present : —Eros . W . E . Cavell , W . M . ; T .
Ayling , S . W . ; A . H . des Barres , S . D . ; J . B . Harrison , P . M . ; 11 . Boiling , Org . ; E . Kirby , Steward ; S . Holgate , Tyler ; G . Wood , J . C . Crosr , W . Hazel ! , VV . Carterfield , J . E . Lawrence , T . Smith , J . Laggett , VV . Pritchard , J . Millar , T . Bowling , | . Ringland , J . Nottage , J . Herson , W . M . 199 ; J . Bordeaux , S . W . 199 ; J . Uoodevin , J . W . 199 ; G . H . Igglcsden , 199 ; W . Gorton , 199 ; VV . W .
Watts , 734 ; T . Bent , 784 ; VV . Hayman , 78 »; G . VV Moon , 784 ; A . F . S . Bird . 784 ; W . A . Norris , A . Gardner , 1206 ; L . A . Hill , F . Baker , VV . W . Woodruff , T . Browning , 784 ; E . Terry , 1206 ; W . Harding , 784 ; II . M . Baker , 1208 ; W . A . Smeath , 1208 ; IT . S . Watts , 1206 ; VV . Watts , 784 ; S . Olds , 784 . After the minutes had b ; en read and confirmed , Bro . Emmerson installed
Bro . T . Ayling , S . W ., into the chair of King Solomon , woo afterwards invested his officers , addressing to each a few appropiiatc words on the duties he undertook : —Bros . A . IT . des Barres , S . W . ; F . Kirby , J . W . ; J . B . Harrison , Chap . ; T . Smith , J . D . ; H . Bolting , Org . ; W . Hazel ! , I . G . ; S . Holgate , Tyler ; G . Wood , D . C ; Mid W . CarterficlJ and J . Laggett , Stewards . Bro . Emmerson
concluded by delivering a telling address to the W . M . and his Wardens and all Masons generally , which was loudly cheered , as was also a proposition to record on the minutes a vote of thanks to him . The lodge was then closed by Bro . Ayling , and the manner in which it was done was most efficient , auguiing well for the work of the ensuing year . The banquet was served up in a highly
creditable manner by Bro . Hurst , who carried out every arrangement that could conduce to the comfort of those present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heaitily responded to . Bro . Ayling , in rep ' ying to the toast of his health , gave a concise account of the charities in which he takes an active and energetic part , and concluded by asking all present to bring forward among
their brethren the claims of these admirable institutions . He was also unanimou ^ y elected to represent his lodge on the Charity Committee of the province . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . J . Eastes , addresse . the meeting on matters relating to the province , which were very heartily received . Bro . des Barres , S . W ., respoi d d on behalf of " The Officers , " saying it was their intentio 1 to make themselves worthy of their W . M . ' s choice . Bro . Baker , S . W . 1208 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
KE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ) . IJ' - > *~ . ; nst . this prosperous lodge held its sixth -0 tl LIL « at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell regular rncei ^^ . Bro = _ w # Snowdcn i W-Mi . . S New-roatl . T g , . Dam ) i RM ( Scc . _ Ca ckcn , *• > w A Runacres , J . D . ; E . W . Boyton , D . C ; Mitchell ; - ^ . _ Geider , Tyler ; and the following W - ? , -of tlie lodge : —Bros . J . R . Smith , R . Scott , J . member :. mSi c simS i r . E . pcntreath , W . Grayson , Vi * ' % Jis W . Fish , J . H . Swan , and W . J . B . ott . Also G- ; , . r s ' —Bros . E . G . Webster , Royal Jubilee , No . 72 ; f 1 awren ' ee , P . M . Castle , No . 36 ( lapsed ) ; and J . W .
nnvson , D . C , Royal Union , No . 3 82 . The lodge was ed in due form with solemn prayer . The minutes of IT last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The Secretary read a letter from Bro . J . Kemp , tendering his icrn-ition of I . G ., whereupon the W . M . appointed and -ted Bro . E . W . Boyton . D . C , as I . G .. and Bro . W .
C \ ilk W . S ., as D . C . Bro . C . E . Power was appointed as w ' s ' Bros . Fish and Bott , who were candidates for pis-. ' ' „ aVe proof of proficiency , were entrusted , and ret ' red . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree . Bros . Pix ° n and Emms > who were candidates for raising , examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then The left the chair and
nnened in the Third Degree . W . M ., Bro- Dann , P . M . and Sec , officiated as W . M . Bros . Dixon and Emms were duly admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then resumed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Fish and Bolt were admitted on the square and duly passed to the de-Wee of Fellow Craft . The lodge was resumed to the
First Degree . The W . M . again took the chair . In rising , he said : It affords me great pleasure to state that the lodge owes no man anything and is in a most flourishing condition . The consecration and installation only took place in Octcber last , and we are now 27 in number with proposing membeis and initiates ready to join . The funds are
inliand for Grand Lodge dues ; we have also a fund for benevolence . I would suggest that £ 3 3 s . from the general fuid be g iven to Bo . Mitchell for the Girls' School , and I s la' . l be p leased to hand him a guinea on my own account for the same purpose . I think the brethren will admit that 1 have provided liberally after the labours of the
lodge , although not extravagantly , and this , ton , upon every occasion of meeting . This I think , brctl . r . 11 , is a success that few lodges can equal in so shoit a period of . 'even month :. This statement was received with app lause . Bro . Mitchell , S . D ., proposed a vote of thanks tj the W . M ., and that the same be recorded in the minutes
of the lodge , fcr his very able and efficient management cf the business and funds of the lodge . This was seconded i by Bro . Cacken , S . W ., and cairied unanimously . The < W . M . thanked the brethren for thdr kind expression of : approbation , which he valued very much , and it would be sliil his constant endeavour to do all he could to promote
the interests of Ihe ledge . The W . M . rose for the sec n I time . Brother S-ott questioned the propriety or justice of charging the full amount of half-yearly subscriptions to tho e brethren who had recently been initiated , and contended that a reduction should be made fairly . The W M . was quite disposed to make some reduction , but not to go
into fractions . It was very difficult to draw the line . After some discussion , in which several brethren took part , Bro . Cackcn , S . W ., proposed that the subscriptions be paid as usual without deduction . This was seconded by Bro . S Grayson , and carried by a majority of eight to four . Proposed by Bro . Power , and seconded by Bro . Dann , that
Kro . C . Lawrence , P . M . of late Lodge Castle , 3 6 , lie balloted lor as a joining member of this lodge . The W . M . rose for the third time , and all Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed and adjourned till the nth May next . The brethren then retired to the banqueting IiaU , where the usual provision was made in the way of a goof dinner , which all seemed to enjoy . The usual toasts
jjuen upon these occasions were done justice to by the W . M ., and well responded to by the brethren ST . DUN STAN'S LODGE ( N 0 . 1581 )) . —This new i ( d 'eheld an cmeigency mcct'iig at Anderton ' s Hotel on . . Friday , the 21 st inst . Present : Bros . Dwarber , W . M ; Wellsman , S . W . ; Dalwood , J . W . ; Maxwell , P . G . S .,
{• P . M . ; Tisley , Sec ; Turner , J . D . ; Woodbridge , I . G . ; and Bros . C . H . Stephenson , W . S ., and 11 . F n' -C " . of thc Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 , as visitors , rite W . M . in his well-known impressive manner passed Bros . Manners , Bull , Low , Thurgojd , and W . II . Clemow to the Second Degree , and duly initiated into the Order Mr . F . c . Plaits ( the son of the late Bro . Platts , of No , ! i
, ) j ) . A ballot was taken and declared to be unanimous ™ lavour of Bros . E . D . Maddick , of No . 171 , and F . * f arnn gton , of No . , as joining members . After the . bours » f the evening were concluded the brethren adjoiirncd to ' refreshment , " when the usual loyal and Mi-. " ° j lsts Wfre given , and the brethien rpent a most ^ J . oyablc evening , agreeably enlivened with songs and
( No ° ? LWlCH - Union Waterloo Lodge X . ' 3 ) . A well-attended meiting of the members of jnisgood old ledge took place on Wednesday , thc 12 th " *•¦ at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Bro . T . | . v-arnell y presiding , assisted by the following officers of ] oc ! Davies ¦ luung ivi uavies 1
p ^ - —C . Young , P . M . ; G . , P . M . ; F . G . p p- ' - ' , r .. ; ur . , .. » . ; r . VJ . £ wnal | S . W . ; G . Reed , J . W . ; J . Henderson , P . M . and lllxr o Sl Sycr ' Sec ' i J- Aloore > S . D . ; T . Mutton , t " " . ; Brown , I . G . ; and B . Norman , Tyle . r . The vi .-i-1 , " , clude ( l A . Penfold , W . M . 913 ; J . Lavcrack , 1255 ; Cot ' h ? n R ' 4 S ! J- GreS 8 ' ? ' ' J- Collier ' " ° ' J ' , gnian , 898 ; and C . lollv . on . The lodre having
aml ' l | .- ° pened ' « srs . James Pook , of H . M . S . Buffalo , into "il Bc " ' 1 > lumstead , wcre after approval initiated mei » aso I nry- The brethren then adjourned for refresh-End M ' rcsumin & labour Bros . Wells , Morley , Baktr , WM , lllel weie P isse 1 to the Second Degree , the * P o"aing the ceremony twice , two of thc candi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
dates at a time , and it is needless to say in a most excellent and impressive manner . Tne lodge was then resumed to the First Degree , and Bio . Pownall took occasion to thank the W . M . for placing in his hands 10 votes belonging to the lodge for the benefit of Mrs . Brown , the widow of nn ol i and esteemed member of thc lodge , she being now a candidate for the benefits of the Aged Widows '
Benevolent Institution . The lodge was then closed , and aga n the brethren assembled round the social , board , which was spread in the hall , doing away with the necessity of their adjourning to a neighbouring tavern , and there in brotherly love and harmony passed a few pleasant hours together most happily . WOOLWICH . —Lodge Nelson ( N o . 700 ) . —
The usual monthly meeting of the above lodge took place at tVu Masonic Hall , William-street , on Wednesday , the 1 nth inst ., and , as is the rule with this popular and excellent lodge , there was a good muster of both brethren and visiters . Among the latter were three Indian brethren , that is to say , members of a lodge in that land of " beauty and of death " just visited by our Grand Master and future
King , they having lately arrived in England with detachments of the Royal Artillery , to which important branch c f the service they have the honour to belong . Their mother lodge is the R'ick of Gwalior , No . io 60 , and from the well-known hospitality of the Nelson it may be imagined better than described the hearty reception they met with . Bro . T . Ward , the W . M ., presided , supported
by the following officers : —G . Bowles , P . M . ; S . C . Norman , P . M . ; C . W . llobson , P . M . ; S . Goddard , P . M . ; T . Butt , S . W . ; S . Waters , J . W . ; F . Dawson , P . M . and Treas . ; J . Henderson , P . M . and Sec ; A . Woodley , S . D . ; J . Warren , J . D . ; C . Cooke , Org . ; and B . Norman , Tyler . Among the visitors were VV . T . Vincent , S . W . 913 ; W . Weston , S . W . 153 6 ; T .
Hastings , S . W . 829 ; G . Spinks , J . W . 1536 ; E , Humphrey , 1066 ; R . Fletcher , 1066 ; VV . Towers , 1066 ; C . Morris , 1331 ; VV . A . Watkins , 1536 ; and C . J Hy , 913 . 'he business before the lodge was the balloting for and inflating of Mr . J . IT . Buckley , if approved , which was hapuily affected , and the passing of Bros , \ litchell and Challis , both ceremonies being worked
by tno W . M . in a style worthy of the lodge ' s fame ; relief was then voted to two distressed biethren , and notice of motion in reference to an alteration of one of the byeliws , and then the lodire was closeI in due form and the brethren adjourned to refreshment to the Red Lion , where the usual loyal and M isonic toasts were proposed and honoured by the W . M . and brethren most heartily . Bro .
Humphreys responded for " The Brethren of the Rock of Gwalior Ledge , " Bro . Weston for the " United Military . " a < : d Bro . C . joily for " The Pattison , " in reply to " The Vi-itors , " most cordially proposed by the W . M . The initiate neatly responded to his hfiilth , and Bro . Bi _ tt to a very flattering reception of The Officers of the Lodge . " The W . M of course received , as is so well and worthily
his due , an ovation , ai . d " God Save _ the Queen " conclude ! the pleasures of the evening . MAZAGON . —Lodge Concord ( No . 757 , E . C ) . —Thc meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Saturday , March iSth , 18 7 6 , at 6 . 15 , p . m . There were pnsent W . Bros . Henderson , W . M . ; XV . C . Rowe , l . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M . ; O . Tomlinson , S . W . ;
J . Speirs , | . VV . ; G . Macdonald , acting Secretary ; r . Bjrdat , Treas . ; W . G . Danie , S . D . ; Watson , J . D . ; F . Grew , acting I . G . ; J . Luke , Steward Members , Bros . May , Lean , Wilson . Visiters , XV . Bros . Barrow , P . M . 944 , E . C ; McKenzie , P . M . No . 944 , E . C ; Rev . C . Gilder , 1100 , E . C . ; C . Parker , J . W . 1100 , & . ¦ The lodge was opened with prayer , and thc minutes of the last regular meeting
were read and confirmed , also those of the Permanent Committee were read and adopted . Thc first business before the meeting was to ballot f > r Mr . L . Valentine Jones as a candidate for initiation ; he having been elected and present was duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , the address , Sec , being given by the S . W . in a very impressive manner , which called foith the
applause of tne brethren . The lodge was then opened in tne Second Degree , and Bro . Watson examined as to his qualifications 111 the former degrees , and having passed a very creditable examination was entrusted and passed out . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Watson duly admitted and raised to the Ili ^ h and Sublime Degree of a M . M . ; the lodge loweitd to the First
Degree , in due f .. rm , and all K . ' \ . admitted . W . Bro . Henderson then lose and said he had now to claim their attention for a few minutes , while he performed the very pleasing task of presenting the testimonial which they had voted to their Immediate Past Master , W . Bro . W . C . Rowe , for his valuable ser . ics to the lodge during the year 187 ; , which had been of such a nature that it had
not been thought right to let them piss by altogether unrewarded . They trusted that he would long be spared to appear among them wearing the Past Master's jewel and the clothing which they now asked him to accept , with the warm expressions of their affection for him as a brother Mason , and of his services as their Master . VV . Bro . Henderson then pinned on to W . Bro .
Rowe ' s breast the P . M . ' s jewel of thc lodge pattern , and handed to him the full set of a P . M . ' s clothing . W . Bro . Rowe , who , on rising was warmly applauded , in acknowledging the gift , said : W . Master , Past Masters , officers , and brethren , —You have so taken me by surprise in presenting me with this very handsome gift , that I do not know how t ; return my thanks to you for thc same ; but
I cannot allow the very unexpected compliment you have just paid me to pass by unacknowledged , although I am not prepared to thank you as I could wish , for the handsome present which has just been made to me by the lodge . I cannot feel that I have deserved such a gift , because I have simply done my best , which it was my duty to do as Master of this lodge , during the past year . and I should have been sufficiently rewarded by the knowledge that my ser-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vices and endeavours to do my duty have met with your approbation . Nevertheless , since you have been pleased to honour me in this way , I can only assure you that I shall always regard this beautiful jewel as among the most valued of the Masonic decorations which I am permitted to wear , and as regards thc clothing , I trust I may be spired by the G . A . O . 'i ' . U . for many years to come , to
appear here as one of your Past Masters , month aftei month , clothed in this or a similar costume . Again , brethren , I thank you for this vry handsome gift . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in peace , love , and harmony at S . 'jo p . m . MAZAGON . — Lodge Truth ( No . 944 , E . C . ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the
Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the ^ rd March , ' 1876 . Present W . Bros . W . C . Rowe , l . P . M . 757 , E . C , W . M . ; Alex . Me Kenzi ; , P . M . and Treas . ; IT . W . Barrow , P . M . ; Bros . C Tudball , S . W . ; C . Parker , J . W . 1100 , as J . W . ; Capt . S . Babington , Sec ; Rev . G . Gilder , S . D . ; G . Claridge , J . D . ; R . Simkins , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bro . Claridge , and others . Visitors : Bros . Rev .
C . Gilder and C Parker . The lodge was opened with prayer at 0 p . m . punctually . The summons convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . informed the brethren that as there was no work before the lodge in the way of initiations , & c , he had arranged for the sections of the First Degree to be worked , in which Bro .
C Tudball , S . W ; J . O . Weeks , J . W . ; Capt . S . Babington , Sec . ; and R . S . Simkins , I . G ., had promised to take part with him in the working of the same , and should therefore proceed . W . Bro . W . C Rowe asked all the questions , wh ch were answered by Bros . C . Tudball , Capt . S . Babington , and Simkins in a most able manner , which was a credit to any lodge , and the W . M . expressed
his entire satisfaction to those brethren who had assisted him , and hoped that they would still continue with their labours , and he had no doubt of the lodge gaining its former position in a \ ery short time , and stated that it was his intention to continue the working of the sections at the next and other meetings , until they had gone through the whole cf thc fifteen sections of the First , Second , and Third
Lectures , and still to do without the banquets , as eveiy broth : r that was present must acknowledge that a large amount of work was gone through , and they were all enabled to return to their homes again to their own dinners , which met with the approval of all present . W . Bro . Mc Kenzie , P . M ., apologised for the non-attendance of W . Bro , C . E . Mitchell , I . P . M ., on account of the death of his father .
The W . M . said the brethren would , he was sure , join with hi 11 in expressing their regret to their oldest P . M ., and said that he would propose that a lettei of condolence b : sent to VV . Bro . Mitchell in the name of the lodge , which was carried . Thtre being no further work before the lodge , if was closed in peace , love , and harmony at 7 . 45 p . m .
WALMER . — Lord Warden Lodge ( N ' o . ionfi ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was hcl 1 at the Public Rooms , Deal , on the 21 st inst . Bro . R . J . Emmerson , P . M ., P P . G . J . W ., 1206 , presided as Installing Master , and was supported by a large number of the members of the lodge and visitors . It was the most successful of such meetings ever held by this lodge , not
only on account of the number present , but also by the very admirjble mauner in which every detail of the ceremonies was carried out . Shortly after the lodge was opened Bro . J . Eastes , D . P . G . M ., was announced , and received by the members of the lodge with the cusiomary honours , suitable music being played during the procession . The following were present : —Eros . W . E . Cavell , W . M . ; T .
Ayling , S . W . ; A . H . des Barres , S . D . ; J . B . Harrison , P . M . ; 11 . Boiling , Org . ; E . Kirby , Steward ; S . Holgate , Tyler ; G . Wood , J . C . Crosr , W . Hazel ! , VV . Carterfield , J . E . Lawrence , T . Smith , J . Laggett , VV . Pritchard , J . Millar , T . Bowling , | . Ringland , J . Nottage , J . Herson , W . M . 199 ; J . Bordeaux , S . W . 199 ; J . Uoodevin , J . W . 199 ; G . H . Igglcsden , 199 ; W . Gorton , 199 ; VV . W .
Watts , 734 ; T . Bent , 784 ; VV . Hayman , 78 »; G . VV Moon , 784 ; A . F . S . Bird . 784 ; W . A . Norris , A . Gardner , 1206 ; L . A . Hill , F . Baker , VV . W . Woodruff , T . Browning , 784 ; E . Terry , 1206 ; W . Harding , 784 ; II . M . Baker , 1208 ; W . A . Smeath , 1208 ; IT . S . Watts , 1206 ; VV . Watts , 784 ; S . Olds , 784 . After the minutes had b ; en read and confirmed , Bro . Emmerson installed
Bro . T . Ayling , S . W ., into the chair of King Solomon , woo afterwards invested his officers , addressing to each a few appropiiatc words on the duties he undertook : —Bros . A . IT . des Barres , S . W . ; F . Kirby , J . W . ; J . B . Harrison , Chap . ; T . Smith , J . D . ; H . Bolting , Org . ; W . Hazel ! , I . G . ; S . Holgate , Tyler ; G . Wood , D . C ; Mid W . CarterficlJ and J . Laggett , Stewards . Bro . Emmerson
concluded by delivering a telling address to the W . M . and his Wardens and all Masons generally , which was loudly cheered , as was also a proposition to record on the minutes a vote of thanks to him . The lodge was then closed by Bro . Ayling , and the manner in which it was done was most efficient , auguiing well for the work of the ensuing year . The banquet was served up in a highly
creditable manner by Bro . Hurst , who carried out every arrangement that could conduce to the comfort of those present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heaitily responded to . Bro . Ayling , in rep ' ying to the toast of his health , gave a concise account of the charities in which he takes an active and energetic part , and concluded by asking all present to bring forward among
their brethren the claims of these admirable institutions . He was also unanimou ^ y elected to represent his lodge on the Charity Committee of the province . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . J . Eastes , addresse . the meeting on matters relating to the province , which were very heartily received . Bro . des Barres , S . W ., respoi d d on behalf of " The Officers , " saying it was their intentio 1 to make themselves worthy of their W . M . ' s choice . Bro . Baker , S . W . 1208 ,