Article Scotland. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IN STITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1
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third Wednesdays of every month at 3 p . m ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , anil we are proud to say that the brethren of the sister lodges embrace the opportunity of meeting with the brethren of Lodge Dramatic , 571 , on almost every occasion . Professional brethren intending to visit Scotland will have satisfaction in knowing that they can meet with brethren of their own profession in Glasgow
at thc above hour and dates . PLANTATION . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 5 81 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was hcl . l in the new Masonic Hall , Cr . iigiehall-strecr , Glasgow , on Monday , the vW « l inst ., Bro . T . " Stobo , W . M ., in " the chair ; Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 , acting S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . The other office-bearers present were Bros . VV . Ferguson , D . M . ;
A . Gow , S . M . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; H . Allan , Sec ; A . lmrie , S . D . ; J . H . illcy , J . D . ; J . Campbell , S . S . ; J . Dowell , J . S . ; Henderson , B . B . ; and Cumming , Tyler . Thc lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Messrs . W . T . Mabon , J . Wilson , and J . A . Campbell were initiated into the First D . 'grce by Bro , Alex . Bain , P . M . 103 , in that brother ' s usual impressive manner . Bros . E ,
Garraway , R . II . White , J . Nisli , and Neil T homson wire passed to the Fellow Craft D . 'grce by Bio . W . Ferguson , D . M . The meeting was well attended by visiting brethren , including Bros . W . Bell , l . P . M . 3 * ; R . Dalzicl , 3 } ; Dempster , 3 ' , ; Chalmers and Davidsjn , CS ; Grant , 197 ; McGregor , 321 ; Giibraith , 3 62 ; Spy , 413 ; Gardner , 413 ; and M . Gray , 343 ; also brethren from Lodges 32 , 117 ,
17 ; , 419 , and 437 . The . regular meeting of t ' us lodge was held on Monday , 1 7 th inst ., in the new Masonic Hal ! , Craigiehall-strett , Glasgow , I Bro . XV . Ferguson , D . M ., presiding ; D . Peacock , S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . ; VV . Tav lor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . ; A . Imrie , S . D . ; J . H . illcy , J . D . ; J . Campbell , P . S . ; Paterson , acting I . G . ; and Gumming , Tyler .
Present : Bros . D . Smarr , W . M . 347 ; VV . Phillips , W . M . 35 6 ; J . Simpson , S . W . 419 ; J . McN ' aught , S . W . a . ; 6 ; J . McKcchnie , Treas . 33 6 ; J . Stewart , 3 ( 10 ; and a large number of other visiting brethren . On th ? minutes of last nue' . ing being reid and confirmed , Br ::. Brown , No . 1 14 , was elected a joining member and obligated by Bro . Phillips , W . M . 35 6 . Bros
Phillips , W . M . 530 ; Simpsan , S . W . 419 ; and McNaught , S . W . 33 d , were obligated honorary members of the lodge by Bro . Ferguson . The committee appointed at last meeting reported that the code of bye-laws as drawn up by them would be read at next meeting . Bros . VV . F . Mabon , J . A . Campbell , J . Wilson , and A . Gow were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree . The 1 >< lge was then
assumed on the Tnird Degree , when Bros . N . Thomson , E . Garraway , R . II . White , and J . is . Smith were rais d to the Sublime Degree of Ma > . tcr Mason by liro . Ferguson . \ fterwards Bro . Paterson was elected I . G ., and installed into cliice by Bro . Phillips . EniiATA . — " UJdington . —' -odge of St . Bride , No . 579 , " . -is appeared in " Freemason , " 22 nd inst ., should read " H Kingston . —I .-idgc St . Bryde , No . 579 . "
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
On Tuesday afternoon , at Ruabon , 5 people welcomed home to Wjnnstay liro . Sir VVatkin anil Lady Williams Wynn and family , after a five months ' absence in the Mediterranean for the benefit of Sir VVatkin ' s health . Three addresses of welcome wcre presented anil acknowledged . Over 1000 school children were present , wearing medals struck in honour of the event , and the day was kept as a general holiday .
At Bangor Steeplechases , Wrexham , nn address was presented to Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., Prov . Grand Matter North Wales , by Viscount Combermere , on behalf of a thousand members of the Wynnstay Hunt , the occasion being the return home of Sir VVatkin , after a long cruise for the benefit of his health ; and the address congratulated him on his recovery , and thanked him for the piiueely manner in which , at his own expense , he kept up vhe hunt . Bro . Sir \ Yalkin returned thanks .
Bro . Sir Michael Costa will conduct the congratulatory concert in the Royal Albert Hall to the Prince of Wales , in honour of the return of His Highness to England , on Wednesday evening , the 17 th of May . Bro . Brackstone Baker lies been elected churchwarden at St . Mark's , Lewisham .
The Knights Companions of thc R . S . Y . C . S . will meet in Council , at their Provincial Grand Lodge , 33 , Golden-square , on Thursday , the 11 th proximo , at three o ' clock precisely . The Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 ,
meets every Saturday evening , at eight o ' clock , at Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , corner ot Churchroad , Islington . On Saturday ( this evening ) the 13 s-c ' . ions will be worked by Bro . G . Wanl Verry , P . M . 554 . On this occasion the lodge will open at seven o'clock .
RAVENSBOUKXH LODGE , NO . 1601 . —The consecration of this lodge took place yesterday ( Friday ) at the offices of the Lewisham Board cf Works , Catford . The Rev . Wm . Taylor Junes , M . A ., P . M ., 181 , 708 , and P . P . G . C . Middlesex , was installed W . M . Bro . Charles Wm . Thompson , S . D . 9 69 , was appointed S . W ., and Wm . Biclic Roberts , P . M . 181 , J . W . The banquet was held at Bro . Spencer's B : i (! ere House Hotel .
The Sir Hugh M j dJeltcn Lodge , No . 1602 , will beaconsecrated this ( Saturday ) afternoon at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , at 4 o ' clock . Thc ceremonies ol consecration and installation will be performed by our esteemed Grand Secretary , Br . ) John Hervey . The officers designate are Bros . E . Soniers-, W . M . E . G . Sim , S . VV . j ; T . J . Coombs , J . W .
Bro . H . S . Marks has painted a portrait of Alderman Sir B . S . Phillips for the foithcoming Royal Academy Exhibition .
Masonic And General Tidings.
T . he foundation stone of a new church proposed to be erected on the ruins of an old abbey at Nuneaton was laid on Wednesday last , with full Masonic honours by Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . A considerable number of the Craft fiom various parts of the country attended . The mallet used was the one with which King Charles the Second laid the first stone of St . Paul's Cathedral 200 vears ago .
The fifty-ninth anniversary festival of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , No . 217 , took place on Friday . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . THE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL . — At the
annual meeting of the Stratford-on-Avon Shakespeare Club it was announced that Mr . Chas . Flower , chairman of the Memorial Association , in addition to his previous handsome donation , has just given £ 100 in furtherance of the memorial project . It is understood that the erecti n of thc structure will be commenced forthwith .
ANCIENT RELICS . —During some excavations among the ruins of an old abbey at Nuneaton the workmen have discovered a stone coffin , containing human bodies . Along s de it were two stone coffin lids , one bearing a Maltese cross , the other a Latin cross . Some tesselated pavement has also been lai I bare , as we'd as some
encaustic tiles , sculptured stone , Sec T he work of excavation is still proceeding , and the operations of the workmen are watched with the keenest interest , it being thought probable that many additional relics illustrative of the former grandeur of the abbey will be turned up . — "Sheffield Daily Telegraph . "
Spiritualism meets with scant favour in Russia . The commission deputed by the Physical Society of the St . Petersburg University to investigate spiritualist phenomena has finished its labours , and issued a report declaring that " spiritualist phenomena are the result either of unconscious movements or wil'ul imposture , and Spiritualism is a mere superstition . "
The Prince of Wales has consented to be present at a " soiree " to be held by the Royal Geographical Society within the Exhibition buildings ou the 14 th of May . His Royal Highness will be attended by thc members of his suite who were with him in Ind'a .
RE-OPENING of CHESTER CATHEDRAL . — The Prince of Wales is to be invited to attend the re-opening of Chester Cathedral , the restoration of which , at a cost of many thousands of pounds , is now aimpl . te . The date will be fixed to suit His Royal Highness , but it is hoped that the ceremony will take place the same
week as the Wrexham Eisteddfodd , and that the Prince will be present at both . Messrs . Elkington and Co ., of which firm our B . o . Elkington is a member , are sending , on thc 29 th , a selection of choice objects in a , t metal work which have been manufactured by the firm for the Centennial International Exhibition at Philadelphia .
THE VICTORIA CI . UH . —The many advantages afforded by the Victoria Ladies' Cljb , 23 , Uegent-strett , are deserving of more than a passing notice . To professional men , and those resident in the suburbs , thc difficulty of arranging a meeting with wives , daughters , sisters , or mothers , subject to the many delays incidental to business and professions , is o \ crcome by the
accommodation afforded by this club , and should ladies visit the West End either for business or pleasure , light refreshment , luncheons , dining , drawing , writing , dressing rooms , and lavatories arc at their command , secure from the possibility of annoyance ; in a word , the privity and comfort of home , with the convenience of a town house , is secured , within easy walking distance or shilling cab fare of the
principal shops , theatres , railways , Sec I he situation of the club ( corner of Jermyn-street , Regent-street ) is most convenient . Based on the model of gentlemen ' s clubsexclusive for ladies—without the elaboration , the appointments are perfect , and our fair readers will learn with satisfaction that ladies wishing to dress for evening enjoyments , every requisite for the toilette is provided , with the
assistance of a maid , without additional charge . When we mention the small annual subscription securing these many advantages , we feel assured our subuiban readers especially ( not forgetting Town ) will gladly avail themselves of membership . Family tickets , three guineas ; single , two guineas . Established under distinguished
patrcnagr , it cannot but prove a great success . In the meantime any information required will be afforded on application to the lady manager , to whose courtesy in visiting the club we are indebted for this brief outline . The difficulty attendant on ladies accompanying gentlemen to Town engagements , incidental to the Masonic programme , now is overcome , and we heartily wish the club the success
it ensures . The complimentary dinner and presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Wm . Herbage , on his retiring from the managership of the City Bank , Ludgate Hill , will take place on Wednesday next at the City United Club ,
Ludgate Hill Circus . 1 he chair will be taken by Bro . Alderman S . C iladley , at 7 o ' clock punctually . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next . Further information may be obtained of Bro . F . Kent , 8 , Red Lioucomt , Cannon-street .
A large deputation from the West India Committee waited , on Tuesday evening , upon Lord Carnarvon , at the Colonial Office , Downing-street , with icference to tiie present state of the Inland of Barbadoes , and to ask Her Majesty ' s Government to recall the Governor , Mr . Pope Henii ' .-ssy . A Grand Council of the Illustrious Kni ghts K . H . 30 will be held on Tuesday , the 9 th May . Reports of 697 , Colchester ; 1391 , Leicester ; and 37 C , Ipswich , . "' . and over .
Royal Masonic Benevolent In Stitution.
A Special General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers of this institution was held on Tuesday , in the library , Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of consideiing the propriety of altering Law 4 , page 12 of the rules and
regulations , by substituting V .-. e figures ± -40 for £ 36 , and Law 4 , p 3 ge 13 , by substituting the figures £ 32 lor £ 28 , and any motion or proposition which might be mad ? thereon . To those subscribers and brethren who mav not have a
copy of the Laws of the institution we may explain that the effect of this is to increase the annuities of thc male annuitants from £ 36 to ^ 40 , and of the females from . £ 28 to ££ 32 Lieut .-Col . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . P ., was called to the chair , and the other brethren present were
Bros . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . China ; Griffiths Smith , P . G . S . ; Levy , P . M . ; Charles Hill , IL Massey ('' Freemason '" ) , Thus . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; W . Dodd , P . M . 1194 ; H . G . Buss , Prov . Grand Treas . Middlesex ; W . Lane , P . M . 28 ; H . C . Levander , P . P . G . R ,
Middlesex ; Charles Webber , Benj . Head , P . G . D . ; and James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts ( Secretary ) . Bro . James Terry first read the requisition for the meeting and then the advertisement calling it .
The Chairman afterwards said that it was nut necessary that he should take up the time of the brethren by again stating his reasons for proposing the alteration in the laws of the institution . Its object was simply that the annuities should
be raised , § £ 4 a year , both to men and women , He would therefore only move " That Law 4 , page 12 , of thc rules and regulations be altered by substituting the figures £ 40 for ^ £ 36 . " This increase would not commence till the ist of June , or be paid till September .
Bro . Levy seconded the motion , which was put and carried . The Chairman said his next business was to move "That Law No . 4 , page 13 , of the rules and regulations bj altered by substituting tlie figures £ 32 for £ 28 . " Bro . 6 . Rawson seconded the motion , which was then carried .
Bro . Griffiths Smith moved " Ihe best thanks cf the meeting to the Chairman for presiding , and also for having raised the annuities of the old men and women . " Bro . Levander seconded the motion , which was unanimously adopted .
The Chairman , in reply , said he thinked the brethren very much for their vote . The meeting certainly had had little to do ; but as they had been pleased to pay him the compliment of considering he had rendered a service he must accept it .
Bro . James Terry informed the brethren that the alterations which had just been made would involve an additional outlay of i ^ 9 ' 5 o a year from the funds of the institution . There were 240 annuitants . ( Hear , hear . ) The meeting then separated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Thomas W . White in the chair . There were also present Bios . II . Browse , John Boy d , Thos . Massa , Griffiths Smith , T . * F . Peacock ,
Joshua Nunn , Herbert Dicketts , W . F . C . AI 011 trie , Henry Venn , F . C . Baker , R . B . Webster John George Marsh , H . A . Dubois , L- " )' Dr . Woodman , \ V . Peters , Benj . HeaJ
John Symonds , John A . Rucker , A . HTattershall , H . W . Hemsworth , J . Rosenthal * Major Finney , J . K . Stead , H . Massey ( " Freemason , " ) Edward Clark . Thomas Kingston , and R . W . Little , Secretary .
One little giil was placed on the list for the next election , after which nominations for the House and Audit Committee were made , and scrutineers were appointed for the election ° these brethren at next meeting . The brethren afterwards separated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
third Wednesdays of every month at 3 p . m ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , anil we are proud to say that the brethren of the sister lodges embrace the opportunity of meeting with the brethren of Lodge Dramatic , 571 , on almost every occasion . Professional brethren intending to visit Scotland will have satisfaction in knowing that they can meet with brethren of their own profession in Glasgow
at thc above hour and dates . PLANTATION . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 5 81 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was hcl . l in the new Masonic Hall , Cr . iigiehall-strecr , Glasgow , on Monday , the vW « l inst ., Bro . T . " Stobo , W . M ., in " the chair ; Bros . A . Bain , P . M . 103 , acting S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . The other office-bearers present were Bros . VV . Ferguson , D . M . ;
A . Gow , S . M . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; H . Allan , Sec ; A . lmrie , S . D . ; J . H . illcy , J . D . ; J . Campbell , S . S . ; J . Dowell , J . S . ; Henderson , B . B . ; and Cumming , Tyler . Thc lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Messrs . W . T . Mabon , J . Wilson , and J . A . Campbell were initiated into the First D . 'grce by Bro , Alex . Bain , P . M . 103 , in that brother ' s usual impressive manner . Bros . E ,
Garraway , R . II . White , J . Nisli , and Neil T homson wire passed to the Fellow Craft D . 'grce by Bio . W . Ferguson , D . M . The meeting was well attended by visiting brethren , including Bros . W . Bell , l . P . M . 3 * ; R . Dalzicl , 3 } ; Dempster , 3 ' , ; Chalmers and Davidsjn , CS ; Grant , 197 ; McGregor , 321 ; Giibraith , 3 62 ; Spy , 413 ; Gardner , 413 ; and M . Gray , 343 ; also brethren from Lodges 32 , 117 ,
17 ; , 419 , and 437 . The . regular meeting of t ' us lodge was held on Monday , 1 7 th inst ., in the new Masonic Hal ! , Craigiehall-strett , Glasgow , I Bro . XV . Ferguson , D . M ., presiding ; D . Peacock , S . W . ; J . Henry , J . W . ; VV . Tav lor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . ; A . Imrie , S . D . ; J . H . illcy , J . D . ; J . Campbell , P . S . ; Paterson , acting I . G . ; and Gumming , Tyler .
Present : Bros . D . Smarr , W . M . 347 ; VV . Phillips , W . M . 35 6 ; J . Simpson , S . W . 419 ; J . McN ' aught , S . W . a . ; 6 ; J . McKcchnie , Treas . 33 6 ; J . Stewart , 3 ( 10 ; and a large number of other visiting brethren . On th ? minutes of last nue' . ing being reid and confirmed , Br ::. Brown , No . 1 14 , was elected a joining member and obligated by Bro . Phillips , W . M . 35 6 . Bros
Phillips , W . M . 530 ; Simpsan , S . W . 419 ; and McNaught , S . W . 33 d , were obligated honorary members of the lodge by Bro . Ferguson . The committee appointed at last meeting reported that the code of bye-laws as drawn up by them would be read at next meeting . Bros . VV . F . Mabon , J . A . Campbell , J . Wilson , and A . Gow were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree . The 1 >< lge was then
assumed on the Tnird Degree , when Bros . N . Thomson , E . Garraway , R . II . White , and J . is . Smith were rais d to the Sublime Degree of Ma > . tcr Mason by liro . Ferguson . \ fterwards Bro . Paterson was elected I . G ., and installed into cliice by Bro . Phillips . EniiATA . — " UJdington . —' -odge of St . Bride , No . 579 , " . -is appeared in " Freemason , " 22 nd inst ., should read " H Kingston . —I .-idgc St . Bryde , No . 579 . "
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
On Tuesday afternoon , at Ruabon , 5 people welcomed home to Wjnnstay liro . Sir VVatkin anil Lady Williams Wynn and family , after a five months ' absence in the Mediterranean for the benefit of Sir VVatkin ' s health . Three addresses of welcome wcre presented anil acknowledged . Over 1000 school children were present , wearing medals struck in honour of the event , and the day was kept as a general holiday .
At Bangor Steeplechases , Wrexham , nn address was presented to Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., Prov . Grand Matter North Wales , by Viscount Combermere , on behalf of a thousand members of the Wynnstay Hunt , the occasion being the return home of Sir VVatkin , after a long cruise for the benefit of his health ; and the address congratulated him on his recovery , and thanked him for the piiueely manner in which , at his own expense , he kept up vhe hunt . Bro . Sir \ Yalkin returned thanks .
Bro . Sir Michael Costa will conduct the congratulatory concert in the Royal Albert Hall to the Prince of Wales , in honour of the return of His Highness to England , on Wednesday evening , the 17 th of May . Bro . Brackstone Baker lies been elected churchwarden at St . Mark's , Lewisham .
The Knights Companions of thc R . S . Y . C . S . will meet in Council , at their Provincial Grand Lodge , 33 , Golden-square , on Thursday , the 11 th proximo , at three o ' clock precisely . The Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 ,
meets every Saturday evening , at eight o ' clock , at Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , corner ot Churchroad , Islington . On Saturday ( this evening ) the 13 s-c ' . ions will be worked by Bro . G . Wanl Verry , P . M . 554 . On this occasion the lodge will open at seven o'clock .
RAVENSBOUKXH LODGE , NO . 1601 . —The consecration of this lodge took place yesterday ( Friday ) at the offices of the Lewisham Board cf Works , Catford . The Rev . Wm . Taylor Junes , M . A ., P . M ., 181 , 708 , and P . P . G . C . Middlesex , was installed W . M . Bro . Charles Wm . Thompson , S . D . 9 69 , was appointed S . W ., and Wm . Biclic Roberts , P . M . 181 , J . W . The banquet was held at Bro . Spencer's B : i (! ere House Hotel .
The Sir Hugh M j dJeltcn Lodge , No . 1602 , will beaconsecrated this ( Saturday ) afternoon at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , at 4 o ' clock . Thc ceremonies ol consecration and installation will be performed by our esteemed Grand Secretary , Br . ) John Hervey . The officers designate are Bros . E . Soniers-, W . M . E . G . Sim , S . VV . j ; T . J . Coombs , J . W .
Bro . H . S . Marks has painted a portrait of Alderman Sir B . S . Phillips for the foithcoming Royal Academy Exhibition .
Masonic And General Tidings.
T . he foundation stone of a new church proposed to be erected on the ruins of an old abbey at Nuneaton was laid on Wednesday last , with full Masonic honours by Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . A considerable number of the Craft fiom various parts of the country attended . The mallet used was the one with which King Charles the Second laid the first stone of St . Paul's Cathedral 200 vears ago .
The fifty-ninth anniversary festival of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , No . 217 , took place on Friday . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . THE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL . — At the
annual meeting of the Stratford-on-Avon Shakespeare Club it was announced that Mr . Chas . Flower , chairman of the Memorial Association , in addition to his previous handsome donation , has just given £ 100 in furtherance of the memorial project . It is understood that the erecti n of thc structure will be commenced forthwith .
ANCIENT RELICS . —During some excavations among the ruins of an old abbey at Nuneaton the workmen have discovered a stone coffin , containing human bodies . Along s de it were two stone coffin lids , one bearing a Maltese cross , the other a Latin cross . Some tesselated pavement has also been lai I bare , as we'd as some
encaustic tiles , sculptured stone , Sec T he work of excavation is still proceeding , and the operations of the workmen are watched with the keenest interest , it being thought probable that many additional relics illustrative of the former grandeur of the abbey will be turned up . — "Sheffield Daily Telegraph . "
Spiritualism meets with scant favour in Russia . The commission deputed by the Physical Society of the St . Petersburg University to investigate spiritualist phenomena has finished its labours , and issued a report declaring that " spiritualist phenomena are the result either of unconscious movements or wil'ul imposture , and Spiritualism is a mere superstition . "
The Prince of Wales has consented to be present at a " soiree " to be held by the Royal Geographical Society within the Exhibition buildings ou the 14 th of May . His Royal Highness will be attended by thc members of his suite who were with him in Ind'a .
RE-OPENING of CHESTER CATHEDRAL . — The Prince of Wales is to be invited to attend the re-opening of Chester Cathedral , the restoration of which , at a cost of many thousands of pounds , is now aimpl . te . The date will be fixed to suit His Royal Highness , but it is hoped that the ceremony will take place the same
week as the Wrexham Eisteddfodd , and that the Prince will be present at both . Messrs . Elkington and Co ., of which firm our B . o . Elkington is a member , are sending , on thc 29 th , a selection of choice objects in a , t metal work which have been manufactured by the firm for the Centennial International Exhibition at Philadelphia .
THE VICTORIA CI . UH . —The many advantages afforded by the Victoria Ladies' Cljb , 23 , Uegent-strett , are deserving of more than a passing notice . To professional men , and those resident in the suburbs , thc difficulty of arranging a meeting with wives , daughters , sisters , or mothers , subject to the many delays incidental to business and professions , is o \ crcome by the
accommodation afforded by this club , and should ladies visit the West End either for business or pleasure , light refreshment , luncheons , dining , drawing , writing , dressing rooms , and lavatories arc at their command , secure from the possibility of annoyance ; in a word , the privity and comfort of home , with the convenience of a town house , is secured , within easy walking distance or shilling cab fare of the
principal shops , theatres , railways , Sec I he situation of the club ( corner of Jermyn-street , Regent-street ) is most convenient . Based on the model of gentlemen ' s clubsexclusive for ladies—without the elaboration , the appointments are perfect , and our fair readers will learn with satisfaction that ladies wishing to dress for evening enjoyments , every requisite for the toilette is provided , with the
assistance of a maid , without additional charge . When we mention the small annual subscription securing these many advantages , we feel assured our subuiban readers especially ( not forgetting Town ) will gladly avail themselves of membership . Family tickets , three guineas ; single , two guineas . Established under distinguished
patrcnagr , it cannot but prove a great success . In the meantime any information required will be afforded on application to the lady manager , to whose courtesy in visiting the club we are indebted for this brief outline . The difficulty attendant on ladies accompanying gentlemen to Town engagements , incidental to the Masonic programme , now is overcome , and we heartily wish the club the success
it ensures . The complimentary dinner and presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Wm . Herbage , on his retiring from the managership of the City Bank , Ludgate Hill , will take place on Wednesday next at the City United Club ,
Ludgate Hill Circus . 1 he chair will be taken by Bro . Alderman S . C iladley , at 7 o ' clock punctually . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next . Further information may be obtained of Bro . F . Kent , 8 , Red Lioucomt , Cannon-street .
A large deputation from the West India Committee waited , on Tuesday evening , upon Lord Carnarvon , at the Colonial Office , Downing-street , with icference to tiie present state of the Inland of Barbadoes , and to ask Her Majesty ' s Government to recall the Governor , Mr . Pope Henii ' .-ssy . A Grand Council of the Illustrious Kni ghts K . H . 30 will be held on Tuesday , the 9 th May . Reports of 697 , Colchester ; 1391 , Leicester ; and 37 C , Ipswich , . "' . and over .
Royal Masonic Benevolent In Stitution.
A Special General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers of this institution was held on Tuesday , in the library , Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of consideiing the propriety of altering Law 4 , page 12 of the rules and
regulations , by substituting V .-. e figures ± -40 for £ 36 , and Law 4 , p 3 ge 13 , by substituting the figures £ 32 lor £ 28 , and any motion or proposition which might be mad ? thereon . To those subscribers and brethren who mav not have a
copy of the Laws of the institution we may explain that the effect of this is to increase the annuities of thc male annuitants from £ 36 to ^ 40 , and of the females from . £ 28 to ££ 32 Lieut .-Col . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . P ., was called to the chair , and the other brethren present were
Bros . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . China ; Griffiths Smith , P . G . S . ; Levy , P . M . ; Charles Hill , IL Massey ('' Freemason '" ) , Thus . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; W . Dodd , P . M . 1194 ; H . G . Buss , Prov . Grand Treas . Middlesex ; W . Lane , P . M . 28 ; H . C . Levander , P . P . G . R ,
Middlesex ; Charles Webber , Benj . Head , P . G . D . ; and James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts ( Secretary ) . Bro . James Terry first read the requisition for the meeting and then the advertisement calling it .
The Chairman afterwards said that it was nut necessary that he should take up the time of the brethren by again stating his reasons for proposing the alteration in the laws of the institution . Its object was simply that the annuities should
be raised , § £ 4 a year , both to men and women , He would therefore only move " That Law 4 , page 12 , of thc rules and regulations be altered by substituting the figures £ 40 for ^ £ 36 . " This increase would not commence till the ist of June , or be paid till September .
Bro . Levy seconded the motion , which was put and carried . The Chairman said his next business was to move "That Law No . 4 , page 13 , of the rules and regulations bj altered by substituting tlie figures £ 32 for £ 28 . " Bro . 6 . Rawson seconded the motion , which was then carried .
Bro . Griffiths Smith moved " Ihe best thanks cf the meeting to the Chairman for presiding , and also for having raised the annuities of the old men and women . " Bro . Levander seconded the motion , which was unanimously adopted .
The Chairman , in reply , said he thinked the brethren very much for their vote . The meeting certainly had had little to do ; but as they had been pleased to pay him the compliment of considering he had rendered a service he must accept it .
Bro . James Terry informed the brethren that the alterations which had just been made would involve an additional outlay of i ^ 9 ' 5 o a year from the funds of the institution . There were 240 annuitants . ( Hear , hear . ) The meeting then separated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Thomas W . White in the chair . There were also present Bios . II . Browse , John Boy d , Thos . Massa , Griffiths Smith , T . * F . Peacock ,
Joshua Nunn , Herbert Dicketts , W . F . C . AI 011 trie , Henry Venn , F . C . Baker , R . B . Webster John George Marsh , H . A . Dubois , L- " )' Dr . Woodman , \ V . Peters , Benj . HeaJ
John Symonds , John A . Rucker , A . HTattershall , H . W . Hemsworth , J . Rosenthal * Major Finney , J . K . Stead , H . Massey ( " Freemason , " ) Edward Clark . Thomas Kingston , and R . W . Little , Secretary .
One little giil was placed on the list for the next election , after which nominations for the House and Audit Committee were made , and scrutineers were appointed for the election ° these brethren at next meeting . The brethren afterwards separated .