Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The following is the agenda of business for the Quarterly Convocation of Grand Chapter on Wednesday : — The regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public business , to be read .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation . Installation of Principals , and appointment and investiture of Officers for the ensuing year .
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes : — The Committee of Genrral Purposes beg to report that they have examined the Accounts from the igth January to the 18 th April , 1876 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —
To Balance Grand Chapter £ 341 ) 9 o „ ,, UnappropriatedAccount ... 163 5 3 Subsequent Receipts 454 . ° 4 £ 9 66 IS 3 By Disbursements during the Quarter £ 189 5 4 „ Balance G 27 17 o
„ „ in Unappropriated Account 149 12 n £ 9 66 ' 5 3 which balances are in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Per ' ci val and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer .
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received thc following petitions : — ist . From Comps . John Jones , ' as Z . ; Richard Henry Evans , as IT . ; Henry Jackson , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Hamer Lodge , No . 1393 , Liverpool , to be called the Hamer Chapter , and to meet at
the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road , Liverpool , Lancashire . 2 nd . From Companions John Wallingford as Z . ; Henry Sleeman as IT . ; George Felton Lancaster as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Gosport Lodge , No . 903 , Gosport , to be called "The Gosport Chapter , " and to meet at the India Arms Hotel , Gosport ,
Hampshire . 3 rd . From Companions John George Richards , as Z . ; John Dampney , as IT . ; William Foxwell , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge , No . 1071 , Saltash , to be called "Thc Zetland Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Saltash , Cornwall .
4 th . From Companions Thomas Joseph Sabine , as Z j Eugene Henry Thiellay , as IT . ; John John Baxter Langley , as J . ; and eight ethers , for a chapter to be attached to the Era Lodge , No . 1421 , Hampton Court , to be called " The Era Chapter , " and to mcctat the Kin ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , Middlesex .
5 th . From Companions Arthur Leared , as Z . ; George James Row , as IT . ; Alfred Durrant , as J . ; and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to thc Lewis Lodge , No . 11 S 5 , Wood Green , to be called "The Lewis Chapter , " and to meet at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green ,
Middlesex . These petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) . Jon M CHEATON , ' President .
Address To Our Royal Grand Master.
On thc 28 th of March a deputation from the G . O . of Egypt , viz ., Marquis T . de Beauregard , ist D . G . M . ; Chev . P . L . Dilberogtue , G . K . of T . ; and Bro . Oddi , as G . Sec , presented to thc British Consulate the following address : — " Valle del Nilo , Or . d'Alessandria , " 28 th March , 1876 . " To His Royal and Imperial Highness the Prince of
Wales . " May it please your Royal and Imperial Highness and Most Illustrious Brother . " In the name of the Egyptian Masonry , the Grand Orient of Egypt , whose Grand Master 1 have the honour ' 0 be , avail themselves of the happy occasion of your Kojal and Imperial Highness's passage through this
country to greet you , and through you the British Craft , and to convey their salutations to that illustrious nation , which stands worthily at the head of modern civilization . "We trust your Royal and Imperial Highness will please to accept this our fraternal greeting and manifestation of our admiration for the happy and great country of which your Royal and Imperial Highness is Grand Master
and Prince . " We shall pray the G . A . O . T . U . that all civilized nations may follow the track of glorious England , and that all Princes and Kings may imitate the example of your Royal and Imperial Highness . " Please your Royal and Imperial Highness to accept the
M . K .. which in the name of the Grand Orient of Egypt I offer to your Royal and Imperial Highness , and through you to all British brothers . " Meanwhile , I have the honour to be of your Royal and Imperial Highness the most humble servant and brother . ( Signed ) "S . A . KOLA , G . M . * "F . F . ODDI , G . Sec . "
^ DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 6 9 , Fleet-street , London .
Masonic Intelligence From France.
By the " Monde Maconnique " of April , " just received , we learn that the " Conscil de l'Ordre " has suspended for six months ( and very properly ) the Lodge Orion , Orient de Gaillac , for the violation of Article 122 of the " Statuts et Reg ' . emens Generaux de l'Ordre . " The suspension begins from January 8 th . The Council of the Order has also
determined to add a course of Geography to those of German and English . As thc " Monde" informs us , " numerous and brilliant Masonic fetes" have been held by several of the French Lodges during the last month , such as that of the Lodge " Les Freres Unis Inseparables , " which gave on thc 19 th March , atthe Grand Hall of the Hotel of the Grand Orient
a " Matinee Musicale '" for the benefit of its adoption of orphans . Bro . Beer presided at this " seance , " to which the most eminent performers lent their kindly aid . Bro . Caubet , the able editor of the " Monde Maconnique , " mentions , as " parmi ces charmantes soirees , " those of the Lodges L'Union Maconnique , Les Amis Bienfaisants , L'Ecole , Les Hospitaliers Francais , La
Renaissance , and the united Lodges L'Amitie and L'Athence Francais , et la Fraternite des Peuples . The two lodges , Les Amis Bienfaisants and L'Ecole , celebrated their winter fete by a grand banquet , at which ladies were present , followed by a ball , both magnificent and successful . Bro . Blanchon , " Venerable , " or W . M ., of the Amis Bienfaisans , and Bro . Paillet , Venerable of the L'Ecole , presided jointly
aj this fete . Three addresses were furnished at this fete , one by Bro . Tallandier , Deputy for the Seine , by Bro . Martin Nadaud , Deputy ; and by Bro . Hubert , we presume the able editor of the Chainc de l'Union , and Venerable of the Lodge '' Le Temple " des Amis de I'll onneur Francais . " Bro . Caubet also mentions favourably two other fetes ,
one of the Lodge Renaissance on the 27 th March , and of the triple union of lodges . already alluded to , L'Amitie , L'Athenee Francais , La Fraternite des Peuples , on the ist of April . Wc note also a list of the lectures delivered in thc Lodges " de Paris et de la Banlieue , ' which shows that much activity still pervades French Masonry , or rather
Parisian . If we in our simpler view of the end and objects of Freemasonry , its right position , and its true character , might demur to many subjects proposed as lectures in lodges by our French brethren , yet we must always bear in mind that each national system has its own manner , to use a French expression , of " envisager , " alike the tenets and the developement of Freemasonry .
We might wish that in France as in England all questions borelering on the domain of politics , or religion , or social controversies , were rigorously excluded Irom the " syllabus" of Masonic lectures , but as such a " consummation , " though devoutly to be wished for in the best interests of French Freemasonry , in our humble opinion is not likely to be arrived at , we must learn as Freemasons
to practise the great lesson and art of toleration ! We are requested to state that in the " Masonic Magazine " for June will appear Bro . Caubct ' s interesting article , " Du Role de la Francmaconncrie dans l'Avenir , " and , making allowance for the French " point de mire , " we can commend Bro . Caubct ' s eloquent French and Masonic sentiments to the notice of those of our Order who fraternally patronise that interesting and useful publication .
Lord Skelmersdale, D.G.M., On Church Extension.
Thc foundation stone of the new Church of St . John the Evangelist , at Walton , near Liverpool , was laid last week by Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , in presence of a large number of spectators . The distinguished company
included Lady Skelmersdale , the Right Rev . the Lord Bishop of Ciiester , John Torr , Esq ., M . P ., and a large number of clergy and leading laity . After the ceremony , an elegant luncheon was served in the Walton Institute , where there was a most fashionable assembly . After several toascs had been proposed and responded to , Mr . Councillor A . B . Forwood proposed " The
Health of Lord and Lady Skelmersdale . " In doing so he said it was a fortunate thing that they saw thc highest representatives of the laity and the Church uniting together , as they were that day , in inaugurating a new church in the district . There was every opportunity , he was sure , for good work by the clergy and lnity , and he was satisfied that the clergy only wanted leading and
suggestions to follow in any work for the good of thc community . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast he had to propose was that of a nobleman who took a very leading part in the county , and also in one of the most benevolent institutions of the day —( hear , hear)—and he believed his lordship would look upon no period of his Masonic career with greater pleasure than upon what he had done that day in
laying the foundation stone of their new church . ( Applause . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , in acknowledging the toast , said it had given him great pleasure to be present . He took a very deep interest in church extension . There was not a county , he thought , which had made a [ greater stride in this respect than that of Lancashire , and the progress in this direction seemed to him perfectly marvellous .
He saw the new church was to have half 01 its seats free and open . He took a great interest in that portion of church work , and he could not help saying that he thought the time to advocate the free and open system was when the foundation stone of a new church was being laid . ( Hear , hear . ) It was the beginning of a new era in a church , and why should they not begin it as a free and open church at once ? Here they were in a community knowing each , other , and not likely to have heart burnings
Lord Skelmersdale, D.G.M., On Church Extension.
about this seat or the other , and he wished he could persuade them to think the matter over again and do what he should like so much to see in their new church . ( Hear , hear . ) His lordship then proposed "The Health of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , " and said there was no
bishop in the country who spared himself less than the Bishop of Chester did in doing the work he vas called upon to perform . The Bishop briefly acknowledged the toast , . and the procee dings shortly afterwards terminated .
The Red Cross Ball.
The annual ball given by the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine ( Grand Council of England ) took place on Monday night at Willis's Room ' s , King-street , St . James's , when a company cf 180 Sir Knights , ladies , and gentlemen assembled . It was given under the patronage of the following Grand Officers of the Order , many cf whom
were Stewards on the occasion : — GRAND COUNCIL . — Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P . ; Colonel Francis Burdett ; The Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers ; William Edward Gumbleton , j ' P . ; Rev . William Benjamin Church , M . A . ; Rev . Joseph Mary church Vaughan ; Henry Charles Levander , M . A . Robert Wentworth Little ; William Robert Woodman ,
M . D . ; Raynham William Stewart ; Angtlo John Lewis , M . A . ; John Boyd , Thomas Cubitt , George Toller , jun ., Thomas W . White , the Right Hon . the Earl of Bcctive , the Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey , the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale , James Percy Leith , Robert Jones , Rev . Thomas FitzArthur Tovin Ravenshaw , M . A . ; Rev . Chas . John Martyn , M . A ., Hyde Clarke , John Hervey , William
Henry Hubbard , Henry Gustavus Buss , Colonel ( John Whitwell , M . P ., John George Marsh , James L . Thomas . GRAND SENATE . —Joseph Charles Parkinson , William Roehuck , Charles H . Rogers-ITarriscn , F . R . C . S . ; Rev Philip IT . IT . Brctte , D . D . ; George Powell , Henry Arthur Dubois , George Kenning , Lieut .-Col . Jas . Peters , Alfred A Pendlebury , Herbert Dicketts , John Mason , Re \ . P . M .
Holden , Eugene H . Thiellay , Thos . Burdett Yeoman , Frederick Keily , Chas . Frederick Hogard , John William Ellison Macartney , M . P . ; John Robeit Goepel Joshua Nunn , William Thomas Howe . STEWARDS . —Colonel F . Burdett , President : R . Wentworth Little , Treasurer ; Henry A . Dubois and Chailes E . Hogard , Secretaries ; E . Amphlctt , W . J . VCSCIT
Blindon , W . H . B ' . ittain , C . J . Burgess , E . Clark , Captain G . Cockle , B . Cook , A . H . Edwards , W . Forstcr . J . R . Foulger , R . G . Glover , C . W . Gray , R . G . Hall , C . Hammert ' -n , J . I Uncock , J . Harper , L . Hirsch , C . Horsley , Captain L . L . Howell , XV . D . Jones , W . Kdly , F . R . G . S ., T Kingston , J . M . Leiick , T . Massa , C . F . Matier , G . Moren , W . T . Murlcy , E . S . Norris , M . Ohrcn , IT . Phythiar , F . W . IT . Ramsey , M . D ., W . Richards , S . Rosenthal , IT
H . Shirley , S . Spencer , J . E . Sjmcns , 1 . R . G . S ., W . Wilkinson , L . R . C . P ., W . Winn . M . C , Lie jiivls . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock to thc music cf Coote and Tinney ' s band , under the coudvetorship of Sir Knt . Coote , B o . Jarvis being Master of the Ceremonies Several of the Sir Knights wore thc jewels ( other than those ot Craft and Royal Arch ) , which , added to the elegant dress and jewels of the ladies , ga \ c great brilliancy to the
scene . Although all the Sir Knights above named wcre not present , many of them were , and among them we observed Col . Burdett , G . Viceroy ; Sir Knts . Little , G . Treas . ; J . Boyd , IT . E . Levander , J . L . Thomas , C . F . Hogard , T . B . Yeoman , E . Thiellay , E . Hammcrton , T . Cubitt , G . Kenning , Lieut .-Col . Peters , T . Kingston , F . Keily , IT .
Hand , IT . A . Dubois , J . T . Moss , and Bros . J . Keen and VV . IT . Panncll , C . C . Col . Burdett did net stop duiing thc whole of the evening , and when supper , which was a very elegant one , was served shortly after midnight , Sir Knt . R . Wentworth
Little took the chair . T here were no speeches , and aftci the repast was finished dancing was resumed , and kept up with great vigour till past four in the morning . The ball was a most successful undertaking , and all the company expressed themselves highly delighted with it . The profits will be devoted to the Masonic charities .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
On Wednesday , the 26 th of April , at the Masons' Hall Tavern , a room of which was kindly lent for the occasion bv Messrs . Bell Se Co ., a meeting was held for thc purpose of establishing an " Old Scholar ' s Re-union . " Dr . Morris , the head master of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
was in the chair . A very pleasant evening was spent , to which the kindness of Messrs . Bell & Co . greatly contributed . The old scholars present subscribed to a piize to be given , with the sanction of the House Committee , to the best boy in " science . " The Secretaries of the "Re-union "
are Messrs . S . W . Martin and F . H . Reid ( 17 , Offord-road Barnsbury , N . ) who will be glad to receive the names and addresses of former pupils . They will have much pleasure in having the names of such subscribers to the school as may choose to become patrons of the " Re-union . "
Sea water for the tanks in the Westminster Aquarium is now being brought from Brighton to London 500 , 000 gallons will be required , HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT are expressly adapted for a those derangements of health which arise from impure , depraved or impoverished blood . The circulation of the blood is the process by which nutri ment is conveyed to every pait of the body , and is
the medium by which all effete and used up material is removed , So important a process and function is this , that any derangement of the circulation of the blood is invariably attended with loss of health . These twin remedies have Ihe valuable properly of acting directly on this , and cannot be too highl y extolled in inllammations , fevers , etc . Females will also liuel them invaluable in thc complaints peculiar to them , as they modify so materially the circulatory syslom—A DVT ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The following is the agenda of business for the Quarterly Convocation of Grand Chapter on Wednesday : — The regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public business , to be read .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation . Installation of Principals , and appointment and investiture of Officers for the ensuing year .
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes : — The Committee of Genrral Purposes beg to report that they have examined the Accounts from the igth January to the 18 th April , 1876 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : —
To Balance Grand Chapter £ 341 ) 9 o „ ,, UnappropriatedAccount ... 163 5 3 Subsequent Receipts 454 . ° 4 £ 9 66 IS 3 By Disbursements during the Quarter £ 189 5 4 „ Balance G 27 17 o
„ „ in Unappropriated Account 149 12 n £ 9 66 ' 5 3 which balances are in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Per ' ci val and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer .
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received thc following petitions : — ist . From Comps . John Jones , ' as Z . ; Richard Henry Evans , as IT . ; Henry Jackson , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Hamer Lodge , No . 1393 , Liverpool , to be called the Hamer Chapter , and to meet at
the Clarence Hotel , Everton-road , Liverpool , Lancashire . 2 nd . From Companions John Wallingford as Z . ; Henry Sleeman as IT . ; George Felton Lancaster as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Gosport Lodge , No . 903 , Gosport , to be called "The Gosport Chapter , " and to meet at the India Arms Hotel , Gosport ,
Hampshire . 3 rd . From Companions John George Richards , as Z . ; John Dampney , as IT . ; William Foxwell , as J . ; and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Zetland Lodge , No . 1071 , Saltash , to be called "Thc Zetland Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Saltash , Cornwall .
4 th . From Companions Thomas Joseph Sabine , as Z j Eugene Henry Thiellay , as IT . ; John John Baxter Langley , as J . ; and eight ethers , for a chapter to be attached to the Era Lodge , No . 1421 , Hampton Court , to be called " The Era Chapter , " and to mcctat the Kin ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , Middlesex .
5 th . From Companions Arthur Leared , as Z . ; George James Row , as IT . ; Alfred Durrant , as J . ; and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to thc Lewis Lodge , No . 11 S 5 , Wood Green , to be called "The Lewis Chapter , " and to meet at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green ,
Middlesex . These petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) . Jon M CHEATON , ' President .
Address To Our Royal Grand Master.
On thc 28 th of March a deputation from the G . O . of Egypt , viz ., Marquis T . de Beauregard , ist D . G . M . ; Chev . P . L . Dilberogtue , G . K . of T . ; and Bro . Oddi , as G . Sec , presented to thc British Consulate the following address : — " Valle del Nilo , Or . d'Alessandria , " 28 th March , 1876 . " To His Royal and Imperial Highness the Prince of
Wales . " May it please your Royal and Imperial Highness and Most Illustrious Brother . " In the name of the Egyptian Masonry , the Grand Orient of Egypt , whose Grand Master 1 have the honour ' 0 be , avail themselves of the happy occasion of your Kojal and Imperial Highness's passage through this
country to greet you , and through you the British Craft , and to convey their salutations to that illustrious nation , which stands worthily at the head of modern civilization . "We trust your Royal and Imperial Highness will please to accept this our fraternal greeting and manifestation of our admiration for the happy and great country of which your Royal and Imperial Highness is Grand Master
and Prince . " We shall pray the G . A . O . T . U . that all civilized nations may follow the track of glorious England , and that all Princes and Kings may imitate the example of your Royal and Imperial Highness . " Please your Royal and Imperial Highness to accept the
M . K .. which in the name of the Grand Orient of Egypt I offer to your Royal and Imperial Highness , and through you to all British brothers . " Meanwhile , I have the honour to be of your Royal and Imperial Highness the most humble servant and brother . ( Signed ) "S . A . KOLA , G . M . * "F . F . ODDI , G . Sec . "
^ DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 6 9 , Fleet-street , London .
Masonic Intelligence From France.
By the " Monde Maconnique " of April , " just received , we learn that the " Conscil de l'Ordre " has suspended for six months ( and very properly ) the Lodge Orion , Orient de Gaillac , for the violation of Article 122 of the " Statuts et Reg ' . emens Generaux de l'Ordre . " The suspension begins from January 8 th . The Council of the Order has also
determined to add a course of Geography to those of German and English . As thc " Monde" informs us , " numerous and brilliant Masonic fetes" have been held by several of the French Lodges during the last month , such as that of the Lodge " Les Freres Unis Inseparables , " which gave on thc 19 th March , atthe Grand Hall of the Hotel of the Grand Orient
a " Matinee Musicale '" for the benefit of its adoption of orphans . Bro . Beer presided at this " seance , " to which the most eminent performers lent their kindly aid . Bro . Caubet , the able editor of the " Monde Maconnique , " mentions , as " parmi ces charmantes soirees , " those of the Lodges L'Union Maconnique , Les Amis Bienfaisants , L'Ecole , Les Hospitaliers Francais , La
Renaissance , and the united Lodges L'Amitie and L'Athence Francais , et la Fraternite des Peuples . The two lodges , Les Amis Bienfaisants and L'Ecole , celebrated their winter fete by a grand banquet , at which ladies were present , followed by a ball , both magnificent and successful . Bro . Blanchon , " Venerable , " or W . M ., of the Amis Bienfaisans , and Bro . Paillet , Venerable of the L'Ecole , presided jointly
aj this fete . Three addresses were furnished at this fete , one by Bro . Tallandier , Deputy for the Seine , by Bro . Martin Nadaud , Deputy ; and by Bro . Hubert , we presume the able editor of the Chainc de l'Union , and Venerable of the Lodge '' Le Temple " des Amis de I'll onneur Francais . " Bro . Caubet also mentions favourably two other fetes ,
one of the Lodge Renaissance on the 27 th March , and of the triple union of lodges . already alluded to , L'Amitie , L'Athenee Francais , La Fraternite des Peuples , on the ist of April . Wc note also a list of the lectures delivered in thc Lodges " de Paris et de la Banlieue , ' which shows that much activity still pervades French Masonry , or rather
Parisian . If we in our simpler view of the end and objects of Freemasonry , its right position , and its true character , might demur to many subjects proposed as lectures in lodges by our French brethren , yet we must always bear in mind that each national system has its own manner , to use a French expression , of " envisager , " alike the tenets and the developement of Freemasonry .
We might wish that in France as in England all questions borelering on the domain of politics , or religion , or social controversies , were rigorously excluded Irom the " syllabus" of Masonic lectures , but as such a " consummation , " though devoutly to be wished for in the best interests of French Freemasonry , in our humble opinion is not likely to be arrived at , we must learn as Freemasons
to practise the great lesson and art of toleration ! We are requested to state that in the " Masonic Magazine " for June will appear Bro . Caubct ' s interesting article , " Du Role de la Francmaconncrie dans l'Avenir , " and , making allowance for the French " point de mire , " we can commend Bro . Caubct ' s eloquent French and Masonic sentiments to the notice of those of our Order who fraternally patronise that interesting and useful publication .
Lord Skelmersdale, D.G.M., On Church Extension.
Thc foundation stone of the new Church of St . John the Evangelist , at Walton , near Liverpool , was laid last week by Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , in presence of a large number of spectators . The distinguished company
included Lady Skelmersdale , the Right Rev . the Lord Bishop of Ciiester , John Torr , Esq ., M . P ., and a large number of clergy and leading laity . After the ceremony , an elegant luncheon was served in the Walton Institute , where there was a most fashionable assembly . After several toascs had been proposed and responded to , Mr . Councillor A . B . Forwood proposed " The
Health of Lord and Lady Skelmersdale . " In doing so he said it was a fortunate thing that they saw thc highest representatives of the laity and the Church uniting together , as they were that day , in inaugurating a new church in the district . There was every opportunity , he was sure , for good work by the clergy and lnity , and he was satisfied that the clergy only wanted leading and
suggestions to follow in any work for the good of thc community . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast he had to propose was that of a nobleman who took a very leading part in the county , and also in one of the most benevolent institutions of the day —( hear , hear)—and he believed his lordship would look upon no period of his Masonic career with greater pleasure than upon what he had done that day in
laying the foundation stone of their new church . ( Applause . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , in acknowledging the toast , said it had given him great pleasure to be present . He took a very deep interest in church extension . There was not a county , he thought , which had made a [ greater stride in this respect than that of Lancashire , and the progress in this direction seemed to him perfectly marvellous .
He saw the new church was to have half 01 its seats free and open . He took a great interest in that portion of church work , and he could not help saying that he thought the time to advocate the free and open system was when the foundation stone of a new church was being laid . ( Hear , hear . ) It was the beginning of a new era in a church , and why should they not begin it as a free and open church at once ? Here they were in a community knowing each , other , and not likely to have heart burnings
Lord Skelmersdale, D.G.M., On Church Extension.
about this seat or the other , and he wished he could persuade them to think the matter over again and do what he should like so much to see in their new church . ( Hear , hear . ) His lordship then proposed "The Health of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , " and said there was no
bishop in the country who spared himself less than the Bishop of Chester did in doing the work he vas called upon to perform . The Bishop briefly acknowledged the toast , . and the procee dings shortly afterwards terminated .
The Red Cross Ball.
The annual ball given by the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine ( Grand Council of England ) took place on Monday night at Willis's Room ' s , King-street , St . James's , when a company cf 180 Sir Knights , ladies , and gentlemen assembled . It was given under the patronage of the following Grand Officers of the Order , many cf whom
were Stewards on the occasion : — GRAND COUNCIL . — Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P . ; Colonel Francis Burdett ; The Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers ; William Edward Gumbleton , j ' P . ; Rev . William Benjamin Church , M . A . ; Rev . Joseph Mary church Vaughan ; Henry Charles Levander , M . A . Robert Wentworth Little ; William Robert Woodman ,
M . D . ; Raynham William Stewart ; Angtlo John Lewis , M . A . ; John Boyd , Thomas Cubitt , George Toller , jun ., Thomas W . White , the Right Hon . the Earl of Bcctive , the Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey , the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale , James Percy Leith , Robert Jones , Rev . Thomas FitzArthur Tovin Ravenshaw , M . A . ; Rev . Chas . John Martyn , M . A ., Hyde Clarke , John Hervey , William
Henry Hubbard , Henry Gustavus Buss , Colonel ( John Whitwell , M . P ., John George Marsh , James L . Thomas . GRAND SENATE . —Joseph Charles Parkinson , William Roehuck , Charles H . Rogers-ITarriscn , F . R . C . S . ; Rev Philip IT . IT . Brctte , D . D . ; George Powell , Henry Arthur Dubois , George Kenning , Lieut .-Col . Jas . Peters , Alfred A Pendlebury , Herbert Dicketts , John Mason , Re \ . P . M .
Holden , Eugene H . Thiellay , Thos . Burdett Yeoman , Frederick Keily , Chas . Frederick Hogard , John William Ellison Macartney , M . P . ; John Robeit Goepel Joshua Nunn , William Thomas Howe . STEWARDS . —Colonel F . Burdett , President : R . Wentworth Little , Treasurer ; Henry A . Dubois and Chailes E . Hogard , Secretaries ; E . Amphlctt , W . J . VCSCIT
Blindon , W . H . B ' . ittain , C . J . Burgess , E . Clark , Captain G . Cockle , B . Cook , A . H . Edwards , W . Forstcr . J . R . Foulger , R . G . Glover , C . W . Gray , R . G . Hall , C . Hammert ' -n , J . I Uncock , J . Harper , L . Hirsch , C . Horsley , Captain L . L . Howell , XV . D . Jones , W . Kdly , F . R . G . S ., T Kingston , J . M . Leiick , T . Massa , C . F . Matier , G . Moren , W . T . Murlcy , E . S . Norris , M . Ohrcn , IT . Phythiar , F . W . IT . Ramsey , M . D ., W . Richards , S . Rosenthal , IT
H . Shirley , S . Spencer , J . E . Sjmcns , 1 . R . G . S ., W . Wilkinson , L . R . C . P ., W . Winn . M . C , Lie jiivls . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock to thc music cf Coote and Tinney ' s band , under the coudvetorship of Sir Knt . Coote , B o . Jarvis being Master of the Ceremonies Several of the Sir Knights wore thc jewels ( other than those ot Craft and Royal Arch ) , which , added to the elegant dress and jewels of the ladies , ga \ c great brilliancy to the
scene . Although all the Sir Knights above named wcre not present , many of them were , and among them we observed Col . Burdett , G . Viceroy ; Sir Knts . Little , G . Treas . ; J . Boyd , IT . E . Levander , J . L . Thomas , C . F . Hogard , T . B . Yeoman , E . Thiellay , E . Hammcrton , T . Cubitt , G . Kenning , Lieut .-Col . Peters , T . Kingston , F . Keily , IT .
Hand , IT . A . Dubois , J . T . Moss , and Bros . J . Keen and VV . IT . Panncll , C . C . Col . Burdett did net stop duiing thc whole of the evening , and when supper , which was a very elegant one , was served shortly after midnight , Sir Knt . R . Wentworth
Little took the chair . T here were no speeches , and aftci the repast was finished dancing was resumed , and kept up with great vigour till past four in the morning . The ball was a most successful undertaking , and all the company expressed themselves highly delighted with it . The profits will be devoted to the Masonic charities .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
On Wednesday , the 26 th of April , at the Masons' Hall Tavern , a room of which was kindly lent for the occasion bv Messrs . Bell Se Co ., a meeting was held for thc purpose of establishing an " Old Scholar ' s Re-union . " Dr . Morris , the head master of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ,
was in the chair . A very pleasant evening was spent , to which the kindness of Messrs . Bell & Co . greatly contributed . The old scholars present subscribed to a piize to be given , with the sanction of the House Committee , to the best boy in " science . " The Secretaries of the "Re-union "
are Messrs . S . W . Martin and F . H . Reid ( 17 , Offord-road Barnsbury , N . ) who will be glad to receive the names and addresses of former pupils . They will have much pleasure in having the names of such subscribers to the school as may choose to become patrons of the " Re-union . "
Sea water for the tanks in the Westminster Aquarium is now being brought from Brighton to London 500 , 000 gallons will be required , HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT are expressly adapted for a those derangements of health which arise from impure , depraved or impoverished blood . The circulation of the blood is the process by which nutri ment is conveyed to every pait of the body , and is
the medium by which all effete and used up material is removed , So important a process and function is this , that any derangement of the circulation of the blood is invariably attended with loss of health . These twin remedies have Ihe valuable properly of acting directly on this , and cannot be too highl y extolled in inllammations , fevers , etc . Females will also liuel them invaluable in thc complaints peculiar to them , as they modify so materially the circulatory syslom—A DVT ,