Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LADIES' FESTIVAL OF THE JOHN HERVEY LODGE, No. 1260. Page 1 of 1 Article LADIES' FESTIVAL OF THE JOHN HERVEY LODGE, No. 1260. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to mourn . He coupled the toast with the names of Bios . Humphreys , Driver , and Dr . lagielski , who respectively replied . The toasts of " The Treasurer and Recorder " and "The Officers" brought the proceedings to a termination . During the evening the M . W . S . provided an excellent musical programme , and Bro . F . W . Driver as usual contributed some original pieces of poetry .
Ladies' Festival Of The John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
It was , indeed , a night of nights , and was certainly a great success , and the W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce , and his able Stewards ( Bros . F . Varley , P . M . ; J . J . Cornell , S . W . ; L . Sommerfeld , Chas . Varley , Walter Evans , and W . Clement ) , and the energetic Secretary ( Bro . J . R . Reep , P . M . ) are to be commended and congratulated upon the result of their efforts , which gained the unanimous commendation of the members of this well-known and distinguished lodge and of their ladies and friends who had the good fortune to be present at the very p leasant gathering at the Holborn Restaurant on the 12 th instant , that the aptly described Ladies' Festival was perfection .
Among those present were the W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce , and his niece , Miss Baird ; Bro . Capt . John Barlow , J . ., I . P . M . ; Bro . J . J . Cornell , S . VV ., and Mrs . Cornell ; Bros . ( . H . Haine , and J . Waud , and Mrs . Haine ; Bro . J . B . Sorrell , P . M . Treas ., and Mrs . Sorrell ; Bro . J . R . Reep , P . M . Sec ; Bro . C . Varley , S . D ., and Miss Varley ; Uro . W . Evans , J . D ., and Mrs . Evans ; Mrs . Burgwin ( of the Referee children ' s dinner fund fame ) ; Bro . E . G . Packham , P . M . ; Bro . and Mrs . W . E . Kent j Bro . and Mrs . H . A . Cockerton ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Buckmaster ; Bro .
and Mrs . W . Walker ; Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Rowseand Miss Rowse ; Bro . F . Varley , P . M ., and Mrs ; Varley ; Bro . and Mrs . F . French ; Bro . and Mrs . Geo . Gaily and Miss Gaily ; Bro . Thornber ; Bro . R . Hill and Miss May Hill ; Bro . F . Dangerfield , P . M ., and Mrs . and Miss Dangerfield ; Bro . and Mrs . Walter Potter ; Bros . W . Clement and J . R . Smythe j Bro . and Mrs . Corfield Smith ; Bro . Henry Evans , P . M . and Mrs . Evans ; Mis . Holthusen ; Mrs . Andrews ; Bro . and Mrs ,
G . Evans j Bros . G . Collins and Wolverson ; Bro . and Mrs . E . A . R . Adams ; Bro . and Mrs . Pitt Smith ; Bro . ar . d Mrs . Cunis ; Bros . Tom Browne and Beals ; Bro . and Mrs . Cameron ; Bros . Thompson and Sommerfield ; Bro . and Mrs . Dixon ; Mrs . Weakley ; Bro . J . Freeman , P . M ., Tyler ; Bros . Capt . Simpson , 2425 ; Fitzgerald , P . JL ; R . D . Cummings , P . M . 21 OS ; R . T . West , 1 744 ; and many others .
The brethren and their ladies were received by the W . M ' ., Bro . E . T . Pearce , and Miss Baird . After ample time had been given for introduction and conversation , the company adjourned to an excellent banquet . The W . M ., Bro . Pearce , presided at the banquet table , having On his right his . charming niece . Miss" Baird , and Mrs . Burgwin on his left , and was well supported by the ollicers of the lodge . *
When ladies honour Masonic circles with their presence it is only right that thuy should be studied in every way , and in making the toast list a short one the W . M ., no doubt , had this view in mind , as it goes without saying that the fair sex are not lovers of hearing long speeches , especially when there is a good entertainment to follow .
The W . M ., Bro . Pearce , on rising to propose the first toast , was received with great enthusiasm . In giving "The Queen , the Prince nnd Princess of Wales , and other members of the Royal Family , " the W . M ., in eloquent terms , referred to her Majesty's many acts of kindness during the present year , and since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had been at the he . id of the Craft it had flourished , and would continue to do so , and H . R . H . the Princess did her utmost for the Charities of the country .
The W . M . proposed "The Ladies , " observing that it was , undoubtedly , the most important toast of the evening , which would be received with every honour due to them . ( Applause . ) When he was installed he thought it was a great honour and a proud moment of his life , but that occasion was another proud moment , and a great honour for him as W . M , to receive the ladies . As the ladies might think it strange and not the thing that the members were not in Masonic clothing and unadorned , he explained the reason why . He was
particularly in favour of ladies coming into Masonic circles as often as possible , as they could see , if he might say so , that they were a eood body of men . He hoped the ladies had enjoyed themselves , and in the name of the John Hervey Lodge he tendered them a hearty welcome , and they were delighted to have them there , and he trusted to see them again at the earliest opportunity . He was honoured by having as his guest Mrs . Burgwin —( great applause)—whom he had the honour of knowing for 20 years , and he had very much pleasure in associating her name with the toast .
The toast was drunk with acclamation . Mrs . BURGWIN , on rising ' . 0 respond received an ovation . She said she rose with all humility on behalf of the ladies to thank them for the very ample manner they had honoured the toast . If in entertaining the ladies the members were breaking away from tradition , she hoped they would get absolution—that is , if they did anything in that way . What a thing it would be if they could carry their thoughts back to the beginning of the century instead of the end of it . What
would her great grandmother have thought of one of her lad y descendants venturing to respond at a banquet ? She had been reading about Masonry , and she found they went to lodges of instruction . What did they do there , and what after ? ( Laughter . ) She looked up Mrs . Caudle to know what she said when her husband came home late from a banquet . The members could have no excuse now for being late , as they could get home early by the Twopenny Tube . Things , however , had improved , as there was evidence that evening that the sisters would
not be neglected as they had been in the past . It was very wrong of their Worshipful Master to give her away by saying he had known her for 20 years ; but , nevertheless , it was true , and he was then , what he was now , a man of honour , and she felt he would sustain the dignity of the lodge . A moment , there must be no fire that evening . ( Laughter . ) She did not know what it meant , but , ot course , the members did . In eloquent terms she referred to the three Institutions , remarking that she admired Freemasons because they never forgot the Charitiesand took in their
, arms their deceased brothers' children , and while they did that the Craft would continue to prosper . She had been in Russia , and saw something there which reminded her very much of what she had seen in Masonry , and she remarked it to an ollicer there , who said they had plenty of Masons in Russia . If the ladies in the ensuing century started a Maria Hervey Lodge , and she was connected with it , the members should have an invitation . In conclusion , she said they were delighted to be there , and they hoped the members would invite them again .
In giving "The Masonic Visitors , " the W . M . stated that the lodge was always tortunate ir . having a lar ^ e array of visitors and tliey were ever welcome . The visitors were no doubt aware that their esteemed I . P . M ., Bro . Captain John Barlow was a candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer , and the members
Ladies' Festival Of The John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
would be very much indebted to them if they would use their efforts and return him by a good majority . It was in Bro . Captain Barlow ' s favour that last year he retired in favour of Bro . Manfield , and so saved the worry and expense of a contested election , which should not be forgotten . He was qualified in every way for grand honours , and what he had done for the Craft and the Charities should ensure his election . Bro . Captain Barlow was deputed'by the War Office to look after the Colonial Volunteers , who had been the guests of the country , and for the last two weeks he had been very busy entertaining them . The W . M . coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Fitzgerald and Captain Simpson .
In response , Bro . FITZGERALD thanked the W . M . for his kind words , arid the brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had received the toast . The W . M . was to be congratulated on such a grand gathering , and Mrs . Burgwin for her eloquent speech in responding for the ladies . The W . M . had referred to the candidature of Bro . Captain Barlow for the election of Grand Treasurer , and he felt confident that the Masons in the Metropolis would do their very utmost to send him in at the head of the poll . The visitors did not regret their visit as they had had a splendid reception , and had been lavishly entertained . ;
Bro . Captain SIMPSON also acknowledged the toast , and said he fully endorsed the remarks of Bro . Fitzgerald . It was true that Bro . Captain Barlow had done his duty nobly in looking' after the guests of the country , and unless he had dragged himself away he would have been on his way to Canada . Before the Canadians sailed the officers presented him with a silver cigar case , which bore the following inscription : " Prestnted to Captain Barlow by the officers of the Royal Canadian Regiment in appreciation of his kindness during their sojourn in
England . Deer , 11 , 1900 . Bro . J . B . SORRKLL , P . M ., said that it was with very much pleasure that he had to submit the toast of " The W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce . " The W . M . had had to do a lot of work in the lodge , which he had done in a masterly manner . He had followed a very popular and excellent Mason in Bro . Captain Barlow ,
I . P . M ., which was no easy task , and he had done everything to promote the interests of their good lodge and the happiness of the members , and the way he had conducted that brilliant entertainment showed that he was a very good fellow , and the right man in the right place ; and on behalf of them all he thanked him for his efforts , and expressed the very best of wishes for his health , happiness , and prosperity .
The W . M ., Bro . PEARCE , on rising to respond , had a great reception . He said that his sincere thanks were due to them for the way in which they had received the toast . He had only one aim , which was to do his very best for the lodge , and if at the end of his term of ofiice they were satisfied , he would be amply repaid . The eloquent epeech of his friend , Mrs . Burgwin , and her kind reference to him would never be effaced from his memory .
The toast of " The Stewards of the Evening and Committee was entrusted to Bro . E . G . Packman , P . M ., who , in eloquent and appropriate terms referred to their efficient services , with the result that the happy gathering was a great success , and an epoch in the annals of the lodge , and he joined with the toast the name of Bro . L . Sommerfeld . Bro . L . Sommerfeld acknowledged the toast in very happy terms . Each lady during the evening was presented with a beautiful fan , which was an agreeable surprise and much appreciated .
A very successful flash-light photograph of the gathering was taken by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , of Regent Street , which we have seen , and it is a work of art and will be a lasting souvenir ot tbe ladies festival of the John Hervey Lodge . During the banquet Mrs . Hunt ' s ladies excellent and popular orchestra performed a beautiful selection of music , which was very much appreciated .
A musical entertainment of superior quality was provided under the able direction of Mrs . Hunt , assisted by Bros . Walter George and Richard Green , Miss Josu Dubois , Madame Marchant , and Miss Dora Thorpe . It is hardly necessary to add that , with such talent , and under the genial guidance of the W . M ., Bio Pearce , a most snjoyable evening was spent , and it was brought to a close with the hearty singing of " Auld Lang Syne . "
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Upper Norwood Lodge , No . 1586 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 12 th instant , at the White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwooi . under very sad circumstances . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Irvine Gray Ohlson , who had been seriously ill for some tim :, passed away on the morning of the lodge meeting , so that the brethren wire nit mids acquainted with thc sad news until the assembling of the lodge . Bro . John Lancaster , I . P . M ., occupied the chair , supported by Bro . A . C . 1
Wood , P . M . ; H . H . Jones , P . M ., Treas . ; John A . Stock , P . M ., Sec ; G . H . Jones , P . M . * , D . Jones , H . W . Mitten , P . M ., Secretary of instruction lodge ; T . W . Edmund . S . W . ; W . Overbury , J . W . ; W . Wright , J . D . ; H . C . Reynolds , I . G . j H . Thompson , Org . ; W . H . Abbott and E . G . Buckman , Stwds . ; C . Norington , F . Ratheram , W . Turpin , E . Hill Clarke , G . Lee , H . Wheeler , W . Hawkins , F . VV . Jollands , | . Allen , G . Morant , 11 . Stair , W . E . Everard , W . Hobbs , A . W . Galfield , B . T . Welch , W . II . Bird , J . D . 9 3 I ; G . J . Lucas , 13 G 2 ; and R . Bdnbridge , W . M .
19 SG . The following gentlemen were initiated : C A . Birltrop , A . T . Gardner , and A . G . Bannister . Due respect having been made to tbe memory of the deceased Master by Bros . Stock , P . M ., Woods , P . M ., and Mitten , . P . M ., and recorded on the minutes , it was unanimously resolved to send a letter of condolence to the wid .-w , and that the lodge should be represented , and a wreath sent as a token of respect and sympathy of th : members at the funeral , which took place on Wednesday , the 19 th
instant , at Tower Hamlet Cemetery , Bow , many friends and numbers being present . Bro . Ohlson was also a member of the Crystal Palace Chapter , No . 742 , having recently been elected to the position of J . As he took great interest in the lodge and chapter his decease has caused quite a gloom over bath . He was also a Life Governor of the three Institutions , and had served a Stewardship to each Charity during tie last two years .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . LADIES' NIGHT . The annual "ladies' night" at this lodge was happily celebrated at the regular meeting held On Thursday , the ( 5 th instant , when the members met under the presidency of Bro . John W . Bland , the popular W . M ., at six o ' clock in the evening , and after passing Bro . Dr . B . H . Slater , L . R . C . P ., & c , to the Second Djgree , and disposing of the ordinary duties of the lodge , which included the presentation of a Past Master ' s collar and jewel to Bro . R . S . Hird , I . P . M ., the ladies assembled at 7 . 30 , and dined with the brethren .
Supporting the W . M . were Bros . Hird , I . P . M . ; Last , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; Niven , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; Ellis , P . M . ; Robinson , P . M . ; Fearnley , P . M . ; Morton , P . M . ; Holmes , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . ; Hedley , S . W . ; Bedford , J . W . j Belteridge , B . A ., Chap . ; Nicholls , S . D . j Shaw Smith , J . D . ; Townend , I . G . j Cooper , Tyler ; Turner , Stwd . ; and a goodly number of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . H . E . Hodgson , W . M . ( 103 ; Robt . F . Rogerson , S . W ., W . M . elect 1301 j H . F . Cookson , Coo ; E . C . Bailey , 1545 ; A . J . Taylor , J . D , 2 ( 50 9 ; and Whitby Norton , 2661 ) . After the repast , the VV . M . gave the toasts of "The Queen , " and "T . R . H . the . Prince and Princess of Wales , "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to mourn . He coupled the toast with the names of Bios . Humphreys , Driver , and Dr . lagielski , who respectively replied . The toasts of " The Treasurer and Recorder " and "The Officers" brought the proceedings to a termination . During the evening the M . W . S . provided an excellent musical programme , and Bro . F . W . Driver as usual contributed some original pieces of poetry .
Ladies' Festival Of The John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
It was , indeed , a night of nights , and was certainly a great success , and the W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce , and his able Stewards ( Bros . F . Varley , P . M . ; J . J . Cornell , S . W . ; L . Sommerfeld , Chas . Varley , Walter Evans , and W . Clement ) , and the energetic Secretary ( Bro . J . R . Reep , P . M . ) are to be commended and congratulated upon the result of their efforts , which gained the unanimous commendation of the members of this well-known and distinguished lodge and of their ladies and friends who had the good fortune to be present at the very p leasant gathering at the Holborn Restaurant on the 12 th instant , that the aptly described Ladies' Festival was perfection .
Among those present were the W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce , and his niece , Miss Baird ; Bro . Capt . John Barlow , J . ., I . P . M . ; Bro . J . J . Cornell , S . VV ., and Mrs . Cornell ; Bros . ( . H . Haine , and J . Waud , and Mrs . Haine ; Bro . J . B . Sorrell , P . M . Treas ., and Mrs . Sorrell ; Bro . J . R . Reep , P . M . Sec ; Bro . C . Varley , S . D ., and Miss Varley ; Uro . W . Evans , J . D ., and Mrs . Evans ; Mrs . Burgwin ( of the Referee children ' s dinner fund fame ) ; Bro . E . G . Packham , P . M . ; Bro . and Mrs . W . E . Kent j Bro . and Mrs . H . A . Cockerton ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Buckmaster ; Bro .
and Mrs . W . Walker ; Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Rowseand Miss Rowse ; Bro . F . Varley , P . M ., and Mrs ; Varley ; Bro . and Mrs . F . French ; Bro . and Mrs . Geo . Gaily and Miss Gaily ; Bro . Thornber ; Bro . R . Hill and Miss May Hill ; Bro . F . Dangerfield , P . M ., and Mrs . and Miss Dangerfield ; Bro . and Mrs . Walter Potter ; Bros . W . Clement and J . R . Smythe j Bro . and Mrs . Corfield Smith ; Bro . Henry Evans , P . M . and Mrs . Evans ; Mis . Holthusen ; Mrs . Andrews ; Bro . and Mrs ,
G . Evans j Bros . G . Collins and Wolverson ; Bro . and Mrs . E . A . R . Adams ; Bro . and Mrs . Pitt Smith ; Bro . ar . d Mrs . Cunis ; Bros . Tom Browne and Beals ; Bro . and Mrs . Cameron ; Bros . Thompson and Sommerfield ; Bro . and Mrs . Dixon ; Mrs . Weakley ; Bro . J . Freeman , P . M ., Tyler ; Bros . Capt . Simpson , 2425 ; Fitzgerald , P . JL ; R . D . Cummings , P . M . 21 OS ; R . T . West , 1 744 ; and many others .
The brethren and their ladies were received by the W . M ' ., Bro . E . T . Pearce , and Miss Baird . After ample time had been given for introduction and conversation , the company adjourned to an excellent banquet . The W . M ., Bro . Pearce , presided at the banquet table , having On his right his . charming niece . Miss" Baird , and Mrs . Burgwin on his left , and was well supported by the ollicers of the lodge . *
When ladies honour Masonic circles with their presence it is only right that thuy should be studied in every way , and in making the toast list a short one the W . M ., no doubt , had this view in mind , as it goes without saying that the fair sex are not lovers of hearing long speeches , especially when there is a good entertainment to follow .
The W . M ., Bro . Pearce , on rising to propose the first toast , was received with great enthusiasm . In giving "The Queen , the Prince nnd Princess of Wales , and other members of the Royal Family , " the W . M ., in eloquent terms , referred to her Majesty's many acts of kindness during the present year , and since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had been at the he . id of the Craft it had flourished , and would continue to do so , and H . R . H . the Princess did her utmost for the Charities of the country .
The W . M . proposed "The Ladies , " observing that it was , undoubtedly , the most important toast of the evening , which would be received with every honour due to them . ( Applause . ) When he was installed he thought it was a great honour and a proud moment of his life , but that occasion was another proud moment , and a great honour for him as W . M , to receive the ladies . As the ladies might think it strange and not the thing that the members were not in Masonic clothing and unadorned , he explained the reason why . He was
particularly in favour of ladies coming into Masonic circles as often as possible , as they could see , if he might say so , that they were a eood body of men . He hoped the ladies had enjoyed themselves , and in the name of the John Hervey Lodge he tendered them a hearty welcome , and they were delighted to have them there , and he trusted to see them again at the earliest opportunity . He was honoured by having as his guest Mrs . Burgwin —( great applause)—whom he had the honour of knowing for 20 years , and he had very much pleasure in associating her name with the toast .
The toast was drunk with acclamation . Mrs . BURGWIN , on rising ' . 0 respond received an ovation . She said she rose with all humility on behalf of the ladies to thank them for the very ample manner they had honoured the toast . If in entertaining the ladies the members were breaking away from tradition , she hoped they would get absolution—that is , if they did anything in that way . What a thing it would be if they could carry their thoughts back to the beginning of the century instead of the end of it . What
would her great grandmother have thought of one of her lad y descendants venturing to respond at a banquet ? She had been reading about Masonry , and she found they went to lodges of instruction . What did they do there , and what after ? ( Laughter . ) She looked up Mrs . Caudle to know what she said when her husband came home late from a banquet . The members could have no excuse now for being late , as they could get home early by the Twopenny Tube . Things , however , had improved , as there was evidence that evening that the sisters would
not be neglected as they had been in the past . It was very wrong of their Worshipful Master to give her away by saying he had known her for 20 years ; but , nevertheless , it was true , and he was then , what he was now , a man of honour , and she felt he would sustain the dignity of the lodge . A moment , there must be no fire that evening . ( Laughter . ) She did not know what it meant , but , ot course , the members did . In eloquent terms she referred to the three Institutions , remarking that she admired Freemasons because they never forgot the Charitiesand took in their
, arms their deceased brothers' children , and while they did that the Craft would continue to prosper . She had been in Russia , and saw something there which reminded her very much of what she had seen in Masonry , and she remarked it to an ollicer there , who said they had plenty of Masons in Russia . If the ladies in the ensuing century started a Maria Hervey Lodge , and she was connected with it , the members should have an invitation . In conclusion , she said they were delighted to be there , and they hoped the members would invite them again .
In giving "The Masonic Visitors , " the W . M . stated that the lodge was always tortunate ir . having a lar ^ e array of visitors and tliey were ever welcome . The visitors were no doubt aware that their esteemed I . P . M ., Bro . Captain John Barlow was a candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer , and the members
Ladies' Festival Of The John Hervey Lodge, No. 1260.
would be very much indebted to them if they would use their efforts and return him by a good majority . It was in Bro . Captain Barlow ' s favour that last year he retired in favour of Bro . Manfield , and so saved the worry and expense of a contested election , which should not be forgotten . He was qualified in every way for grand honours , and what he had done for the Craft and the Charities should ensure his election . Bro . Captain Barlow was deputed'by the War Office to look after the Colonial Volunteers , who had been the guests of the country , and for the last two weeks he had been very busy entertaining them . The W . M . coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Fitzgerald and Captain Simpson .
In response , Bro . FITZGERALD thanked the W . M . for his kind words , arid the brethren for the very hearty manner in which they had received the toast . The W . M . was to be congratulated on such a grand gathering , and Mrs . Burgwin for her eloquent speech in responding for the ladies . The W . M . had referred to the candidature of Bro . Captain Barlow for the election of Grand Treasurer , and he felt confident that the Masons in the Metropolis would do their very utmost to send him in at the head of the poll . The visitors did not regret their visit as they had had a splendid reception , and had been lavishly entertained . ;
Bro . Captain SIMPSON also acknowledged the toast , and said he fully endorsed the remarks of Bro . Fitzgerald . It was true that Bro . Captain Barlow had done his duty nobly in looking' after the guests of the country , and unless he had dragged himself away he would have been on his way to Canada . Before the Canadians sailed the officers presented him with a silver cigar case , which bore the following inscription : " Prestnted to Captain Barlow by the officers of the Royal Canadian Regiment in appreciation of his kindness during their sojourn in
England . Deer , 11 , 1900 . Bro . J . B . SORRKLL , P . M ., said that it was with very much pleasure that he had to submit the toast of " The W . M ., Bro . Edward T . Pearce . " The W . M . had had to do a lot of work in the lodge , which he had done in a masterly manner . He had followed a very popular and excellent Mason in Bro . Captain Barlow ,
I . P . M ., which was no easy task , and he had done everything to promote the interests of their good lodge and the happiness of the members , and the way he had conducted that brilliant entertainment showed that he was a very good fellow , and the right man in the right place ; and on behalf of them all he thanked him for his efforts , and expressed the very best of wishes for his health , happiness , and prosperity .
The W . M ., Bro . PEARCE , on rising to respond , had a great reception . He said that his sincere thanks were due to them for the way in which they had received the toast . He had only one aim , which was to do his very best for the lodge , and if at the end of his term of ofiice they were satisfied , he would be amply repaid . The eloquent epeech of his friend , Mrs . Burgwin , and her kind reference to him would never be effaced from his memory .
The toast of " The Stewards of the Evening and Committee was entrusted to Bro . E . G . Packman , P . M ., who , in eloquent and appropriate terms referred to their efficient services , with the result that the happy gathering was a great success , and an epoch in the annals of the lodge , and he joined with the toast the name of Bro . L . Sommerfeld . Bro . L . Sommerfeld acknowledged the toast in very happy terms . Each lady during the evening was presented with a beautiful fan , which was an agreeable surprise and much appreciated .
A very successful flash-light photograph of the gathering was taken by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , of Regent Street , which we have seen , and it is a work of art and will be a lasting souvenir ot tbe ladies festival of the John Hervey Lodge . During the banquet Mrs . Hunt ' s ladies excellent and popular orchestra performed a beautiful selection of music , which was very much appreciated .
A musical entertainment of superior quality was provided under the able direction of Mrs . Hunt , assisted by Bros . Walter George and Richard Green , Miss Josu Dubois , Madame Marchant , and Miss Dora Thorpe . It is hardly necessary to add that , with such talent , and under the genial guidance of the W . M ., Bio Pearce , a most snjoyable evening was spent , and it was brought to a close with the hearty singing of " Auld Lang Syne . "
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Upper Norwood Lodge , No . 1586 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 12 th instant , at the White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwooi . under very sad circumstances . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Irvine Gray Ohlson , who had been seriously ill for some tim :, passed away on the morning of the lodge meeting , so that the brethren wire nit mids acquainted with thc sad news until the assembling of the lodge . Bro . John Lancaster , I . P . M ., occupied the chair , supported by Bro . A . C . 1
Wood , P . M . ; H . H . Jones , P . M ., Treas . ; John A . Stock , P . M ., Sec ; G . H . Jones , P . M . * , D . Jones , H . W . Mitten , P . M ., Secretary of instruction lodge ; T . W . Edmund . S . W . ; W . Overbury , J . W . ; W . Wright , J . D . ; H . C . Reynolds , I . G . j H . Thompson , Org . ; W . H . Abbott and E . G . Buckman , Stwds . ; C . Norington , F . Ratheram , W . Turpin , E . Hill Clarke , G . Lee , H . Wheeler , W . Hawkins , F . VV . Jollands , | . Allen , G . Morant , 11 . Stair , W . E . Everard , W . Hobbs , A . W . Galfield , B . T . Welch , W . II . Bird , J . D . 9 3 I ; G . J . Lucas , 13 G 2 ; and R . Bdnbridge , W . M .
19 SG . The following gentlemen were initiated : C A . Birltrop , A . T . Gardner , and A . G . Bannister . Due respect having been made to tbe memory of the deceased Master by Bros . Stock , P . M ., Woods , P . M ., and Mitten , . P . M ., and recorded on the minutes , it was unanimously resolved to send a letter of condolence to the wid .-w , and that the lodge should be represented , and a wreath sent as a token of respect and sympathy of th : members at the funeral , which took place on Wednesday , the 19 th
instant , at Tower Hamlet Cemetery , Bow , many friends and numbers being present . Bro . Ohlson was also a member of the Crystal Palace Chapter , No . 742 , having recently been elected to the position of J . As he took great interest in the lodge and chapter his decease has caused quite a gloom over bath . He was also a Life Governor of the three Institutions , and had served a Stewardship to each Charity during tie last two years .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . LADIES' NIGHT . The annual "ladies' night" at this lodge was happily celebrated at the regular meeting held On Thursday , the ( 5 th instant , when the members met under the presidency of Bro . John W . Bland , the popular W . M ., at six o ' clock in the evening , and after passing Bro . Dr . B . H . Slater , L . R . C . P ., & c , to the Second Djgree , and disposing of the ordinary duties of the lodge , which included the presentation of a Past Master ' s collar and jewel to Bro . R . S . Hird , I . P . M ., the ladies assembled at 7 . 30 , and dined with the brethren .
Supporting the W . M . were Bros . Hird , I . P . M . ; Last , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; Niven , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; Ellis , P . M . ; Robinson , P . M . ; Fearnley , P . M . ; Morton , P . M . ; Holmes , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . ; Hedley , S . W . ; Bedford , J . W . j Belteridge , B . A ., Chap . ; Nicholls , S . D . j Shaw Smith , J . D . ; Townend , I . G . j Cooper , Tyler ; Turner , Stwd . ; and a goodly number of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . H . E . Hodgson , W . M . ( 103 ; Robt . F . Rogerson , S . W ., W . M . elect 1301 j H . F . Cookson , Coo ; E . C . Bailey , 1545 ; A . J . Taylor , J . D , 2 ( 50 9 ; and Whitby Norton , 2661 ) . After the repast , the VV . M . gave the toasts of "The Queen , " and "T . R . H . the . Prince and Princess of Wales , "