Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Karl of Lathom on Tuesday opened a new Conservative Club at Liverpool . His Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales has been unanimously elected an honorary member of the Royal Naval Club of 1765 . Bro . Henry Irving was entertained on Sunday at dinner by the Rabelais Club , Sir Frederick Pollock
presiding . In our list of Special Stewards for the Boys ' School Festival last week the name of Bro . Abner Torkington was inadvertently omitted . The Queen has subscribed £ 50 towards the fund being raised at Sunderland for granting relief in some of the necessitous cases arising out of the recent calamity in
that town . Bro . Thomas Garrett Horder was installed W . M . of the Glamorgan Lodge , No . 3 G , Cardiff , on the 25 th inst ., the ceremony being performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . George Thomas . Bro . General Lord Wolseley will occupy the chair on Thursday , 5 th July , when the distribution of prizes is to
be made to the students at the Medical School , Chandosstreet , in connection with the Cliaringr-cross Hospital . The Duke of Connaught , who was accompanied by the Duchess , visited St . Thomas ' s Hospital on Saturday afternoon , and distributed the prizes to the successful students in the Medical College in connection with that institution .
On Tuesday nig ht Mrs . Gladstone gave the second of a series of receptions at the Prime Minister's official residence in Downing-street . Previously the Due D'Aumale and a small party dined with Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone . Bro . J . J . Leemah . Esq ., M . P . for the city of York , w as on the iSth inst . raised to the Sublime Dcsrreeof a Master
Mason in the York Lodge , No . 236 , at York , by Bro . Joseph Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , the working tools being explained by Bro . Alderman Sir James Meek , P . M . At the installation meeting of the Hamer Lodge , No . 1393 , Liverpool , on the 21 st inst ., Bro . Kynaston , the retiring VV . M ., had the pleasure of receiving a handsome set of silver jewellery for his wife in addition to being the recipient himself of a gold Past Master ' s jewel .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey is announced to be held on Saturday next , the 7 th July . The Prov . G . M . M ., Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., is expected to preside . The Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , is the place of
meeting . ' Bro . Col . the Hon . \ V . Lc Poor Trench was installed as VV . M . of the Friends in Council Lodge , No . 13 S 3 , at 33 , Golden-square , on Saturday , the 23 rd inst ., in the presenceof a large and goodly assemblage of brethren . The installation ceremony was performed by R . W . Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , the outgoing Master .
An unusual , but interesting , ceremony took place a few weeks ago at Durban . W . Bro . M . H . Emanuel , who is the authorised registrar there of Jewish marriages , united in the bonds of matrimony Bro . Bernadt Sinnaman ( late of Birmingham ) and Miss Annie Moss . The ceremony was well performed , and an eloquent address was given by Bro . Emanuel . Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , M . P ., presided on
Saturday at the twenty-first annual meeting of the Working Men ' s Club and Institute Union , at the College Hall , Westminster . According to the report the total number of institutions in union with the society now amounted to 550 , and during last year 16 new clubs were affiliated , four in London and 12 in the provinces . There were now SS clubs in London , and the number was likely to increase .
The annual inspection of her Majesty s Body Guard of Yeomen of the Guard took place on Tuesday , in the corridor of St . James ' s Palace , in the presence of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who arrived at one o'clock , attended by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , and was received with a Royal salute , after which his Royal Highness minutely inspected the ranks , and expressed himself
highly pleased with the appearance of the corps . A short time ago it was discovered by the doctors attached to the great hospitals in Paris that the use of the ouinine supplied to those establishments not only did not prove satisfactory , but that it proved positively injurious to their patients . The quinine was therefore analysed with the result that it was found to be largely adulterated . An
inquiry was instituted , and a wholesale druggist by whom the medicine was supplied by contract has been tried for the offence of adulterating the quinine , and has at length been condemned and imprisoned . From the extensive moors ly ing to the north and west of Scarborough varied reports have been received as to the quantity and condition of the young broods of grouse .
On the whole , all broods may be said to be fully three to four weeks backwards as compared with a more favourable season . Some gentlemen in the district have determined not to shoot until such time has elapsed as to render the birds thoroughly strong and healthy . On the other hand , however , there are exceptional cases where the coveys are said to be from six to ten in number , fairly strong on the
wing , and apparently healthy . HOU . OWAY ' OISTMEST AND P ILLS . —Diseases of the Skin . —No case of diseases of the skin , lie its nature what it may , has failed to he benefited when these potent remediVs hare been property applied In scrofulous and scorbutic allcctions they arc especially serviceable . Scurvv , eruptions , and glandular swellings , which had resisted all oilier modes of treatment and gradually becomes
worse from vear to Year , have been completely cured by Hollow . iy ' s cooling Ointment and puril ' ving Pills , which root out the disease from the blood itself and leave the constitution free from every morbid taint . In the nursery Hollovay ' s Ointment is simply invaluable ; it will ( jive ease in sprains , contusions , hums , scalds , and infantile eruptions , and may safely be applied by an ordinary attendant . —[ A UVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Edinburgh Town Council on Tuesday agreed to confer the freedom of the city on the Eavl of Rosebery . Mrs . Hunter , a widow residing at Howden , East Yorkshire , has just attained her 100 th year . She retains the use of all her faculties . Mr . J . V . Jones , principal of Firth College , Sheffield , has been elected principal of the University
College of South Wales , at a salary of £ 750 . Her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Beatrice and Princess Elizabeth of Hesse , arrived at Windsor Castle on Saturday morning from Balmoral . Bro . Magnus Ohren , P . G . A . D . of C , P . M . and S . W ., of the Evening Star Lodge , No . 1719 , was , on the 26 th inst ., installed into the chair of K . S . in that lodge by
the W . M ., Bro . Jas . Glaisher , P . M ., P . G . D . The foundation stone of the new Roath dock , which is being constructed at Cardiff by the Marquis of Bute at a cost of half a million , was laid on Wednesday by Mr . VV . T . Lewis , general agent to his lordship . The
water area of the dock will be 35 acres . The Belgium Chamber of Representatives has adopted the bill for the abolition of the privilege of exemption from service in the militia hitherto enjoyed by pupils at religious seminaries and at institutions for the education of teachers .
Mr . F . T . Palgrave , writing to the Wlveliscombe School Board , Somerset , on behalf of the Education department , ' states that refusing admission to school to children wearing the "blue ribbon" is inadmissible under Article Sg of the Code , and , if persisted in , will entail the loss of grants . Mr . McCheane , hon . secretary ot the Portsmouth
Royal Corinthian Yacht Club , has received an intimation that her Majesty has sanctioned the holding of a regatta in August in connection with the club in Osborne Bay . The Prince of Wales will , it is expected , steer one of the competing yachts .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has , through Sir Howard Elphinstone , intimated his acceptance of the presidentship or the lipping Forest Musical Society , whose meetings are held at the Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford . The Lord Mayor has consented to act as one of the vicepresidents .
The Elcho Challenge Shield , which is contested for annually , and which last year was won by the British team , was on the 22 nd inst . removed from the Guildhall , and until the next competition will remain in the custody of Messrs . Etkington and Co ., silversmiths to the National Rifle Association . Comp . E . F . Storr , P . Z . 1044 , was on the 22 nd
inst . presented with an address engrossed and emblazoned on vellum embodying a resolution of the chapter tendering their thanks for the assiduous attention paid by Comp . Storr to the duties of First Principal during the absence through illness of the M . E . Z . of the chapter , Comp . Asliwell .
The Prince of Wales has fixed Saturday , the 7 th prox ., for opening the new buildings for the City of London College , in Moorfields , which has now been working for some little time . £ 5000 is still needed to pay off the debt on the institution , and the Princess of Wales , who will accompany his Royal Highness , has graciously consented to receive purses of £ 5 and upwards at the
ceremony . On Tuesday next an International Agricultural Exhibition , which will include a Horse and Cattle Show , will be opened at the Heiligengeistfeld , an area of about two million square feet , lying between Hamburg and Altona . The Duke Ernest of Coburg-Gotha , president of the jury of the Exhibition , will deliver the opening
speech . Nearly all civilised countries have sent horses or cattle . The intended visits of several German and foreign princes are announced . On Monday the livery men of the various guilds of the City of London assembled at Guildhall to elect the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the ensuing year . The Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs ' , went in state from the
Mansion House to attend the ceremony . Mr . Clarence Smith , citizen and fishmonger , and member ol the Stock Exchange , and Lieut .-Colonel Phineas Cowan , citizen and broderer , and member of the firm of Messrs . J . Cowan and Sons , sugar refiners and soap boilers , Barnes , were duly proposed and unanimously elected . Mr . Benjamin Scott was re-elected Chamberlain .
The Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 , which has been constituted for the convenience of the officers quartered in the iarge camp at Afdershot , and lias been in existence full 12 months , is to be congratulated upon its efforts in a truly Masonic direction . The founders and Past Masters have set for themselves a high standard of Masonic excellence . No efforts are spared to make the lodge meetings
both instructive and attractive . On several occasions during the past year most interesting papers , displaying great literary ability and Masonic research , have been read for the intellectual and Masonic henelk of the brethren , and we hope , as we cannot help thinking , that this lodge has a bright future before it . The Marseilles correspondent of the Dailv News
writes : —Marseilles will presently see pass through her city the members of a singular expedition . There has been organised at Paris , under the direction of the learned Abbe Moigno , the founder of the Cosmo , a Society having for its object the dragging of the bottom of the Red Sea and the Bitter Lakes to find the chariots and treasures of
the army of Pharaoh , supposed to be at the bottom of these waters covered by saline deposits . A sum of 750 , 000 francs had been subscribed for the expense . Divers will search the Red Sea and the Bitter Lakes to discover the arms , the armour , and the precious stones that were in possession of the Egyptians when they were cngulphed .
"RurrunF . s , "—WHITE ' MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is the most effective invention for the treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring , so hurtful in its effects , is avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so
much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected . Send for descriptive circular , with testimonials and prices , to J . White and Co . ( Limited ) a ; 8 , Piccadilly , London . Do not buy of Chemists , who often sell an IMITATION O £ our Moc-Main . J . White and Co . have not any agents , —[ ADVT . J
Masonic And General Tidings
The Criminal Code Bill has been abandoned for the present session . The Euphrates Lodge ol Instruction , meeting at the Mother Red Cap , Camden Town , on Monday evenings , has adjourned until the month of October . The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Winchester on Wednesday , on the occasion of the Royal
Counties' Agricultural Show being held in that City . Princess Christian on Tuesday afternoon opened a bazaar at the Town Hall , Kensington , in aid of the building fund of St . Peter ' s Church , Fulham . Monday , July 2 , has been fixed by the War office authorities for the trial of the Si-ton guns in the turret at the end of the Admiralty pier at Dover .
The following banquets have been held at the Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen-street , during the present week : Tuesday , 26 th inst .: Evening Star Lodge . Wednesday , 27 th : Royal General Theatrical Fund ; Smeatonian Society . Friday , 29 th : Creaton Lodge .
By permission of Bro . Sir James McGarel Hogg , M . P ., a meeting was held at 17 , Grosvenor Gardens , on Wednesday last , at which an address was made by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown ( late of Bloemfontein ) who is about to leave for his new and important diocese of Grahamstown .
The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed at the Percy Lodge of Instruction by Bro . C . Lorkin , Treas ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , to-morrow ( Saturday ) evening , at eight o ' clock punctually , after which the lodge will adjourn until September next . Brethren are cordially invited to attend .
Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and Treasurer of the Board of Stewards , presided over the distribution of prizes at the Institution at Wood Green on Tuesday last .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter of London of the Royal Order of Scotland will be held early in July , under the presidency of Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . A number of brethren have signified their intention of attending for the purpose of being advanced to take the degree , and a very successful meeting is anticipated .
It having been asserted that an increase of serious affections of the eyes and of the lungs has taken place in consequence of the recent extension of wood pavement in the metropolis , Viscount Newport has addressed a question on the subject to the Chairman of the Board of Works , and asked him whether it would not be possible to mitigate in some degree the growing evil by a more careful and thorough system of cleaning and washing the streets .
On Wednesday evening the annual dinner of the Royal General Theatrical Fund was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Wilson Barrett presiding . The company included Bros . Henry Irving , Toole , T . Thome , and a large number of the leading members of the profession . In response to an appeal made from the chair , subscriptions and donations were announced amounting to about jCooo .
It has been arranged that the pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls shall have their summer entertainment at the Crystal Palace on Tuesday next . Between £ 40 and £ so out oi the Stewards' fees for the late festival , which have left a balance after paying all the expenses of that festival , has been voted b y the Stewards to defray the expenses of the entertainment . The Stewards are invited to meet the children at the Palace on the occasion of their visit .
The Gallery Lodge , No . 192 s , will hold a picnic on Saturday , July 7 th , at Tunbridge Wells . The South-Eastern Railway Company will put special saloon carriages on to the 8 . 55 a . m . train from Channg-cross . The picnic last year to Box Hill was a great success , and it is anticipated that , under the present Master of the lodge ( Bro . H . E . F . Bussey ) , a similar result will be obtained .
Mr . William Spottiswoode , President of the Royal Society , died on Wednesday morning , in the 59 th year of his age . He was a Fellow of the Astronomical , Royal Geographical , Asiatic , and Ethnological Societies , and of the Society of Arts j and , in addition to his published works , had contributed papers to the Philosophical Transactions , the Transactions of the Astronomical Society , and to scientific periodicals , English and foreign .
The Duke of Albany has been elected a Knight of Justice of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem at a recent Chapter , the members of the Royal Family previously borne on the roll being the Princess of Wales , the Duke of Connaught , Princess Christian , the Duchess of Teck , the reigning Grand Duchess of Baden , and the Duke of Teck . By permission of the Queen the anniversarv
commemoration service of this order was held on Sunday at the Chapel Royal , Savoy . A large congregation attended . After the service a private meeting of the members was field at the Chancellery , St , John's-gate , to receive reports from the chapter , the almoner , the receiver , St . John ' s Ambulance Society , and the British Hospice awi Opthalmic Dispensary at Jerusalem .
A concert will be given in the Guildhall , by permission of the Lord Mayor and Corporation , on Monday , July gth , under the patronage of the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the Prince and Princess Christian , in support of the endowment fund of the Royal College of Music . The artistes who have given their services include Madame Adelina Patti , Madame Scalchi , Mrs . HutchinsonMiss
, Hope Glenn , and Madame Albani j Signor Marconi , Signor Battistini , Mr . Joseph Maas , Signor de Reszke , M . Hollman , and Madame Frickenhaus ; Kalozdy's Hungarian Band will also perform . The conductors will be Signor Bevignani and Signor Bisaccia . A guard of honour of the Honourable Artillery Company will be on duty to receive the Royal guests .
It ought to be generally known that Rose ' s Lime Juice Cordial supplies a delicious cooling drink in watereffervescing in all mineral waters—wholesome and refreshing in summer . Purchasers should order Rose ' s Cordial . Wholesale Stores , 11 , Curtain Road , London , and Leith , N . B . —FAdvt , ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Karl of Lathom on Tuesday opened a new Conservative Club at Liverpool . His Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales has been unanimously elected an honorary member of the Royal Naval Club of 1765 . Bro . Henry Irving was entertained on Sunday at dinner by the Rabelais Club , Sir Frederick Pollock
presiding . In our list of Special Stewards for the Boys ' School Festival last week the name of Bro . Abner Torkington was inadvertently omitted . The Queen has subscribed £ 50 towards the fund being raised at Sunderland for granting relief in some of the necessitous cases arising out of the recent calamity in
that town . Bro . Thomas Garrett Horder was installed W . M . of the Glamorgan Lodge , No . 3 G , Cardiff , on the 25 th inst ., the ceremony being performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . George Thomas . Bro . General Lord Wolseley will occupy the chair on Thursday , 5 th July , when the distribution of prizes is to
be made to the students at the Medical School , Chandosstreet , in connection with the Cliaringr-cross Hospital . The Duke of Connaught , who was accompanied by the Duchess , visited St . Thomas ' s Hospital on Saturday afternoon , and distributed the prizes to the successful students in the Medical College in connection with that institution .
On Tuesday nig ht Mrs . Gladstone gave the second of a series of receptions at the Prime Minister's official residence in Downing-street . Previously the Due D'Aumale and a small party dined with Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone . Bro . J . J . Leemah . Esq ., M . P . for the city of York , w as on the iSth inst . raised to the Sublime Dcsrreeof a Master
Mason in the York Lodge , No . 236 , at York , by Bro . Joseph Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , the working tools being explained by Bro . Alderman Sir James Meek , P . M . At the installation meeting of the Hamer Lodge , No . 1393 , Liverpool , on the 21 st inst ., Bro . Kynaston , the retiring VV . M ., had the pleasure of receiving a handsome set of silver jewellery for his wife in addition to being the recipient himself of a gold Past Master ' s jewel .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Middlesex and Surrey is announced to be held on Saturday next , the 7 th July . The Prov . G . M . M ., Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., is expected to preside . The Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , is the place of
meeting . ' Bro . Col . the Hon . \ V . Lc Poor Trench was installed as VV . M . of the Friends in Council Lodge , No . 13 S 3 , at 33 , Golden-square , on Saturday , the 23 rd inst ., in the presenceof a large and goodly assemblage of brethren . The installation ceremony was performed by R . W . Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , the outgoing Master .
An unusual , but interesting , ceremony took place a few weeks ago at Durban . W . Bro . M . H . Emanuel , who is the authorised registrar there of Jewish marriages , united in the bonds of matrimony Bro . Bernadt Sinnaman ( late of Birmingham ) and Miss Annie Moss . The ceremony was well performed , and an eloquent address was given by Bro . Emanuel . Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , M . P ., presided on
Saturday at the twenty-first annual meeting of the Working Men ' s Club and Institute Union , at the College Hall , Westminster . According to the report the total number of institutions in union with the society now amounted to 550 , and during last year 16 new clubs were affiliated , four in London and 12 in the provinces . There were now SS clubs in London , and the number was likely to increase .
The annual inspection of her Majesty s Body Guard of Yeomen of the Guard took place on Tuesday , in the corridor of St . James ' s Palace , in the presence of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who arrived at one o'clock , attended by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , and was received with a Royal salute , after which his Royal Highness minutely inspected the ranks , and expressed himself
highly pleased with the appearance of the corps . A short time ago it was discovered by the doctors attached to the great hospitals in Paris that the use of the ouinine supplied to those establishments not only did not prove satisfactory , but that it proved positively injurious to their patients . The quinine was therefore analysed with the result that it was found to be largely adulterated . An
inquiry was instituted , and a wholesale druggist by whom the medicine was supplied by contract has been tried for the offence of adulterating the quinine , and has at length been condemned and imprisoned . From the extensive moors ly ing to the north and west of Scarborough varied reports have been received as to the quantity and condition of the young broods of grouse .
On the whole , all broods may be said to be fully three to four weeks backwards as compared with a more favourable season . Some gentlemen in the district have determined not to shoot until such time has elapsed as to render the birds thoroughly strong and healthy . On the other hand , however , there are exceptional cases where the coveys are said to be from six to ten in number , fairly strong on the
wing , and apparently healthy . HOU . OWAY ' OISTMEST AND P ILLS . —Diseases of the Skin . —No case of diseases of the skin , lie its nature what it may , has failed to he benefited when these potent remediVs hare been property applied In scrofulous and scorbutic allcctions they arc especially serviceable . Scurvv , eruptions , and glandular swellings , which had resisted all oilier modes of treatment and gradually becomes
worse from vear to Year , have been completely cured by Hollow . iy ' s cooling Ointment and puril ' ving Pills , which root out the disease from the blood itself and leave the constitution free from every morbid taint . In the nursery Hollovay ' s Ointment is simply invaluable ; it will ( jive ease in sprains , contusions , hums , scalds , and infantile eruptions , and may safely be applied by an ordinary attendant . —[ A UVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Edinburgh Town Council on Tuesday agreed to confer the freedom of the city on the Eavl of Rosebery . Mrs . Hunter , a widow residing at Howden , East Yorkshire , has just attained her 100 th year . She retains the use of all her faculties . Mr . J . V . Jones , principal of Firth College , Sheffield , has been elected principal of the University
College of South Wales , at a salary of £ 750 . Her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Beatrice and Princess Elizabeth of Hesse , arrived at Windsor Castle on Saturday morning from Balmoral . Bro . Magnus Ohren , P . G . A . D . of C , P . M . and S . W ., of the Evening Star Lodge , No . 1719 , was , on the 26 th inst ., installed into the chair of K . S . in that lodge by
the W . M ., Bro . Jas . Glaisher , P . M ., P . G . D . The foundation stone of the new Roath dock , which is being constructed at Cardiff by the Marquis of Bute at a cost of half a million , was laid on Wednesday by Mr . VV . T . Lewis , general agent to his lordship . The
water area of the dock will be 35 acres . The Belgium Chamber of Representatives has adopted the bill for the abolition of the privilege of exemption from service in the militia hitherto enjoyed by pupils at religious seminaries and at institutions for the education of teachers .
Mr . F . T . Palgrave , writing to the Wlveliscombe School Board , Somerset , on behalf of the Education department , ' states that refusing admission to school to children wearing the "blue ribbon" is inadmissible under Article Sg of the Code , and , if persisted in , will entail the loss of grants . Mr . McCheane , hon . secretary ot the Portsmouth
Royal Corinthian Yacht Club , has received an intimation that her Majesty has sanctioned the holding of a regatta in August in connection with the club in Osborne Bay . The Prince of Wales will , it is expected , steer one of the competing yachts .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has , through Sir Howard Elphinstone , intimated his acceptance of the presidentship or the lipping Forest Musical Society , whose meetings are held at the Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford . The Lord Mayor has consented to act as one of the vicepresidents .
The Elcho Challenge Shield , which is contested for annually , and which last year was won by the British team , was on the 22 nd inst . removed from the Guildhall , and until the next competition will remain in the custody of Messrs . Etkington and Co ., silversmiths to the National Rifle Association . Comp . E . F . Storr , P . Z . 1044 , was on the 22 nd
inst . presented with an address engrossed and emblazoned on vellum embodying a resolution of the chapter tendering their thanks for the assiduous attention paid by Comp . Storr to the duties of First Principal during the absence through illness of the M . E . Z . of the chapter , Comp . Asliwell .
The Prince of Wales has fixed Saturday , the 7 th prox ., for opening the new buildings for the City of London College , in Moorfields , which has now been working for some little time . £ 5000 is still needed to pay off the debt on the institution , and the Princess of Wales , who will accompany his Royal Highness , has graciously consented to receive purses of £ 5 and upwards at the
ceremony . On Tuesday next an International Agricultural Exhibition , which will include a Horse and Cattle Show , will be opened at the Heiligengeistfeld , an area of about two million square feet , lying between Hamburg and Altona . The Duke Ernest of Coburg-Gotha , president of the jury of the Exhibition , will deliver the opening
speech . Nearly all civilised countries have sent horses or cattle . The intended visits of several German and foreign princes are announced . On Monday the livery men of the various guilds of the City of London assembled at Guildhall to elect the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the ensuing year . The Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs ' , went in state from the
Mansion House to attend the ceremony . Mr . Clarence Smith , citizen and fishmonger , and member ol the Stock Exchange , and Lieut .-Colonel Phineas Cowan , citizen and broderer , and member of the firm of Messrs . J . Cowan and Sons , sugar refiners and soap boilers , Barnes , were duly proposed and unanimously elected . Mr . Benjamin Scott was re-elected Chamberlain .
The Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 , which has been constituted for the convenience of the officers quartered in the iarge camp at Afdershot , and lias been in existence full 12 months , is to be congratulated upon its efforts in a truly Masonic direction . The founders and Past Masters have set for themselves a high standard of Masonic excellence . No efforts are spared to make the lodge meetings
both instructive and attractive . On several occasions during the past year most interesting papers , displaying great literary ability and Masonic research , have been read for the intellectual and Masonic henelk of the brethren , and we hope , as we cannot help thinking , that this lodge has a bright future before it . The Marseilles correspondent of the Dailv News
writes : —Marseilles will presently see pass through her city the members of a singular expedition . There has been organised at Paris , under the direction of the learned Abbe Moigno , the founder of the Cosmo , a Society having for its object the dragging of the bottom of the Red Sea and the Bitter Lakes to find the chariots and treasures of
the army of Pharaoh , supposed to be at the bottom of these waters covered by saline deposits . A sum of 750 , 000 francs had been subscribed for the expense . Divers will search the Red Sea and the Bitter Lakes to discover the arms , the armour , and the precious stones that were in possession of the Egyptians when they were cngulphed .
"RurrunF . s , "—WHITE ' MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is the most effective invention for the treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring , so hurtful in its effects , is avoided , a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so
much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected . Send for descriptive circular , with testimonials and prices , to J . White and Co . ( Limited ) a ; 8 , Piccadilly , London . Do not buy of Chemists , who often sell an IMITATION O £ our Moc-Main . J . White and Co . have not any agents , —[ ADVT . J
Masonic And General Tidings
The Criminal Code Bill has been abandoned for the present session . The Euphrates Lodge ol Instruction , meeting at the Mother Red Cap , Camden Town , on Monday evenings , has adjourned until the month of October . The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Winchester on Wednesday , on the occasion of the Royal
Counties' Agricultural Show being held in that City . Princess Christian on Tuesday afternoon opened a bazaar at the Town Hall , Kensington , in aid of the building fund of St . Peter ' s Church , Fulham . Monday , July 2 , has been fixed by the War office authorities for the trial of the Si-ton guns in the turret at the end of the Admiralty pier at Dover .
The following banquets have been held at the Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen-street , during the present week : Tuesday , 26 th inst .: Evening Star Lodge . Wednesday , 27 th : Royal General Theatrical Fund ; Smeatonian Society . Friday , 29 th : Creaton Lodge .
By permission of Bro . Sir James McGarel Hogg , M . P ., a meeting was held at 17 , Grosvenor Gardens , on Wednesday last , at which an address was made by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown ( late of Bloemfontein ) who is about to leave for his new and important diocese of Grahamstown .
The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed at the Percy Lodge of Instruction by Bro . C . Lorkin , Treas ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , to-morrow ( Saturday ) evening , at eight o ' clock punctually , after which the lodge will adjourn until September next . Brethren are cordially invited to attend .
Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and Treasurer of the Board of Stewards , presided over the distribution of prizes at the Institution at Wood Green on Tuesday last .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter of London of the Royal Order of Scotland will be held early in July , under the presidency of Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . A number of brethren have signified their intention of attending for the purpose of being advanced to take the degree , and a very successful meeting is anticipated .
It having been asserted that an increase of serious affections of the eyes and of the lungs has taken place in consequence of the recent extension of wood pavement in the metropolis , Viscount Newport has addressed a question on the subject to the Chairman of the Board of Works , and asked him whether it would not be possible to mitigate in some degree the growing evil by a more careful and thorough system of cleaning and washing the streets .
On Wednesday evening the annual dinner of the Royal General Theatrical Fund was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . Wilson Barrett presiding . The company included Bros . Henry Irving , Toole , T . Thome , and a large number of the leading members of the profession . In response to an appeal made from the chair , subscriptions and donations were announced amounting to about jCooo .
It has been arranged that the pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls shall have their summer entertainment at the Crystal Palace on Tuesday next . Between £ 40 and £ so out oi the Stewards' fees for the late festival , which have left a balance after paying all the expenses of that festival , has been voted b y the Stewards to defray the expenses of the entertainment . The Stewards are invited to meet the children at the Palace on the occasion of their visit .
The Gallery Lodge , No . 192 s , will hold a picnic on Saturday , July 7 th , at Tunbridge Wells . The South-Eastern Railway Company will put special saloon carriages on to the 8 . 55 a . m . train from Channg-cross . The picnic last year to Box Hill was a great success , and it is anticipated that , under the present Master of the lodge ( Bro . H . E . F . Bussey ) , a similar result will be obtained .
Mr . William Spottiswoode , President of the Royal Society , died on Wednesday morning , in the 59 th year of his age . He was a Fellow of the Astronomical , Royal Geographical , Asiatic , and Ethnological Societies , and of the Society of Arts j and , in addition to his published works , had contributed papers to the Philosophical Transactions , the Transactions of the Astronomical Society , and to scientific periodicals , English and foreign .
The Duke of Albany has been elected a Knight of Justice of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem at a recent Chapter , the members of the Royal Family previously borne on the roll being the Princess of Wales , the Duke of Connaught , Princess Christian , the Duchess of Teck , the reigning Grand Duchess of Baden , and the Duke of Teck . By permission of the Queen the anniversarv
commemoration service of this order was held on Sunday at the Chapel Royal , Savoy . A large congregation attended . After the service a private meeting of the members was field at the Chancellery , St , John's-gate , to receive reports from the chapter , the almoner , the receiver , St . John ' s Ambulance Society , and the British Hospice awi Opthalmic Dispensary at Jerusalem .
A concert will be given in the Guildhall , by permission of the Lord Mayor and Corporation , on Monday , July gth , under the patronage of the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the Prince and Princess Christian , in support of the endowment fund of the Royal College of Music . The artistes who have given their services include Madame Adelina Patti , Madame Scalchi , Mrs . HutchinsonMiss
, Hope Glenn , and Madame Albani j Signor Marconi , Signor Battistini , Mr . Joseph Maas , Signor de Reszke , M . Hollman , and Madame Frickenhaus ; Kalozdy's Hungarian Band will also perform . The conductors will be Signor Bevignani and Signor Bisaccia . A guard of honour of the Honourable Artillery Company will be on duty to receive the Royal guests .
It ought to be generally known that Rose ' s Lime Juice Cordial supplies a delicious cooling drink in watereffervescing in all mineral waters—wholesome and refreshing in summer . Purchasers should order Rose ' s Cordial . Wholesale Stores , 11 , Curtain Road , London , and Leith , N . B . —FAdvt , ]