Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF TATRONESS ; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London . on S . VTURDAY . ^ the 14 th dayof J , 1 SS 3 , at 12 o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in October next , to declare the number of girls then to be elected , to receive the following report of General Committee , and to consider Notice of Motion as under : — REPORT OF GENERAL COMMITTEE . " The General Committee reports to the Quarterly General Court that , in consequence of an intimation conveyed to the House Committee from the owner of the freehold land adjacent to the Institution—that he was about to offer for sale nine acres , or thereabouts , bounding two sides of its grounds , and that the lowest sum he -would take for the whole , which he declined to divide , was at the rate of £ 4 , 000 per acre—Col . Creaton , with the concurrence of his colleagues , had obtained from him a promise that such land should not be sold until the views and opinion of the General Court as to the advisability of acquiring the property for the Institution could be obtained . "That taking into consideration the facts that the land , if sold to a third party , might be dealt with in a manner most prejudicial to the School , and thatif purchased by the Institution a very considerable and valuable portion of it could be re-sold , this Committee consider the subject is one which should receive the fullest consideration at the hands of the governing body of the Institution . " NOTICE OK MOTION By Bro . ROUERT GREY , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron . " That the Report of the General Committee with reference to the land offered for sale be received and considered , and such action taken thereon as shall be deemed advisable by the General Court . " F . R . W . HEDGES , Offices , S , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . Great Queen Street , W . C ., June 30 th , 18 S 3 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THE M . W . BRO . THE REV . CANON G . R . PORTAL , PROVINCIAL GRAND M . MASTER . THE R . W . BRO . W . HICKMAN ( P . G . J . W . OK ENG . ) , DEPUTY PROVINCIAL GRAXTJ INI . MASTER . The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of this Province will assemble at the GEORGE-STREET HALL , SANDOWN , ISLE OF WIGHT , At FOUR o'clock p . m ., On Monday , the 2 nd day of July , 1883 , For the transaction of Provincial business . The BANQUET will take place at 5 p . m . precisely . The Tickets will be 7 s . ( 5 d . each , including a pint of wine . The attendance of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . By command of the M . W . Grand Mark Master , GEO . J . TILLING , P . M . 63 , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . Southampton , nth June , 18 S 3 . N . B . —The William Hickman Lodge will be constituted at St . George's Hall , Sandown , immediately before the holding of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The Ceremony will commence at Three o ' clock precisely .
THE VISIT OF THE GRAND MASTER TO YORK . H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES WILL LAY THE MEMORIAL STONE Of the new Institute with Masonic Honours , at York , on WEDNESDAY MORNING , THE I 8 TH J . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE Will be opened at 10 a . m . All Masons who purpose taking part in the Procession MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TICKETS , AS OTHERWISE THEY CANNOT DU ADMITTED INTO THE ENCLOSURE , and no exception can be made . 'TICKETS 5 / - each . Application for'Tickets must be made to M . C . PECK , 2 , Albany-terrace , Hull ( Prov . G . Secretary ) , and accompanied with Remittance . Tickets are not Transferable . All Brethren to appear in black , with tall hats , and full Masonic Craft clothing , and white gloves . Apron to be worn outside the coat . M . C . I ECK , . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Prov . G . Sec . Chairman Provincial Committee .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . TOURIST ARRANGEMENTS , 1883 . TOURIST TICKETS will be issued from May ist to the 31 st October , 18 S 3 . For Particulars , see Time Tables and Programmes , issued by the Company . JOHN NOBLE , Derby , 1 SS 3 . GENERAL-MANAGER .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . THE R . W . BRO . COL . S IR FRANCIS BURDETT , & -,, Prov . Grand Master . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Of Mark Master Masons of the Province of Middlesex and Surrey will be holden at the STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , RICHMOND , On Saturday , > jth July , 1 SS 3 , When all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Acting Wardens of Lodges in the Province , are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o ' cIo : k . By command of the R . W . P . G . M . M ., WM . G . BRIGHTEN , P . M ., & c , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . 4 , Bhhopsgate-street Without , E . C , 13 th June , 1 SS 3 . Banc ; uet at 6 . 30 o ' clock . Tickets One Pound each , including Wine . Brethren intending to be present should notify their intention to the Provincial Grand Mark Secretary on or before Tuesday , the 3 rd July .
OF THE SOVEREIGN SANCTUARY WILL BE HELD AT THE MASONIC HALL , HOPE STREET , GLASGOW , ON Monday , 2 nd July , 1883 . By order oE the M . l . Grand Master-Gereral , JAMES HILL , 33 ° , 95 ° , Grand Sec-General . Banquet at Macgreggor ' s Hotel , at Seven o ' clock .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 4 , Queen-street-place , London , E . C . Capital—A Ouarter of a Million Sterling . TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 18 S 3 . NEW BUSINESS . 2070 Policies issued for . £ 400 , 375 New Premium Income £ n , gS < 5 BUSINESS IN FORCE .
26 , 099 Policies , Assuring £ 4 , 825 , 317 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ 140 , 809 Interest , & c £ 35 > ' 3 > £ 175 . 940 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laidby in the year £ 09 , 772 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 1 SS 3 ( equalto 73 percent , of the net premiums received upon policies in force ) £ 873 , 102 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about i £ percent per annum . MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT MUTUAL LIABILITY .
C . PECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES " \^ ITH A MINIMUM RISK T" 0 operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one ' s capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations for the rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . "EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . p EAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . \ YrEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIUGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
A GOOD PLAN . jC-r r \ <* upwards judiciously in-JO X \ J vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan ever devised .
TO Patrons . —A Brother desires a LIVING . Some years in present curacy of secluded parish offering no prospect of preferment ; age , under fifty ; strong and healthy ; married , no children ; High Churchman , not extreme . References to Rector , Rural Dean , and others . Address , M . A . Cantab ., Freemason office , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
WI NE SHIPPERS and DISTILLERS—A Mark and R . A . Brother is open to represent a good and well-known firm , London or Country , or would accept Agencies ; age 32 ; married ; highest references ; security . — " Veritas , " care office of Free mason Great Queen-street , W . C .
ELECTRICITY . —A quantity of Electrical and Scientific APPARATUS to be disposed of . Suitable for Institutions , Schools , Private Gentlemen , or for Presentation . Full particulars on application , by letter addresssd to S . G ., at the office of the Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
To Correspondents.
© 0 ( £ orra 3 p 0 ttDniti 5 «
The following have been received but stand over until until nest week for want of space : Lodge of Industry , 41 ; York Lodge , 236 ; Staffordshire Knot Lodge , 726 ; Army and Navy Lodge , 1971 . Royal Arch—St . John's Chapter , No . So ; Lebanon Chapter , No . 1326 . Mark—Akkrshot Lodge , No . 54 .
BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . "The New Zealand Herald , " The Natal Mercury , " " The Masonic World , " " Allen ' s Indian Mail , " " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canterbury , New Zealand , " "The New Zealand Freemason , " "The Liberal Freemason , " "The Court Circular , " "Keystone , " "La Rensta Masonica , " "Masonic Review , " "Hull Packet . "
bATORDAY , J 30 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of f the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussior . l
TABLE OF PRECEDENCE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — In my letter to you which you were so kind as to insert in your last , I called on the brethren at large to give utterance , through your columns , to the feeling which I
know is strongly agitating the whole Fraternity as to the attempt which is being made to override our Constitutions and to bring Grand Lodge , the fountain of authority in our Order , into a state of nonentity . I again , and most earnestly , call upon the htethcen to be up and doing , for , verily , we ar ; beset with grave dangers . I have just seen
the paper of agenda for a special meeting of Grand Lodge to be held in days hence , and from it I see that the attempt to strangle the power which belongs to the " rulers of the Crsit in Grand Lodge assembled ( and to them alone when so assembled ) , " which has been for some time past silently pursued by a small knot of the executive , is now
openly proclaimed . I entreat all Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of lodges to consider carefully the list of proposed alterations in our ancient landmarks , now issued as the agenda for the next meeting of Grand Lodge—a meeting called at 10 days ' notice ! I can now only directly speak of one of these
proposed alterations . No . 6 says , The Table of Precedence is altered according to the recent order of the Grand Master . " Recent order of the Grand Master ! When has this " order" appeared ? and what is the meaning of an order from the Grand Master to his Grand Lodge . He may order his Grand Secretary to issue a notice or a
summons ; he may " order " the Grand Registrar to sign and seal a patent of appointment , and these officers may in such matters use the words " by order of the Grand Master . " The Grand Master has doubtless , no one would dream of denying it , the power of " ordering " many things , but
that his very ill-advised counsellors should claim for him the power of " ordering " a change in any article of our Book of Constitutions is a thing so monstrous that I do hope the brethren throughout the country will notice it . I say " notice it , " because the only danger is that it may pass without being noticed . Once apprehended I have no
fear of the result . Masons will utterly overthrow this attempt against the landmarks of our Order if only they see exactly what is being attempted . Here we are told not that the Grand Master wishes to alter—or proposes that Grand Lodge should alter—but simply that a portion of our Book of Constitutions " is altered ! " If English
Freemasons will stand this we must write " Ichabod " over the lintel of our new Temple . I do earnestly beseech all Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of lodges to look closely into these proposed alterations of our time-honoured laws , and to strain every
nerve to attend Grand Lodge on the 29 th , and shew that while we feel , and on all occasions will show , a \\ honour , all due obedience , all affection and complete loyalcy to our Grand Master , we nevertheless mean to cleave to our June lyth . CONSTITUTIONS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF TATRONESS ; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London . on S . VTURDAY . ^ the 14 th dayof J , 1 SS 3 , at 12 o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in October next , to declare the number of girls then to be elected , to receive the following report of General Committee , and to consider Notice of Motion as under : — REPORT OF GENERAL COMMITTEE . " The General Committee reports to the Quarterly General Court that , in consequence of an intimation conveyed to the House Committee from the owner of the freehold land adjacent to the Institution—that he was about to offer for sale nine acres , or thereabouts , bounding two sides of its grounds , and that the lowest sum he -would take for the whole , which he declined to divide , was at the rate of £ 4 , 000 per acre—Col . Creaton , with the concurrence of his colleagues , had obtained from him a promise that such land should not be sold until the views and opinion of the General Court as to the advisability of acquiring the property for the Institution could be obtained . "That taking into consideration the facts that the land , if sold to a third party , might be dealt with in a manner most prejudicial to the School , and thatif purchased by the Institution a very considerable and valuable portion of it could be re-sold , this Committee consider the subject is one which should receive the fullest consideration at the hands of the governing body of the Institution . " NOTICE OK MOTION By Bro . ROUERT GREY , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron . " That the Report of the General Committee with reference to the land offered for sale be received and considered , and such action taken thereon as shall be deemed advisable by the General Court . " F . R . W . HEDGES , Offices , S , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . Great Queen Street , W . C ., June 30 th , 18 S 3 .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THE M . W . BRO . THE REV . CANON G . R . PORTAL , PROVINCIAL GRAND M . MASTER . THE R . W . BRO . W . HICKMAN ( P . G . J . W . OK ENG . ) , DEPUTY PROVINCIAL GRAXTJ INI . MASTER . The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of this Province will assemble at the GEORGE-STREET HALL , SANDOWN , ISLE OF WIGHT , At FOUR o'clock p . m ., On Monday , the 2 nd day of July , 1883 , For the transaction of Provincial business . The BANQUET will take place at 5 p . m . precisely . The Tickets will be 7 s . ( 5 d . each , including a pint of wine . The attendance of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . By command of the M . W . Grand Mark Master , GEO . J . TILLING , P . M . 63 , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . Southampton , nth June , 18 S 3 . N . B . —The William Hickman Lodge will be constituted at St . George's Hall , Sandown , immediately before the holding of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The Ceremony will commence at Three o ' clock precisely .
THE VISIT OF THE GRAND MASTER TO YORK . H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES WILL LAY THE MEMORIAL STONE Of the new Institute with Masonic Honours , at York , on WEDNESDAY MORNING , THE I 8 TH J . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE Will be opened at 10 a . m . All Masons who purpose taking part in the Procession MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TICKETS , AS OTHERWISE THEY CANNOT DU ADMITTED INTO THE ENCLOSURE , and no exception can be made . 'TICKETS 5 / - each . Application for'Tickets must be made to M . C . PECK , 2 , Albany-terrace , Hull ( Prov . G . Secretary ) , and accompanied with Remittance . Tickets are not Transferable . All Brethren to appear in black , with tall hats , and full Masonic Craft clothing , and white gloves . Apron to be worn outside the coat . M . C . I ECK , . T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Prov . G . Sec . Chairman Provincial Committee .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . TOURIST ARRANGEMENTS , 1883 . TOURIST TICKETS will be issued from May ist to the 31 st October , 18 S 3 . For Particulars , see Time Tables and Programmes , issued by the Company . JOHN NOBLE , Derby , 1 SS 3 . GENERAL-MANAGER .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF MIDDLESEX AND SURREY . THE R . W . BRO . COL . S IR FRANCIS BURDETT , & -,, Prov . Grand Master . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Of Mark Master Masons of the Province of Middlesex and Surrey will be holden at the STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , RICHMOND , On Saturday , > jth July , 1 SS 3 , When all Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers , together with the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Acting Wardens of Lodges in the Province , are hereby summoned to attend , and all Mark Master Masons are invited to be present . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at Five o ' cIo : k . By command of the R . W . P . G . M . M ., WM . G . BRIGHTEN , P . M ., & c , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . 4 , Bhhopsgate-street Without , E . C , 13 th June , 1 SS 3 . Banc ; uet at 6 . 30 o ' clock . Tickets One Pound each , including Wine . Brethren intending to be present should notify their intention to the Provincial Grand Mark Secretary on or before Tuesday , the 3 rd July .
OF THE SOVEREIGN SANCTUARY WILL BE HELD AT THE MASONIC HALL , HOPE STREET , GLASGOW , ON Monday , 2 nd July , 1883 . By order oE the M . l . Grand Master-Gereral , JAMES HILL , 33 ° , 95 ° , Grand Sec-General . Banquet at Macgreggor ' s Hotel , at Seven o ' clock .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 4 , Queen-street-place , London , E . C . Capital—A Ouarter of a Million Sterling . TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 18 S 3 . NEW BUSINESS . 2070 Policies issued for . £ 400 , 375 New Premium Income £ n , gS < 5 BUSINESS IN FORCE .
26 , 099 Policies , Assuring £ 4 , 825 , 317 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ 140 , 809 Interest , & c £ 35 > ' 3 > £ 175 . 940 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laidby in the year £ 09 , 772 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 1 SS 3 ( equalto 73 percent , of the net premiums received upon policies in force ) £ 873 , 102 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about i £ percent per annum . MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT MUTUAL LIABILITY .
C . PECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES " \^ ITH A MINIMUM RISK T" 0 operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one ' s capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations for the rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . "EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . p EAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . \ YrEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIUGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
A GOOD PLAN . jC-r r \ <* upwards judiciously in-JO X \ J vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan ever devised .
TO Patrons . —A Brother desires a LIVING . Some years in present curacy of secluded parish offering no prospect of preferment ; age , under fifty ; strong and healthy ; married , no children ; High Churchman , not extreme . References to Rector , Rural Dean , and others . Address , M . A . Cantab ., Freemason office , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
WI NE SHIPPERS and DISTILLERS—A Mark and R . A . Brother is open to represent a good and well-known firm , London or Country , or would accept Agencies ; age 32 ; married ; highest references ; security . — " Veritas , " care office of Free mason Great Queen-street , W . C .
ELECTRICITY . —A quantity of Electrical and Scientific APPARATUS to be disposed of . Suitable for Institutions , Schools , Private Gentlemen , or for Presentation . Full particulars on application , by letter addresssd to S . G ., at the office of the Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
To Correspondents.
© 0 ( £ orra 3 p 0 ttDniti 5 «
The following have been received but stand over until until nest week for want of space : Lodge of Industry , 41 ; York Lodge , 236 ; Staffordshire Knot Lodge , 726 ; Army and Navy Lodge , 1971 . Royal Arch—St . John's Chapter , No . So ; Lebanon Chapter , No . 1326 . Mark—Akkrshot Lodge , No . 54 .
BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . "The New Zealand Herald , " The Natal Mercury , " " The Masonic World , " " Allen ' s Indian Mail , " " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canterbury , New Zealand , " "The New Zealand Freemason , " "The Liberal Freemason , " "The Court Circular , " "Keystone , " "La Rensta Masonica , " "Masonic Review , " "Hull Packet . "
bATORDAY , J 30 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of f the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussior . l
TABLE OF PRECEDENCE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — In my letter to you which you were so kind as to insert in your last , I called on the brethren at large to give utterance , through your columns , to the feeling which I
know is strongly agitating the whole Fraternity as to the attempt which is being made to override our Constitutions and to bring Grand Lodge , the fountain of authority in our Order , into a state of nonentity . I again , and most earnestly , call upon the htethcen to be up and doing , for , verily , we ar ; beset with grave dangers . I have just seen
the paper of agenda for a special meeting of Grand Lodge to be held in days hence , and from it I see that the attempt to strangle the power which belongs to the " rulers of the Crsit in Grand Lodge assembled ( and to them alone when so assembled ) , " which has been for some time past silently pursued by a small knot of the executive , is now
openly proclaimed . I entreat all Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of lodges to consider carefully the list of proposed alterations in our ancient landmarks , now issued as the agenda for the next meeting of Grand Lodge—a meeting called at 10 days ' notice ! I can now only directly speak of one of these
proposed alterations . No . 6 says , The Table of Precedence is altered according to the recent order of the Grand Master . " Recent order of the Grand Master ! When has this " order" appeared ? and what is the meaning of an order from the Grand Master to his Grand Lodge . He may order his Grand Secretary to issue a notice or a
summons ; he may " order " the Grand Registrar to sign and seal a patent of appointment , and these officers may in such matters use the words " by order of the Grand Master . " The Grand Master has doubtless , no one would dream of denying it , the power of " ordering " many things , but
that his very ill-advised counsellors should claim for him the power of " ordering " a change in any article of our Book of Constitutions is a thing so monstrous that I do hope the brethren throughout the country will notice it . I say " notice it , " because the only danger is that it may pass without being noticed . Once apprehended I have no
fear of the result . Masons will utterly overthrow this attempt against the landmarks of our Order if only they see exactly what is being attempted . Here we are told not that the Grand Master wishes to alter—or proposes that Grand Lodge should alter—but simply that a portion of our Book of Constitutions " is altered ! " If English
Freemasons will stand this we must write " Ichabod " over the lintel of our new Temple . I do earnestly beseech all Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of lodges to look closely into these proposed alterations of our time-honoured laws , and to strain every
nerve to attend Grand Lodge on the 29 th , and shew that while we feel , and on all occasions will show , a \\ honour , all due obedience , all affection and complete loyalcy to our Grand Master , we nevertheless mean to cleave to our June lyth . CONSTITUTIONS .