Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Burlington Lodge, No. 96. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Warwickshire.
Honourable Hugh de Grey Seymour , Marquis of Hertford , Earl of Yarmouth , Viscount Beauchamp , Baron Conway oi Raglcy , Lord Lieutenant and Gustos Rotulorum of the county of Warwick and a member of His Majesty ' s Most Honourable Privy Council , A . D . C , Past Grand Warden of England and Ireland , Past Provincial Grand Master ot Antrim , & c , & c ,
Provincial Grand Master Designate as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . " He expressed regret at the absence of the Earl Amherst , who had been
W . UIIO . ¦ ' . G . S \ V INDEX , P . D . G . S . H ., PROV . G . SKC . particularly anxious to be present ( hat afternoon . He did not think he should be doing his duly on such an occasion if he failed to pay tribute to the late Lord Leigh , who for many years presided over that important province , and whose
death was deeply deplored by every Freemason present . For upwards of half-a-century he had controlled the destinies of the Grand Lodge of Warwickshire , and therefore the installation of a Provincial Grand Master was a matter of rare occurrence lo them . He trusted that it would still continue to be so , and that the Marquis of Hertford would
long continue to fill the high position to which he would be installed that afternoon . The arrival of the Right Worshipful Grand Master Designate was next announced , and the Provincial Director of Ceremonies having presented the Patent from the Grand Lodge of England authorising the installation of the Marquis
of Hertford , the following Worshipful Bros . Landau , Booth , Peters , Margrett , McCroban , and Cohen retired , and almost immediately afterwards Lord Hertford was introduced to the Deputy Grand Master and installed in clue form , being invested with the apron , chain , and jewel of office . Having
been placed in the chair of the lodge , he at once appointed the Worshipful Bro . G . Beech as his deputy , a proceeding which was greeted with acclamation by the whole of the brethren present . Worshipful Bro . J . Harris having been re-elected
Treasurer for the Province , the newly-installed Provincial Grand Master addressed the Grand Lodge . After making reference to the regrettable absence of Earl Amherst , he said lie had not undertaken that office without a good deal of thought . He did not fail to recognise the high honour which
had been conferred upon him , neither was he blind fo the responsibilities of the position . It was especially difficult to follow in the footsteps of one who had ruled over the province for more than half-a-century , and had the esteem and reverence of every brother of the Craft . While he could
not claim to have had the experience of the late Lord Leigh , heat least could claim some acquaintance with Freemasonry , it having been nearly twenty-seven years since lie was initiated into Freemasonry in the Province of Sussex . He , however , appealed to the brethren of the province to give
him that assistance which would enable him to carry out successfully the obligations of his office , and felt sure that if he had their co-operation , he would be able to perform the duties of his position with satisfaction to himself and credit to the province . After referring to the development of
Freemasonry since Lord Leigh was installed in 18 53 , his lordship paid a tribute of respect to his deputy , Worshipful Bro . Beech , who , he said , had done so much for Freemasonry in the past . He felt he could undertake his responsibilities much more pleasantly when he had such able support , as he
felt sure would be accorded to him by Worshipful Bro . Beech and the other officers of the Grand Lodge . On the conclusion of the proceedings in the Town Hall , a banquet took place at the Grand Hotel under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , at which there was a large attendance of Grand Lodge officers and other brethren .
Burlington Lodge, No. 96.
Burlington Lodge , No . 96 .
r PHE 150 th installation meeting of the above lodge was I held on Tuesday , February 13 th , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , when the R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman Walter Vaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas ., P . G . W ., was installed W . M . for the fourth time in the lodge . The occasion brought together no less than 108
visitors , of whom 34 were Grand Officers , among whom were R . W . Bros , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , Dep . G . M . ; the Rt . Hon . His Excellency Viscount Hayashi , P . G . W . ; John T . Morland , P . G . D ., Prov . G . M . Berks . ; Stanley G . Attenborough , G . Treas . ; John Strachan , G . Reg . ; Sir E . Letchworth ,
F . S . A ., G . Sec . ; G . Richards , P . Dist . G . M . Transvaal ; the Hon . Alban Gibbs , M . P ., Junior G . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ; Sir H . B . Marshall , P . G . Treas . ; Frank Richardson . P . D . G . Reg ., G . D . C . ; C F . Matier , P . D . G . D . C . ; and J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C .
W . Bro . Rudolph Herrmann , the retiring W . M ., performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Gustave Her / . feld , S . W . ; Chas . S . Henry , M . P ., l . W . ;
J . A . Wild , Treas . ; J . Gordon Langton , P . M ., P . D . G . D . C , Sec . ; A . L . Collins , S . D . ; E . A . Kite , J . D . ; R . L . Franks , P . M ., D . C . ; J . Addyinan Gardner , I . G . ; and C Patrick . P . M ., Tyler . The W . M . in presenting Bro . Herrmann with a Past Master ' s jewel , assured him that it was not only a reward of
merit , but a mark of their esteem and regard . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured . In replying for the Grand Officers , R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , Dep . G . M ., congratulated the lodge on its anniversary ,
In responding lo the toast generally there was very little that was new to be said , but the present occasion gave some new ideas . Could the founders ever have anticipated what the lodge would become and the marvellous success to which it had attained ? It appeared in him that they had sown then
wild oats , but they drew a veil over those times . Sometimes , those who had sown them became valuable members of the nation and to society . Certainly the founders had no idea what Masonry would become , that it would spread to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Warwickshire.
Honourable Hugh de Grey Seymour , Marquis of Hertford , Earl of Yarmouth , Viscount Beauchamp , Baron Conway oi Raglcy , Lord Lieutenant and Gustos Rotulorum of the county of Warwick and a member of His Majesty ' s Most Honourable Privy Council , A . D . C , Past Grand Warden of England and Ireland , Past Provincial Grand Master ot Antrim , & c , & c ,
Provincial Grand Master Designate as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire . " He expressed regret at the absence of the Earl Amherst , who had been
W . UIIO . ¦ ' . G . S \ V INDEX , P . D . G . S . H ., PROV . G . SKC . particularly anxious to be present ( hat afternoon . He did not think he should be doing his duly on such an occasion if he failed to pay tribute to the late Lord Leigh , who for many years presided over that important province , and whose
death was deeply deplored by every Freemason present . For upwards of half-a-century he had controlled the destinies of the Grand Lodge of Warwickshire , and therefore the installation of a Provincial Grand Master was a matter of rare occurrence lo them . He trusted that it would still continue to be so , and that the Marquis of Hertford would
long continue to fill the high position to which he would be installed that afternoon . The arrival of the Right Worshipful Grand Master Designate was next announced , and the Provincial Director of Ceremonies having presented the Patent from the Grand Lodge of England authorising the installation of the Marquis
of Hertford , the following Worshipful Bros . Landau , Booth , Peters , Margrett , McCroban , and Cohen retired , and almost immediately afterwards Lord Hertford was introduced to the Deputy Grand Master and installed in clue form , being invested with the apron , chain , and jewel of office . Having
been placed in the chair of the lodge , he at once appointed the Worshipful Bro . G . Beech as his deputy , a proceeding which was greeted with acclamation by the whole of the brethren present . Worshipful Bro . J . Harris having been re-elected
Treasurer for the Province , the newly-installed Provincial Grand Master addressed the Grand Lodge . After making reference to the regrettable absence of Earl Amherst , he said lie had not undertaken that office without a good deal of thought . He did not fail to recognise the high honour which
had been conferred upon him , neither was he blind fo the responsibilities of the position . It was especially difficult to follow in the footsteps of one who had ruled over the province for more than half-a-century , and had the esteem and reverence of every brother of the Craft . While he could
not claim to have had the experience of the late Lord Leigh , heat least could claim some acquaintance with Freemasonry , it having been nearly twenty-seven years since lie was initiated into Freemasonry in the Province of Sussex . He , however , appealed to the brethren of the province to give
him that assistance which would enable him to carry out successfully the obligations of his office , and felt sure that if he had their co-operation , he would be able to perform the duties of his position with satisfaction to himself and credit to the province . After referring to the development of
Freemasonry since Lord Leigh was installed in 18 53 , his lordship paid a tribute of respect to his deputy , Worshipful Bro . Beech , who , he said , had done so much for Freemasonry in the past . He felt he could undertake his responsibilities much more pleasantly when he had such able support , as he
felt sure would be accorded to him by Worshipful Bro . Beech and the other officers of the Grand Lodge . On the conclusion of the proceedings in the Town Hall , a banquet took place at the Grand Hotel under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , at which there was a large attendance of Grand Lodge officers and other brethren .
Burlington Lodge, No. 96.
Burlington Lodge , No . 96 .
r PHE 150 th installation meeting of the above lodge was I held on Tuesday , February 13 th , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , when the R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman Walter Vaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas ., P . G . W ., was installed W . M . for the fourth time in the lodge . The occasion brought together no less than 108
visitors , of whom 34 were Grand Officers , among whom were R . W . Bros , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , Dep . G . M . ; the Rt . Hon . His Excellency Viscount Hayashi , P . G . W . ; John T . Morland , P . G . D ., Prov . G . M . Berks . ; Stanley G . Attenborough , G . Treas . ; John Strachan , G . Reg . ; Sir E . Letchworth ,
F . S . A ., G . Sec . ; G . Richards , P . Dist . G . M . Transvaal ; the Hon . Alban Gibbs , M . P ., Junior G . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ; Sir H . B . Marshall , P . G . Treas . ; Frank Richardson . P . D . G . Reg ., G . D . C . ; C F . Matier , P . D . G . D . C . ; and J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C .
W . Bro . Rudolph Herrmann , the retiring W . M ., performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows : — Bros . Gustave Her / . feld , S . W . ; Chas . S . Henry , M . P ., l . W . ;
J . A . Wild , Treas . ; J . Gordon Langton , P . M ., P . D . G . D . C , Sec . ; A . L . Collins , S . D . ; E . A . Kite , J . D . ; R . L . Franks , P . M ., D . C . ; J . Addyinan Gardner , I . G . ; and C Patrick . P . M ., Tyler . The W . M . in presenting Bro . Herrmann with a Past Master ' s jewel , assured him that it was not only a reward of
merit , but a mark of their esteem and regard . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured . In replying for the Grand Officers , R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , Dep . G . M ., congratulated the lodge on its anniversary ,
In responding lo the toast generally there was very little that was new to be said , but the present occasion gave some new ideas . Could the founders ever have anticipated what the lodge would become and the marvellous success to which it had attained ? It appeared in him that they had sown then
wild oats , but they drew a veil over those times . Sometimes , those who had sown them became valuable members of the nation and to society . Certainly the founders had no idea what Masonry would become , that it would spread to the