Article Lodge La France, No. 2060. Page 1 of 1 Article A Masonic New Century Banquet. Page 1 of 2 →
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Lodge La France, No. 2060.
Lodge La France , No . 2060 .
TT is perhaps a fair sign of better times to come that j Frenchmen in London , precluded by their good faith from sympathy with the tenets flaunted by the brethren across the silvery streak , should have wished to gather round the Grand Lodge of England and found a lodge of their own under its immediate jurisdiction .
Such a lodge , mayhap a stranger to many , but well known and appreciated by such who have been privileged to come in intimate contact with it , and enjoying fair repute in high quarters , was founded in London in 188 4 , the petition being recommended by the Master and Wardens of the Tuscan
Lodge , No . 14 . A charter was granted on the 5 th of August , and the lodge was consecrated on the 20 th of October of the same year , with Bro . E . Thiellay , P . M . 145 , 1423 , 1339 , P . Prov . G . Swd . Br . Middlesex , as its first W . M ., and soon numbered among its honorary members the W . Bros . Rev .
Ambrose Hall , F . A . Philbrick , Thomas Fenn , E . Letchworth , R . Grey , F . Richardson , and Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , all officers of Grand Lodge . If one required a proof of the urbanity and hearty good fellowship of our neighbours across the waters , and of their kindly feeling towards this country , one could not do better
than pay them a visit on a lodge day , when they are " at home , " and invariably welcome with a hard grip and tasteful hospitality , at the Cafe Royal , their always numerous brothervisitors . Whoever has been their guest once can but wish to be so again at the earliest opportunity . There we are
transported into an atmosphere different from our own ; we are in la belle France , with its sunny sky and genial good humour . The work is all done in French , and splendidly done , the harmonious rhythm and fluent phraseology of the language lending a fresh lustre to our ritual , and imparting to
it an incontestable clearness and solemnity . And when , once the duty done , they gather round the festive board , when on all sides burst forth kindliness and cordiality , uniting all in one brotherhood , not only Masonic
but racial , one feels forcibly that all our supposed mutual ill-feeling is but a paper myth after all . Although comparatively a young lodge , three of its Past Masters have attained to Grand Office . One , Bro . E . Monteuuies , P . M . 14 , P . G . S ., P . G . Swd . Br ., is now dead . He and Bro . H . Bue , P . M . 1820 , P . G . Std . Br ., are responsible
for the translation of the emulation ritual into French , for which benefit rendered to Freemasonry Grand Lodge showed its appreciation by granting them their " purple . " Another , Bro . E . St . Clair / P . M . 14 , P . G . S ., P . A . G . D . C , the first initiate of the lodge , is also a Grand Officer , and the lodge
is justly proud of him , for his name is a household one in the Craft , and wherever charity is not a vain word . But the Lodge La France is an exclusive lodge , the unwritten law being that none but Frenchmen who have requitted their debt to their country can be members . Thus many of the French speaking fraternity , Swiss , Belgians , & c ,
are debarred admission . To supply a link , a new lodge , L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2796 , was founded last year , in which , as its name indicates , all nationalities are welcome . No better name , none better deserved , and to a better Masonic purpose , could well have been chosen . There again the official language is French , and it does one's heart good
to see well nigh all European nations united in a bond cf loving fraternity and communion of ideas and sentiments , showing that , under the gentle auspices of Freemasonry at least , the word Entente Cordiale is not taken in vain . So successful has the Lodge La France been , that there
are attached to it a French Chapter , and a French Mark Lodge , in both of which the restriction as to nationality is not enforced . It may also be interesting to note that La France Lodge has a lodge of instruction well patronised by English
Masons , and where the Preceptors spare no trouble to' make every one a proficient member of the Craft and an apt French scholar .
A Masonic New Century Banquet.
A Masonic New Century Banquet .
A MOST successful meeting of the Freemasons of Portsmouth to commemorate the commencement of the new century , was held at the Town Hall on the 15 th January . About 200 brethren were present under
the genial chairmanship of the popular Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., who was supported by W . Bros . Edgar Goble , D . P . G . M . ; D . Mayer , G . D . ( England ); H . R . Pink , P . G . S . W . ; J . Brickwood ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge La France, No. 2060.
Lodge La France , No . 2060 .
TT is perhaps a fair sign of better times to come that j Frenchmen in London , precluded by their good faith from sympathy with the tenets flaunted by the brethren across the silvery streak , should have wished to gather round the Grand Lodge of England and found a lodge of their own under its immediate jurisdiction .
Such a lodge , mayhap a stranger to many , but well known and appreciated by such who have been privileged to come in intimate contact with it , and enjoying fair repute in high quarters , was founded in London in 188 4 , the petition being recommended by the Master and Wardens of the Tuscan
Lodge , No . 14 . A charter was granted on the 5 th of August , and the lodge was consecrated on the 20 th of October of the same year , with Bro . E . Thiellay , P . M . 145 , 1423 , 1339 , P . Prov . G . Swd . Br . Middlesex , as its first W . M ., and soon numbered among its honorary members the W . Bros . Rev .
Ambrose Hall , F . A . Philbrick , Thomas Fenn , E . Letchworth , R . Grey , F . Richardson , and Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , all officers of Grand Lodge . If one required a proof of the urbanity and hearty good fellowship of our neighbours across the waters , and of their kindly feeling towards this country , one could not do better
than pay them a visit on a lodge day , when they are " at home , " and invariably welcome with a hard grip and tasteful hospitality , at the Cafe Royal , their always numerous brothervisitors . Whoever has been their guest once can but wish to be so again at the earliest opportunity . There we are
transported into an atmosphere different from our own ; we are in la belle France , with its sunny sky and genial good humour . The work is all done in French , and splendidly done , the harmonious rhythm and fluent phraseology of the language lending a fresh lustre to our ritual , and imparting to
it an incontestable clearness and solemnity . And when , once the duty done , they gather round the festive board , when on all sides burst forth kindliness and cordiality , uniting all in one brotherhood , not only Masonic
but racial , one feels forcibly that all our supposed mutual ill-feeling is but a paper myth after all . Although comparatively a young lodge , three of its Past Masters have attained to Grand Office . One , Bro . E . Monteuuies , P . M . 14 , P . G . S ., P . G . Swd . Br ., is now dead . He and Bro . H . Bue , P . M . 1820 , P . G . Std . Br ., are responsible
for the translation of the emulation ritual into French , for which benefit rendered to Freemasonry Grand Lodge showed its appreciation by granting them their " purple . " Another , Bro . E . St . Clair / P . M . 14 , P . G . S ., P . A . G . D . C , the first initiate of the lodge , is also a Grand Officer , and the lodge
is justly proud of him , for his name is a household one in the Craft , and wherever charity is not a vain word . But the Lodge La France is an exclusive lodge , the unwritten law being that none but Frenchmen who have requitted their debt to their country can be members . Thus many of the French speaking fraternity , Swiss , Belgians , & c ,
are debarred admission . To supply a link , a new lodge , L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2796 , was founded last year , in which , as its name indicates , all nationalities are welcome . No better name , none better deserved , and to a better Masonic purpose , could well have been chosen . There again the official language is French , and it does one's heart good
to see well nigh all European nations united in a bond cf loving fraternity and communion of ideas and sentiments , showing that , under the gentle auspices of Freemasonry at least , the word Entente Cordiale is not taken in vain . So successful has the Lodge La France been , that there
are attached to it a French Chapter , and a French Mark Lodge , in both of which the restriction as to nationality is not enforced . It may also be interesting to note that La France Lodge has a lodge of instruction well patronised by English
Masons , and where the Preceptors spare no trouble to' make every one a proficient member of the Craft and an apt French scholar .
A Masonic New Century Banquet.
A Masonic New Century Banquet .
A MOST successful meeting of the Freemasons of Portsmouth to commemorate the commencement of the new century , was held at the Town Hall on the 15 th January . About 200 brethren were present under
the genial chairmanship of the popular Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., who was supported by W . Bros . Edgar Goble , D . P . G . M . ; D . Mayer , G . D . ( England ); H . R . Pink , P . G . S . W . ; J . Brickwood ,