Article Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution. Page 1 of 1 Article Famous F.M. Songs. Page 1 of 2 →
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Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The Anniversary Festival of the Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons is fixed for the 27 th February , and will be presided over by the R . W . the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick , and there are indications of a successful result of the strenuous efforts put forth b y its
numerous supporters to maintain and , if possible , increase its efficiency and usefulness . While any attempt to institute comparisons and advocate the claims of one Institution to the detriment of others is to be deprecated , it cannot be denied that the pressing needs of the " old folks " have of recent years been brought more and more to the attention of the
Craft , and the spectacle of a larger number of worthy applicants failing , from time to time , to secure the benefits of the Institution , has undoubtedly appealed most strongly to the sympathies of their more fortunate brethren . The
Institution at Croydon , while admirably serving its purpose as a shelter and haven of rest for those of the annuitants , both male and female , who are friendless and without homes , very inadequately indicates the advantages of institutions in the direction of providing for those who are elected to its
benefits . While the capacity of the building is limited to something like forty residents , it must be remembered that there is practically no limit to its usefulness in providing for the wants of the aged members of our Order , and every extra pound subscribed helps to place at once some long-waiting applicant in possession of the much-needed annuity . For
these reasons we trust that in our next issue we shall be privileged to announce that a very substantial sum has been contributed to the funds of this great Masonic Charity .
Famous F.M. Songs.
Famous F . M . Songs .
By W . J . CHETWOI . E CRAWLKY , LL . D ., D . C . L ., P . G . D ., and G . Sec . Instr ., Ireland .
II . THK MASTER MASON ' BALLAD . "A TEXT in popularity to the EXTKR ' D 'PI . I . XTICK ' S SOXG \ among the Brethren of the early Grand Lodges of
- *¦ ' England and Ireland , came the MAST - . I . MASOX ' BALLAD . This Ballad made its first appearance as a Freemasons' Song in the Collection appended to the first Irish Book of Constitutions , published by Bro . John Pennell , Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1730 . It appears again as No . XVI . of the Collection printed by Bro .
William Smith in the Dublin edition of his Pocket Companion , 1 735 , and it is promoted to the first place in the Appendix to the London edition simultaneously published . In due course James Callendar incorporated it in the earliest Scottish Collection of Freemasons' Songs . The evidence of the growing popularity of the Ballad
was enough for Bro . Anderson . He quietly added it , without acknowledgment , to his Colleclion in the second edition of the Hook of Constitutions , 173 8 . He probably thought that as Bro . William Smith had unblushingly appropriated the former edition of the Conslilntions , the annexation of a tuneful Ballad was justifiable retribution . The real author
was not consulted , and could not interfere , for , as we shall see presently , he was an Irish Brother . The Copyright Laws of England and Ireland were as separate then as those of the United Kingdom and the United States to-day . In view of the numberless alterations made , without the author ' s knowled during the passage of the BALLAD
ge , through successive Collections of Freemasons'' Songs , it is pathetic to find him already complaining in his Preface of the injuries he had suffered at the hands of " pyratical printers . " It is but bare justice to reproduce the Ballad in its original form : —
On , < iii , my brave boys , unci pursue my great lecture : Reline on the models * of old Architecture : To . M : isons high honour such diligence brings ; Those brolhers o ( princes , and fellows of kings ! We'll drive the rude VANDALS and GoTlls off the Slage
, Reviving the arts of Anu'srcs' fam'd age 1 Lo Tin's destroyed the vast temple in vain , Since fifty more rose in fair ANNAS' blest reign ! Of J ONES , U ' l . KN , and ANGELS , mark the great names , Immortal they live as their Tiiiici . and THAMES ! To heav ' n and themselves they such monuments raised : That now with the saints they ' re recorded and praised !
On , on , my brave boys , and erecl a great name J This pile , so majestic , consigns you lo fame ! Revered it shall stand 'till nature expire ; And dreadfully fall when the world is on lire . See FIVE NOHI . I . OKDKI . S , dispos'd here with art ! See strength , truth , and beauty , diffus'd through each part !
Proportion ' s dumb harmony , gracing the whole , Gives our work , like the great creation , a Soul . Hut now , my brave boys , see what spirits our toil ; Indulges the genius , and bids labour smile ! To ri . Ki . SOCIAL . MASONS a bumper be crowned ; To Masons a bumper and let it go round ! Again , my bold brethren , again let it pass !
Our ancient linn union cements with the glass ! And all the contention 'mong MASONS shall be , Who better shall work , and who best shall agree . * Shewing a plan of a building .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The Anniversary Festival of the Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons is fixed for the 27 th February , and will be presided over by the R . W . the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick , and there are indications of a successful result of the strenuous efforts put forth b y its
numerous supporters to maintain and , if possible , increase its efficiency and usefulness . While any attempt to institute comparisons and advocate the claims of one Institution to the detriment of others is to be deprecated , it cannot be denied that the pressing needs of the " old folks " have of recent years been brought more and more to the attention of the
Craft , and the spectacle of a larger number of worthy applicants failing , from time to time , to secure the benefits of the Institution , has undoubtedly appealed most strongly to the sympathies of their more fortunate brethren . The
Institution at Croydon , while admirably serving its purpose as a shelter and haven of rest for those of the annuitants , both male and female , who are friendless and without homes , very inadequately indicates the advantages of institutions in the direction of providing for those who are elected to its
benefits . While the capacity of the building is limited to something like forty residents , it must be remembered that there is practically no limit to its usefulness in providing for the wants of the aged members of our Order , and every extra pound subscribed helps to place at once some long-waiting applicant in possession of the much-needed annuity . For
these reasons we trust that in our next issue we shall be privileged to announce that a very substantial sum has been contributed to the funds of this great Masonic Charity .
Famous F.M. Songs.
Famous F . M . Songs .
By W . J . CHETWOI . E CRAWLKY , LL . D ., D . C . L ., P . G . D ., and G . Sec . Instr ., Ireland .
II . THK MASTER MASON ' BALLAD . "A TEXT in popularity to the EXTKR ' D 'PI . I . XTICK ' S SOXG \ among the Brethren of the early Grand Lodges of
- *¦ ' England and Ireland , came the MAST - . I . MASOX ' BALLAD . This Ballad made its first appearance as a Freemasons' Song in the Collection appended to the first Irish Book of Constitutions , published by Bro . John Pennell , Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1730 . It appears again as No . XVI . of the Collection printed by Bro .
William Smith in the Dublin edition of his Pocket Companion , 1 735 , and it is promoted to the first place in the Appendix to the London edition simultaneously published . In due course James Callendar incorporated it in the earliest Scottish Collection of Freemasons' Songs . The evidence of the growing popularity of the Ballad
was enough for Bro . Anderson . He quietly added it , without acknowledgment , to his Colleclion in the second edition of the Hook of Constitutions , 173 8 . He probably thought that as Bro . William Smith had unblushingly appropriated the former edition of the Conslilntions , the annexation of a tuneful Ballad was justifiable retribution . The real author
was not consulted , and could not interfere , for , as we shall see presently , he was an Irish Brother . The Copyright Laws of England and Ireland were as separate then as those of the United Kingdom and the United States to-day . In view of the numberless alterations made , without the author ' s knowled during the passage of the BALLAD
ge , through successive Collections of Freemasons'' Songs , it is pathetic to find him already complaining in his Preface of the injuries he had suffered at the hands of " pyratical printers . " It is but bare justice to reproduce the Ballad in its original form : —
On , < iii , my brave boys , unci pursue my great lecture : Reline on the models * of old Architecture : To . M : isons high honour such diligence brings ; Those brolhers o ( princes , and fellows of kings ! We'll drive the rude VANDALS and GoTlls off the Slage
, Reviving the arts of Anu'srcs' fam'd age 1 Lo Tin's destroyed the vast temple in vain , Since fifty more rose in fair ANNAS' blest reign ! Of J ONES , U ' l . KN , and ANGELS , mark the great names , Immortal they live as their Tiiiici . and THAMES ! To heav ' n and themselves they such monuments raised : That now with the saints they ' re recorded and praised !
On , on , my brave boys , and erecl a great name J This pile , so majestic , consigns you lo fame ! Revered it shall stand 'till nature expire ; And dreadfully fall when the world is on lire . See FIVE NOHI . I . OKDKI . S , dispos'd here with art ! See strength , truth , and beauty , diffus'd through each part !
Proportion ' s dumb harmony , gracing the whole , Gives our work , like the great creation , a Soul . Hut now , my brave boys , see what spirits our toil ; Indulges the genius , and bids labour smile ! To ri . Ki . SOCIAL . MASONS a bumper be crowned ; To Masons a bumper and let it go round ! Again , my bold brethren , again let it pass !
Our ancient linn union cements with the glass ! And all the contention 'mong MASONS shall be , Who better shall work , and who best shall agree . * Shewing a plan of a building .