Article The late Bro. Thomas Fenn, P.G.W. Page 1 of 1
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The Late Bro. Thomas Fenn, P.G.W.
The late Bro . Thomas Fenn , P . G . W .
'pHE decease of Bro . Thomas Fenn , which was on I Saturday , the 2 nd February , is a great blow to the English Craft , and a loss that will be felt for many years to come . Owing to his wonderful activity and vivacity , few will be prepared to hear that he was torn so far back as
the year 1820 . His sudden death and removal from our midst will long leave a blank , for few , if any , of the Past Grand Officers would be more missed than he , and for a long time the occurrence of any great Masonic function will emphasize the regretted absence of a born Director of
Ceremonies and most able organizer . Bro . Fenn , long , long ago , was initiated in the " British Lodge , " No . 8 , and rapidly came to the front as a zealous , competent , and most reliable Brother , in relation especially to the Ritual and Masonic jurisprudence . As Secretary for
years of the " Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " and in many other ways , he proved to be a most useful and capable officer , and spared neither time nor
means in the discharge of his manifold duties on behalf of the Craft . To simply describe the various offices held by our lamented
Brother would occupy considerable space , but being actively engaged to the last day of his eventful life in valued service for the
Brotherhood , it is quite unnecessary to present a full official record at the present time .
As a Grand Officer , Bro . Fenn served as Grand Steward of the " Prince of Wales' Lodge" in 186 3 ( three years after joining ) , was W . M . in 1868 and 186 9
, and Secretary for many years . His historical sketch of this distinguished Lodge has gone through three editions ; the last , in 18 90 ,
being lavishly illustrated and much appreciated by members and friends . His membership also of the very select Lodge , the
"Royal Alpha , " ko . 16 , from 18 7 6 , should also be noted . As Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies from 186 a to 1860 .
his aid to that veteran G . D . of C , Sir Albert W . Woods , P . G . W ., has been most heartily acknowledged , particularly when acting in that capacity at the Inauguration Festival of Freemasons' Hall in 186 9 . Then in 1875 , he was again at the right hand of the G . D . of C . in making the excellent
arrangements for the Installation of our Royal Grand Master at the Royal Albert Hall , in recognition of which H . R . H . the Prince of Wales conferred on him the well-deserved honour of a Past Senior Grand Deacon . In 188 4 , the Grand Master appointed Bro . Fenn to the
important office of President of the Board of General Purposes , and was reappointed for some ten years to the great advantage of the Fraternity ; the rank of Past Grand Warden being bestowed on him in recognition of the able maimer in which he discharged the peculiarly difficult duties
of that rather trying position . Presentations of various kinds , and an excellent portrait in oils , in Grand Lodge , testify to widespread appreciation of his well directed efforts . In Royal Arch Masonry , as Grand Sword Bearer in 1870 , Pasl President of the Committee of General Purposes in
1886 , and Grand Scribe N . in 18 97 ; Past Grand Warden in 1889 of the Mark Grand Lodge ; Past M . W . S . of the Bard of Avon Rose Croix Chapter ; and Grand Inspector General 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , Bro . Fenn has also taken considerable interest in these additional Ceremonies
and Degrees . In all great Masonic functions Bro . Fenn was certain to be to the fore , and at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Truro Cathedral in 1880 by the M . W . Grand Master , in the regretted absence of Sir Albert Woods , he acted as Grand
Director ot Ceremonies : and again at the Masonic Celebration of her Majesty ' s Jubilee in 188 7 , so valuable was his assistance that a special vote of thanks was
passed by the Grand Lodge . In consequence of the lamented illness of the Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Fenn again
discharged the duties of that onerous office at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration at the Royal Albert Hall in 18 97 . It was ,
however , in relation to the revision of the Book of Constitutions ( the first edition of which was
published in the year 1884 ) , that Bro . Fenn did his best work for the Brotherhood he so loved , his suggestions for a re-arrangement of the Regulations made in 1879
being adopted " almost to the letter , " to use his own words . Only those who are familiar with the Laws of 1873 a "d with the
Revision of 1884 can fully estimate the labour and time devoted to this matter and how great has been the improvements effected
of late years thereby , as he had made the Regulations of the Craft his special study . In warm appreciation of Bro . Fenn's lout .
and valued services as an earnest and most intelligent Craftsman , Bro . Henry Sadler dedicated his " Masonic Facts and Fictions" to him in 1887 , and Bro . W . ] . Hughan paid him a similar compliment in 1896 by the dedication of Bro . Kenning ' s Archaeological Library Vol . 2 both of which were highly
, valued by him . Bro . Fenn took an active interest in our Masonic Charities , and for many years has been a generous supporter of these Institutions . As a Patron of the "Girls '" and " Boys '" aswell as " Honorary Patron " of the former , and Vice-President
of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , his numerous votes prove his readiness to respond to the call of Charity , and in this respect and in many other ways , our lamented Brother will be much missed as one of the most illustrious , respected , and capable Craftsmen that has ever been connected with the Grand Lodge of England .
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The Late Bro. Thomas Fenn, P.G.W.
The late Bro . Thomas Fenn , P . G . W .
'pHE decease of Bro . Thomas Fenn , which was on I Saturday , the 2 nd February , is a great blow to the English Craft , and a loss that will be felt for many years to come . Owing to his wonderful activity and vivacity , few will be prepared to hear that he was torn so far back as
the year 1820 . His sudden death and removal from our midst will long leave a blank , for few , if any , of the Past Grand Officers would be more missed than he , and for a long time the occurrence of any great Masonic function will emphasize the regretted absence of a born Director of
Ceremonies and most able organizer . Bro . Fenn , long , long ago , was initiated in the " British Lodge , " No . 8 , and rapidly came to the front as a zealous , competent , and most reliable Brother , in relation especially to the Ritual and Masonic jurisprudence . As Secretary for
years of the " Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " and in many other ways , he proved to be a most useful and capable officer , and spared neither time nor
means in the discharge of his manifold duties on behalf of the Craft . To simply describe the various offices held by our lamented
Brother would occupy considerable space , but being actively engaged to the last day of his eventful life in valued service for the
Brotherhood , it is quite unnecessary to present a full official record at the present time .
As a Grand Officer , Bro . Fenn served as Grand Steward of the " Prince of Wales' Lodge" in 186 3 ( three years after joining ) , was W . M . in 1868 and 186 9
, and Secretary for many years . His historical sketch of this distinguished Lodge has gone through three editions ; the last , in 18 90 ,
being lavishly illustrated and much appreciated by members and friends . His membership also of the very select Lodge , the
"Royal Alpha , " ko . 16 , from 18 7 6 , should also be noted . As Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies from 186 a to 1860 .
his aid to that veteran G . D . of C , Sir Albert W . Woods , P . G . W ., has been most heartily acknowledged , particularly when acting in that capacity at the Inauguration Festival of Freemasons' Hall in 186 9 . Then in 1875 , he was again at the right hand of the G . D . of C . in making the excellent
arrangements for the Installation of our Royal Grand Master at the Royal Albert Hall , in recognition of which H . R . H . the Prince of Wales conferred on him the well-deserved honour of a Past Senior Grand Deacon . In 188 4 , the Grand Master appointed Bro . Fenn to the
important office of President of the Board of General Purposes , and was reappointed for some ten years to the great advantage of the Fraternity ; the rank of Past Grand Warden being bestowed on him in recognition of the able maimer in which he discharged the peculiarly difficult duties
of that rather trying position . Presentations of various kinds , and an excellent portrait in oils , in Grand Lodge , testify to widespread appreciation of his well directed efforts . In Royal Arch Masonry , as Grand Sword Bearer in 1870 , Pasl President of the Committee of General Purposes in
1886 , and Grand Scribe N . in 18 97 ; Past Grand Warden in 1889 of the Mark Grand Lodge ; Past M . W . S . of the Bard of Avon Rose Croix Chapter ; and Grand Inspector General 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , Bro . Fenn has also taken considerable interest in these additional Ceremonies
and Degrees . In all great Masonic functions Bro . Fenn was certain to be to the fore , and at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Truro Cathedral in 1880 by the M . W . Grand Master , in the regretted absence of Sir Albert Woods , he acted as Grand
Director ot Ceremonies : and again at the Masonic Celebration of her Majesty ' s Jubilee in 188 7 , so valuable was his assistance that a special vote of thanks was
passed by the Grand Lodge . In consequence of the lamented illness of the Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Fenn again
discharged the duties of that onerous office at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration at the Royal Albert Hall in 18 97 . It was ,
however , in relation to the revision of the Book of Constitutions ( the first edition of which was
published in the year 1884 ) , that Bro . Fenn did his best work for the Brotherhood he so loved , his suggestions for a re-arrangement of the Regulations made in 1879
being adopted " almost to the letter , " to use his own words . Only those who are familiar with the Laws of 1873 a "d with the
Revision of 1884 can fully estimate the labour and time devoted to this matter and how great has been the improvements effected
of late years thereby , as he had made the Regulations of the Craft his special study . In warm appreciation of Bro . Fenn's lout .
and valued services as an earnest and most intelligent Craftsman , Bro . Henry Sadler dedicated his " Masonic Facts and Fictions" to him in 1887 , and Bro . W . ] . Hughan paid him a similar compliment in 1896 by the dedication of Bro . Kenning ' s Archaeological Library Vol . 2 both of which were highly
, valued by him . Bro . Fenn took an active interest in our Masonic Charities , and for many years has been a generous supporter of these Institutions . As a Patron of the "Girls '" and " Boys '" aswell as " Honorary Patron " of the former , and Vice-President
of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , his numerous votes prove his readiness to respond to the call of Charity , and in this respect and in many other ways , our lamented Brother will be much missed as one of the most illustrious , respected , and capable Craftsmen that has ever been connected with the Grand Lodge of England .