Article Grand Mark Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Article The Dedication of King Solomon's Temple. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
A SPECIAL Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England was held on the i 8 th February at Mark Masons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , to adopt an address to the King , condoling with him in his bereavement by the death of Her late Majesty . The Earl of Euston , Pro Grand Master , presidedhaving on his right the Hon . Alan de Tatton
, Egerton , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire , Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . C . Letch Mason , Provincial Grand Master for West Yorkshire , as Past Grand Master ; Viscount Doneraile was Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Charles Belton , Junior Grand Warden . Among other brethren present were Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ; the Earl of Lathom ;
Captain N . G . Philips ; R . Loveland Loveland , K . C . ; Major Woodall , Past Grand Treasurer ; Colonel Clifford Probyn , Grand Treasurer ; Wilhelm Ganz , Past Grand Organist ' , John Strachan , K . C . ; Frank Richardson , Grand Registrar ; Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart . ; J . H . Whadcoat ; and C . F . Matier , Grand Secretary .
The Grand Organist played the " Dead March" in Saul as the Pro Grand Master and the Grand Officers proceeded up the hall , and when Grand Lodge had been opened in ample form the Grand Secretary read the notice summoning the meeting and the object for which it was called . Bro . Lord Euston then rose and said that he had taken
upon himself to call the brethren together because he thought it right and that it would be the wish of every member of the Mark Degree to sympathise with the Grand Master in his recent grief . After paying an eloquent tribute to the late Queen , Lord Euston said that he had received a letter from Sir Francis Knollys to the effect that the King was sorry
that he must resign the honour of being Grand Master of Freemasons of the Mark Degree , but adding that he would be happy to become its Patron .
Bro . de Tatton Egerton seconded the adoption of the address . Bro . C . F . Matier then read the address as follows : — To His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII . May it please your Majesty—We , the Pro Grand Master , Grand Officers , and members of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masonsm Grand Lodge assembledmost
respect-, , fully approach Your Majesty with the expression of our most heartfelt sympathy and deep grief at the loss Your Majesty , the Royal Family , and the nation have sustained by the death of our beloved and much lamented Sovereign , Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria . We would also most humbly beg to assure Your Majesty of our continued loyalty and unfailing devotion to the Throne , and our most earnest and fervent prayer is that the Great Overseer of the t ' m ' verse may
grant to Your Majesty a long , a glorious , and a prosperous reign . Given at Mark Masons' Hall , the 19 th day of February , igoi . The address was unanimously adopted , all the brethren standing . Bro . Frank Richardson next explained that , His Majesty having resigned the Grand Mastership , his nomination last
December for election on March 5 th next had become inoperative , and it would now become necessary to nominate another brother for election . He therefore moved that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to such nomination . This was seconded by Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson and carried .
Bro . Ernest Lane ( Saneta Maria Lodge ) nominated the Duke of Connaught , already a Past Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Lord Euston read a letter written on behalf of His Royal Highness thanking the brethren most cordially for offering to have him nominated , and stating that , if it should be the wish of the Mark Master Masonshis Royal Highness
, would consider it a great honour and privilege to be elected their Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) " God Save the King , " was thereafter sung , and Grand Lodge was closed in ample form .
The Dedication Of King Solomon's Temple.
The Dedication of King Solomon ' s Temple .
Mr . Ubsdell ' s Picture of the Dedication of the Temple , of which we give a reproduction , is of considerable interest to the Brotherhood , especially to those who have familiarised themselves with the portion of the Masonic ceremony which deals with the glories of that sacred edifice . To lovers of art it is equally attractive . Its merits as a painting consists not only in the able manipulation , the tasteful application of colour , and the delicate attention to
light and shade , but also in the extensive rending , the close discriminating study required to produce such a work . The trouble of ascertaining the correct measurement of the Temple and its courts as set forth in the Book of Kings , Chronicles and Ezekial would have restrained any but a bold man determined , if possible , to gain his end . The merits of the picture are undoubted , and it must add considerably to the reputation of the artist .
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Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
A SPECIAL Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England was held on the i 8 th February at Mark Masons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , to adopt an address to the King , condoling with him in his bereavement by the death of Her late Majesty . The Earl of Euston , Pro Grand Master , presidedhaving on his right the Hon . Alan de Tatton
, Egerton , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire , Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . C . Letch Mason , Provincial Grand Master for West Yorkshire , as Past Grand Master ; Viscount Doneraile was Senior Grand Warden , and Bro . Charles Belton , Junior Grand Warden . Among other brethren present were Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ; the Earl of Lathom ;
Captain N . G . Philips ; R . Loveland Loveland , K . C . ; Major Woodall , Past Grand Treasurer ; Colonel Clifford Probyn , Grand Treasurer ; Wilhelm Ganz , Past Grand Organist ' , John Strachan , K . C . ; Frank Richardson , Grand Registrar ; Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart . ; J . H . Whadcoat ; and C . F . Matier , Grand Secretary .
The Grand Organist played the " Dead March" in Saul as the Pro Grand Master and the Grand Officers proceeded up the hall , and when Grand Lodge had been opened in ample form the Grand Secretary read the notice summoning the meeting and the object for which it was called . Bro . Lord Euston then rose and said that he had taken
upon himself to call the brethren together because he thought it right and that it would be the wish of every member of the Mark Degree to sympathise with the Grand Master in his recent grief . After paying an eloquent tribute to the late Queen , Lord Euston said that he had received a letter from Sir Francis Knollys to the effect that the King was sorry
that he must resign the honour of being Grand Master of Freemasons of the Mark Degree , but adding that he would be happy to become its Patron .
Bro . de Tatton Egerton seconded the adoption of the address . Bro . C . F . Matier then read the address as follows : — To His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII . May it please your Majesty—We , the Pro Grand Master , Grand Officers , and members of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masonsm Grand Lodge assembledmost
respect-, , fully approach Your Majesty with the expression of our most heartfelt sympathy and deep grief at the loss Your Majesty , the Royal Family , and the nation have sustained by the death of our beloved and much lamented Sovereign , Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria . We would also most humbly beg to assure Your Majesty of our continued loyalty and unfailing devotion to the Throne , and our most earnest and fervent prayer is that the Great Overseer of the t ' m ' verse may
grant to Your Majesty a long , a glorious , and a prosperous reign . Given at Mark Masons' Hall , the 19 th day of February , igoi . The address was unanimously adopted , all the brethren standing . Bro . Frank Richardson next explained that , His Majesty having resigned the Grand Mastership , his nomination last
December for election on March 5 th next had become inoperative , and it would now become necessary to nominate another brother for election . He therefore moved that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to such nomination . This was seconded by Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson and carried .
Bro . Ernest Lane ( Saneta Maria Lodge ) nominated the Duke of Connaught , already a Past Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Lord Euston read a letter written on behalf of His Royal Highness thanking the brethren most cordially for offering to have him nominated , and stating that , if it should be the wish of the Mark Master Masonshis Royal Highness
, would consider it a great honour and privilege to be elected their Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) " God Save the King , " was thereafter sung , and Grand Lodge was closed in ample form .
The Dedication Of King Solomon's Temple.
The Dedication of King Solomon ' s Temple .
Mr . Ubsdell ' s Picture of the Dedication of the Temple , of which we give a reproduction , is of considerable interest to the Brotherhood , especially to those who have familiarised themselves with the portion of the Masonic ceremony which deals with the glories of that sacred edifice . To lovers of art it is equally attractive . Its merits as a painting consists not only in the able manipulation , the tasteful application of colour , and the delicate attention to
light and shade , but also in the extensive rending , the close discriminating study required to produce such a work . The trouble of ascertaining the correct measurement of the Temple and its courts as set forth in the Book of Kings , Chronicles and Ezekial would have restrained any but a bold man determined , if possible , to gain his end . The merits of the picture are undoubted , and it must add considerably to the reputation of the artist .