Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 3
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
Bro . Willing , as well as other members of his family , take . the greatest interest in the Masonic Charities . He is a Vice-Patron of all three Institutions , and has served numerou . Stewardships for each . We ought not to omit to mention that he served as a special Steward at the installation of
the M . W . Grand Master in 1875 , and at the great meetings at the Royal Albert Hall on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee . 4 » < S » *
The Anchor and Hope Lodge , Xo . 37 , Bolton , is the oldest in Lancashire , and , in fact , the oldest in the provinces ; it works under what is called a " deputation . " This was practically a power of attorney to some local brother of eminence authorising him to constitute the lodge .
There are only six known to exist in this country at present , that is as working documents . But for Athol lodges having got on to the lists and having appropriated the higher numbers , the Bolton number should be seventeen . A very well written history of the lodge was published in 1896 by
Bros . Newton and Brockbank . From this it appears that from the date of constitution until now Ihe lodge has met continuously in the same town , and possesses almost a complete set of records . The sesqui-centennial festival was held in 1882 , and was one of the most successful Masonic
functions ever held in Lancashire . Xeedless to say , a lodge with such traditions strives ( o live up to its reputation . Xoblesse oblige and the work and everything in the lodge are of the highest standard .
The first ladies' festival in connection with the Royal Warrant Holders' Lodge , Xo . 2789 , was held at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street , on Wednesday , the 12 th March , under the presidency of Bro . T . B . Tipton , P . M . 2550 , the Worshipful Master . A large number of brethren , with their lady friends , assembled , and were presented to the Worshipful
Master and Mrs . Tipton by Bro . Tatton Sykes , P . M ., Sec , acting as D . of C . The banquet was admirably served in the Great Hall , and ( lie speeches were commendably few and short . The toast of " The Ladies and Visitors" was responded to by W . Carrington Smith , Esq ., J . P ., President
of the Royal Warrant Holders' Association , who , in an eloquent and humorous speech , thanked the Worshipful Master and members of the lodge for their hospitality and entertainment . A very perfect and varied programme of music was rendered under the direction of Ashton ' s Royal
Agency . We believe , from the success which attended this festival and ( he appreciation expressed by the ladies , that we shall be quite safe in prophesying that this will become an annual institution in this important lodge .
< S . < S > « 5 . The Bournemouth Lodge of Instruction is to be congratulated not only on the zeal with which it promulgates the genuine tenets of the Order , but on adapting its organisation to the present day requirements of the brethren , by forming a- Masonic Library and Museum in connection with it . In
addition to rehearsing the ceremony of the various Degrees , the sections are worked , and original and selected papers are read by the members at the monthly meeting . The W . M and officers are elected quarterly , and the present officers are : Preceptor , Bro . J . J . Brazier , P . P . S . G . D . ; Secretary ,
Bro . W . Hawkinson ; Librarian , Bro . E . R . Whitfield , M . A . Bro . Chas . H .. Goater has designed and presented to the lodge a book plate .
At a meeting of Lodge Kelso , Xo . 5 8 ( Scottish Constitution ) , to celebrate its 200 th Anniversary , held on the 27 th February , the Rev . W . J . Clark , P . O . ' . Chaplain , made some interesting observations on ( he origin and history of this ancient lodge . He said the celebration of their second Centenary Anniversary was a function of which they
might reasonably be proud . They could look back on a long line of Masters , about seventy in : dl , through a period of 200 years . Thus , in celebrating that unique event , not only did they say in the words of the old song , "Antiquity ' s pride we
have on our side , " but they recorded the fact with grateful joy that Freemasonry had existed so long and so honourably in that town . Admiral the Hon . Sir Henry Keppel , G . C . B ., D . C . L ., is not only the grand old man of the Navy , but he is a
Masonic veteran of the forties , having been initiated so long ago as 18 49 , just fifty-two years ago . His visit recently to Singapore was made the occasion of a Masonic
celebra-BIlO . SIR tll _ NRY KI . PI'KI ., fi . C . H . —(_?*« . <» IMieithum , CM , ;;) .
tion in his honour , and the brethren of Lodge Zetland in the East , in which lodge he was initiated , assembled to the number of over 150 to extend fraternal greetings to him . The minutes of the meeting at which Sir Henry Keppel was initiated were read , and the venerable Admiral
was presented with an address , expressive of their pleasure which his visit to his mother lodge had given to the members , and congratulating him upon the long and useful life which it had pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to grant him , as well as the many honourable services he had been enabled to render to his country .
# <¦> i > The address , which was signed by the principal officers of the lodge , was enclosed in a carved sandalwood box , bearing a plate with a suitable inscription . The Admiral received the address with evident gratification , and he afterwards thanked the lodge for their great and unexpected kindness , expressing his warm wishes for the prosperity of the lodge in future years .
In a letter from Cardinal Langeneux , Archbishop ot Reims , to his subordinates , he complains that to be a Catholic to-day in France is enough to break a man ' s career while the knock of Freemasonry is an open sesame to all doors . He calls the law of associations a Socialist victory , because the ordering of the liquidation of religious property
is a decisive step toward the revision of fortunes . The power of Freemasonry , says the Cardinal , is sapping the country in its most popular incarnation—the army .
U e pay hide attention to Ihe vapourmgs of such bigoted clerics as the Archbishop of Reims , but it would be an evil da ) for Freemasonry in England if even such a hostile community as the Catholic Church could suggest an alliance of the Craft in this country with any political or sectarian organisation . Long may we preserve our old traditions and landmarks !
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
Bro . Willing , as well as other members of his family , take . the greatest interest in the Masonic Charities . He is a Vice-Patron of all three Institutions , and has served numerou . Stewardships for each . We ought not to omit to mention that he served as a special Steward at the installation of
the M . W . Grand Master in 1875 , and at the great meetings at the Royal Albert Hall on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee . 4 » < S » *
The Anchor and Hope Lodge , Xo . 37 , Bolton , is the oldest in Lancashire , and , in fact , the oldest in the provinces ; it works under what is called a " deputation . " This was practically a power of attorney to some local brother of eminence authorising him to constitute the lodge .
There are only six known to exist in this country at present , that is as working documents . But for Athol lodges having got on to the lists and having appropriated the higher numbers , the Bolton number should be seventeen . A very well written history of the lodge was published in 1896 by
Bros . Newton and Brockbank . From this it appears that from the date of constitution until now Ihe lodge has met continuously in the same town , and possesses almost a complete set of records . The sesqui-centennial festival was held in 1882 , and was one of the most successful Masonic
functions ever held in Lancashire . Xeedless to say , a lodge with such traditions strives ( o live up to its reputation . Xoblesse oblige and the work and everything in the lodge are of the highest standard .
The first ladies' festival in connection with the Royal Warrant Holders' Lodge , Xo . 2789 , was held at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street , on Wednesday , the 12 th March , under the presidency of Bro . T . B . Tipton , P . M . 2550 , the Worshipful Master . A large number of brethren , with their lady friends , assembled , and were presented to the Worshipful
Master and Mrs . Tipton by Bro . Tatton Sykes , P . M ., Sec , acting as D . of C . The banquet was admirably served in the Great Hall , and ( lie speeches were commendably few and short . The toast of " The Ladies and Visitors" was responded to by W . Carrington Smith , Esq ., J . P ., President
of the Royal Warrant Holders' Association , who , in an eloquent and humorous speech , thanked the Worshipful Master and members of the lodge for their hospitality and entertainment . A very perfect and varied programme of music was rendered under the direction of Ashton ' s Royal
Agency . We believe , from the success which attended this festival and ( he appreciation expressed by the ladies , that we shall be quite safe in prophesying that this will become an annual institution in this important lodge .
< S . < S > « 5 . The Bournemouth Lodge of Instruction is to be congratulated not only on the zeal with which it promulgates the genuine tenets of the Order , but on adapting its organisation to the present day requirements of the brethren , by forming a- Masonic Library and Museum in connection with it . In
addition to rehearsing the ceremony of the various Degrees , the sections are worked , and original and selected papers are read by the members at the monthly meeting . The W . M and officers are elected quarterly , and the present officers are : Preceptor , Bro . J . J . Brazier , P . P . S . G . D . ; Secretary ,
Bro . W . Hawkinson ; Librarian , Bro . E . R . Whitfield , M . A . Bro . Chas . H .. Goater has designed and presented to the lodge a book plate .
At a meeting of Lodge Kelso , Xo . 5 8 ( Scottish Constitution ) , to celebrate its 200 th Anniversary , held on the 27 th February , the Rev . W . J . Clark , P . O . ' . Chaplain , made some interesting observations on ( he origin and history of this ancient lodge . He said the celebration of their second Centenary Anniversary was a function of which they
might reasonably be proud . They could look back on a long line of Masters , about seventy in : dl , through a period of 200 years . Thus , in celebrating that unique event , not only did they say in the words of the old song , "Antiquity ' s pride we
have on our side , " but they recorded the fact with grateful joy that Freemasonry had existed so long and so honourably in that town . Admiral the Hon . Sir Henry Keppel , G . C . B ., D . C . L ., is not only the grand old man of the Navy , but he is a
Masonic veteran of the forties , having been initiated so long ago as 18 49 , just fifty-two years ago . His visit recently to Singapore was made the occasion of a Masonic
celebra-BIlO . SIR tll _ NRY KI . PI'KI ., fi . C . H . —(_?*« . <» IMieithum , CM , ;;) .
tion in his honour , and the brethren of Lodge Zetland in the East , in which lodge he was initiated , assembled to the number of over 150 to extend fraternal greetings to him . The minutes of the meeting at which Sir Henry Keppel was initiated were read , and the venerable Admiral
was presented with an address , expressive of their pleasure which his visit to his mother lodge had given to the members , and congratulating him upon the long and useful life which it had pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to grant him , as well as the many honourable services he had been enabled to render to his country .
# <¦> i > The address , which was signed by the principal officers of the lodge , was enclosed in a carved sandalwood box , bearing a plate with a suitable inscription . The Admiral received the address with evident gratification , and he afterwards thanked the lodge for their great and unexpected kindness , expressing his warm wishes for the prosperity of the lodge in future years .
In a letter from Cardinal Langeneux , Archbishop ot Reims , to his subordinates , he complains that to be a Catholic to-day in France is enough to break a man ' s career while the knock of Freemasonry is an open sesame to all doors . He calls the law of associations a Socialist victory , because the ordering of the liquidation of religious property
is a decisive step toward the revision of fortunes . The power of Freemasonry , says the Cardinal , is sapping the country in its most popular incarnation—the army .
U e pay hide attention to Ihe vapourmgs of such bigoted clerics as the Archbishop of Reims , but it would be an evil da ) for Freemasonry in England if even such a hostile community as the Catholic Church could suggest an alliance of the Craft in this country with any political or sectarian organisation . Long may we preserve our old traditions and landmarks !