Article Grand Mark Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Article Installation Meeting of the Eyre Lodge, No. 2742. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
''I'M IE Ouarterly Comninnication of the Grand Lodge of I Mark Master Masons was held on Tuesday , die qth . March , at Mark Masons' I bill . The M . W . Pro Grand Master the Earl ol" Elision presided . Alter the reading of
the minutes ol the last Ouarterly Communication , Bro . John Strackan , K . C .. who had been appointed to the office of Grand Registrar , was invested with the insignia of his rank . 'flic next business was the election of ihe M . W . Grand Master , and the grateful task fell to Bro . G . Phillips Parker ,
who , in a brief but effective speech , proposed His Roval Highness the Duke of Connaught to that office . The motion was seconded b y Bro . Imre Kiralfv . and carried by acclamation . Bro . Cousans , G . D . C . then proclaimed His Roval
Highness as dul y elected Most Worshipful Gland Masler for the ensuing year . Br-1 . Major Henry Wright , acting for Bro . Hobivn , ihen
prop > seil Bro . George Ivey as Grand Treasurer for the
ensuing year . Bro . C Phillips Parker seconded the motion , and the Pro Grand Master declared Bro . Iwv duly elecieil . Some discussion , originated by Bro . Laiuonby , arose in relerence to the recognition b y Grand Mark Lodge of the
Ark Mariners Degree-, in connection with the Grand Marl : Lodge of Victoria , but after an explanation by the Gram ! Registrar , the subject was dropped . Bro . Chas . Pulman drew attention lo llie case of a brother who had been deprived of his office as Grand Slew . nil for
non-payment of his proportion ol" the deficit of the Festival in June , ii ) 0 i , and moved a resolution referring the matter back to the Board ol General Purposes for reconsideration , but as there was no seconder ihe motion was dropped , and the report of thc Board adopted .
The Pro Grand Master announced thai the Duke el Connaught would be installed on June 3 rd , at llie Ring ' s Hall . Holborn Restaurant , at 3 . 30 p . m ., and that all lodges and brethren would receive timely notice .
Grand Mark Lodge was ihen closed in ample form .
Installation Meeting Of The Eyre Lodge, No. 2742.
Installation Meeting of the Eyre Lodge , No . 2742 .
r I'MIE Iointh installation of this prosperous lodge was held J [ in Tuesday , March 18 th , at the Evrc Arm ' s Hotel , Si . John ' s Wood , in the presence of upwards of 100 brethren . Alter conferring the Second Degree on one of the
members , the outgoing Master , W . Bro . | . I ) . Graham , P . M . 1551 ) . installed the W . M . elect , W . Bro . Fred . Arnold , P . M . 1 ( 124 : m ( l - ' 55 ° . P . P . Grand Supt . of Works , Hertfordshire .
into the chair , assisted by a numerous Board of Installed Masters , in a very dignified and impressive manner . W . Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , acting as 1 ) . of C The new W . M . then initialed three candidales . A
favourable balance sheet was presented and passed , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned lo a well-served banquet .
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Grand Mark Lodge.
Grand Mark Lodge .
''I'M IE Ouarterly Comninnication of the Grand Lodge of I Mark Master Masons was held on Tuesday , die qth . March , at Mark Masons' I bill . The M . W . Pro Grand Master the Earl ol" Elision presided . Alter the reading of
the minutes ol the last Ouarterly Communication , Bro . John Strackan , K . C .. who had been appointed to the office of Grand Registrar , was invested with the insignia of his rank . 'flic next business was the election of ihe M . W . Grand Master , and the grateful task fell to Bro . G . Phillips Parker ,
who , in a brief but effective speech , proposed His Roval Highness the Duke of Connaught to that office . The motion was seconded b y Bro . Imre Kiralfv . and carried by acclamation . Bro . Cousans , G . D . C . then proclaimed His Roval
Highness as dul y elected Most Worshipful Gland Masler for the ensuing year . Br-1 . Major Henry Wright , acting for Bro . Hobivn , ihen
prop > seil Bro . George Ivey as Grand Treasurer for the
ensuing year . Bro . C Phillips Parker seconded the motion , and the Pro Grand Master declared Bro . Iwv duly elecieil . Some discussion , originated by Bro . Laiuonby , arose in relerence to the recognition b y Grand Mark Lodge of the
Ark Mariners Degree-, in connection with the Grand Marl : Lodge of Victoria , but after an explanation by the Gram ! Registrar , the subject was dropped . Bro . Chas . Pulman drew attention lo llie case of a brother who had been deprived of his office as Grand Slew . nil for
non-payment of his proportion ol" the deficit of the Festival in June , ii ) 0 i , and moved a resolution referring the matter back to the Board ol General Purposes for reconsideration , but as there was no seconder ihe motion was dropped , and the report of thc Board adopted .
The Pro Grand Master announced thai the Duke el Connaught would be installed on June 3 rd , at llie Ring ' s Hall . Holborn Restaurant , at 3 . 30 p . m ., and that all lodges and brethren would receive timely notice .
Grand Mark Lodge was ihen closed in ample form .
Installation Meeting Of The Eyre Lodge, No. 2742.
Installation Meeting of the Eyre Lodge , No . 2742 .
r I'MIE Iointh installation of this prosperous lodge was held J [ in Tuesday , March 18 th , at the Evrc Arm ' s Hotel , Si . John ' s Wood , in the presence of upwards of 100 brethren . Alter conferring the Second Degree on one of the
members , the outgoing Master , W . Bro . | . I ) . Graham , P . M . 1551 ) . installed the W . M . elect , W . Bro . Fred . Arnold , P . M . 1 ( 124 : m ( l - ' 55 ° . P . P . Grand Supt . of Works , Hertfordshire .
into the chair , assisted by a numerous Board of Installed Masters , in a very dignified and impressive manner . W . Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , acting as 1 ) . of C The new W . M . then initialed three candidales . A
favourable balance sheet was presented and passed , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned lo a well-served banquet .