Article Installation Meeting of the Yorick Lodge, No. 2771. ← Page 2 of 2 Article "In Praise of Friendship." Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meeting Of The Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
The musical programme was of a very high class , and was sustained by Mesdames Jessie Hotine and Blanche Gaston Murray , Bros . Edgar Barnes , Broughtou Black , Mel . B . Spurr , Sidney Gaudy , Duncan Tovey and Harrison Hill . The W . M ., in felicitous terms , proposed the usual toasts . For that of " The Officers of Grand Lodge , " V . W . Bro . the
Ven . Archdeacon of London responded . He said his conception of Freemasonry was that of perfect liberty and perfect fraternity , and he knew of no otner home where these could be found in such perfect harmony . W . Bro . Terry , in responding , thanked the Installing Master on behalf of all the Charities for his handsome
contribution to their funds announced in the lodge that evening . He also thanked the brethren for following the excellent example in adding a like amount . The toast of " The W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Penley in a speech of considerable feeling and affection , expressing
the pleasure it gave him to be present and to instal his friend in the chair he had just vacated . He humorously referred to his own installation , when he found it difficult to adequately fill the Master ' s chair , and was glad of the support and countenance of stalwart brethren on either side of him .
The W . M ., in the course of an able response , said he did not feel a stranger in that chair , for during the past two years he had been frequently called upon to occupy it , but his position that night was somewhat different and he would endeavour to uphold the dignity of the chair , sustain the good fellowship of the brethren , and maintain the excellent work
in the lodge . Bj- a coincidence it was fifteen years ago that day since he was initiated into Freemasonry by an old and valued friend , whose hand in life he could no longer grip , who taught him lessons which he would never forget . He had never regretted the step he took at that time , and the lessons of that day could be applied then—use influence for
good , be a good example to each other , and ever act up to the precepts of the Craft . In proposing the toast of "The Installing Master , " the W . M . referred to the distinguished place that Bro . Penley occupied in Freemasonry , and the able manner in which he had discharged his duties during the preceding year , and it
was no surprise to them that night to listen to his rendering of the ceremony , at once instinct with eloquence , feeling and beauty . He was a liberal benefactor to the Charities , and the Craft was to be congratulated on his return to active Freemasonry . In the name of the lodge he had great pleasure in pinning on his breast a Past Master ' s jewel as a
slight token of their regard and affection . Bro . Penley , in the course of an interesting reply , deprecated the kind things said of him . It had been his earnest endeavour during the past year to uphold the dignity of the chair . He had tried to do justice to the beautiful language he spoke , and tried to impress the brethren with its
charm , cordiality , and dignity . It is interesting to note here that Bro . Penley is Master designate of the Pen and Brush Lodge , just granted a warrant . The W . M . proposed the toast of "The Officers" in very handsome terms , and congratulated himself on the efficient manner in which he would be supported .
The S . W ., Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , the former able and energetic Secretary , thanked the W . M . on behalf of the officers , and promised that he would put the same energy into the work of that chair that he had done in the office just vacated . He mentioned as another of the coincidences , that on the installation day twelve months hence , when he
hoped to take a step higher , that he would celebrate his silver wedding . Other toasts folloyved .
"In Praise Of Friendship."
"In Praise of Friendship . "
IT does not appear to be generally known that Freemasonry has the honour of claiming as one of its members the immortal and incomparable composer , Mozart , and our readers , we feel sure , will thank us for bringing under their notice a work by the great master , which was performed by
a circle of friends under his own direction two days before his last illness . It is a Cantata upon the dedication of a Freemason ' s lodge in Vienna . It has now been arranged for English-speaking Freemasons by Bro . George C . Dusart , of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 311 , and is
published by Davis and Co ., Arundel Street , Strand . Bro . Herbert Hodge has favoured us with the following notice of the work : — This is a short and easy Masonic cantata for male voice chorus with tenor and bass solos and duets . The work commences with a martial chorus in three parts ( two tenors
and bass ) , in the key of C , bold and stirring in character , in the form of a march , and introducing a short trio . The music intended for the ceremony of initiation consists of a recitative for tenor , and an effective though simple duet for two tenors . This movement is followed by another recitative and aria for
tenor , more extended in length , referring to the Fellow Craft Degree . The music for the Third Degree begins with a tenor and bass recitative , and after a rhythmical duet in triple time , " Hail the perfect Master Mason , " in the key of F , in true Mozartian style , the cantata concludes by the first chorus being repeated .
This work , though so uncomplicated in construction , diatonic in style , and easy of performance , is the last finished composition of the famous Mozart , who was himself an earnest Mason , and attended the meetings of his lodge to within three weeks of his death .
l- ' or those who might desire orchestral accompaniment , instead of piano alone , the cantata is scored for the following instruments , viz ., two violins , viola , violoncello , double bass , flute , two oboes , and two horns , and has the advantage of not requiring male altos , the highest part being written within the ordinary compass of the tenor voice .
"The Praise of Friendship " ' may be strongly recommended for ordinary lodge meetings , at which it would be heartily welcomed by reason of its tuneful attractiveness as well as for its moderate length ; each number being complete in itself , a selection of various movements , if considered desirable , might be made without difficulty .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . TheHicksBeachMasonicMusicalService FOR THE THREE DEGREES OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOK . BRO . HAROLD CADLI ; , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed by BROS . C . H . LLOYD , Mus , DOC , REV . G . C . E . RYLKY , M . A ., Mus . Baa , HAROLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meeting Of The Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
The musical programme was of a very high class , and was sustained by Mesdames Jessie Hotine and Blanche Gaston Murray , Bros . Edgar Barnes , Broughtou Black , Mel . B . Spurr , Sidney Gaudy , Duncan Tovey and Harrison Hill . The W . M ., in felicitous terms , proposed the usual toasts . For that of " The Officers of Grand Lodge , " V . W . Bro . the
Ven . Archdeacon of London responded . He said his conception of Freemasonry was that of perfect liberty and perfect fraternity , and he knew of no otner home where these could be found in such perfect harmony . W . Bro . Terry , in responding , thanked the Installing Master on behalf of all the Charities for his handsome
contribution to their funds announced in the lodge that evening . He also thanked the brethren for following the excellent example in adding a like amount . The toast of " The W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Penley in a speech of considerable feeling and affection , expressing
the pleasure it gave him to be present and to instal his friend in the chair he had just vacated . He humorously referred to his own installation , when he found it difficult to adequately fill the Master ' s chair , and was glad of the support and countenance of stalwart brethren on either side of him .
The W . M ., in the course of an able response , said he did not feel a stranger in that chair , for during the past two years he had been frequently called upon to occupy it , but his position that night was somewhat different and he would endeavour to uphold the dignity of the chair , sustain the good fellowship of the brethren , and maintain the excellent work
in the lodge . Bj- a coincidence it was fifteen years ago that day since he was initiated into Freemasonry by an old and valued friend , whose hand in life he could no longer grip , who taught him lessons which he would never forget . He had never regretted the step he took at that time , and the lessons of that day could be applied then—use influence for
good , be a good example to each other , and ever act up to the precepts of the Craft . In proposing the toast of "The Installing Master , " the W . M . referred to the distinguished place that Bro . Penley occupied in Freemasonry , and the able manner in which he had discharged his duties during the preceding year , and it
was no surprise to them that night to listen to his rendering of the ceremony , at once instinct with eloquence , feeling and beauty . He was a liberal benefactor to the Charities , and the Craft was to be congratulated on his return to active Freemasonry . In the name of the lodge he had great pleasure in pinning on his breast a Past Master ' s jewel as a
slight token of their regard and affection . Bro . Penley , in the course of an interesting reply , deprecated the kind things said of him . It had been his earnest endeavour during the past year to uphold the dignity of the chair . He had tried to do justice to the beautiful language he spoke , and tried to impress the brethren with its
charm , cordiality , and dignity . It is interesting to note here that Bro . Penley is Master designate of the Pen and Brush Lodge , just granted a warrant . The W . M . proposed the toast of "The Officers" in very handsome terms , and congratulated himself on the efficient manner in which he would be supported .
The S . W ., Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , the former able and energetic Secretary , thanked the W . M . on behalf of the officers , and promised that he would put the same energy into the work of that chair that he had done in the office just vacated . He mentioned as another of the coincidences , that on the installation day twelve months hence , when he
hoped to take a step higher , that he would celebrate his silver wedding . Other toasts folloyved .
"In Praise Of Friendship."
"In Praise of Friendship . "
IT does not appear to be generally known that Freemasonry has the honour of claiming as one of its members the immortal and incomparable composer , Mozart , and our readers , we feel sure , will thank us for bringing under their notice a work by the great master , which was performed by
a circle of friends under his own direction two days before his last illness . It is a Cantata upon the dedication of a Freemason ' s lodge in Vienna . It has now been arranged for English-speaking Freemasons by Bro . George C . Dusart , of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 311 , and is
published by Davis and Co ., Arundel Street , Strand . Bro . Herbert Hodge has favoured us with the following notice of the work : — This is a short and easy Masonic cantata for male voice chorus with tenor and bass solos and duets . The work commences with a martial chorus in three parts ( two tenors
and bass ) , in the key of C , bold and stirring in character , in the form of a march , and introducing a short trio . The music intended for the ceremony of initiation consists of a recitative for tenor , and an effective though simple duet for two tenors . This movement is followed by another recitative and aria for
tenor , more extended in length , referring to the Fellow Craft Degree . The music for the Third Degree begins with a tenor and bass recitative , and after a rhythmical duet in triple time , " Hail the perfect Master Mason , " in the key of F , in true Mozartian style , the cantata concludes by the first chorus being repeated .
This work , though so uncomplicated in construction , diatonic in style , and easy of performance , is the last finished composition of the famous Mozart , who was himself an earnest Mason , and attended the meetings of his lodge to within three weeks of his death .
l- ' or those who might desire orchestral accompaniment , instead of piano alone , the cantata is scored for the following instruments , viz ., two violins , viola , violoncello , double bass , flute , two oboes , and two horns , and has the advantage of not requiring male altos , the highest part being written within the ordinary compass of the tenor voice .
"The Praise of Friendship " ' may be strongly recommended for ordinary lodge meetings , at which it would be heartily welcomed by reason of its tuneful attractiveness as well as for its moderate length ; each number being complete in itself , a selection of various movements , if considered desirable , might be made without difficulty .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . TheHicksBeachMasonicMusicalService FOR THE THREE DEGREES OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOK . BRO . HAROLD CADLI ; , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed by BROS . C . H . LLOYD , Mus , DOC , REV . G . C . E . RYLKY , M . A ., Mus . Baa , HAROLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .