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History Of The Emulation Lodge Ofimprovement , No. 256.—— (Continued).
" Brother Wilson , I have , in the observations I have addressed to the lodge and to you , refrained from using terms of fulsome praise or any expression which might be considered over-laudatory , feeling that I best consult the wishes of the brethren who have placed me here ; and that anything more than the plain and honest
truth would , so far from being grateful to your feelings , be annoying to one of your earnest , simple , and honourable disposition . Permit me , in the name of this meeting , to beg you to accept these gifts , and with them , to assure you that you possess that far greater reward , that which all good men
covet—the respect , the approbation , and the affection of your brethren . '" Although it is not quite clear that Stephen Barton Wilson directly followed Gilkes in the leadership , I am of opinion that as the older members dropped out he came to the front , and that within a few years of Gilkes ' s death he was the
acknowledged leader , or President , of the lodge . There can be no doubt that he took an active interest in the affairs of the lodge from the period of his joining it , for in 18 34 his name is mentioned amongst those who attended for the purpose of instructing their younger brethren ; and , at the
Annual Festival in 18 37 , a motion was " unanimously carried that a subscription should be opened for the purpose of presenting Bro . S . B . Wilson with a Masonic jewel , to mark the high sense entertained by the brethren for the great and valuable services rendered bv him to the lodge . "
Replying to a correspondent , the Editor of the Freemasons' Ouarterly Review , 18 3 8 , says : "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( now held at Evans' Hotel , Covent Garden ) may be considered as a standard in working . " Formerly , very few , if any , of the lodges of instruction worked the ceremony of installation of Master ; and I am
inclined to think that credit is due to Bro . Wilson for having introduced that ceremony as a portion of the regular programme in his favourite lodge , and also for having inaugurated the practice of doing some real Masonic work at the Annual Festivals . In the report of the Festival for 18 41 , the writer says : "We were much pleased to observe
that one of the most important ceremonials of the Order , that of the installation of Master , was lixed to be practised on the first Friday in the months of November , December , January , and February . This intelligence will be gratefully welcomed by the Afetropolitan and Provincial brethren , the
latter more especially , as they will have an opportunity of witnessing the most correct mode of conducting this great Masonic duty . " In the report of the Festival of the following year reference is again made to the ceremony of installation , " which is here performed with the most scrupulous regard to correctness , and is , as mav readily be conceived ,
Yenattractive . We were greatly delighted to find , at our last visit , that Bro . S . B . Wilson was sufficiently recovered to- be able to conduct this important ritual with his accustomed zeal ; and although the attendance was very numerous , our only surprise was that the Provincial Masters did not muster in greater strength . " I may observe that from the year 18 41
down to the present time this ceremony has been regularl y practised during the winter months in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; I do not imply that it was not worked even at an earlier period ; on the contrary , I am inclined to the opinion that it was worked occasionally , probabl y for
some years , before it was deemed advisable to introduce it as a part of the regular programme . It is quite certain , however , that from within fourteen years of the promulgation of the authorised ceremony of installation it has been constantly rehearsed under the eyes , as it were , of the
lawfully constituted Masonic authorities . Stephen Barton Wilson died on the 25 th of April , 1866 , and at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , on the 6 th of [ une , " Bro . J . Cooper Foster , P . M . No . 162 , pursuant to notice , moved— 'That there be recorded on the minutes of Grand Lodge an expression of the feeling of the members , and
especially of the younger brethren of the Craft , for the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by the death of its active , energetic , and esteemed Brother Stephen Barton Wilson ,
who , by his untiring zeal and devotion to its interest , has done much towards inculcating the right principles of the Order , and who held the office of President of ( he Emulation Lodge of Improvement for a period of thirty years , during which time he greatly increased the knowledge of Masonry , and wen the esteem and respect of all his brother
Masons . ' 'That a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of the late Stephen Barton Wilson . ' The motion was seconded by Bro . John Savage and carried unanimously . " Probably the oldest member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement known to the writer was the late William Farnlield , Past Assistant Grand Secretary , who was initiated
in the Lodge of Unions in 1825 , and joined the " Emulation " the following year . He evinced a warm and active interest in the affairs of the lodge until advancing age compelled him to take a less prominent part in the esoteric concerns of the Craft generally , but up to within a few years of his death
his well known and venerable figure was invariably found occupying the distinguished post of " father of the lodge " at its Annual Festivals . On his retirement from the Assistant
Grand Secretaryship in 1866 , of which office he was the first occupier , Bro . Farnlield had been forty-one years in the service of the Grand Lodge , consequently his knowledge of the ceremonies , customs , and laws of the Order must have been almost as extensive as that of his former colleague , W . H . White , Past Grand Secretary .
I avail myself of the present opportunity for recording my gratitude to Bro . William Farnlield for having been the first to offer me a helping hand towards the stud ) " of the history of the Craft , by presenting me with sundry volumes of Masonic literature which , he remarked , / might find
useful at some future time , as indeed I have , and in all probability had it not been for that present of books this sketch would never have been written .
WILLIAM I- 'AI . NFII . LD , I ' . A . C . SKCHI-. TARY . The Memorial addressed to the Grand Master on the subject of a special license is in his handwriting , as is also the copy of the reply thereto in the Letter Book . I am indebted to this worthy and distinguished brother for the
slight knowledge I have of the early history and management of the " Emulation , " and I much regret that at the period when I first began to interest myself in the lodge history his health was such that it was not deemed advisable to trouble him too much about the past or question him upon any subject likely to tax his memory , or doubtless I
should have been the recipient of much valuable information , now lost beyond recovery . ( To be Continued ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Ofimprovement , No. 256.—— (Continued).
" Brother Wilson , I have , in the observations I have addressed to the lodge and to you , refrained from using terms of fulsome praise or any expression which might be considered over-laudatory , feeling that I best consult the wishes of the brethren who have placed me here ; and that anything more than the plain and honest
truth would , so far from being grateful to your feelings , be annoying to one of your earnest , simple , and honourable disposition . Permit me , in the name of this meeting , to beg you to accept these gifts , and with them , to assure you that you possess that far greater reward , that which all good men
covet—the respect , the approbation , and the affection of your brethren . '" Although it is not quite clear that Stephen Barton Wilson directly followed Gilkes in the leadership , I am of opinion that as the older members dropped out he came to the front , and that within a few years of Gilkes ' s death he was the
acknowledged leader , or President , of the lodge . There can be no doubt that he took an active interest in the affairs of the lodge from the period of his joining it , for in 18 34 his name is mentioned amongst those who attended for the purpose of instructing their younger brethren ; and , at the
Annual Festival in 18 37 , a motion was " unanimously carried that a subscription should be opened for the purpose of presenting Bro . S . B . Wilson with a Masonic jewel , to mark the high sense entertained by the brethren for the great and valuable services rendered bv him to the lodge . "
Replying to a correspondent , the Editor of the Freemasons' Ouarterly Review , 18 3 8 , says : "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement ( now held at Evans' Hotel , Covent Garden ) may be considered as a standard in working . " Formerly , very few , if any , of the lodges of instruction worked the ceremony of installation of Master ; and I am
inclined to think that credit is due to Bro . Wilson for having introduced that ceremony as a portion of the regular programme in his favourite lodge , and also for having inaugurated the practice of doing some real Masonic work at the Annual Festivals . In the report of the Festival for 18 41 , the writer says : "We were much pleased to observe
that one of the most important ceremonials of the Order , that of the installation of Master , was lixed to be practised on the first Friday in the months of November , December , January , and February . This intelligence will be gratefully welcomed by the Afetropolitan and Provincial brethren , the
latter more especially , as they will have an opportunity of witnessing the most correct mode of conducting this great Masonic duty . " In the report of the Festival of the following year reference is again made to the ceremony of installation , " which is here performed with the most scrupulous regard to correctness , and is , as mav readily be conceived ,
Yenattractive . We were greatly delighted to find , at our last visit , that Bro . S . B . Wilson was sufficiently recovered to- be able to conduct this important ritual with his accustomed zeal ; and although the attendance was very numerous , our only surprise was that the Provincial Masters did not muster in greater strength . " I may observe that from the year 18 41
down to the present time this ceremony has been regularl y practised during the winter months in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ; I do not imply that it was not worked even at an earlier period ; on the contrary , I am inclined to the opinion that it was worked occasionally , probabl y for
some years , before it was deemed advisable to introduce it as a part of the regular programme . It is quite certain , however , that from within fourteen years of the promulgation of the authorised ceremony of installation it has been constantly rehearsed under the eyes , as it were , of the
lawfully constituted Masonic authorities . Stephen Barton Wilson died on the 25 th of April , 1866 , and at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , on the 6 th of [ une , " Bro . J . Cooper Foster , P . M . No . 162 , pursuant to notice , moved— 'That there be recorded on the minutes of Grand Lodge an expression of the feeling of the members , and
especially of the younger brethren of the Craft , for the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by the death of its active , energetic , and esteemed Brother Stephen Barton Wilson ,
who , by his untiring zeal and devotion to its interest , has done much towards inculcating the right principles of the Order , and who held the office of President of ( he Emulation Lodge of Improvement for a period of thirty years , during which time he greatly increased the knowledge of Masonry , and wen the esteem and respect of all his brother
Masons . ' 'That a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of the late Stephen Barton Wilson . ' The motion was seconded by Bro . John Savage and carried unanimously . " Probably the oldest member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement known to the writer was the late William Farnlield , Past Assistant Grand Secretary , who was initiated
in the Lodge of Unions in 1825 , and joined the " Emulation " the following year . He evinced a warm and active interest in the affairs of the lodge until advancing age compelled him to take a less prominent part in the esoteric concerns of the Craft generally , but up to within a few years of his death
his well known and venerable figure was invariably found occupying the distinguished post of " father of the lodge " at its Annual Festivals . On his retirement from the Assistant
Grand Secretaryship in 1866 , of which office he was the first occupier , Bro . Farnlield had been forty-one years in the service of the Grand Lodge , consequently his knowledge of the ceremonies , customs , and laws of the Order must have been almost as extensive as that of his former colleague , W . H . White , Past Grand Secretary .
I avail myself of the present opportunity for recording my gratitude to Bro . William Farnlield for having been the first to offer me a helping hand towards the stud ) " of the history of the Craft , by presenting me with sundry volumes of Masonic literature which , he remarked , / might find
useful at some future time , as indeed I have , and in all probability had it not been for that present of books this sketch would never have been written .
WILLIAM I- 'AI . NFII . LD , I ' . A . C . SKCHI-. TARY . The Memorial addressed to the Grand Master on the subject of a special license is in his handwriting , as is also the copy of the reply thereto in the Letter Book . I am indebted to this worthy and distinguished brother for the
slight knowledge I have of the early history and management of the " Emulation , " and I much regret that at the period when I first began to interest myself in the lodge history his health was such that it was not deemed advisable to trouble him too much about the past or question him upon any subject likely to tax his memory , or doubtless I
should have been the recipient of much valuable information , now lost beyond recovery . ( To be Continued ) .