Article Freemasonry in Victoria (Ausfralia). ← Page 5 of 5 Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry In Victoria (Ausfralia).
Masonry in Victoria , it would be almost superfluous to remark , lias played its pari in the erection of many " stately and superb edifices , " especially in the capital city . Amongst them . I ' roni the year 1842 lo 1 S 85 , maybe enumerated the first Supreme Court , the lirsl Prince ' s Bridge , the Melbourne Hospital , thc 'I ' eniperaiiee Hall , the Benevolent Asylum , the
Gasworks , the Western . Markets , the Australian Church , and last , but not least , the Freemasons' Homes ( like our K . M . B . I . buildings at Croydon ) , and the imposing Freemasons' Hall and Club , heading this article , the corner stone ol which was laid bv Sir William Clarke in iSS ^ . A project was started
several wars ago , having lor its object the acquirement ol the Melbourne Freemasons' Hall as a home for the Victorian Cral ' l . similar to the headquarters ol' llie English Cratl 111 London ; bill the scheme was so strongly discountenanced b y llie country lodges , the great majority ol" which , as well as lhosL- in ihe suburbs , possess halls of their own . that it was
eventually dropped . It is ink-resting to note thai the Constitutions ol the Victorian Craft were founded on those of the Grand Lodge of Kngland , with some important alterations . For instance , it is provided that an Installed Master of a recognised Constitution is eligible for the chair in a Victorian lodge . Again everv Grand Officer ( Organist and Heralds excepted ) must
be an Installed Master . This is widely 111 contrast to our English custom , as the onl y Installed . Master qualification in Grand Lodge is the Grand Registrar , whilst in Provinces ami Districts the chief need not be an Installed Master , but his Deputy and Wardens must hold that rank . The latter dictum is strangely contradictory , when it is seen that the
Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens in Grand Lodge do not require to be . Masters or Last Masters . In this connection the Victorian Craft , with less than one lodge lo England ' s ten lodges , ami consequently a most limited held in regard to qualified brethren , must he held lo be consistent !)
marching with llie limes . But , lo many people ' s minds , the most ink-resting part of thc Victorian Book of Constitutions is llie circumstance that the system of election and appointment to Grand Lodge and private lodge < flice is precisely 011 the lines of England , as was agreed when the laws were promulgated by vole of Grand Lodge . The pernicious
system of touting for office , as it prevails all along the line in neighbouring Grand Lodges , is thus happil y avoided in Victoria , the onl y elected < fliccrs . of course , being the Grand . Master and Grand Treasurer . And it is provided that the
enactment shall continue lor all tune . There is a Grand Chapter of Victoria , on the same basis as our English system , also a Grand Lodge of Mark Mastcr Masons , the latter being separate and distinct from thcGranil Lodge ( Craft ) , though the Mark Degree is incorporated in
the Roval Arch as a part of Craft Freemasonry . Singularly , while ( he Mark Grand Lodge includes llie Ark . Mariner , the Grand Lodge ( Craft ) does not recognise that degree . There has been for many years a Chapter of the Ancient and Accepted Rite working in . Melbourne , under the Supreme Council
of England , likewise a Prccepiory of Knights Templar under the ( beat Priory of England . A so-called Great Priory ol Victoria , embracing i ' receptoi ies of Canadian origin , exist , in Melbourne , bul it is not a legitimate body , as declared bv the Great Priory of England . The curious part of the
business is the fact that ihe Great Priory of Canada , which chartered these preccptories . practically renounced them , under remonstrance from England , succeeding which the said preccptories formed themselves into a " Supreme Grand Priory of Victoria . " There were some dozen years or so
ago two conclaves of the Retl Cross of Rome and Conslantinc in Melbourne , but . in common with several others 111 Xew South Wales and New Zealand , they are practical !) extinct .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
r pllE ( uiarlerlv Communication of Grand Lodge was held I on die 5 U 1 March al Freemasons' Hall , the M . W . Pro Grand . Master , llie Earl Amherst , presiding . W . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel John Davis , A . D . C , Prov . Grand Master for Surrey , acted as Deputy Grand Master , anil Bro . llie Right I Ion . Thomas F . Halsey . M . I ' ., as Past Grand Master .
After tin- minutes of the lasl Ouurtcrly Communication had been read by llie Grand Secretary , llie MAV . Pro Grand Mas - , ei asked for a proposition for llie office of Grand Master . winch was responded to by Bro . Thomas Waklcv , W . M . ol the Cheselden Lodge , No . 2870 , who , in a concise and
effective speecli , submitted llie name of His Roval Highness ihe Duke of Connauglil for re-election . Bro . Major Badliani -aid : As an Irishman , he deemed it a special p leasure and privilege to second the proposition . His Roval Highness , he said , was loved , esteemed , and
respected by persons ol every class . The M . W . Pro Grand Master then declared His Roval Highness the Duke of Connauglil duly elected as Most Worshi p ful Grand Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Frank Richardson . P . G . Reg .. Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies , then proclaimed His Royal 11 ighness as dul y
elected . The Pro Grand Master I hen announced dial as only one brother had been nominated for llie office ol Grand Treasurer , he declared W . Bro . Captain John Barlow dub elected .
The reports of the Board of Benevolence and of the Board of General Purposes having been respectively taken as read , the Grand Registrar , Bn > . John Strachan . K . C ., proceeded to mow thc motion which stood in his name to add to Rule 175 of the Book of Constitutions . Ihe following
provision : — " 175 ... Should a member be four years in arrear , he shall thereupon cease lo be a member of the lodge , and can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Rule 1 X 9 . The lodge may require payment of die arrears as a condition precedent lo election .
This Rule shall not prevent a lodge proceeding against any of ils members under Rule 210 for iion-pavmcnl of contributions according toils bve-laws , for a shorter period than four wars . When a brother ceases lo be a member under this Rule , ihe fact shall be forthwith iioiiliid to the Grand ' District
Secretary . and . h ' ihe lodge be within a Province or , also to ' the Provincial or District ( band Lodge . The provisions of Rule 211 . , and 213 , shall apply > " ^ 'U case , as if llie brother had been excluded by vole . " Pro . Frank Richardson seconded ihe motion , and alter
some discussion . 111 which Bros . Nightingale . A . A . Frigout . A . G . Collins , and others took part , the suggestion previously thrown 0111 bv Bro . Slrachan thai ihe limit of lime should be three years instead of four , was adopted , and Hie motion as amended was carried iiem . < oii . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Victoria (Ausfralia).
Masonry in Victoria , it would be almost superfluous to remark , lias played its pari in the erection of many " stately and superb edifices , " especially in the capital city . Amongst them . I ' roni the year 1842 lo 1 S 85 , maybe enumerated the first Supreme Court , the lirsl Prince ' s Bridge , the Melbourne Hospital , thc 'I ' eniperaiiee Hall , the Benevolent Asylum , the
Gasworks , the Western . Markets , the Australian Church , and last , but not least , the Freemasons' Homes ( like our K . M . B . I . buildings at Croydon ) , and the imposing Freemasons' Hall and Club , heading this article , the corner stone ol which was laid bv Sir William Clarke in iSS ^ . A project was started
several wars ago , having lor its object the acquirement ol the Melbourne Freemasons' Hall as a home for the Victorian Cral ' l . similar to the headquarters ol' llie English Cratl 111 London ; bill the scheme was so strongly discountenanced b y llie country lodges , the great majority ol" which , as well as lhosL- in ihe suburbs , possess halls of their own . that it was
eventually dropped . It is ink-resting to note thai the Constitutions ol the Victorian Craft were founded on those of the Grand Lodge of Kngland , with some important alterations . For instance , it is provided that an Installed Master of a recognised Constitution is eligible for the chair in a Victorian lodge . Again everv Grand Officer ( Organist and Heralds excepted ) must
be an Installed Master . This is widely 111 contrast to our English custom , as the onl y Installed . Master qualification in Grand Lodge is the Grand Registrar , whilst in Provinces ami Districts the chief need not be an Installed Master , but his Deputy and Wardens must hold that rank . The latter dictum is strangely contradictory , when it is seen that the
Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens in Grand Lodge do not require to be . Masters or Last Masters . In this connection the Victorian Craft , with less than one lodge lo England ' s ten lodges , ami consequently a most limited held in regard to qualified brethren , must he held lo be consistent !)
marching with llie limes . But , lo many people ' s minds , the most ink-resting part of thc Victorian Book of Constitutions is llie circumstance that the system of election and appointment to Grand Lodge and private lodge < flice is precisely 011 the lines of England , as was agreed when the laws were promulgated by vole of Grand Lodge . The pernicious
system of touting for office , as it prevails all along the line in neighbouring Grand Lodges , is thus happil y avoided in Victoria , the onl y elected < fliccrs . of course , being the Grand . Master and Grand Treasurer . And it is provided that the
enactment shall continue lor all tune . There is a Grand Chapter of Victoria , on the same basis as our English system , also a Grand Lodge of Mark Mastcr Masons , the latter being separate and distinct from thcGranil Lodge ( Craft ) , though the Mark Degree is incorporated in
the Roval Arch as a part of Craft Freemasonry . Singularly , while ( he Mark Grand Lodge includes llie Ark . Mariner , the Grand Lodge ( Craft ) does not recognise that degree . There has been for many years a Chapter of the Ancient and Accepted Rite working in . Melbourne , under the Supreme Council
of England , likewise a Prccepiory of Knights Templar under the ( beat Priory of England . A so-called Great Priory ol Victoria , embracing i ' receptoi ies of Canadian origin , exist , in Melbourne , bul it is not a legitimate body , as declared bv the Great Priory of England . The curious part of the
business is the fact that ihe Great Priory of Canada , which chartered these preccptories . practically renounced them , under remonstrance from England , succeeding which the said preccptories formed themselves into a " Supreme Grand Priory of Victoria . " There were some dozen years or so
ago two conclaves of the Retl Cross of Rome and Conslantinc in Melbourne , but . in common with several others 111 Xew South Wales and New Zealand , they are practical !) extinct .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
r pllE ( uiarlerlv Communication of Grand Lodge was held I on die 5 U 1 March al Freemasons' Hall , the M . W . Pro Grand . Master , llie Earl Amherst , presiding . W . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel John Davis , A . D . C , Prov . Grand Master for Surrey , acted as Deputy Grand Master , anil Bro . llie Right I Ion . Thomas F . Halsey . M . I ' ., as Past Grand Master .
After tin- minutes of the lasl Ouurtcrly Communication had been read by llie Grand Secretary , llie MAV . Pro Grand Mas - , ei asked for a proposition for llie office of Grand Master . winch was responded to by Bro . Thomas Waklcv , W . M . ol the Cheselden Lodge , No . 2870 , who , in a concise and
effective speecli , submitted llie name of His Roval Highness ihe Duke of Connauglil for re-election . Bro . Major Badliani -aid : As an Irishman , he deemed it a special p leasure and privilege to second the proposition . His Roval Highness , he said , was loved , esteemed , and
respected by persons ol every class . The M . W . Pro Grand Master then declared His Roval Highness the Duke of Connauglil duly elected as Most Worshi p ful Grand Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Frank Richardson . P . G . Reg .. Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies , then proclaimed His Royal 11 ighness as dul y
elected . The Pro Grand Master I hen announced dial as only one brother had been nominated for llie office ol Grand Treasurer , he declared W . Bro . Captain John Barlow dub elected .
The reports of the Board of Benevolence and of the Board of General Purposes having been respectively taken as read , the Grand Registrar , Bn > . John Strachan . K . C ., proceeded to mow thc motion which stood in his name to add to Rule 175 of the Book of Constitutions . Ihe following
provision : — " 175 ... Should a member be four years in arrear , he shall thereupon cease lo be a member of the lodge , and can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Rule 1 X 9 . The lodge may require payment of die arrears as a condition precedent lo election .
This Rule shall not prevent a lodge proceeding against any of ils members under Rule 210 for iion-pavmcnl of contributions according toils bve-laws , for a shorter period than four wars . When a brother ceases lo be a member under this Rule , ihe fact shall be forthwith iioiiliid to the Grand ' District
Secretary . and . h ' ihe lodge be within a Province or , also to ' the Provincial or District ( band Lodge . The provisions of Rule 211 . , and 213 , shall apply > " ^ 'U case , as if llie brother had been excluded by vole . " Pro . Frank Richardson seconded ihe motion , and alter
some discussion . 111 which Bros . Nightingale . A . A . Frigout . A . G . Collins , and others took part , the suggestion previously thrown 0111 bv Bro . Slrachan thai ihe limit of lime should be three years instead of four , was adopted , and Hie motion as amended was carried iiem . < oii . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .