Article Installation Meeting of the Eyre Lodge, No. 2742. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Emulation Lodge of Improvement. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meeting Of The Eyre Lodge, No. 2742.
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In proposing the toast of '' The Grand Officers , " the W . M . coupled it with the name of Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , who had clone great service to the Eyre Lodge at and since its foundation .
Bro . Stephens , replying " , felt certain he would be best consulting the wishes of the brethren if he responded briefly to the toast which had been proposed in such kindly terms by the W . M . His visit that night brought to his mind the active step he took with W . Bro . W . H . Bailey , P . G . Treasurer , in the formation of the lodge , and reminded him
forcibly of one little event in connection therewith . After the petition had been presented he heard that it had not been very favourably received , but he saw the Grand Secretary who very courteously listened to his ' arguments in its favour and requested him to send him those reasons in writing . He did so , and should have liked the Grand Secretary
to have been present that night to have witnessed the complete answer to all queries and doubts and clearly understand the necessity for the formation of the lodge . It was a matter of pride to him ( Bro . Stephens ) , who was one of the Consecrating Officers , to note such success and progress , and
conclusive evidence that it was likely to be maintained . When he heard that the W . M . elect desired him to be present and act as Director of Ceremonies he gladly consented . Having a warm corner in his heart for Bro . Fred . Arnold , he appreciated the opportunity of assisting him in the chair .
He was confident that the great expectations they all had of the W . M . and his work as Master would be realized . On behalf of the Grand Officers , he thanked them heartily for the toast . The I . P . M ., Bro . J . D . Graham , proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " assured the members they had a
W . M . who was equal to any amount of work and would be a credit to the lodge . He was a founder , and had taken the keenest interest in its welfare , and had never missed a single meeting . The Worshipful Master , replying " , thanked the I . P . M . and
W . Bro . James Stephens for the kind and encouraging remarks they had made about him , which were all too flattering . He would do his utmost to retain the confidence of the brethren who had placed him in that high position by not only doing his duty to maintain the position of the
lodge , but by remaining a member after passing the chair , and he trusted for the whole of his life . He asked till the members to assist him in making a successful year of office . " The Initiates " and other toasts followed . Bro . Graham was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel in appreciation of his excellent services during the past year .
We reproduce from an old print the Eyre Arms as it appeared in 1820 . On account of its very different surroundings few would recognise it as the Eyre Arms as it stands to-day , but it is to all intents and purposes the same structure , and an examination will demonstrate the fact that the alterations have been surprisingly few .
Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
'"JpHE Festival of the above , which annually attracts a vast J concourse of the brethren , took place on the 8 th of March , and proved , as usual , an imposing and interesting function . The lodge meeting was held in the beautiful Temple of Grand Lodge , and was opened with commendable punctuality at i \\ e o'clock . The chair of W . M . was taken by
W . Bro . K . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , senior member of the Committee , and the following Emulation workers filled the other offices : —Bros . George Rankin , W . M . 2813 , Preceptor Kirby Lodge of Instruction , S . W . ; J . F . Roberts , P . M . 26 93 , Preceptor St . Bride ' s Lodge of Instruction , J . W . ; J . H .
Jenks , P . M . 8 , P . G . S ., Preceptor London Rifle Brigade Lodge of Instruction , S . D . ; Percy Sloper , W . M . 8 , P . G . S ., J . D . " ; and J . Collet Smith , W . M . 1965 , I . G . Shortly after the lodge was opened the procession of distinguished Grand Officers assembled to support the Chairman of the Festival , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster ,
Provincial Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wi ght , entered and took ( heir seats upon the dais . The work of the evening was then proceeded with , consisting of the live Sections of the Second Lecture . The following brethren assisted the W . M .: —The 1 st Section by Bro . A . AI . Barnard ,
P . M . 19 6 4 ; the 2 nd Section b y Bro . W . R . Bennett , P . M . 1965 ; the 3 rd Section by Bro . H . A . D . Jowett , J . W . 196 5 ; the 4 th Section by Bro . J . H . Jenks , P . M . 8 , P . G . Steward ; and the 5 th Section by Bro . T . W . Allsop , P . M . 88 , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ., the rendering of which was acknowledged by experienced Masons to be unequalled .
At the conclusion , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster proposed a hearty vote of thanks to those brethren , and eulogised their magnificent work . This was seconded by V . W . Bro . the Rev . Sir Borrodaile Savory , and carried with acclamation .
\ Y . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , responding , remarked that tradition was a prominent feature in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and according to that tradition the i )\ c brethren who had worked the sections that night had to return their thanks for the vote so kindly proposed , as best they can , through the member of the Committee occupying the Master ' s chair . Such is the excellent work clone in
what I maybe permitted to call the Emulation Nurseries that the brethren taking the sections that night have felt it perhaps a somewhat more difficult task than usual . I think I may say that the kind words uttered by the proposer and seconder have proved to them they have well sustained the prestige of this old lodge . On their behalf he returned hearty thanks .
During the collection of the forms of application for membership , the W . M . said he took that opportunity of correcting a prevalent erroneous impression regarding the work in the lodge ; he had heard it said that this was confined to a few . That was not so . The Committee welcome workers as well as listeners .
The lodge was then duly closed and the brethren adjourned to supper in the Great Hall of the Freemasons ' Tavern under the presidency of Bro . Sir Augustus Webster . After the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , Bro . R . E . F . Lander , P . P . G . D . Herts , proposed the toast of
" The Grand Officers " feelingly b y referring to the losses they had sustained by death and welcoming the new comers , who now for the first time in that capacity honoured them with their presence . V . W . Bro . Norman Lee , Chaplain to the Forces , Grand Chaplain , recently returned from the front , replying , regretted
the absence of Lord Amherst . He thanked them both for their rendering of the work and for the hearty welcome always accorded to the Grand Officers . V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary , and Treasurer , proposed the toast of " The Chairman , " which he felt sure would receive a warm and hearty
reception as he had filled the post with so much dignity and kindness . He had quite recently seen him installed as R . W . Master of the province so long and ably presided over by the late respected Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P . He knew he could not fail to be impressed that evening as there were few more able exponents of our beautiful ritual
than the Chairman himself . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , replying , cordially thanked the brethren for the reception of the toast so ably proposed b y their Treasurer . It gave him the greatest pleasure , and he esteemed it a great compliment to have been asked at this .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meeting Of The Eyre Lodge, No. 2742.
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . In proposing the toast of '' The Grand Officers , " the W . M . coupled it with the name of Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , who had clone great service to the Eyre Lodge at and since its foundation .
Bro . Stephens , replying " , felt certain he would be best consulting the wishes of the brethren if he responded briefly to the toast which had been proposed in such kindly terms by the W . M . His visit that night brought to his mind the active step he took with W . Bro . W . H . Bailey , P . G . Treasurer , in the formation of the lodge , and reminded him
forcibly of one little event in connection therewith . After the petition had been presented he heard that it had not been very favourably received , but he saw the Grand Secretary who very courteously listened to his ' arguments in its favour and requested him to send him those reasons in writing . He did so , and should have liked the Grand Secretary
to have been present that night to have witnessed the complete answer to all queries and doubts and clearly understand the necessity for the formation of the lodge . It was a matter of pride to him ( Bro . Stephens ) , who was one of the Consecrating Officers , to note such success and progress , and
conclusive evidence that it was likely to be maintained . When he heard that the W . M . elect desired him to be present and act as Director of Ceremonies he gladly consented . Having a warm corner in his heart for Bro . Fred . Arnold , he appreciated the opportunity of assisting him in the chair .
He was confident that the great expectations they all had of the W . M . and his work as Master would be realized . On behalf of the Grand Officers , he thanked them heartily for the toast . The I . P . M ., Bro . J . D . Graham , proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " assured the members they had a
W . M . who was equal to any amount of work and would be a credit to the lodge . He was a founder , and had taken the keenest interest in its welfare , and had never missed a single meeting . The Worshipful Master , replying " , thanked the I . P . M . and
W . Bro . James Stephens for the kind and encouraging remarks they had made about him , which were all too flattering . He would do his utmost to retain the confidence of the brethren who had placed him in that high position by not only doing his duty to maintain the position of the
lodge , but by remaining a member after passing the chair , and he trusted for the whole of his life . He asked till the members to assist him in making a successful year of office . " The Initiates " and other toasts followed . Bro . Graham was presented with a Past Master ' s jewel in appreciation of his excellent services during the past year .
We reproduce from an old print the Eyre Arms as it appeared in 1820 . On account of its very different surroundings few would recognise it as the Eyre Arms as it stands to-day , but it is to all intents and purposes the same structure , and an examination will demonstrate the fact that the alterations have been surprisingly few .
Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
'"JpHE Festival of the above , which annually attracts a vast J concourse of the brethren , took place on the 8 th of March , and proved , as usual , an imposing and interesting function . The lodge meeting was held in the beautiful Temple of Grand Lodge , and was opened with commendable punctuality at i \\ e o'clock . The chair of W . M . was taken by
W . Bro . K . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , senior member of the Committee , and the following Emulation workers filled the other offices : —Bros . George Rankin , W . M . 2813 , Preceptor Kirby Lodge of Instruction , S . W . ; J . F . Roberts , P . M . 26 93 , Preceptor St . Bride ' s Lodge of Instruction , J . W . ; J . H .
Jenks , P . M . 8 , P . G . S ., Preceptor London Rifle Brigade Lodge of Instruction , S . D . ; Percy Sloper , W . M . 8 , P . G . S ., J . D . " ; and J . Collet Smith , W . M . 1965 , I . G . Shortly after the lodge was opened the procession of distinguished Grand Officers assembled to support the Chairman of the Festival , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster ,
Provincial Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wi ght , entered and took ( heir seats upon the dais . The work of the evening was then proceeded with , consisting of the live Sections of the Second Lecture . The following brethren assisted the W . M .: —The 1 st Section by Bro . A . AI . Barnard ,
P . M . 19 6 4 ; the 2 nd Section b y Bro . W . R . Bennett , P . M . 1965 ; the 3 rd Section by Bro . H . A . D . Jowett , J . W . 196 5 ; the 4 th Section by Bro . J . H . Jenks , P . M . 8 , P . G . Steward ; and the 5 th Section by Bro . T . W . Allsop , P . M . 88 , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ., the rendering of which was acknowledged by experienced Masons to be unequalled .
At the conclusion , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster proposed a hearty vote of thanks to those brethren , and eulogised their magnificent work . This was seconded by V . W . Bro . the Rev . Sir Borrodaile Savory , and carried with acclamation .
\ Y . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , responding , remarked that tradition was a prominent feature in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and according to that tradition the i )\ c brethren who had worked the sections that night had to return their thanks for the vote so kindly proposed , as best they can , through the member of the Committee occupying the Master ' s chair . Such is the excellent work clone in
what I maybe permitted to call the Emulation Nurseries that the brethren taking the sections that night have felt it perhaps a somewhat more difficult task than usual . I think I may say that the kind words uttered by the proposer and seconder have proved to them they have well sustained the prestige of this old lodge . On their behalf he returned hearty thanks .
During the collection of the forms of application for membership , the W . M . said he took that opportunity of correcting a prevalent erroneous impression regarding the work in the lodge ; he had heard it said that this was confined to a few . That was not so . The Committee welcome workers as well as listeners .
The lodge was then duly closed and the brethren adjourned to supper in the Great Hall of the Freemasons ' Tavern under the presidency of Bro . Sir Augustus Webster . After the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , Bro . R . E . F . Lander , P . P . G . D . Herts , proposed the toast of
" The Grand Officers " feelingly b y referring to the losses they had sustained by death and welcoming the new comers , who now for the first time in that capacity honoured them with their presence . V . W . Bro . Norman Lee , Chaplain to the Forces , Grand Chaplain , recently returned from the front , replying , regretted
the absence of Lord Amherst . He thanked them both for their rendering of the work and for the hearty welcome always accorded to the Grand Officers . V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary , and Treasurer , proposed the toast of " The Chairman , " which he felt sure would receive a warm and hearty
reception as he had filled the post with so much dignity and kindness . He had quite recently seen him installed as R . W . Master of the province so long and ably presided over by the late respected Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P . He knew he could not fail to be impressed that evening as there were few more able exponents of our beautiful ritual
than the Chairman himself . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , replying , cordially thanked the brethren for the reception of the toast so ably proposed b y their Treasurer . It gave him the greatest pleasure , and he esteemed it a great compliment to have been asked at this .