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Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
the outset of his career , as Provincial Grand Master , to preside at their Festival , and one which he appreciated , as well as the feeling remarks about his predecessor , in whose steps he hoped worthily to follow . He had pleasure in proposing the toast of "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " which for eighty years had handed down the ritual unaltered and
unbroken , for which the Craft owed them a deep debt of gratitude . A good ritual was one of which the more a candidate could grasp the better Mason he would be , and that was the standard to keep before them . W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , in reply , said : I
believe I am only giving expression to a truism in stating that every member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement derives a certain amount of satisfaction from belonging to this useful Institution , which has not only stood the test of eighty yearsbut has justified its existence and amply provided for
, every student of Masonic ritual—in fact , they had every reason to be proud of it . Naturally , in the course of so many years some changes have taken place in the work they were called upon to do . They all knew that the first mission of the lodge had been to promulgate the system of ritual
arranged by the Lodge of Reconciliation in 1816 . This difficult work was first undertaken by the celebrated Bro . Peter Gilkes of pious memory , and then passed into the
hands of his pupils , Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson and others . It was easy to conceive that in the early state of emulation accuracy had expanded but little ; the first efforts were simple and crude , but the accuracy unobtainable in those early days was essential if a standard of work was to be set up and the object of the lodge carried out in its entirety .
That great master of ritual , the late Bro . Thomas Fenn , did all in his power by precept and example to encourage absolute accuracy . The jewel worn by him ( Bro . Sudlow ) that nigh ^ was presented to Bro . Fenn by the Emulation Lodge in 186 3 , forty years after the creation of the lodge and twenty years
before Bro . Fenn asked him to take his place . He could venture to claim that accuracy was the special feature of the lodge to-day . Are we to think that because a standard has been set tip and perfect accuracy acquired the mission of the lodge is at an end and that its usefulness is on the wane ?
Xo ; absolutely no ! Apart from the fact that the standard has to be maintained , it had a new sphere of usefulness , viz . : to act as a training school to Preceptors of lodges of instruction . Twenty years ago there was but one lodge of instruction teaching emulation work , of which he was the Preceptor ,
and Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , the Secretary . Several lodges have since been started , all ruled over by experienced Craftsmen , and others were still wanted . He thanked the Chairman and Grand Officers for their support .
The live brethren who had worked the sections were then presented to Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , who congratulated each upon his proficiency . V . W . Bro . Horton Smith , K . C ., Deputy Grand Registrar , called upon to propose the toast of " The Lodge of Unions , Xo . 256 , " under whose sanction the Lodge of Improvement is held , observed that in his profession it used to be said that
anyone that made a speech without being paid for it committed a crime , but he had been called upon to propose the toast on account of his old association with the Lodge ol Improvement , it being just forty years since he came up Irom Cambridge and worked his way into it , and from his experience of it he could say that the Lodge of Unions ought to be proud of such a daughter . " w . Bro . J . A .. Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C , also replied .
DUO . SIR AUGUSTUS Wl . H . STEH . W . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , proposing " The Secretary and Stewards , " spoke of the self-denying labour
that W . Bro . J . Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., and the Stewards had bestowed upon the arrangements for the Festival and for their comfort . W . Bro . J . Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., the energetic Secretary of the lodge , replying , disclaimed any special meed of praise
for himself , as he had been cheerfully and ably assisted by Bro . Lewis and several other brethren . On their behalf he thanked the members and visitors for their kind appreciation . The Tyler's toast closed a most successful Festival .
a . nd KUobi
OniUIPAWV l / oon wUivirrttM J rvticfj
r ~» u 4- u *
: -r ,, r- o-i- i-i-. r- ^< - «^« . rt 9 Mii'mifications (( Jociv . ) I'd n 0 cDCC i ccc „ ., e ' THE STEREOSCOPIC , | i , itt „ ( a , )( . ., r i „ o l " LESSONS COMPANY ' H '" "" ( Z < - ' ' N " ° TO j ^ UIVII-MIMY & ,, ] 1 iUo «; , 1 C ,. ) 8 is o _ ! PRISMATIC FIELD j . ) J ™'" <* u ! ss | \\ » '' PURCHASERS ' - nn . « (/ eiss ) 11 o o ^ KUHflitRb . j GLASSES . 12 Ditto ( Oner . ) 10 0 0
( I
THE STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY , 106 & 108 , Regent Street , W . and 54 , Cheapside , E . C
. Ell UH iK ^! r /_« fi / / J & X ^ d Ulift ' llp IHH I ^ I ^ B III BH fflffi'i / V ™« / _/ s /^" . ' $ ' ] iroVilVi !! ITHH I ^^^^ H Ha tim l \ n \ ¦ i flCf ^ l fill mm l ^ _ _ fjL # / # »\ tt \ ""¦ % , t IM \ S \ R \ ll IE \ 1 \ TO ? M U f _\ TO I ____ , i jf jf = = 4 l \ W ^ * » P- " iTl- — " .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
the outset of his career , as Provincial Grand Master , to preside at their Festival , and one which he appreciated , as well as the feeling remarks about his predecessor , in whose steps he hoped worthily to follow . He had pleasure in proposing the toast of "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " which for eighty years had handed down the ritual unaltered and
unbroken , for which the Craft owed them a deep debt of gratitude . A good ritual was one of which the more a candidate could grasp the better Mason he would be , and that was the standard to keep before them . W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , in reply , said : I
believe I am only giving expression to a truism in stating that every member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement derives a certain amount of satisfaction from belonging to this useful Institution , which has not only stood the test of eighty yearsbut has justified its existence and amply provided for
, every student of Masonic ritual—in fact , they had every reason to be proud of it . Naturally , in the course of so many years some changes have taken place in the work they were called upon to do . They all knew that the first mission of the lodge had been to promulgate the system of ritual
arranged by the Lodge of Reconciliation in 1816 . This difficult work was first undertaken by the celebrated Bro . Peter Gilkes of pious memory , and then passed into the
hands of his pupils , Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson and others . It was easy to conceive that in the early state of emulation accuracy had expanded but little ; the first efforts were simple and crude , but the accuracy unobtainable in those early days was essential if a standard of work was to be set up and the object of the lodge carried out in its entirety .
That great master of ritual , the late Bro . Thomas Fenn , did all in his power by precept and example to encourage absolute accuracy . The jewel worn by him ( Bro . Sudlow ) that nigh ^ was presented to Bro . Fenn by the Emulation Lodge in 186 3 , forty years after the creation of the lodge and twenty years
before Bro . Fenn asked him to take his place . He could venture to claim that accuracy was the special feature of the lodge to-day . Are we to think that because a standard has been set tip and perfect accuracy acquired the mission of the lodge is at an end and that its usefulness is on the wane ?
Xo ; absolutely no ! Apart from the fact that the standard has to be maintained , it had a new sphere of usefulness , viz . : to act as a training school to Preceptors of lodges of instruction . Twenty years ago there was but one lodge of instruction teaching emulation work , of which he was the Preceptor ,
and Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , the Secretary . Several lodges have since been started , all ruled over by experienced Craftsmen , and others were still wanted . He thanked the Chairman and Grand Officers for their support .
The live brethren who had worked the sections were then presented to Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , who congratulated each upon his proficiency . V . W . Bro . Horton Smith , K . C ., Deputy Grand Registrar , called upon to propose the toast of " The Lodge of Unions , Xo . 256 , " under whose sanction the Lodge of Improvement is held , observed that in his profession it used to be said that
anyone that made a speech without being paid for it committed a crime , but he had been called upon to propose the toast on account of his old association with the Lodge ol Improvement , it being just forty years since he came up Irom Cambridge and worked his way into it , and from his experience of it he could say that the Lodge of Unions ought to be proud of such a daughter . " w . Bro . J . A .. Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C , also replied .
DUO . SIR AUGUSTUS Wl . H . STEH . W . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , proposing " The Secretary and Stewards , " spoke of the self-denying labour
that W . Bro . J . Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., and the Stewards had bestowed upon the arrangements for the Festival and for their comfort . W . Bro . J . Russell , P . G . Std . Br ., the energetic Secretary of the lodge , replying , disclaimed any special meed of praise
for himself , as he had been cheerfully and ably assisted by Bro . Lewis and several other brethren . On their behalf he thanked the members and visitors for their kind appreciation . The Tyler's toast closed a most successful Festival .
a . nd KUobi
OniUIPAWV l / oon wUivirrttM J rvticfj
r ~» u 4- u *
: -r ,, r- o-i- i-i-. r- ^< - «^« . rt 9 Mii'mifications (( Jociv . ) I'd n 0 cDCC i ccc „ ., e ' THE STEREOSCOPIC , | i , itt „ ( a , )( . ., r i „ o l " LESSONS COMPANY ' H '" "" ( Z < - ' ' N " ° TO j ^ UIVII-MIMY & ,, ] 1 iUo «; , 1 C ,. ) 8 is o _ ! PRISMATIC FIELD j . ) J ™'" <* u ! ss | \\ » '' PURCHASERS ' - nn . « (/ eiss ) 11 o o ^ KUHflitRb . j GLASSES . 12 Ditto ( Oner . ) 10 0 0
( I
THE STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY , 106 & 108 , Regent Street , W . and 54 , Cheapside , E . C
. Ell UH iK ^! r /_« fi / / J & X ^ d Ulift ' llp IHH I ^ I ^ B III BH fflffi'i / V ™« / _/ s /^" . ' $ ' ] iroVilVi !! ITHH I ^^^^ H Ha tim l \ n \ ¦ i flCf ^ l fill mm l ^ _ _ fjL # / # »\ tt \ ""¦ % , t IM \ S \ R \ ll IE \ 1 \ TO ? M U f _\ TO I ____ , i jf jf = = 4 l \ W ^ * » P- " iTl- — " .