Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 4 of 6 Article An Eighteenth Century Mason and Philosopher. Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
was a founder of the Cordwainers' Lodge , No . 2241 , and Worshipful Master in 18 93 . He was exalted in the John Hervey Chapter , No . 1260 , in 1887 , and filled the chair of First Principal in 18 9 6 . In 1901 he was appointed to the office of Grand Standard Bearer in Supreme Grand Chapter . He is also a member of the Board of General Purposes and
of the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . Reep has served as Steward for the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Benevolent Institution , and is a Life Governor of each .
GRAND ORGANIST . Bro . Henry D . Wetton , Mus . Bac , F . R . C . O ., was initiated in the Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 , Great Stanmore , and in 18 9 8 assisted in founding the Captain Coram Lodge , No . 2737 , which meets at the Foundling Hospital , of which
Bro . Wetton holds the appointment of Organist . He is also a member of the Earl of Mornington Lodge , No . 2000 , and the Orpheus , No . 1706 , and has filled the Master's chair of the Captain Coram Lodge . Bro . Wetton is a Past Provincial Grand Organist of Middlesex . He was exalted in the Royal Arch in the Bard of Avon Chapter , No . 77 8 , and is now J . elect .
GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . Frederick Arnold was initiated in 18 7 8 in the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , and afterwards joined the Wilson lies Lodge , No . 2054 ; the Piccadilly Lodge , No . 2550 ; and the Eyre Lodge , No . 2742 , in each of which he has filled
HRO . F . ARNOLD . the chair of Worshipful Master . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Officer of Hertfordshire , having been appointed Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 1900 . Bro ,
Arnold s connection with Royal Arch . Masonry commenced some ten years after his initiation , when he was exalted in the Westbourne Chapter , No . 733 , afterwards joining the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 ; the Eccleston Chapter , No . 1624 ; the Cyclist Chapter , No . 2246 ; and the Eyre Chapter , No . 2742 , in each of which he has filled the
First Principal's chair . Bro . Arnold has served seven Stewardships , two each for the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and three for the Benevolent Institution , and is a Vice-President of all three .
ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . James Berry is a comparatively young Mason , but litis amply compensated for that defect by the energy and zeal he has thrown into his Masonic work during the eleven years he has been a member of the Craft . His initiation
took place in the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 1817 , in 18 92 , and he subsequently joined the Priory Lodge , No . 1000 ; the Albert Lucking Lodge , No . 2717 ; and the West Cliff Lodge , No . 2903 , being a founder of the two latter . In 18 97 he was elected to the chair of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , and in 1902
that of the Albert Lucking Lodge . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Deacon of Essex . In the Royal Arch Degree Bro . Berry was exalted in the Priory Chapter , No . 1000 , in 18 9 6 , and became M . E . Z . in 1901 and 1 st Assistant Sojourner in the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex in the same year . Bro . Berry has served as Steward on several occasions for
each of the Charities , and is a Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , and is qualifying himself as a Vice-Patron of the Girls ' School at the coming Festival of that Institution .
An Eighteenth Century Mason And Philosopher.
An Eighteenth Century Mason and Philosopher .
JOHN Theophilus Desaguliers was born at La Rochelle on March 13 th , 168 3 . His father was the Protestant pastor at Aitre . On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 168 3 , the father ( led to England , when it is believed he smuggled his young son on board the refugee
vessel in a barrel . After a brief residence in Guernsey , the father settled in London , and became minister of the French chapel in Swallow Street ; he also established a school at Islington . Young Desaguliers , whose early education was directed by his father , assisted in this school until his father ' s
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
was a founder of the Cordwainers' Lodge , No . 2241 , and Worshipful Master in 18 93 . He was exalted in the John Hervey Chapter , No . 1260 , in 1887 , and filled the chair of First Principal in 18 9 6 . In 1901 he was appointed to the office of Grand Standard Bearer in Supreme Grand Chapter . He is also a member of the Board of General Purposes and
of the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . Reep has served as Steward for the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Benevolent Institution , and is a Life Governor of each .
GRAND ORGANIST . Bro . Henry D . Wetton , Mus . Bac , F . R . C . O ., was initiated in the Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 , Great Stanmore , and in 18 9 8 assisted in founding the Captain Coram Lodge , No . 2737 , which meets at the Foundling Hospital , of which
Bro . Wetton holds the appointment of Organist . He is also a member of the Earl of Mornington Lodge , No . 2000 , and the Orpheus , No . 1706 , and has filled the Master's chair of the Captain Coram Lodge . Bro . Wetton is a Past Provincial Grand Organist of Middlesex . He was exalted in the Royal Arch in the Bard of Avon Chapter , No . 77 8 , and is now J . elect .
GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . Frederick Arnold was initiated in 18 7 8 in the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , and afterwards joined the Wilson lies Lodge , No . 2054 ; the Piccadilly Lodge , No . 2550 ; and the Eyre Lodge , No . 2742 , in each of which he has filled
HRO . F . ARNOLD . the chair of Worshipful Master . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Officer of Hertfordshire , having been appointed Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 1900 . Bro ,
Arnold s connection with Royal Arch . Masonry commenced some ten years after his initiation , when he was exalted in the Westbourne Chapter , No . 733 , afterwards joining the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 ; the Eccleston Chapter , No . 1624 ; the Cyclist Chapter , No . 2246 ; and the Eyre Chapter , No . 2742 , in each of which he has filled the
First Principal's chair . Bro . Arnold has served seven Stewardships , two each for the Boys' and Girls' Schools , and three for the Benevolent Institution , and is a Vice-President of all three .
ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . James Berry is a comparatively young Mason , but litis amply compensated for that defect by the energy and zeal he has thrown into his Masonic work during the eleven years he has been a member of the Craft . His initiation
took place in the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 1817 , in 18 92 , and he subsequently joined the Priory Lodge , No . 1000 ; the Albert Lucking Lodge , No . 2717 ; and the West Cliff Lodge , No . 2903 , being a founder of the two latter . In 18 97 he was elected to the chair of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , and in 1902
that of the Albert Lucking Lodge . He is also a Past Provincial Grand Deacon of Essex . In the Royal Arch Degree Bro . Berry was exalted in the Priory Chapter , No . 1000 , in 18 9 6 , and became M . E . Z . in 1901 and 1 st Assistant Sojourner in the Provincial Grand Chapter of Essex in the same year . Bro . Berry has served as Steward on several occasions for
each of the Charities , and is a Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , and is qualifying himself as a Vice-Patron of the Girls ' School at the coming Festival of that Institution .
An Eighteenth Century Mason And Philosopher.
An Eighteenth Century Mason and Philosopher .
JOHN Theophilus Desaguliers was born at La Rochelle on March 13 th , 168 3 . His father was the Protestant pastor at Aitre . On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 168 3 , the father ( led to England , when it is believed he smuggled his young son on board the refugee
vessel in a barrel . After a brief residence in Guernsey , the father settled in London , and became minister of the French chapel in Swallow Street ; he also established a school at Islington . Young Desaguliers , whose early education was directed by his father , assisted in this school until his father ' s