Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
A highly interesting wedding will take place on June 21 st , when W . Bro . T . W . Dockett-Smith , W . M . Trafford Lodge , No . 149 6 , will lead Miss Bessie Dcbnam to the altar . The ceremony will take place at Buckland Monachorum Church
MISS Ii . l ) EIi . \ - . Ur , 'I'lIK 11 RWK ELECT . near Yelverton , Devon , and will be performed by the Vicar , the Rev . R . J . Hayne , M . A ., assisted by the Rev . J . White , B . A . The father of the bride-elect ( W . Bro . A . R . Debnam ) is well
known in Devonian Masonic circles , being a P . M . of many years standing and a member of the Plymouth Town Council , whilst his only son is at
present W . M . of the Maristow Lodge , Devon . Many well known Masonic friends from various parts of the country will foregather at the
ceremony to wish long life , health , and happiness to the fortunate couple . W . Bro . Smith was
initiaiv . mm . T . w . DOCKKTT . SMITII . lcd in Mrudl - , 8 97 , and raised in the following . May . In a iew months he was invested with a Steward ' s collar , and has since filled each successive office . He is also a Comp . of the Trafford Chapter , No . 149 6 , in which he has
held several offices including that of P . S . < E » & " 4 > In his will Bro . Dr . Thomas Trollope , P . G . D ., of St . Leonards-on-Sea , who died on April 21 , left his leasehold
residence and the income from , £ 4 , 000 to his housekeeper , Fiances Crouch , with an annuity of £ 30 , on condition that she cares for " his dogs , birds , cats , and other animals " in a manner satisfactory to the executors He also left £ 100 to the Home for Lost and Starving Dogs at Battersca , and £ 100 to the Roval Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals .
'There were in ncldition many bequests to charities connected with Freemasonry , hospitals , and churches , and £ 1 , 500 to his butler . ¦ D > <& Bro . the Hon . Sir Samuel Gillott , ex-Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Chief Secretary in the Victorian State
Government , whose appointment as Past [ unior Grand Deacon was announced at the recent meeting of Grand Lodge , was Worshipful Master of the Combermcre Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , the only one of the ninety-six English lodges once working in Victoria in 1904-5 . He is the third
who served the office of Worshipful Master in that lodge to be honoured with Grand rank . The first was the late Bro . Dr . J . E . Willniott , Past Junior Grand Deacon , in 1887 , Worshipful Master in 188 3 ; and the second , Bro . W . F . Lamonby , P . A . G . D . C , in 188 9 , and Worshipful Master in 1884 . «¦¦ *¦ ¦ £ "
1 here was a large gathering on May 3 rd , at Shepton Mallet , when the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset was held under the banner of Love and Honour Lodge . All the lodges in the province but two had representatives . at the meeting . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Cork and Orrery , and Deputy Provincial
Grand Master Bro . Colonel Long were present . Bro . C . L . B . Edwards was re-elected Provincial Grand Treasurer for the twenty-first time . After the appointment of the other Grand Officers the Provincial Grand Master moved that a record be placed on the Minutes expressing grief at the
irreparable loss sustained by Freemasonry by the death of Bro . R . C . Else , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Colonel Long seconded , and the motion was carried in silence . The Provincial Grand Treasurer mentioned that up to the present £ " 2 , 040 had been subscribed by the Somerset Lodges this year lo the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , at whose festival the Earl of Cork would preside .
< a > « " e » It is proposed to form a lodge in connection with the Cumberland and Westmoreland Association of London . The matter has been taken up with much zeal by several influential brethren resident in ( he metropolis , and it is hoped that , in the event of the petition being favourably
considered by the M . W . Grand Master , Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cumberland and Westmorland , may consent to become the first Master . « s > * •&
Ihe annual sports of the Royal Masonic Institution foi Boys were held on Saturday , June 3 rd , in the picturesque grounds of the new school at Bushey . The open quartermile w ; ts won by Anderson , who was , in addition , placed second in the 100 yards and half-mile , and so . acquired the prize and title of "victor Iudorum . " The champion of the
small boys under thirteen was found in Hall , who had several good races to his credit . The best individual performance of the afternoon was achieved by Fletcher , who , though not yet thirteen years of age , did 4 ft . in the high jump . Egg and spoon and wheelbarrow races aroused plentiful merriment ,
and the boys were stirred to much enthusiasm b y the " interhouse " tug of war , which with two extraordinarily long and hard-fought pulls fell to Knight ' s . The old boys' yards handicap was won by H . A . Dodds . After a musical club drill in the assembly hall , the prizes were distributed by Mrs . Jolnr . Strachan .
I 1 BB _ BaiL _ aaaH __ KB _ MB BH ^^ - ^ B-. ^» ^ B ^ W jjfp Haai MB jpflj n ] —— ~~~ 4 jfti * 41 14 Mf 4 n . ^ ]— F jSf { 2 AROMLW »»«« NT " CH B y Bf M M ^ ¦ " * ¦ Vffl Hi A Light , Cri'p . Invigorating Water , 9 J ^'m^ kS ^^ ° I I Bid III mT I I " /' "'''' /" £ ' L 1 ' fr ^&™ ffi ? wf >§ b APPOINTMENT l ^^^ B H-M I | I II I The Ideal Water for Whisky , F § 3 ' ^^^^ W & T ° V ^ ^^ * * ^^ Pjl !/¦/„ ' U D I * * ~* - " " —' ¦ I . JL , FRENCH NATURAL SPARKLING TABLEWATER . J . '"" "" ""' " " " ' ' ' J ™ ¦ rmni la m i WZWLBHL m' i ii JUiM
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
A highly interesting wedding will take place on June 21 st , when W . Bro . T . W . Dockett-Smith , W . M . Trafford Lodge , No . 149 6 , will lead Miss Bessie Dcbnam to the altar . The ceremony will take place at Buckland Monachorum Church
MISS Ii . l ) EIi . \ - . Ur , 'I'lIK 11 RWK ELECT . near Yelverton , Devon , and will be performed by the Vicar , the Rev . R . J . Hayne , M . A ., assisted by the Rev . J . White , B . A . The father of the bride-elect ( W . Bro . A . R . Debnam ) is well
known in Devonian Masonic circles , being a P . M . of many years standing and a member of the Plymouth Town Council , whilst his only son is at
present W . M . of the Maristow Lodge , Devon . Many well known Masonic friends from various parts of the country will foregather at the
ceremony to wish long life , health , and happiness to the fortunate couple . W . Bro . Smith was
initiaiv . mm . T . w . DOCKKTT . SMITII . lcd in Mrudl - , 8 97 , and raised in the following . May . In a iew months he was invested with a Steward ' s collar , and has since filled each successive office . He is also a Comp . of the Trafford Chapter , No . 149 6 , in which he has
held several offices including that of P . S . < E » & " 4 > In his will Bro . Dr . Thomas Trollope , P . G . D ., of St . Leonards-on-Sea , who died on April 21 , left his leasehold
residence and the income from , £ 4 , 000 to his housekeeper , Fiances Crouch , with an annuity of £ 30 , on condition that she cares for " his dogs , birds , cats , and other animals " in a manner satisfactory to the executors He also left £ 100 to the Home for Lost and Starving Dogs at Battersca , and £ 100 to the Roval Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals .
'There were in ncldition many bequests to charities connected with Freemasonry , hospitals , and churches , and £ 1 , 500 to his butler . ¦ D > <& Bro . the Hon . Sir Samuel Gillott , ex-Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Chief Secretary in the Victorian State
Government , whose appointment as Past [ unior Grand Deacon was announced at the recent meeting of Grand Lodge , was Worshipful Master of the Combermcre Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , the only one of the ninety-six English lodges once working in Victoria in 1904-5 . He is the third
who served the office of Worshipful Master in that lodge to be honoured with Grand rank . The first was the late Bro . Dr . J . E . Willniott , Past Junior Grand Deacon , in 1887 , Worshipful Master in 188 3 ; and the second , Bro . W . F . Lamonby , P . A . G . D . C , in 188 9 , and Worshipful Master in 1884 . «¦¦ *¦ ¦ £ "
1 here was a large gathering on May 3 rd , at Shepton Mallet , when the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset was held under the banner of Love and Honour Lodge . All the lodges in the province but two had representatives . at the meeting . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Cork and Orrery , and Deputy Provincial
Grand Master Bro . Colonel Long were present . Bro . C . L . B . Edwards was re-elected Provincial Grand Treasurer for the twenty-first time . After the appointment of the other Grand Officers the Provincial Grand Master moved that a record be placed on the Minutes expressing grief at the
irreparable loss sustained by Freemasonry by the death of Bro . R . C . Else , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Colonel Long seconded , and the motion was carried in silence . The Provincial Grand Treasurer mentioned that up to the present £ " 2 , 040 had been subscribed by the Somerset Lodges this year lo the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , at whose festival the Earl of Cork would preside .
< a > « " e » It is proposed to form a lodge in connection with the Cumberland and Westmoreland Association of London . The matter has been taken up with much zeal by several influential brethren resident in ( he metropolis , and it is hoped that , in the event of the petition being favourably
considered by the M . W . Grand Master , Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Cumberland and Westmorland , may consent to become the first Master . « s > * •&
Ihe annual sports of the Royal Masonic Institution foi Boys were held on Saturday , June 3 rd , in the picturesque grounds of the new school at Bushey . The open quartermile w ; ts won by Anderson , who was , in addition , placed second in the 100 yards and half-mile , and so . acquired the prize and title of "victor Iudorum . " The champion of the
small boys under thirteen was found in Hall , who had several good races to his credit . The best individual performance of the afternoon was achieved by Fletcher , who , though not yet thirteen years of age , did 4 ft . in the high jump . Egg and spoon and wheelbarrow races aroused plentiful merriment ,
and the boys were stirred to much enthusiasm b y the " interhouse " tug of war , which with two extraordinarily long and hard-fought pulls fell to Knight ' s . The old boys' yards handicap was won by H . A . Dodds . After a musical club drill in the assembly hall , the prizes were distributed by Mrs . Jolnr . Strachan .
I 1 BB _ BaiL _ aaaH __ KB _ MB BH ^^ - ^ B-. ^» ^ B ^ W jjfp Haai MB jpflj n ] —— ~~~ 4 jfti * 41 14 Mf 4 n . ^ ]— F jSf { 2 AROMLW »»«« NT " CH B y Bf M M ^ ¦ " * ¦ Vffl Hi A Light , Cri'p . Invigorating Water , 9 J ^'m^ kS ^^ ° I I Bid III mT I I " /' "'''' /" £ ' L 1 ' fr ^&™ ffi ? wf >§ b APPOINTMENT l ^^^ B H-M I | I II I The Ideal Water for Whisky , F § 3 ' ^^^^ W & T ° V ^ ^^ * * ^^ Pjl !/¦/„ ' U D I * * ~* - " " —' ¦ I . JL , FRENCH NATURAL SPARKLING TABLEWATER . J . '"" "" ""' " " " ' ' ' J ™ ¦ rmni la m i WZWLBHL m' i ii JUiM