Article Royal Edward Lodge, No. 1489. Page 1 of 1 Article Cathedral Lodge, No. 2747 Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Edward Lodge, No. 1489.
Royal Edward Lodge , No . 1489 .
ON Friday , the 2 nd of June , this lodge celebrated two events , namely , the termination of the eminently successful year of office of the Worshipful Masten Bro . E . H . Raynham , and the completion of twenty-five years service as Secretary of Bro . Edwin George , P . M .
JiliO . K . GKOliGK . ( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) There was a good muster at the Temple at the Holborn Restaurant for the business of the lodge , during which reference was made to Bro . George ' s connection with it and his work for Masonry , and a formal vote of thanks for his
splendid services to the Royal Edward Lodge were entered in the minutes . At the banquet in the evening a great number of Past Masters , members of the lodge , and visitors were present . After the customary toasts , and during a splendid
programme of music , the Worshipful Master , on behalf of the officers and brethren , presented to Bro . Edwin George a valuable diamond ring and a handsome framed illuminated address , of which we give a reproduction . The W . M . in highly eulogistic terms spoke of Bro . George
has having practically built up and watched over the interests of the lodge until it had arrived at its pre . ent successful state . He referred to Bro . George ' s Masonic career . He was initiated in the Duke of Connaught Lodge in 1875 , and consequently had been a Mason for thirty years . He
joined the Royal Edward Lodge , then the Marquis of Ripon , on August 2 nd , 18 7 8 , and was appointed Secretary on June 4 th , 1880 , thus making twenty-live years service almost to the day . He was installed Master in 188 5 and had served several Stewardships , and was the present Preceptor of the
Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Royal Edward Lodge , and is P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Royal Edward Chapter . He is P . M ., Secretary , and also one of the founders of
the Brondesbury Lodge , and Secretary of the successful Benevolent Association connected with the Roval Edward Lodge . The W . M . said that a brother who had the respect and love of the whole of his lodge and who had worked hard for the Charities and Masonry in general was not onlv worthy of all the honours they could give him as a lodge ,
but was entitled to some recognition from Grand Lodge . Not only had Bro . Edwin George served them with faithfulness , . ability , and untiring energy , but he had been the means of helping in the wider field of Masonry outside the lodge . Bro . Edwin George , who was evidently moved by the
praise that had been uttered , said he felt completely overwhelmed with the kindness and affection that prompted the gift , which was an absolute surprise to him . He felt he had done his bare duty , but that duty had been nothing but pleasure to him , as all his efforts ( and he feared some faults )
had been regarded with the greatest kindness by the brethren . He could conscientiously say that the lodge contained his dearest friends , and in it he had no enemies . He trusted that for many more years he would have the health to enable him to act , for he was proud to be the Secretary of so harmonious and happy a lodge . He had seen many changes during his twenty-live years of office , and
THK ADDRESS . ( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) he had seen much good work done by the lodge , and if he had helped in any way to accomplish that he was sufficiently recompensed . Many other speakers testified to Bro . George ' s good
qualities , and besides the remarks of the officers and Past Masters , several visitors spoke of the apparent lack of recognition of such good work from Grand Lodge .
Cathedral Lodge, No. 2747
Cathedral Lodge , No . 2 747
r pHE seventh installation meeting of this lodge took plnce J [ on Saturday , May 13 th , at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel . W . Bro . May finished a busy year ' s work by installing his successor in a very able manner . The W . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . Frank Wilkinson ,
S . W . ; W . G . West , J . W . ; Vernon Taylor , Secretary ; F . Marshall , S . D . ; James Mathews , J . D . ; F . B . Kempe , I . G . ; Rev . W . P . Besley , Chaplain ; John Spink , Organist ;
John Ch < alis , A . Philips , and J . Brand , Stewards ; and Bowler , Tyler . After the initiation of two candidates the brethren adjourned to a banquet . The toast of " The King , Protector of the Order , " followed by that of "The Grand Master , " having been enthusiastically drunk , the toast of "The Grand Officers Present and Past" was next proposed by the W . M ., who said , although many thought that Grand Office was n
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Edward Lodge, No. 1489.
Royal Edward Lodge , No . 1489 .
ON Friday , the 2 nd of June , this lodge celebrated two events , namely , the termination of the eminently successful year of office of the Worshipful Masten Bro . E . H . Raynham , and the completion of twenty-five years service as Secretary of Bro . Edwin George , P . M .
JiliO . K . GKOliGK . ( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) There was a good muster at the Temple at the Holborn Restaurant for the business of the lodge , during which reference was made to Bro . George ' s connection with it and his work for Masonry , and a formal vote of thanks for his
splendid services to the Royal Edward Lodge were entered in the minutes . At the banquet in the evening a great number of Past Masters , members of the lodge , and visitors were present . After the customary toasts , and during a splendid
programme of music , the Worshipful Master , on behalf of the officers and brethren , presented to Bro . Edwin George a valuable diamond ring and a handsome framed illuminated address , of which we give a reproduction . The W . M . in highly eulogistic terms spoke of Bro . George
has having practically built up and watched over the interests of the lodge until it had arrived at its pre . ent successful state . He referred to Bro . George ' s Masonic career . He was initiated in the Duke of Connaught Lodge in 1875 , and consequently had been a Mason for thirty years . He
joined the Royal Edward Lodge , then the Marquis of Ripon , on August 2 nd , 18 7 8 , and was appointed Secretary on June 4 th , 1880 , thus making twenty-live years service almost to the day . He was installed Master in 188 5 and had served several Stewardships , and was the present Preceptor of the
Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Royal Edward Lodge , and is P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Royal Edward Chapter . He is P . M ., Secretary , and also one of the founders of
the Brondesbury Lodge , and Secretary of the successful Benevolent Association connected with the Roval Edward Lodge . The W . M . said that a brother who had the respect and love of the whole of his lodge and who had worked hard for the Charities and Masonry in general was not onlv worthy of all the honours they could give him as a lodge ,
but was entitled to some recognition from Grand Lodge . Not only had Bro . Edwin George served them with faithfulness , . ability , and untiring energy , but he had been the means of helping in the wider field of Masonry outside the lodge . Bro . Edwin George , who was evidently moved by the
praise that had been uttered , said he felt completely overwhelmed with the kindness and affection that prompted the gift , which was an absolute surprise to him . He felt he had done his bare duty , but that duty had been nothing but pleasure to him , as all his efforts ( and he feared some faults )
had been regarded with the greatest kindness by the brethren . He could conscientiously say that the lodge contained his dearest friends , and in it he had no enemies . He trusted that for many more years he would have the health to enable him to act , for he was proud to be the Secretary of so harmonious and happy a lodge . He had seen many changes during his twenty-live years of office , and
THK ADDRESS . ( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) he had seen much good work done by the lodge , and if he had helped in any way to accomplish that he was sufficiently recompensed . Many other speakers testified to Bro . George ' s good
qualities , and besides the remarks of the officers and Past Masters , several visitors spoke of the apparent lack of recognition of such good work from Grand Lodge .
Cathedral Lodge, No. 2747
Cathedral Lodge , No . 2 747
r pHE seventh installation meeting of this lodge took plnce J [ on Saturday , May 13 th , at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel . W . Bro . May finished a busy year ' s work by installing his successor in a very able manner . The W . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . Frank Wilkinson ,
S . W . ; W . G . West , J . W . ; Vernon Taylor , Secretary ; F . Marshall , S . D . ; James Mathews , J . D . ; F . B . Kempe , I . G . ; Rev . W . P . Besley , Chaplain ; John Spink , Organist ;
John Ch < alis , A . Philips , and J . Brand , Stewards ; and Bowler , Tyler . After the initiation of two candidates the brethren adjourned to a banquet . The toast of " The King , Protector of the Order , " followed by that of "The Grand Master , " having been enthusiastically drunk , the toast of "The Grand Officers Present and Past" was next proposed by the W . M ., who said , although many thought that Grand Office was n