Article The New fast Grand Officers. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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The New Fast Grand Officers.
subsequently joined the Trinity Lodge , No . 254 , Coventry , in 1872 , and the St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 16 30 , Coventry , in 1 S 76 . He was installed as Worshipful Master of St . Michael's , No . 16 30 , in 1881 , and again in 18 97 . He was appointed to
Provincial rank as P . G . Chaplain for Warwickshire in 1876 .
V' zrririGtcq . BRO . THE REV . CANON IIEA UMO . N'T , M . A . Jn Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in 18 73 , in Trinity Chapter , No . 254 , and became Principal Z . in 188 4 ; and is
Life Subscriber both to the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Our Rev . brother is Vicar of Holy Trinity , Coventry , and an honorary Canon of Worcester . PAST GKAND DEACON .
Bro . Arthur G . P . Lewis , M . A ., Oxon ., who is a son of the late Bishop of Llandoff , P . G . Chaplain , was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , Xo . 375 , on the 4 th February ,
IIRO . AUTHUH G . P . LEWIS . i 860 . He afterwards became a joining member of the Narberth Lodge , Xo . 2001 , in 18 S 9 ; of the Glamorgan ,
Xo . 3 6 , in 1903 , and a Founder of the Prince Llewellyn No . 9570 , in 18 9 6 . He was installed AV . Master first , of the Prince Llewellyn Lodge in 1897 , ^ - ''g ^ i ' 18 9 8 ; and afterwards of the Narberth in 1900 , being re-elected in 1901 and 1903 . In Provincial Grand Lodge he was appointed
P . G . Director of Ceremonies Oxford ; in 18 97 , P . G . Registrar South Wales ( E . D . ) ; in 1902 , P . S . ( J . Warden South Wales ( E . D . ) ; in 1903 , P . S . G . Warden South Wales ( W . D . ) . In Royal Arch Alasonry our brother was exalted in the Apollo University Chapter , Xo . 357 , in 1870 . He was also a joining
member of the St . John ' s Chapter Xo . 3 6 , Cardiff , was installed First Principal in 1901 , and again in 1902 . He was made Prov . Grand Registrar South Wales ( E . D . ) in 1902 . Bro . Lewis is a Vice-Patron of the Masonic Educational and Widows' Fund South , Wales ( E . D . ) .
PAST GKAND DEACON . Bro . Frederic Ernest Remfiy , was initiated in tfie Isaac Xewton University Lodge , Xo . 859 , Cambridge , on April 4 th , 18 70 , just thirty-five years ago , and during that long period has devoted much time and energy to Masonry .
He became a joining member of the Royal Alfred Lodge , Xo . 8 77 , in 18 99 i ° f the Tenby Lodge , Xo . 1177 , in 1888 ; of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge Xo . 1529 , in 188 9 ; of the Doric Lodge , No . 2539 , in 18 90 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Lodge , Xo . 26 49 , in 18 97 . He was installed
Worshipful Master of the Royal Alfred Lodge in 1900 ; of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge in 188 9 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Lodge in 18 9 8 . He is equall y distinguished in Provincial Grand rank , being Prov . Grand Pursuivant in 1888 ; Prov . S . G . Warden ( S . Wales W . Div . ) , in 1892 ; Prov . ( hand Registrar ( Jersey ) in 1900 ; and P . Prov . S . G . Warden ( Devon )
in 1902 . He was also Prov . Charity Steward for South Wales ( W . Div . ) for three years , and is Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Chapter of Euclid , Xo . 859 , Cambridge . He was afterwards a joining member of Harmony Chapter , Xo . 244 , installed as Principal Z . in 1900 and 1901 ; of
Dinbych Chapter , Xo . 1177 , Principal Z . in 18 91 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Chapter , Xo . 26 49 ( Founder ) , Principal Z . in 1900 . He was made Prov . Grand Registrar ( Jersey ) in 1 9 , and Prov . Grand J . ( Devon ) in 1902 . He served as Steward for the Boys' School in 188 9 and 18 98 , for the
Girls' School in 18 90 , and the Benevolent Institution in 1891 and 1892 . Bro . Remfry is a member of , and holds rank in , Mark Masonry , Royal Ark Mariners , Ancient and Accepted Kite , Knight Templarv , and Red Cross of Rome and Constaii'ine .
PAS ; - J I-NIOW G : < ANI > DEACON . Bro . John f . Hamilton isaMas'in of thirty years standing , having been initiated i : i the White Horse of Kent Lodge , Xo . 1506 , 111 1 875 . Later he became a joining member of the Oxford and Cambridge University Lodge . Xo . 1118 , 011
the 15 th June , 1 877 ; installed W . Master on the 17 th May , 188 9 ; of the Heivey Lodge , Xo . 16 92 ( Founder ) . on the 26 th June , 1877 ; installed W . Master on the 4 th June , 1879 ; of the Tilbury Lodge , Xo . 2006 ( Founder ) , on the 16 th January , 188 4 ; of the Lutine Lodge , Xo . 3049 ( Founder ) , on the 9 U 1
June , 1904 . He is Past Prov . Senior Grand Warden lor Kent , his appointment beating date July 18 th , 7882 . In the Royal Arch our brother was exalted in the Friends in Council Chapter , Xo . 1383 , in 1877 , and was installed as principal Z . in 1885 . He is also a member of the Oxford and
Cambridge University Chapter , and was Principal Z . in June 1888 . Bro . Hamilton is a Life Governor of all three Institutions ; served a stewardship for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls in 1882 , for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys in the same year , and for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in 188 4 .
PAST J UNIOR GKAXD DEACON . Bro . Thomas Weeding Weeding , Clerk of the Peace for the Count } ' of Surrey , was initiated in the Studhohne Lodge
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The New Fast Grand Officers.
subsequently joined the Trinity Lodge , No . 254 , Coventry , in 1872 , and the St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 16 30 , Coventry , in 1 S 76 . He was installed as Worshipful Master of St . Michael's , No . 16 30 , in 1881 , and again in 18 97 . He was appointed to
Provincial rank as P . G . Chaplain for Warwickshire in 1876 .
V' zrririGtcq . BRO . THE REV . CANON IIEA UMO . N'T , M . A . Jn Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in 18 73 , in Trinity Chapter , No . 254 , and became Principal Z . in 188 4 ; and is
Life Subscriber both to the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Our Rev . brother is Vicar of Holy Trinity , Coventry , and an honorary Canon of Worcester . PAST GKAND DEACON .
Bro . Arthur G . P . Lewis , M . A ., Oxon ., who is a son of the late Bishop of Llandoff , P . G . Chaplain , was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , Xo . 375 , on the 4 th February ,
IIRO . AUTHUH G . P . LEWIS . i 860 . He afterwards became a joining member of the Narberth Lodge , Xo . 2001 , in 18 S 9 ; of the Glamorgan ,
Xo . 3 6 , in 1903 , and a Founder of the Prince Llewellyn No . 9570 , in 18 9 6 . He was installed AV . Master first , of the Prince Llewellyn Lodge in 1897 , ^ - ''g ^ i ' 18 9 8 ; and afterwards of the Narberth in 1900 , being re-elected in 1901 and 1903 . In Provincial Grand Lodge he was appointed
P . G . Director of Ceremonies Oxford ; in 18 97 , P . G . Registrar South Wales ( E . D . ) ; in 1902 , P . S . ( J . Warden South Wales ( E . D . ) ; in 1903 , P . S . G . Warden South Wales ( W . D . ) . In Royal Arch Alasonry our brother was exalted in the Apollo University Chapter , Xo . 357 , in 1870 . He was also a joining
member of the St . John ' s Chapter Xo . 3 6 , Cardiff , was installed First Principal in 1901 , and again in 1902 . He was made Prov . Grand Registrar South Wales ( E . D . ) in 1902 . Bro . Lewis is a Vice-Patron of the Masonic Educational and Widows' Fund South , Wales ( E . D . ) .
PAST GKAND DEACON . Bro . Frederic Ernest Remfiy , was initiated in tfie Isaac Xewton University Lodge , Xo . 859 , Cambridge , on April 4 th , 18 70 , just thirty-five years ago , and during that long period has devoted much time and energy to Masonry .
He became a joining member of the Royal Alfred Lodge , Xo . 8 77 , in 18 99 i ° f the Tenby Lodge , Xo . 1177 , in 1888 ; of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge Xo . 1529 , in 188 9 ; of the Doric Lodge , No . 2539 , in 18 90 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Lodge , Xo . 26 49 , in 18 97 . He was installed
Worshipful Master of the Royal Alfred Lodge in 1900 ; of the Duke of Cornwall Lodge in 188 9 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Lodge in 18 9 8 . He is equall y distinguished in Provincial Grand rank , being Prov . Grand Pursuivant in 1888 ; Prov . S . G . Warden ( S . Wales W . Div . ) , in 1892 ; Prov . ( hand Registrar ( Jersey ) in 1900 ; and P . Prov . S . G . Warden ( Devon )
in 1902 . He was also Prov . Charity Steward for South Wales ( W . Div . ) for three years , and is Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Chapter of Euclid , Xo . 859 , Cambridge . He was afterwards a joining member of Harmony Chapter , Xo . 244 , installed as Principal Z . in 1900 and 1901 ; of
Dinbych Chapter , Xo . 1177 , Principal Z . in 18 91 ; and of the Sir Francis Drake Chapter , Xo . 26 49 ( Founder ) , Principal Z . in 1900 . He was made Prov . Grand Registrar ( Jersey ) in 1 9 , and Prov . Grand J . ( Devon ) in 1902 . He served as Steward for the Boys' School in 188 9 and 18 98 , for the
Girls' School in 18 90 , and the Benevolent Institution in 1891 and 1892 . Bro . Remfry is a member of , and holds rank in , Mark Masonry , Royal Ark Mariners , Ancient and Accepted Kite , Knight Templarv , and Red Cross of Rome and Constaii'ine .
PAS ; - J I-NIOW G : < ANI > DEACON . Bro . John f . Hamilton isaMas'in of thirty years standing , having been initiated i : i the White Horse of Kent Lodge , Xo . 1506 , 111 1 875 . Later he became a joining member of the Oxford and Cambridge University Lodge . Xo . 1118 , 011
the 15 th June , 1 877 ; installed W . Master on the 17 th May , 188 9 ; of the Heivey Lodge , Xo . 16 92 ( Founder ) . on the 26 th June , 1877 ; installed W . Master on the 4 th June , 1879 ; of the Tilbury Lodge , Xo . 2006 ( Founder ) , on the 16 th January , 188 4 ; of the Lutine Lodge , Xo . 3049 ( Founder ) , on the 9 U 1
June , 1904 . He is Past Prov . Senior Grand Warden lor Kent , his appointment beating date July 18 th , 7882 . In the Royal Arch our brother was exalted in the Friends in Council Chapter , Xo . 1383 , in 1877 , and was installed as principal Z . in 1885 . He is also a member of the Oxford and
Cambridge University Chapter , and was Principal Z . in June 1888 . Bro . Hamilton is a Life Governor of all three Institutions ; served a stewardship for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls in 1882 , for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys in the same year , and for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in 188 4 .
PAST J UNIOR GKAXD DEACON . Bro . Thomas Weeding Weeding , Clerk of the Peace for the Count } ' of Surrey , was initiated in the Studhohne Lodge